
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Gender, social network geographies, and low-wage employment among recent Mexican immigrants in Los Angeles

Authors Pascale Joassart-Marcelli, P Joassart-Marcelli
Year 2014
Journal Name Urban Geography
Citations (WoS) 3
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44601 Journal Article

Is what we hear about migration really true? : questioning eight stereotypes : core messages

Authors Cameron THIBOS, Philippe FARGUES
Immigration has polarised European politics for decades. There have been defenders and opponents of migration into Europe, and it has often been the matter of acrimonious debate. In recent years, however, the dispute between the two groups often seems to have largely vanished. If the opinion that migration is a threat rather than an asset prevails, there is a risk that European States will forego the benefits of immigration. In doing so, it will undermine Europe’s recovery from the crisis and, ultimately, its position of importance in the world. However, if the consensus shifts and European societies come to see migration as a dynamic and positive force, then migration and migrants can and will help these societies better prepare for future challenges. In order to ground the debate in current evidence, and to counteract populist stereotypes, the MPC’s experts re-think eight migration stereotypes in the light of MPC’s research and broader academic scholarship.
Year 2014
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44602 Report

Policy populism? Political populism and migrant integration policies in Rotterdam and Amsterdam

Authors Mark van Ostaijen, Peter Scholten
Year 2014
Journal Name Comparative European Politics
Citations (WoS) 5
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44603 Journal Article

Testing Repatriation Contracts for Unconscionability: The Case of Refugees in Israel

Authors M. Gerver
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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44604 Journal Article

Is what we hear about migration really true? : questioning eight stereotypes

Authors Philippe FARGUES
Immigration has polarised European politics for decades. There have been defenders and opponents of migration into Europe, and it has often been the matter of acrimonious debate. In recent years, however, the dispute between the two groups often seems to have largely vanished. If the opinion that migration is a threat rather than an asset prevails, there is a risk that European States will forego the benefits of immigration. In doing so, it will undermine Europe’s recovery from the crisis and, ultimately, its position of importance in the world. However, if the consensus shifts and European societies come to see migration as a dynamic and positive force, then migration and migrants can and will help these societies better prepare for future challenges. In order to ground the debate in current evidence, and to counteract populist stereotypes, the MPC’s experts re-think eight migration stereotypes in the light of MPC’s research and broader academic scholarship.
Year 2014
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44605 Report

Competition and solidarity : Union members and immigration in Europe

Authors Michael J. DONNELLY
Year 2014
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44606 Working Paper

Why Citizens Prefer High- Over Low-Skilled Immigrants. Labor Market Competition, Welfare State, and Deservingness

Authors M. Helbling, Marc Helbling, Hanspeter Kriesi, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name European Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 28
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44607 Journal Article

Is the indiscriminate detention of irregular migrants a cost-effective policy tool? : a case-study of the Amygdaleza Pre-Removal Center

The purpose of this new policy is straightforward: to secure that all irregular migrants — unless granted international protection — will be returned to their home countries. Faced with the deprivation of their liberty and without the hope of a timely release, the Greek authorities believe that migrants will be forced to co-operate and accept a so called “voluntary” [assisted] return or indeed a forced return to their country of origin. Greece will thus succeed in reducing the overall size of its irregular migrant population. At the same, this new policy is expected to act as a deterrent since it will “send a strong signal to third-country nationals willing to illegally enter Greece,” and “warn all immigrants who do not fall under the status of international protection that they will be arrested, detained and returned to the countries of origin.
Year 2014
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44608 Report

Human Rights and Migration: Trafficking for Forced Labour

Authors Daniela Debono
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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44609 Journal Article

Voting with their feet: highly skilled emigrants from southern Europe

Year 2014
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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44610 Journal Article

Doing the Business: Variegation, Opportunity and Intercultural Experience among Intra-EU Highly-Skilled Migrants

Authors Jon Mulholland, Louise Ryan
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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44611 Journal Article

The Wages of Skilled Temporary Migrants: Effects of Visa Pathways and Job Portability

