
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Italian dashboard / statistics: arrivals, asylum, distribution

Daily statistic dashboard. On this page data of arrivals by sea and assistance to migrants in structures managed by the Central Direction of Civil Service for Immigration and Asylum are presented. Cruscotto statistico giornaliero. In questa pagina sono rappresentati i dati relativi al fenomeno degli sbarchi e l'accoglienza dei migranti presso le strutture gestite dalla Direzione Centrale dei servizi civili per l'immigrazione e l'asilo
Year 2015
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44401 Data Set

The Social Distance Scale, Emory S. Bogardus and Californian Interwar Migration Research Offside the Chicago School

Authors Claudia Roesch
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
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44402 Journal Article

The Political Context in Everyday Social Work Practice

Authors Marleen van der Haar
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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44403 Journal Article

Behind the ethnic–civic distinction: Public attitudes towards immigrants’ political rights in the Netherlands

Authors Maykel Verkuyten, Borja Martinovic
Year 2015
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 8
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44404 Journal Article

The bright side of migration: Hedonic, psychological, and social well-being in immigrants in Spain

Authors Magdalena Bobowik, N Basabe, D Paez, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 21
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44405 Journal Article

Growth, Equal Opportunities, Migration and Markets

The Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission provides an important opportunity for advancement of our knowledge of growth and innovation in the European Union labour markets as well as the dynamism that creates inclusive but competitive social environments. The GEMM project relates in particular to the Migration, Prosperity and Growth Dimension of the Call on the European Growth Agenda. With over 30 researchers located in several EU member states and Norway, our consortium will approach the topic and deliver: - An analysis of the obstacles to the successful incorporation of migrants and in particular to the attraction and retention of highly-skilled migrants; - A thorough assessment of the migration-related drivers of growth and the optimal functioning of markets; - An assessment of ethnic inequality in the labour market as a barrier to competitiveness and innovation in EU member states. - A set of policy recommendations that contain concrete guidelines as to how migrants can contribute to the EU economy and society These deliverables are realised by putting forward a scientifically innovative research agenda that combines a variety of methods and crosscutting expertise. Our consortium contains economists, sociologists, political scientists, and anthropologists who have made outstanding contributions to the field of migration and inequality research. Furthermore, our empirical approach is multi-method; we make use of survey, experimental and qualitative research methods to advance knowledge.
Year 2015
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44406 Project

‘A Genuine Respect for the People’

Authors Dirk Hoerder
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
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44407 Journal Article

In search of a cultural home: From acculturation to frame-switching and intercultural competencies

Authors Jan Pieter van Oudenhoven, JP Van Oudenhoven, Veronica Benet-Martinez, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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44408 Journal Article

Growth, Equal Opportunities, Migration, and Markets

Principal investigator Ruud Koopmans (Principal Investigator), Susanne Veit (Principal Investigator)
"Theoretical background and objectives The GEMM project addresses the ‘Migration, Prosperity and Growth Dimension’ of the call on the European Growth Agenda within the Horizon 2020 framework of the European Commission. With over 20 researchers located in 8 countries in Europe, our consortium will approach this important topic and deliver: An analysis of the obstacles to the successful incorporation of migrants and in particular to the attraction and retention of highly skilled migrants; A thorough assessment of the migration related drivers of growth and the optimal functioning of markets; An assessment of ethnic inequality in the labor market as a barrier to competitiveness and innovation in Europe; A set of policy recommendations that contain concrete guidelines as to how migrants can contribute to the EU economy and society. These deliverables are realized by putting forward an innovative research agenda that combines scientific rigor, a mixed methods and comparative approach, and crosscutting expertise. The main contribution of this project is to advance our understanding of ethnic inequality as a central barrier to the optimal functioning of the European labor market and thus to growth and innovation. Ethnic inequality inhibits two main migration related drivers of growth: the efficient use of human capital and managing mobility of human capital both within Europe and from other regions in the world. In the research framework, we analyze the interrelatedness between ethnic inequality as a barrier to growth, and the two migration-related drivers of growth. We achieve a unified research focus across work packages in two ways: by analyzing types of migrants defined by their educational qualifications – individuals with high, medium and vocational, and low skills; by exploring three sets of determinants of inequality - individual (gender, age, health, family situation, caring responsibilities, social ties (friendship ties), religious affiliation), contextual (neighborhood deprivation, segregation, climate of reception), institutional determinants (employment discrimination, labor market (occupational, sectoral) segmentation, flexibility and security of work, access to social welfare (policy regimes more broadly)."
Year 2015
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44409 Project

