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Regularyzacja statusu cudzoziemców w Polsce w 2012 r. – geneza, przebieg i konsekwencje

Year 2013
Book Title Around migration issues. Party culture
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35901 Book Chapter

The Cultural Diffusion of the Fertility Transition: Internal Migrations in Nineteenth Century France

To understand why some developing countries have progressively seen their fertility level declined and converged with the rest of the world during the twentieth century while others have not, this proposal offers an historical perspective based on France, which was the first European country where the fertility rate declined substantially. The secular decline in French fertility during the 19th century is a perennial puzzle as France was a relative laggard in urbanisation, education and social insurance. This research proffers an alternative explanation that takes into account the other French originality: most of the French emigrants were internal. Compared to the other Europeans, not many French moved to the high-fertility societies of America. This suggests a role for internal diffusion of fertility norms. Once migration and diaspora networks are formed, they reduce transaction and other types of information costs. They facilitate transactions between countries as well as the diffusion of technology and ideas. This suggests that the transfer of fertility norms prevailing in the host countries influence fertility choices in migrant-sending countries. The potential for cultural norm transmission is important as at the turn of the 20th century, France was not a fully integrated country from a cultural point of view. In some regions, a substantial share of the population still did not speak French and this language barrier reflected further cultural differences. Accordingly, the French fertility decline was not homogenous and the second half of the 19th century witnessed a strong convergence between the fertility of the various French regions. We hope that our research may explain to what extent migration played an important role in internal French fertility convergence. If similar phenomena are at play nowadays, they might explain the decline of fertility in developing countries.
Year 2013
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35902 Project

UK: the way to pariah status in Europe

Authors Frances Webber
Year 2013
Journal Name Race & Class
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35903 Journal Article

The Visibility and Invisibility of Migrant Faith in the City: Diaspora Religion and the Politics of Emplacement of Afro-Christian Churches

Authors David Garbin
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 29
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35904 Journal Article

Gender and migration on the labour market: Additive or interacting disadvantages in Germany?

Authors Fenella Fleischmann, Jutta Hoehne, Jutta Höhne
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 8
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35905 Journal Article

Incorporating immigrants as foreigners: multicultural politics in Japan

Authors Chikako Kashiwazaki
Year 2013
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 9
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35906 Journal Article

Undocumented migrants in debt

Authors Slobodan Djajić, Slobodan Djajic, Alexandra Vinogradova
Year 2013
Journal Name Labour Economics
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35907 Journal Article

Inmigración y crisis: entre la continuidad y el cambio. Anuario de la Inmigración en España 2012

Dirigida por Eliseo Aja, Joaquín Arango y Josep Oliver Alonso, el Anuario de Inmigración en España, Edición 2013, el Anuario de Inmigración en España, Edición 2012, presenta un conjunto de análisis que abordan el fenómeno de la inmigración y su respuesta a la actual situación de crisis económica. La respuesta a la doble recesión del mercado de trabajo, los flujos migratorios y la emigración, el acceso a los servicios sociales afectados también por reducciones presupuestarias, y el envío de remesas desde España a los países de origen son algunos de los temas tratados por la publicación, que analiza también el acceso a la nacionalidad y presenta la experiencia de la Red de ciudades interculturales (RECI) como ejemplo de buenas prácticas en materia de integración. La publicación analiza las principales características y tendencias de la inmigración y las políticas de inmigración en España, a través de un conjunto de estudios realizados desde las perspectivas política, sociológica, económica y jurídica.
Year 2013
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35908 Report

Experiences of migration and the determinants of obesity among recent Iranian immigrants in Victoria, Australia

Authors Maryam Delavari, Andre M. N. Renzaho, David John Mellor, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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35909 Journal Article

Kurdish migrant mothers in London enacting citizenship

Authors Umut Erel
Year 2013
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 25
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35910 Journal Article

Incorporation beyond identity: co-ethnic immigrants in Serbia

Authors Mila Dragojević, Mila Dragojevic
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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35911 Journal Article

Refugees and the Rashaida human smuggling and trafficking from Eritrea to Sudan and Egypt

Authors Rachel Humphris, UNHCR. Policy Development and Evaluation Service
Year 2013
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35912 Report

The vicious circle of irregular migration from Pakistan to Greece and back to Pakistan

