
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Vocational identity development among unaccompanied refugee minors

Authors Brit Oppedal, Eugene Guribye, Jane Kroger
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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42801 Journal Article

ISOTIS: Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequalities in Society

ISOTIS addresses the nature, causes and impact of early emerging social and educational inequalities in the context of socioeconomic, cultural and institutional processes. The aim is to contribute to effective policy and practice development to combat inequalities. Quasi-panels and pooled longitudinal datasets will be used to examine the variation in early educational gaps and developmental trajectories across countries, systems and time. To disentangle the complex interactions between characteristics of systems and target groups, ISOTIS will study significant immigrant, indigenous ethnic-cultural and low-income native groups, associated with persistent educational disadvantages. ISOTIS will examine current resources, experiences, aspirations, needs and well-being of children and parents in these groups in the context of acculturation and integration, and in relation to local and national policies. ISOTIS aims to contribute to effective policy and practice development by generating recommendations and concrete tools for (1) supporting disadvantaged families and communities in using their own cultural and linguistic resources to create safe and stimulating home environments for their children; for (2) creating effective and inclusive pedagogies in early childhood education and care centres and primary schools; for (3) professionalization of staff, centres and schools to improve quality and inclusiveness; for (4) establishing inter-agency coordination of support services to children and families; and for (5) developing policies to combat educational inequalities. ISOTIS will develop inter-linked programmes for parents, classrooms and professionals using Virtual Learning Environments for working in linguistically diverse contexts. All this work together is expected to support the education practice and policy field in Europe in meeting the challenges of reducing social and educational inequalities.
Year 2017
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42802 Project

Positive choices for all? SES- and gender-specific premia of immigrants at educational transitions

Authors Jörg Dollmann, Joerg Dollmann
Year 2017
Journal Name Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
Citations (WoS) 3
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42803 Journal Article

Local initiatives for integration through intercultural bridge building

Principal investigator Thomas Jordan (Project Leader), Björn Andersson (Participants ), Pia Andersson (Participants)
The purpose of the project is to develop knowledge about initiatives in Swedish metropolitan suburbs that aim at facilitating integration of extra-European immigrants. The study focusses the theories of change that explicitly or implicitly form the basis of projects or regular operations which use dialogue or competence development methods in order to bridge gaps in worldviews and norms, support relevant knowledge acquisition and understanding and facilitate empowerment. The approach of the study is based on program theory, discourse analysis and narrative analysis with a focus on elucidating and critically analysing the theories of change that underlie integration projects in the field. In the first phase of the study, an inventory is made of projects that fit the profile described above. 5-6 projects or regular operations are selected for a more thorough analysis. In the second phase we will develop analytical descriptions of the theories of change of each project, based on the actual activities and the articulated strategies as they present themselves in documents and interviews. We will also interview participants in the initiatives. In the third phase a comparative analysis is made of the theories of change, both in relation to each other and in relation to the different perspectives represented in academic research and public debate about integration. The fourth phase comprise reporting the findings, both in the form of a scientific article and as a more popular study adapted to practitioners.
Year 2017
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42804 Project

Mapping Specific Incentives for Countries of Origin to Facilitate Cooperation on Return

Principal investigator Albert Kraler (Project Team Member), Bernhard Perchinig (Project Team Member)
This project aims at identifying need-based potentials for cooperation, which can lead to opportunities for improved cooperation between countries wishing to return persons not holding residence rights and five countries (Algeria, Morocco, Nigeria, Tunisia, Iran) in the field of return and readmission. More specifically, and based on the analysis of relevant international relations theories as well as on insights from expert interviews, the study will examine: • Options for the development of strategies for the creation of incentive based cooperation schemes in the field of return and readmission and to determine which incentives could be offered to the countries of origin of illegally resident third-country nationals without jeopardizing the EU's objectives in this area, and ultimately its own interests. • Experiences of selected EU-countries (Italy, the Netherland, the UK, Sweden) in cooperation with the above mentioned countries in the field of return. • Necessary conditions for the establishment of sustainable cooperation in the field of return (based on theoretical considerations and results of the empirical investigations) In addition, the project aims at producing five country specific case studies including information on: • the general situation with regard to migration and the corresponding third country. • the current state of cooperation between Austria and the third country • perceived problems in the area of repatriation • European experiences • positive incentives
Year 2017
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42805 Project

