
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Pilot study: Integration processes of recently arrived immigrants

Pilotstudie – Integrationsverläufe von NeuzuwanderInnen (LEGINT)
Year 2014
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44901 Project

Das „Mantra der Mischung“: Die Problematisierung von ethnischer Segregation in Deutschland und den Niederlanden

Authors Sybille Münch
Year 2014
Book Title Spatial consequences of international migration
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44902 Book Chapter

The eu Seasonal Workers Directive: When Immigration Controls Meet Labour Rights

Authors Judy Fudge, Petra Herzfeld Olsson
Year 2014
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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44903 Journal Article

Return Migration Intentions in the Integration–Transnationalism Matrix

Authors Jørgen Carling, Jorgen Carling, Silje Vatne Pettersen
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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44904 Journal Article

Binational Social Networks and Assimilation

Authors T Mouw, Heather B. Edelblute, Sergio Chavez, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Problems
Citations (WoS) 19
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44905 Journal Article

Transnational Protest: Social Movements and Political Mobilisation Across Ireland and the Irish Diaspora, 1879-1903

At the core of this research project lies an investigation of social and political protest in the complex transnational space across Ireland and the Irish diaspora. Irish people who emigrated are frequently considered by historians as a separate field of inquiry, set apart from Irish history. I propose to comparatively analyze how Irish people at home, in Britain and the United States engaged with widespread agrarian protest in Ireland during the period 1879-1903. The Irish Land League and subsequent agrarian movements were genuinely transnational phenomena in that they connected Ireland with the diaspora worldwide. My study investigates the sources, nature and chronology of support for these movements. Through combining membership and subscriber lists with new digitised genealogical databases and shipping records, I will create a social profile, which will enable the sustained comparison across national boundaries of key themes and questions, such as mechanisms of political mobilisation; class; the relational landscape between diasporas and the home country; the role of women; social mobility. Through moving beyond the island of Ireland as the ‘container space’ of analysis, this project integrates the history of modern Ireland with that of its diaspora, and develops methodological and theoretical models that will contribute to furthering transnational and global agendas beyond the field of Irish history. In doing so I will make a substantial contribution to the historiographies of Ireland and the receiver countries, Britain and the United States and research in the European Research Area.
Year 2014
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44906 Project

Citoyenneté et rituels funéraires des immigrants. Le cas de migrants congolais au Canada

Authors Mambo Tabu Masinda
Year 2014
Journal Name Revue européenne des migrations internationales
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44907 Journal Article

The afterlives and memory politics of the Ipoh Cenotaph in Perak, Malaysia

Authors Hamzah Muzaini, H Muzaini
Year 2014
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 3
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44908 Journal Article

Mapping the individual-level dynamics of perceived discrimination and attitudes toward multiculturalism and cultural maintenance: A pre-post study of migration

Authors Tuuli A. Mahonen, Jasinskaja-Lahti, Mikko Ketokivi, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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44909 Journal Article

UNHCR Refugees Operational Data Portal

Portal providing refugee situations over 69 countries. Currently there are 15 active situation views, from which 3 "featured". Featured situations: - Syria Regional Refugee Response - Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean - Mozambique situation
Year 2014
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44910 Data Set

Multicultural attitudes mediate the relation between personality and perceived ethnic outgroup distance in the Netherlands

Authors Snezana Stupar, Fons van de Vijver, J. R. J. Fontaine, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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44911 Journal Article

Menschenhandel im Lichte institutioneller Praktiken. Ein deutsch-französischer Vergleich

Principal investigator Rebecca Pates (Principal Investigator ), Mathilde Darley (Principal Investigator )
Das vorliegende Forschungsvorhaben befasst sich mit Interaktionen zwischen migrantischen Prostituierten und den sich mit ihrer Kontrolle oder Betreuung befassten Institutionen. Das Forschungsvorhaben betrachtet diese in Hinblick auf die institutionellen Klassifikationsmechanismen, die hinsichtlich der Prostituierten zur Anwendung kommen. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Frage, welche Rolle innerhalb dieser Interaktions- und Klassifikationspraktiken die Kategorie Opfer von Menschenhandel spielt. In Abgrenzung zu einem sich zuweilen in äußerst kontroversen nationalen Debatten über eine angemessene Regulierung des Sexgewerbes verfangenen Forschungskontext, untersucht dieses Projekt zwei Regime der Prostitutionsregulierung (eines reglementaristischen in Deutschland und eines abolitionistischen in Frankreich). Es soll sich der Frage widmen, inwieweit die lokalen Verwaltungspraktiken durch den gesetzlichen Rahmen bestimmt werden (oder auch nicht, insofern sich Law in the books von Law in practice unterscheiden).
Year 2014
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44913 Project

Migration Policy Index

The authors created an overall index of migration policies, taking into account 38 countries in the period 1996-2014. They constructed an indicator of the restrictiveness of immigration entry policy across countries as well as a more comprehensive indicator of migration policy that also accounts for staying requirements and regulations to foster integration. Specifically, they estimate a Bayesian-state space model to combine all publicly available data sources that are informative on migration policy. Therefore, starting from some of the previously-created indexes, and from a database of over 250 indicators of migration policy, they created three sub-indexes that correspond to three categories traditionally distinguished in migration policy: (1) entry policies (including family reunification); (2) stay policies (permanent as opposed to temporary migration); and (3) integration policies (including migrant rights). They constructed three different migration policy indexes, MPIE; MPIS and MPII, of respectively entry, stay, and integration policies, that asses the restrictiveness of each of these sub-fields of migration policy, as well as a comprehensive indicator MPIC reflecting the overall stance of migration policy.
Year 2014
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44914 Data Set

Strategies of Development of Polish Immigrant Entrepreneurs in the USA

Authors Beata Glinka
Year 2014
Book Title International Business from the Central European Perspective
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44915 Book Chapter

