Multiple migration

Multiple migration is a series of migratory moves directed at more than one destination country. Multiple migration can involve various migration trajectories, onward migration from one destination country to another, and sometimes also include phases of return to the migrant’s country of origin. Research in this category includes studies on temporary migration, onward migration, return and re-migration.

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Individual and US County Determinants of Repeat Migration: a Comparison of Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics

Authors Jeremy Pais
Year 2014
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 1
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1 Journal Article

An Intergenerational Perspective on (Re)migration: Return and Onward Mobility Intentions across Immigrant Generations

Authors Louise Caron
Year 2020
Journal Name International Migration Review
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2 Journal Article

Post-2008 Multi-Sited Household Practices: Between Morocco, Spain and Norway

Authors Dominique Jolivet
Year 2020
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4 Journal Article

Moving on? Gender, education, and citizenship as key factors among short-term onward migration planners

Authors Livia Ortensi, Elisa Barbiano di Belgiojoso
Year 2018
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 2
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5 Journal Article

Onward migration: An introduction

Authors Nicola Montagna, Francesco della Puppa, Eleonore Kofman
Year 2021
Journal Name International Migration
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6 Journal Article

UK Dispersal Policy and Onward Migration: Mapping the Current State of Knowledge

Authors E. S. Stewart, Emma Stewart
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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7 Journal Article

Studies in serial migration

Authors S Ossman
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 18
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8 Journal Article

Studies in serial migration

Authors S Ossman
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration
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9 Journal Article


Year 1991
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10 Journal Article

Moving matters: paths of serial migration

Authors Antoine Dumont, Mark Jones
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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11 Journal Article

Susan Ossman, Moving Matters: Paths of Serial Migration (Stanford University Press, 2013)

Authors Benoit Mayer, Benoît Mayer
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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12 Journal Article

Hope, Disillusion and Coincidence in Migratory Decisions by Senegalese Migrants in Brazil

Authors Philipp Roman Jung
Year 2021
Journal Name Social Inclusion
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13 Journal Article

Multinational maids: stepwise migration in a global labor market

Authors Sara Curran
Year 2020
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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14 Journal Article

Multinational maids: stepwise migration in a global labor market

Authors Sue Ledwith
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Gender Studies
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15 Journal Article

Blijven vergunninghouders in Nederland? Patronen en determinanten van vervolgmigratie en remigratie onder asielmigranten, cohort 1995-1999

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, Ministry of Justice and Securitiy, Arjen Leerkes, Marloes de Hoon
Sinds 2014 heeft Nederland opnieuw te maken met een substantiële instroom van asielzoekers, van wie een belangrijk deel in aanmerking is gekomen voor een verblijfsvergunning. Een belangrijke vraag die zich momenteel voordoet, is hoe de positie van de nieuwe vergunninghouders zich de komende jaren zal ontwikkelen. Een van de vragen die daarbij gesteld kunnen worden, is in hoeverre zij zich blijvend in Nederland zullen vestigen. De volgende onderzoeksvragen staan in dit rapport centraal: 1.Hoe groot was het aandeel emigranten tot en met 31 december 2015 onder vergunninghouders met een asielachtergrond uit het cohort 1995-1999 en wat voor type emigratie betrof het (remigratie dan wel vervolgmigratie)? 2.Op welke achtergrondkenmerken verschillen de vergunninghouders die emigreerden (uitgesplitst naar type emigratie) van de vergunninghouders die eind 2015 nog, of weer, in Nederland woonden? 3.Welke achtergrondkenmerken van de vergunninghouders zijn voorspellers van emigratie uit Nederland in de vorm van remigratie, vervolgmigratie en administratieve verwijdering met onbekende bestemming?
Year 2019
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16 Report


Year 1977
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17 Journal Article

Onward Migration as a Coping Strategy? Latin Americans Moving from Spain to the UK Post-2008

Authors Rosa Mas Giralt
Year 2017
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 13
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18 Journal Article

Emplaced mobilities: Lisbon as a translocality in the migration journeys of Punjabi Sikhs to Europe

Authors Jennifer McGarrigle, Eduardo Ascensao, Eduardo Ascensão
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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19 Journal Article

Father’s Repeat Migration and Children’s Educational Performance

Authors Siddartha Aradhya, Kirk Scott, Christopher D. Smith
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration Review
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20 Journal Article

