Legal aspects of the integration of migrants in the Republic of Moldova

Authors Tatiana CIUMAS
Integration is a new concept and even a new activity for Moldova. Formally Moldovan legislation contains no restriction on the rights and opportunities of foreigners, legally residing on the territory, except their political rights. At the same time for many years there was no viable mechanism for implementing their rights, and the presence of foreigners mainly limited to identifying their status, documentation and statistics. At the same time the emigration of Moldovan citizens abroad has been analyzed in the last years with the accent on remittances, statistical data and selection of destination countries. The protection of these persons’ rights and their reintegration was not seen as a priority by the state. This though has not been sufficiently analyzed and thus there is no real experience with good results regarding this process.
Year 2013

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Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
Cross-cutting topics in migration research
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