Políticas de movilidad

Results displayed in this section refer to research on policies, laws, legislation, regulation or measures concerning mobility. Mobility usually refers to free and legal movement, such as the intra-regional free movement of EU nationals within the Schengen area. 

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Freedom of movement under attack : is it worth defending as the core of EU citizenship?

Authors Floris DE WITTE, Rainer BAUBÖCK, Jo SHAW
Year 2016
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7 Working Paper

Free Movement? The Onward Migration of EU Citizens Born in Somalia, Iran, and Nigeria

Authors Jill Ahrens, Melissa Kelly, Ilse Van Liempt
Year 2014
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 26
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8 Journal Article


Authors Dunja Duić, Veronika Sudar
Journal Name EU 2021 – The future of the EU in and after the pandemic
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13 Journal Article

Role of European Mobility and its Impacts in Narratives, Debates and EU Reforms

This project explores the economic, social, institutional and policy factors that have shaped the impacts of free movement in the EU and public debates about it. The project has three goals. First, to generate a deeper understanding of the nature and impacts of intra-EU mobility, focusing in particular on how countries’ institutional and policy environments shape the impacts of free movement on individuals, households, labour markets, public services and public finances. Second, to assess how political and media narratives about intra-EU mobility are formed, focusing on the role of traditional and social media, political discourse, and influential participants in public debates. Third, to evaluate the relationship between real and perceived impacts, examining the factors that drive realities and misperceptions about free movement and why these debates have unfolded in different ways across the EU. Research methods range from content analysis based on machine-learning techniques to multi-wave panel and survey experiments to theoretical and empirical analysis of the role of institutions and norms in shaping free movement and public debates about it. Project Partners: Budapest Business School, European Journalism Centre, Uppsala University, Pompeu Fabra University, International Centre for Migration Policy Development, University of Vienna, Maastricht University, TNS Opinion, Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, King Juan Carlos University, University of Gothenburg, Migration Policy Institute Europe
Year 2017
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14 Project

Migration and Citizenship: Normative Debates

Authors Rainer BAUBÖCK
Year 2012
Book Title Marc R. ROSENBLUM and Daniel J. TICHENOR (eds), Oxford Handbook of the Politics of International Migration, Oxford/New York, Oxford University Press, 2012, 594-613
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17 Book Chapter

When poverty meets affluence: Migrant street workers in Scandinavia

Principal investigator Anne Britt Djuve (Project Leader), Jon Horgen Friberg (), Guri Tyldum ()
The phenomenon of EU migrants who go abroad to beg, collect bottles, trade and do other types of informal “street work” (Adriaenssen 2011) has featured on the political agendas of most European countries over the last decade. While the EU framework was intended to encourage the free movement of labour, there is little regulation in place to address the free movement of poverty. As unwanted mobility from EU member states can no longer be stopped at the borders, European states have come to depend on internal policing and regulations in attempts to regulate these practices. Thus far, there has been little research into this particular form of mobility and the related institutional responses. This project addresses this knowledge gap. Drawing on theories of economic sociology and institutional theory, we will explore the causes for and outcomes of this mobility, its organisation and the development and impact of policies and discourses in countries of destination. As this mobility in many ways represents an “extreme” case of transnational migration and ethnic relations, knowledge about the mechanisms involved may challenge or strengthen assumptions within existing theories. The project will therefore engage with wider theoretical debates within the field of migration studies.
Year 2015
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22 Project

On Membership and Free Movement

Authors Tiziana Torresi
Book Title Citizenship Acquisition and National Belonging
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23 Book Chapter

The engine of 'Europeanness'? : free movement, social transnationalism and European identification

Authors Ettore RECCHI
Year 2017
Book Title Daniel THYM (ed.), Questioning EU citizenship : judges and the limits of free movement and solidarity in the EU, London : Hart, 2017, Modern Studies in European Law, pp. 135-148
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24 Book Chapter

Immigration and Swiss‐EU Free Movement of Persons: Question of a Safeguard Clause

Authors Michael Ambühl, Sibylle Zürcher
Year 2015
Journal Name Swiss Political Science Review
Citations (WoS) 4
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25 Journal Article

Conclusions and Reflection

Authors Peter Scholten, Mark van Ostaijen
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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28 Book Chapter

The Multi-Level Governance of Intra EU Movement

Authors Jonas Hinnfors, Gregg Bucken-Knapp, Andrea Spehar, ...
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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33 Book Chapter

Europejska strategia zatrudnienia a swobodny przepływ osób

Year 2009
Book Title Polish labor market in the conditions of European integration
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40 Book Chapter

Promoting Integration Through Mobility: Free Movement Under Ecowas

Authors Aderanti Adepoju, Alistair Boulton, Mariah Levin
Year 2010
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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43 Journal Article

EU Migration and the Economic Crisis: Concepts and Issues

Authors Mikolaj Stanek, Jean-Michel Lafleur
Book Title South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis
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46 Book Chapter

Reciprocity in welfare institutions and attitudes to free movement in EU receiving countries

Authors Moa MARTENSSON, Marcus ÖSTERMAN, Joakim PALME, ...
Year 2019
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51 Working Paper

ON THE MOVE "The reality of free movement for young European citizens migrating in times of crisis

Principal investigator Mercedes Fernández (Project Manager Spanish partner)
The project builds on the assumption that barriers to the exercise of fundamental rights, in this case free movement, cannot be addressed unless accurately identified. When these deal with specific population groups, such as young people, this is all the more relevant. The obstacles that young people face with respect to legislation, access to finance and resources, to name but a few, are very different from other age groups. Complementing the existing knowledge through this perspective enriches the understanding of existing barriers and obstacles to free movement in a targeted way. The project adopts a unique methodology that operates on several levels and allows for the collection, analysis and synthesis of information in a way that it sheds light into aspects of free movement that have not been explored. It uses a mixed-method approach that combines: a) empirical field research through structured interviews with young people and national authorities in the participating countries b) data collection and targeted legal research in all partner countries; c) socio-legal analysis of the data collected and d) comparative analysis of the findings. Further, the project will raise awareness at national and EU level on barriers to free movement.
Year 2015
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64 Project