Return and Other Sequences of Migration in the United States

Authors Julie S. DaVanzo, Peter A. Morrison
Year 1981
Journal Name Demography
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21 Journal Article

The Role of Family and Friends in Return Migration and Its Labor Market Outcomes

Authors Brian Joseph Gillespie, Clara H. Mulder, Christiane von Reichert
Year 2021
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
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22 Journal Article

Emplaced mobilities: Lisbon as a translocality in the migration journeys of Punjabi Sikhs to Europe

Authors Jennifer McGarrigle, Eduardo Ascensao
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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23 Journal Article

Onward migration and intra‐European mobilities: A critical and theoretical overview

Authors Francesco Della Puppa, Nicola Montagna, Eleonore Kofman
Year 2021
Journal Name International Migration
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24 Journal Article

The emigration of immigrants, return vs onward migration: evidence from Sweden

Authors Lena Nekby
Year 2006
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 51
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26 Journal Article

Repeat migration, information costs, and location-specific capital

Authors Julie DaVanzo
Year 1981
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 114
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27 Journal Article

Filipino and Indonesian Migrant Domestic Workers in Hong Kong: Their Life Courses in Migration

Authors Tim F. Liao, Rebecca Yiqing Gan
Year 2020
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28 Journal Article

In search of a theory of multiple migration. A quantitative and qualitative study of Polish migrants after 1989

Principal investigator Justyna Salamonska (PI)
For centuries people have moved in search for a better life elsewhere, but recently these movements have intensified. ICT technology and development of cheap transport options lead to expanded opportunities for international mobility and a qualitatively new experience of migration. The EU expansion to Central and Eastern Europe widened the pool of available destinations for European citizens. In this new migration and mobility context along more traditional migrants who leave for a destination and settle there, there are more and more migrants who stay on the move, migrating from one destination to another. Thus the objective of this project is to focus on the group of migrants who have moved twice or more, analysing Poles moving post-1989 (who have the experience of living in at least two foreign countries for 6 months or more). Polish migrants are particularly interesting group, because of their long and diverse migration tradition and wide geographical spread. This project will provide (1) new knowledge on multiple migration and (2) new tools to track mobilities of people in an increasingly globalised world. While there is a diversity of theories explaining migration, it is unclear to what extent it applies also to multiple migration. We need to learn more about repeat migrants and why they do not settle in the countries they move to, but instead choose to move on. Research suggests that multiple migrants are a quite distinctive group from other migrants, possessing more resources and better information when they decide to move onwards. Existing knowledge also suggests that multiple migrants possess higher levels of human capital than migrants in general. If this is indeed the case, multiple migrants are particularly interesting group of movers, because they point to how human capital can be transferred from one setting to another. This is potentially important for countries which compete for talent globally and try to attract the best worldwide. Multiple migration is interesting as well when analysed from the micro perspective: it highlights how and when decisions around mobility are taken, which destinations are chosen and for how long. Multiple migration also emphasises links between migration and individual life courses, as it can be taken individually or negotiated as a part of a household strategy. This is why the project will also examine repeat migrants along different categories of movers that can be represented, among which labour migrants, following family member, moving for self-development or education etc. Thus this research project proposes to study: Who are multiple migrants? How do they make decisions about migration? What are the types of movers, their routes, motivations for moving, sequences of migration spells and their durations? What are the labour market trajectories of multiple migrants? In order to provide a broad picture of repeat migration the project will build on expertise from different disciplines: sociology, geography, psychology, economics, demographics, political sciences and the IT. Interdisciplinary approach will ensure a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. It will also contribute to development of innovative set of quantitative and qualitative methods. These tools will allow locating highly mobile migrants with an online survey and tracking their trajectories as they move across countries and labour markets using repeated in-depth interview strategy. For this reason an interdisciplinary working group (WG) at the Centre of Migration Research (CMR) will be established. It will focus specifically on innovative methods for migration studies.
Year 2016
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29 Project

Forced Displacement, Onward Migration and Reformulations of ‘Home’ by Chagossians in Crawley, UK

Authors Laura Jeffery
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
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31 Journal Article

“It Is Better to Do Business in Africa than in Europe” – Socio-Economic Positionings among Business-Minded European Somalis Moving to Kenya

Authors Tabea Scharrer
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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32 Journal Article