Authors Κleopatra YOUSSEF
Migration in Pakistan is intertwined with the country’s history and development. The internal and external mobility of people, which is based on a migratory culture that is both private and collective, has contributed to substantially altering the cultural constitution of the worldwide Pakistani population. Currently, four million Pakistanis who live and work outside the country, half of which in Europe and the United Kingdom in particular, constitute the largest community of the Pakistani diaspora. To put in somewhat general terms, Pakistan constitutes a paradigmatic case of a model of contemporary migration, which shows two distinct phases, one legal (at first) the other illegal (at a later stage), as a result of the varying conditions concerning migration in the Middle East and in Europe. Among the European countries, Greece presents a case of particular scientific interest as it serves today as a junction of irregular migration from Pakistan to Europe. The current research paper is focused on the Greek case of Pakistani mobility and attempts to shed light on irregular migration in particular. In this paper, are discussed several issues concerning Pakistani migration to and through Greece in a socio-historical context, in which the immigration policies of Greece and Pakistan are systematically examined. One such fundamental question is how do the Greek policies of migration affect or even control the plans and actions of irregular migrants? And, equally important, what is the role of social networks in decision making processes leading migrants to travel to and stay in Greece?
Year 2013
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35913 Report

The role of the press in the war on asylum

Authors Greg Philo, Emma Briant, Pauline Donald
Year 2013
Journal Name Race & Class
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35914 Journal Article

Weblog narratives of Japanese migrant women in Australia: Consequences of international mobility and migration

Authors Atsushi Takeda, George Perry
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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35915 Journal Article

Linguistic ‘mudes’ and the de-ethnicization of language choice in Catalonia

Authors Joan Pujolar, Isaac Gonzalez, Isaac Gonzàlez
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 42
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35916 Journal Article

Family language policies among Albanian immigrants in Greece

Authors Aspassia Chatzidaki, Christina Maligkoudi
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 9
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35917 Journal Article

Anand Migration Update: Immigrant and Refugee News and Views, Letter 1—May 2013

Authors Vivodh Z. J. Anand
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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35918 Journal Article

Migrants, Cohesion and the Cultural Politics of the State: Critical Perspectives on the Management of Diversity

Authors Davide Però, Davide Pero
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 8
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35919 Journal Article

Demography, Politics and Conflict: The Case of India

This proposal seeks support for research on demography and conflict dynamics that builds on the principal investigator’s current work and expertise. The core focus of the research is an historical and statistical examination of the interaction of demographic factors and their impact on political conflict and violence, with a particular focus on India. The main objectives are theoretical and empirical: to develop a framework for understanding how demographic dynamics influence political conflict and violence, and a data set of conflict episodes and demographic variables. It will use state-of-the-art statistical methods to study important questions related to demography and politics. This project brings together a number of disciplines, including political science, history, statistics, economics and demography. Three main factors relating to political violence will be analysed: differential population growth and youth bulges, and then how these are related to horizontal inequality. Although this project initially focuses on India, the implications will be broadened to include other areas of world, in particular Europe. Consider the case of former Yugoslavia in the 1970s and 1980s, a case I explored in my first book. This country underwent profound ethnic shifts particularly between ethnic Albanians and ethnic Serbs in the Kosovo as result of fertility rates and migration. Similar dynamics are at work more broadly in Europe as fertility rates continue to decline in a fair number of countries (in some there is a bit of recovery, e.g. France and Sweden), putting pressure on these countries in terms of labour forces and immigration. These are the same dynamics I be examining in India and expect to explore them more broadly across the states of Europe and beyond.
Year 2013
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35920 Project

Information for Authors

Year 2013
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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35921 Journal Article

The Attachments of New York City Caribbean Indian Immigrants to Indian Culture, Indian Immigrants and India

Authors Pyong Gap Min, PG Min
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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35922 Journal Article

Sorry, I’m not a tourist: migración y turismo en la Marina Alta

Authors Jordi Giner-Monfort
Year 2013
Journal Name Papers de Turism
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35923 Journal Article

Migration from Afghanistan to third countries and Greece

Authors Angeliki DIMITRIADI
The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (henceforth Afghanistan) is part of the wider region of South and Central Asia. It is a region with a long and complex history, not only politically but also in the area of migration, whereby the main characteristic is the mobility of tribes and nomadic populations between neighboring countries. For at least two decades (1980 and 1990), Afghanistan was known for its geopolitical importance, but also for being one of the leading countries in the production of refugees and migrant flows, heading primarily to Pakistan and Iran. The present report aims at framing the discussion around immigration from Afghanistan to Greece, the reasons for migrating, the push factors for their arrival and the composition of arrivals. The report begins with an overview of the geopolitical and historical context of Afghanistan, and recent developments that have shaped and continue to shape immigration today. A discussion of the two main destination countries- Pakistan and Iran- for Afghan immigrants follows, since current Afghan migratory flows are largely a result of the political changes in these countries and particularly the change towards the Afghan refugee population hosted until recently. Therefore their importance and role cannot be ignored. The report will close with an overview of Afghan immigration in Greece, the problems encountered and the particularities of the group.
Year 2013
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35924 Report

The Dilemmas of Policy Towards Return Migration. The Case of Poland After the EU Accession

Year 2013
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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35926 Journal Article

Humanitarian Problems Relating to Migration in the Turkish- Greek Border Region: The Crucial Role of Civil Society Organisations.