Betreuungs- und Pflegebedarf älterer MigrantInnen: Bedarfsabschätzung und Herausforderungen (BEMIG)

The percentage of people aged over 65 years and born outside Austria was 14% in 2012 and the number is growing. The aging of the migrant population is raising issues in regard of health and subsequently health care of elderly migrants as well as the demand for care services that comes along. BEMIG is aimed to improve the knowledge on the need for care and support for elderly migrants, their use of support services provided outside the family and the challenges laid down for service providers by a socioculturally diverse society. Research objectives: Based on a quantitative analysis of existing demographic data the demand for care and support for the next 5 – 10 years is estimated by taking into account temporary and permanent return and other forms of transnational conducts of life. Furthermore, expert interviews and group discussions with migrants confronted with care needs for elderly in their families will allow an assessment of existing care services and barriers to their accessibility and usage. Other research objectives are: - qualitative analysis of the relation between care by family members and their participation in education and the labour market - qualitative analysis of the entitlements of elderly migrants for care provided outside the family - assessment of recent and future role of religious and ethnical oriented providers in elderly care and support - investigations on adaptations of care providing facilities in the context of lingual, cultural and religious needs of elderly migrants. The outcome of this project shall serve as a base for target-oriented integration strategies and actions addressing elderly migrants and overall, give guidance for an integration-policy oriented development in the field of care and support for elderly people in Austria. Outcomes: - report on research outcomes - report with policy recommendations - conference
Year 2014
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44917 Project

Mapping undocumented lives: Cross-border mobilities, urban spatialities and the paperless migrants in the EU / Rajanylityksiä, diasporan tiloja: paperittomien siirtolaisten EU (241 777 €)

Principal investigator Inka Kaakinen ()
Project description: It is estimated that there are currently some 3.8 million paperless migrants living in the EU-member countries. Whereas the question of their (lack of) social rights has been brought up in several studies, very little is known about the ways they get by in cities and spaces without the due documents that would entitle them to those rights. In this study I aim to fill this gap and focus, therefore, on the embodied, material mobilities and moorings of the paperless migrants, the mobilisation of transnational networks and the politics and spatial practices in diaspora. The research maps the geographies of the “undocumented everyday” and gives the paperless a voice through a qualitative approach. It aims to trace some of the creative interfaces between work on urban public space, mobilities, transnational migrations and the intricate idea of development. The key concepts are inclusion, legality, visibility, mobility, power structures and, finally, people’s right to be (in public). / Hankkeen Julkinen kuvaus: EU:n alueella elää arviolta 3,8 miljoonaa paperitonta siirtolaista, joiden sosiaaliset oikeudet ovat viime aikoina nousseet tutkimuskysymyksiksi, mutta joiden arjen maantieteestä tiedetään edelleen hyvin vähän. Kuinka he selviävät kaupunkitiloissa, joissa heitä ei virallisesti ole olemassa ja joissa heidän ei tulisi näkyä? Tutkimus kartoittaa paperittomien arkea eri osissa EU:ta ja tuo esille, 1) kuinka kansalliset maahanmuutto- ja siirtolaispolitiikat muokkaavat paperittomien tilallisia käytäntöjä paikallisesti ja 2) mitä nämä diasporan tilat puolestaan kertovat parhaista käytännöistä EU:ssa. Tutkimusote on korostetun tilallinen, mutta liikkuu kaupunkimaantieteen lisäksi muuttoliike- ja kehitystutkimuksen rajapinnassa. Tutkimuksen avainkäsitteitä ovat näkyvyys, liikkuvuus, liikkuvat metodit, vallan rekisterit, kehitys sekä oikeus kaupunkitiloihin.
Year 2014
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44918 Project

How can migrants’ skills be put to use?

Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Year 2014
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44919 Policy Brief

Patterns of Drug Use among (ethnic and cultural) Minorities

Principal investigator Tom Delcorte (Coordinartor), Dirk Jacobs (Partner), Ilse Derluyn (Partner), Wouter Vanderplasschen (Partner)
Even though attitudes and practices of ethnic minority groups in Belgium have been extensively studied in the last decade, little is known about the prevalence and nature of their substance use (alcohol and illicit drugs). It therefore remains an under-researched topic, especially in Europe (Bashford et al., 2004). One of the main reasons lies in conceptual and methodological issues that complicate research on ethnicity. These issues, combined with the multidimensional nature of drug use, fear of accusations of racism and discrimination, and a general lack of minority ethnic health and social care workers and researchers, have created an environment where the theme of ethnicity, drug use and related service provision has been neglected. A necessary first step towards a holistic approach for these specific populations is to establish accurate information on the extent of drug use and its possible determinants. This project re-unites a multidisciplinary network (sociology, criminology, special education and social work) that has previously performed the Belspo-funded study on ‘Treatment trajectories of drug users from ethnic minorities’ (ZEMIV-project 2006-2007; Derluyn et al., 2008) - aims to help fill this gap. The general objectives of this research are: • to contribute to a better understanding of the prevalence and nature of drug use among ethnic and cultural minorities (ECM) in Belgium; • to unveil the determining factors behind substance use (illicit drugs and alcohol); • to increase ECM capacity in raising awareness about drug issues within the participants’ own communities; • and to assess the needs of ECM and articulate them with the actors responsible for planning services.
Year 2014
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44920 Project

The Fiscal and Economic Impact of Migration

Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Year 2014
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44921 Policy Brief

Migration and Turkey: Changing Human Geography

Authors Deniz Şenol Sert, Deniz Karcı Korfalı
Year 2014
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44923 Book

Ethnicity, Labour and Mobility in the Contemporary Borderland. A Case Study of a Transcarpathian Township

Year 2014
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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44924 Journal Article

Who's Best Interests ? Exploring Unaccompanied Minor's Rights Through the Lens of Migration and Asylum Procedures

