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Le cadre juridique de la migration irrégulière au Niger

Authors Djibo MAIGA
Le Niger n’est pas un pays de prédilection pour les étrangers, qui représentent 1% de la population totale. A part les agents diplomatiques et consulaires, on trouve trois catégories d’étrangers. Les immigrants résidents ressortissants des pays membres de la CEDEAO peuvent entrer sur le territoire nigérien sans visa mais doivent comme tous les étrangers faire une demande de permis de séjour. La plupart ne se soumet pas à cette procédure qui est la condition nécessaire d’un séjour régulier. Ils ont en réalité une perception erronée du principe de libre circulation et le laxisme des pouvoirs publics les conforte dans cette position. Une législation extrêmement contraignante en matière de travail pousse les immigrants résidents vers le secteur informel où leur protection sociale n’est pas assurée. Les migrants en transit constituent des flux migratoires importants qui utilisent le territoire nigérien comme couloir de passage vers les pays du Maghreb et l’Europe. Ils sont pour la plupart originaires de l’espace CEDEAO et traversent facilement le Niger, mais, une fois arrivés aux postes frontaliers extérieurs, ils sont en proie à toutes sortes de difficultés.Les réfugiés ont vu leur nombre baisser de façon considérable. Ceux qui sont reconnus par l’Etat du Niger ont théoriquement les mêmes droits que les Nigériens. Ce principe d’égalité n’est qu’une façade, la réalité est peu reluisante pour ces réfugiés qui ont du mal à trouver un travail, «nigérisation» des postes d’emplois oblige. Niger is not a country of choice for foreign nationals, who represent only 1% of the population. Apart from diplomatic and consular officials, there are three categories of foreign nationals. The first are resident immigrants. Those from ECOWAS countries, can enter Niger without any visa, but have to apply for a residence permit like other foreign nationals. Most of them do not follow this procedure, the condition for a regular stay. They have a mistaken perception of the free movement principle and this is confirmed by the Nigerien government’s laxity. Extremely restrictive labour regulations drive resident immigrants to the informal sector where social protection is not guaranteed.Important numbers of transit migrants use Niger’s territory as a corridor towards the Maghreb and Europe. They mostly come from ECOWAS countries and easily cross Niger, but face all kind of difficulties at external border posts. The number of refugees has sharply decreased. Those who are recognized by Niger as refugees are supposed to benefit from the same rights as nationals. This equality principle is though barely implemented and refugees do not generally find a job because of the “Nigerienization” of employment.
Year 2010
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36201 Report

Les migrations hautement qualifiées du et vers le Niger : Etats des lieux et tentatives explicatives

Authors Hamidou Issaka MAGA
L’intérêt pour les migrations des personnes hautement qualifiées (HQ) s’est accru ces dernières années aussi bien au niveau de la recherche que du débat public. La migration des personnes HQ est au cœur de nombreuses controverses concernant ses effets positifs ou négatifs pour les pays de départ comme les pays d’accueil. Si l’on considère la faible disponibilité de données statistiques, ce travail pionnier pour le Niger a permis de faire ressortir d‘importants résultats. Bien qu’ils ne représentent que quelques 0,8% de la population totale du Niger, les immigrants étrangers apportent une contribution plutôt positive à l’économie nigérienne, à travers la création d’entreprises et donc d’emplois. En effet, 5% des entreprises agréées sont détenues par des étrangers. Dans le secteur des industries extractives, cette proportion atteint 31%. Ont peut également mentionner le fait que parmi les entrepreneurs non nigériens, les Européens et les Asiatiques - pourtant minoritaires dans la population étrangère totale – détiennent environ 44% du total des entreprises enregistrées au nom d’étrangers. Quant à l’émigration hautement qualifiée, le Niger est beaucoup moins touché par le phénomène plus connu sous le nom de «fuite de cerveaux » que nombre de ses voisins africains. Cependant, les Nigériens HQ représentent presque la moitié du stock des immigrants d’origine nigérienne résidant dans les pays de l’OCDE. Cette émigration ne cesse de prendre de l’ampleur et est en grande partie justifiée par les faibles opportunités d’emploi des secteurs privés et publics. Cette forte émigration des compétences, que ne cesse de prendre de l’ampleur, est le produit de l’interaction de plusieurs facteurs, parmi lesquels on mentionne l’augmentation d’emploi informel ainsi que la manque d’opportunités de travail dans le secteur public et privé. The interest in highly-skilled migration has grown both in academic and public debate. Specifically, its role in negatively or positively affecting origin as well as host countries is much discussed. Notwithstanding the scarcity of statistical data, this pioneer work presents and discusses recent findings. First, despite their relatively low numbers (0.8% of the total population), immigrants make an important contribution to Niger’s economy through enterprise creation and a consequent increase in labor demand. 5.0% of registered enterprises are owned by foreign nationals and in the extractive sector, this percentage stands at 31.0%. Among foreign entrepreneurs, European and Asiatic immigrants – who represent the minor part of the foreign population in Niger – own 44.0% of registered foreign-owned enterprises. Regarding the opposite phenomenon, highly-skilled emigration is not seen as having a strong impact on Nigerien society. However, almost half Nigeriens residing abroad are highly-skilled. This phenomenon is likely to grow and depends on the interplay of several factors, including an increase in informal employment and the lack of employment opportunities both in the private and in the public sector.
Year 2010
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36202 Report

La Migration hautement qualifiée au Liban

Authors Hassan JOUNI
Le Liban est un pays d’émigration par excellence. 40% des personnes émigrées sont hautement qualifiées, ce qui affecte le pays aux niveaux social, démographique et surtout économique.La loi libanaise n’impose pas de conditions pour limiter cette émigration, mais des efforts sont menés par le Liban, parmi lesquels on peut citer des projets avec le PNUD et plusieurs pays de l’Union européenne, afin d’encadrer l’émigration hautement qualifiée et de favoriser leur retour. Ces efforts ont été jusqu’à maintenant inefficaces pour plusieurs raisons, et notamment du fait du système économique libéral.Par ailleurs, la loi libanaise pose de nombreuses conditions et des obstacles visant à limiter l’immigration hautement qualifiée. Il est difficile pour un étranger hautement qualifié d'obtenir un permis de travail au Liban. Seul 1,5% des permis de travail accordés par le ministère du travail libanais en 2008 concernait des personnes hautement qualifiées. Lebanon is a prototype of a country of emigration of highly qualified people. 40% of Lebanese emigrates are highly qualified. The emigration of these persons affects Lebanon on social, demographic and especially economic level. Lebanese law does not impose restrictive rules to limit the emigration of highly qualified persons neither to encourage them to return. The efforts made by the Lebanese government to frame the emigration of highly qualified persons and to foster their return (projects with the UNDP and some EU countries ) are still now inefficient for many reasons such as the liberal economic system. Conditions and hindrances are provided to limit highly skilled immigration. Only 1.5% of work permits delivered by the Lebanese labour ministry in 2008 concerned highly qualified migrants.
Year 2010
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36203 Report