Authors Max Schaub
Drawing on a comprehensive analysis of migration-related humanitarian problems in the Turkish-Greek border region, this brief argues that civil society organisations (CSOs) have a key role to play in ameliorating the situation. Migrants and refugees clandestinely attempting to cross the Turkish-Greek border region suffer from a host of human rights violations. They are mistreated by smugglers, detained under intolerable conditions, and are at risk of being illegally pushed-back across the border to Turkey and deported. Since the actions of governments are at the core of the humanitarian problems, civil society organisations are virtually the only actors that can help to reduce the numbers of violations and to promote the humane treatment of migrants and refugees. However, the report shows that existing organisations in both Turkey and Greece are poorly positioned to take on such a role, as they lack staff and volunteers, access to funds and know-how. CSOs from regions that face fewer problems should thus support organisations active in the border region. CSOs should both assist and monitor state authorities. On the international level, local and international CSOs should continue to pressure European govern-ments to devise more constructive migration policies.
Year 2013
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35927 Report

The emergence of an ‘ethnic economy’? The spatial relationships of migrant workers in London's health and hospitality sectors

Authors Adina Batnitzky, Linda McDowell
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 10
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35928 Journal Article

The demographic and economic framework of circular migration in Azerbaijan

Authors Arif YUNUSOV
The brief review shows that the overwhelming majority of Azerbaijani migrants works and stays regularly in other countries; they have poor communication with state agencies, which causes lots of problems for migrants and receiving countries. The same can be said about migrants staying in Azerbaijan. But the main thing is the lack of understanding over circular migration. This understanding can help reduce circular migration and puts irregular emigration and immigration into a legal framework.
Year 2012
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35929 Report

Policy on migration and diasporas in Georgia

Authors Natia CHELIDZE
Even though, due to Georgia’s geopolitical location and its demographic and economic development, the migration process management is one of the priorities in the country, no migration policy and legislation for the regulation of this field have yet been formed at the state level in Georgia. Local politicians are well aware of the major importance of the labour migration from Georgia for the overcoming of socio-economic crisis in our country. The regulation and management of migration has become a significant part of the international obligations undertaken by Georgia. One of the considerable achievements of the current authorities of Georgia is liberalization of the movement to EU countries and the support to the circular migration. However, unfortunately, bilateral interstate agreements with the main countries of immigration for the legalization of labour migration have not been completed so far. It is still not distinct yet when the work on signing an agreement1 on the residence of qualified professionals from Georgia and the circular migration with France having ongoing for the last few years, will be finalized. The proper assessment of the migration processes is not available because of the lack of the updated statistical database. Nevertheless, the state is taking major steps for regulating the registration of migration flows through the institutions and mechanisms established to serve this purpose. The gradual adoption of modern infrastructure provides for the efficient border monitoring, along with the already introduced secure identity and travel documents (the latest version of a biometric passport and a secure electronic identity card). Currently, the state is pursuing liberal visa policy for the achievement of sustainable economic development, the improvement of an infrastructure for tourism and the attraction of additional investments. Although, the potential challenges accompanying the growth of the number of migrants, should also be taken into account. This process shall be taken special care of, so as to transform it into an incentive factor for the social and economic development, and to avoid the negative consequences of uncontrolled migration, at the same time.
Year 2012
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35930 Report

The legal framework for circular migration in Moldova

Authors Tatiana CIUMAS
At the moment the legislation in force is limited to granting the right to stay for foreigners who enter the country and determines maintenance of this right based on the validity of a resident permit. When re-entering the country and/or re-applying for a residency right the authorities will check if the person fulfills the conditions for granting the respective right rather than the benefit for the country. For the Republic of Moldova circular migration, even as a concept, is something new and unexplored. Besides the Agreement and Protocol signed with Italy other bilateral agreements have a rather limited content, concentrating more on social aspects. At the same time the implementation of the Italian Agreement, based on circular migration schemes, is a challenge for the authorities. After all, the population who wanted to emigrate from Moldova is already settled out of the country or does not want to return. For the Republic of Moldova circular migration is a perspective for ?keeping? nationals in the country and for avoiding the negative impact of emigration and a way for stimulating nationals to invest in the country
Year 2012
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35931 Report