Principal investigator Mateja Sedmak (Principal Investigator), Daniel Senovilla Hernández (Investigator)
The project “In whose best interest? Exploring Unaccompanied Minors’ Rights Through the Lens of Migration and Asylum Procedures (MinAs)” is a research project carried out in four European countries (Slovenia, Austria, France and United Kingdom) in the period from June 2014 to December 2015. European Commission finances the project and its main aim is to identify and recommend better procedures and protection measures for unaccompanied minors (UAM). The project examines UAMs’ reception, protection, asylum and return procedures and focuses on: 1. The concept of best interests of the child (BIC). 2. The formal processes of best interests determination (BID). The project looks at both concepts in the actual legal framework for UAM in reception, protection, asylum and return procedures in the four EU countries. Many European countries have not yet introduced best interests determination procedures into their national legislation for UAM. In these cases, lack of appropriate safeguards for UAM are most likely to be identified, leaving the possibility of (too) flexible interpretation of the child’s best interests, which in some cases may be subjected to nationalist, xenophobic and racist discourse. In order to contribute to fulfilling the national obligations set out by international law, as well as following the aims of the European Commission, the project analyses the practical, philosophical and phenomenological dimensions of the best interests of the child, which will enable a deeper understanding of the best interests of children as well providing a solid basis for proper implementation of the principle in practice.
Year 2014
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44925 Project

Polityka migracyjna Federacji Rosyjskiej w kontekście polityki zagranicznej i sytuacji demograficznej

Year 2014
Journal Name Rocznik Instytutu Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej
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44926 Journal Article

Concordance entre origine ethnique déclarée et origines ancestrales chez les Gaspésiens

Authors Hélène Vézina, Helene Vezina, Damian Labuda, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Population
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44927 Journal Article

Migration and imperfect labor markets: Theory and cross-country evidence from Denmark, Germany and the UK

Authors Herbert Bruecker, R Upward, Elke J. Jahn, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name European Economic Review
Citations (WoS) 12
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44928 Journal Article

The social and spatial implications of community action to enclose space: Guarded neighbourhoods in Selangor, Malaysia

Authors Peter Aning Tedong, Jill L. Grant, Wan Nor Azriyati Wan Abd Aziz
Year 2014
Journal Name Cities
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44929 Journal Article

Performing Homeland Security within the US Immigrant Detention System

Authors Nancy Hiemstra
Year 2014
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Citations (WoS) 15
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44930 Journal Article

Ethnic segregation in Germany

Authors Albrecht Glitz
Year 2014
Journal Name Labour Economics
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44931 Journal Article

The Diasporic Pursuit of Home and Identity: Dynamic Punjabi Transnationalism

Authors Steve Taylor
Year 2014
Journal Name The Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 3
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44932 Journal Article

Le rapport à l’école des familles déclarant une origine immigrée : enquête dans quatre lycées de la banlieue populaire

Authors Mathieu Ichou, Marco Oberti
Year 2014
Journal Name Population
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44933 Journal Article

Współczesna emigracja polska w Stanach Zjednoczonych: liczebność, rozmieszczenie przestrzenne, przyczyny wyjazdów

Year 2014
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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44934 Journal Article

Efekty migracji w odniesieniu do rynku pracy - przypadek polskich migracji poakcesyjnych

Year 2014
Journal Name Studia Biura Analiz Sejmowych
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44935 Journal Article

Rola cudzoziemców na rynku pracy w Polsce

Year 2014
Journal Name Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
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44936 Journal Article

Między polityką integracyjną a polityką polonijną. Polscy nowi emigranci w Niemczech w dobie transnacjonalizacji

Principal investigator Dagmara Jajesniak-Quast (Project manager)
Year 2014
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44937 Project

The Social Life of State Deportation Regimes: A Comparative Study of the Implementation Interface

The deportation of irregular migrants is a burning issue in public debates all around the world. Most states invest heavily in effective deportation regimes, but when it comes to implementation, deportation regimes are notorious for not achieving their declared goals. Everywhere, marked discrepancies persist between deportation policies and actual practices of deportation. This project compares the implementation of deportation regimes in four different states – Israel, Greece, Spain and Ecuador – in order to provide a closely researched assessment of implementation practices. It interrogates a core assumption in much of the scholarly literature on the “deportation turn”, namely, that there is a global convergence of state deportation regimes. The project adds a crucial – yet, so far underexplored – perspective on irregular migration: the interface of street-level state agents and civil-society actors in shaping practices of deportation. Existing studies look either at the “top level” of the state (policies, laws, procedures, etc.), or at the “underground level” of its “victims” (irregular migrants’ survival strategies, trafficking networks, etc.). This project privileges the “meso level” of the deportation regime, bringing to light the agency of those who exercise discretion in interpreting laws and policies at the “implementation interface”. It makes an original contribution to the anthropology of the state, by demonstrating that the territorial sovereignty of states is constantly renegotiated at this level. The project will produce knowledge on the dilemmas, tactics and occasional alliances of those who carry out and those who obstruct deportation regimes. It will provide new insights into actors’ motivations and worldviews, and explore the dynamics of both “implementation deficits” and “implementation surpluses”. The fine-grained comparative methodology is aimed at producing findings that will be of theoretical significance and of vital importance for policymakers, street-level agents and civil-society actors in dealing with the realities of irregular migration in the 21st century.
Year 2014
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44938 Project

Ethnic diversity, trust, and the mediating role of positive and negative interethnic contact: A priming experiment

Authors Ruud Koopmans, R Koopmans, Susanne Veit
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 24
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44939 Journal Article

Das Erwachsenwerden türkischer Migrantennachkommen. Eine Mixed-Methods-Studie auf Basis des SOEP

