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Authors María Jesús Cabezón Fernández, Juan David Sempere Souvannavong
Year 2017
Journal Name Migraciones
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1 Journal Article

Alicantinos en Argelia. Un viaje de ida y vuelta

Year 2011
Journal Name Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos (REIM)
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2 Journal Article

The Nationalization of Algerian Football following Independence, 1962-1982

Year 2021
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3 Journal Article

La mobilité des travailleurs espagnols dans l’ouest de l’Algérie

Authors Juan David Sempere Souvannavong, María-Jesús Cabezón Fernández
Year 2016
Journal Name Autrepart
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4 Journal Article

CARIM – Migration Profile: Algeria

Authors Anna DI BARTOLOMEO, Thibaut JAULIN, Delphine PERRIN
Year 2010
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5 Report

Alicantinos en Argelia. Un viaje de ida y vuelta

Year 2011
Journal Name Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos (REIM)
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6 Journal Article

Genre et Migration en Algérie

Authors Hocine LABDELAOUI
L’analyse des phénomènes migratoires en Algérie à travers le genre est à la fois problématique et indispensable. Elle est problématique en raison du déficit de connaissances au sujet de l’émigration des femmes, que les rares travaux sur l’émigration familiale ne sauraient combler. En effet, ni les statistiques algériennes sur l’émigration, ni les politiques et les dispositifs institutionnels en matière d’émigration et d’installation dans les pays d’accueil ne tiennent compte des femmes en tant que telles. De même, le statut légal des femmes immigrées en Algérie est le même que celui des hommes : ces dernières sont considérées comme des « résidents étrangers » ou des « migrants irréguliers ». L’analyse « genrée » des phénomènes migratoires en Algérie est donc indispensable, en raison, particulièrement, des évolutions structurelles actuelles de l’émigration algérienne et de la pérennisation de la présence immigrée en Algérie. / A gender-based analysis of migration in Algeria is both complex and indispensable. It is complex because, notwithstanding a few studies dealing with family migration, we know so little about the migration of Algerian women. Indeed, neither the data, nor the policies and the institutional frameworks touching on migration from Algeria, nor, for that matter, integration in the host countries consider women as such. Furthermore, the legal status of women migrants in Algeria is the same as that of any other foreign nationals : in other words, they are viewed as “foreign residents” or “irregular migrants”. Therefore, a gender-based approach for migrations is indispensable, at a time of structural change in the patterns of migration from and to Algeria.
Year 2011
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7 Report

Book Reviews

Year 2007
Journal Name American Ethnologist
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9 Journal Article

La migration hautement qualifiée algérienne. Tentative d’étiologie d’un sinistre

Résumé La question de la migration hautement qualifiée en Algérie mérite d’être appréhendée sous plusieurs angles. Le premier est la situation objective de développement économique et culturel atteint par l’Algérie, 50 ans après son indépendance. Les retards scientifiques, techniques et culturels accumulés (y compris du fait de la généralisation de l’arabisation) expliquent largement le départ du fleuron de l’intelligentsia algérienne entre 1975 et 2009. La deuxième est la dévalorisation du statut symbolique et matériel des cadres, à partir de 1984 jusqu’à ce jour, qui a contraint nombre d’entre eux à s’expatrier. La troisième est l’absence de sollicitude concrète des pouvoirs publics algériens à l’égard de la communauté nationale à l’étranger. Il existe désormais deux catégories d’Algériens hautement qualifiés expatriés. Celle qui exclut toute participation avec l’Algérie, lui préférant le Maroc, la Tunisie ou les pays arabes du Golfe pour des raisons essentiellement dues aux incertitudes et aux contradictions de la politique algérienne à l’égard de la communauté nationale installée à l’étranger. Et il y a celle qui appelle de ses vœux l’institution de relations régulières avec le pays d’origine, pour autant qu’elle ait exactement le même statut que les experts et coopérants étrangers sollicités par les institutions algériennes ; autrement dit, il est exclu que cette communauté s’investisse moralement, a fortiori politiquement, dans les politiques publiques que le gouvernement dit vouloir mettre en place. Il serait vain de spéculer sur une participation effective de la diaspora algérienne à l’effort de redressement de l’Algérie sur les plans économique, culturel et scientifique aussi longtemps que l’Algérie sera un pays très faiblement attractif pour les investissements étrangers. Ce n’est que du jour où l’Algérie deviendra une terre d’accueil des investissements étrangers, qu’elle pourra solliciter dans des conditions optimales la diaspora nationale. Abstract The issue of highly qualified migration in Algeria ought to be treated from three points of view. The first one concerns the objective situation of development reached by Algeria, 50 years after its independence. All the delays accumulated in many fields, such as scientific, technical and cultural domains (among them the arabisation’s generalization), largely explain the departure of Algerian intelligentsia’s fleuron between 1975 and 2008. The second one is the depreciation of symbolic and material statute of all the managerial staff from 1984 till today, which constrains many of them to expatriation. The third one is the absence of concrete solicitude from Algerian authorities towards national community established abroad. Henceforth, there are two categories of Algerian expatriates among highly qualified migration established abroad. One category excludes any participation with its country of origin, and prefers to be in Morocco, Tunisia and some other Arabic countries for reasons due to all the uncertainties and contradictions of Algerian Policy towards Algerian residents abroad. Another category wishes to participate to national scientific projects, under the condition to benefit from the same statute as the statute delivered to foreign experts who regularly intervene in Algeria. In other words, this kind of migration does not want to be involved in Algerian public policies that the government pretends to set up. It would be unavailing to expect the national community’s participation to Algeria’s economic recovery, as long as Algeria remains weakly attractive for foreign investments. Algeria will be able to attract its diaspora in optimal conditions when it becomes an attractive territory for foreign investors.
Year 2010
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10 Report