Moldova : emigration and diaspora

Authors Valeriu MOSNEAGA
Moldova’s newly gained independence has led to the population’s full-scale migration. Due to a difficult socio-economic situation and low life standards, migration has become a common practice. It is of two types: permanent and temporary emigration (international labor migration). Approximately 1 million Moldovan citizens were included in emigration processes, which had a negative impact on the country’s demographical safety and its socio-economic development. Moldova’s authorities are concerned about this, yet, the solution to the problem is in the democratic context – a freedom to enter and leave the country according to the migrant’s wishes. The migration policy is directed towards the regulation of migration processes; work with Moldovan Diasporas; development of policies that would stimulate the migrants’ desire to return home; interacting with different international organizations; creating a visa-free regime between Moldova and the European Union. This article analyzes the work of Moldovan authorities in this field, in the last 5 years.
Year 2012
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35932 Report

The legal framework for circular migration in Ukraine

Authors Lyudmila DAVYDOVYCH
During 2011 the visa-immigration legislation of Ukraine was radically changed. New decrees and laws of Ukraine were adopted, visa procedures as well as procedure of entry-exit were simplified. For instance, instead of twenty-two types of Ukrainian visas there are now three types (short and long stay, transit visa). In case a foreigner needs to prolong his/her stay in Ukraine (for instance his/her working contract has been prolonged) he/she may do it without leaving Ukraine with a view to applying for a new long-stay visa ?D? at Ukrainian consulate abroad. Members of migrant families of migrants that temporarily or permanently reside in Ukraine received a right to apply for a long stay. This new visa legislation should enhance the circular migration of foreign citizens in Ukraine. Ukrainian legislation protects migrant rights ? citizens of Ukraine working and residing abroad through national legislation and provisions of bilateral agreemants. At the same time there is the need to expand a network of bilateral agreemants in the field of social security and the protection of rights of Ukrainian citizens migrants residing and working abroad.
Year 2012
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35933 Report

On the institutional structure of migration in the Republic Armenia (RA)

Authors Haykanush CHOBANYAN
The current migration management model in the Republic of Armenia (RA)is decentralized, in the sense that various functions and operations ? such as control over entry, stay, residence and exit of foreigners, emigration of nationals, labour migration, asylum, etc. ? are performed by different governmental entities.
Year 2012
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35934 Report

General trends of migration processes and policy in post-soviet Azerbaijan (immigration and emigration)

Authors Sergey RUMYANSEV
Two decades of observation of migration processes that occurred after the collapse of the Soviet Union allow identifying the general trends and direction thereof. Moreover, one gets a clear idea about the tasks and positions of various political actors who have an effect on migration dynamic. In this paper an attempt is made to identify the most important trends and place them in the context of key political actors’ positions.
Year 2012
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35935 Report

How does Conflict in Migrants’ Country of Origin Affect Remittance-Sending? Financial Priorities and Transnational Obligations among Somalis and Pakistanis in Norway

Authors Jorgen Carling, Marta Bivand Erdal, Cindy Horst, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 25
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35936 Journal Article

Hispanic Assimilation and Fertility in New U.S. Destinations

Authors Daniel T. Lichter, DT Lichter, Richard Turner, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 19
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35937 Journal Article

Migration and Citizenship Law in Spain: Path-dependency and Policy Change in a Recent Country of Immigration

Authors Alberto Martin-Perez, Francisco Javier Moreno-Fuentes, Alberto Martín-Pérez, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 13
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35938 Journal Article

Managing International Migration in Australia: Human Rights and the “Last Major Redoubt of Unfettered National Sovereignty”

Authors Brian Opeskin
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 8
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35939 Journal Article

Una introducción a la historia de la emigración española en la República Federal de Alemania (1960-1980)

Authors Antonio MUÑOZ SÁNCHEZ
Year 2012
Journal Name Iberoamericana
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35949 Journal Article

Immigrants in Azerbaijan: Current situation and prospects of (re)integration policy

Authors Sergey RUMYANSEV
Problems of immigrants in the post-Soviet Azerbaijan in the context of the issue of their integration in the host society till now has not been in the focus of researchers' attention. In the attempt to analyze this issue it makes sense to classify immigrants into three groups: 1) natives of Azerbaijan (re-emigrants) and their family members; 2) ethnic s from Georgia; 3) labor immigrants from different countries (EU, Turkey, India, Pakistan, etc.), who arrive to the country to look for a job or to open their own business. Conditional division into these three groups lets us describe major trends in this research area. Analysis suggested in this article is mostly based on a series of biographic interviews with immigrants from all three conditionally defined groups. The main research question in the author's opinion should be formulated as follows: what are the social resources and practices used by immigrants in Azerbaijan for integration in the host society, in the absence of any targeted state integration policy.
Year 2012
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35950 Report

External Labour Migration in Ukraine as a Factor in Socio-demographic and Economic Development