Searching for 'success': generation, gender and onward migration in the Iranian diaspora

Authors Melissa Kelly
Year 2017
Journal Name Migration Letters
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33 Journal Article

For the Future of the Children? The Onward Migration of Italian Bangladeshis in Europe

Authors Mohammad Morad, Devi Sacchetto
Year 2020
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34 Journal Article

Counter moves. Destabilizing the grand narrative of onward migration and secondary movements in Europe

Authors Joris Schapendonk
Year 2021
Journal Name International Migration
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35 Journal Article

Deportation Stigma and Re-migration

Authors Liza Schuster, L Schuster, Nassim Majidi
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 40
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36 Journal Article

“Samira Doesn’t Live Here Any More”: Somali-Swedes’ mobility as transnational practice

Authors Gunnel Mohme
Year 2014
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
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37 Journal Article

Multiple Migration Flows of Romanians

Authors Ruxandra Oana Ciobanu
Year 2015
Journal Name Mobilities
Citations (WoS) 7
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38 Journal Article

Placing the future: Onward migration, education and citizenship among Portuguese‐Bangladeshi in London

Authors José Mapril
Year 2021
Journal Name International Migration
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39 Journal Article

Book Review: Chagos Islanders in Mauritius and the Uk: Forced Displacement and onward Migration

Authors Sandra Evers
Year 2013
Journal Name The Sociological Review
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41 Journal Article

De qui mesure-t-on l’intégration ? Remigration des immigrés et insertion professionnelle en France

Authors Louise Caron
Year 2018
Journal Name Population
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42 Journal Article

Repeat Migration and Remittances as Mechanisms for Wealth Inequality in 119 Communities From the Mexican Migration Project Data

Authors F Garip, Filiz Garip
Year 2012
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 12
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43 Journal Article

All European countries are not the same The Dublin Regulation and onward migration in Europe

Authors Marie Louise Seeberg, Marianne Takle
This report describes a Dublin System on the brink of a major crisis. The report examines the significance of the Dublin Regulation for the onward migration of asylum seekers within Europe, based on data collected in Norway, Sweden, and Germany from February to April 2015. Our findings from this period are currently confirmed and strengthened with the increasing numbers of asylum seekers coming to Europe. The purpose of the Dublin Regulation is to determine the Member State responsible for examining an application for international protection lodged in one of the Member States. It is crucial how the Dublin Regulation is applied, as this decides where migrants will live in the future. This research project aimed to identify the most important effects of the Dublin Regulation from the points of view of Member States as well as from migrants’ perspectives. The sharing of responsibility for asylum seekers in Europe is controversial. While the Dublin Regulation is the only current framework for allocating responsibility for individual asylum claims among the European countries, it is not designed to be an instrument for the general sharing of responsibility between Member States. The absence of adequate instruments for such sharing has detrimental results for Member States, the European Union, and migrants alike.
Year 2015
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45 Report

Serial migrants and one-time migrants

Authors Saara Koikkalainen
Year 2019
Journal Name Finnish Yearbook of Population Research
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46 Journal Article

The integration and onward migration of refugees in Scotland a review of the evidence

Authors Emma Stewart, UNHCR. Policy Development and Evaluation Service
Year 2009
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47 Report

Labor Migration and Allocation of Human Resources in Taiwan: Return and Onward Cases

Authors Ji-Ping Lin, Ching-Lung Tsay
Year 2000
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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48 Journal Article

Onward migration of Latin American families: negotiating citizenship and mobility in times of crisis

Authors Helen N. J. McCarthy
Year 2020
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49 Journal Article

Free Movement? The Onward Migration of EU Citizens Born in Somalia, Iran, and Nigeria

Authors Jill Ahrens, Ilse van Liempt, Melissa Kelly
Year 2016
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 26
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50 Journal Article

Refugee mothers, migration pathways and HIV: a population-based cohort study

Year 2019
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51 Journal Article

Between Opportunity and Constraint: Understanding the Onward Migration of Highly Educated Iranian Refugees from Sweden

Authors Melissa Kelly, Lina Hedman
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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52 Journal Article

Searching for Stability: Onward Migration and Pathways of Precarious Incorporation in and Out of Spain

Authors Cristina Ramos
Year 2020
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54 Journal Article