La migration internationale hautement qualifiée de, vers et à travers la Tunisie

Authors Monia BEN JEMIA
La Tunisie compte une importante diaspora hautement qualifiée à l’étranger dont le taux de retour est relativement faible. Et, en raison du taux de chômage de ses diplômés du supérieur particulièrement élevé, l’émigration reste un choix de politique législative incontournable. Comment, d’une part, amener ceux qui sont durablement installés à l’étranger à participer au développement du pays et, d’autre part, placer ceux qui partent aujourd’hui ? L’encouragement à une migration circulaire comme le maintien et le renforcement de l’excellence de l’Université Tunisienne semblent être les deux directions principales prises par les autorités tunisiennes. Il faudra néanmoins, afin que cette politique législative puisse porter ses fruits, assainir le climat des affaires et combler le déficit démocratique, seuls garants du retour des migrants hautement qualifiés comme de l’excellence de l’Université tunisienne. Tunisia has a numerous highly-skilled diaspora whose return rate is relatively low. And, because of the high rate of graduate unemployment, emigration remains an important issue of legislative policy. How can Tunisia encourage its highly-skilled diaspora to take part in national development, and how can the country find jobs for its graduates tempted to leave? Circular migration and maintaining and enhancing the quality of Tunisian Universities have been the two main directions taken by the Tunisian authorities. However, these legislative policies cannot succeed without a healthier business environment and democratic system, which are the main guarantees required for the return of highly-skilled migrants and the improvement of Higher Education in the country.
Year 2010
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36204 Report

Dealing with Highly-Skilled Migration: The Case of the Palestinian Authority

Authors Asem KHALIL
Since its establishment, in 1994, the Palestinian Authority has encouraged the ‘return’ of Palestinians to the West Bank and Gaza Strip. It has also enacted an investment promotion law in order to attract foreign capital. These two policies are motivated by the assumption that human and financial capital are both necessary for building Palestinian institutions, and preparing for statehood. Fifteen years later, the results though are slight. The few who have returned have had little impact, while many others, mostly highly-skilled, have emigrated. The Palestinian Authority law does not define highly-skilled migration. The lack of laws related to issues of migration is largely due to the PA’s lack of jurisdiction. Exit and entry of residents and foreign nationals from and to the occupied Palestinian territories, including those under Palestinian Authority control are still regulated and administered by Israel. This lack of regulation has long been accompanied by a lack of policies to deal with a phenomenon (namely the emigration of highly-skilled Palestinians), that is rightly considered dangerous for the Palestinian cause and for Palestinian unity generally; most importantly, it also has negative consequences on Palestinian society and economy (thus, hindering state-building efforts). Attracting highly-skilled immigrants and limiting the damage from the emigration of highly-skilled Palestinians cannot be managed by legal regulation alone. A decision of a highly-skilled individual to migrate is not only an economic decision. Political and security factors, coupled with the long Israeli occupation, have also decided the direction of highly-skilled migration flows. Résumé Depuis sa mise en place en 1994, l’Autorité palestinienne a encouragé le « retour » des Palestiniens en Cisjordanie et dans la bande de Gaza. Elle a également adopté une loi de promotion des investissements visant à attirer le capital étranger. Ces deux politiques sont basées sur l’idée selon laquelle le capital tant humain que financier est nécessaire à l’établissement des institutions palestiniennes et à l’émergence de l’Etat. Quinze ans plus tard, les résultats sont minces. Les quelques retours ont eu peu d’impact, tandis que beaucoup d’autres Palestiniens, pour la plupart hautement qualifiés, ont émigré. La législation de l’Autorité palestinienne ne définit pas la migration hautement qualifiée. Le manque de lois régissant les questions migratoires est largement dû au manque de compétence. La sortie des résidents et des étrangers des territoires occupés, y compris de ceux sous contrôle de l’Autorité palestinienne, ainsi que le retour, sont toujours régis et administrés par Israël. Le manque de régulation a longtemps été accompagné d’un manque de politiques pour gérer un phénomène (l’émigration des Palestiniens hautement qualifiés) considéré à juste titre comme dangereux pour la cause palestinienne et plus généralement pour l’unité palestinienne ; ce phénomène a avant tout des conséquences négatives sur la société et l’économie palestiniennes (et donc sur les efforts de construction étatique). L’objectif d’attirer les immigrés hautement qualifiés et de limiter les dommages causés par l’émigration hautement qualifiée ne peut être atteint par la seule législation. Pour un individu hautement qualifié, la décision de partir n’est pas seulement une décision économique. Les facteurs politiques et sécuritaires, liés à la longue occupation israélienne, ont également orienté les flux de migration hautement qualifiée.
Year 2010
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36205 Report

Highly-skilled migration from Jordan: a response to socio-political challenges

Authors Françoise DE BEL-AIR
600, 000 to 670,000 Jordanians are estimated to be employed abroad today, some half a million in the Gulf countries alone. Most of them are believed to be highly-skilled. On rare occasions, concern for this ‘brain drain’ is expressed. However, throughout its history, Jordan has always practised an ‘open-door policy’ towards the emigration of its citizens, officially to alleviate unemployment. After briefly retracing the dynamics of highly-skilled emigration, this report highlights the views expressed and policies implemented on the issue, before adding some socio-political explanations to the continuous disregard for the topic in official discourses, which contrasts, however, with recent policy-moves towards encouraging the expatriation of the highly-skilled. Among the ‘push’ factors for the highly skilled is the resilience of clientelism in society and the patterns of adjustment to free trade, the latter partly explaining the stagnation of salaries and standards of living. The open-door policy to emigration, recently reinforced by an increase in opportunities offered outside the Kingdom for skilled Jordanians, also responds to a range of socio-political challenges. For instance, it compensates lagging income (opportunities for higher salaries and stimulation of private revenues through workers’ remittances). Expatriation of the highly skilled also ensures control over potential political opposition and, particularly, the reproduction of the elites. Résumé De 600 à 670 000 Jordaniens seraient employés à l'étranger, dont environ un-demi million dans les pays du Golfe; ils seraient en majorité hautement qualifiés. A de rares occasions, des voix s'élèvent contre cette "fuite des cerveaux". Au cours de son histoire pourtant, la Jordanie a toujours pratiqué la "politique de la porte ouverte" à l'égard de ses citoyens, officiellement afin de lutter contre le chômage. Après avoir brièvement retracé les dynamiques de l'émigration des travailleurs hautement qualifiés, ce rapport met en lumière les opinions et les politiques menées à l'égard de cette question. On envisage ensuite quelques explications de nature sociopolitique au relatif silence des politiques officielles jordaniennes sur le sujet, qui contraste avec une intensification récente des politiques encourageant l'expatriation des plus qualifiés. Le clientélisme et les modalités de l'ajustement vers l'économie de marché comptent parmi les principaux facteurs de "répulsion" à l'égard des travailleurs hautement qualifiés, ce dernier expliquant la stagnation des salaires et du niveau de vie dans le royaume. La politique de la "porte ouverte" répond aussi à certains impératifs sociopolitiques : l'expatriation contribue à compenser la stagnation des salaires en offrant l'opportunité de revenus plus élevés à l'étranger et augmente les revenus des familles par les remises privées des travailleurs. L'encouragement à l'expatriation des plus qualifiés est aussi une stratégie d'"évacuation" de la contestation politique mais, surtout, de reproduction des élites.
Year 2010
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36206 Report