Authors BL Lowell, Johanna Avato
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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44612 Journal Article

Cable Crossings: The Aran Jumper as Myth and Merchandise

Authors Siun Carden
Year 2014
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44613 Journal Article

The Impact of Migration on Children's Psychological and Academic Functioning in the Republic of Moldova

Authors Mihaela Robila
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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44614 Journal Article

Letters of love and loss in a time of revolution

Authors Vera Sheridan
Year 2014
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44615 Journal Article

Romani dialect variation in Transylvania: Migration and diffusion

Authors Wilco van den Heuvel, Evelyne Urech
Year 2014
Journal Name Romani Studies
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44616 Journal Article

Recruiting High Skill Labour in North America: Policies, Outcomes and Futures

Authors M Boyd
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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44617 Journal Article

Introduction: refugee and forced migration studies in transition.

Authors Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Gil Loescher, Katy Long, ...
Year 2014
Book Title The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies
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44618 Book Chapter

Labour migration policy and constitutional change in Scotland

Authors David Bell, David McCollum, A Findlay, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Oxford Review Of Economic Policy
Citations (WoS) 2
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44619 Journal Article

Putting places on the map? Marketing rural and regional Australia

Authors P McManus, J Connell
Year 2014
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44620 Journal Article

1 A qualitative exploration of access to urban migrant healthcare in Nairobi, Kenya

Authors Christine Arnold, Anita Gagnon, Jason Theede
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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44621 Journal Article

Australian Employer Response to the Study-Migration Pathway: The Quantitative Evidence 2007-2011

Authors L Hawthorne, Anna To
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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44622 Journal Article

Selection, Language Heritage, and the Earnings Trajectories of Black Immigrants in the United States

Authors Tod G. Hamilton
Year 2014
Journal Name Demography
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44623 Journal Article

Interpersonal Networking and Business Resilience: How Immigrants in Small Business Face the Crisis in Italy

Authors A. M. Chiesi, Antonio M. Chiesi
Year 2014
Journal Name European Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 2
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44624 Journal Article

How does a house remember? Heritage-ising return migration in an Indonesian-Chinese house museum in Guangdong, PRC

Authors Cangbai Wang
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Heritage Studies
44625 Journal Article

The migration challenge for PAYG

Authors Gurgen Aslanyan
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 2
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44626 Journal Article

Immigrant sexual citizenship: intersectional templates among Mexican gay immigrants to the USA

Authors Steven Epstein, Hector Carrillo, Héctor Carrillo
Year 2014
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 17
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44627 Journal Article

‘I can't even buy a bed because I don't know if I'll have to leave tomorrow’: temporal orientations among Mexican precarious status migrants in Toronto

Authors Paloma E. Villegas
Year 2014
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 9
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44628 Journal Article

Gender and cultural citizenship among non-Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union in Israel

Authors Anna Prashizky, Larissa Remennick
Year 2014
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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44629 Journal Article

Labour market outcomes and Egypt's migration potential

Authors Mona AMER, Philippe FARGUES
Year 2014
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44630 Working Paper

The occupational status of immigrants in Western and non-Western societies

Authors Christoph Spörlein, Frank van Tubergen
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Comparative Sociology
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44631 Journal Article

From ‘De-wogged’ Migrants to ‘Rabble Rousers’: Mapping the Indian Diaspora in Australia

Authors Sukhmani Khorana
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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44632 Journal Article

Local solutions for federal problems: immigrant incorporation in Montgomery County, Maryland

Authors Renee Daamen, J Doomernik, Renée Daamen, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Urban Geography
Citations (WoS) 4
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44633 Journal Article

To dream or not to dream: The effects of immigration status, discrimination, and parental influence on Latino children's access to education

Authors E. M. Go dziak, EM Gozdziak
Year 2014
Journal Name Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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44634 Journal Article

On female victims and parallel worlds : gender and ethnicity in policy frames of spousal migration in Germany

Authors Laura BLOCK
Year 2014
Book Title Floya ANTHIAS and Mojca PAJNIK (eds), Contesting integration, engendering migration : theory and practice, Basingstoke : Palgrave Macmillan, 2014, pp. 242-260
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44635 Book Chapter

Opening up the island: a 'counter-islandness' approach to migration in Malta.

