
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Strivers vs skivers: Class prejudice and the demonisation of dependency in everyday life

Authors Gill Valentine, G Valentine, Catherine Harris
Year 2014
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 57
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3801 Journal Article

Foreign Policy, Human Rights and the United Kingdom

Authors Conor Foley, Keir Starmer
Year 1998
Journal Name Social Policy & Administration
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3802 Journal Article


Authors Mark Q. Sawyer, Tianna S. Paschel
Year 2007
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
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3803 Journal Article

Integratie en vertrek van een recent cohort AMV's in Nederland (2014-2019)

Authors Statistics Netherlands, Research and Documentation Centre, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, S.M. Noyon, ...
Tussen 1 januari 2014 en 31 augustus 2019 werden 8.775 asielaanvragen ingediend door alleenstaande minderjarige vreemdelingen (AMV’s). In eerste aanleg werd 69% van de aanvragen ingewilligd en 26% afgewezen (de overige 5% zat op de peildatum van 31 december 2019 nog in de procedure of had deze voortijdig stopgezet).Van de AMV’s met een verblijfsvergunning was 79% man en kwamen de meeste uit Eritrea (50%) en Syrië (38%). Gemiddeld waren de AMV’s op het moment van het verkrijgen van de vergunning 15,7 jaar oud.In 2019 volgde 56% van de (ex-)AMV’s met een vergunning een opleiding; 40% had een baan. Ongeveer een derde van de (ex-)AMV’s volgde op dat moment geen onderwijs en had geen werk.Meer dan de helft van de afgewezen (ex-)AMV’s is met onbekende bestemming vertrokken. Tien procent heeft Nederland aantoonbaar verlaten (hetzij vrijwillig, hetzij gedwongen).Onder afgewezen ex-AMV’s van 18 jaar of ouder (op 31 december 2019) die werden opgevangen onder het nieuwe opvangmodel, ligt het aandeel dat met onbekende bestemming vertrok hoger, terwijl het aandeel dat op de peildatum rechtmatig in Nederland verbleef lager ligt dan onder de groep die onder het oude model werd opgevangen. Het aandeel vrijwillig vertrek onder het oude en nieuwe opvangmodel is vergelijkbaar.De hier gepresenteerde resultaten uit een gezamenlijk onderzoek van WODC en CBS bieden een eerste beschrijving van de groep AMV’s die tussen 1 januari 2014 en 31 augustus 2019 asiel aanvroegen in Nederland. In de toekomst kunnen meer diepgaande inzichten verkregen worden, door zowel de populatie als de betrokken databronnen uit te breiden en bijvoorbeeld vergelijkingen te maken met andere relevante groepen zoals leeftijdsgenoten met en zonder (asiel)migratieachtergrond.
Year 2020
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3804 Report


Authors Takao Kato, Chad Sparber
Year 2013
Journal Name Review of Economics and Statistics
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3805 Journal Article

Interethnic Contact Online: Contextualising the Implications of Social Media Use by Second-Generation Migrant Youth

Authors Rianne Dekker, Peter Scholten, Warda Belabas
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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3806 Journal Article

Why do first and second-generation young migrants volunteer? The Migrant Volunteerism Motivation Model (MVMM)

Authors Sara Alfieri, Daniela Marzana, Sara Martinez Damia
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Social and Political Psychology
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3807 Journal Article

The multiple dimensions of race

Authors Wendy D. Roth
Year 2016
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 48
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3808 Journal Article

Outsourcing Hotspot Governance within the EU: Cultural Mediators as Humanitarian–Border Workers in Greece

Authors Aila Spathopoulou, Kirsi Pauliina Kallio, Jouni Hakli
Year 2021
Journal Name International Political Sociology
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3809 Journal Article

Partnering ‘out’ and fitting in: residential segregation and the neighbourhood contexts of mixed-race households

Authors Steven R. Holloway, Mark Ellis, Richard Wright, ...
Year 2005
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 39
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3810 Journal Article

The Temporary Reintroduction of Border Controls Inside the Schengen Area: Towards a Spatial Perspective

Authors Estelle Evrard, Birte Nienaber, Adolfo Sommaribas
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Borderlands Studies
3811 Journal Article