Highly-Skilled Migration Patterns and Development: The Case of Egypt

Authors Nadine SIKA
This paper analyzed the highly skilled migration patterns in Egypt and its impact on Egyptian development. The main question herein, is whether highly skilled migration patterns in the case of Egypt induces development or underdevelopment. The study found out that highly skilled migration patterns from Egypt, to the OECD and the Gulf, contribute positively to the development process of Egypt. Highly skilled migrants, find more employment opportunities outside of Egypt, whose labor market is incapable of absorbing high numbers of highly skilled individuals. Moreover, highly skilled migrants are capable of sending a large amount of remittances, amounting to 4 percent of the Egyptian GDP. Last but not least, highly skilled migration is an important contributor to "brain circulation", which increases the entrepreneurial skills of a large number of Egyptian migrants. Concerning highly-skilled immigrants in Egypt, their presence is of no threat to the Egyptian development process; on the contrary, their presence produces more small-scale businesses, which in turn creates employment in the Egyptian labour market. The Egyptian government's policies encourage migration of the highly skilled, through multilateral and bilateral agreements, and through the creation of training centers for prospected highly skilled migrants. However, these policies are not sufficient, and should be accompanied with more bilateral agreements both in the OECD and Gulf Countries, which precipitate more skill match-making between the supply side of the Egyptian highly-skilled migrants and the demand side of the OECD and Gulf Countries. Résumé Cet article analyse la relation entre migration hautement qualifiée et développement dans le cas de l’Egypte. Il a pour objectif de déterminer si la migration des travailleurs hautement qualifiés a un impact positif sur le développement du pays, ou si au contraire elle a pour conséquence de renforcer le sous-développement. Cette étude conclut que l’émigration des travailleurs hautement qualifiés vers les pays de l’OCDE et du Golfe contribue positivement au processus de développement de l’Egypte. En effet, les travailleurs hautement qualifiés trouvent davantage d’opportunités professionnelles hors d’Egypte, dont le marché du travail n’est pas en mesure d’offrir à chacun un poste à la hauteur de ses compétences. De plus, les expatriés hautement qualifiés effectuent des transferts de fonds importants qui représentent au total jusqu’à 4% du PIB Egyptien. Enfin, la migration hautement qualifiée alimente la « circulation des cerveaux », qui accroit substantiellement les compétences entrepreneuriales de nombreux migrants Egyptiens. En ce qui concerne les immigrés hautement qualifiés résidant en Egypte, l’étude conclut qu’ils ne constituent pas une menace au processus de développement de l’économie nationale. Au contraire, leur présence renforce le tissu de petites entreprises, ce qui en retour participe à la création d’emplois sur le marché du travail égyptien. Les politiques mises en place par le gouvernement égyptien visent à encourager la migration des travailleurs hautement qualifiés, par le biais d’accords multilatéraux et bilatéraux, et à travers la création de centres de formation destinés aux migrants potentiels. Toutefois, ces initiatives demeurent insuffisantes. Elles devraient s’accompagner davantage d’accords bilatéraux avec les pays de l’OCDE et du Golfe, ayant pour objectif d’améliorer la correspondance des compétences entre l’offre des travailleurs égyptiens et la demande des pays d’accueil.
Year 2010
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36207 Report

Birds of a feather flock together - and fall ill? Migrant homophily and health in Sweden

Authors Mikael Rostila
Year 2010
Journal Name Sociology of Health & Illness
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36208 Journal Article

Utilisation of Hospital Services in Italy: A Comparative Analysis of Immigrant and Italian citizens

Authors Giovanni Baglio, Giovanni Baglio, Catherine Saunders, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 22
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36209 Journal Article

In the Service of Community: Somali Media in the Twin Cities

Authors Benny Carlson
Year 2010
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36210 Journal Article

Using administrative data to improve the estimation of immigration to local areas in England

Authors Peter Boden, Phil Rees
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society)
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36211 Journal Article

Dispersal, division and diversification: durable solutions and Sudanese refugees in Uganda

Authors Tania Kaiser
Year 2010
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36213 Journal Article

Changing Life Styles - Changing Competencies: Turkish Migrant Youth in Europe

Authors Cigdem Kagitcibasi
Year 2010
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36214 Journal Article

A patient perspective in research on intercultural caring in maternity care: A meta-ethnography

Authors Anita Wikberg, Terese Bondas
Year 2010
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36215 Journal Article

Dubai's tourism industry and its societal impact: social implications and sustainable challenges

Authors Marcus L. Stephenson, Jane Ali-Knight
Year 2010
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36216 Journal Article

La inmigración brasileña en Portugal y España: ¿sistema migratorio ibérico?

Authors Beatriz Padilla, Erika Masanet Ripoll
Year 2010
Journal Name OBETS. Revista de Ciencias Sociales
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36217 Journal Article

Ideological Configurations and Prediction of Attitudes toward Immigrants in Chile and Germany

Authors Hector Carvacho
Year 2010
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36218 Journal Article

Arab immigrants in the United States: how and why do returns to education vary by country of origin?

