Desigualdad socioeconómica, movilidad y migración

This topic refers to how migration reproduces, exacerbates, or reduces socio-economic inequality in sending or receiving societies. For instance, remittances sent from emigrants can lead to an unequal distribution of wealth in the sending context. In a receiving context, migrants may engage in so-called 3D jobs, jobs that are dirty, dangerous and demeaning, thus forming an impoverished class and reproducing socio-economic inequalities.

Literature listed under this category includes studies on the relationship between remittances and inequality, the global slave trade, the transferability of educational degrees, social mobility, and the racial wealth gap.

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Are postgraduate qualifications the ‘new frontier of social mobility’?

Authors Paul Wakeling, Daniel Laurison
Year 2017
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 5
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9 Journal Article

Ethnicity and social cohesion in the post-Soviet Baltic states

Authors Nils Muiznieks, Juris Rozenvalds, Ieva Birka
Year 2013
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
Citations (WoS) 11
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10 Journal Article

Teaching about Economic and Social Inequality

Authors Suriamurthee Moonsamy Maistry
Year 2014
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14 Journal Article

A conceptual critique of Prevent: Can Prevent be saved? No, but…

Authors Joshua Skoczylis, Sam Andrews
Year 2019
Journal Name Critical Social Policy
Citations (WoS) 18
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15 Journal Article

The Role of the Ethnic Majority in Integration Processes: Attitudes and Practices towards Immigrants in Catalan Institutions

This project proposal aims to take research on diversity management and integration further by focusing on how ethnic diversity is represented in three central Catalan institutions: the public school system, the Catalan police force and the City council of Barcelona. The case of Catalonia appears particularly relevant for an empirical study on the actual representation of diversity given its pronounced intercultural policy focus, while socio-economic inequality between natives and immigrants is vast, and many immigrants live in situations of precariousness and marginalization. The proposal addresses key priorities set by the H2020/Europe in a changing world-Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies program, and contributes to European excellence in the social sciences by proposing a research program designed to i) increase knowledge on diversity management and obstacles for the participation/representation of immigrants in societal institutions, and ii) develop an action strategy to address shortcomings in this area, based on the view that research on social challenges as inequality and discrimination to a greater extent should contribute to combat these problems through practical implementation. The proposal is based upon the assumption that there is broad awareness of the problems with misrepresentation and discrimination of immigrants within Catalan institutions, but that these problems are merely addressed at the discursive level; what is lacking are measures to accomplish better practices. At the theoretical level, the concept of interculturalism will be critically examined and de facto representation will be introduced as a central, complementary concept. The knowledge and action strategies generated through this project will be transferrable and useful in other contexts, also at the European level.
Year 2018
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16 Project

"Economic Inequality across Italy and Europe, 1300-1800"

'The aim of EINITE is to clarify the dynamics of economic inequality in Europe from the late Middle Ages up until the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Very little data about economic inequality during such an early period is available today. Apart from some studies focussed on single years and small areas (usually only one city or a village), the only European region which has been the object of a large research project is Holland. The project will collect an extensive database about economic inequality, mainly of wealth (for which better documentation exists), focussing on Italy from a wider European perspective. Archival research will be concentrated on Italy where particularly good sources exist, but the Italian case will be placed in the varying European context. Published data and existing databases from all over the continent will be collected as terms of comparison. The final version of the project database will be made public. The activity of ENITE will be organized around four main research questions: 1) What is the long-term relationship between economic growth and inequality? This is the main question to which the others are all connected. 2) What were the effects of plagues and other severe mortality crises on property structures? 3) What is the underlying relationship between immigration and urban inequality? 4) How was economic inequality perceived in the past, and how did its perception change over time? The project will also help to explain the origin of the property structures and inequality levels to be found on the eve of the Industrial Revolution. Then, it will provide information relevant to the ‘Kuznets curve’ debate. Overall the project will lead to a better knowledge of economic inequality in the past, which is also expected to help understanding recent developments in inequality levels in Europe and elsewhere.'
Year 2012
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19 Project

Ethnic-connectedness and economic inequality: a persisting relationship

Authors Madeline A. Kalbach, Kelly H. Hardwick, Renata D. Vintila, ...
Year 2002
Journal Name Canadian Studies in Population
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22 Journal Article

Response to the Research Report “Social-Political Impact of Labour Migration on Armenia”

Authors Haykanush CHOBANYAN
In the framework of the CARIM-East Project, author Vardan Gevorgyan has conducted research to examine the social-political impact of labour migration in Armenia across three dimensions: first, social institutions; second, vulnerable social categories in society including women and children, the elderly, ethnic, racial and religious minorities, the disabled, the poor; and third, geographic, namely, the differential impact of labour migration on rural and urban areas. On the basis of the chosen methodology the following wide range of issues were studied: the social institution of work, one of the main social structures that contribute to the reproduction of social inequality in society; social inequality, and the extent to which changes induced by labour migration open new opportunities for social mobility or marginalization for traditionally vulnerable social categories; then based on the findings recorded during the research the author made recommendations for policy makers. This review of the above-mentioned research aims to assess to what extent the recommendations are realistic and feasible, as well as consistent with current migration policies. Prior to assessment chosen methodological approaches were critically assessed and available information resources were examined. Besides, this attempt was made to present the impact of labour emigration to Armenia in a more comprehensive way.
Year 2012
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23 Report

Immigration Detention, Inc.

