
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Migrants and political life in Greece : between political patronage and the search for inclusion

Year 2012
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36001 Journal Article

The African diasporic community in contemporary Ireland: Intersections of ascriptive and circumstantial identities

Authors Theophilus Ejorh
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 1
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36002 Journal Article

Health is Wealth: Methods to Improve Attendance in a Lifestyle Intervention for a Largely Immigrant Filipino-American Sample

Authors Anne R. Leake, Anne R. Leake, Venus C. Bermudo, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 10
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36003 Journal Article

A Longitudinal Test of the Relation between German Nationalism, Patriotism, and Outgroup Derogation

Authors Ulrich Wagner, Peter Schmidt, Oliver Christ, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name European Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 31
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36004 Journal Article

New European Crimes and Trust-based Policy

'The FIDUCIA project will shed light on a number of distinctively 'new European” criminal acts that have emerged in the last decade as a consequence of technological developments and the increased mobility of populations across Europe. The objective of the project is to develop policy responses to “new” forms of deviant behaviours that are also highly relevant to responding to “conventional” forms of criminality. The FIDUCIA concept stems from the idea that public trust (in latin, 'fiducia') in justice is critically important for social regulation, in that it leads to public acceptance of the legitimacy of institutions of justice and thus compliance with the law. The project will investigate whether a change of direction in criminal policy – from deterrence strategies and penal populism to procedural justice and trust-based policy – is desirable, and in what terms. While traditional research is primarily concerned on “why people break the law”, the focus in FIDUCIA is on “why people obey to the law”. The FIDUCIA consortium will conduct four case studies of new forms of criminality that reflect – in various ways – the development of supra-national structures and processes across Europe. The four crime categories are: a) trafficking of human beings; b) trafficking of goods; c) the criminalisation of migration and ethnic minorities; and d) cyber-crimes. In addition, FIDUCIA will examine questions of criminalisation; assess the importance of public trust in justice and beliefs about the legitimacy of their own criminal justice system; and explore whether trust-based regulation makes sense at a supra-national level. The findings will inform an innovative model of “trust-based” policy with a raft of far-reaching recommendations for politicians and law-makers in Member States and the institutions of the European Union.'
Year 2012
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36006 Project

Embodied geographies of food, belonging and hope in multicultural Hamilton, Aotearoa New Zealand

Authors Lynda Johnston, R Longhurst, Robyn Longhurst
Year 2012
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 13
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36007 Journal Article

Migrant worker acculturation in China

Authors Yongxia Gui, JW Berry, Yong Zheng, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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36008 Journal Article

Managing sameness and difference: the politics of belonging among Irish-born return migrants from the United States

Authors David Ralph
Year 2012
Journal Name Social & Cultural Geography
Citations (WoS) 9
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36009 Journal Article

Emigrants and the Body Politic Left Behind: Results from the Latino National Survey

Authors Roger Waldinger, N Lim, Thomas Soehl, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 14
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36011 Journal Article

Vietnamská etnická ekonomika v českém pohraničí a integrace imigrantů

Projekt se zaměřuje na integraci migrantů z Vietnamu v českém pohraničí, kde jich dlouhodobě pobývá nadprůměrně vysoký počet. Teoretickou inovací, kterou projekt přináší, je výzkum sociální integrace na základě intersekcionality mezi etnickou ekonomikou,transnacionalismem a životem v okrajové lokalitě (tzv. small-scale locality). V rámci etnografického výzkumu bude provedena terénní práce na dvou místech - v městečku a v další blízké menší obci - zaměřená na sociální a ekonomickou integraci a strategievietnamských migrantů. Kontext života v malé obci nabízí možnost dosáhnout nových poznatků o této skupině migrantů, protože dosavadní výzkumy byly prováděny téměř vždy ve velkoměstech. Výzkum se také zaměří na to, jaké změny přináší migrace a integracecizinců ve vybraných obcích, jak se s tím vyrovnává místní obyvatelstvo a samospráva a jaké strategie místní úřady uplatňují.
Year 2012
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36012 Project


"The FIDUCIA project will shed light on a number of distinctively ""new European” criminal acts that have emerged in the last decade as a consequence of technological developments and the increased mobility of populations across Europe. The objective of the project is to develop policy responses to “new” forms of deviant behaviours that are also highly relevant to responding to “conventional” forms of criminality. The FIDUCIA concept stems from the idea that public trust (in latin, ""fiducia"") in justice is critically important for social regulation, in that it leads to public acceptance of the legitimacy of institutions of justice and thus compliance with the law. The project will investigate whether a change of direction in criminal policy – from deterrence strategies and penal populism to procedural justice and trust-based policy – is desirable, and in what terms. While traditional research is primarily concerned on “why people break the law”, the focus in FIDUCIA is on “why people obey to the law”. The FIDUCIA consortium will conduct four case studies of new forms of criminality that reflect – in various ways – the development of supra-national structures and processes across Europe. The four crime categories are: a) trafficking of human beings; b) trafficking of goods; c) the criminalisation of migration and ethnic minorities; and d) cyber-crimes. In addition, FIDUCIA will examine questions of criminalisation; assess the importance of public trust in justice and beliefs about the legitimacy of their own criminal justice system; and explore whether trust-based regulation makes sense at a supra-national level. The findings will inform an innovative model of “trust-based” policy with a raft of far-reaching recommendations for politicians and law-makers in Member States and the institutions of the European Union."
Year 2012
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36013 Project

Equal opportunities for migrant youth in educational systems with high levels of social and ethnic segregation: assessing the impact of school team resources

Although a gap in educational performance of migrant children compared to children without a migration background is to be observed in most industrialized countries, it is particularly big in countries as Belgium, Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, as has been attested by the PISA-data. Social and ethnic segregation, which is particularly high in these educational systems, seems to be one of the important explanatory factors. This project wants to disentangle what are the crucial factors by which this high level of segregation impacts on unequal opportunities for immigrant children. Going beyond the classic composition effect model (looking at peer group effects, i.e. positive or negative influences of pupils on each other), this project wants to also examine the potential impact of differentiated teacher profiles on group performance. The project wishes to test the hypothesis that the link between school composition and educational performance is a (partly) spurious effect, caused by mediating effect of teacher characteristics. We hypothesize that better skilled and more positively oriented teachers are overrepresented in schools with an 'easier' school population, while so-called 'difficult' schools (populated by working-class immigrant children) have difficulty in attracting and - especially - keeping competent and motivated staff. In order to examine this hypothesis a mixed methods approach will be used, combining quantitative statistical analysis (on new and existing data, for instance multi-level analysis of the PISA-data set and other eligible datasets), qualitative case studies and focus groups. Secondary analysis of existing data-sets (PISA, TIMMS, PIRLS) will be undertaken and new data will be collected (taking the Flemish and Francophone educational systems in Belgium as case-studies).
Year 2012
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36014 Project

MolefI Kete Asante: The Afrocentric Idea and the cultural turn in intercultural communication studies

Authors Reynaldo Anderson
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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36015 Journal Article