Authors Ashraf El-Araby Aly, James F. Ragan
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 6
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36219 Journal Article

From Europe to the Americas: a comparative panel-data analysis of migration to Argentina, Brazil, and the United States, 1870–1910

Authors J. Ulyses Balderas, Michael J. Greenwood
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 6
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36220 Journal Article

The Transfer of Cultural Knowledge in the Early Childhood: Social and Ethnic Disparities and the Mediating Role of Familial Activities

Authors B. Becker, Birgit Becker
Year 2010
Journal Name European Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 23
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36221 Journal Article

Health and Humanitarian Migrants’ Economic Participation

Authors Siew-Ean Khoo
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 13
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36222 Journal Article

The semantics of tolerance and (anti-)racism in Europe: public bodies and civil society on a comparative perspective

The TOLERACE project proposes a contextualised comparative analysis that focuses on the semantics and regimes of (anti-)racism and tolerance in different European contexts, exploring how they are shaped through the mediation of public institutions and policies at the European, national, regional and local level, and civil society organisations. We seek to explore how the different meanings given to tolerance and (anti-)racism are embedded in wider ideas and discourses on citizenship, more precisely in the (re-)definition of European identities in relation to current immigration policies and post-colonial situations. Our hypothesis is that public policies do not sufficiently incorporate anti-racist measures, resulting in precarious modes of integration and making social structures vulnerable to racism. Additionally, we critically consider that de-historicised, dominant conceptions of racism (as a problem of extremist ideologies and their supporters and a well-bounded, localised phenomenon) are failing to address the relationship between nationality, racism and citizenship. Therefore, we propose an analysis that locates racism within a set of complex ways of belonging and of governing difference, and thus related to multiple forms of discrimination (such as religious and linguistic). Three comparative analytical strategies will be followed: (i) Critical analysis of public policies and campaigns focused on the celebration of diversity and the promotion of anti-racism measures and tolerance, in relation to broader multicultural and/or intercultural political traditions; (ii) Empirical analysis of regional/local cases in each national context, as located in the socio-political spaces created by the interplay of (anti-)racism and (in-)tolerance, focusing on two life spheres – education and employment; (iii) The role of the media in the construction of public issues and in making visible racism as a key social problem, within each national/regional context.
Year 2010
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36223 Project

The Employment Contract Revisited. Undocumented Migrant Workers and the Intersection between International Standards, Immigration Policy and Employment Law

Authors Andreas Inghammar, Andreas Inghammar
Year 2010
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 6
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36224 Journal Article

Gender and chain migration: the case of Aruba

Authors Haime Croes, Pieter Hooimeijer
Year 2010
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 6
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36225 Journal Article

Do New Zealand's immigrants have a mortality advantage? Evidence from the New Zealand Census-Mortality Study

Authors Anjum Hajat, Tony Blakely, Saira Dayal, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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36226 Journal Article

Refugees: On the Economics of Political Migration

Authors Peter Schaeffer
Year 2010
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 6
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36227 Journal Article

Die Rolle sozialer Ressourcen bei der Erklärung von ethnischen Bildungsungleichheiten im deutschen Schulsystem

Principal investigator Irena Kogan (Principal Investigator)
" In dem Projekt wurde der Frage nachgegangen, inwiefern soziale Kontakte den Bildungserfolg und die Lehrstellensuche von Schülern mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund beeinflussen. Es wurde sowohl die soziale als auch die ethnische Zusammensetzung der Netzwerke von Schülern und von ihren Müttern berücksichtigt. Um sich der Frage theoretisch anzunähern, welche Effekte soziale Netzwerke auf den strukturellen Erfolg von Akteuren haben sollten, wurde auf das Konzept des Sozialkapitals zurückgegriffen. Hinsichtlich möglicher Auswirkungen der ethnischen Zusammensetzung von Migrantennetzwerken wurde zudem auf gängige Assimilationstheorien eingegangen und es wurde eine Verbindung zwischen ihnen und dem Sozialkapitalkonzept hergestellt.Für die empirischen Analysen wurden Daten aus dem Projekt „Kinder und Jugendliche aus Zuwandererfamilien im deutschen und israelischen Bildungssystem“ verwendet. Es zeigt sich, dass sowohl die soziale als auch die migrantenspezifische Netzwerkzusammensetzung Auswirkungen auf den Bildungserfolg haben, wobei sich der Einfluss allerdings durch unterschiedliche Mechanismen ergibt. Hinsichtlich der sozialen Netzwerkzusammensetzung sprechen die Ergebnisse dafür, dass sich diese weniger auf die Leistungen der Schüler, als vielmehr auf ihre Leistungsbereitschaft sowie die Bildungswünsche, Bildungserwartungen und Bildungsentscheidungen auswirkt. Netzwerke von Migranten, in denen sich überwiegend Personen der eigenen Ethnie befinden bzw. in denen vorwiegend die Herkunftssprache gesprochen wird, haben hingegen negative Auswirkungen auf die schulischen Leistungen der Schüler während die Aspirationen und Bildungsentscheidungen nicht substanziell beeinflusst werden. Die Analysen weisen darauf hin, dass Bildungsungleichheiten unter anderem auf eine unterschiedliche Sozialkapitalausstattung der Akteure zurückzuführen sind. Die grundlegenden Zusammenhänge gelten sowohl für die Netzwerke der Schüler als auch für die Netzwerke ihrer Mütter. Im Gegensatz hierzu haben lediglich die Netzwerke der Mütter Auswirkungen auf den Erfolg der Lehrstellensuche, wobei der Umfang und die soziale Zusammensetzung der Netzwerke von zentraler Bedeutung sind. Die Jugendlichen selbst scheinen noch nicht über substanziell hilfreiche soziale Kontakte für die Lehrstellensuche zu verfügen.Insgesamt konnte in dem Projekt ein umfassender Überblick darüber erlangt werden, welche Auswirkungen verschiedene Eigenschaften von Schüler- und von Mütternetzwerken auf unterschiedliche Determinanten des Bildungserfolgs und beim Übergang in das Berufsausbildungssystem haben."
Year 2010
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36229 Project

Survey of Foreigners’ Incomes, Expenditures and Remittances

Principal investigator Yana Leontiyeva (principal investigator)
The principal goal of this project funded by the Czech Statistical Office was to gather quantitative data in order to improve the methodology employed to estimate the remittances made by migrants. The primary task of the project implemented by the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic was to conduct a questionnaire-based survey (with 1,000 respondents) which would gather quantitative information on the incomes and expenses of immigrants currently living in the Czech Republic, as well as the remittances they send abroad. In accordance with a Czech Statistical Office request, the survey targeted 5 groups of economically active non-EU immigrants based on their citizenship: Ukrainians, Vietnamese, Russians, Moldavians and the citizens from the former Yugoslavia (excluding Slovenia which is an EU member state since 2004).
Year 2010
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36230 Project

Serb Returnees in Croatia - the Question of Return Sustainability1

Authors Milan Mesić, Dragan Bagić
Year 2010
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 5
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36231 Journal Article