Extraterritorial Border Controls In The Eu: The Role Of Frontex In Operations At Sea

Authors Anneliese Baldaccini
Year 2018
Book Title Extraterritorial Immigration Control
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3812 Book Chapter

Racial and Ethnic Influence in Online Dating Perceptions

Authors Lindsey Almond, Yuliana Rodriguez-Vongsavanh, Alan Taylor
Year 2020
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3813 Journal Article

Factorial Invariance, Scale Reliability, and Construct Validity of the Job Control and Job Demands Scales for Immigrant Workers: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis

Authors Kaori Fujishiro, Kaori Fujishiro, Paul A. Landsbergis, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 9
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3814 Journal Article

The effect of racial discrimination on mental and physical health: A propensity score weighting approach

Authors Shanting Chen, Allen B. Mallory
Year 2021
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3815 Journal Article

Minority race and male sex as risk factors for non-beneficial gastrostomy tube placements after stroke

Authors Roland Faigle, Victor C. Urrutia, Rebecca F. Gottesman, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name PLOS ONE
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3816 Journal Article

Shaping migration at the border: the entangled rationalities of border control practices

Authors Christin Achermann
Year 2021
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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3817 Journal Article

Cross-cultural diversity management in service firms

Authors Céline Viala, C. Viala, Ricarda B. Bouncken, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name European J. of International Management
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3819 Journal Article

Cultural Perspective Taking in Cross-Cultural Negotiation

Authors Sujin Lee, Wendi L. Adair, Seong-Jee Seo
Year 2013
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3820 Journal Article


Authors Rogelia Pe-Pua
Year 1989
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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3821 Journal Article


Authors R PEPUA
Year 1989
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 13
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3822 Journal Article

Progress report on resettlement report of the High Commissioner [for Refugees]

Authors UNHCR
Focuses on UNHCR's resettlement activities and developments in the global resettlement programme.
Year 2012
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3824 Report

Gender identity and integration: second-generation Somali immigrants navigating gender in Canada

Authors Ahmad Karimi, Sandra M. Bucerius, Sara Thompson
Year 2019
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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3827 Journal Article

Dangerous sadness: nervoza among first and second generation Macedonian immigrants to Australia

Authors Aleksandar Misev, Christine B. Phillips
Year 2019
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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3828 Journal Article

Migration Within the Frontier: The Second Generation Colonization in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Authors Alisson Flávio Barbieri, David L. Carr, Richard E. Bilsborrow
Year 2009
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 32
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3829 Journal Article

The migration of knowledge workers: second-generation effects of India’s brain drain

Authors Manuel J Carvajal
Year 2002
Journal Name Economics of Education Review
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3830 Journal Article

Human Services Providers' Perspectives on Refugee Resettlement in the United States before and after the 2016 Presidential Election

Authors Darlene Xiomara Rodriguez, Paul N. McDaniel, Matthew Tikhonovsky
Year 2020
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3831 Journal Article

Migration and Public Policy

Authors Vaughan Robinson
Year 1999
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3833 Book

Cross-cultural management communication

Authors Ruth M. Guzley
Year 1992
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
3834 Journal Article

Post-racial futures: imagining post-racialist anti-racism(s)

Authors Joshua Paul
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 9
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3835 Journal Article

Academic Performance of Young Children in Immigrant Families: The Significance of Race, Ethnicity, and National Origins

Authors Jennifer E. Glick, JE Glick, Bryndl Hohmann-Marriott
Year 2007
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 63
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3836 Journal Article

Inventing the Race: Latinos and the Ethnoracial Pentagon

Authors Silvio Torres-Saillant
Year 2003
Journal Name Latino Studies
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3837 Journal Article

Why it is unethical to charge migrant women for pregnancy care in the National Health Service

Authors Arianne Shahvisi, Fionnuala Finnerty
Year 2019
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3839 Journal Article

From Refugee to Entrepreneur? Challenges to Refugee Self-reliance in Berlin, Germany

Authors Alexandra Embiricos
Year 2019
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3840 Journal Article

Local challenges and national concerns: municipal level responses to national refugee settlement policies in Denmark and Sweden