Principal investigator Ingrid Tucci (Principal Investigator), Olaf Groh-Samberg (Principal Investigator)
Das von der DFG geförderte Projekt knüpft an die Forschungsarbeit an, die im Rahmen des deutsch-französischen ANR-DFG-Projekts „Berufliche Strategien und Statuspassagen von jungen Erwachsenen mit Migrationshintergrund im deutsch-französischen Vergleich“ (in Kooperation mit dem Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin) durchgeführt wurde. Das Projekt wird von Dr. Ingrid Tucci und Prof. Dr. Olaf Groh-Samberg geleitet. Ziel ist eine Analyse der Verlaufsmuster junger Menschen mit türkischem Hintergrund, die auf der Kombination von quantitativen und qualitativen Daten im Sinne einer methodologischen und Daten-Triangulation beruht. Hierfür werden qualitative Leitfadeninterviews mit 30 ausgewählten langjährigen Befragten des Sozio-ökonomischen Panels (SOEP) durchgeführt und ausgewertet. Konkret werden Forschungsfragen verfolgt, die sich auf die wechselseitige Validierung quantitativer und qualitativer Befunde, die vertiefende inhaltliche Analyse von Bedingungen und Deutungen sozialer Aufstiege und kultureller Integration und die methodologische Auswertung beziehen. Auch soll eingehender untersucht werden, inwiefern sich biografische Wendepunkte auch in prospektiv erhobenen quantitativen Paneldaten identifizieren lassen. Wendepunkte definieren sich über die Veränderung von Handlungsorientierungen und -strategien, die mit spezifischen Statuspassagen einhergehen oder als Reaktion auf wichtige Ereignisse im Leben auftreten. Eine wichtige Frage betrifft hier auch die Chancen auf (im Lebenslauf) „späte“ soziale Aufstiege nach einer prekären Lebensphase.
Year 2014
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44940 Project

Ageing Migrants' Well-being: The Structuring of Local Welfare Provisions at the Intersection of Public, Private, Third Sector and the Family

The project’s scope is to advance the state-of-the-art research in the area of ageing migrants, local welfare regimes and care provisions. The project focuses on three dimensions: 1) local welfare policies with a focus on care for ageing migrants; 2) the role of the family as an informal care provider and 3) the care by ageing migrants. The results would serve to expand the knowledge base of local welfare policies capable to contribute to the well being of ageing migrants. Lately there has been increasing awareness that some migrants are reaching the retirement age at the destination and some people choose to migrate after retirement. Like in many other European countries, in Switzerland, occurs a rapid ageing of the migrant population. From the heterogeneous group of ageing migrants, two sub-groups will be chosen – labour migrants from after WWII and the refugees – which exist in many European countries. Particular attention will be given categories at risk: separated women and the ‘older old’. To address these interdisciplinary issues, the project will employ mixed-methods, combining qualitative and quantitative methods. There will be done a quantitative analysis of the ageing migrants population in Switzerland, there will be conducted interviews with ageing migrants and with local stakeholders in the welfare provisions in three selected regions, and there will be done a policy and institutional analysis of local policies with respect to care. The project conducts several comparisons – between ageing migrant groups and between regions – in order to underline differences and similarities, and explore the causalities leading to these outcomes. The expected results would be to 1) develop conceptual framework for analysing the evolving notion of welfare by focusing on the dynamics between public, private and third sector; 2) underline the contribution of ageing migrants in society and 3) explore the limitations of the family in welfare provisions.
Year 2014
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44941 Project

Migración de retorno y re-emigración: nuevas dinámicas migratorias de marroquíes y bolivianos y los retos para la gestión de la movilidad

Principal investigator Sonia Parella (Principal Investigator)
"La investigación analiza las tendencias relativas a las estrategias y experiencias de movilidad de la población migrante residente en España, con el fin de proporcionar elementos de diagnóstico que permitan ajustar las decisiones políticas a las nuevas realidades. Por un lado, el proyecto se aproxima a la migración de retorno “desde arriba”, analizando la acción de los Estados y de las entidades sociales que diseñan y ejecutan iniciativas en esta materia. Así, se pretenden identificar aquellas herramientas que pueden favorecer un retorno sostenible, respetuoso con los derechos humanos, desde planteamientos transnacionales y coordinados que incorporen las distintas necesidades de las personas migrantes. La investigación incorpora un segundo nivel de análisis, aproximándose desde un enfoque transnacional y multidimensional a las experiencias de retorno de dos colectivos de migrantes: el marroquí y el boliviano. Mediante la combinación de distintas herramientas metodológicas, se analizan las estrategias y experiencias de movilidad internacional de ambos colectivos, que presentan contextos pre-migratorios, trayectorias migratorias y de asentamiento en España diferenciadas. El diseño de la investigación se basa en una estrategia mixta, de generación de datos cuantitativos y cualitativos que cubren distintos niveles de análisis. Una primera parte incluye la realización de una encuesta de retorno y movilidad, que pretende consolidar un instrumento de medida que permita posteriores análisis comparativos a nivel internacional y que se basa en los avances metodológicos del proyecto RETTRANS (CSO2010-15924), liderado por el GEDIME. La segunda parte, de corte cualitativo, se basa en un diseño multilocal, que incorpora trabajo de campo en los países de origen y destino (y la reconstrucción de trayectorias a terceros países por medio de entrevistas en profundidad)."
Year 2014
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44943 Project

Constructing Borders within Diaspora. „Born Refugees”, Newcomers and Bargaining Tibetan Identity

Year 2014
Book Title Middle Grounds, Ambiguous Frontiers and Intercultural Spaces
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44944 Book Chapter

Child-centred narratives of Polish mothers: cross-generational identity constructions abroad

Year 2014
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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44946 Journal Article

Migrants at Work: Immigration and Vulnerability in Labour Law

Authors Cathryn Costello, Mark Freedland
Year 2014
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44949 Book

Introduction: refugee and forced migration studies in transition

Year 2014
Book Title The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies
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44950 Book Chapter