Queer-Arab-French: Sexuality, Islam and Citizenship in France

How do North African (Maghrebi) men and Maghrebi-French men negotiate and understand same-sex desire when living in a French urban context? Does the ethnic North African, who pursues erotic same-sex relationships in France, identify himself as ‘gay’ or ‘homosexual’? During the Fellowship, my broad goal is to address these questions through the completion of a monograph, titled Queer-Arab-French: Sexuality, Islam, and Citizenship in France. It consists of an ethnographic study of same-sex sexualities, which is based on interviews with Maghrebi and Maghrebi-French homosexual males in major urban centres in France. I will work with specialists in French studies, linguistics and Communication Studies at Nottingham Trent University (NTU) to analyze how every-day speech and urban space influence Maghrebi-French understandings of sexuality and citizenship. My project will demonstrate how Maghrebi and Maghrebi-French men may explain their sexuality in terms of a modern ‘coming out’ narrative, documented in the recent scholarship on French homosexuality. Nevertheless, North African sexual minorities are able to negotiate cultural hybridity, interculturality, and ‘belonging’ in a ‘third space’ that combines elements from traditional and modern discourses such as family, honour, face-saving, the symbolic order of gender differences, as well as the western constructs of individualism and sexual autonomy. These men also address broader public policy debates on Islam, Islamaphobia, and homophobia. My project aims to create a new critical framework for examining Muslim sexual minorities and to inform the work of academics in a variety of disciplines, as well as that of activists, politicians and healthcare workers. Since the staff and students I would work with at NTU investigate related research questions, the potential exists to expand these findings and bring new knowledge about immigration, citizenship, sexual health, and human rights discourses to the UK and the EU.
Year 2012
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36016 Project

Recent Trends in International Migration in Poland

Year 2012
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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36017 Journal Article

Reception and Integration of Muslims in France, Quebec and English Canada

This project compares the experiences of Muslim minorities in three contexts: France, Quebec, and English Canada. The objective is to assess the extent of integration of Muslim minorities in each setting, to identify key similarities and differences, to find the most important reasons for any differences, and to relate findings to previous research and public discourse in each setting. The three-way comparison helps illuminate a number of issues of significance to current debates on immigration and multiculturalism, including the role of public attitudes, national integration ‘models’ and advantages of traditional ‘nations of immigration’ over recent European experience, and language and culture. The theoretical framework takes account of four sets of factors: minority characteristics, mainstream attitudes and debates, institutional structures, and public policies, and draws upon inter-disciplinary perspectives. Both quantitative and qualitative data are used. On the quantitative side, for France the new government-mandated “Trajectories and Origins” (TeO) survey conducted in 2009 (over 21000 interviews) overcomes many limitations in existing statistics for identification of ethnic minorities. The comparable Canadian source is the monumental “Ethnic Diversity Survey” conducted in 2002 by Statistics Canada (over 42000 interviews). Excellent collaboration is available in use of the French data; I have already published a major book on the Canadian data. The project also will conduct a series of specially designed focus-group sessions involving structured encounters between Muslims and non-Muslims conducted in Paris, Montreal and Toronto. The project will be facilitated by CADIS in Paris where I build on a strong institutional foundation. It will produce a major book to be submitted to the MacMillan Palgrave series on migration, and papers for international conferences. A conference and workshop also will be held.
Year 2012
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36018 Project

Ethnolinguistic Identification and Adaptation of Repatriates in Polycultural Kazakhstan

Authors Baurzhan Bokayev, Sholpan Zharkynbekova, Khalida Nurseitova, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Language, Identity & Education
Citations (WoS) 1
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36019 Journal Article

The Labor Market Impact of Immigration: A Quasi-Experiment Exploiting Immigrant Location Rules in Germany

Authors Albrecht Glitz
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Labor Economics
Citations (WoS) 75
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36020 Journal Article

African Migrant Women

On the margins of the EU, African women migrants can be important transmitters of social cultural practices. But in certain societies of immigration (France, Spain) these women, because of the ageing factor can be victims of some kind of discrimination. Often their husbands can replace them for new co-spouses. This situation creates tensions and that is, for the women, all the more constraining and painful when the women carry on a productive and reproductive activity. this proposal, through a specific anthropological demography methodology, wants to bring into question meaningful motions of ethnicity, transnationalisation, gender and the changing context in relation to aesthetic and body concepts of African women in the settlement countries mainly in Spain and France (Europe) and in Senegal and Gambia (Africa).
Year 2012
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36021 Project

Chinese language reform in Singapore: teacher perceptions of instructional approaches and curriculum implementation

Authors Li Li, Shouhui Zhao, Alexander Seeshing Yeung
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 5
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36022 Journal Article

The citizenship of foreign workers in South Korea

Authors Seol Dong-Hoon
Year 2012
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 15
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36023 Journal Article

Gendering activism in populist radical right parties. A comparative study of women’s and men’s participation in the Northern League (Italy) and the National Front (France)

Building on two pilot studies conducted in 2010, the proposed research will explore the gender dimensions of anti-immigration social movements in contemporary Europe. This will be done through a comparative analysis of activism in two populist radical right parties: an ethnographic and documentary study of activism in the social and cultural associations linked to the Northern League party (NL) in Italy and to the National Front party (NF) in France. During the applicant’s earlier research on the NL, it became clear that the themes of women’s rights and gender equality are increasingly mobilised in instrumental ways by this party, seeking to attract women’s votes. This corresponds to a recent radicalisation of the NL’s discourse, which in the past decade has increasingly targeted migrants coming from Muslim countries: in this discourse, immigration is associated with sexual violence and gender conservatism. The research will mobilise these earlier studies while expanding their focus through a comparative perspective. In examining current developments in the ideology and politics of the NL and the NF, and their attempt to modernise their public image, the proposed comparative research will contribute to ongoing theoretical debates about the articulation of racism and gender as well as about the role played by gender in collective action. The proposed research is ground-breaking in two ways. First, only a minority of ethnographic studies exist which focus on activism in radical right organisations, as sociologists have tended to focus on left-wing social movements. More specifically, very few studies have investigated the role played by women in radical right social movements. Second, the few existing qualitative studies of women’s activism in these organisations fail to compare systematically the practices women and men. As opposed to these existing studies, the proposed research will examine both women’s and men’s involvement in these organisations.
Year 2012
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36024 Project

Ethnic Return Migrations—(Are Not Quite)—Diasporic Homecomings

Authors Fran Markowitz
Year 2012
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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36025 Journal Article

FIDUCIA: New European Crimes and Trust-based Policy

"The FIDUCIA project will shed light on a number of distinctively ""new European” criminal acts that have emerged in the last decade as a consequence of technological developments and the increased mobility of populations across Europe. The objective of the project is to develop policy responses to “new” forms of deviant behaviours that are also highly relevant to responding to “conventional” forms of criminality. The FIDUCIA concept stems from the idea that public trust (in latin, ""fiducia"") in justice is critically important for social regulation, in that it leads to public acceptance of the legitimacy of institutions of justice and thus compliance with the law. The project will investigate whether a change of direction in criminal policy – from deterrence strategies and penal populism to procedural justice and trust-based policy – is desirable, and in what terms. While traditional research is primarily concerned on “why people break the law”, the focus in FIDUCIA is on “why people obey to the law”. The FIDUCIA consortium will conduct four case studies of new forms of criminality that reflect – in various ways – the development of supra-national structures and processes across Europe. The four crime categories are: a) trafficking of human beings; b) trafficking of goods; c) the criminalisation of migration and ethnic minorities; and d) cyber-crimes. In addition, FIDUCIA will examine questions of criminalisation; assess the importance of public trust in justice and beliefs about the legitimacy of their own criminal justice system; and explore whether trust-based regulation makes sense at a supra-national level. The findings will inform an innovative model of “trust-based” policy with a raft of far-reaching recommendations for politicians and law-makers in Member States and the institutions of the European Union."
Year 2012
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36026 Project

Female migrants from developed countries in Southern Europe: A study of integration