Authors Oleksii POZNIAK
The paper focuses on the role of labor migration in Ukrainian development, particularly its impact upon demographics and the labor market. The author evaluates the real size and composition of the resident population of Ukraine. It is demonstrated that the de facto population is almost 1.5% smaller than its official size. The impact of external labor migration on the unemployment level is studied. It is demonstrated that without labor migration the unemployment level in Ukraine would be almost twice as high as the registered level. Special attention is paid to the entrepreneurial potential of labor migrants and its possible financial effects. It is proved that the main challenge associated with labor migration policy in the country is the underestimation of the possibility of using the entrepreneurial potential of labor migrants and their relatives staying in Ukraine. The potential financial benefits from the entrepreneurial activities of migrants and their relatives exceeds 1 billion hryvnias (around 100 million euros) as of 2010. It is demonstrated that in 10-12 years Ukraine will face a workforce deficit. Ukraine will need employable-age migrants up until 2061, namely 7.9 mln. people. The need to pursue a more proactive policy of immigrant integration is justified. Based on the analysis performed, recommendations for improvements in Ukrainian state policy are developed and justified, including measures in the field of emigration regulation, as well as the attraction and integration of immigrants.
Year 2012
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35951 Report

Short-Term Visa Requirements for Indians to Emigrate to the European Union

Authors Sebastian Irudaya RAJAN
The need to make travel more accessible, convenient and smooth and to improve visa procedures is paramount in both economic and bilateral relations contexts. Towards this end, the paper aims at assessing potential visa facilitation processes and visa waiver programs between the EU and India. To gain an understanding of current visa requirements and procedures for Indians to immigrate to European countries, it deals explicitly with the visa requirements and hurdles involved in getting visa clearance for both long-term and short stays. Through an in-depth study of current migration flows between these two regions, the implications of facilitating visas for citizens of India – one of the world’s fastest growing source markets – is analysed. While findings suggest that the EU is increasingly becoming a destination for tourists, students, professionals and immigrants, millions more were deterred from traveling by cost, waiting time and the difficulty of obtaining a visa. The author calls for priority to be given to facilitating travel as a means to boost economic growth and create jobs. Opening up the travel regime could create millions of additional jobs in the EU economies, generate additional international tourism receipts and may then become the next frontier in bi-lateral relations between these countries.
Year 2012
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35952 Report

Goans in Portugal: Role of history and identity in shaping diaspora linkages

Authors Rupa CHANDA, Sriparna GHOSH
The Portuguese colonial era in India began in 1502 and ended in 1961 with the annexation of Goa by India. This long standing colonial relationship led to a deep-rooted historical, cultural and social relationship between Goa and Portugal. Migration from Goa to Portugal, over different periods, played an important part in forging this relationship. This paper examines the history of migration from Goa to Portugal, the characteristics of the Goan community in Portugal, and its engagement with Goa and with India, based on secondary and primary sources of information. Section 2 discusses the different waves of migration from Goa to Portugal. It finds that Goans migrated to Portugal during the colonial period in search of education, then following the annexation of Goa by India in 1961, and subsequently during the 1970s when Goans “twice migrated” to Portugal from Mozambique and Angola following their independence. In recent decades, Goans have been migrating to Portugal to seek access to the larger European market. Today, there is a sizeable Goan community residing in Portugal. Sections 3 and 4 explore the question of identity as perceived by this community in Portugal. The findings indicate that history, the causal factors underlying migration, and the heterogeneity within the community in terms of background, economic and social status have a major influence on the notion of identity. One section of the community does not consider itself as a diaspora group or as expatriates or migrants as it sees itself as fully integrated with Portuguese society. Their connection is with Goa, not with India. Another section of the community views itself as belonging to India and also Goa, realizing that they have a distinct identity within Portugal. For the twice migrated, the issue of identity is even more complex as they identify with a third country and many have never lived in Goa or India. Section 5 discusses how this issue of identity has in manifested itself in different ways, such as through the community’ position on issues of minority representation within Portuguese society, through diaspora associations and networks, and the extent to which the community has engaged with and contributed back to Goa and India. It finds that due to the dilemma over identity, the community has had very weak economic and philanthropic ties with the homeland. Section 6 highlights the growing engagement between the Goan community in Portugal and India in recent years and some initiatives at the government level to deepen this engagement. However, it finds that a long term strategic vision has been lacking on the part of both the Indian and the Portuguese governments. Section 7 concludes by calling for a forward looking approach to engaging with the Goan diaspora community in Portugal. It recommends that this community be strategically leveraged not only to strengthen economic and cultural relations with Portugal but also to serve India’s larger foreign policy and geopolitical objectives in the Lusophone countries of Latin America and Africa.
Year 2012
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35953 Report