Authors Gunnar Myrberg
Year 2017
Citations (WoS) 5
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3841 Journal Article

Turkey's refugees, Syrians and refugees from Turkey: a country of insecurity

Authors Ibrahim Sirkeci
Year 2017
Journal Name Migration Letters
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3842 Journal Article

Readmission, return and reintegration in Armenia

Authors Haykanush CHOBANYAN
The projects are funded by the EU Return fund or by the individual EU countries. Projects involve limited categories of returnees, i.e. “voluntary”, “compulsory” and “forced” (these are mostly rejected asylum seekers and irregular migrants). The bulk of beneficiaries comprise returnees from the same countries. Different methods are used for organizing the activities of the appropriate entities (for example, the selection of a professional entity for all project components, and a legal contract with those entities). The working tools of the projects (e.g. needs assessment, statistical databases, etc.) for ensuring the effectiveness of the process and conducting analyses on different parameters also vary. ? Different types of support provided by reintegration projects (e.g. not all the projects have such components as educating children, social and psychological support and consultancy) Different levels of financing might not be sufficient for starting cost-effective businesses. Besides, returnees do not have their own funds to invest into businesses. In order to ensure the sustainable reintegration of returning migrants in Armenia, coordinated assistance should be provided to them. Otherwise, this deficiency can contribute to a situation where these people migrate from Armenia again.
Year 2013
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3843 Report

Employment for women with refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds in Australia: An overview of workforce participation and available support programmes

Authors Clemence Due, Peta Callaghan, Alexander Reilly, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name International Migration
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3844 Journal Article

Foreigner objectification, English proficiency, and adjustment among youth and mothers from Latinx American backgrounds.

Authors Lisa Kiang, Gabriela Livas Stein, Laura M. Gonzalez, ...
Journal Name Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
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3845 Journal Article

Cardiovascular Disease Screening Among Immigrants from Eight World Regions

Authors Megan M. Reynolds, Megan M. Reynolds, Trenita B. Childers, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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3846 Journal Article

Who are People Willing to Date? Ethnic and Gender Patterns in Online Dating

Authors Wei-Chin Hwang
Year 2013
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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3847 Journal Article

The Nature and Scope of International Migration Data in Nigeria

Authors Paulina Makinwa-Adebusoye
Year 1987
Journal Name International Migration Review
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3848 Journal Article

The Insider-Researcher Status: A Challenge for Social Work Practice Research

Authors Grace Chammas
Year 2020
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3849 Journal Article

Who gets a fair go? A Zizekian reading of representations of asylum seekers in Australia

Authors Chris McMillan
Year 2017
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3850 Journal Article

Cultural brokerage: Creating linkages between voices of lifeworld and medicine in cross-cultural clinical settings

Authors Ming-Cheng Miriam Lo
Year 2010
Journal Name Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine
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3851 Journal Article

In the shadows of memory: the Holocaust and the third generation

Authors Maria Roca Lizarazu
Year 2017
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3852 Journal Article

What Is “Successful” Resettlement? Refugee Narratives From Regional New South Wales in Australia

Authors Oscar Curry, Caroline Lenette, Charlotte Smedley
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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3853 Journal Article

Restrictive borders and rights: attitudes of the Danish public to asylum seekers

Authors Adi Hercowitz-Amir, Rebeca Raijman
Year 2020
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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3854 Journal Article

Asylum-seekers as pariahs in the Australian State security against the few

Authors Claudia Tazreiter, UN University, World Institute for Development Economics Research
Year 2003
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3855 Report

To Deter, Detain and Deny: Protection of Onshore Asylum Seekers in Australia

Authors A. Schloenhardt
Year 2002
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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3856 Journal Article

Mixed Race Families in South Africa: Naming and Claiming a Location

Authors Heather M. Dalmage
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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3857 Journal Article

#LetThemStay#BringThemHere: Embodied politics, asylum seeking, and performativities of protest opposing Australia’s Operation Sovereign Borders

Authors Paul Hodge
Year 2019
Journal Name Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
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3858 Journal Article

Racial microaggressions and difficult dialogues on race in the classroom.