Jews in Algeria. Recent research advances

Authors Valerie Assan
Year 2016
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11 Journal Article

Britain and Algeria: Problems of Return

Authors George JOFFÉ
Britain is not an obvious country to which Algerians migrate, although the crisis of the Algerian civil war in the 1990s was to make it an alternative to continental Europe, especially France. From 45 in 1991, asylum applications peaked in 1995 at 1,865 persons and then ran at a consistently high level up to 2002. They are now in steep decline. Return of Algerian asylum-seekers has not followed a similar pattern, however, and many Algerians in Britain are illegally here. In fact, they have ranged between 85 (1998) and 220 (2005) a year, with no figures being available for 1999 and 2000. The British government admits that the efficacy of its return policy has been very limited, although domestic pressure has led to a much more concerted effort to return failed asylum seekers in recent years. However, the bare statistics must be seen against the growth of British security policies since 2001 and particularly since 2005. Fears of terrorism in Britain linked to the Algerian community here have led to a disproportionate arrest rate amongst Algerians, particularly in the ricin trial, the indefinite detention of Algerians on suspicion of involvement in terrorism without trial, agreements about mutual extradition, memoranda of understanding over the return of Algerians allegedly involved in terrorist activities and much closer cooperation between British and Algerian security services. This securitisation process has made the return of Algerians to Algeria much more problematic and has brought into question the British government’s commitment to its obligations within the European Union.
Year 2007
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12 Report

From "Algeria French muslims" to "immigrants"

Authors Francoise de Barros
Year 2005
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13 Journal Article

The Subjective Well-being of Adolescents from Two Different Cultures: Applying Three Versions of the PWI in Algeria and Spain

Authors Ferran Casas, H Tiliouine, Cristina Figuer
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
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14 Journal Article

On the Concept of “We are all Africans”

Authors Ali A. Mazrui
Year 1963
Journal Name American Political Science Review
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15 Journal Article

MIgration de REtour au Maghreb (MIREM)

MIREM stands for MIgration de REtour au Maghreb. This collective research programme was launched in December 2005 and ended in December 2008. Today, MIREM and its deliverables (publications, statistics and field surveys on return migrants, conferences and seminars) are part of the RDP. Focusing on returnees’ aspirations, the core deliverable of the MIREM project is a comprehensive comparative database based on 992 interviews made with return migrants to Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. As the collected data were gradually processed and analysed, it became clear that the distinction between migrants who decided on their own initiative to return to their country of origin and those who were compelled to do so constituted one key variable explaining returnees’ prospects of socio-professional reintegration back home. The main objective of the MIREM project lies in taking into better consideration the challenges linked to return migration as well as its impact on development. A whole set of analytical tools have been produced to shed light on the sociodemographic characteristics, conditions and patterns of reintegration of return migrants to the Maghreb countries (Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia). The project collected both quantitative and qualitative data in selected countries or regions.
Year 2006
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16 Data Set