Albanian Entrepreneurial Practices in Human Smuggling and Trafficking: On the Road to the United Kingdom via Brussels, 1995-2005

Authors Johan Leman, Stef Janssens
Year 2012
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35954 Journal Article

Expanding Acts of Citizenship: The Struggles of Sinpapeles Migrants

Authors Iker Barbero
Year 2012
Journal Name Social & Legal Studies
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35955 Journal Article

Back to the South: Social and Political Aspects of Latin American Migration to Southern Europe

Authors Joao Peixoto
Year 2012
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35956 Journal Article

Does Combat Experience Foster Organizational Skill? Evidence from Ethnic Cleansing during the Partition of South Asia

Authors Saumitra Jha, Steven Wilkinson
Year 2012
Journal Name American Political Science Review
Citations (WoS) 32
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35957 Journal Article

Perpetual What? Injury, sovereignty, and a cosmopolitan view of immigration

Authors Inés VALDEZ
Year 2012
Journal Name Political Studies
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35958 Journal Article

Women and Migration in Albania: A View from the Village

Authors Julie Vullnetari
Year 2012
35959 Journal Article

Survival Employment': Gender and Deskilling among African Immigrants in Canada

Authors Gillian Creese, Brandy Wiebe
Year 2012
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35960 Journal Article

EU-India Bilateral Remittances

Authors Chinmay TUMBE
A hundred years ago, during colonial times, more than a hundred thousand migrants from Britain and Ireland worked in India, mostly as soldiers and administrators. In contrast, only around 4,000 Indians lived in Britain: 1,000 students and 2,500 persons working in navigation related activities. As a result, European countries were net recipients of migrants’ remittances from India. A century later, nearly a million emigrants from India live in the countries of the European Union (EU) and less than 10,000 EU expatriates work in India, making India a net recipient of migrants’ remittances from the EU. Considering the significantly large Indian emigrant base in the EU, few questions that emerge are: How much money flows from the EU to India by way of migrants’ remittances? What part of emigrant capital flows are sourced from the EU? And what are the country shares of these remittance flows? This paper attempts to address these questions basing its analysis on data compiled from numerous reports published by the Reserve Bank of India over the last three decades.
Year 2012
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35961 Report

Turkeys Multifarious Attitude towards Migration and its Migrants

Authors Özge BILGILI
Turkey is not only a country of emigration, but also of immigration and return migration. It is a country, too, with a significant part of its population living abroad. In this paper, I take into account these various international migration patterns to provide an in-depth historical analysis of the Turkish State’s attitude towards migration and its immigrants, citizens residing abroad or returning to the country. The analysis is based on a detailed literature review, a summary of the most recent policies introduced regarding migration and in-depth interviews conducted with policy makers, government officials and academics. The analysis shows that Turkey’s socio-economic development, its economic and political expectations from migration, and contextual factors have significantly influenced its changing attitude towards migration. In conclusion, the paper draws attention to the importance of considering these factors and different migration patterns together for a more comprehensive understanding of a country’s perspective on international migration.
Year 2012
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35962 Report

Methodological Aspects of Research on Flows Human Capital Flows: A survey

Authors Alessandra VENTURINI
The objective of this critical and methodological survey is economic research on migration issues among European and more generally among Anglo-Saxon scholars and to focus on the themes which could be usefully expanded upon in analyses of migration from and to the CIS countries. The survey covers in a very unbalanced way the three main migration research areas: the migration choice, which attempt to answer the question: why people move; the effects of immigration in the country of destination and its implication for migration policies and the effect of emigration for the country of origin the most challenging and least developed of these three. For all areas the main economic approaches and the variables use, the methodoly and the main results are reported. More attention is devoted to the research field which seems most relevant for the CIS countries and the methodological focus is meaning to make the text as understandable as possible to all social scientists, not only to a small circle of econometric addicted.
Year 2012
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35963 Report

Seroprevalence of Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection and Prior Immunity in Immigrants and Refugees: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Authors Carmine Rossi, Marina Klein, Kevin Schwartzman, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 74
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35964 Journal Article

Where's the Harm in That? Immigration Enforcement, Trafficking, and the Protection of Migrants' Rights

Authors Bridget Anderson
Year 2012
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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35965 Journal Article

The Immigrant-Native Wage Gap in Germany

Authors Alisher Aldashev, Johannes Gernandt, Stephan L. Thomsen
Year 2012
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35966 Journal Article

European Immigrations

Authors Marek Okolski
Year 2012
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35968 Book

Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes in the States of The Co-Operation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf: A Systematic Review

Authors Layla Alhyas, Azeem Majeed, Ailsa McKay
Year 2012
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 53
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35969 Journal Article

What Role Do Low-Skilled Migrants Play in the Japanese Labor Markets?