Migrants, Work and Social Inclusion

As immigrant populations have grown in many European cities over recent decades, ethnic enterprises have come to play an increasingly prominent role in urban economies However, for migrants actually working in ethnic firms their employment may play a large part in shaping their subsequent integration into their host society. Ethnic economies may be perceived as the most feasible avenue of economic attainment for recent migrants and from this position, ethnic enterprises could be considered as advantageous to the settlement process. On the other hand, research has indicated that many overseas migrants to Britain are employed in low paid, exploitative types of work. Frequently this is for small ethnically based enterprises that offer little stability and few long term prospects. This research aims to examine the relationship between gender, labour in the ethnic economy and the social inclusion of migrants in the wider society. With special reference to the Turkish community in Britain, this research will focus on the relationship between Turkish women’s work and their position in British society, through focusing on how ethnically based employment affects their capacity to become socially integrated in the dominant society. During the research, an ethnographic and qualitative study will be conducted. This will involve the collection of life histories, in-depth interviews, case studies, focus group meetings and interviews with local government officials and community-based organisations. The sample of 60 women will be located with the assistance of Turkish community organisations, pre-existing contacts among the local Turkish community and a chain-referral method of sampling whereby research participants will introduce further participants.
Year 2010
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36232 Project

Re-acculturation attitudes among adolescents from returned Portuguese immigrant families

Authors Félix Neto, F Neto
Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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36233 Journal Article

Global Marriage

Authors Lucy Williams
Year 2010
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36234 Book

La emigración cualificada española en Francia y Alemania

Year 2010
Journal Name Papers
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36236 Journal Article

Social mobility of Spanish emigrants in Europe

Year 2010
Journal Name Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas (Reis)
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36237 Journal Article

Czy Polska stanie się krajem imigracyjnym?

Year 2010
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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36238 Journal Article

Teacher Education Reform and Subaltern Voices: From Política to Práctica in Bolivia

Authors Gloria Delany-Barmann
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Language, Identity & Education
Citations (WoS) 4
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36239 Journal Article

Culture, Structure, and the Refugee Experience in Somali Immigrant Family Transformation

Authors EH Boyle, Elizabeth Heger Boyle, Ahmed Ali, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 19
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36240 Journal Article

The importance of phonological awareness for the development of early English reading skills among bilingual Singaporean kindergartners

Authors L. Quentin Dixon
Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 6
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36242 Journal Article

International student security

Authors Simon Marginson, Helen Forbes-Mewett, Erlenawati Sawir, ...
Year 2010
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36243 Book

Language ideology and identity in transnational space: globalization, migration, and bilingualism among Korean families in the USA

Authors Juyoung Song, Ju-Young Song
Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 55
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36244 Journal Article

Transnational Digital Networks, Migration and Gender

The project will explore two interrelated sociocultural dynamics that impact the future of European integration and have a profound effect on the development of a common European culture by challenging established ethnic, class, linguistic and gendered divisions. These are: a.  the rise in migrant mobility and the establishment of transnational migrant networks that enable the construction and negotiation of new forms of hybrid identity and a sense of multiple belonging based on the experiences of cultural diversity and intercultural communication, and b. the spread of transnational digital networks that transcend state boundaries and exclusive national identities and give users the potential to participate directly in processes of cultural production, exchange and consumption particularly through the use of new media technologies.  More specifically the project will address the question of participation of migrant individuals and groups in transnational digital networks by employing innovative methodologies combining online and offline research. Emphasis will be placed on the ability of migrants to access and produce diverse digital spaces and use them to promote their own needs and demands, but also in the possibilities for the promotion of intercultural dialogue and cooperation that open through the development of new interactive media.  Gender will be mainstreamed and treated as an integral aspect of the research design and analysis throughout the project. In particular, the project will explore theways in which changing gender power relations shape identities and performativities in transnational digital and migrant networks. In order to disseminate information and put the findings of the research into practice, the project will develop a transnational migrant digital platform and an interactive digital game. 
Year 2010
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36245 Project

Pre-migration acculturation attitudes among potential ethnic migrants from Russia to Finland

Authors Anu Yijala, Jasinskaja-Lahti, Anu Yijälä, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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36246 Journal Article

Results from a Survey of Foreigners’ Incomes, Expenditures and Remittances. Main Findings Concerning Remittances.

Authors Yana Leontiyeva, Blanka Tolarová
The report presents the main findings of a project funded by the Czech Statistical Office whose principal goal was to gather quantitative data in order to improve the methodology employed to estimate the remittances made by migrants. The primary task of the project implemented by the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic between May 2010 and February 2011 was to conduct a questionnaire-based survey (with 1,000 respondents) which would gather quantitative information on the incomes and expenses of immigrants currently living in the Czech Republic, as well as the remittances they send abroad. In accordance with a Czech Statistical Office request, the survey described in this report targeted 5 groups of economically active non-EU immigrants based on their citizenship: Ukrainians, Vietnamese, Russians, Moldavians and the citizens from the former Yugoslavia (excluding Slovenia which is an EU member state since 2004).
Year 2010
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36247 Report

Immigrant Communities and Civil War

Authors David D. Laitin, DD Laitin
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 8
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36248 Journal Article

From Limited to Active Engagement: Mexico's Emigration Policies from a Foreign Policy Perspective (2000–2006)

Authors Alexandra Délano, Alexandra Delano
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 13
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36249 Journal Article

Benefit or Burden? Social Capital, Gender, and the Economic Adaptation of Refugees

Authors Ryan Allen
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
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36250 Journal Article

The making of ‘proper’ homes: Everyday practices in migrant domestic work in Naples

Authors Lena Näre
Year 2009
Journal Name Modern Italy
36251 Journal Article

Migration - Autumn 2009

Year 2009
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36254 Book

Do Foreigners Replace Natives Immigrants? Evidence from a Panel Cointegration Analysis

Authors Herbert BRÜCKER, Stefano FACHIN, Alessandra VENTURINI
Year 2009
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36256 Working Paper


Authors Arunkumar Acharya
Year 2009
Journal Name ANDAMIOS
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36257 Journal Article

