
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Cultural identification, perceived discrimination and sense of community as predictors of life satisfaction among foreign partners of intercultural families in Italy and Spain: A transnational study

Authors Gianluigi Moscato, Cinzia Novara, Isabel Hombrados-Mendieta, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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35801 Journal Article

International Mobil: Erforschung internationaler Mobilität deutscher Staatsangehöriger

Authors Andreas Ette, Marcus Engler, Marcel Erlinghagen, ...
Die Studie „International Mobil“ wurde vom BiB gemeinsam mit dem SVR-Forschungsbereich und der Universität Duisburg-Essen durchgeführt. Die Untersuchung schlägt einen innovativen Weg zur Erforschung der internationalen Mobilität deutscher Staatsangehöriger ein, indem sie sowohl das Wanderungsverhalten von deutschen Staatsangehörigen, die von Deutschland ins Ausland ziehen (Auswanderer), als auch von deutschen Staatsangehörigen, die nach einer gewissen Zeit im Ausland zurück nach Deutschland kehren (Rückwanderer) erfasst. Insgesamt konnten 2014 für die Befragung 1.700 Personen gewonnen werden, darunter knapp 800 Auswanderer weltweit und rund 900 Rückwanderer in Deutschland. Die Stichprobenziehung erfolgte auf Basis des Einwohnermelderegisters der Gemeinde, in der die Personen zuletzt gemeldet waren, beziehungsweise aktuell gemeldet sind. Die Datendokumentation bietet den Datennutzerinnen und Datennutzern sowie allen Interessierten eine detaillierte Beschreibung der Konzeption und Durchführung der Befragung der international mobilen Bevölkerungsgruppe. Die Publikation dokumentiert neben dem Forschungsdesign und dem Stichprobenverfahren unter anderem das Erhebungsinstrument, den Erhebungsmodus sowie den Feldverlauf der Befragung. Darüber hinaus werden Analysen zur Datenqualität und zur Machbarkeit des Forschungsdesigns dargestellt. Die Daten des Surveys „International Mobil“ können bei GESIS unter der Studiennummer 6767 für sozialwissenschaftliche Auswertungen angefordert werden.
Year 2014
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35802 Data Set

Do better pre-migration skills accelerate immigrants' wage assimilation?

Authors Boris Hirsch, Ott-Siim Toomet, Elke J. Jahn, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Labour Economics
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35803 Journal Article

The conditional returns to origin-country human capital among Turkish and Moroccan immigrants in Belgium

Authors Agnieszka Kanas, Frank van Tubergen
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 5
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35804 Journal Article

Demografisierung des Politischen? Eine intersektionale Analyse deutscher Familien- und Migrationspolitik seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre

Principal investigator Susanne Schultz (Principal Investigator)
Das DFG-Forschungsprojekt untersucht den Bedeutungszuwachs demografischen Wissens in der bundesdeutschen Familien- und Migrationspolitik seit Mitte der 1990er Jahre. Ziel ist es, Reichweite, Elemente und Dynamik einer neuen Bevölkerungspolitik in ihrer wissenschaftlichen Begründung zu analysieren. Im Fokus stehen staatliche Ansätze zur Steuerung von Fertilität und Zuwanderung als diejenigen Elemente einer neuen Demografiepolitik, die auf eine aktive Gestaltung der Größe und Zusammensetzung der nationalen Bevölkerung abzielen. Indem das Projekt sowohl Migrations- als auch Familienpolitik umfasst, ermöglicht es zudem eine intersektionale Perspektive auf die aktuelle Biopolitik der Bevölkerung, berücksichtigt aber gleichzeitig, dass Demografiepolitik sich in beiden Politikfeldern unterschiedlich ausgestaltet. Das Projekt rekurriert auf das wissenssoziologische Konzept der Demografisierung, mit dem wissenschaftliche Problemformulierungen und strategische Lösungsansätze im Zusammenhang als politische Rationalität untersucht werden können, und kombiniert dafür methodologische Zugänge aus der interpretativen policy-Forschung mit einem hegemonietheoretischen Ansatz.Der Fortsetzungsantrag zielt darauf ab, entscheidende neue Dynamiken einer Demografisierung von Migrationspolitik seit dem „Sommer der Migration“ 2015 bis Mitte 2017 empirisch aufzuarbeiten und in die übergreifende intersektionale Analyse einer Demografisierung des Politischen einzubeziehen. Damit soll ermöglicht werden, die enorme Dynamik einer auf Zuwanderung orientierten Demografiedebatte zu erfassen, die seit Mitte 2015 bewirkt hat, dass sich Zuwanderung von einem eher marginalen zu einem zentralen Aspekt demografischer Politikberatung und Regierungsstrategien in Deutschland entwickelt hat. Für eine theoretische Analyse intersektionaler Staatlichkeit in Bezug auf Bevölkerungswissenschaft und -politik ist diese kontemporäre Phase der Demografiepolitik sehr aufschlussreich, da sich in dieser Phase Zuwanderung neben der Geburtenrate zu einem zunehmend gleichberechtigten „demografischen Faktor“ für Regierungsstrategien entwickelt hat. Wichtige Aspekte, die untersucht werden sollen, sind die sich seit 2015 in die Demografiedebatte stärker oder neu einmischenden arbeitsmarktorientierte AkteurInnen, die in 2015 im Zuge des „Sommmers der Migration“ aufkommende Debatte über die Unsicherheit von Bevölkerungsprojektionen, sowie die Einbeziehung der bereits angekommenen Flüchtlingsbevölkerung in die Demografiedebatte. Auch soll das Verhältnis von Demografisierung und Ökonomisierung von Migrationspolitik auf dieser Grundlage konzeptuell bearbeitet werden und ein stärkerer Rekurs auf europäische und transnationale Ansätze in der deutschen Demografiedebatte untersucht werden
Year 2014
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35805 Project