Returnees' Perspectives on Their Re-migration Processes

Authors Ine Lietaert, Ilse Derluyn, Eric Broekaert
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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55 Journal Article


Authors J DaVanzo
Year 1983
Journal Name Review of Economics and Statistics
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56 Journal Article

Ghanaian Immigrants in a Northern Italian Town: Between Social Exclusion and Onward Migration to the UK

Authors Edmond Akwasi Agyeman
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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57 Journal Article

Goal pursuit during the three stages of the migration process

Authors Agnes Toth-Bos, Barbara Wisse, Klara Farago
Year 2019
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58 Journal Article


Authors J DaVanzo
Year 1983
Journal Name The Review of Economics and Statistics
Citations (WoS) 173
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59 Journal Article

The Costs of Secondary Migration: Perspectives from Local Voluntary Agencies in the USA

Authors Jeffrey Bloem, Scott Loveridge
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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60 Journal Article

Onward migration from Spain to London in times of crisis: the importance of life-course junctures in secondary migrations

Authors Cristina Ramos
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 11
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61 Journal Article

Rohingya women in Malaysia : decision-making and information sharing in the course of irregular migration

Authors Claudia TAZREITER, Sharon PICKERING, Rebecca POWELL
Year 2017
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62 Working Paper

Transnationalism among African immigrants in North America: The case of Ghanaians in Canada

Authors Thomas Y. Owusu
Year 2003
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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63 Journal Article

Moving Matters: Paths of Serial Migration. Susan Ossman. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2013. 186 pp.

Year 2014
Journal Name American Ethnologist
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64 Journal Article

Refugee Migration Histories in a Meatpacking Town: Blurring the Line Between Primary and Secondary Migration

Authors Kyle Anne Nelson, Christine Marston
Year 2020
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66 Journal Article

International winter tourism entrepreneurs in northern Sweden: understanding migration, lifestyle, and business motivations

Authors Doris Anna Carson, Marco Eimermann, Dean B. Carson
Year 2018
Journal Name Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
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67 Journal Article

From places to flows. International secondary migration and birth outcomes

Authors Marcelo Louis Urquia, Richard H. Glazier, John W. Frank
Year 2010
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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68 Journal Article

Serial migration, multiple belongings and orientations toward the future: The perspective of middle-class migrants in Singapore

Authors Kellynn Wee, Brenda SA Yeoh
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Sociology
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69 Journal Article

U.S. Deportation Policy, Family Separation, and Circular Migration

Authors Jacqueline Hagan, Nestor Rodriguez, Karl Eschbach
Year 2008
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 100
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71 Journal Article

Getting There? The Effects of Functional Factors, Time and Place on the Social Integration of Migrants

Authors Ade Kearns, Elise Whitley
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 8
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72 Journal Article

The Making of Scottish Jewry: Jewish Secondary Migration through Scotland

Authors David Morris
Year 2019
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73 Journal Article

Migration change model: Exploring the process of migration on a psychological level

Authors Aidan S. Tabor, Taciano L. Milfont
Year 2011
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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74 Journal Article

A Descriptive analysis of the incidence and nature of repeat migration within Canada, 1968-71

Authors E. Kenneth Grant, John Vanderkamp
Year 1984
Journal Name Canadian Studies in Population
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75 Journal Article

Labour market integration of immigrants in Portugal in times of austerity: resilience,in situresponses and re-emigration

Authors Alina Isabel Pereira Esteves, Maria Lucinda Cruz dos Santos Fonseca, Jorge da Silva Macaísta Malheiros
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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76 Journal Article

Multiple Migration and Use of Ties: Bangladeshis in Italy and Beyond

Authors Mohammad Morad, Devi Sacchetto
Year 2020
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77 Journal Article

The shaping of selection: Secondary migration, scale, and changing immigrant geographies

Authors Jamie Goodwin‐White
Year 2018
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
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79 Journal Article

‘Ethnic capital’ and ‘flexible citizenship’ in unfavourable legal contexts: stepwise migration of the Korean Chinese within and beyond northeast Asia

Authors Jaeeun Kim
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
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80 Journal Article

The Transnational Migration Strategies of Chinese and Indian Students in Australia

Authors George Tan, G Hugo
Year 2017
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 2
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81 Journal Article