Authors Nathalie Bernardie-Tahir, Camille Schmoll
Year 2014
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44636 Journal Article

Guest Editorial Introduction: The uses of islands in the production of the southern European migration border

Authors Nathalie Bernardie-Tahir, Camille Schmoll
Year 2014
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44638 Journal Article

A Nation of Emigrants: How Mexico Manages Its Migration

Authors S Eckstein
Year 2014
Journal Name Latin American Perspectives
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44639 Journal Article

The Consequences of Migration to the United States for Short-Term Changes in the Health of Mexican Immigrants

Authors Noreen Goldman, Mathew J. Creighton, AR Pebley, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Demography
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44640 Journal Article

Flexicurity, Informality, and Immigration: The Insufficiency of the Southern EU Framework, as Illustrated through the Case of Preveza, Greece

Authors Stelios Gialis, A Herod, Myron Myridis
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Modern Greek Studies
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44641 Journal Article

Farm Size, Land Reallocation, and Labour Migration in Rural China

Authors Xiaohuan Yan, Siegfried Bauer, Xuexi Huo
Year 2014
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 19
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44642 Journal Article

Human Trafficking in Eastern Europe: The Case of Bulgaria

Authors Georgi Petrunov
Year 2014
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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44643 Journal Article


Authors Georgia Verropoulou, Stuart Gietel-Basten
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Biosocial Science
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44644 Journal Article

'Such unjustificable practices'?: Irish trade, settlement, and society in France, 1688-1715

Authors Siobhan Talbott
Year 2014
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44645 Journal Article

Re-imagining Homeland in the Aftermath of the Greek Civil War (1946-1949): Children's Magazines

Authors Vasiliki Vasiloudi
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Modern Greek Studies
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44646 Journal Article

The Experiences of Migrants Trafficked from Bangladesh

Authors Mohamad Abdul Munim Joarder, PW Miller
Year 2014
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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44647 Journal Article


Authors M Buchinsky, Chemi Gotlibovski, Osnat Lifshitz
Year 2014
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44648 Journal Article

The Rise of Ethnicity under China's Market Reforms

Authors Jiaping Wu
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Citations (WoS) 9
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44649 Journal Article

Civic participation and integration : a country of origin perspective

Authors Sonia GSIR
This paper offers an insight into how emigration countries influence immigrants in their host society. Its main objective is to explore the following questions: first, whether and how emigration countries can influence the civic participation of immigrants in immigration countries and second, whether transnational links, in particular political transnational activities, have an impact on civic participation in receiving countries.
Year 2014
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44650 Report

Regional migration report : Russia and Central Asia

Authors Anna DI BARTOLOMEO, Shushanik MAKARYAN, Agnieszka WEINAR, ...
Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Russian Federation has become one of the most important destinations for immigration in the world. It is also a very particular case of a destination country in which two types of flows have shaped the character of immigration. Massive waves of Russians returning to their ancestral (or actual) motherland from other republics dominated throughout the 1990s, diminishing in 2000s. At the same time, the growing Russian economy started to attract immigrant workers from other parts of the post-Soviet space, especially from less developed central Asian countries, namely Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Nowadays, they are the main working migrant group, whose presence is contested on cultural grounds. The Eurasian migration system is thus a central theme for migration research in the region. This report proposes a deep comparative analysis of the place of Russia and Kazakhstan (Russia’s emerging economic rival) in the Eurasian migration system. The analysis is accompanied by an analysis of data collection in Russia and the development of Russia’s migration policy.
Year 2014
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44651 Report

Note from the editor

Year 2014
Journal Name American Ethnologist
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44652 Journal Article

Calling into question the link between educational achievement and migrant background

Year 2014
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44653 Working Paper