Promoting free movement in West Africa for regional integration and development: stepping up efforts to harmonise migration policies

Authors Marion Noack, Alexandre Devillard, Malin Frankenhaeuser, ...
Year 2015
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44410 Policy Brief

Enfrentando la transnacionalización del cuidadoabuelas cuidadoras en un contexto de alta migración

Year 2015
Journal Name Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios (RIEM)
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44411 Journal Article

Moscheebauten und Minarettstreit in Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz und dem Saarland am Beispiel der Selimiye- Moschee in Völklingen

Authors Birte Nienaber, Alexandra Reich
Year 2015
Book Title Internationalisation of Society and the Impact on Spatial Development - Examples from Hesse, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland
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44412 Book Chapter

Turning back to Turkey – Or Turning the Back on Germany?

Authors Claudia Diehl, Elisabeth Liebau
Year 2015
Journal Name Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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44413 Journal Article

Politics and Group Belonging: Predictors of Naturalisation Behaviour in France

Authors Dani Carrillo
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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44414 Journal Article

Facilitating adaptation and intercultural contact: The role of integration and multicultural ideology in dominant and non-dominant groups

Authors Bryant Pui Hung Hui, JW Berry, Sylvia Xiaohua Chen, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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44415 Journal Article

REACH: Risk, Resilience, Ethnicity and AdolesCent Mental Health

The overarching aim of REACH is to examine groundbreaking questions on the developmental origins of psychosis in migrant and minority ethnic populations using a highly innovative accelerated cohort study of adolescents, to be conducted in south London (UK). It has been known for over 50 years that the incidence of psychotic disorders is high in many migrant and minority ethnic groups across many countries. Our seminal study (AESOP) on this, for example, found that incidence rates were 3 to 6 times higher in black Caribbean and black African populations in the UK than in the white British. There have, however, been no public health initiatives specifically designed to tackle this problem – this is a public health tragedy. In part this inaction is due to a limited understanding of why rates of disorder are elevated. This points to an urgent need for research that can shed light on why the incidence of psychosis is so high in some populations and, more importantly, provide information on how and when to intervene to reduce risk. In seeking to do this, REACH will break new ground. To achieve these aims, REACH will use highly innovative methods to recruit, assess and follow at one and two years 3 overlapping school-based cohorts of adolescents aged 11-12, 12-13 and 13-14 years (total sample, 2,760; 552 of whom will be assessed more intensively). Collection of data on a) psychotic and other experiences of emotional distress, b) socio-environmental risk and, uniquely, protective factors, and c) psychological and biological (HPA axis related) mechanisms, will enable REACH to examine cutting edge questions about the developmental origins of psychosis. REACH is an ambitious study that, critically, seeks to explain (not just document) ethnic differences and in doing so provide concrete proposals for prevention strategies and interventions to reduce risk of psychosis and other poor mental health outcomes during adolescence, a key developmental stage, in diverse ethnic groups.
Year 2015
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44416 Project

Optimizing health promotion among ethnocultural minority older adults (EMOA)

Authors Mushira Mohsin Khan, Karen Kobayashi
Year 2015
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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44417 Journal Article

Is the United States still the land of opportunities for migrants?

Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Year 2015
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44418 Policy Brief

Religious Fundamentalism and Radicalization in Comparative Perspective

Principal investigator Ruud Koopmans (Principal Investigator)
"Theoretical Background and objectives In the context of the combination of escalated sectarian conflicts in Iraq and Syria, and home-grown conflicts around real and perceived attacks on Islam and its symbols in the West (from Rushdie to Charlie Hebdo), increased numbers of Muslim youth in Western countries have embraced radical forms of Islam and have sometimes become actively involved in violence, both at home and abroad. Beyond impressionistic evidence on a few active radicals, extremely little is known about the incidence among countries’ Muslim populations of adherence to radical versions of Islam and support for religiously-motivated violence. To answer these questions, cross-national surveys across Muslim populations in different countries are necessary, but apart from the very descriptive surveys by the US American Pew Research Institute, which are moreover not publicly accessible for secondary analysis, no such information is available. Existing research also leaves another major question unanswered, namely to what extent religious radicalism is specific to current Islam or whether it is comparable to what we find in other contemporary religions, particularly within Christianity. This project wants to fill these voids. A first step was an analysis based on the SCIICS survey. This was the first representative survey study to compare religious fundamentalism and outgroup hostility between Muslims and Christians (Koopmans 2015), and as such it attracted worldwide media attention. While the study revealed large differences between the two religious groups even when controlled for a range of socio-economic and demographic variables, the limitation of the study to two Muslim ethnic groups as well as the fact that it compared Muslims of immigrant origin to autochthonous Christians limits the generalizability of its findings. Moreover, the SCIICS survey did not include questions about support for religiously-motivated violence and extremist religious organizations. Research design To overcome these shortcomings, we are conducting two studies: Religious Fundamentalism and Radicalization Survey and Jihadi Radicalization in Europe Database. The first project is a representative survey study of Muslims, Christians, Jews, and non-believers in 2017 in the following 8 countries: Germany, the United States, Cyprus, Turkey, Israel, Palestine, Lebanon and Kenya. The choice of countries allows for a broad range of cross-national and cross-sectional comparisons. For instance, all three of the world’s Abrahamic religions are represented in our sample, allowing us to investigate similarities and differences between these three religious groups. In addition to comparisons across religious groups, we are also interested in examining variances within the religious groups. Therefore we sampled across different branches of Islam, i.e. Sunni Muslims (Turkey, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Kenya, and Cyprus), Shia Muslims (Lebanon) and Alevites (Turkey, Cyprus); of Christianity, i.e. Catholic and Protestant Christians (Germany, and the USA), Greek Orthodox Christians (Cyprus, Lebanon), Maronite Catholics (Lebanon) and the generally more conservative Christianity of Sub-Saharan Africa (Kenya); and of Judaism, i.e. both Orthodox and Reformist branches (Israel and the USA). Our research design also allows us to investigate the role of immigration and integration experiences in religious radicalization. The study not only includes two Western immigration countries with strongly divergent immigrant integration policies (Germany and the United States), but also three countries with autochthonous Muslim and Christian populations (Kenya, Cyprus, and Lebanon). Furthermore, both in Germany and the United States, we oversample Christians of immigrant origin, thus extending the range of comparisons to a variety of immigrant and native groups and augmenting the possibility of isolating the role of immigration. Apart from the usual socio-economic and demographic control variables, the surveys included questions on religiosity, religious knowledge, fundamentalism, out-group hostility, intergroup contacts, discrimination, adherence to conspiracy theories, violence legitimation, and support for extremist groups. Moreover we employed a survey experiment to test the effect of religious scripture on religious violence legitimation. The broad range of variables and the experiment included in the surveys will enable rigorous hypotheses testing, which will help us uncover causal mechanisms behind religious fundamentalism and radicalization. In the second project Jihadi Radicalization in Europe Database, we aggregate profiles of Jihadist individuals from publicly available information. The main units of analysis of this database are people from four European countries (Germany, France, the Netherlands and the UK) who fit in any of the following characteristics: People (including their partners and children from the age of 15 who accompanying them), who have traveled to Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan or other conflict regions involving Muslims, acting out of their Islamist conviction (the so-called foreign fighters); people who have actively recruited others as foreign fighters or motivated others to join through propaganda activities; people who were involved in the aiding, planning or conducting of Islamist terrorist activity in Europe or were suspected thereof; people who supported, justified or glorified the use of violence in the name of Islam through propaganda activities; people who are members of jihadi-Salafist and Islamist organizations, which support the use of violence. The database will primarily consist of biographical and sociodemographic information on individuals, with the aim of identifying common characteristics. Using the sociodemographic data, we aim to investigate, what kind of people are more susceptible to radicalization, whereas we will use the biographic data to gain insights into contexts of radicalization. In addition to these characteristics, social contacts and networks of the individuals will also be registered, in order to analyze the social network structures. This information will be used to explore group-specific radicalization processes as well as to identify central influential figures within the networks. The relevant data will be gathered through an online and media research. A variety of sources of data will be used to collect relevant information such as newspaper articles, interviews, online-blogs, biographies, news databases such as LexisNexis®, and court proceedings, in order to gather as much data as possible on the individuals. The database can be understood as an aggregation of publicly available data on European Islamists."
Year 2015
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44419 Project