Secundaire migratie van asielzoekers in de EU

Authors The Dutch Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (Asviescommissie voor Vremdelingenzaken, ACVZ), Koos Richelle, Minze Beuving, ...
Asielzoekers die de EU op irreguliere wijze inreizen, blijven vaak niet in de lidstaat waar zij aankomen. Doormigratie van asielzoekers in de EU is niet helemaal te voorkomen, maar kan wel beter worden aangepakt. De Adviescommissie voor Vreemdelingenzaken adviseert daarom een bredere aanpak in EU-verband. Het aantal asielzoekers dat na aankomst in de EU doorreist naar een andere lidstaat is de laatste jaren sterk toegenomen, terwijl het aantal asielaanvragen in de EU sinds 2016 weer op het niveau van 2014 ligt. Tijdens de ‘vluchtelingencrisis’ in 2015 reisden de meeste asielzoekers door van Zuid- naar Noord- en van Oost- naar West-Europa. Sinds 2016 vindt er juist meer ‘secundaire migratie’ van asielzoekers plaats tussen de Noordwest-Europese lidstaten. Doormigratie van asielzoekers in de EU zet de asiel- en opvangstelsels van de lidstaten onder druk, tast de solidariteit tussen lidstaten aan, ondermijnt het maatschappelijk draagvlak voor migratie, houdt mensensmokkelnetwerken in stand en kan tot langdurige verblijfsonzekerheid en verdere uitzichtloosheid voor asielmigranten leiden. Lidstaten proberen het doorreizen van asielzoekers onder meer tegen te gaan door: 1) Het herinvoeren of intensiveren van grenscontroles; 2) Meer toezicht op vreemdelingen; 3) Het versoberen van de opvang; 4) het invoeren van verblijfsrechtelijke beperkingen; 5) Het toepassen van vreemdelingenbewaring (waar mogelijk). Nationale beleidsaanscherpingen kunnen asielzoekers afschrikken, maar dat leidt tot meer doormigratie naar andere lidstaten. Voor de EU als geheel is dat dus geen oplossing. De implementatie van de EU-Turkije verklaring en het sluiten van de Balkanroute hebben geleid tot een vermindering van het aantal asielzoekers dat direct na aankomst in de EU doorreist. Tegenwoordig reizen vooral asielzoekers door die ergens nog een asielaanvraag hebben openstaan of van wie de aanvraag is afgewezen. Het Dublin-systeem, dat is ingevoerd om te bepalen welke lidstaat verantwoordelijk is voor het behandelen van een asielaanvraag, werkt niet goed om het doorreizen van asielzoekers tegen te gaan. Met name de omgang met evident kansarme aanvragen van asielzoekers uit veilige landen van herkomst vormt een probleem. Ook lukt het niet goed om afgewezen asielzoekers terug te sturen naar hun land van herkomst. Doormigratie van asielzoekers in de EU kan effectiever worden tegengegaan door: 1) een overtuigende aanpak van de grondoorzaken van asielmigratie, zowel buiten als binnen de EU; 2) Positieve prikkels te introduceren voor zowel asielzoekers als lidstaten om zich aan de regels te houden. Zorg voor een verschillende behandeling van asielzoekers die al sociale, economische of culturele banden met lidstaten hebben, die afkomstig zijn uit veilige landen van herkomst en die evident kansarme aanvragen indienen en die niet onder de eerste twee groepen vallen; 3) Door onder meer in de relaties met landen van herkomst niet eenzijdig te focussen op het tegengaan van irreguliere migratie.
Year 2019
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82 Report

Get up and go refugee resettlement and secondary migration in the USA

Authors Eleanor Ott, UNHCR. Policy Development and Evaluation Service
Year 2011
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83 Report

Citizens in motion: emigration, immigration, and re-migration across China’s borders

Authors Johanna L. Waters
Year 2020
Journal Name Social & Cultural Geography
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84 Journal Article

Citizens in Motion: Emigration, Immigration, and Re-Migration across China's Borders

Authors Sin Yee Koh
Year 2019
Journal Name Asian Journal of Social Science
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85 Journal Article

Serial Labor Migration: Precarity and Itinerancy among Filipino and Indonesian Domestic Workers

Authors Rhacel Salazar Parreñas, Rachel Silvey, Maria Cecilia Hwang, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration Review
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86 Journal Article

Refugee Resettlement Patterns in the USA: Examining Labor Market Conditions and Immigration Policies in Cities of Primary Placement and Secondary Internal Migration

