Inclusive education with a community-based approach

The education system and its ecosystem – with its many stakehol-ders and ramifications – is an essential resource for strengthening processes of social inclusion in contexts of significant cultural di-versity caused by growing international migration. There is the-refore a need for greater openness and permeability towards its social and local frame of reference: the community should know how to identify and capitalise on the opportunities offered by more inclusive approaches to education on all levels. The intercul-tural approach explores the value of relationships and constantly reframes the collective identity, built from multiple contributions, with diversity itself one of its central pillars. Such intersections are beneficial, with a noticeable impact on schools and in their respec-tive contexts. This is particularly so if initiatives are long-term and structural as well as developed in such a way that they encourage participation and transformative processes.
Year 2019

Taxonomy Associations

Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Cross-cutting topics in migration research
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