The Impact of Labor Market Dynamics on the Return Migration of Immigrants

Authors Govert E. Bijwaard, C Schluter, Jackline Wahba, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Review of Economics and Statistics
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44951 Journal Article

Japan's Immigration Intimations and Their Neglected Language Policy Requisites

Authors Julian Chapple
Year 2014
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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44953 Journal Article

Cultural brokers: How immigrant youth in multicultural societies navigate and negotiate their pathways to college identities

Authors Catherine R. Cooper
Year 2014
Journal Name Learning, Culture and Social Interaction
Citations (WoS) 8
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44954 Journal Article

Social markers of acculturation: A new research framework on intercultural adaptation

Authors Chan-Hoong Leong, CH Leong
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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44955 Journal Article

Ethnic Stratification amid China’s Economic Transition: Evidence from the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

Authors Xiaogang Wu, Xi Song
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 27
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44957 Journal Article

Adolescent acculturation experiences: A meta-ethnography of qualitative research

Authors Lisa Ann Kennedy, Padraig MacNeela, Pádraig MacNeela
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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44958 Journal Article

Expressions of political practice: Collective angst moderates politicized collective identity to predict support for political protest (peaceful or violent) among diaspora group members

Authors Michael J. A. Wohl, DM Taylor, Michael King, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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44959 Journal Article

Who succeeds as an immigrant? Effects of ethnic community resources and external conditions on earnings attainment

Authors Asaf Levanon
Year 2014
Journal Name Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
Citations (WoS) 4
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44960 Journal Article

The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies

Authors Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Gil Loescher, Katy Long, ...
Year 2014
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44961 Book

Immigrants and host nationals at work: Associations of co-worker relations with employee well-being

Authors Barbara Bergbom, Ulla Kinnunen
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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44962 Journal Article

What causes prejudice? How may we solve it? Lay beliefs and their relations with classical and modern prejudice and social dominance orientation

Authors Anna Miglietta, VM Esses, Silvia Gattino, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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44963 Journal Article

Becoming a Minority: Ethno-Manufacturing in the Netherlands,

Authors Paul Mutsaers, Hans Siebers, Arie de Ruijter
Year 2014
Book Title Becoming Minority: How Discourses and Policies Produce Minorities in Europe and India
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44964 Book Chapter

Migracje we współczesnym świecie – perspektywa długookresowa

Year 2014
Book Title Cross-border in a sociological perspective. Borderlands and centers of modern Europe
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44965 Book Chapter

The In-between Generation. Immigrants and the Problem of a Dual Sense of Belonging

Authors Karolina Bielenin-Lenczowska
Year 2014
Journal Name Colloquia Humanistica
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44967 Journal Article

Strategies and Structures. A multi-disciplinary study of the preconditions for entrepreneurship among immigrants in Sweden.

Principal investigator Martin Klinthäll (REMESO Project Leader), Susanne Urban (Participants from REMESO), Zoran Slavnic (Participants from REMESO), Craig Mitchell (Participants not from REMESO), Tobias Schölin (Participants not from REMESO)
The project analyses how changes in policies and regulations affect conditions and opportunities for small business development in different industries over time, and how self-employed persons act in response to changes in opportunity structures. We study strategies of growth and survival within specific industries and markets, but also transitions of self-employment across industries and types of markets. The project will contribute new knowledge through a systematic and coherent longitudinal and spatial investigation of the dynamics of self-employment among immigrants in Sweden. The project systematically applies and develops instruments from recent international research on ethnic minority businesses (EMB). Theory in the field is developed through the integration of entrepreneurship theory and new theoretical contributions from EMB research. Theoretical perspectives on strategies and self-employed as actors is combined with theory on opportunity structures (the framework of ?mixed embeddedness?). Methodologically, the approach implies coordinated analyses of different dimensions on different levels, using a combination of policy studies, case studies and quantitative analyses.
Year 2014
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44968 Project

Diaspora Knowledge Transfer as a Development Strategy for Capturing the Gains of Skilled Migration

Authors Sheila Siar
Year 2014
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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44969 Journal Article

Children as Brokers of Their Immigrant Families’ Health-Care Connections

Authors Vikki Katz
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Problems
Citations (WoS) 17
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44970 Journal Article

Parent–teacher conferences in Dutch culturally diverse schools: Participation and conflict in institutional context

Authors Ed Elbers, Mariette de Haan, Mariëtte de Haan
Year 2014
Journal Name Learning, Culture and Social Interaction
Citations (WoS) 5
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44971 Journal Article

How initial cross-group friendships prepare for intercultural communication: The importance of anxiety reduction and self-confidence in communication

Authors A Florack, Anette Rohmann, Johanna Palcu, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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44972 Journal Article

“Even If the Only Thing for Me to Do Here Was to Milk Cows”: Portuguese Emigrant Descendant Returnees from Canada Narrate Pre-return Desires and Motivations

Authors João Sardinha
Year 2014
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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44973 Journal Article

Undocumented migration and the residential segregation of Mexicans in new destinations

Authors Matthew Hall, Jonathan Stringfield
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 29
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44975 Journal Article

Diaspora of Diaspora: Adyge-Abkhaz Returnees in the Ancestral Homeland

Authors Jade Cemre Erciyes
Year 2014
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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44976 Journal Article

New Horizons in Lifestyle Migration Research: Theorising Movement, Settlement and the Search for a Better Way of Life

Authors Nick Osbaldiston, Michaela Benson
Year 2014
Book Title Understanding Lifestyle Migration
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44977 Book Chapter

Einwanderung, Arbeitsangebot und Fertilitätsentscheidungen von einheimischen Frauen