Authors Yasushi Iguchi
Year 2012
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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35970 Journal Article

The United States' and Japan's Immigration Dilemmas in Comparative Perspective

Authors M Abella
Year 2012
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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35971 Journal Article

Socioeconomic Implications of the Increasing Foreign Remittance to Nepal: Evidence from the Nepal Living Standard Survey

Authors Udaya R. Wagle
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration
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35972 Journal Article

The Human Capital Characteristics and Household Living Standards of Returning International Migrants in Eastern and Southern Africa

Authors Kevin J. A. Thomas
Year 2012
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35973 Journal Article

The Presentation of Self in Emigration: Eastern European Women in Italy

Authors Martina Cvajner
Year 2012
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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35974 Journal Article

Transnationalism and Development: Mexican and Chinese Immigrant Organizations in the United States

Authors A Portes, M Zhou
Year 2012
Journal Name Population and Development Review
Citations (WoS) 20
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35975 Journal Article

The Historical and Cultural Common Construction of Identity: The Balkan (Rumelia) Immigrants in Turkey

Authors Serdar Unal
Year 2012
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35976 Journal Article

Excepting/accepting the South: New geographies of Latino migration, new directions in Latino studies

Authors Jamie Winders, Barbara Ellen Smith
Year 2012
Journal Name Latino Studies
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35977 Journal Article

Género y trayectorias migratorias en época de crisis

Authors María Dolores Juliano Corregido
Year 2012
Journal Name Papers. Revista de Sociologia
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35978 Journal Article

Revisiting the immigrant paradox in reproductive health: The roles of duration of residence and ethnicity

Authors Marcelo Louis Urquia, Patricia O'Campo, Maureen Heaman
Year 2012
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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35979 Journal Article

Health Behaviors Among Cambodian Adults in Lowell, Massachusetts

Authors Susan Koch-Weser, Sidney Liang, Dorcas Grigg-Saito, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 1
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35980 Journal Article

Global Migration and Political Regime Type: A Democratic Disadvantage

Authors Christian Breunig, Xun Cao, Adam Luedtke
Year 2012
Journal Name British Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 16
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35982 Journal Article

Migrant Selection and the Health of U.S. Immigrants From the Former Soviet Union

Authors Neil K. Mehta, IT Elo, Irma T. Elo
Year 2012
Journal Name Demography
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35983 Journal Article

German Case Study

Authors Pierre GOTTSCHLICH
Indian immigration to Germany has a century-long history. Today, the Indian population in Germany is a fully established and, despite its rather small size, highly influential ethnic group. From early 20th century freedom fighters and students to engineers and nurses to contemporary businessmen and IT-specialists Indians have played important roles in German history and society. They have become more and more visible through the founding of numerous associations, clubs, and societies, through cultural commitment and political success, and also through the establishment of prominent places for worship such as Hindu temples and Sikh gurdwaras. This study attempts to shed some light on one of the less prominent Indian communities. It deals with its history, its demographic characteristic, and its socio-economic profile. Furthermore, the paper will assess the legal framework in Germany and analyse the media perception of Indian migrants in the country. Additionally, there will be an overview over the most important religious centres and cultural associations. The study also discusses the sociocultural and political integration of the Indian population in Germany. Finally, some policy recommendations will be given.
Year 2012
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35984 Report

Gender and migration in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan African countries

