Population change - Demographic balance and crude rates at national level

The latest data on population (31 December), live births and deaths during the reference year (T) as transmitted by the countries to Eurostat in the frame of the annual demographic data collections are included in the table 'Population change - Demographic balance and crude rates (demo-gind)'. The first results on these data are included in the DEMOBAL data collection, transmitted annually during June, and include: the total population figure on 31 December of year T (further published by Eurostat as Population on 1 January of year T+1), and total numbers of live births and of deaths occurred during that year. The individual metadata files as reported by the countries are also attached to this table. While submitting this data is a legal requirement from EU Member States (EU Regulation No 1260/2013 on European Demographic Statistics, which entered into force on 1 January 2014), countries submit on voluntary basis data also on immigration and emigration that occurred during the course of the year (T). The time series before 2013 were collected by Eurostat from the national statistical offices in the past, on voluntary basis. These first demographic estimates may either be confirmed or updated six months later (during December) in the frame of the UNIDEMO data collection, when countries submit detailed breakdowns (e.g. by age and sex) of their yearly population data, including data on migration, both at national and at regional level. The 'Population change - Demographic balance and crude rates (demo-gind)' table will be accordingly updated. The following statistics are available: Table codeDescription demo_gindPopulation change - Demographic balance and crude rates at national level
Year 1960

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