Algeria in France - Transpolitics, race, and nation

Authors M Stevens
Year 2005
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17 Journal Article

Pages without borders: global networks and the settler press in Algeria, 1881-1914

Authors Charlotte Ann Chopin
Year 2018
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18 Journal Article

Return Migration and Working Choices

Authors Massimiliano TANI, Stéphane MAHUTEAU
This paper uses the recent survey carried out in the framework of the MIREM project on returnees to Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia and studies the duration of emigration and the labour force status upon returning. The results suggest that age and the year of emigration play a central role in the migration decision, but they do not support the hypothesis that the duration of migration is determined by the desired labour market status upon returning home.
Year 2008
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19 Report

Imperial Identities: Stereotyping, Prejudice, & Race in Colonial Algeria

Authors Anne Marie Miraglia
Year 2016
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20 Journal Article

Transit in the Maghreb: Sub-Saharans and el-harga

Authors Aspasia Papadopoulou-Kourkoula
Book Title Transit Migration
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21 Book Chapter

EU Neighbourhood Migration Report 2013

Authors Philippe FARGUES
This report covers migration in 18 EU neighbouring countries, including: Algeria; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Egypt; Georgia; Jordan; Lebanon; Libya; Mauritania; Moldova; Morocco; Palestine; Russia; Syria; Tunisia; Turkey and Ukraine. Each country report provides the most recent update on the demographic, legal, and socio-political aspects of both inward and outward migration stocks and flows.
Year 2013
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22 Report

The Political Culture of the ‘Beurs’

Authors Rémy Leveau
Book Title Islam in Europe
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24 Book Chapter

Book Review: Algeria in France: transpolitics, race and nation

Authors T Cleary, Tim Cleary
Year 2006
Journal Name Race & Class
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25 Journal Article

Measuring wellbeing in developing countries: The case of Algeria

Authors H Tiliouine, RA Cummins, M Davern
Year 2006
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
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26 Journal Article

Elections in Algeria and the French Colonies Under the Third Republic

Authors Rudolph A. Winnacker
Year 1938
Journal Name American Political Science Review
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27 Journal Article

Assia Djebar'sqalam: the poetics of the trace in postcolonial Algeria

Authors Brigitte Weltman-Aron
Year 2008
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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28 Journal Article

Students, social change and the construction of the post-independence Algerian state, 1962-1978

This project seeks to bring a new perspective to understanding state construction in Algeria after independence. Through a history of the first generations of Algerians who went to university in the 1960s and 1970s, it explores the intersections between political and institutional transformations and social, cultural and economic processes. These processes include increasing literacy, rural to urban migration, migration to study abroad and changes in gender relations and family structures. Bringing together concepts and methodologies from across a number of humanities and social science disciplines, the project will produce a case study setting out new approaches to studying state-building as a dynamic process which takes place at different levels of power (transnational, national and local) and which both shapes, and is shaped by, individual agency and wider processes. The goal is for this approach to be applicable to a range of other post-colonial contexts, challenging teleological readings of post-independence histories and homogenising understandings of post-independence states. The project is to be carried out in Algeria, France and the UK, with the researcher working with leading experts in the field in each of these countries to create a transnational, interdisciplinary network exploring the central research themes. Through extensive interviewing of former students, this project will create a new body of sources for researchers, which will also, with informants’ consent, be made accessible online. Public engagement is integral to the research design and process of data collection as well as dissemination, with Algerian students from the 1960s and 1970s invited to participate in group testimony sessions, alongside the wider public, throughout the project.
Year 2016
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29 Project

Les dimensions socio-politiques de la migration hautement qualifiée en Algérie

Authors Hocine LABDELAOUI
La migration hautement qualifiée suscite l’intérêt aussi bien des responsables gouvernementaux et étatiques, des partis politiques que de la société civile, des médias et des chercheurs. Malgré cet intérêt, la lecture des textes et documents disponibles sur cette question permet de relever que les dispositifs expérimentés pour gérer cette migration n’ont pas donné des résultats à la mesure des objectifs escomptés. Highly skilled migration has triggered the interest of many stakeholders in Algeria: governmental decision makers, political parties, civil society actors, the media and researchers. Despite this interest, the analysis of texts and data available on this issue led the author to infer that institutionalised channels and plans that manage this form of migration have been unable to meet expected objectives.
Year 2010
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30 Report