'Women-migrants in Europe often face the ‘double disadvantage’ [as women and as foreigners] in the two main, mutually reinforcing aspects of their migration careers [the socio-political disadvantage and the labour market disadvantage] (Boswell et a. 2004; Boyd & Grieco 2003; CEDAW 2010; Rubin et al. 2008). Their social exclusion is illuminated by their intersecting encounters with racism and xenophobia, sexism, political inactivity and impeded access to welfare services and benefits. In the labour market they face the following forms of disadvantage: (1) unemployment; (2) under-employment (or over-qualification); (3) temporary and short-term contracts, and (4) discriminated payment in comparison with both the native-born- and the male migrant populations. This is particularly the case for (highly) skilled female migrants in SE. Detailed knowledge about their integration experiences and strategies is a tool toward the utilization of their skills in destination countries. However, there is insufficient and disintegrated information about this (ibid). The FEMIDE project will explore, from the multi-disciplinary perspective, integration among US and UK women living in the SE countries of Italy and Greece. It will focus on women who have settled in these countries having received university degrees in their countries of origin, and who could therefore contribute to so-called ‘skilled’ workforce. The project will use multiple methods such as narrative biographic interview, e-forum, e-survey, focus group, critical discourse analysis and social network analysis in order to understand to what extent these women have been integrated and to what extent their skills have been utilized within the transitional migration regime context and within the global context of high skill shortages. The concepts of ‘gender’, ‘skilled migration’ and ‘labour market segmentation’ will theoretically inform my inquiry into how such female migrants understand their own integration or exclusion.'
Year 2012
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36027 Project

Language policy and minority language education in Ireland: re-exploring the issues

Authors Muiris Ó Laoire, Muiris O. Laoire
Year 2012
Journal Name Language, Culture and Curriculum
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36028 Journal Article

Ethnische Netzwerke und der Bildungserwerb von Migranten im Lebenslauf

Principal investigator Frank Kalter (Principal Investigator)
"Das Projekt untersuchte die Bedeutung ethnischer Netzwerke für die Integration von Migranten und ihren Kindern in Deutschland. Dazu wurden Daten des Nationalen Bildungspanels (NEPS) für mehrere Startkohorten unter Verwendung unterschiedlicher Netzwerkmaße ausgewertet. Eine methodischen Studie zu Messinvarianz ging der Frage nach, ob die in Startkohorte 6 verwendeten Befragungsinstrumente zu Sozialkapital für Einheimische und Migranten dasselbe Konzept auf dieselbe Weise messen. Nach Tests auf konfigurale Invarianz, metrische Invarianz und skalare Invarianz kommen wir zu dem Ergebnis, dass weder sprachliche noch kulturelle Unterschiede die Vergleichbarkeit der Sozialkapitalmessungen über die Gruppen hinweg gefährden. Unter Verwendung von Startkohorte 4 (15jährige Jugendliche) wurde der Zusammenhang zwischen einheimischen Freunden und der Identifikation mit dem Aufnahmeland untersucht. Während die Identifikation von Spätaussiedlern und Jugendlichen aus ehemals jugoslawischen Ländern oder Südeuropa stark mit dem Anteil einheimischer Freunde zusammenhängt, konnten wir dafür keinen Beleg bei türkisch- oder polnischstämmigen Jugendlichen finden. In einer Folgestudie über Jugendliche türkischer Herkunft untersuchten wir, ob das Zugehörigkeitsgefühl zum Herkunftsland, also der Türkei, mit der Identifikation mit dem Aufnahmeland, also Deutschland, zusammenhängt. Wir konnten zeigen, dass ein solcher Zusammenhang nur besteht, wenn die Jugendlichen in Nachbarschaften mit einem hohen Anteil von Bewohnern türkischer Herkunft leben. In dieser Situation verringert das Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit zum Herkunftsland die Identifikation mit dem Aufnahmeland. In einer der ersten Studien, die zwischen religiösen und ethnischen Netzwerken unterscheidet, untersuchten wir Daten aus Startkohorte 3 (jüngere Schüler) und Startkohorte 4. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Engagement in religiösen Gemeinschaften mit einem besseren Abschneiden in mathematischen Leistungstests einhergeht, ein zunehmender Anteil an Nachbarn derselben Herkunft diesen Vorteil aber untergräbt. Dieser antagonistische Effekt stellt die Annahme in Frage, dass ethnische oder religiöse Gemeinden grundsätzlich förderlich oder schädlich sind. Anhand Daten der Startkohorte 6 und direkter Messungen sozialer Ressourcen sowie der sozioökonomischen Zusammensetzung von Netzwerken, konnten wir weiterhin zeigen, dass ethnisch geprägte Netzwerke die Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt erschweren, da sie geringeres aufnahmelandspezifisches Sozialkapital bieten. Im Gegensatz dazu finden wir weder Hinweise auf positive Auswirkungen von Peer Groups noch einen eigenständigen Effekt von ethnisch geprägtem Sozialkapital auf die Arbeitsmarktintegration."
Year 2012
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36029 Project

Migration and the crisis in Greek society: the parameters of a coordinated departure

Authors Thanos Maroukis
Research Fellow of ELIAMEP, Dr. Thanos Maroukis discusses immigration and the crisis in the Greek society. Greek migration policy over the last 20 years, on the one hand, puts obstacles to the legal flow of third country nationals (TCNs), and on the other, it occasionally regularises their existence and work in Greek society. In recent years certain important steps have been taken by Greek governments (albeit with a delay) towards consolidating the residence status of many foreigners and supporting their socio-political integration process.
Year 2012
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36030 Report

Coping and chronic psychosocial consequences of female genital mutilation in the Netherlands

Authors Erick Vloeberghs, M. E. T. C. van den Muijsenbergh, Anke van der Kwaak, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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36031 Journal Article

Statistical data collection on migration in the Republic of Belarus

Authors Anastacia BOBROVA, Liudmila SHAKHOTSKA
Information on migration in Belarus is mainly gathered via 2 kinds of official sources, namely those produced by the National Statistical Institute (section 1) and those produced by the Ministry of Interior (section 2). Both apply to emigration and immigration.
Year 2011
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36032 Report

Acquisition of Cross-Ethnic Friends by Recent Immigrants in Canada: A Longitudinal Approach

Authors Borja Martinovic, Frank van Tubergen, Ineke Maas
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 19
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36033 Journal Article

Human Smuggling in Austria: A Comparative Analysis of Data on Smuggled Migrants from Former Yugoslavia and the Russian Federation

Authors Daniela Peterka-Benton
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 2
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36034 Journal Article

What Explains the Increasing Trend in African Emigration to the U.S.?

Authors Kevin J. A. Thomas
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 21
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36035 Journal Article

Labor Shortages and U.S. Immigration Reform: Promises and Perils of an Independent Commission

Authors Philip Martin, Martin Ruhs
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 13
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36036 Journal Article

“Foreign Brides” Meet Ethnic Politics in Taiwan

Authors Ming-Chang Tsai
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 18
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36037 Journal Article

A New Era in Australian Multiculturalism? From Working-Class “Ethnics” to a “Multicultural Middle- Class”

Authors Val Colic-Peisker
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 21
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36038 Journal Article

Age-at-Arrival's Effects on Asian Immigrants’ Socioeconomic Outcomes in Canada and the U.S.