Authors Derald Wing Sue, Annie I. Lin, Gina C. Torino, ...
Journal Name Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
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3859 Journal Article

Oblivious identitY Management for Private and User-friendly Services

At first sight, privacy and strong identity seem inherently at odds. Indeed, if users are strongly identified during a transaction, then privacy is non-existent. Nevertheless, there exist mechanisms that can reconcile privacy and strong identity, either by trusting an online identity provider (IDP), or by using cryptographic mechanisms such as anonymous credentials. The former approach, made popular by technologies such as SAML, OpenID Connect, and Facebook Connect, has the disadvantage that the IDP forms a single point of failure in terms of privacy and security, because it can impersonate and track its users online. The latter approach has the disadvantage that users have to rely on trusted hardware such as smartcards to protect credentials from compromise and from illegitimate sharing. OLYMPUS will take a radically new approach offering the seamless user experience of online IDPs, but without their drawbacks. Namely, OLYMPUS will pioneer the concept of distributed oblivious identity management, where the role of the IDP is split over multiple authorities, so that no single authority can track or impersonate their users. By exploiting advanced techniques based on threshold cryptography, the OLYMPUS framework will let users maintain unlinkable identities with different service providers while using standard devices and a single password or biometric. By leveraging existing eID solutions to create a strong link to physical identities, and by integrating into existing frameworks to ease adoption by service providers, OLYMPUS will establish a secure and interoperable European identity management framework. Its practical feasibility and relevance will be demonstrated in two pilots. The first combines the framework with soft identity proofs to build a mobile driver license application that can be used for offline purchases of restricted goods. The second use case will leverage pseudonymous identification in the financial world to simplify online credit application.
Year 2018
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3860 Project

The international transferability of immigrants’ human capital

Authors Barry R. Chiswick, BR Chiswick, PW Miller, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Economics of Education Review
Citations (WoS) 118
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3861 Journal Article

The roles of acculturative stress and social constraints on psychological distress in Hispanic/Latino and Asian immigrant college students.

Authors Celia Ching Yee Wong, Alma Correa, Kendall Robinson, ...
Journal Name Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
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3862 Journal Article

Race and Religious Participation: Introduction to Special Issue

Authors Robert Joseph Taylor
Year 2017
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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3863 Journal Article

Trapped in the prison of the mind: Notions of climate-induced (im)mobility decision-making and wellbeing from an urban informal settlement in Bangladesh

Authors Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson, Dominic Kniveton, Terry Cannon
Year 2020
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3864 Journal Article

Sex Work Among Men Who Have Sex with Men and Transgender Women in Bogota

Authors Fernanda T. Bianchi, Carol Reisen, Paul Poppen, ...
Year 2014
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3865 Journal Article

Insurgent citizens: mobility (in)justice and international travel

Authors Pooneh Torabian, Heather Mair
Year 2021
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3866 Journal Article

High skilled immigration and the market for skilled labor: The role of occupational choice

Authors Jie Ma
Year 2020
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3867 Journal Article

The use of x-rays to determine the age of young asylum seekers

Authors Danielle Hamm, R Mussell, J Sheather, ...
Year 2008
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3868 Journal Article

The International Legal Obligations owed to the Asylum Seekers on the MV Tampa

Authors C. M.-J. Bostock
Year 2002
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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3869 Journal Article

Canada--United States of America: Discussions on Responsibility-Sharing for Asylum Seekers Adjourned

Year 1998
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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3870 Journal Article


Authors Alex Manning
Year 2019
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
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3871 Journal Article

The language of race

Authors Brian Klug
Year 1999
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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3872 Journal Article

Stateless Persons and the 1989 Comprehensive Plan of Action Part 1: — Chinese Nationality and the Republic of China (Taiwan)

Year 1995
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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3873 Journal Article

Unsettled identities amid settled classifications? Toward a sociology of racial appraisals

Authors Wendy D. Roth
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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3874 Journal Article

Tradability and the Labor-Market Impact of Immigration: Theory and Evidence From the United States

Authors Ariel Burstein, GH Hanson, Jonathan Vogel, ...
Year 2020
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3875 Journal Article

Toward Conceptualizing Race and Racial Identity Development Within an Attractor Landscape

Authors Sean C. Hill
Year 2017
Journal Name SAGE OPEN
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3876 Journal Article