Authors Gian Carlo BLANGIARDO
According to destination country statistics there are nearly ten million emigrants from southern and eastern Mediterranean and Sub-Saharan CARIM countries and about four out of ten of these are women. As to immigration the United Nations estimates eleven million international migrants in CARIM-15 countries, of whom 48% are female. The female emigration rates in CARIM countries vary depending upon destination areas and motivations. In general, Europe and Northern America offer more opportunities for family reunification than the Gulf States which, unlike Western countries where female migration is confined to low-level jobs, give women opportunities in professional jobs like teaching and the health-related professions. Reports from national experts have highlighted how female migration is often related to local factors like the education level, whose rise has been noted almost everywhere and that it is considered an important push factor for the young. As to reasons for leaving the origin country and the decision to migrate more generally, national reports confirm that, while economic motives largely explain the migration of males, the reasons for female migration are more diverse. Work is increasingly important, but family reasons (mainly marriage and spouse reunification) still dominate female migration patterns. Partant des mouvements migratoires internationaux, un double constat essentiel ressort à l’appui des données statistiques enregistrées au sein des pays d’accueil. Investis à l’échelle d’une zone géographique partant de la Méditerranée méridionale et orientale à l’Afrique sub-saharienne, les pays membres du réseau CARIM enregistrent des quantifications de départ à hauteur de dix millions d’individus, comptant, en outre, en son sein une population de près de quatre millions de femmes. Le phénomène de l'immigration prend une ampleur toute aussi inédite : les estimations rapportées par l'ONU évaluent la présence de migrants internationaux dans les pays investis au sein du réseau CARIM-15 à hauteur de onze millions d’individus, comptant en son sein un profil de près de 48% de femmes. À ce titre, la difficulté liée à l’analyse de ce schéma de migration féminine reste largement tributaire de choix de destination et de motivations assez diverses. Le territoire européen et nord-américain constitue certes une destination de prédilection et un terreau d’opportunités en termes de regroupement familial pour ces dernières, par comparaison avec les pays du Golfe. Reste que, et contrairement aux pays occidentaux lesquels confinent la migration féminine à des secteurs professionnels peu qualifiés, les Etats du Golfe offrent de plus grandes opportunités à travers des secteurs qualifiés tels l'enseignement ou encore la santé. Un panel considérable d’experts nationaux pointe et conforte le lien d’association très fort existant entre le phénomène migratoire des femmes et la consistance des facteurs locaux tels que le niveau d'éducation identifié comme un facteur déterminant au départ, surtout parmi les jeunes. Le marché du travail représente, à cet égard, un incitant au départ au regard de la tendance qu’il soutient très souvent à maintenir des inégalités de genre, et à circonscrire l’autonomisation des femmes encore fortement annihilée par la conjoncture socio-culturelle du pays d’origine. Les rapports nationaux susmentionnés soutiennent dans une très large mesure ces constats, et confirment la double nature de ces motivations au départ. Si le motif économique constitue une motivation historiquement rapportée à la migration masculine, les motivations sous-jacents la migration féminine tendent à être plus diverses. En effet, outre la migration professionnelle, les motifs d’ordre familial tels que le mariage ou la réunification familiale tendent à revêtir une dimension inédite dans la configuration et l’assise de la migration féminine.
Year 2012
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35985 Report

How the Box Became Black: Brokers and the Creation of the Free Migrant

Authors Adam McKeown
Year 2012
Journal Name Pacific Affairs
35986 Journal Article

Language Proficiency and Health Status: Are Bilingual Immigrants Healthier?

Authors Ariela Schachter, BK Gorman, Rachel Tolbert Kimbro
Year 2012
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35987 Journal Article

Origins of the New Latino Underclass

Authors Douglas S. Massey, Karen A. Pren
Year 2012
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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35988 Journal Article

Racism, ethnic density and psychological well-being through adolescence: evidence from the Determinants of Adolescent Social well-being and Health longitudinal study

Authors Thomas Astell-Burt, S Harding, Maria J. Maynard, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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35989 Journal Article

Migrant networks and beyond: Exploring the value of the notion of social capital for making sense of ethnic inequalities

Authors Maja Cederberg
Year 2012
Journal Name Acta Sociologica
Citations (WoS) 31
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35990 Journal Article

Mental Health Consequences of International Migration for Vietnamese Americans and the Mediating Effects of Physical Health and Social Networks: Results From a Natural Experiment Approach

Authors Hongyun Fu, Hongyun Fu, Mark J. VanLandingham, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 9
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35991 Journal Article

‘Grounded’ politics: Manifesting Muslim identity as a political factor and localized identity in Copenhagen

Authors Garbi Schmidt
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 8
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35992 Journal Article

Foreigners Cometh! Paths to Multiculturalism in Japan, Korea and Taiwan

Authors Hyuk-Rae Kim, Ingyu Oh
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 7
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35993 Journal Article

Foreigners Cometh! Paths to Multiculturalism in Japan, Korea and Taiwan

Authors Hyuk-Rae Kim, Ingyu Oh
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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35994 Journal Article

Resisting the melting pot: The long term impact of maintaining identity for Franco-Americans in New England

Authors Mary MacKinnon, D Parent
Year 2012
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35995 Journal Article

Transnational citizenship: German-Turks and liberalizing citizenship regimes

Authors Ayhan Kaya
Year 2012
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
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35996 Journal Article

Management of Cross-border Migration: Thailand as a Case of Net Immigration

Authors Y CHALAMWONG, Jidapa Meepien, Khanittha Hongprayoon
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian Journal of Social Science
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35997 Journal Article

"Why Haven't We Been Taught All That At School?'' Crosscultural Community Projects in North Queensland, Australia

Authors Maria Wronska-Friend
Year 2012
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35998 Journal Article

That's a different story: comparing letters and oral accounts of Dutch immigrants in New Zealand

Authors Anneke Comello
Year 2012
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35999 Journal Article

'Migration Control and the Solutions Impasse in South and Southeast Asia: Implications from the Rohingya Experience'

Authors S. Cheung, Samuel Cheung
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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36000 Journal Article
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