“Greece is like a door, you go through it to get to Europe”: Understanding Afghan migration to Europe

Authors Angeliki DIMITRIADI
The main issues highlighted in the report of IRMA research programme are the role of asylum as primary reason for migration, and the importance of capital as the main parameter of successful migration. The smuggler is the key actor underscoring all discussions, holding multiple roles; from facilitator of mobility, to source of information, or disruptor to the migratory project. The choice of destination and the limited information informants actually have, are discussed, as well as the role of Turkey as a hub for collection of information, but mostly of money to continue the journey. The border crossing for both entry and exit is discussed in relation to policies in Greece and particular border fencing and increased deterrence of entry. Finally, the text highlights the issue of detention, as the key policy in place at the time of writing that appears to have impacted heavily both the migratory route but also the decision of Afghans to leave Greece, either via transit (where possible) or via return to Afghanistan.
Year 2015
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44420 Report

Naturalization of Immigrants: Obstacles and Opportunities in German Municipalities

Principal investigator Ruth Katharina Ditlmann (Principal Investigator), Rafaela Dancygier (Principal Investigator)
"In this project we examine the obstacles and opportunities immigrants may face when seeking naturalization with an empirical focus on German municipalities. Naturalization can be a deeply personal moment for many migrants, fostering national identification and attachment. There is also evidence that naturalization improves integration outcomes in the political realm. Though non-citizens have access to many of the same rights as do citizens, citizenship continues to signify full membership in a political community. Yet, even though more and more immigrants in Europe are eligible for citizenship, they might not apply because the bureaucratic hurdles can appear daunting, and state authorities may seem inaccessible. Our project examines the barriers to – and facilitators of – citizenship in German municipalities. In addition to examining administrative and political hurdles, our project considers psychological factors such as how immigrants are perceived by citizens and how decisions that have consequences for immigrants seeking naturalization are made in the realm of local politics. Methodologically, we use a combination of experimental, survey and qualitative methods."
Year 2015
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44421 Project

LOMIGRAS: "Mainstreaming and Monitoring Immigrants Integration in Local Goverment in Greece"

Principal investigator Dia Anagnostou (PI)
The purpose of the project LOMIGRAS is two fold: (a) to investigate the local goverment's involment in the process of migrants' integration and the extent to which it promotes, or conversely hinders their integration, and (b) to develop a usable interactive tool to monitor and assess the effects of local goverment in promoting migrant integration. The starting assumption of this research is that local goverment institutions have a profound role in promoting, or conversely hindering, immigrants' integration, regardless of whether they explicity assigned competences in this area. The research program is implemented in 2015-2016, and it has a 12-month duration. It is funded by the "Diversity, inequalities and social inclusion" program of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 operated by the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of Greece.
Year 2015
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44423 Project

High-Skilled Immigration in a Globalized Labor Market

Year 2015
Book Title Handbook of the Economics of International Migration
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44425 Book Chapter

The many faces of expatriate identity

Authors Byron G. Adams, Fons van de Vijver, Fons J.R. van de Vijver
Year 2015
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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44426 Journal Article