Authors Sharon M. Lee, Barry Edmonston
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 17
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36039 Journal Article

Absence of a 'community' and spatial invisibility : migrants from Albania in Greece and the case of Thessaloniki

Authors Ifigeneia KOKKALI
Year 2011
Book Title Frank ECKARDT and John EADE (eds), Ethnically diverse city, Berlin : Berliner-Wissenschaafts-Verlag, 2011, Future urban research in Europe ; 4, pp. 85-114
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36040 Book Chapter

Fin de régime et migrations en Libye : les enseignements juridiques d’un pays en feu

Authors Delphine PERRIN
Year 2011
Journal Name [Migration Policy Centre]
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36041 Journal Article

Afro-Diasporic Seasonings

Authors Lidia Marte
Year 2011
Journal Name Food, Culture & Society
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36064 Journal Article

Dreams of Pakistani Grill and Vada Pao in Manhattan

Authors Krishnendu Ray
Year 2011
Journal Name Food, Culture & Society
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36065 Journal Article

Do Foreigners Replace Native Immigrants? Evidence from a panel cointegration analysis

Authors Herbert BRÜCKER, Stefano FACCHIN, Alessandra VENTURINI
Year 2011
Journal Name Economic Modelling, 2011, 28, 3, 1078–1089
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36068 Journal Article

La question migratoire au Maroc : Données récentes

Authors Mohamed KHACHANI
Le Maroc constitue un bassin migratoire important. Si le territoire a constitué, au cours de toute cette première moitié du XXème siècle, un pays d'immigration accueillant des flux migratoires relativement importants en provenance d’un certain nombre de pays européens, il est également et progressivement devenu depuis un pays d'émigration à destination des pays de l'Union européenne dans sa grande majorité. L'émigration marocaine vers cet espace est en effet devenue, depuis les années 1960, un phénomène sociétal majeur. Reste, toutefois, que le Maroc ne constitue pas seulement un foyer d’émigration dans la double mesure essentielle où il est aussi devenu un espace de transit pour de nombreux jeunes migrants originaires principalement de l’Afrique subsaharienne, et s’inscrit dans une tendance croissante à devenir un pays de résidence pour ces derniers. Morocco has always been an important migration hub. While it was an immigration country during the first half of the twentieth century, receiving relatively important migratory flows from a range of European countries, it has also become, in recent times, an emigration country, mainly towards European Union countries. Moroccan emigration towards the EU has become a major social issue. However, Morocco is not only defined as an emigration hub. It has also become a space for transit for young migrants from Sub-Saharan African countries, and it has become a country of residence for many of them.
Year 2011
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36069 Report

Guerre en Libye : la situation des migrants et des réfugiés en Tunisie

Authors Souhayma BEN ACHOUR, Monia BEN JEMIA
Le 17 février 2011 le peuple libyen se révolte contre une dictature de 40 ans. Les rebelles, soutenus par les forces de l’OTAN, et les fidèles du Colonel Kadhafi se livrent une guerre sans merci, laissant des milliers de morts et de blessés et des dégâts matériels implorants. Près de 900.000 personnes quittent le pays pour fuir les combats sanglants qui s’y déroulent et, durant plusieurs semaines, des milliers de personnes traversent les postes frontières de Ras Jdir et de Dhéhiba. Afin de faire face à cette arrivée massive de personnes, des camps sont montés dans l’urgence par l’armée tunisienne pendant que l’aide internationale s’organise. Une opération humanitaire d’urgence est décrétée par l’ONU et confiée au HCR, chargé de protéger les réfugiés et de leur apporter une aide humanitaire, et à l’OIM chargée d’aider à leur rapatriement vers leur pays d’origine. Une part de ceux qui sont entrés sur le territoire tunisien est de nationalité libyenne. Peu d’entre eux restent dans les camps. Ils logent chez des familles tunisiennes, dans des logements qu’ils louent ou dans des hôtels. Ils vont et viennent entre les deux pays au gré de l’évolution de la guerre dans leur pays. Avec la prise de Tripoli par les rebelles et la fuite de Kadhafi, le 1er septembre, le flot de Libyens entrant en Tunisie ne tarit pas pour autant. Les autres personnes sont ce qu’il est convenu d’appeler des "Nationaux de pays tiers", selon une terminologie utilisée par le HCR. Ils résidaient en Libye avant le déclenchement de la crise. La plupart d’entre eux ont été rapatriés vers leur pays d’origine avec l’aide de leurs gouvernements respectifs et/ou de l’OIM. Cependant, plusieurs réfugiés n’ont pas pu être rapatriés, et ne pourront probablement pas l’être, en raison des graves crises qui secouent leurs pays : guerre en Irak, en Somalie, au Soudan, entre l’Erythrée et l’Ethiopie... Le présent rapport, après quelques brèves précisions sur les notions de migrants et de réfugiés, tentera de décrire leur situation et les grandes difficultés qu’ils vivent et de faire le point sur le droit qui leur est applicable. On 17 February 2011, the Libyan people rose up against a forty–year-long dictatorship. The rebels supported by NATO, on the one side, and Colonel Gaddafi’s partisans, on the other, fought each other which meant thousands of deaths, injuries not to mention extensive material destruction. Around 900,000 people fled the country and, for several weeks, many poured across the border posts of Ras Ajdir and Dhebiba. To deal with this situation, emergency camps were set up by the Tunisian army awaiting for international aid. A humanitarian operation was decided upon by the United Nations with UNHCR in charge of protecting refugees and providing humanitarian aid, and the IOM was put in charge of repatriation. Many of those who fled to Tunisia have Libyan nationality. Very few are in the camps, most are hosted by Tunisian families, some rent out flats or hotel rooms. They come and go between the two countries as the war fluctuates. Once Tripoli was taken by the rebels and Qaddafi fled on 1 September, the flow did not decrease. The others are “third-country nationals” according to UNHCR terminology. They used to reside in Libya before the war. Most of them have been repatriated to their home country with the support of their respective governments and/or the IOM. Yet, some refugees were not repatriated and will not be repatriated in the foreseeable future because of serious crises in their country: war in Iraq, in Somalia, in Sudan, between Eritrea and Ethiopia… After some points of definition on migrants and refugees, this report describes their situation and the great difficulties that they face, and suggests the legal framework that could be applied here.
Year 2011
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36070 Report

The Labor Market Challenge. Does International Migration Challenge Labor Markets in Host Countries? A Critical Review of the Recent and Traditional Literature

Authors Herbert BRÜCKER
This paper addresses a classical question: Does immigration reduce wages and increases unemployment in receiving countries? Fears that immigrants take jobs away from natives have been fuelled by the current financial and economic crisis in host countries on both sides of the Atlantic and resulted in tighter immigration policies. From a theoretical perspective, an increasing labor supply through immigration does not necessarily reduce wages, or, if labor markets are not perfect, increase unemployment. In contrast, economic theory predicts that capital stocks adjust to labor supply changes such that aggregate wage levels and the real interest rate remain constant. Similarly, trade and the adjustment of production can absorb changes in labor supply such that immigration leaves wages and employment opportunities unaffected. It remains thus an empirical question, whether and to which extent immigration does actually affect labor markets in host countries. There exists a comprehensive empirical literature addressing these issues. The overwhelming share of this traditional literature uses the variance of the foreigner share across local labor markets for the identification of the immigration effects. Meta-studies of this literature indicate that an immigration of 1 percent of the labor force reduces wages by no more than 1 percent and increased the unemployment rate by less than 1 percentage point. Even these small effects need not to be significant. This literature has been challenged by an increasing criticism which states that the area approach systematically underestimates the wage and employment effects if other factors such as native migration, regional trade and capital mobility equilibrate the effects of immigration across local labor markets. A recent literature uses therefore the variance of the foreigner share across education and work experience groups at the national level for identification. Although some of these studies find effects which are substantially larger than those of the traditional literature, there exist meanwhile a number of studies which find similar aggregate effects as the traditional area approach. These studies consider that capital stocks adjust to labor supply shocks and that natives and immigrants are imperfect substitutes in the labor market, i.e. do not perfectly compete even if they possess the same education and work experience level. A shortcoming of most of the recent literature is that it does not address the impact of immigration systematically in a setting with imperfect labor markets and persistent unemployment. Novel approaches which consider wage-bargaining and other imperfections, find that immigration can do both, reduce wages and increase unemployment. Although the effects disappear in the long-term when capital stocks adjust, they may affect labor markets significantly in the short term. The most important challenge for immigration and integration policies is however the finding that different groups in the labor markets are affected by immigration in very different ways: While natives tend to benefit across all education groups from immigration, immigrants lose substantially from further immigration in terms of lower wages and higher unemployment. Addressing these inequalities forms the main challenge for immigration, integration and related labor market policies.
Year 2011
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36071 Report