Differentiating Contemporary Racial Prejudice from Old-Fashioned Racial Prejudice

Authors Tony N. Brown, Mark K. Akiyama, Ismail K. White, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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3877 Journal Article

Returning Home: A Comparative Analysis of the Experiences of Sri Lankan First- and Second-Generation Refugee Returnees from India

Authors Anoji Ekanayake, Kopalapillai Amirthalingam
Year 2023
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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3878 Journal Article

Resettlement Policies: Two Different Models

Authors Östen Wahlbeck
Book Title Kurdish Diasporas
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3879 Book Chapter

Respondent Driven Sampling for Immigrant Populations: A Health Survey of Foreign-Born Korean Americans

Authors Sunghee Lee, Michael R. Elliott, Ai Rene Ong, ...
Year 2020
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3880 Journal Article

Asset or Liability: Transnational Links and Political Participation of Foreign‐Born Citizens in Taiwan

Authors Isabelle Cheng, Lara Momesso, Dafydd Fell
Year 2019
Journal Name International Migration
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3881 Journal Article

Holocaust Narratives: Second-Generation "Perpetrators" and the Problem of Liminality

Authors Joanne Pettitt
Year 2018
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3882 Journal Article

Triumphant Transitions: Socioeconomic Achievements of the Second Generation in Canada

Authors Monica Boyd, Elizabeth M. Grieco
Year 1998
Journal Name International Migration Review
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3883 Journal Article

Refugee resettlement in the EU : the capacity to do it better and to do it more

Authors Elona BOKSHI
Know Reset was an EU-wide research project that aimed to analyse how resettlement is currently conducted in the European Union, and in what ways it can be improved. The purpose of this report is to make the case for the increased use of resettlement by European countries on two levels: firstly, through the establishment of new national resettlement programmes in different countries and the expansion of national programmes where they already exist; secondly, to continue common efforts at national and EU level for a harmonized European resettlement programme, the future of which will be negotiated in the context of the EU financial perspectives for the period 2014-2020. The report is illustrated with examples from various Member States. Drawing from the collated country profiles, the findings illustrate capacity for resettlement in four areas: funding; the different actors involved; political will; and the methods used. The paper looks at each of these areas and starts by assessing the capacity of EU Member States to commit or not to resettlement; to expand their efforts (more resettlement places); and to conduct more effective (better quality) resettlement. This makes up the first section. Secondly, the future of resettlement across the European Union is explored. Finally, we formulate recommendations to improve the quality of national resettlement and to promote a better resettlement policy in Europe.
Year 2013
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3884 Report

Kenya's tourist industry and global production networks: gender, race and inequality

Authors Michelle L. Christian
Year 2016
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 2
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3885 Journal Article

Harbin: A Cross-Cultural Biography

Authors N. Pianciola
Year 2021
3886 Journal Article

Persuasion Game: Cross Cultural Comparison

Authors Kaori Ando, Junkichi Sugiura, Susumu Ohnuma, ...
Year 2019
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3887 Journal Article

China tourism: cross-cultural studies

Authors Qi Yan
Year 2017
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3888 Journal Article

Cross-cultural differences in apology

Authors Xiaowen Guan, Hee Sun Park, Hye Eun Lee
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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3889 Journal Article

Index to Cross-Cultural Research

Year 2006
Journal Name Cross-Cultural Research
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3890 Journal Article


Year 1993
3891 Journal Article

Design for cross-cultural learning

Authors Anne Miller
Year 1988
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
3892 Journal Article


Year 1987
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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3893 Journal Article


Year 1987
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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3894 Journal Article