Cultural Defense of Nations: A Liberal Theory of Majority Rights

'Immigration has become a hot-button issue that stands at the forefront of public debates. This project addresses a simple but important question: Is it legally and morally defensible for a liberal state to restrict migration in order to preserve cultural rights of a majority group? This question is one of the greatest challenges facing liberalism today. It is fiercely debated in the U.S. Congress, EU institutions, and international organizations. 'Cultural Defense' discusses the justifications and limits of cultural rights of majority groups from a liberal perspective. On the whole, it accepts that some cultural restrictions on migration can be legitimate, but only if culture is defined very narrowly. The project constructs a liberal theory of the right of a majority to preserve fundamental essentials of its culture—its Britishness, Frenchness, Germanness, etc.—without recourse to the draconian measures recently adopted in several states. In so doing, the project attempts to square the circle; it provides a new theory in which liberal states can welcome migrants without dramatically changing the cultural makeup of their society. The project contains five parts. The first characterizes contemporary patterns of global migration and shows that it presents a new challenge. The second finds that, as a result, liberal states have become obsessive with their national culture. Citizenship is undergoing a process of 'cultural convergence' under which liberal states define the essence of their citizenship, and thereby the rules of joining the community, in cultural terms. The third describes why this process embraces illiberal policies that violate the same values it seeks to protect. The fourth sets out a liberal theory of cultural defense, exploring its justifications and boundaries in human rights law and moral philosophy. The fifth part develops a workable metric—termed 'National Constitutionalism'—distinguishing legitimate cultural restrictions from illegitimate ones.'
Year 2015
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44427 Project

Unemployment among Mexican immigrant men in the United States, 2003–2012

Authors Jennifer Laird, Jennifer D. Laird
Year 2015
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 3
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44428 Journal Article

Spatialities of Work and Home in a Dual-Career Context of Highly Skilled Arab Women in Finland

Authors Driss Habti
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Finnish Studies
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44429 Journal Article

Book Review: International Migration, US Immigration Law and Civil Society: From the Pre-Colonial Era to the 113th Congress

Authors Breana George
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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44430 Journal Article

The International Migration Review at 50: Reflecting on Half a Century of International Migration Research and Looking Ahead

Authors Jennifer Lee, Jorgen Carling, Pia M. Orrenius, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 4
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44431 Journal Article

Economic Incorporation, Civil Inclusion, and Social Ties: Plans to Return Home among Central Asian Migrant Women in Moscow, Russia

Authors Victor Agadjanian, Cecilia Menjivar, Evgenia Gorina, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 8
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44432 Journal Article

Book Review: Diaspora Online: Identity Politics and Romanian Migrants

Authors Vanessa Bravo
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
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44433 Journal Article

Bringing in State Regulations, Private Brokers, and Local Employers: A Meso-Level Analysis of Labor Trafficking in Israel

Authors A Kemp, R Raijman, Adriana Kemp, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 10
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44434 Journal Article

Undocumented Migration to the United States and the Wages of Mexican Immigrants

Authors Douglas S. Massey, DS Massey, Kerstin Gentsch
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 26
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44435 Journal Article

Competing for Talent: Diffusion of An Innovation in New Zealand's Immigration Policy

Authors Richard Bedford, Paul Spoonley
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 12
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44436 Journal Article

The Decline of International Migration as an Economic Force in Rural Areas: A Mexican Case Study

Authors Richard C. Jones
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 4
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44437 Journal Article

The Double Disadvantage Reconsidered: Gender, Immigration, Marital Status, and Global Labor Force Participation in the 21st Century

Authors Katharine M. Donato, KM Donato, Bhumika Piya, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 12
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44438 Journal Article

Reconsidering Migration and Class

Authors Nicholas Van Hear
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 46
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44439 Journal Article

Transnationalism and Ethnic Identification among Adolescent Children of Immigrants in the Netherlands, Germany, England, and Sweden

Authors Paulien Schimmer, Frank van Tubergen
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 3
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44440 Journal Article

U.S. Immigration Policy at a Crossroads: Should the U.S. Continue Its Family-Friendly Policy?