Las migraciones en la agenda hispano‐argelina: De la realidad social a la invisibilidad bilateral

Authors María Jesús Cabezón Fernández
Year 2017
Journal Name Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos
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31 Journal Article

Migrant Smuggling from Africa to Spain, Italy and Malta: A Comparative Overview

Authors Thanos Maroukis, Anna Triandafyllidou
Book Title Migrant Smuggling: Irregular Migration from Asia and Africa to Europe
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33 Book Chapter

Climate Change, Extreme Weather Events, and Migration: Review of the Literature for Five Arab Countries

Authors Nicholas Burger, Quentin Wodon, Audra Grant, ...
Book Title People on the Move in a Changing Climate
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34 Book Chapter

Civilising the settler: unstable representations of French settler colonialism in Algeria

Authors David Cummings
Year 2018
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35 Journal Article

The French in Algeria, Algerians in France: Bourdieu, Colonialism, and Migration

Authors Steven Loyal
Year 2009
Journal Name The Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 12
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36 Journal Article

Imperial identities: stereotyping, prejudice, and race in colonial Algeria (new edition)

Authors Jacob Mundy
Year 2016
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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37 Journal Article

Remembering Algeria: melancholy, depression and the colonising of the pieds-noirs

Authors Fiona Barclay
Year 2018
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39 Journal Article

Women in religious public policy in Morocco and Algeria: the murshida al-diniyya

Authors Marivi Perez Mateo, Ana Isabel Planet Contreras
Year 2021
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40 Journal Article

Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons: Africa’s Liability for the Next Millennium

Authors John O. Oucho
Book Title Global Changes in Asylum Regimes
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41 Book Chapter

Les dimensions socio-politiques de la migration hautement qualifiée en Algérie

Authors Hocine LABDELAOUI
La migration hautement qualifiée suscite l’intérêt aussi bien des responsables gouvernementaux et étatiques, des partis politiques que de la société civile, des médias et des chercheurs. Malgré cet intérêt, la lecture des textes et documents disponibles sur cette question permet de relever que les dispositifs expérimentés pour gérer cette migration n’ont pas donné des résultats à la mesure des objectifs escomptés. Highly skilled migration has triggered the interest of many stakeholders in Algeria: governmental decision makers, political parties, civil society actors, the media and researchers. Despite this interest, the analysis of texts and data available on this issue led the author to infer that institutionalised channels and plans that manage this form of migration have been unable to meet expected objectives.
Year 2010
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42 Report

Dynamics of Unemployment Duration Among African Migrants in Sweden: The contribution of specific country of birth and gender on employment success

Authors Helio Manhica, Mikael Rostila, John Osth, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
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43 Journal Article

Labour markets performance and migration flows in Arab Mediterranean countries : a regional perspective

Authors Iván MARTIN
The objectives of the Study are two-fold: To analyze the key labour market determinants of migration flows from selected Arab Mediterranean Countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and the Occupied Palestinian Territories), with a particular emphasis on demographic pressures, wage differentials and relative income disparities with the EU, employment policies, labour market flexibility and unemployment rates; this analysis includes the impact of migration on the labour markets of Arab Mediterranean Country (AMCs) labour markets; To propose a series of specific recommendations to improve the design of the EU’s migration policies towards AMCs and policy options available to them for the management of mismatches between labour supply and demand.
Year 2009
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44 Report

Socioeconomic Achievement Among Arab Immigrants in the USA: The Influence of Region of Origin and Gender

Authors Abdi M. Kusow, Kristine J. Ajrouch, Mamadi K. Corra, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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45 Journal Article

La migration hautement qualifiée de, vers et à travers les paysde l’Est et du Sud de la Méditerranée et d`Afrique subsaharienne. Recherche Transversale