Principal investigator Concetta Mendolicchio (Principal Investigator)
Einwanderer treten im Gastland häufig als Anbieter von haushaltsbezogenen Dienstleistungen auf, zum Beispiel im Bereich der Haushaltsführung, Kinderbetreuung und Pflege von älteren Haushaltsangehörigen, und können damit potenziell zur Erhöhung des Arbeitsangebots und der Fertilität von einheimischen Frauen beitragen. Das Projekt untersucht anhand von regional desaggregierten Daten für die Jahre 1996-2012, inwieweit das für Deutschland zutrifft. Datengrundlage ist zum einen das Sozio-ökonomische Panel (SOEP), und zum anderen INKAR (Indikatoren und Karten zur Raumentwicklung). Die Analyse wird regional und nach Qualifikationsniveau differenziert durchgeführt. Projektziel Beantwortung der folgenden Fragen: Entlasten Immigranten einheimische Frauen in Deutschland bei haushaltsbezogenen Dienstleistungen? Trägt dies zur Erhöhung von deren Arbeitsangebot und Fertilität bei? Unterscheiden sich die Effekte je nach Region und Qualifikationsniveau?
Year 2014
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44978 Project

Dynamische Effekte von Immigration auf Löhne, Beschäftigung, Technologie und Innovation

Principal investigator Christian Dustmann (Principal Investigator), Tommaso Frattini (Cooperation Partner), Ian P. Preston (Cooperation Partner), Albrecht Glitz (Cooperation Partner)
Durch Immigration induzierte Arbeitsangebotsschocks betreffen alle Akteure einer Volkswirtschaft. Anpassungen finden dabei im Wesentlichen über drei Kanäle statt: Löhne und Beschäftigung, Technology, und Produktion. Die bisherige Literatur konzentriert sich - im Rahmen statischer Modelle - auf die Analyse des ersten Kanals. Nur wenige Studien untersuchen Produktanpassungen, Veränderungen der relativen Produktionsanteile, Innovation oder Adaption neuer Technologien als Anpassungsmechanismus. Aufgrund des Fehlens geeigneter Daten sind bisherige Studien zum Anpassungsverhalten von Unternehmen hauptsächlich auf Industrieebene durchgeführt worden. Zudem existieren kaum Studien, die Maße zur direkten Erfassung von Technologien verwenden oder alternative Anpassungsmechanismen wie Gewinne oder den Produktmix untersuchen. In der ersten Projektphase lag der Fokus auf der Analyse der Lohn- und Beschäftigungsreaktion von Einheimischen auf Immigration, auf durch Rückwanderung induzierte Veränderungen in der Komposition der Immigranten, sowie auf den Produktivitätseffekten der Nachfrage nach spezifischen Fähigkeiten der Immigranten und auf ihren Beitrag zum Gastland. Die Forschungsergebnisse haben die bestehende Literatur in vielerlei Hinsicht erweitert. Beispielsweise wurde die Robustheit häufig verwendeter Schätzmethoden analysiert, innovative Identifikationsstrategien angewendet und die unterschiedlichen Anpassungsmechanismen einheimischer Arbeiter untersucht. Dabei wurden bisher vier Papiere erstellt, von den drei zur Publikation angenommen, eines sich in der Entwurfsform befindet und ein weiteres Projekt in Bearbeitung ist. In der zweiten Projektphase, die aus drei Teilprojekten besteht, wird der Fokus auf das Anpassungsverhalten von Unternehmen gerichtet. In Teilprojekt (i) sollen unterschiedliche Aspekte der Anpassung der Technologie und der Organisationsstruktur (T&O) des Unternehmens infolge eines Arbeitsangebotsschocks analysiert werden, sowie Anpassungen in der der Belegschaftszusammensetzung, von Löhnen, und deren Zusammenspiel untersucht werden. Des Weiteren werden alternative und bisher kaum berücksichtigte Unternehmensreaktionen untersucht, wie beispielsweise Austritte aus Tarifverträgen, Produktentwicklung und -innovation sowie die Erschließung neuer Einnahmequellen. In Teilprojekt (ii) liegt der Fokus auf den Dynamiken von T&O Anpassungen, um das Timing potentieller Kanäle zu untersuchen, mittels derer Unternehmen reagieren, sowie auf Heterogenitäten in den Anpassungsreaktionen. In Teilprojekt (iii) wird ein Untersuchungsdesign verwendet, das longitudinale Informationen über Immigranten und einheimische Arbeitnehmer innerhalb von Unternehmen nutzt, nachdem die Unternehmen einem unerwarteten Arbeitsangebotsschock ausgesetzt waren. In dieser Untersuchung soll analysiert werden, ob z.B. neue Immigranten den bisherigen Arbeitslohn unterbieten und inwieweit Unternehmen hiervon kurz- und langfristig profitieren.
Year 2014
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44979 Project

Inmigración y Emigración: mitos y realidades. Anuario de la Inmigración en España 2013

Dirigida por Joaquín Arango, David Moya Malapeira y Josep Oliver Alonso el Anuario de la Inmigración en España 2013 (edición 2014) realiza una revisión exhaustiva de los fenómenos relacionados con la inmigración y la emigración a y desde España: los cambios en el mercado de trabajo de los inmigrantes, la evolución de los flujos o la caída de remesas, los procesos de naturalización, la pobreza, la desventaja de los niños/as de origen inmigrante en materia educativa, o la emigración cualificada, entre otros. Como cada año, el Anuario analiza las características y tendencias del fenómeno migratorio desde las perspectivas sociológica, politológica, económica y jurídica
Year 2014
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44981 Report

Migranci w Niemczech : doświadczenia kształcenia imigrantów oraz nauczanie przedmiotów ojczystych

Year 2014
Book Title Polish youth abroad : educational tasks
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44983 Book Chapter

Arbeitsmigranten aus Bulgarien. Ursachen, Folgen und Probleme der Migrationsbewegungen

Authors Sandra Sprenger, Birte Nienaber
Year 2014
Journal Name Geographie Heute
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44984 Journal Article

Sentimentality or speculation? Diaspora investment, crisis economies and urban transformation