Authors Denise Gilman, Luis A. Romero
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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25 Journal Article

Individualisierung als Deutungsmuster sozialer Ungleichheit

Authors Gerd Nollmann, Hermann Strasser
Year 2002
Journal Name Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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28 Journal Article

The Expatriate Glass Ceiling: The Second Layer of Glass

Authors Gary S. Insch, Nancy McIntyre, Nancy K. Napier
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Business Ethics
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30 Journal Article

Racial inequality in business ownership and income

Authors Robert Fairlie
Year 2018
Journal Name Oxford Review of Economic Policy
Citations (WoS) 1
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34 Journal Article

Berufe und soziale Ungleichheit – Thematische Einführung und Inhalte des Sonderhefts

Authors Christian Ebner, Andreas Haupt, Britta Matthes
Year 2020
Journal Name KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
Citations (WoS) 4
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35 Journal Article

Decentering methodological nationalism to survey precarious legal status trajectories

Authors Patricia Landolt, Luin Goldring, Paul Pritchard
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Social Research Methodology
Citations (WoS) 4
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38 Journal Article

Career start abroad: The implications of graduate migration for social inequality

Authors Nils Witte, Nico Stawarz, Nicolai Netz
Year 2023
Journal Name Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
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44 Journal Article

‘Who Are Diverse?’ Conceptualisations of Cultural Diversity in Schools behind Desks and at Chalkface

Authors Maria Garcia-Cano Torrico, Esther Marquez Lepe, Ma Luisa Jimenez Rodrigo, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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47 Journal Article

Examining the financial knowledge of immigrants in Canada: a new dimension of economic inequality

Authors Mohammad Nuruzzaman Khan, Ilyan Ferrer, Yeonjung Lee, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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48 Journal Article

Zwischen Wunsch und Wirklichkeit: Zum Zusammenhang von sozialer Herkunft, Migration und Bildungsaspirationen

Authors Franz Astleithner, Susanne Vogl, Michael Parzer
Year 2021
Journal Name Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
Citations (WoS) 10
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49 Journal Article


Authors Tatiana S. Martynenko
Year 2020
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52 Journal Article

Brexit's identity politics and the question of subjectivity

Authors Nikolay Mintchev, Henrietta L. Moore
Year 2019
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60 Journal Article

Economic Inequality: New Methods for New Trends

Year 1994
Journal Name American Sociological Review
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62 Journal Article

The demographics of inequality

Authors Pierre Pestieau
Year 1989
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
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63 Journal Article

Hochqualifizierte Migrant/innen. Zur Transnationalisierung von sozialen Lagen

Principal investigator Anja Weiß (Principal Investigator)
Soziale Ungleichheit wurde bisher ausschließlich zwischen oder innerhalb von Nationalstaaten untersucht. Als Folge von Globalisierungsprozessen können soziale Lagen immer weniger auf einen klar umgrenzten Raum bezogen werden. Das Projekt geht der These einer transnationalen Klassenbildung am Beispiel von hochqualifizierten Migrant/innen nach. Ihre soziale Lage entfaltet sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen einer globalen Ökonomie, die ihr kulturelles Kapital weltweit anschlussfähig werden lässt, und der nationalstaatlichen Organisation der Politik, die der Herausbildung einer transnationalen Klassenlage entgegensteht. So sind auch hochqualifizierte Migrant/innen im Zugang zu nationalen Räumen ungleich gestellt, je nachdem, ob sie einem reichen oder armen Land, einer statushohen oder einer symbolisch delegitimierten Gruppe zugerechnet werden. Die objektive und subjektive Strukturiertheit einer transnationalen Lage wird mittels qualitativer Interviews erfasst, die durch standardisierte Fragebögen ergänzt werden. Durch systematische Vergleiche zwischen Experten/innen, die von deutschen Organisationen in Entwicklungsländer entsandt werden, IT-Frachkräften, die unter der sog. Grenncard-Regelung angeworben werden, und westafrikanischen Akademiker/innen, die in Süfafrika arbeiten, wird die Heterogenität transnationaler sozialer Lagen erfasst. Sollten trotz maximaler Kontraste ähnliche Strukturierungen überwiegen, wäre dies ein Beleg für die Bildung transnationaler Klassenlagen.
Year 2002
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64 Project

Editors’ Introduction

Authors Amy Kate Bailey, Meredith Kleykamp
Year 2018
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
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66 Journal Article

The link between social inequalities, health' system characteristics and R&D expenditure-worldwide evidence

Authors Celia Dana Besciu, Armenia Androniceanu
Year 2017
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75 Journal Article

Black youth(s) and the reproduction of racial inequalities in Brazil: public policies for equality?

Authors Marlene Almeida de Ataide
Year 2017
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76 Journal Article

Race, inequality, and social capital in the US counties

Authors Mi-son Kim, Dongkyu Kim, Natasha Altema McNeely
Year 2020
Citations (WoS) 8
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79 Journal Article

Segregation in the Twenty First Century: Processes, Complexities and Future Directions

Authors Aneta Piekut, Gwilym Pryce, Wouter van Gent
Year 2019
Journal Name Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
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88 Journal Article

Epilogue: The Meaning of Rights to Family Life

Authors Maria Kontos, Glenda Tibe Bonifacio
Book Title Migrant Domestic Workers and Family Life
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92 Book Chapter

"Two nations"? Race and economic inequality in South Africa today

Authors N Nattrass, J Seekings
Year 2001
Journal Name DAEDALUS
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96 Journal Article

The environment of American higher education: A constellation of changes

Authors R Benjamin
Year 2003
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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100 Journal Article
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