Au cours de la décennie ’90, l’Algérie faisait partie des dix pays ayant connu les plus forts taux d’émigration des compétences au monde. Aujourd’hui, même si toute la documentation statistique nécessaire fait défaut, la question du brain drain et du rôle de l’émigration dans le développement du pays sont des sujets bien présents dans le débat public. Ce papier contribue à alimenter ce débat à plusieurs niveaux. Tout d’abord, il propose une présentation systématique du mouvement des compétences algériennes et de son évolution. Par ailleurs, il passe en revue certains facteurs susceptibles d’expliquer l’évolution du brain drain en Algérie ; une décomposition originale des causes du brain drain a également été effectuée afin de mettre en exergue la contribution de la pression migratoire et celle de la sélection positive à l’augmentation de l’émigration des compétences sur la période récente. Enfin, la note analytique aborde les conséquences de l’émigration des compétences sur la croissance économique de l’Algérie. In the 1990s, Algeria ranked among the top 10 countries in terms of its highly- skilled emigration rate. Today, despite insufficient statistical documentation, the brain-drain issue and the role of emigration in the development of the country are both much debated. This paper aims to contribute to this debate at several levels of analysis. First, we present the recent evolution of Algerian brain drain highlighting the role of destination countries. Moreover, an attempt to understand the causes of this phenomenon is provided through an original analysis of brain-drain push-factors, which helps individuate the relative contribution of 1) migratory pressure and 2) positive selection in increasing highly-skilled emigration flows. Finally, emphasis is put on the consequences of brain drain for economic growth in Algeria.
Year 2010
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46 Report

Norm localisation and migration laws in the Maghreb

Authors Ylenia ROCCHINI
Year 2016
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47 Working Paper

They arrived from Algeria - Algerian immigration to France 1912-1992 - French - Stora,B

Year 1996
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48 Journal Article

Labour Markets Performance and Migration Flows in Arab Mediterranean Countries: Determinants and Effects

Authors Philippe FARGUES, Iván MARTIN
The main objective of this Study is to analyze the key labour market determinants of migration flows from selected Arab Mediterranean Countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and the Occupied Palestinian Territories) and the impact of outward migration on the labour markets of Arab Mediterranean Countries (AMCs). This has been done mainly on the basis of the evidence and analysis produced by the two Thematic Background Papers and the 8 National Background Papers commissioned for the Study. In turn, the National Background Papers are deliberately based on national statistical data sources: this makes comparability less straightforward, but has the merit of using original data available at the local level, where they are collected and generated.
Year 2010
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49 Report

Humans and Animals in a Refugee Camp: Baquba, Iraq, 1918-20

Authors Benjamin Thomas White
Year 2019
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50 Journal Article

Memory and influence on the Web: French colonial repatriates from 1950 to the present

Authors Yann Scioldo-Zuercher
Year 2012
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51 Journal Article

Migration et developpement. Le case de l'Algerie. (Migration and Development. The Case of Algeria.

Authors Alain Girard
Year 1972
Journal Name International Migration Review
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52 Journal Article

Making digital ‘home-camps’: Mediating emotions among the Sahrawi refugee diaspora

Authors Silvia Almenara Niebla
Year 2020
Journal Name International Journal of Cultural Studies
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53 Journal Article

The Algerian Revolution, the French state and the colonial counter-revolutionary strategy of the Holy Republic

Authors Selim Nadi
Year 2018
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56 Journal Article

Comparing Children's Experiences and Evaluations of Their Lives in 11 Different Countries

Authors Gwyther Rees, Tamar Dinisman
Year 2015
Journal Name Child Indicators Research
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57 Journal Article

German-Algerian University Exchange from the Perspective of Students and Teachers

Authors Nicola Döring, Nicola Doering, Kamel Lahmar, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Studies in International Education
Citations (WoS) 2
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59 Journal Article

Guilt norms regarding historical violence and implications for intergroup relations in France

Authors Virginie Bonnot, Silvia Krauth-Gruber
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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60 Journal Article

The Return of the Pilgrims: The Fragile Post-colonial Rebirth of a Judeo-Maghrebian Ritual

Authors Joelle Bahloul
Year 2020
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62 Journal Article