Authors JoAnn McGregor, J McGregor
Year 2014
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 9
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44985 Journal Article

DEPORT REGIMES: The Social Life of State Deportation Regimes: A Comparative Study of the Implementation Interface

The deportation of irregular migrants is a burning issue in public debates all around the world. Most states invest heavily in effective deportation regimes, but when it comes to implementation, deportation regimes are notorious for not achieving their declared goals. Everywhere, marked discrepancies persist between deportation policies and actual practices of deportation. This project compares the implementation of deportation regimes in four different states – Israel, Greece, Spain and Ecuador – in order to provide a closely researched assessment of implementation practices. It interrogates a core assumption in much of the scholarly literature on the “deportation turn”, namely, that there is a global convergence of state deportation regimes. The project adds a crucial – yet, so far underexplored – perspective on irregular migration: the interface of street-level state agents and civil-society actors in shaping practices of deportation. Existing studies look either at the “top level” of the state (policies, laws, procedures, etc.), or at the “underground level” of its “victims” (irregular migrants’ survival strategies, trafficking networks, etc.). This project privileges the “meso level” of the deportation regime, bringing to light the agency of those who exercise discretion in interpreting laws and policies at the “implementation interface”. It makes an original contribution to the anthropology of the state, by demonstrating that the territorial sovereignty of states is constantly renegotiated at this level. The project will produce knowledge on the dilemmas, tactics and occasional alliances of those who carry out and those who obstruct deportation regimes. It will provide new insights into actors’ motivations and worldviews, and explore the dynamics of both “implementation deficits” and “implementation surpluses”. The fine-grained comparative methodology is aimed at producing findings that will be of theoretical significance and of vital importance for policymakers, street-level agents and civil-society actors in dealing with the realities of irregular migration in the 21st century.
Year 2014
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44986 Project

The effect of reading aloud daily—Differential effects of reading to native-born German and Turkish-origin immigrant children

Authors Oliver J. Klein, Nicole Biedinger, Birgit Becker, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
Citations (WoS) 6
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44987 Journal Article

Cooperation, education and inclusion in multi-ethnic suburbs

Principal investigator Magnus Dahlstedt (REMESO Project Leader), Aleksandra Ålund (Participants from REMESO), Christophe Foultier (Participants from REMESO), Lisa Kings (Participants from REMESO), Nazem Tahvilzadeh (Participants not from REMESO), Vanja Lozic (Participants not from REMESO)
The project aims at enhancing empirical knowledge and theoretical understanding of this complex research question, focusing on the potential of alternative strategies for social inclusion of migrant youth in multi-ethnic urban settings. We set out to examine different expressions of cooperation for social inclusion in multi-ethnic urban settings. The project studies the question of urban unrest from different empirical perspectives, ranging from institutional representatives to actors in civil society and young people themselves. Empirically, the project will scrutinize how structural change and institutional responses related to welfare reductions affects social exclusion/inclusion of migrant youth in marginalized neighborhoods through case studies in two Swedish urban settings, Stockholm and Malmö. The project is interdisciplinary and is carried out with by the use of qualitative methods such as interviews (individually as well as in groups) and document analysis.
Year 2014
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44988 Project

Migration und transkulturelle Erinnerung: Literatur, Film und das 'soziale Leben' von Erinnerungsmedien

Principal investigator Astrid Erll (Principal Investigator)
Dieses Projekt erforscht den Zusammenhang von Medien, Transkulturalität und Erinnerung. Es untersucht, wie Migrationserfahrung in zeitgenössischer Literatur und Film repräsentiert, über geographische und kulturelle Grenzen hinweg zirkuliert und so zum Gegenstand eines mediatisierten transkulturellen Erinnerns wird. Das Projekt will die aktuellen memory studies (die in den vergangenen Jahren einen transcultural turn erlebt haben) mit den migration and diaspora studies sowie den postcolonial studies unter medientheoretischen und narratologischen Fragestellungen verknüpfen. Es verfolgt drei Hauptziele: 1) eine detaillierte Untersuchung anglophoner Migrationsromane als Medien transkultureller Erinnerung: wie stellen diese Texte individuelles und kollektives Erinnern im transkulturellen Raum dar? welche narrativen Verfahren tragen dazu bei, dass sie möglicherweise selbst zum Träger und Vermittler von Erinnerung über Grenzen hinweg werden? 2) eine detaillierte Untersuchung von Migrationsfilmen als Medien transkultureller Erinnerung, auch dies unter der Leitfrage nach medienspezifischen Darstellungsverfahren und Wirkungspotentialen; 3) eine konsequente Kontextualisierung von Literatur und Film in jenen sozialen Konstellationen, in denen diese Produkte erst als Medien transkultureller Erinnerung wirksam werden. Unter dem Schlagwort des social life of media geht es hierbei um die konkreten Bewegungen und die lokalen Aneignungen von global zirkulierenden Texten und Bildern, um deren Einbettung in spezifische soziale und mediale Kontexte, in denen sie aktualisiert und gedeutet werden und bestimmte (möglicherweise stark variierende) Funktionen erfüllen.
Year 2014
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44989 Project