Size and Selectivity Patterns among Israeli Born Immigrants in OECD Countries

Authors Yinon COHEN
Abstract In recent years, there has been much concern about the size and selectivity of the Israeli emigrant population. This paper focuses on two issues regarding Israeli emigrants. First, it focuses on their number and distribution in various destination countries; while the second part of the paper deals with patterns of self-selection among emigrants, namely, the skill level of Israelis who select themselves to leave Israel for various destination countries. The paper addresses these issues using the DIOC (Database on Immigrants in OECD Countries) which includes information on the foreign born (including Israeli-born) from censuses and population registers in OECD countries. The findings suggest that Israeli emigration has increased in the past two decades, but that most of the increase was in the 1990s, and was due to the emigration of foreign-born Israelis, rather than the emigration of native-born Israelis. Based on the DIOC, 164,000 Israeli-born emigrants, aged 15 years and over, resided in 25 OECD countries in 2000. Two thirds of the emigrants were in the US, and 85% in the Anglo-Saxon countries (the US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland). France is the only non Anglo-Saxon country where over 5,000 Israelis resided. Based on Israeli and American sources, this paper also presents estimates for the total size of the Israeli-born emigrant population (including children under 15 and including non-OECD countries), as well as estimates for the number of foreign-born Israeli emigrants from Israel. The selectivity of Israeli emigrants, measured by education, occupation, employment status, and age is most positive in the Anglo-Saxon countries, especially the US, where the returns on skills are the highest. By contrast, the least skilled Israeli emigrants choose Scandinavian countries, where the labor markets are relatively rigid, and returns on skills tend to be the lowest. Selectivity for other European countries is somewhere in the middle, but the emerging, unregulated and unequal economies of Eastern Europe appear to attract very few, albeit highly-skilled, Israelis. These findings are consistent with migration selectivity theory which anticipates that high-skilled immigrants will choose destinations where their skills will be generously compensated. Additional support for the hypothesis that the skilled choose destinations with higher returns on skills, is evident from an analysis of very high skilled Israeli-born emigrants, those holding a Ph.D. degree or its equivalent. There are at least 5,600 such emigrants in OECD countries, and about 75% of them reside in the US. In the Anglo-Saxon countries (but not in continental Europe) about 40% of them are employed in colleges and universities. While only 7% of those with a Ph.D. in the US and other Anglo-Saxon countries do not work, the respective proportion in Europe is much higher, implying that the unobserved skills of many Israeli Ph.D.s in Europe are not as high as their (observed) high educational degree. Put differently, the unobserved skills of highly-educated Israeli emigrants are more positive in the US and Anglo-Saxon countries than in Europe. Finally, the relationship between selectivity and returns to skills are also demonstrated in correlations between labor market characteristics and immigrant skills. Résumé Le volume et la sélectivité de la population émigrante d’Israël ont connu un gain d’intérêt ces dernières années. Ce papier focalise sur deux problématiques concernant les émigrés israéliens. D’abord, il présente leurs effectifs et distribution dans divers pays de destination. Ensuite, il traite des modes d’auto sélection parmi les émigrants ; c’est-à-dire du niveau de qualification des israéliens qui se sélectionnent eux-mêmes pour quitter Israël et se diriger vers divers pays de destination. Le papier aborde la question en utilisant la base de données sur les immigrés dans les pays de l’OCDE (Database on Immigrants in OECD countries, DIOC) qui contient les informations sur les personnes nés à l’étranger (y compris les natifs d’Israël), extraites des recensements et des registres de population dans les pays OCDE. Les données montrent que le volume de l’émigration israélienne a augmenté pendant les deux dernières décennies, surtout au cours des années 1990, et que cette émigration est plus le fait des israéliens nés en dehors d’Israël que des israéliens nés en Israël. Selon la base de données DIOC, 164.000 émigrés natifs d’Israël, âgés de 15 ans et plus, résident dans 25 pays OCDE en 2000. Deux tiers des émigrés étaient aux Etats Unis et 85% dans les pays anglo-saxons (Etats-Unis, Canada, Royaume-Uni, Nouvelle-Zélande et Irlande). La France est le seul pays non anglo-saxon où résident 5.000 israéliens. En se basant sur des sources israéliennes et américaines, ce papier présente aussi des estimations de l’effectif total de la population émigrée native d’Israël (y compris les moins de 15 ans et les non-résidents dans les pays OCDE) ainsi que des estimations de l’effectif des émigrés israéliens nés en dehors d’Israël. La sélectivité des émigrés israéliens, mesurée par l’éducation, la profession, la situation dans la profession et l’âge, est la plus positive dans les pays anglo-saxons, notamment les Etats-Unis, où les récompenses des compétences sont élevées. A l’opposé, les moins qualifiés des émigrés israéliens optent pour les pays scandinaves, où les marchés du travail sont relativement rigides et les récompenses des qualifications comptent parmi les plus basses. La sélectivité pour les autres pays européens se situe quelque part entre les deux, mais l’émergence d’économies non régulés et inégalitaires en Europe de l’Est semble attirer très peu de migrants israéliens qui, toutefois, disposent de très hautes qualifications. Ce résultat est compatible avec la théorie de la sélectivité de la migration qui prévoit que les migrants hautement qualifiés choisissent les destinations où leurs qualifications seront généreusement récompensées. Un autre appui pour l’hypothèse selon laquelle les qualifiés optent pour les destinations avec des récompenses élevées pour les compétences est mis en évidence à partir de l’analyse d’émigrants très hautement qualifiés natifs d’Israël, notamment ceux qui disposent d’un niveau Ph.D. ou équivalent. Il y a au moins 5.600 émigrants du genre dans les pays OCDE dont environ 75% aux Etats-Unis. Dans les pays anglo-saxons (mais pas l’Europe continentale), près de 40% d’entre eux sont employés dans des instituts supérieurs et universités. Au même temps, seulement 7% de ceux disposant d’un Ph.D. et résidant aux Etats-Unis et autres pays anglo-saxons ne travaillent pas. Cette proportion est beaucoup plus élevée en Europe impliquant que les qualifications non observées de la plupart des détenteurs d’un Ph.D. en Europe ne sont pas aussi élevées que leur haut niveau d’éducation (observé). Autrement dit, les qualifications non observées des émigrés israéliens disposant d’un haut niveau d’éducation sont plus positives aux Etats-Unis qu’en Europe. Finalement, la relation entre sélectivité et récompenses pour compétences a été aussi démontrée dans les corrélations entre les caractéristiques du marché du travail et les compétences des migrants.
Year 2009
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3895 Report