Geschichte der Weltflüchtlingspolitik, 1950-1973

Principal investigator Ulrich Herbert (Principal Investigator)
Bis in die 1970er Jahre verstand die internationale Gemeinschaft die Fluechtlingsfrage als eine Art Ausnahmezustand, überwiegend in Europa, und nicht als dauerhaftes Weltproblem. Ein globaler Handlungszusammenhang entstand erst schrittweise zwischen 1950 und 1970. Wie, warum und unter welchen Bedingungen sich dieser Wandel vollzog, ist Gegenstand dieses Forschungsvorhabens. Hier werden zunächst die flüchtlingspolitischen Ansätze seit dem Ersten und dann verstaerkt nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg sowie die daraus entwickelten Schlussfolgerungen zusammengefasst. Die Untersuchung konzentriert sich dann auf vier zeitliche Wegmarken, die die Entwicklung hin zu einer institutionalisierten Weltfluechtlingspolitik praegten: die Entstehungsphase des UNHCR und der Genfer Fluechtlingskonvention 1949-1951; die Ansaetze einer ueber Europa hinausreichenden Universalisierung im Kontext der Algerienkrise 1957-1960; das New York Protocol 1959 - 1967 und schließlich die Praxis der UNHCR in Bangladesch 1971-73, der hier erstmals als sog. focal point organisation vor Ort agierte und die Repatriierung von über zehn Millionen Menschen organisierte. Hier hatte der UNHCR seinen bis heute gültigen Status als die zentrale Institution der weltweit agierenden Flüchtlingshilfe erreicht.
Year 2017
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63 Project

Migratory Networks Used by Algerian Professional Footballers in France: From Colonial Times to the Postcolonial Era, 1932-1991

Authors Stanislas Frenkiel
Year 2015
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64 Journal Article

Settlement Colonization and Transnational Labor Emigration in the Maghreb: A Comparative Study of Algeria and Tunisia.

Authors James Cobbe, Raouf Ressaossi
Year 1985
Journal Name International Migration Review
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66 Journal Article

The long arm of the Arab state

Authors Gerasimos Tsourapas
Year 2019
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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67 Journal Article

Mapping Specific Incentives for Countries of Origin to Facilitate Cooperation on Return

Principal investigator Albert Kraler (Project Team Member), Bernhard Perchinig (Project Team Member)
This project aims at identifying need-based potentials for cooperation, which can lead to opportunities for improved cooperation between countries wishing to return persons not holding residence rights and five countries (Algeria, Morocco, Nigeria, Tunisia, Iran) in the field of return and readmission. More specifically, and based on the analysis of relevant international relations theories as well as on insights from expert interviews, the study will examine: • Options for the development of strategies for the creation of incentive based cooperation schemes in the field of return and readmission and to determine which incentives could be offered to the countries of origin of illegally resident third-country nationals without jeopardizing the EU's objectives in this area, and ultimately its own interests. • Experiences of selected EU-countries (Italy, the Netherland, the UK, Sweden) in cooperation with the above mentioned countries in the field of return. • Necessary conditions for the establishment of sustainable cooperation in the field of return (based on theoretical considerations and results of the empirical investigations) In addition, the project aims at producing five country specific case studies including information on: • the general situation with regard to migration and the corresponding third country. • the current state of cooperation between Austria and the third country • perceived problems in the area of repatriation • European experiences • positive incentives
Year 2017
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68 Project

A Museum in a Refugee Camp. The National Museum of the Saharawi People in Algeria, Its Use and Function

Authors Gabriel Alcalde
Year 2017
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69 Journal Article

The influence of religion on the leisure behavior of immigrant Muslims in the United States

Authors M Stodolska, JS Livengood
Year 2006
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70 Journal Article

Transformations of the Sikh Diaspora

Authors Milton Israel
Year 1991
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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71 Journal Article

Transnational Spaces in Amitav Ghosh's The Circle of Reason

Authors Ajay K. Chaubey
Year 2021
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72 Journal Article

The Feminization of Forced Migration during Conflict: The Complex Experiences of Algerian Women Who Fled in the 'Black Decade'

Authors Latefa Narriman Guemar
Year 2019
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73 Journal Article

Book Review: Settlement Colonization and Transnational Labor Emigration in the Maghreb: A Comparative Study of Algeria and Tunisia

Authors James Cobbe
Year 1985
Journal Name International Migration Review
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75 Journal Article

The effects of discrimination and constraints negotiation on leisure behavior of American Muslims in the post-september 11 America

Authors JS Livengood, M Stodolska
Year 2004
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76 Journal Article

Islam and Mass Media Consumption in Post-Migration Contexts among Women from Northern Africa in Catalonia (Spain)

Authors Amparo Huertas Bailén, Amparo Huertas Bailen
Year 2018
Journal Name Societies
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77 Journal Article

Harraga: Burning borders, navigating colonialism

Authors Amade M’charek
Year 2020
Journal Name The Sociological Review
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78 Journal Article

Genotyping of 49-plex autosomal SNP panel in Iranian Turkmens ethnic group

Authors Omid Yousef, Sayed Mostafa Hosseini
Year 2019
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79 Journal Article