La migration des Mauritaniens et ses tendances récentes

Authors Sidna Ndah MOHAMED SALEH
Résumé La présente étude porte sur la migration des mauritaniens à l’étranger. Elle a permis de comprendre cette migration en faisant ressortir ses principales destinations, les catégories de migrants et les motifs de leur départ. Malgré la rareté des données sur le sujet, elle met en exergue les chiffres avancés fréquemment en ce qui concerne les effectifs des mauritaniens de l’étranger, soit 250.000 personnes, ainsi que leur apport en matière de transferts de fonds. Outre les migrants de travail, l’étude traite des autres catégories de migrants tels que les réfugiés, les étudiants ainsi que les migrants irréguliers. Les déterminants de cette migration mis en exergue comprennent des motifs liés à la recherche d’emploi, aux liens culturels et religieux ainsi que l’exil pour des raisons politiques. L’étude montre que plus de 5000 réfugiés mauritaniens sont entrés récemment au pays en provenance du Sénégal et du Mali dans le cadre d’une opération en cours visant le retour organisé par les Autorités en étroite collaboration avec le HCR. Enfin, les modalités institutionnelles de gestion des émigrés mauritaniens sont passées en revue. Abstract This article is mainly tackling the Mauritanian emigration and its patterns. It highlights migrants’ profiles, their main destinations and migration motives. Despite the scarcity of data on the subject, the article takes benefit from the statistics published recently on the Mauritanian emigration estimated to 250.000 persons and the migrants’ transfers. In addition to the migrant workers, the study deals with other categories Mauritanian migrants such as refugees, students and irregular migrants. The determinants of such migration include the employment and job search motives, to cultural and religious links in addition to the exile for political reasons. The study shows that more than 5000 Mauritanian refugees came back recently from Senegal and Mali within an organized operation of aiming the return in collaboration with the UNHCR. Finally, the institutional modalities of management of Mauritania emigrants have been described.
Year 2009
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36258 Report

Contexts of exit in the migration of Russian speakers from the Baltic countries to Ireland

Authors Sofya Aptekar
Year 2009
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 13
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36259 Journal Article


Authors AH Sa'di
Year 2009
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36260 Journal Article

Chinese organized crime and situational context: comparing human smuggling and synthetic drugs trafficking

Authors Melvin R. J. Soudijn, Edward R. Kleemans
Year 2009
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36261 Journal Article

Minority Youth, Crime, Conflict, and Belonging in Australia

Authors Jock Collins, Carol Reid
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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36262 Journal Article

Evolution with Stochastic Fitness and Stochastic Migration

Authors Sean H. Rice, Anthony Papadopoulos
Year 2009
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 28
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36264 Journal Article

World Refugee Day in One Country: Celebrating Refugees and UNHCR in Malaysia

Authors E.-L. E. Hedman, Eva-Lotta E. Hedman
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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36265 Journal Article

Citizenship policies in the new Europe : expanded and updated edition

Authors Bernhard PERCHINIG, Wiebke SIEVERS, Rainer BAUBÖCK
Year 2009
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36266 Book

Land of Diverse Migrations: Challenges of Emigration and Immigration in Turkey

Authors Sule Toktas
Year 2009
Journal Name New Perspectives on Turkey
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36267 Journal Article

Gangster, victim or both? The interdiscursive construction of sameness and difference in self-presentations

Authors Sveinung Sandberg
Year 2009
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 45
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36268 Journal Article

International Migration System between Turkey and Russia: The Case of Project-Tied Migrant Workers in Moscow*

Authors Ahmet İÇDUYGU
With over 4.5 million persons born in Turkey living abroad – for the most part in Europe – Turkey is currently one of the most significant emigration countries in the world. If native-born children of immigrants are included, over 6 million, or more than 8 percent of the country’s population lives abroad. These large numbers are a product of various migratory flows from Turkey which began in the early 1960s with the arrival of Turkish migrants in various Western European countries, and continued with the arrival of Turks in Australia, and the oil-rich countries of North Africa and the Middle East (MENA), and then in the former communist countries such as the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). The emigration history of the last fifty years in Turkey indicates that the migratory flows of Turkish citizens have become a part of various migratory systems. The main aim of this essay is two-fold. First, it attempts to document the dynamics and mechanism of project-tied migration from Turkey to the Russian Federation, particularly focusing on the case of project-tied migrant workers from Turkey to Moscow. Second, it looks at the migratory system between Turkey and the former communist countries of Eastern Europe, Central and Northern Asian countries, with special reference to macro, micro, and meso factors affecting the migration system concerned.
Year 2009
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36269 Report

Citizenship Policies in the New Europe

Authors Bernhard Perchinig, Rainer Bauböck, Wiebke Sievers
Year 2009
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36270 Book

Portugal as a Semi-peripheral Country in the Global Migration System

Authors Pedro Gois, Jose Carlos Marques
Year 2009
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36271 Journal Article

In the confusion of time. Representation of Spaniard immigrant in the novel Exilio, of Sara Garcia Iglesias (1957)

Authors Mariana Libertad Suarez
Year 2009
Journal Name CO-HERENCIA
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36272 Journal Article

Depression and anxiety in labor migrants and refugees - A systematic review and meta-analysis

Authors Jutta Lindert, Stefan Priebe, Elmar Braehler, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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36273 Journal Article

L’émigration au féminin : tendances récentes au Maroc

Authors Mohamed KHACHANI
(En) In the last two decades, Egypt has become host to many different kinds of migrants from both North and South. In the 1990s, Egypt witnessed a massive inflow from Africa, while the Iraqi migration began after the American-led invasion in 2003. This paper looks at the situation of Iraqi refugees in Egypt, and tackles; first, the causes of Iraqi migration in Egypt and trends within that migration; second, the living conditions of Iraqis in Egypt including the question of access to services and rights; third, the problems that Iraqis experience there; fourth, the way that civil society and international assistance deal with Iraqi refugees. Finally, the paper proposes some recommendations that would improve the situation of Iraqi refugees. *** (Fr) Au cours des deux dernières décennies, l’Egypte a accueilli des flux migratoires divers provenant du nord et du sud. L’on note particulièrement les flux migratoires provenant de l’Afrique pendant les années 90 suivis par l’arrivée des réfugies iraquiens suite à l’invasion américaine de l’Irak en 2003. Ce papier met en exergue la situation des réfugies iraquiens en Egypte et analyse les dynamiques, causes et tendances de cette immigration. Il met également en lumière les conditions de vie des réfugies iraquiens et les problèmes que ces derniers affrontent en Egypte. En outre, le papier analyse comment la société civile égyptienne et les organisations internationales traitent de la question des réfugies iraquiens en Egypte. Finalement, quelques recommandations fondamentales qui permettraient d’assurer une meilleure gestion du problème et d’améliorer la situation des réfugiés iraquiens sont proposées.
Year 2009
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36274 Report

Ethnic return migration and hierarchical nationhood

Authors Dong-Hoon Seol, John D. Skrentny
Year 2009
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 62
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36275 Journal Article