Vývoj mezinárodní migrace v Argentině od poloviny 19. do začátku 21. století (posun od země imigrační v zemi emigrační)

Authors Eva Janská
Year 2014
Book Title Argentina across disciplines: contemporary views
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35806 Book Chapter

Waves of Diversity: Sociopolitical Implications of International Migration in Turkey

Authors Ayşem Biriz Karaçay, Deniz Şenol Sert, Zeynep Gülru Göker, ...
Year 2014
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35808 Book

El impacto de la crisis económica sobre la movilidad internacional de los residentes extranjeros en la provincia de Alicante

Year 2014
Journal Name Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios.
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35809 Journal Article


This project proposal EARLY WARNING FOR INCREASED SITUATIONAL AWARENESS (EWISA) is addressing the FP7 Theme for Security Research the work programme topic SEC-2013.3.2-1 Pre-Operational Validation (POV) on land borders, the topic Area 10.3.2 Land borders as is aimed to promote further cooperation between public authorities as the end-users on developing new solutions to improve the quality and efficiency of public services related to security issues on topics of common European interest. The proposal is in the area of Activity 10.3, regarding the Intelligent Surveillance and Border Security with the specific funding scheme Pre-Operational Validation (POV), a Combination of Collaborative Project and Coordination (CP-CSA) and Support Action. The project implements the actual strategic approach of Frontex, expressed in EuroSur , through which an intelligence picture of possible threats against MS is obtained, picture created outside the MS and Schengen area, through the combination of radar pictures with video pictures and with the intelligence collected from the sensor stations together with the ones from the MS partners, from checked sources. The threats which are subject to analysis in this project are the following: a) illegal migration, b) smuggling, c) trafficking in drugs and forbidden materials, d) trafficking in weapons The project will provide not only the assessment of a stand-alone technology, but also assessment of the integration into current surveillance infrastructure of the new capabilities provided by the industry. The objective is to increase intelligence in video surveillance. The approach is a process like entity, which consists of: • camera-specific processes • a modular implementation of successive analysis layers, which is applied for optimal situational awareness: chaining, motion, figure. • In addition to the camera's processing capabilities, the network consists of: sensors, network analysis and system for control room.
Year 2014
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35811 Project