Regional responses to forced migration : the case of Libya

Authors Sonja NITA
The 2011 Libyan civil war, part of the wider Arab Spring, triggered considerable population displacements. These displacements included both Libyans and third-country nationals fleeing the country by land, air and sea. Data available for spring/summer 2011 shows that an estimated 1,128,985 people left Libya to seek shelter in Tunisia, Egypt, Niger, Algeria, Chad and Sudan as well as in Malta and Italy. Research has, thus far, mainly focused on the response of the international community (UNHCR and IOM, above all), the European Union and individual countries in dealing with large numbers of displaced persons (Kelly and Wadud 2012, Fargues and Fandrich 2012, Tucci 2012, Forced Migration Review 2012). Less attention has been given to those regional entities of which Libya has been a member. These include: the African Union (AU), the League of Arab States (LAS), the Community of Sahel Saharan States (CEN-SAD), the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU), the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) and the Organization for the Islamic Conference (OIC). The aim of this paper is, therefore, to shed light on the (actual and potential) role of these regional organizations in alleviating those fleeing from Libya.
Year 2013
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80 Report

The racialization of Muslim veils: A philosophical analysis

Authors Alia Al-Saji
Year 2010
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81 Journal Article

Connected Sahrawi refugee diaspora in Spain: Gender, social media and digital transnational gossip

Authors Silvia Almenara-Niebla, Carmen Ascanio-Sánchez
Year 2019
Journal Name European Journal of Cultural Studies
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82 Journal Article

Decolonization immigrations and the social origins of the second generation: The case of North Africans in France

Authors Richard Alba, R Silberman
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
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83 Journal Article

Mapping Specific Incentives for Countries of Origin to Facilitate Cooperation on Return

Principal investigator Albert Kraler (Project Team Member), Bernhard Perchinig (Project Team Member)
This project aims at identifying need-based potentials for cooperation, which can lead to opportunities for improved cooperation between countries wishing to return persons not holding residence rights and five countries (Algeria, Morocco, Nigeria, Tunisia, Iran) in the field of return and readmission. More specifically, and based on the analysis of relevant international relations theories as well as on insights from expert interviews, the study will examine: • Options for the development of strategies for the creation of incentive based cooperation schemes in the field of return and readmission and to determine which incentives could be offered to the countries of origin of illegally resident third-country nationals without jeopardizing the EU's objectives in this area, and ultimately its own interests. • Experiences of selected EU-countries (Italy, the Netherland, the UK, Sweden) in cooperation with the above mentioned countries in the field of return. • Necessary conditions for the establishment of sustainable cooperation in the field of return (based on theoretical considerations and results of the empirical investigations) In addition, the project aims at producing five country specific case studies including information on: • the general situation with regard to migration and the corresponding third country. • the current state of cooperation between Austria and the third country • perceived problems in the area of repatriation • European experiences • positive incentives
Year 2017
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87 Project

La dimension sociopolitique de la question « Migration et développement » en Algérie

Authors Hocine LABDELAOUI
Résumé La participation de l’émigration algérienne au développement de leur pays d’origine a fait l’objet d’expérimentation de plusieurs politiques gouvernementales depuis l’indépendance. Malgré diverses tentatives, aucune réussite réelle n’a été enregistrée. Un tel constat suscite bien d’interrogations et nécessite une analyse approfondie afin de clarifier les différentes facettes de la problématique « migration et développement.» La présente note analytique esquisse une analyse du discours politique algérien sur la participation de l’émigration algérienne au développement de son pays et cerne les différents aspects de la problématique « migration et développement » en Algérie. En outre, elle définit des éléments de réflexion sur la mise en place d’une nouvelle stratégie de gestion de la participation des émigrés algériens au développement de leur pays d’origine. Abstract Algerian emigrants’ contribution to the development of their origin country has been the object of many experimental policies carried out by different governmental cartels since independence . Despite the diversity of political formulas and programs whose aim was to consolidate the link between emigration and development, no real success has been detected. This remark raises many speculations regarding the issue, and necessitates an in-depth analysis so as to clarify the relation between “migration and development” in Algeria. The analytical note purports to analyse the Algerian political discourse on the contribution of Algerian emigrants’ to the development of their country and tackles the different facets of the problem. Furthermore, it highlights main key elements regarding the implementation of a new strategy aiming at managing the contribution of Algerian emigrants to development.
Year 2009
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88 Report