Rewriting the past and reimagining the future: The social life of a Tamil heritage language industry

Year 2011
Journal Name American Ethnologist
Citations (WoS) 3
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36072 Journal Article

Immigration Policies and the Ecuadorian Exodus

Year 2011
Journal Name World Bank Economic Review, 2011, 25, 1, 57-76
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36073 Journal Article

Liban : La dimension démo-économique de la migration

Authors Choghig KASPARIAN
L’émigration libanaise, essentiellement caractérisée par son ancienneté, s’inscrit de nos jours dans un mouvement de mobilité à l’échelle mondiale. La crise financière internationale a impulsé un mouvement de retour des émigrés, surtout actifs, ayant subi plus directement l’impact de la crise. Cette migration de retour s’est soldée pour certains par un retour définitif, pour d’autres par un retour provisoire. Cette mobilité - très difficile à cerner en soi - n’a pas été recensée par des sources officielles et fiables. De nouvelles formes et caractéristiques liées à l’émigration se sont parallèlement développés ; plusieurs entreprises étrangères ou nationales ont engagé des Libanais pour travailler à partir du sol libanais pour l’étranger, soit par télétravail soit par de multiples missions en-dehors du Liban. Cette pratique a conduit à une augmentation importante de la mobilité des personnes et surtout des personnes qualifiées et instruites. Quant à l’immigration, il ressort de la période récente qu’elle s’accentue de la même manière avec une tendance vers une croissance significative de l’immigration de la main d’oeuvre asiatique. Abstract Lebanese emigration characterized, above all, by its long history, is today woven into global mobility patterns. The global financial crisis has triggered a movement of return migration, especially among active migrants, who have suffered under the impact of the crisis more directly. In some cases, people have returned for good, while in other cases their return is temporary. This kind of mobility – very difficult to define in itself – has not been recorded by official and reliable sources. In parallel, new forms and patterns of emigration have developed and several foreign and domestic firms have started to employ Lebanese people abroad, both through telecommuting or with repetitive missions outside Lebanon. This practice has led to a significant increase in the mobility of people especially among highly-skilled and educated individuals. As to immigration patterns, as before, there has been, in the last years, a rise in labor flows from Asia.
Year 2011
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36074 Report

Happiness and International Migration

Authors Linnea A. Polgreen, Nicole B. Simpson
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Happiness Studies
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36075 Journal Article

Language, foreign nationality and ethnicity in an English prison: implications for the quality of health and social research

Authors Can Yildiz, Annie Bartlett
Year 2011
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36076 Journal Article

Mauritanie : Genre et Migration

Authors Sidna Ndah MOHAMED SALEH
La présente étude porte sur la dimension genre de la migration en Mauritanie. Il y est d’abord question du poids relatif des hommes et des femmes dans les effectifs des migrants, mais aussi de la distribution selon le genre de différents indicateurs tels que le niveau d’instruction, la situation d’activité, la motivation à migrer, les revenus et les envois de fonds et ce, malgré l’insuffisance des données disponibles. Ainsi, les immigrées en Mauritanie représentent 48% de la population étrangère et sont actives à hauteur de 65,2%, contre 93% pour les migrants masculins, employées principalement dans des activités commerciales ou de services. Ces femmes viennent en Mauritanie à la recherche d’un emploi mieux rémunéré, ainsi que pour le regroupement familial. Quant aux Mauritaniennes résidant à l’étranger, on estime leur proportion à hauteur de 25% dans la zone OCDE, alors qu’elles représentent 53 à 54,5% parmi les réfugiés mauritaniens rapatriés au cours de ces deux dernières années en provenance du Sénégal. Les Mauritaniennes font montre d’une faible propension à migrer. Leur situation est encore négativement affectée par des taux de mariage précoces élevés parmi les filles (19% avant l’âge de 15 ans et 43% avant l’âge de 18 ans). Par contre, leur niveau de scolarisation est en progression et dépasse celui des garçons dans le cycle primaire. Leur participation au marché du travail en Mauritanie demeure encore faible avec un taux d’activité de 34,4% et un taux de chômage de 44% enregistré au titre de l’année 2008. Abstract The present study concerns the gender dimension of migration in Mauritania. The report deals, notwithstanding the weak data available, with the relative weight of men and women in terms of the number of migrants and also the distribution by gender of various indicators such as academic level, the economically-active population, the motivation to migrate, income and remittances. So, the migrant women in Mauritania represent 48% of the foreign population and 65.2% of these are employed, against 93% of migrant men, mainly in commercial activities or services. These women come to Mauritania looking for a better paid job as well as for opportunities for family entry and settlement. As for Mauritanian women living abroad, these stand at 25% of Mauritanian migrants in the OECD countries, while they represent 53% to 54.5% among the Mauritanian refugees repatriated these last two years from Senegal. Mauritanian women declare little interest in migrating. Their situation is still negatively affected by high rates of early marriage among girls (19% before 15 and 43% before 18 years of age). On the other hand, the percentage of girls in full-time education is on the rise and exceeds boys in the primary cycle. Female participation in the labour market in Mauritania is still low with an economically active population rate of 34.4% and an unemployment rate of 44% in 2008.
Year 2011
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36077 Report

Migration and development nexus; the case of Bosnia-Herzegovina

Authors Bojana BABIC
An intensive ongoing discussion marks the last decades the relationship between migration and development characterized by an alternation between pessimistic and optimistic responses to the effects of the potential link migration and development. Today, in a time that arguably the positive approach to the subject prevails, many countries portray their emigrants as “heroes” reinforcing the way towards development. In contribution to the discussion interrogating a link migration and development this paper presents a general overview of migration and development issues in the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Through the guidance of the empirical information regarding the migration and demographic background of this area, the history of the flow of remittances to this area and the Government policies regarding migration and Diaspora engagement, the paper attempts to offer an account of the current situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina as the sending country and contribute to the emergence of further discussion and research in this area. The importance of Bosnia and Herzegovina as a significant case examining the impact of a link between migration and development is established in this paper in relation to the post-communist and post-war past and present transition periods influencing this area and the documented steady flow of emigration characterizing this area. Résumé Ces dernières décennies ont été traversées par un sujet fort de polémique se rapportant au lien entre migration et développement, à travers un balancement non arrêté entre pessimisme et optimisme quant au choix des réponses à apporter aux effets d’un lien incertain entre migration et développement. Aux termes de cette approche dite ‘heureuse’ de la migration, un ensemble d’Etats dressent le portrait de l’émigré acteur « héros » du défrichement de cette voie vers le développement. Cette analyse se propose, essentiellement, d’apporter une contribution substantielle aux discussions en cours portant sur le lien entre migration et développement sur la base d’une approche générale des questions se rapportant à la migration et au développement, et d’une étude de cas précis de la Bosnie-Herzégovine. Partant des données empiriques migratoires et démographiques se rapportant à cette région, de l’histoire de la trajectoire des flux financiers vers cette zone, et des politiques conduites par le Gouvernement en matière de migration et d’engagement de la Diaspora, cet article se propose de dresser un tableau exhaustif de la situation très actuelle en Bosnie-Herzégovine identifiée comme pays d’origine, et de contribuer à l’émergence d’un véritable débat de fond et d’un travail de recherche substantiel. Le choix porté sur la Bosnie-Herzégovine - en vue de dresser cette analyse des conséquences ressortant du lien entre migration et développement - se justifie au regard des importants développements enregistrés entre la période postcommuniste et post-conflit, et l’actuelle transition pouvant précisément impacter cette zone géographique et les importants mouvements d’émigration régulière caractérisant aujourd’hui l’ensemble de cette zone.
Year 2011
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36078 Report