Family Reunification of third-country nationals in the EU: National practices (country report Luxembourg)

Authors David Petry, Sarah Jacobs, Adolfo Sommarribas, ...
In Luxembourg, family reunification is one of the main reasons for immigration of third-country nationals. In fact, “family member” and “private reasons (family links)” residence permits (first deliveries and renewals) represented more than a third of all residence permits issued during the last three years. While the right to family reunification was solely provided by international law and regulated by administrative practice until 2008, the transposition of Directive 2003/86/EC of 22 September 2003 on the right to family reunification led to a much more precise and detailed legal framework. A notable change in legislation has been proposed with the introduction of bill n° 6992 , namely the harmonisation of the conditions that apply to third-country national employees with those of Blue Card holders and researchers. Thus, family reunification requirements for certain categories of applicants shall be alleviated through the abrogation of the 12-month residence requirement for the sponsor. In order to apply for family reunification in Luxembourg, sponsors have to meet a number of requirements for exercising the right to family reunification, which include the provision of suitable accommodation for the size of their family; meeting health and safety standards; health insurance; as well as stable and regular resources to provide for themselves and their family members. As recommended by Directive 2003/86/EC, Luxembourg sets out more favourable conditions to beneficiaries of international protection for the exercise of their right to family reunification. Thus, they do not have to comply with the above-mentioned requirements in case they apply for family reunification within 3 months of being granted the status. Family members who have come to Luxembourg under family reunification have access to education, orientation, vocational training, lifelong learning and professional retraining once their residence permit has been issued. Family members furthermore have access to the labour market. In case the family member has resided in Luxembourg for less than one year when the application is submitted, it will be submitted to the labour market test. Family members can also, under a number of conditions, benefit from guaranteed minimum income, social aid, long-term residence status as well as citizenship. National stakeholders noted that the requirement of finding appropriate accommodation and proving stable and regular resources is one of the main challenges for sponsors. For family members as well as sponsors, having sufficient financial resources to cover the costs of family reunification can be another challenge to accessing family reunification. Family members of beneficiaries of international protection in particular face the more procedural challenge of providing proof of identity and family links, which can be difficult due to lacking documentation, differing administrative practices in the country of origin and/or the lack of cooperation of institutions. Gaining access to family reunification is also particularly difficult for beneficiaries of international protection who arrived in Luxembourg as unaccompanied minors but reached adulthood during the examination of their file, as they must provide proof of their family member’s dependency upon them. The limited number of diplomatic representations of Luxembourg abroad poses a challenge both to family members who must present themselves there, as well as for the Luxembourgish authorities who require information on certain countries. Perceived as a best practice with regard to family reunification are the information that NGOs and the lawyers in the field of migration and asylum provide to beneficiaries of international protection with regard to procedures of family reunification, thereby contributing to the beneficiary’s ability to enter an application for family reunification within the 3-month period. The practice of accepting the submission of an application of family members of beneficiaries of international protection that contains only a commencement of proof of family links and allowing for the finalisation at a later date is also perceived as a good practice, as it enables them to exercise their right to family reunification while benefitting from more favourable conditions. Furthermore, the issuance of a “laisser-passer” for beneficiaries of international protection who cannot obtain travel documents is perceived as a big step forward by national stakeholders. Lastly, Restoring Family Links, a service provided by the Luxembourgish Red Cross, is also considered a reliable tool with regard to tracing missing family members abroad.
Year 2017
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42807 Report

Efi Latsoudi: in solidarity with refugees

Authors Sarah Boseley
Year 2017
Journal Name The Lancet
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42808 Journal Article

The impact of flight experiences on the psychological wellbeing of unaccompanied refugee minors