Filtering or Blocking Mobility? Inequalities, Marginalization, and Power Relations at Fortified Borders

Authors Kristina Korte
Year 2021
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89 Journal Article

The global South as a solution to cope with the crisis: Following the transnational itineraries of the precarised Spaniards towards Algeria

Authors María-Jesús Cabezón-Fernández, Juan-David Sempere-Souvannavong
Year 2019
Journal Name Migration Studies
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90 Journal Article


Authors Zahir Hadibi
Year 2019
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91 Journal Article

Social housing and location choices of immigrants in France

Authors D Fougere, F Kramarz, Mirna Safi, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal of Manpower
Citations (WoS) 8
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92 Journal Article


Authors F Prioux, Magali Barbieri, Magali Mazuy
Year 2010
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93 Journal Article

Decolonization Immigrations and the Social Origins of the Second Generation: The Case of North Africans in France

Authors Richard Alba, Roxane Silberman
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
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94 Journal Article

EUNAM: EU and North African Migrants: Health and Health Systems

The coordinates of human health are complex even in a single population but they are even more complex in migrants whose life situation is always influenced by the host country and the country of origin. Some migrants may experience several host countries and some return to the country of origin. Thus it is important to survey well being, health status, disease panorama and use of health services of immigrants compared to the native population; such analyses would be incomplete without casting a view on the same indicators and parameters in the country of origin. Thus for this project we have collected a team of experts to cover health aspects of the full cycle of migration, viewing the health situation in Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria as representatives of the Mediterranean North African (NA) partner countries, the origins of vast numbers of immigrants in EU. The EU partner countries from France, Italy, Germany (subcontracting Slovenia) and Sweden are not only receivers of the NA immigrants but they also have larger numbers of immigrants from others areas, allowing comparisons between immigrant groups. The team has experience on a variety of health and disease measures and it has an access to a variety of survey and register material relating to population health, disease patterns and function of health care systems. Many of the surveys and diseases registers have been carried out/constructed by the present partners who thus possess unique sources of data. The team will be in the position to respond to the expectations of the call by reviewing health effects of migration from the country of origin to the host country and coming up with scientifically valid state-of-the-art evaluations and appropriate recommendations for scientific and health policy measures in improving the conditions for the EU immigrants.
Year 2011
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95 Project

EU and North African Migrants: Health and Health Systems

The coordinates of human health are complex even in a single population but they are even more complex in migrants whose life situation is always influenced by the host country and the country of origin. Some migrants may experience several host countries and some return to the country of origin. Thus it is important to survey well being, health status, disease panorama and use of health services of immigrants compared to the native population; such analyses would be incomplete without casting a view on the same indicators and parameters in the country of origin. Thus for this project we have collected a team of experts to cover health aspects of the full cycle of migration, viewing the health situation in Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria as representatives of the Mediterranean North African (NA) partner countries, the origins of vast numbers of immigrants in EU. The EU partner countries from France, Italy, Germany (subcontracting Slovenia) and Sweden are not only receivers of the NA immigrants but they also have larger numbers of immigrants from others areas, allowing comparisons between immigrant groups. The team has experience on a variety of health and disease measures and it has an access to a variety of survey and register material relating to population health, disease patterns and function of health care systems. Many of the surveys and diseases registers have been carried out/constructed by the present partners who thus possess unique sources of data. The team will be in the position to respond to the expectations of the call by reviewing health effects of migration from the country of origin to the host country and coming up with scientifically valid state-of-the-art evaluations and appropriate recommendations for scientific and health policy measures in improving the conditions for the EU immigrants.
Year 2011
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96 Project

Ali Dilem: Artivisme algerien et memoire comique

Authors Sandra Rousseau
Year 2020
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97 Journal Article

The Internal Israeli Conflict: The past, present, and future of the Jewish West Bank and Gaza settlements

Authors Robert H. Mnookin
Year 2005
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98 Journal Article

‘Between a rock & a hard place’: North Africa as a region of emigration, immigration & transit migration

Authors Martin Baldwin-Edwards
Year 2006
Journal Name Review of African Political Economy
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99 Journal Article

French Colonial Expansion in West Africa, The Sudan, and the Sahara

Authors Norman Dwight Harris
Year 1911
Journal Name American Political Science Review
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
100 Journal Article
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