Authors Harriet Duleep, Mark Regets
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 5
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44441 Journal Article

Change and Continuity in Australian International Migration Policy

Authors Graeme Hugo, G Hugo
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 16
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44442 Journal Article

Distance, Transnational Arrangements, and Return Decisions of Senegalese, Ghanaian, and Congolese Migrants

Authors A Gonzalez-Ferrer, Richard Black, B Schoumaker, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 8
44443 Journal Article

Pathways into Irregular Status among Senegalese Migrants in Europe

Authors Erik Vickstrom
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 13
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44444 Journal Article

“Those who come to do harm”: The Framings of Immigration Problems in Costa Rican Immigration Law

Authors Caitlin E. Fouratt
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 8
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44445 Journal Article

Everyday Restriction: Central American Women and the State in the Mexico-Guatemala Border City of Tapachula

Authors Lindsey Carte
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 6
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44446 Journal Article

“Big Fish in a Small Pond”: Chinese Migrant Shopkeepers in South Africa

Authors Edwin Lin
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 7
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44447 Journal Article

Ethnic Diversity and Its Impact on Community Social Cohesion and Neighborly Exchange

Authors Rebecca Wickes, Renee Zahnow, Gentry White, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Urban Affairs
Citations (WoS) 20
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44449 Journal Article

Migration and development research is moving far beyond remittances

Authors Michael CLEMENS, Çağlar ÖZDEN, Hillel RAPOPORT
Year 2014
Journal Name World Development
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44451 Journal Article

Measuring and comparing immigration, asylum and naturalization policies across countries : challenges and solutions

Authors Justin GEST, Anna BOUCHER, Suzanna CHALLEN, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Global policy, 2017, Vol. 8, No. S4, pp. 115-125
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44452 Journal Article

Institutionalization of migration policy frameworks in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia

Authors Shushanik MAKARYAN
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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44453 Journal Article

Emigration and democracy

Authors Frédéric DOCQUIER, Elisabetta LODIGIAN, Hillel RAPOPORT, ...
Year 2014
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44454 Working Paper

The effect of labor migration on the diffusion of democracy : evidence from a former Soviet Republic

Authors Toman Omar MAHMOUD, Hillel RAPOPORT, Andreas STEINMAYR, ...
Year 2014
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44455 Working Paper

Migration and development research is moving far beyond remittances

Authors Michael CLEMENS, Çağlar ÖZDEN, Hillel RAPOPORT
Year 2014
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44457 Working Paper

In Exile and in Touch

Authors Linda Bakker, Godfried Engbersen, Jaco Dagevos
Year 2014
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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44459 Journal Article

Beyond National Models?

Authors Oliver Schmidtke
Year 2014
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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44460 Journal Article

Transnational Behavior in Comparative Perspective

Authors Ernesto Castañeda, Maria Cristina Morales, Olga Ochoa
Year 2014
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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44461 Journal Article

When Extremes Converge

Authors Holger Kolb
Year 2014
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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44462 Journal Article

Traditions of Nationhood or Political Conjuncture?

Authors Elke Winter
Year 2014
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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44463 Journal Article

Money for Nothing, the Cricks for Free

Authors Jan Claudius Völkel
Year 2014
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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44464 Journal Article

Government Responses to Foreign Worker Demand During Economic Crises

Authors Camilla Devitt
Year 2014
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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44465 Journal Article

A Crucial Testing Ground

Authors Ester Salis
Year 2014
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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44466 Journal Article

Mrs. Vanderbilt's Puffert

Authors Karin Vaneker
Year 2014
Journal Name Food, Culture & Society
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44475 Journal Article

Does Italy represent an opportunity for temporary migrants from the eastern partnership countries?