Principal investigator Ilse Derluyn (Principal Investigator)
Since early 2015, the media continuously confront us with images of refugee children drowning in the Mediterranean, surviving in appalling conditions in camps or walking across Europe. Within this group of fleeing children, a considerable number is travelling without parents, the unaccompanied refugee minors. While the media images testify to these flight experiences and their possible huge impact on unaccompanied minors’ wellbeing, there has been no systematic research to fully capture these experiences, nor their mental health impact. Equally, no evidence exists on whether the emotional impact of these flight experiences should be differentiated from the impact of the traumatic events these minors endured in their home country or from the daily stressors in the country of settlement. This project aims to fundamentally increase our knowledge of the impact of experiences during the flight in relation to past trauma and current stressors. To achieve this aim, it is essential to set up a longitudinal follow-up of a large group of unaccompanied refugee minors, whereby our study starts from different transit countries, crosses several European countries, and uses innovative methodological and mixed-methods approaches. I will hereby not only document the psychological impact these flight experiences may have, but also the way in which care and reception structures for unaccompanied minors in both transit and settlement countries can contribute to reducing this mental health impact. This proposal will fundamentally change the field of migration studies, by introducing a whole new area of study and novel methodological approaches to study these themes. Moreover, other fields, such as trauma studies, will be directly informed by the project, as also clinical, educational and social work interventions for victims of multiple trauma. Last, the findings on the impact of reception and care structures will be highly informative for policy makers and practitioners.
Year 2017
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42809 Project

Geschichte der Weltflüchtlingspolitik, 1950-1973

Principal investigator Ulrich Herbert (Principal Investigator)
Bis in die 1970er Jahre verstand die internationale Gemeinschaft die Fluechtlingsfrage als eine Art Ausnahmezustand, überwiegend in Europa, und nicht als dauerhaftes Weltproblem. Ein globaler Handlungszusammenhang entstand erst schrittweise zwischen 1950 und 1970. Wie, warum und unter welchen Bedingungen sich dieser Wandel vollzog, ist Gegenstand dieses Forschungsvorhabens. Hier werden zunächst die flüchtlingspolitischen Ansätze seit dem Ersten und dann verstaerkt nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg sowie die daraus entwickelten Schlussfolgerungen zusammengefasst. Die Untersuchung konzentriert sich dann auf vier zeitliche Wegmarken, die die Entwicklung hin zu einer institutionalisierten Weltfluechtlingspolitik praegten: die Entstehungsphase des UNHCR und der Genfer Fluechtlingskonvention 1949-1951; die Ansaetze einer ueber Europa hinausreichenden Universalisierung im Kontext der Algerienkrise 1957-1960; das New York Protocol 1959 - 1967 und schließlich die Praxis der UNHCR in Bangladesch 1971-73, der hier erstmals als sog. focal point organisation vor Ort agierte und die Repatriierung von über zehn Millionen Menschen organisierte. Hier hatte der UNHCR seinen bis heute gültigen Status als die zentrale Institution der weltweit agierenden Flüchtlingshilfe erreicht.
Year 2017
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42810 Project

Refugee Advocacy and the Meaning of ‘Migrants’

Authors Carling Jørgen
Year 2017
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42811 Policy Brief

Level of economic development of the country of origin and work-to-family conflict after migration to Canada

Authors Shirin Montazer, Marisa Young
Year 2017
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 2
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42812 Journal Article

Normality unpacked: migration, ethnicity and Local Structure of Feeling among Polish migrant workers in Northern Ireland with a comparative perspective on Scotland

Authors Radosław Polkowski, Radoslaw Polkowski
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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42813 Journal Article

Migrant Background and Access to Vocational Education in Germany: Self-Selection, Discrimination, or Both?