UPSTREAM: Mainstreaming Integration Governance

This project analyses how, why and to what effect governments at the EU, national and local level mainstream their migrant integration policies. It aims to promote a learning process in terms of policy coordination, practices and outcomes in the governance of migrant integration. It asks the central question ‘What are the obstacles and opportunities that mainstreaming generates in terms of migrant integration policies and outcomes?’. It aims to: UNDERSTAND WHY AND WHEN POLICIES ARE MAINSTREAMED: What is the policy rationale behind mainstreaming, and under what conditions does mainstreaming occur? ENHANCE UNDERSTANDING OF AND EXCHANGE LESSONS ON HOW TO MAINSTREAM POLICIES: What does it mean in terms of policy coordination? What does it mean in terms of policy practices? UNDERSTAND AND IMPROVE THE CONSEQUENCES OF MAINSTREAMING: What integration outcomes can be associated with mainstreaming? What are the consequences for specific (vulnerable) groups and for policy coordination? Mainstreaming is one of the key trends in the governance of integration that is taking place throughout Europe. The rationale is that adapting mainstream services to address the needs of the entire diverse population — including, but not limited to, immigrants – has the potential to build a more inclusive society and improve integration outcomes. Mainstream programmes may also garner more political and public support than programs targeted at specific groups, and respond to the challenges faced by government agencies with constrained financial resources. In this study we will look at various sorts of obstacles and opportunities that may occur in mainstreaming, in terms of the rationale of mainstreaming, how it is put into practice as well as its consequences in terms of integration outcomes. As migrant integration is a strongly multi-dimensional issue, we will focus on two specific areas of migrant integration policies: education and social cohesion The focus on these two areas enables an an in-depth analysis of how mainstreaming efforts have resorted to specific effects in terms of policy coordination, practices and outcomes. Furthermore, the project promotes the exchange of knowledge and experiences by bringing together policymakers from different countries and government levels. We conceive of exchange of knowledge and experiences as a continuous process throughout the project. This on-going exchange will promote mutual learning between stakeholders as well as mutual learning between the researchers and the stakeholders. Cases This project explores how the governance and effectiveness of integration measures is affected by mainstreaming at the EU, national and local level. Mainstreaming means embedding integration into generic policies for the entire population. Besides an EU case, five country cases are selected: the UK, Spain, the Netherlands, France and Poland. These are countries with different governance structures in the domain of integration, ranging from the highly centralized in France, to moderately decentralized in the Netherlands and strongly devolved in the UK. In addition, Spain and Poland as new immigration countries are developing migrant integration policies against a very different background, with many local (and regional) initiatives. The country cases involve an analysis of national policies and policies in two cities (one major and one medium-sized city). – EU level – The Netherlands (Rotterdam and Amsterdam) – The UK (London-Southwark and Bristol) – France (Lyon and Saint Denis) – Spain (Madrid and Barcelona) – Poland (Warsaw and Poznan)
Year 2014
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44990 Project

Norms Matter! The Role of International Norms in EU Policies on Asylum and Immigration

Authors Christof Roos, Natascha Zaun
Year 2014
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
44991 Journal Article

Developing Effective Strategies for the Mainstreaming of Integration Governance

Principal investigator Joaquín Arango (Principal Investigator)
This project explores how the governance and effectiveness of integration measures is affected by mainstreaming at the EU, national and local level. Mainstreaming means embedding integration into generic policies for the entire population. Besides an EU case, five country cases are selected: the UK, Spain, the Netherlands, France and Poland. These are countries with different governance structures in the domain of integration, ranging from the highly centralized in France, to moderately decentralized in the Netherlands and strongly devolved in the UK. In addition, Spain and Poland as new immigration countries are developing migrant integration policies against a very different background, with many local (and regional) initiatives. The country cases involve an analysis of national policies and policies in two cities (one major and one medium-sized city).
Year 2014
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44992 Project

Rural Return Migration: Comparative Analysis between Ireland and Lithuania

Authors Maura Farrell, Emilija Kairyte, Birte Nienaber, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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44993 Journal Article

Polityka migracyjna Polski wobec najnowszej emigracji Polaków po 2004 roku

Year 2014
Book Title Decade of Poland's membership in the EU. Social consequences of Polish emigration after 2004
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44994 Book Chapter

Konstruowanie tożsamości etnicznej wśród młodych kurdyjskich migrantów w Stambule.

Principal investigator Karol Kaczorowski (Project manager)
Year 2014
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44995 Project

Między domem a szkołą: dzieci migrantów w systemie edukacyjnym. Kontekst norweski

Year 2014
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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44996 Journal Article

Refugees, Diasporas, and Transnationalism

Year 2014
Book Title The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies
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44997 Book Chapter

Turks in Bulgaria and the Netherlands: A comparative study of their acculturation orientations and outcomes

Authors Radosveta Dimitrova, Michael Bender, Fons van de Vijver, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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44998 Journal Article

Migration, Social Organization, and the Sexual Partners of Mexican Men

Authors EA Parrado, CA Flippen
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Problems
Citations (WoS) 2
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44999 Journal Article

Examining the Boundaries of Embodiment

The proposed research program is designed to investigate the embodied mechanisms that ground cognition, in first (L1) and second (L2) language. We suggest that different languages shape our thinking, perceiving and feeling of the world. More importantly, they are grounded differently. We argue that whereas L1 is embodied, this is not the case for L2, or at least not to the same degree. The proposed experiments are designed to systematically compare L1/L2 related differences in performance as well as psychophysiological indicators in a number of paradigms presented to early (EB) and late (LB) bilinguals. To our knowledge these are among the first studies on embodiment with bilingual samples. The suggestion that L1 and L2 are unlikely to be equally embodied will be investigated in a study designed to furnish a direct examination of how L1 and L2 are somatically grounded (a neglected feature of both the embodied literature as well as bilingualism research). Studies 2 to 4 investigate how embodied simulation may drive specific phenomena such language congruence effects, modality switching costs and false memories in L1 and L2. Studies 5 & 6 will provide a more ecologically valid indication of how affective and interpersonal states are manifested in spontaneous linguistic representations when using L1 and L2. Our findings are likely to advance our understanding of a number of central issues pertinent to the emerging field of embodiment and may lend additional support to the assumptions that cognition and language are grounded on bodily states. Second, this research will identify the constraints of such assumptions in an increasingly multilingual and multicultural world where the daily use of a second language for professional, recreational and interpersonal purposes is often required. This is likely to inform research and policies designed to address the current challenges posed by participating in two or more linguistic communities.
Year 2014
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45000 Project
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