Palestine: The Political and Social Dimension of Migration 2009-2010

Authors Yasser SHALABI
This report covers socio-political developments in 2009 and 2010 related to migration from, or return to, the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), and also to the status of the Palestinian refugees, especially those residing in Lebanon. This report takes its data from the 2010 Migration’s Survey in the Palestinian Territory of the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS), as well as the Socio- Economic Survey of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon, developed jointly by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and the American University of Beirut (AUB). The report conclude that emigration from the oPt will continue to be related with the political context and living conditions of the Palestinian people under the Israeli occupation. In addition, the Palestinian refugee problem will remains a central issue which, if not resolved on a just basis and in line with international law, will hamstring the peace process. Résumé Ce rapport couvre les développements sociopolitiques en 2009-2010 relatifs : d’une part, aux migrations de, ou de retour vers, les Territoires palestiniens occupés ; d’autre part, aux statuts des réfugiés palestiniens, en particulier ceux vivants au Liban. Ce rapport s’appuie principalement sur deux études : Migration’s Survey in the Palestinian Territory réalisée par le Bureau central palestinien de la statistique (PCBS) et Socio-Economic Survey of Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon réalisée par l’UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) et l’Université américaine de Beyrouth (AUB). Ce rapport conclut que l’émigration depuis les Territoires palestiniens occupés est liée au contexte politique et aux conditions de vie des Palestiniens vivants sous occupation israélienne. De plus, la question des réfugiés palestiniens représente un problème central qui, s’il n’est pas réglé de façon juste, selon le droit international, handicape le processus de paix.
Year 2011
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36079 Report

Treating Ethnic Others: Cultural Sensitivity and Minority Stereotypes at a German Fertility Clinic

Authors Lisa K. Vanderlinden
Year 2011
Journal Name Human Organization
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36080 Journal Article

Post-urbanism, Incorporation, and Migration

Authors Jacqueline Olvera, Douglas W. Rae
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration
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36081 Journal Article

Moving children? Child trafficking, child migration, and child rights

Authors Julia O'Connell Davidson, Julia O'Connell Davidson
Year 2011
Journal Name Critical Social Policy
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36082 Journal Article

Human trafficking and health: A conceptual model to inform policy, intervention and research

Authors Cathy Zimmerman, Charlotte Watts, Mazeda Hossain
Year 2011
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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36083 Journal Article

Young Caregiving and HIV in the UK: Caring Relationships and Mobilities in African Migrant Families

Authors Ruth Evans
Year 2011
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 12
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36084 Journal Article

Latin American cleaners fight for survival: lessons for migrant activism

Authors Julie Hearn, Monica Bergos
Year 2011
Journal Name Race & Class
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36085 Journal Article

Le droit tunisien face à la traite de personnes et au trafic de migrants

Authors Souhayma BEN ACHOUR
Le présent rapport a pour objet de décrire les solutions du droit tunisien en matière de traite de personnes et de trafic de migrants. Il tente de montrer qu’une différence importante existe entre les règles qui régissent le trafic de migrants et celles qui s’appliquent à la traite de personnes est à noter. En effet, un ensemble de facteurs permet d’expliquer l’importance et l’extrême sévérité de l’arsenal juridique que le droit tunisien comporte en matière de lutte contre le trafic de migrants : recrudescence incessante du phénomène des migrations clandestines à partir des côtes tunisiennes, pressions européennes et surtout italiennes importantes, engagements internationaux de la Tunisie… En revanche, la traite internationale de personnes ne fait pas l’objet d’une réglementation spécifique. Les autorités tunisiennes n’ont pas jugé nécessaire l’adoption de mesures supplémentaires à celles qui existent déjà au sein du droit tunisien. Plusieurs raisons pourraient expliquer le fait que la traite ne soit pas un phénomène très répandu en Tunisie : extrême sévérité dans le traitement des migrations clandestines, importance du quadrillage policier de la société, insuffisance de la protection juridique des étrangers,… Le droit tunisien comporte néanmoins un ensemble de règles qui condamnent la traite de personnes en soi, mais aussi les deux principaux phénomènes auxquels aboutit la traite des personnes : l’exploitation sexuelle et l’exploitation économique. La protection apportée par ces normes paraît cependant souvent insuffisante. La plupart des règles applicables relèvent du droit pénal. Mais d’autres branches du droit, comme le droit du travail, le droit administratif, les droits de l’homme ou encore la condition des étrangers régissent également les deux questions. Le présent rapport se divise en deux parties principales : une première partie expose les règles juridiques applicables aux auteurs de la traite des personnes et du trafic des migrants, et la seconde partie est relative à celles qui régissent ses victimes. Abstract This report sets out the solutions in Tunisian law against trafficking and smuggling. It attempts to show the important differences between rules applying to the smuggling of migrants and the rules applying to trafficking in persons. A series of factors explains the scope and the severity of the legal framework combating the smuggling of migrants: a continuous increase in clandestine migration from the Tunisian coasts, strong European and above all Italian pressure, international commitments… Strangely, there is no specific regulation against trafficking in persons. The Tunisian authorities have not found it necessary to adopt new rules here. Some reasons might explain why trafficking is not a widespread phenomenon in Tunisian: the severity of sanctions against clandestine migration, strict police control, insufficient protection of foreign nationals… Tunisian law does, however, contains rules which combat trafficking, including two phenomena connected to trafficking: economic exploitation and sexual exploitation. Nevertheless, the protection offered by these instruments does not seem sufficient. Most of the relevant rules are part of criminal law, but other domains of law, like labour law, administrative law, human-rights law and the status of foreign nationals also govern the two issues. The report is divided into two parts: the first part sets out the rules applying to persons charged with the felony of trafficking and smuggling, the second part presents the rules protecting victims.
Year 2011
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36086 Report

Contrasted Views on Environmental Change and Migration: the Case of Tuvaluan Migration to New Zealand

Authors Shawn Shen, Francois Gemenne
Year 2011
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36087 Journal Article

Migration and identities in the globalized world

Authors Zygmunt Bauman
Year 2011
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36088 Journal Article

Michael Peter Smith and Matt Bakker, Citizenship Across Borders: The Political Transnationalism of El Migrante

Authors Robert Suro
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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36089 Journal Article

Association between limited English proficiency and understanding prescription labels among five ethnic groups in California