Authors Jasper Dag Tjaden
Year 2017
Journal Name Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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42814 Journal Article

Post-war trasistions in gendered perspective: the case of the North-Eastern Adricatic Region

The EIRENE project’s purpose is to think afresh 20th-century post-war transitions by taking into account a gendered perspective. Namely, the historiographic consideration of gender thoroughly alters the understanding of social dynamics in multi-ethnic areas during the post-war transitions. They will be observed in the North-Eastern Adriatic region, an overlooked European space, marked by border redefinitions, changes of political systems, and high interethnic conflict intensity, but also by genuine cooperation among ethnic groups. The region has all the qualities of a “laboratory environment” for the study of gender positions and interrelations after World Wars I and II and after the Yugoslav wars in the 1990s. The project will differ substantially from previous attempts to analyse post-war transitions in these aspects: a) longitudinal approach, comparing three post-war periods in order to detect their specifics and (dis)continuities; b) transnational approach, by overcoming nation-centric frameworks of analysis; c) by combining conceptual political and social sciences with historiography; and finally, d) by examining post-war transitions through the prism of gender. Focusing on four research-fields (politics, political violence, work, family), the project will validate innovative analytical concepts of the “inclusion-exclusion paradox” of women in post-war transitions, and women as “cross-boundary mediators”. Within the category of gender, focal attention will be given to women as they are often invisible in historical accounts and remain neglected in historicizing. By aggregating empirical sources, the project will approach the proposed subject matter by investigating the processes of identification across the lines of ethnic origin, class, generations, marital status, profession/occupation, language of use, migratory processes, etc. The project’s added value is its novel conceptual applicability to other comparable geopolitical areas.
Year 2017
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42815 Project

Perception of Eastern Religions in Europe

The issues of globalisation, intercultural relations, migration crisis and ecological crisis are among the most challenging problems that Europe is currently facing. In their core lies the issue of identity-otherness dual. The present project attempts to address these problems in an innovative way seeking to understand whether the current situation in Europe leads to transformation of the dominant European worldview and whether and how Eastern religions influence this process. Therefore, the aim of the project is to investigate the contemporary interrelation between Europe and Eastern religions. The project combines study in the fields of comparative philosophy and religion, as well as philosophy, sociology and anthropology of religion. It has three major objectives: (1) a research objective, (2) an educational dissemination objective and (3) career advancement objective. The general research objective is to write a book with a working title “Eastern religions in Europe” investigating why and how Eastern religions penetrate and exist within the European worldview and society. The educational dissemination objective is to contribute to development of a tolerant attitude to otherness. Enrichment and extension of research, teaching and organisational skills and abilities of the researcher through the proposed research and training will contribute to her professional development, career advancement (full professorship) and development of new BA and MA courses at home University on religious and cultural interconnections between East and West.
Year 2017
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42816 Project

Looking out or looking up: gender differences in expatriate turnover intentions

Authors Hyun-Jung Lee, GK Stahl, Chei Hwee Chua, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Cross Cultural & Strategic Management
Citations (WoS) 7
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42817 Journal Article

Casted masculinities in the Punjabi diaspora in Spain

Authors Kathryn LUM
Year 2016
Journal Name South Asian Diaspora
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42819 Journal Article

The city against the diaspora : ottomans in the urban space of the Habsburg monarchy in the eighteenth century

Authors David DO PAÇO
Year 2016
Journal Name Diasporas-histoire et societes, 2016, No. 28, pp. 65-
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42820 Journal Article

Migrant women's employment in paid reproductive work through the crisis : the case of Italy (2007-2012)

Year 2016
Journal Name Investigaciones feministas, 2016, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 57-74
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42821 Journal Article

Friend or Foe? : attitudes towards immigration from other European Union countries

Authors Justyna Janina SALAMONSKA
Year 2016
Journal Name Societamutamentopolitica-rivista italiana di sociologia, Vol. 7, No. 13, pp. 237-253
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42822 Journal Article

Safe and Voluntary Refugee Repatriation: From Principle to Practice

Authors Jeff Crisp, Katy Long
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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42823 Journal Article

Ethnic Composition and School Performance in the Secondary Education of Turkish Migrant Students in Seven Countries and 19 European Educational Systems

Authors Gert-Jan Martijn Veerman, J Dronkers, Jaap Dronkers
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration Review
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42824 Journal Article

Migration Decisions, Acculturation, and Overweight among Asian and Latino Immigrant Adults in the United States

Authors Bridget K. Gorman, BK Gorman, Rachel Tolbert Kimbro, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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42825 Journal Article