Outcast or Embraced? Clusters of Foreign Immigrants in Belgium, c. 1840-1890

Principal investigator Anne Winter (Coordinator), Kenneth Bertrams (Partner), Hilde Greefs (Partner), Bart Willems (Partner)
This project aims to investigate the scale and nature of socio-cultural encounters and confrontations that emanated from foreign migration to Belgium between c. 1840 and 1890 by cross- and interdisciplinary analysis and valorization of a series of exceptionally rich but underexploited series of the federal historical heritage. Situated at the crossroads of migration history, maritime history and the history of science and technology and of social policy, this project employs these sources to map the characteristics of foreign migration streams to Belgium and to gain insight into their varied interactions with their host society. It focuses on an exceptional period in European and Belgian history, that was characterized by rising mobility and increasing economic integration, but also witnessed the emergence of the „modern‟ nation state, in which the distinction between „foreigner‟ and „national‟ became more important. The project aims (1) to map the scale, chronology and profiles of foreign migration to 19th-century Belgium, and (2) to investigate the political, economic, social and cultural dimensions of interactions of foreigners with different layers of Belgian society. Its underlying assumption is that increasing international mobility and circulation – rather than one-off migration – had a profound influence on the economic, political, cultural and social history of 19th-century Europe in general, and Belgium in particular. The research results from this project will therefore not only contribute to a better insight into the „national‟ history of Belgium, but will also provide major contributions to several international debates in migration history, including on the nature of a so-called „mobility transition‟ (Lucassen & Lucassen 2009), the interactions between state policies and migration patterns (Noiriel 1998; Rosental 2011), the role of migration „chains‟ and networks (Wegge 1998; Lesger et al. 2002), the international dimensions of the „knowledge economy‟ (Black 2013), and the long-term integration of international labour markets (Hatton & Williamson 2006).
Year 2014
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35812 Project

Political Participation and Naturalisation: A Common Agenda

Authors Thomas Huddleston
Year 2014
Journal Name Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen
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35813 Journal Article

Auswirkungen sozialer Netzwerke auf Humankapitalinvestitionen und Lohnkonvergenz von Zuwanderern

Principal investigator Agnese Romiti (Principal Investigator), Parvati Trübswetter (Principal Investigator), Ehsan Vallizadeh (Principal Investigator)
"Die Integration von Migranten ist einer der großen arbeitsmarktpolitischen Herausforderungen in Deutschland. Während 72% der 25 bis 64 Jährigen ohne Migrationshintergrund erwerbstätig sind, sind in Deutschland lebende Ausländer nur zu 53% erwerbstätig. Bei den Personen mit Migrationshintergrund oder mit eigener Migrationserfahrung liegt der Anteil bei 59%. Auf der Grundlage der neuen IAB-SOEP Migrationsstichprobe soll die Arbeitsmarktentwicklung der Migranten anhand arbeitsmarktrelevanter Indikatoren wie Erwerbsstatus sowie Beschäftigungs- und Lohnentwicklung analysiert und die möglichen Determinanten hinsichtlich einer Angleichung bzw. einer Divergenz zu Personen ohne Migrationshintergrund untersucht werden. Eine erfolgreiche Integration von Migranten in den Arbeitsmarkt hängt von vielen Faktoren ab. Es ist bekannt, dass Faktoren wie das Bildungsniveau, die Sprachkenntnisse, oder die Anerkennung von Abschlüssen die Arbeitsmarkt- und Lohnentwicklung von Migranten positiv beeinflussen. Weniger bekannt sind hingegen die Determinanten, die wiederum diese Faktoren beeinflussen. Warum investieren beispielsweise bestimmte Migrantengruppen mehr in Bildung und Spracheals andere? Das Ziel des ersten Teilprojekts ""Lohnkonvergenz von Zuwanderern"" ist, die Auswirkung von sozialen Netzwerken und Risikopräferenzen auf die Humankapitalinvestition von Migranten zu untersuchen. Es gibt Hinweise, dass ein gutes soziales Umfeld, insbesondere das ethnische Netzwerk, eine positive Auswirkung auf die Investitionsentscheidung hinsichtlich Aus- und Weiterbildung und Sprache haben. Auf der anderen Seite können auch rationale nutzenmaximierende Konsumentscheidungen maßgeblich das Investitionsverhalten der Individuen beeinflussen. Für die empirische Analyse wird die neue IAB-SOEP Migrationsstichprobe zusammen mit administrativen Daten der Integrierten Erwerbsbiografien (IEB) herangezogen. Projektziel Wir untersuchen die Auswirkung von sozialen Netzwerken und Risikopräferenzen auf die Humankapitalinvestition und die Lohnentwicklung von Migranten."
Year 2014
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35814 Project