Authors Odessa Gonzalez Benson
Year 2021
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87 Journal Article

Between East and West: Jewish Secondary Migration through Ireland and Wales, 1900–1930

Authors David Morris
Year 2018
Journal Name Immigrants & Minorities
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88 Journal Article

Book Review: Worlds Apart: The Re-Migration of South African Jews

Authors Donald Heisel
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
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89 Journal Article

Stemming the tide? Assessing the deterrent effects of the immigration reform and control act

Authors Katharine M. Donato, Jorge Durand, Douglas S. Massey
Year 1992
Journal Name Demography
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90 Journal Article

Traversing: Familial challenges for escaped North Koreans

Authors Hyun-Joo Lim
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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91 Journal Article

Times of Work and Social Life: Bangladeshi Migrants in Northeast Italy and London

Authors Russell King, Francesco Della Puppa
Year 2020
Journal Name International Migration Review
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92 Journal Article

From Insecurity to Secondary Migration: “Bounded Mobilities” of Syrian and Eritrean Refugees in Europe

Authors Irene Tuzi
Year 2019
Journal Name Migration Letters
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93 Journal Article

Processes of Internal and International Migration from Chitwan, Nepal

Authors Pratikshya Bohra, DS Massey, Douglas S. Massey
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 39
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94 Journal Article

Forced Migration and Transnational Family Arrangements – Eritrean and Syrian Refugees in Germany

Principal investigator Leonore Sauer (Principal Investigator ), Andreas Ette (Principal Investigator ), Elisabeth K. Kraus (Principal Investigator ), Nikola Sander (Principal Investigator )
"Transnationale Familien, in denen Familienmitglieder im Herkunftsland verbleiben, während ein oder mehrere Familienmitglieder ins Ausland migrieren, sind ein Phänomen, das seit Ende der 1990er Jahre verstärkt in den Fokus der Wissenschaft gerückt ist. Jedoch beschäftigen sich bis jetzt nur wenige Studien umfassend mit transnationalen Familienkonstellationen im Kontext von Fluchtmigration. Sowohl die ursprüngliche Migrationsentscheidung als auch die Situation im Zielland hängen dabei nicht alleine von den migrierenden Individuen, sondern auch von ihrem familiären Kontext ab. Ziel des Projektes ist es daher, zu untersuchen, welcher Zusammenhang zwischen unterschiedlichen Familienkonstellationen und den durch die Flucht bedingten Veränderungen und dem Leben der geflüchteten Personen in Deutschland besteht. Das in Kooperation mit dem Forschungszentrum des Bundesamts für Migration und Flüchtlinge durchgeführte Projekt analysiert dabei, welche Formen, Strukturen und regionale Verortung transnationale Familien aufweisen. Darüber hinaus wird nicht nur die Entstehung von transnationalen Familien beleuchtet, sondern auch deren Veränderungen, die durch den Verbleib der Migrantinnen und Migranten im Zielland, Weiterwanderung oder deren Rückkehr ins Herkunftsland oder Familienzusammenführung ausgelöst sind. Durch die mit der Migration verbundene räumliche Trennung einzelner Familienmitglieder verändern sich die Beziehungen innerhalb einer Familie: Es soll daher außerdem untersucht werden, wie die Beziehungen zu den zurückgebliebenen Familienmitgliedern im Herkunftsland gepflegt werden sowie welche familiären Austauschprozesse existieren. Des Weiteren sollen im Rahmen dieser Studie auch die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Familienkonstellationen und sozialen Netzwerken beziehungsweise der sozialen Einbindung in Deutschland herausgearbeitet werden."
Year 2017
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96 Project

Migration Planning Among Female Prospective Labour Migrants from Nepal: A Comparison of First-Time and Repeat-Migrants

Authors Tanya Abramsky, Cathy Zimmerman, Ligia Kiss, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name International Migration
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97 Journal Article

The dark side of onward migration: Experiences and strategies of Italian‐Bangladeshis in the UK at the time of the post‐Brexit referendum

Authors Mohammad Morad, Francesco Della Puppa, Devi Sacchetto
Year 2021
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
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99 Journal Article

Current Trends and Patterns of Female Migration: Evidence from Mexico

Authors Katharine M. Donato
Year 1993
Journal Name International Migration Review
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100 Journal Article
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