Solidarity as a Field of Political Contention: Insights from Local Reception Realities

Authors Haselbacher Miriam
Year 2019
Journal Name Social Inclusion
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3896 Journal Article

What Do These Memories Do? Civil Rights Remembrance and Racial Attitudes

Authors LJ Griffin, KA Bollen
Year 2009
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 37
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3897 Journal Article

What Do These Memories Do? Civil Rights Remembrance and Racial Attitudes

Authors LJ Griffin, KA Bollen
Year 2009
Journal Name American Sociological Review
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3898 Journal Article

The Movements of People between States in the 21st Century: An Agenda for Urgent Institutional Change

Authors Guy S Goodwin-Gill, GS Goodwin-Gill
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
Citations (WoS) 7
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3899 Journal Article

EACH-FOR: Environmental change and forced migration scenarios

Forced migration is a movement in which an element of coercion exists, including threats to life and livelihood, whether arising from natural or man-made causes (e.g. movements of refugees and internally displaced persons). The changes of natural and man-made environment will probably be the most significant factors among the causes of forced migration. It is essential to get accurate information about the current and future triggers of forced migration in each country of origin and within Europe itself. The two year long project's general objectives are to support European policies, research and the civil society with'forced migration' scenarios, and cooperate with other migration and environment degradation related projects and institutions. The objectives will be achieved by five interlinked research sequences: 1) forecasting the natural and anthropogenic causes of forced migration; 2) analyzing direct (e.g. desertification) and indirect (e.g. conflicts) environmental effects on livelihoods; 3) predicting potential forced migration flows, with emphasis on environmental refugees; 4) contributing to the preparation of statistical indicators to measure environmental refugee flows; 5) dissemination. The study of the causes is a multidisciplinary and multisectoral process. The list of methodological tools contains all traditional elements of research from primary data collection via statistical analysis and environmental evaluation to modelling. The studied cases are selected from the following regions: Europe and Russia, NIS and Central Asia, Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and Ghana, Middle East and Northern Africa, Latin America. The project will produce detailed sub-region or country level forced migration scenarios, including environmental refugees; presentation of causes leading to forced migration, with focus on environmental concerns; and an online running "environment degradation caused forced migration" model for demonstration and policy purposes.
Year 2007
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3900 Project
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