Opting in to Opt out? Emigration and Group Participation in Albania

Authors Cristina Cattaneo
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 2
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42826 Journal Article

Book Review: The Cross-Border Connection: Immigrants, Emigrants, and Their Homelands

Authors David Ley
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration Review
42827 Journal Article

Comparing Immigration Policies: An Overview from the IMPALA Database

Authors M Beine, Hillel Rapoport, Anna Boucher, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 29
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42828 Journal Article

The Effect of Residential Concentration on Voter Turnout among Ethnic Minorities

Authors Yosef Bhatti, Kasper M. Hansen
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 2
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42829 Journal Article

Divine Development: Transnational Indian Religious Organizations in the United States and India

Authors Rina Agarwala
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration Review
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42830 Journal Article

Migrating Gender Inequalities? Immigrant Women's Participation in Political Survey Research

Authors Antoine Bilodeau
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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42831 Journal Article

Birthing, Nativity, and Maternal Depression: Australia and the United States,

Authors Melissa L. Martinson, M Tienda, Marta Tienda
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration Review
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42832 Journal Article

Sorting or Shaping? The Gendered Economic Outcomes of Immigration Policy in Canada

Authors Jennifer Elrick, Naomi Lightman
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 7
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42833 Journal Article

Social Position and Place-Protective Action in a New Immigration Context: Understanding Anti-Mosque Campaigns in Catalonia

Authors Avi Astor
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 8
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42834 Journal Article

The Fertility of Married Immigrant Women to Canada

Authors Alícia Adserà, Alicia Adsera, Ana Ferrer
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 4
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42835 Journal Article

Book Review: Identity, Hybridity, and Cultural Home: Chinese Migrants and Diaspora in Multicultural Societies

Authors Dominic Meng-Hsuan Yang
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration Review
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42836 Journal Article

Negative Assimilation: How Immigrants Experience Economic Mobility in Japan

Authors Ayumi Takenaka, A Takenaka, Kenji Ishida, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 4
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42837 Journal Article

Migration in Italy is backing the old age Welfare

Authors Alessandra VENTURINI, Daniela DEL BOCA
Year 2016
Book Title [Migration Policy Centre]
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42838 Book Chapter

International migration policies : should they be a new G20 topic?

Authors Alessandra VENTURINI, Andrea GOLDSTEIN
Year 2016
Journal Name China & world economy, 2016, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 93-110
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42839 Journal Article

“Ayudarnos es parte de nuestra cultura”. Estrategias de los migrantes ante la crisis económica: El caso de la población senegalesa en Granada

Authors Rosalía López Fernández, José Manuel Maroto Blanco
Year 2016
Journal Name Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios (RIEM)
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42840 Journal Article

Emigration agents and the agency of the urban press : approaches to Transatlantic migration in Hungary, 1880s–1914

Authors Katalin STRANER
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
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42841 Journal Article

Ethnicizing citizenship, questioning membership : explaining the decreasing family migration rights of citizens in Europe

Authors Saskia BONJOUR, Laura BLOCK
Year 2016
Journal Name Citizenship studies
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42842 Journal Article

Refugee Migration and Local Demarcations: New Insight into European Localities

Authors Jeroen Doomernik, J Doomernik, Birgit Glorius
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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42843 Journal Article

Governing migrant smuggling : a criminality approach is not sufficient

Year 2016
Journal Name [Global Governance Programme], [Cultural Pluralism]
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42845 Journal Article

A Tale of Two Cities: Multiple Practices of Bordering and Degrees of ‘Transit’ in and through Turkey

Authors Asli Ikizoglu Erensu, Asli Ikizoglu Erensu, Zeynep Kasli, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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42846 Journal Article

Immigration Detention: The Migration of a Policy and Its Human Impact

Authors Rebecca Deruiter
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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42847 Journal Article

New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants

Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
Citations (WoS) 2
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42848 Journal Article

In Safety and Dignity: Addressing Large Movements of Refugees and Migrants

Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
Citations (WoS) 2
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42849 Journal Article

Enhancing the intercultural effectiveness of exchange programmes: formal and non-formal educational interventions

Authors Joana Almeida, AE Fantini, Nilza Costa, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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42854 Journal Article

New international borders – old social spaces: Transnational migrant networks across the boundaries of post-socialist Croatia

Authors Saša Božić, Sasa Bozic, Simona Kuti
Year 2016
Journal Name Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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42855 Journal Article

Coming and going: Mexican women guestworkers in the US crab industry

Authors Holly Straut-Eppsteiner
Year 2016
Journal Name Latino Studies
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42856 Journal Article

Ten years after the post-accession migration wave from EU 8 to the UK: what can we learn from the largest intra-EU migration experiment?