Promoting integration through mobility free movement and the ECOWAS Protocol

Authors Aderanti Adepoju, Alistair Boulton, Mariah Levin, ...
Year 2007
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67 Report

EU migration and asylum policies

Authors Sybille Münch
Year 2018
Book Title Handbook of European Policies. Interpretive Approaches to the EU
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69 Book Chapter

Role of European Mobility and its Impacts in Narratives, Debates and EU Reforms

The overarching goal of the project is to understand the economic, social, institutional and policy factors that have shaped the impacts of free movement and public debates about it. It aims to help European policymakers develop policy responses that inspire public trust, ensure the fairness and sustainability of free movement, and maintain inclusive policies that reduce inequalities across the continent. First, the project will generate a deeper understanding of the nature and impacts of intra-EU mobility, focusing in particular on how countries’ institutional and policy environments shape the impacts of free movement on individuals, households, labour markets, public services and public finances. Second, it will assess how political and media narratives about intra-EU mobility are formed, focusing on the role of traditional and social media, political discourse, and influential participants in public debates. Third, it will assess the relationship between real and perceived impacts, examining the factors that drive realities and misperceptions about free movement and why these debates have unfolded in different ways across the EU. A consortium of researchers with deep understanding of policies and institutions across Europe will implement a multi-disciplinary research strategy. Cutting-edge research methods will range from content analysis based on machine-learning techniques to multi-wave panel and survey experiments to theoretical and empirical analysis of the role of institutions and norms in shaping free movement and public debates about it. The project combines qualitative and quantitative approaches, carefully integrating work packages to allow data and results to flow seamlessly between them. Policy specialists will develop concrete options for reforms. An experienced communications team will work with consortium members to develop accessible resources, ensuring wide reach to policymakers, media practitioners and influential stakeholders across Europe.
Year 2017
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73 Project

REMINDER: Role of European Mobility and its Impacts in Narratives, Debates and EU Reforms

The overarching goal of the project is to understand the economic, social, institutional and policy factors that have shaped the impacts of free movement and public debates about it. It aims to help European policymakers develop policy responses that inspire public trust, ensure the fairness and sustainability of free movement, and maintain inclusive policies that reduce inequalities across the continent. First, the project will generate a deeper understanding of the nature and impacts of intra-EU mobility, focusing in particular on how countries’ institutional and policy environments shape the impacts of free movement on individuals, households, labour markets, public services and public finances. Second, it will assess how political and media narratives about intra-EU mobility are formed, focusing on the role of traditional and social media, political discourse, and influential participants in public debates. Third, it will assess the relationship between real and perceived impacts, examining the factors that drive realities and misperceptions about free movement and why these debates have unfolded in different ways across the EU. A consortium of researchers with deep understanding of policies and institutions across Europe will implement a multi-disciplinary research strategy. Cutting-edge research methods will range from content analysis based on machine-learning techniques to multi-wave panel and survey experiments to theoretical and empirical analysis of the role of institutions and norms in shaping free movement and public debates about it. The project combines qualitative and quantitative approaches, carefully integrating work packages to allow data and results to flow seamlessly between them. Policy specialists will develop concrete options for reforms. An experienced communications team will work with consortium members to develop accessible resources, ensuring wide reach to policymakers, media practitioners and influential stakeholders across Europe.
Year 2017
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74 Project

Demokratische Grenzen als Membranen

Authors Rainer BAUBÖCK
Year 2014
Journal Name Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte ; Journal for human rights, 2014, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 66-82
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78 Journal Article

The mobility difficulties of the Warao ethnic Venezuelan peoples in Brazil resulting from the veto in the migration law to their free movement

Authors Tatiana Squeff, Julia Pecker
Year 2021
Journal Name Immigrant Youth and Employment: Lessons Learned from the Analysis of LSIC and 82 Lived Stories
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84 Journal Article

‘All Citizens Now’: Intra-EU Mobility and Political Participation of British, Germans, Poles and Romanians in Western and Southern Europe

Authors Anna Triandafyllidou
A key aspect of the European integration process is the right to free movement. Such a right is actually seen by both citizens and policy-makers as the core element embodying the notion of EU citizenship. ‘EU movers’, notably mobile EU citizens who have exercised their free movement rights and settled in a Member State different from the one in which they were born or raised, represent between 2% and 3% of the total population residing in the EU27. Their numbers have increased since 2004 and especially since 2007, when the Central Eastern European countries joined the EU. Such recent intra-EU mobility has been primarily economically motivated: EU citizens from the new Member States look for better job opportunities and life prospects. However, mobility has been a feature of European integration from early-on: people have moved from their Member State of origin to another Member State to pursue job or study opportunities, for family reasons (marriage for instance) or simply for better quality of life (looking for warmer climates and a slower pace of life) since the introduction of free movement rights.
Year 2012
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88 Report

Discrimination in the Housing Market as an Impediment to European Labour Force Integration: the Case of Iceland

Authors Davio Freyr Bjornsson, Fredrik Kopsch, Gylfi Zoega
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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91 Journal Article

Free Movement, Open Borders and the Global Gains from Labor Mobility [Global]

Authors Christian Dustmann, Ian Preston
Year 2019
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93 Working Paper

Immigration and internal mobility in Canada

Authors Michel Beine, Serge Coulombe
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 2
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
98 Journal Article
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