Authors Sabrina MARCHETTI, Daniela PIAZZALUNGA, Alessandra VENTURINI
Year 2014
Journal Name [Global Governance Programme], [Cultural Pluralism]
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44476 Journal Article

Religion and the public order of the European Union

Authors Ronan MCCREA
Year 2014
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44477 Book

Anglophone marriage-migrants in Southern Europe : a study of expat nationalism and integration dynamics

Year 2014
Journal Name International Review of Sociology
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44478 Journal Article

A reappraisal of the EU's expanding readmission system

Authors Jean-Pierre CASSARINO
Year 2014
Journal Name The International Spectator, 2014, Vol. 49, No 4, pp. 130-145
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44479 Journal Article


Authors W. Carson Byrd, Rachelle J. Brunn-Bevel, Parker R. Sexton
Year 2014
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
Citations (WoS) 2
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44480 Journal Article

Teenage labor migration and antitrafficking policy in West Africa

Authors Neil P. HOWARD
Year 2014
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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44481 Journal Article

Protecting Forced Migrants: A State of the Art Report of Concepts, Challenges and Ways Forward

This study, commissioned by the Swiss Federal Commission on Migration, investigates how the complex and multi-causal nature of forced displacement in the contemporary world has contributed to an increasing range of protection gaps and to the diminution of protection space for refugees, and especially the increasing number of people who fall outside the recognised refugee and asylum apparatus. The study explores the current and future challenges to the provision of protection, and makes recommendations on how these challenges might be met and how protection can be enhanced. The study report is available from the Commission in both English and French.
Year 2014
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44482 Report

Legality and exploitation: Immigration enforcement and the US migrant labor system

Authors Marcel Paret
Year 2014
Journal Name Latino Studies
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44483 Journal Article

Of fabric and fabrication: Lila Downs’ refashioning of transnational music

Authors Gema Guevara
Year 2014
Journal Name Latino Studies
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44485 Journal Article

Steel barrio: The great migration to South Chicago, 1915–1940 by Michael Innis-Jiménez

Authors Sergio Lemus
Year 2014
Journal Name Latino Studies
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44486 Journal Article

Social-ethnic school composition and disengagement: An inquiry into the perceived control explanation

Authors Jannick Demanet, Mieke Van Houtte
Year 2014
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44487 Journal Article

'Love ye therefore the strangers': immigration and the criminal law in early modern England

Authors Matthew Lockwood
Year 2014
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44488 Journal Article

Nutritional strategies of Latino farmworker families with preschool children: Identifying leverage points for obesity prevention

Authors Sara A. Quandt, Joseph G. Grzywacz, Thomas A. Arcury, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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44489 Journal Article

Double Return Migration: Failed Returns to Poland Leading to Settlement Abroad and New Transnational Strategies

Authors Anne White
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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44490 Journal Article

Racism and Ethnic Relations in the Portuguese-Speaking World.

Authors Timothy J. Coates
Year 2014
44491 Journal Article

Changes in health selection of obesity among Mexican immigrants: A binational examination

Authors Annie Ro, Nancy L. Fleischer
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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44492 Journal Article

Towards developing a bilingual treatment summary and survivorship care plan responsive to Spanish language preferred breast cancer survivors

Authors Kimlin Ashing, Mayra Serrano, Jeffery Weitzel, ...
Year 2014
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44493 Journal Article

Livelihood Diversification through Migration among a Pastoral People: Contrasting Case Studies of Maasai in Northern Tanzania

Authors J. Terrence McCabe, Paul W. Leslie, Nicole M. Smith, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Human Organization
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44494 Journal Article

Empire and Social Science: Shinmei Masamichi and the East Asian Community in Interwar Japan

Authors Seok-Won Lee
Year 2014
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44495 Journal Article

Culture, community, consciousness: The Caribbean sporting diaspora

Authors Janelle Joseph
Year 2014
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44496 Journal Article

What does policy have to do with it? The political economy of Latino sex trafficking in the United States

Authors Lauren Copley
Year 2014
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44497 Journal Article

Book Review: Paul Tabar, Greg Noble and Scott Poynting, On Being Lebanese in Australia – Identity, Racism and the Ethnic Field

Authors Georgina Tsolidis
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Sociology
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44498 Journal Article

Return Migration and Transnationalism: How Are the Two Connected?

Authors Jorgen Carling, Marta Bivand Erdal, Jørgen Carling
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
44499 Journal Article

Urban refugees in a graduated sovereignty: the experiences of the stateless Rohingya in the Klang Valley

Authors Avyanthi Azis
Year 2014
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 14
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
44500 Journal Article
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