Iraqi Refugees in Egypt: Socio-Political Aspects

Authors Howaida ROMAN
(En) In the last two decades, Egypt has become host to many different kinds of migrants from both North and South. In the 1990s, Egypt witnessed a massive inflow from Africa, while the Iraqi migration began after the American-led invasion in 2003. This paper looks at the situation of Iraqi refugees in Egypt, and tackles; first, the causes of Iraqi migration in Egypt and trends within that migration; second, the living conditions of Iraqis in Egypt including the question of access to services and rights; third, the problems that Iraqis experience there; fourth, the way that civil society and international assistance deal with Iraqi refugees. Finally, the paper proposes some recommendations that would improve the situation of Iraqi refugees. **** Résumé (Fr) Au cours des deux dernières décennies, l’Egypte a accueilli des flux migratoires divers provenant du nord et du sud. L’on note particulièrement les flux migratoires provenant de l’Afrique pendant les années 90 suivis par l’arrivée des réfugies iraquiens suite à l’invasion américaine de l’Irak en 2003. Ce papier met en exergue la situation des réfugies iraquiens en Egypte et analyse les dynamiques, causes et tendances de cette immigration. Il met également en lumière les conditions de vie des réfugies iraquiens et les problèmes que ces derniers affrontent en Egypte. En outre, le papier analyse comment la société civile égyptienne et les organisations internationales traitent de la question des réfugies iraquiens en Egypte. Finalement, quelques recommandations fondamentales qui permettraient d’assurer une meilleure gestion du problème et d’améliorer la situation des réfugiés iraquiens sont proposées.
Year 2009
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36276 Report

The challenge of measuring immigrant origin and immigration-related ethnicity in Europe

Authors Dirk Jacobs, Marc Swyngedouw, Laurie Hanquinet, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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36277 Journal Article

AIDS and therapeutic immigration in France: myths and realities

Authors Elhadji Mamadou Mbaye
Year 2009
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36278 Journal Article


Authors Francesca Mazzolari
Year 2009
Journal Name Demography
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36279 Journal Article

Family in Dutch migration policy 1945-2005

Authors Marlou Schrover
Year 2009
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36280 Journal Article

Measuring ethnic linkages among migrants

Authors Thomas K. Bauer, IN Gang, GS Epstein
Year 2009
Citations (WoS) 14
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36281 Journal Article

Immigrant self-employment adjustment Ethnic groups in the UK

Authors K Clark, S Drinkwater
Year 2009
Citations (WoS) 8
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36282 Journal Article

Japanese Immigration Policy at a Turning Point

Authors Eika Tai
Year 2009
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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36283 Journal Article

Japanese Immigration Policy at a Turning Point

Authors Eika Tai
Year 2009
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 8
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36284 Journal Article

Marriage at the intersection between tradition and globalization Turkish marriage migration between Emirdag and Belgium from 1989 to present

Authors C Timmerman, Ina Lodewyckx, Johan Wets
Year 2009
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36285 Journal Article

Businesswomen in Germany and their performance by ethnicity It pays to be self-employed

Authors Amelie Constant
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Manpower
Citations (WoS) 7
36286 Journal Article

Immigrants and indigenes: the Lost Counties Dispute and the evolution of ethnic identity in colonial Buganda

Authors Shane Doyle
Year 2009
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36287 Journal Article

The economic determinants of ethnic assimilation

Authors Carmel U. Chiswick
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 22
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36288 Journal Article

Igbo professional migratory orders, hometown associations and ethnicity in the USA

Year 2009
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 4
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36289 Journal Article

Immigration Policies in Portugal: Limits and Compromise in the Quest for Regulation

Authors Catarina Sabino, João Peixoto, Alexandre Abreu
Year 2009
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 5
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36290 Journal Article

Towards a critical moral anthropology

Consubstantial to the founding project of social sciences, moral issues have been eclipsed for a long time in sociological and anthropological research. Without neglecting recent efforts of social scientists to readdress them, my intention is to take up this repressed ambition by laying the foundations of a critical moral anthropology. The crucial importance of morals in everyday life as well as in global crisis, in the evaluation of actions as well as in the justification of policies, in the relations with others as well as in the construction of social identities makes this ambition a reasonable necessity. Empirical validation will be done through a comparative ethnography of moral economies around two groups: immigrants in juridical precariousness; adolescents from underprivileged areas. Our study will concern their interactions with regulation structures police and justice, social work and mental health. It will enlighten the concepts of moral work and stakes, of moral categories and evaluation, of moral communities and boundaries. Fieldwork will be mainly conducted in the banlieues of Paris. For the immigrants, we will study how situations and claims are evaluated at the border to enter the territory (Waiting Zone for Foreigners of Roissy) or in case of appeal for refugees (National Court for Asylum); we will also analyze processes of sanction for their illegal situation (Retention Center of Coquelles) or for offences (Prisons of La Santé, Fresnes and Val d Oise). For the adolescents, we will focus on the ordinary setting of institutions in charge of these publics (Val d Oise), but also on two innovative responses based on mental health (Network of Yvelines Sud and House for Adolescents of Val d Oise East). Based mainly on anthropology and sociology, the project also involves political science, philosophy, psychology and psychiatry. The research team includes the PI, 5 post-docs, 5 PhD students and two part-time researchers, all from IRIS.
Year 2009
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36291 Project

Psycho-educative and socio-political framework for intercultural education in Spanish schools, its limitations and possibilities

Authors Antonio Fernández-Castillo, Antonio Fernandez-Castillo
Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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36292 Journal Article

Portugal as a Semi-peripheral Country in the Global Migration System

Authors Pedro Góis, José Carlos Marques
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration
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36293 Journal Article

The Reverse and Return Transfer of Technology (RRTT): Towards a Comprehensive Model of the Migration of African Experts

Authors BI Logan, B. Ikubolajeh Logan
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 9
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36294 Journal Article