Authors Mary C. Masland, Soo H. Kang, Yifei Ma
Year 2011
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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36090 Journal Article

Le cadre juridique général de la migration en Syrie

Résumé La Syrie, comme les autres pays du Moyen Orient, découvre la nécessité de comprendre l'enjeu que représente la migration vers le pays et à partir de celui-ci. C'est à travers les divers textes de lois que cet enjeu se dessine, même si l'absence de statistiques claires en la matière ne permet pas une bonne compréhension de la situation migratoire.Les textes de loi qui réglementent l'émigration syrienne sont éparpillés entre plusieurs branches : droit constitutionnel, droit administratif, code de la famille, etc. et entre plusieurs sources : la constitution, les lois, décrets présidentiels, arrêtés ministériels, sans oublier les conventions multilatérales et bilatérales qui touchent aux droits des émigrés et auxquelles la Syrie est partie. On note l’absence en Syrie d'une loi générale sur la migration, qui prendrait en compte toutes les formes du phénomène : permanente, temporaire, masculine et féminine.Par ailleurs, les étrangers se trouvant en Syrie par centaines de milliers sont en majorité des réfugiés. Certains travaillent, le travail des domestiques étrangères étant dominant. Les dispositions juridiques réglementant le séjour ou le travail des étrangers en Syrie se trouvent également dans diverses sources, la constitution, le droit du travail, les circulaires et arrêtés administratifs. Abstract Syria, like other countries in the Middle East, is discovering the need to get to grips with the migration stakes to and from the territory. These stakes are there in the various legal texts, even if the lack of clear statistics in this field does not enable a good understanding of the migratory situation.The legal texts ruling Syrian emigration are divided among several fields, constitutional law, administrative law, family law, etc. These texts lie in the constitution, laws, presidential decrees, ministerial decisions, as well as in multilateral and bilateral conventions, which Syria has ratified, affecting the rights of emigrants that Syria. No general law on migration has been adopted in Syria addressing all forms of it : permanent, circular, male and female,…Besides, most of the hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals in Syria are refugees. Some of them work as domestics. The legal provisions for foreign nationals to stay and to work in Syria are also to be found in various sources including the constitution, the labour code and administrative decisions.
Year 2011
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36091 Report

Rapport sur le cadre juridique et institutionnel de la migration au Maroc Années 2009 et 2010

Authors Khadija ELMADMAD
Le Maroc possède une législation nationale en matière de migration et il a adhéré aux principales conventions internationales relatives aux déplacements de population et aux droits humains. Diverses institutions spécialisées s’activent dans le domaine du droit de la migration et travaillent avec les migrants marocains et étrangers. En 2009 et 2010, il n’y a pas eu de grands développements dans le domaine du droit de la migration au Maroc. Ce droit est caractérisé par une certaine faille entre la théorie et la pratique. Les droits des migrants comportent certaines limites aussi bien en ce qui concerne les Marocains résidant à l’étranger que les étrangers immigrés dans le pays. Abstract Morocco has domestic legislation relating to migration and has also signed the most important international treaties concerning population movements and human rights. Various specialized institutions deal with migration law and work with migrants (emigrants and immigrants). In 2009 and 2010, there was no important development in the field of migration law. During this period, we can note though a discrepancy between theory and practice and some limits on migrants’ rights, for both Moroccans residing abroad and for immigrants living in Morocco.
Year 2011
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36092 Report

Les migrations maliennes : empreintes historiques et mutations actuelles

Authors Sadio TRAORÉ
Le Mali, trait d’union entre l’Afrique du Nord et l’Afrique subsaharienne, a toujours été un lieu de brassage de population. Il a également vu naître de grands empires dont la composition et la recomposition sont à l’origine d’une longue tradition migratoire. Cette tradition migratoire s’est développée au travers de trois étapes importantes : le commerce transsaharien, la traite atlantique et la période coloniale. Au départ, la migration était l’apanage de deux groupes : les Soninkés et les Peuls. Ces derniers avaient recours à une main d’œuvre saisonnière de remplacement, rémunérée avec l’argent envoyé par leurs migrants. Puis la migration s’est généralisée à l’ensemble des couches de la société par le fait même de son développement parmi les Soninkés et les Peuls. Elle s’est ensuite considérablement accrue sous l’effet conjugué de la détérioration des conditions de vie, de la pression démographique, et des mutations sociales, comme l’aspiration des jeunes et des femmes à davantage de liberté. Les actions visant à limiter les mouvements migratoires telles que la mise en œuvre de plans d’aménagement du territoire ou encore la création de pôles régionaux de développement, n’ont pas eu les effets escomptés, notamment parce que les ressources engagées n’étaient pas à la hauteur des objectifs. En réaffirmant récemment sa volonté d’intégrer les questions migratoires au cœur de sa stratégie de développement socio-économique, le gouvernement malien mise désormais sur le co-développement et défend une approche plus positive axée sur la migration légale et le soutien aux programmes de lutte contre la pauvreté. Abstract As a hyphen between North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa, Mali has long been a place of the meeting and mixing of populations. It was, indeed, the cradle of great empires whose creation and recreation stand at the beginning of a long migratory tradition. This migratory tradition went through three distinct stages: Trans-Saharan trade, Atlantic trade and, finally, the colonial period. At the beginning, migration was restricted to certain specific groups, the Soninke and Peulh. At home, labor shortages brought about by emigration were filled by seasonal immigrant workers, who were paid using money sent by migrants abroad. The migratory phenomenon though also began to touch other groups. It developed owing to a deterioration in living conditions, the result of the weak performance of the local economy and population increase in the context of a globalized world where young people and women also have expectations. Attempts to control migratory flows through, for example, the implementation of suitable programs and country planning and the creation of regional poles of development were under-resourced and did not have the desired effects. Today Mali is attempting to use the concept of co-development to bring about a more positive approach to migratory questions, particularly legal immigration, and poverty-fighting programs. In doing so it is affirming its political determination to use new structures, making migration part of socio-economic development.
Year 2011
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36093 Report

Theory and practice of return migration at retirement: the case of migrant worker hostel residents in France

Authors Alistair Hunter
Year 2011
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
36094 Journal Article

The Living Arrangements of Children of Immigrants

Authors NS Landale, Jennifer Van Hook, Kevin J. A. Thomas
Year 2011
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36095 Journal Article

Violence and Migration on the Arizona-Sonora Border

Authors Jeremy Slack, Scott Whiteford
Year 2011
Journal Name Human Organization
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36096 Journal Article