Maya Cultural Resistance in Los Angeles

Authors Giovanni Batz
Year 2014
Journal Name Latin American Perspectives
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44654 Journal Article

Less than the sum of its parts: institutional realities and legal aspirations in early twenty-first century American immigration

Authors Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar, Mariano-Florentino Cuellar
Year 2014
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
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44655 Journal Article

EU migration law : legal complexities and political rationales

Authors Loic AZOULAI, Karin DE VRIES
Year 2014
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44656 Book

‘Struck by the Turks’: reflections on Armenian refugeehood in Cyprus

Authors Olga Demetriou
Year 2014
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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44657 Journal Article

Business or Pleasure? Blurring Relocation Categories and Motivation Patterns among Expatriates

Authors Jakob Lauring, J Selmer, Jens Kr. Steen Jacobsen
Year 2014
Journal Name Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
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44658 Journal Article

Minority nations and attitudes towards immigration: the case of Quebec

Authors Luc Turgeon, Antoine Bilodeau
Year 2014
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
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44659 Journal Article

Ethno-Economic Satellite: the Case of Korean Residential Clusters in Auckland

Authors Seong-Yun Hong, Hong-key Yoon
Year 2014
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 5
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44660 Journal Article

How Persistent is Demographic Variation between Ethnic Groups? The Case of Household Size in England and Wales

Authors Gemma Catney, Ludi Simpson
Year 2014
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 4
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44661 Journal Article

Ethnic Labor Market Contexts and the Earnings of Asian Immigrants

Authors Hyoung-jin Shin, Zai Liang
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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44662 Journal Article

'Anyone but England'? Exploring anti-English sentiment as part of Scottish national identity in sport

Authors Stuart Whigham
Year 2014
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44663 Journal Article

Steerage, Cattle Cars, and Red River Carts: Traveling to the Canadian Western Prairies to Homestead, 1876-1914

Authors Sandra Rollings-Magnusson
Year 2014
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44664 Journal Article

Immigration Policy and Entrepreneurship

Authors Stephane Mahuteau, Matloob Piracha, Massimilano Tani, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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44665 Journal Article

Making the Most of Technology: Indian Women Migrants in Australia

Authors Selena Costa-Pinto
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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44666 Journal Article

From Workers to Entrepreneurs: Development of Bangladeshi Migrant Businesses in The Republic of Korea

Authors Lian Kwen Fee, Md Mizanur Rahman
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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44667 Journal Article

Ethnic Return Migration and Public Debate: The Case of Kazakhstan

Authors Isik Kuscu
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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44668 Journal Article

‘Recuperando la dignidad humana[Recovering human dignity]’: Shuar mothers speak out on intercultural bilingual education

Authors Susan Roberta Katz, Cornelia Lupe Chumpi Nantip
Year 2014
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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44669 Journal Article

Strengthening the Protection of Migrants and Refugees in Distress at Sea through International Cooperation and Burden-Sharing

Authors A. Klug
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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44671 Journal Article

European immigration : a sourcebook. Second edition

Year 2014
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44672 Book

Beyond the Law: Power, Discretion, and Bureaucracy in the Management of Asylum Space in Thailand

Authors A. Saltsman, Adam Saltsman
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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44673 Journal Article

Ethnic identities in the future: the possible effects of mass immigration and genetic testing

Authors Mary C. Waters, M Waters
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
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44674 Journal Article

What might take the place of late-generation European American ethnicity?