Socio-Cultural Determinants of Labour-Market Integration of Immigrants

Principal investigator Ruud Koopmans (Principal Investigator), Jutta Höhne (Principal Investigator)
"Theoretical background and objectives Economic participation of migrants has been a major problem in many European countries for the last decades. There is overwhelming statistical evidence for the problematic labour market status of migrants, but data also show that not all migrant groups are affected to the same extent. Previous studies have revealed that differences in socio-economic integration are strongly related to ethnic origin. However, this research does not allow us to firmly establish to what extent cultural and religious factors are responsible for the differential socio-economic position of ethnic groups. Therefore, we investigate the effects of host-country orientation and cultural difference of migrants on their socio-economic integration in Germany, analysing unemployment and employment durations of male and female migrants, as well as transitions from domestic work to employment for female migrants from Turkey, Former Yugoslavia, Greece, Spain and Italy. Given the large gap in unemployment and employment rates not only between natives and migrants, but also between groups of migrants, we look at several economic, human capital and cultural factors in order to test whether migrant-specific characteristics can help to explain ethnic group differences in labour market outcomes. The migrant-specific cultural variables we investigate include host-country language proficiency, interethnic contacts, host-country media consumption, and religiosity. In the case of married female migrants, the analysis moreover takes relevant characteristics of their husbands into account, which have not received attention in earlier studies. Research design and methodology The German Socio-Economic Panel provides reliable longitudinal data, allowing us to conduct analyses over a period of nearly 20 years (1988-2006). We use duration data to analyse the hazard of labour market status transitions by estimating Cox regression models with a random frailty term to account for unobserved heterogeneity. Individual longitudinal data on employment trajectories of migrants have been combined with labour market context data and relevant human capital and cultural factors. A longitudinal approach is crucial for addressing this research question, since the relationship between socio-cultural factors such as host-country language proficiency and interethnic contacts and labour market integration is likely to be recursive. Our samples cover not only persons born outside Germany, but also their 2nd generation offspring. Findings The results indicate that although labour market transitions of migrants strongly depend on the labour market context, host-country orientation and religiosity also have a certain impact on the labour market integration of individual migrants, especially on transitions into employment of male migrants and married migrant housewives. However, while for most of our cultural variables we find significant effects on the individual level, these factors do not help to clarify the differences among the different migrant groups, which persist at a similar level even after controlling for labour market, general human capital, as well as cultural variables."
Year 2009
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36295 Project

Strategic Crime and Immigration Information Management System

People trafficking and People Smuggling has long been a problem for European Governments, adversely affecting the security of their citizens. In many cases women and children are exploited for the sex trade and labour exploitation. In formulating the SCIIMS project the consortium will focus upon an overarching question from which the developed system, demonstration and experimentation will answer: In the European Union context how can new capabilities improve the ability to search, mine, and fuse information from National, trans-national, private and other sources, to discover trends and patterns for increasing shared situational awareness and improving decision making, within a secure infrastructure to facilitate the combating of organised crime and in particular people trafficking to enhance the security of citizens? The programme objectives are: 1) Development and application of information management techniques enabling information to be fused, and shared nationally and trans-nationally within a secure information infrastructure in accordance with EU Crime and Immigration Agencies information needs; 2) Development and application of tools to assist in decision making in order to predict, analyse and intervene with likely people trafficking and smuggling sources, events, and links to organised crime. The SCIIMS Consortium will utilise State of the Art products which will form the platform to develop new innovative capabilities and technologies. This approach is designed to provide the EU with an early exploitation opportunity by the consortium & User Groups. Capabilities and technologies will include: - Data Mining of large data sets utilising a data stream approach. - Information Management, and fusion techniques in order to analyse relationships between different pieces of information. - Web/database semantics tools to provide comprehensive search and retrieval of information. - Decision aids based on self learning probabilistic tools.
Year 2009
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36296 Project

Brain Drain aus Entwicklungsländern: Mobilitätsstrukturen von Hochqualifizierten am Beispiel von Nigeria

Principal investigator Caroline Kramer (Principal Investigator ), Joachim Vogt (Principal Investigator )
Das Forschungsprojekt (...) befasst sich mit den Zusammenhängen zwischen Bildung, Migration und der sozio-ökonomischen Situation in einem Entwicklungsland. Sowohl in Entwicklungstheorien als auch in Migrationstheorien wurde bisher der Faktor Bildung selten umfassend berücksichtigt. Der in Nigeria zu beobachtende Brain Drain Hochqualifizierter kann nicht nur mit sozioökonomischen Disparitäten erklärt werden. Ziel des Projektes ist, räumliche und strukturelle Disparitäten hinsichtlich der Mobilität von Hochqualifizierten in und aus Nigeria zu erkennen und deren Auswirkungen zu analysieren, sowohl im Hinblick auf damit einhergehende Entwicklungshemmnisse als auch in Bezug auf fördernde sozio-ökonomische Aspekte (z.B. durch zirkuläre Migration/ Transmigration) ergänzt durch einen wissenssoziologischen Ansatz. Zentrale Fragen auf einer strukturellen Ebene sind u.a.: Welche Regionen/ Hochschulen sind weshalb Ziel-/ Quellregionen der nationalen und internationalen Migration, und inwieweit bestimmen bildungs- und arbeitsplatzorientierte Wanderungen das Wanderungsgeschehen? Auf individueller bzw. akteursbezogener Ebene stehen Unterschiede der Hochqualifizierten in der regionalen, sozialen, ethnischen und religiösen Herkunft sowie die Migrationsbiographie der Befragten und ihre Einbindung in Migrantennetzwerke im Vordergrund. Die Datenerhebung erfolgt zum einen durch die Befragung von Absolventen/ Experten von drei nigerianischen Universitäten (Alumni-Netzwerk) und zum anderen werden Nigerianer in der Diaspora (Deutschland, Großbritannien, USA) hinsichtlich ihrer Migrationsbiographie und ihrer sozialen Netzwerke befragt.
Year 2009
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36297 Project


Support and Opposition to Migration Support and Opposition to Migration (SOM) is a family of projects, with the core project funded by the European Commission as part of the Seventh Framework Programme. The projects look at the politicization of migration in several European countries. The aim of these comparative projects is to determine why and when potential conflicts over migration become politicized, examining both anti-immigration and anti-racist movements. The projects increase knowledge about the political dynamics related to migration, and provide policy-relevant information. The projects focus on the role of four types of actors—the state, political parties, movements, and the media—in politicizing, or depoliticizing, the issue of immigration in several receiving countries. The core project covers seven countries: Austria, Belgium, Britain, Ireland, the Netherlands, Spain, and Switzerland. Large-scale migration to European countries led to all sorts of tensions in the receiving countries. The presence of immigrants, however, has not become a politically contested issue everywhere. The ways in which the issue of immigration has become politicized differ significantly across countries. The dependent variables of the projects measure the extent to which and the way in which the issue of immigration became politicized. This is measured on the basis of claims and counter-claims made by three types of movements: interest groups of immigrants, anti-immigration movements, and anti-racist solidarity groups. A comparative approach is used to study divergences and convergences between countries. The aims of the projects include: increasing knowledge about conflicts over the social and political participation of immigrants in Western Europe determining why and when potential conflicts become politicized, examining both anti-immigration and anti-racist movements increasing knowledge of how institutional conditions constrain processes of politicization providing policy-relevant information by assessing which actions of state institutions are successful in managing conflict on immigration and integration.
Year 2009
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36298 Project

Spain, the Cheap Model. Irregularity and Regularisation as Immigration Management Policies

Authors Carmen González-Enríquez
Year 2009
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 26
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36299 Journal Article

Methodological challenges in quality of life research among Turkish and Moroccan ethnic minority cancer patients: translation, recruitment and ethical issues

Authors Rianne Hoopman, Ferko G. Ory, Neil K. Aaronson, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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36300 Journal Article
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