Gender and Migration in and from Jordan

Authors Abdel Baset ATHAMNEH
This study attempts to shed light on the main characteristics of gender and migration from and to Jordan. As to immigration patterns, females account for an increasing proportion of foreign workers in Jordan. They come to cover labor shortages in low-skilled occupations where Jordanians do not wish to work, in the ‘personal and social services’ sector as well as in the Qualified Industrial Zones, where their importance is currently on the rise and where working conditions are unsatisfactory. The main sources of foreign female labor in Jordan are non-Arab Asian States, especially Indonesia, the Philippines and Sri Lanka. With respect to Jordanians abroad, in 2009 they were estimated at 350,000 individuals, of whom only 16.6% were females. Emigration from Jordan towards other Arab countries (i.e. the most important from a quantitative point of view) is supposed to take place under a temporary project, while emigrants directed towards North American countries, which represent, however, an important proportion of recent migrants, are more long-term oriented. In these latter countries, women, as well as men, tend to be highly-educated and are mainly employed in highly-skilled occupations. Moreover, an important part of this analysis is dedicated to the link between migration and education, which demands an analysis of foreign students in Jordan as well as of Jordanians studying abroad and raises important issues. Finally, the last section of the paper proposes some policy recommendations and in particular argues for new institutions dedicated to migration movements in order to give robust and reliable evidence on Jordanian migration patterns. / Cette étude se propose d’apporter un éclairage aux principales caractéristiques du lien existant entre genre et migration depuis et vers la Jordanie. Les femmes immigrées en Jordanie constituent une part croissante parmi les travailleurs étrangers dans le pays. Elles couvrent généralement des pénuries d’emplois peu qualifiés que les Jordaniens ne veulent eux-mêmes pas occupés, notamment dans le secteur ‘services sociaux et à la personne’ et dans les Zones Qualifiés Industriels, au sein desquels leur nombre croît aujourd’hui, et leurs conditions de travail restent insatisfaisantes. Les principaux flux de femmes travailleuses immigrées sont en provenance de pays non-arabes et asiatiques, en particulier de l’Indonésie, des Philippines et du Sri Lanka. La part des Jordaniens résidant à l’étranger est estimée, au titre de l’année 2009, à hauteur de 350 000 individus, incluant une proportion de 16,6% de femmes. Les principaux flux d’émigration à destination d’autres Etats arabes s’inscrivent, en principe, dans une stratégie à court terme, alors que les émigrants à destination de l’Amérique du Nord - lesquels représentent une importante proportion parmi l’émigration récente -, s’inscrivent dans un projet migratoire à plus long terme. S’agissant de ces dernières destinations et à l’instar des hommes, les femmes sont davantage issues de l’enseignement supérieur, et sont principalement employées dans des postes hautement qualifiés. En outre, un important segment de cette analyse sera consacré à l’analyse du lien existant entre migration et éducation - lequel part d’une enquête menée sur un échantillon d’étudiants étrangers résidents en Jordanie, et d’étudiants jordaniens résidant à l’étranger -, dont il conviendra de tirer un certain nombre de conclusions. Enfin, la dernière section de cette note énonce une série de recommandations et préconise, en particulier, le développement de nouvelles institutions consacrées à l’analyse des mouvements migratoires en vue de dresser un tableau plus compréhensif des caractéristiques de la migration jordanienne.
Year 2011
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36097 Report

Genre et Migration au Niger

Authors Djibo MAIGA
Le statut juridique de la femme a des conséquences sur l’émigration des Nigériennes. En fait, très peu de femmes au Niger émigrent à l’étranger pour y travailler car c’est une question d’hommes, l’émigration a toujours été masculine. En revanche, beaucoup de femmes d’origine étrangère viennent au Niger pour y travailler. La grande majorité de ces immigrantes travaillent dans le domaine de la domesticité où le travail est très peu rémunérateur et n’exige pas de qualification. A côté de ces immigrantes nous assistons depuis quelques années à l’apparition d’une migration féminine interne de travail constituée de jeunes nigériennes qui désertent les campagnes au profit des centres urbains. Il faut dire que la famine consécutive à des longues périodes de sécheresse et la pauvreté ambiante ont favorisé ces types de déplacement qui répondent en définitive à des stratégies de survie. Sur le plan juridique, il n’existe pratiquement pas de textes spécifiques à la migration féminine de travail, mais plutôt à la règlementation du travail des femmes en général et du travail domestique en particulier. Ce sont des textes fragmentaires et très discriminatoires qui ont besoin d’un toilettage conséquent et approprié, mais pour cela il faut une mobilisation des femmes et une réelle volonté politique. / The legal status of women has had an impact on the emigration of Niger women. Very few women from Niger actually emigrate abroad to work. Emigration has always been seen as a male activity. Nevertheless, many foreign women come to work in Niger. Most of them work as domestics, a low paid sector that needs no qualifications. Beside these immigrants, internal female migration has started up in the last years, with young Niger women leaving the countryside to live in urban centres. The starvation following long periods of dryness and general poverty have fostered these kinds of mobility which are essentially survival strategies. On the legal level, there is no specific text relating to female labour migration, but there are laws regulating female labour in general and domestic work in particular. These are partial and very discriminatory texts, which need important reforms and therefore demand women’s mobilisation and a real political will.
Year 2011
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36098 Report

Femmes, Migrations et Droits au Maroc

Authors Khadija ELMADMAD
La migration féminine a connu un développement important au Maroc, surtout depuis la fin des années 1970 et plus particulièrement depuis les années 1990. Mais, malgré ce développement, l’intérêt académique porté à ce type de migration, et surtout aux aspects juridiques de cette migration, ne s’est manifesté que très récemment. Les femmes migrantes ne forment pas un groupe homogène. Elles sont de plusieurs types et ont des statuts juridiques divers : les émigrées et les immigrées, les nationales et les binationales, les régulières et les irrégulières, les migrantes volontaires et involontaires, les temporaires et les permanentes, les mineures et les adultes etc. Les droits de chacune d’elles dépendent de son statut juridique et aussi social : la condition socio juridique des Marocaines résidant à l’étranger n’est pas similaire à celles des femmes immigrées au Maroc. Mais, la protection juridique de toutes ces femmes connaît des limites et des lacunes. La plupart des migrantes rencontrent des situations complexes où s’imbriquent oppression subie en tant que femmes et celle subie en tant qu’étrangères. La migration a un impact sur les femmes qui font le déplacement et sur leurs droits mais aussi sur la condition socio juridique de certaines autres femmes qui ne migrent pas. C’est le cas des femmes qui restent dans le pays après le départ des hommes, les left behind, d’après la terminologie anglaise. La présente étude est une étude socio juridique qui essaie de confronter les textes à la pratique. Elle analyse tout d’abord la condition socio juridique des Marocaines résidant à l’étranger, puis ensuite celle des femmes immigrées au Maroc et enfin l’impact de la migration sur les femmes et sur leurs droits. L’étude concerne toutes les femmes migrantes et tous les droits. Toutes les femmes migrantes, qu’elles soient émigrées ou immigrées, migrantes volontaires ou involontaires, en situation régulières ou irrégulières, etc. Tous les droits : les droits dans le pays d’origine et dans le pays d’accueil ; les droits civils et politiques ; les droits économiques, sociaux et culturels ; le droit de la migration en général et le droit des réfugiés en particulier. / Female Migration has grown in Morocco since the late 1970s and especially since the 1990s. However, despite this evolution, it is only recently that scholars have started researching here and particularly the legal aspects of female migration. Migrant women are not a homogeneous group. There are different kinds with different legal statuses : emigrants and immigrants, citizens of one country and citizens of two or more countries, regular and irregular, forced and voluntary, temporary and permanent, minors and adults etc. The rights of each kind of migrant woman depend on her legal and social status. The socio-legal condition of Moroccan women residing abroad is not the same as that of immigrant women living in Morocco. But, not all these migrant women enjoy their complete rights. Most migrant women face oppression as women and as foreign nationals. Migration has an impact on women who move and on their rights, but also on the socio-legal condition of some women who do not move. This is the case, for instance, of some Moroccan women who stay behind after their men have left. This paper deals with the rights of migrant women and the practice of these rights. It analyses, first, the socio-legal condition of Moroccan women residing abroad, then, second, that of the immigrant women living in Morocco and, finally the impact of migration on women and on their rights.
Year 2011
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36099 Report

International Migration and the Education of Children: Evidence from Lima, Peru

Authors Veronica Frisancho Robles, RS Oropesa, Verónica Frisancho Robles, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 12
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
36100 Journal Article
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