Authors Miloslav Bahna
Year 2016
Journal Name Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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42857 Journal Article

Elena Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, Gil Loescher, Katy Long und Nando Sigona (Hrsg.) (2014): The Oxford handbook of refugee & forced migration studies

Authors Bernadette Mueller Kmet, Bernadette Müller Kmet
Year 2016
Journal Name Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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42858 Journal Article

“La Bamba Rebelde”: Chicana/o nationalism, transnational culture, and postnationalist politics

Authors José Navarro, Jose Navarro
Year 2016
Journal Name Latino Studies
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42859 Journal Article


Authors Wendy H. Bergoffen
Year 2016
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42861 Journal Article

Reintegration upon return: insights from Ecuadorian returnees from Spain

Authors Marion Mercier, Anda David, Ramon Mahia, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration
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42862 Journal Article

Football in Arabic literature in diaspora: Global influences and local manifestations

Authors Yousef Awad
Year 2016
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42863 Journal Article

The Citizenship Gap in European Societies: Conceptualizing, Measuring and Comparing "Migration Neutrality' across the EU

Authors Ettore Recchi
Year 2016
42864 Journal Article

A story that must be told. Amparo Juan Izquierdo's testimony and interview to Natalia Arrieta

Authors Paula Simon Porolli
Year 2016
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42865 Journal Article

A Transcultural Model of the Centrality of "Thinking a Lot" in Psychopathologies Across the Globe and the Process of Localization: A Cambodian Refugee Example

Authors David E. Hinton, David Barlow, Joop T. de Jong, ...
Year 2016
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42866 Journal Article

Intercultural representations of Exile. Uses of videoperformance of Prometeus-artist Fernando Baena

Authors Miguel Alfonso Bouhaben, Eleder Pineiro Aguiar
Year 2016
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42867 Journal Article

New Patterns of Internal Migration in Emigrant-Sending Communities: the Case of China

Authors Qian Song, Zai Liang
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration
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42868 Journal Article

Uncovering National Nexus's Representations: The Case of Quebec

Authors Felix Mathieu, Guy Laforest
Year 2016
Journal Name Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
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42869 Journal Article

Attitude towards immigrants and security: Effects on destination-loyal tourists

Authors Joseph J. Simpson, Penny M. Simpson, Oliver Cruz-Milan
Year 2016
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42870 Journal Article

Portuguese Scientists' Migration: a study on the 2008 crisis aftermath

Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration
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42871 Journal Article

Turkey's Response to Sex Trafficking of Migrant Women: Is It Efficient Enough?

Authors Tatiana Zhidkova, Oguzhan Omer Demir
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration
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42872 Journal Article

Sexualizing Neoliberalism: Identifying Technologies of Privatization, Cleansing, and Scarcity

Authors Jyoti Puri
Year 2016
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42873 Journal Article

Memory and Ethnicity: Ethnic Museums in Israel and the Diaspora

Authors Annette Fromm
Year 2016
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42874 Journal Article


Authors Mariana Esteves Martins
Year 2016
42875 Journal Article

From "serving" public arts institutions to creating intercultural contexts: cultural management in Germany and new challenges for training

Authors Birgit Mandel
Year 2016
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42876 Journal Article

When the State Becomes Part of the Exploitation: Migrants' Agency within the Institutional Constraints in Australia

Authors Yao-Tai Li, Katherine Whitworth
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration
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42877 Journal Article

The Plot of Drug: Migration and Representation in the Chronicle Si me queres, quereme transa by Cristian Alarcon

Authors Regina Vanesa Cellino
Year 2016
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42878 Journal Article

Does family matter for recent immigrants' life satisfaction?