Authors Werner Sollors
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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44675 Journal Article

The long view of the melting pot

Authors Stephen Steinberg
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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44676 Journal Article

Reflections on reflections about the future of ethnicity

Authors Nancy Foner
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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44677 Journal Article

‘Prostitutes’ and ‘Defectors’: How the Ukrainian State Constructs Women Emigrants to Italy and the USA

Authors Cinzia Solari
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 7
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44678 Journal Article

The relationship between ethnic threat and economic insecurity in times of economic crisis: Analysis of European Social Survey data

Authors Jaak Billiet, Bart Meuleman, Hans De Witte, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 32
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44679 Journal Article

Reintegration and development

Authors Jean-Pierre CASSARINO, Davide CALENDA, Antonella GUARNERI, ...
Why do some return migrants reintegrate back home better than others? Why do patterns of reintegration vary so much? To what extent does gender impact on reintegration? Which factors shape the ability of some migrants to transfer their skills and social rights after return? Which resources (e.g. human capital, financial capital, networks and social capital) sustain returnees’ reintegration processes; and to what extent? In sum, what do we know about post-return conditions and how returnees’ aspirations, subjectivities and prospects back home can be analyzed and understood.
Year 2014
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44680 Report

Chinese descendants in Italy: emergence, role and uncertain identity

Authors Anna Marsden
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 9
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44681 Journal Article

Settlement Intentions of Recently Arrived Immigrants and Refugees in the Netherlands

Authors Thomas de Vroome, Frank van Tubergen
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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44683 Journal Article

Ethnic minority migrants in Britain and France. Integration trade-offs

Authors Paul Statham
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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44684 Journal Article

Return migration predictors for undocumented Mexican immigrants living in Dallas

Authors Evelyn D. Ravuri
Year 2014
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44685 Journal Article

Parenthood in Migration: How to Face Vulnerability

Authors Marie-Rose Moro
Year 2014
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44686 Journal Article

"Ang Ating Iisang Kuwento" our collective story: Migrant Filipino workers and participatory action research

Authors Valerie Francisco
Year 2014
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44687 Journal Article

From Subjects to Actors: Italians and Jews and the Fight against Immigration Restriction in the United States

Authors Maddalena Marinari
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Science History
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44688 Journal Article

Breast cancer experience and survivorship among Asian Americans: a systematic review

Authors Kuang-Yi Wen, Carolyn Y. Fang, GXQ Ma
Year 2014
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44689 Journal Article

Elder Care and Migrant Labor in Europe: A Demographic Outlook

Authors Alessio Cangiano
Year 2014
Journal Name Population and Development Review
Citations (WoS) 21
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44690 Journal Article

Marrying after arriving: The role of individuals' networks for immigrant choice of partner's origin

Authors Alberto del Rey Poveda, Daniela Vono de Vilhena
Year 2014
Journal Name Advances in Life Course Research
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44691 Journal Article

South Africa's Key Health Challenges

Authors Alan Whiteside
Year 2014
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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44692 Journal Article

From multiculturalism to post-multiculturalism: Trends and paradoxes

Authors Dorota A. Gozdecka, Selen A. Ercan, Magdalena Kmak
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 22
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44693 Journal Article

The European backlash against immigration and multiculturalism

Authors Magdalena Lesińska, Magdalena Lesinska
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 14
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44694 Journal Article

Introduction: understanding the links between population dynamics and climate change

Authors Adrian C. Hayes, Susana B. Adamo
Year 2014
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 1
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44695 Journal Article

Specific Trauma Subtypes Improve the Predictive Validity of the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire in Iraqi Refugees

Authors Bengt B. Arnetz, Monty Fakhouri, Hikmet Jamil, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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44696 Journal Article

Ethnic residential segregation and immigrants’ perceptions of discrimination in West Germany

Authors Verena Dill, Uwe Jirjahn
Year 2014
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
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44697 Journal Article

Youths with migration backgrounds and their experiences of physical education: an examination of three cases

Authors Dean Barker, Natalie Barker-Ruchti, Simone Sattler, ...
Year 2014
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44698 Journal Article

The Relationship Between Immigration and Depression in South Africa: Evidence from the First South African National Income Dynamics Study

Authors Andrew Tomita, Charlotte A. Labys, Jonathan K. Burns
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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44699 Journal Article

The Religiosity of Children of Immigrants and Natives in England, Germany, and the Netherlands: The Role of Parents and Peers in Class

Authors Sean de Hoon, Frank van Tubergen
Year 2014
Journal Name European Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 18
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44700 Journal Article
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