Authors Claudia Masferrer
Year 2016
Journal Name Advances in Life Course Research
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42880 Journal Article

Cross-border Ties as Sources of Risk and Resilience: Do Cross-border Ties Moderate the Relationship between Migration-related Stress and Psychological Distress for Latino Migrants in the United States?

Authors Jacqueline M. Torres, Carmela Alcantara, Edna A. Viruell-Fuentes, ...
Year 2016
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42881 Journal Article

The Effect of the First World War on European Art

Authors Aysegul Nihan Erol Sahin, Sevgi Kayalioglu
Year 2016
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42882 Journal Article

Humanity's Collective Ownership of the Earth and Immigration

Authors M Risse
Year 2016
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42883 Journal Article

Moving to the Gulf: an empirical analysis of the patterns and drivers of migration to the GCC countries, 1960-2013

Authors Marko Valenta, Jo Jakobsen
Year 2016
Journal Name Labor history
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42884 Journal Article

Finding Agency in Adversity: Applying the Refugee Convention in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change

Authors Matthew Scott
Year 2016
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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42885 Journal Article

Justice, Reconciliation, and Ending Displacement: Legal Empowerment and Refugee Engagement in Transitional Processes

Authors Anna Lise Purkey
Year 2016
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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42886 Journal Article

Ana's tragedy - and Europe's a contemplation over Romani, belonging and the conditioned citizenship making in a Europe of migration

Authors Magnus Dahlstedt, Maria Olson
Year 2016
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42887 Journal Article

Moving Beyond Salmon Bias: Mexican Return Migration and Health Selection

Authors Christina J. Diaz, Ana P. Martinez-Donate, Stephanie M. Koning
Year 2016
Journal Name Demography
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42888 Journal Article

Study on migrants' profiles, drivers of migration and migratory trends

Authors Luigi ACHILLI, Philippe FARGUES, Justyna Janina SALAMONSKA, ...
This study analyses the socioeconomic background of migrants and refugees who have fled to Italy. It compiles information about their education level, work experience, skills, professional aspirations and future employment prospects. The aim of this research is to help policy-makers in Italy and across Europe get a current, in-depth profile of migrants, understand what drives them to leave home, what influences their decisions during their journey and how they can better integrate in Italy.
Year 2016
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42889 Report

Die Migrantin retten!?

Authors María do Mar Castro Varela, Maria do Mar Castro Varela, Nikita Dhawan
Year 2016
Journal Name Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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42890 Journal Article

Das strategische Geflecht von Migration, Ethnizität und Geschlecht

Authors Erol Yıldız, Erol Yildiz
Year 2016
Journal Name Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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42891 Journal Article


Authors ED Gould, Esteban F. Klor
Year 2016
Journal Name The Economic Journal
Citations (WoS) 9
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42893 Journal Article

False Closure? Known Unknowns in Repatriated Antiquities Cases

Authors Christos Tsirogiannis
Year 2016
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42894 Journal Article

Chronicling Kenyan Asian Diasporic Histories: "Newcomers', "Established' Migrants, and the Post-Colonial Practices of Time-Work

Authors Jen Dickinson
Year 2016
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 1
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42895 Journal Article

Postcode Lottery for Europe's Undocumented Children: Unravelling an Uneven Geography of Entitlements in the European Union

Authors Sarah Spencer
Year 2016
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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42896 Journal Article


Authors AH Bittles, Neil A. Small
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Biosocial Science
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42897 Journal Article

Timespacing competence: multilingual children's linguistic worlds

Authors Helle Pia Laursen, Naja Dahlstrup Mogensen
Year 2016
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42898 Journal Article

First-generation Korean immigrants' barriers to healthcare and their coping strategies in the US

Authors Sou Hyun Jang
Year 2016
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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42899 Journal Article

Immigration and Democratic Principles: On Carens' Ethics of Immigration

Authors Sarah Song
Year 2016
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
42900 Journal Article
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