The overall objective of the TEMPER project consists of providing a comprehensive assessment of the pros and cons of recent initiatives to promote circular migration as an alternative to more traditional forms of temporary and permanent migration, not only among prospective migrants but also among current residents in the EU. These initiatives usually rely on a poor understanding of the ultimate reasons why some migrants spontaneously return to their country of origin while others do not, and why some of them re-migrate after return. More importantly, it is far from being clear that circular migration actually responds to the needs and expectations of many (potential) migrants from third-countries, and entails for them and their families more benefits than alternative forms of mobility. To overcome this lack of understanding, the TEMPER project will pursue three main objectives: (1) to identify the main drivers of return and circulation decisions of migrants recently involved in temporary and permanent migration, (2) to measure and explain the role that different programs and immigration policies at large have played in shaping those individual decisions and, (3) to assess the impact that different types of temporary, permanent and circular mobility have for migrant and non-migrant workers, their families and their employers. Two implicit assumptions will be tested. First, that circularity is a realistic alternative to both strictly temporary labour and permanent settlement because there exists a large enough pool of prospective migrants and returnees interested in engaging in circular mobility. Secondly, that circularity benefits the involved parties, including migrants, their families and their areas of origin, more than traditional forms of migration.
Year 2014
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35815 Project

The Anguish of Repatriation: Immigration to Poland and Integration of Polish Descendants from Kazakhstan

Authors Aleksandra Grzymala-Kazlowska, Halina Grzymala-Moszczynska
Year 2014
Journal Name East European Politics and Societies
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35816 Journal Article

Enhancing critical dialogue about intercultural integration: The Photovoice technique

Authors Nadia Rania, Laura Migliorini, Stefania Rebora, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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35817 Journal Article

TEMPER: Temporary Versus Permanent Migration

The overall objective of the TEMPER project consists of providing a comprehensive assessment of the pros and cons of recent initiatives to promote circular migration as an alternative to more traditional forms of temporary and permanent migration, not only among prospective migrants but also among current residents in the EU. These initiatives usually rely on a poor understanding of the ultimate reasons why some migrants spontaneously return to their country of origin while others do not, and why some of them re-migrate after return. More importantly, it is far from being clear that circular migration actually responds to the needs and expectations of many (potential) migrants from third-countries, and entails for them and their families more benefits than alternative forms of mobility. To overcome this lack of understanding, the TEMPER project will pursue three main objectives: (1) to identify the main drivers of return and circulation decisions of migrants recently involved in temporary and permanent migration, (2) to measure and explain the role that different programs and immigration policies at large have played in shaping those individual decisions and, (3) to assess the impact that different types of temporary, permanent and circular mobility have for migrant and non-migrant workers, their families and their employers. Two implicit assumptions will be tested. First, that circularity is a realistic alternative to both strictly temporary labour and permanent settlement because there exists a large enough pool of prospective migrants and returnees interested in engaging in circular mobility. Secondly, that circularity benefits the involved parties, including migrants, their families and their areas of origin, more than traditional forms of migration.
Year 2014
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35819 Project

The impact of social capital in ethnic religious communication networks on Korean immigrant's intercultural development

Authors Sun Kyong Lee
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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35820 Journal Article

Motive von Auswanderern aus Deutschland

Principal investigator Andreas Ette (Principal Investigator ), Lenore Sauer (Principal Investigator )
"Im Kontext der zunehmenden Globalisierung und transnationaler Migrationsprozesse ist die internationale Mobilität der Bevölkerung in Deutschland seit Ende der 1990er Jahre verstärkt in das Blickfeld von Öffentlichkeit, Politik und Wissenschaft geraten. Im Gegensatz zur Untersuchung der Zuwanderung existieren bislang nur wenige Studien, die sich mit gegenwärtigen Aus- und Rückwanderungsprozessen, insbesondere von Deutschen, beschäftigen. Angesichts des demografischen Wandels und des zu erwartenden Fachkräfterückgangs ist nicht nur die Wissenschaft, sondern auch die Politik an verlässlichen und im Zeitverlauf vergleichbaren Informationen über das Ausmaß, die Ursachen und die Folgen von Aus- und Rückwanderung verstärkt interessiert. Ziel der Studie ist es, besser zu verstehen, warum auf der einen Seite Menschen ins Ausland abwandern und warum auf der anderen Seite Menschen, die ins Ausland abgewandert sind, wieder nach Deutschland zurückkehren. Dabei sind die verschiedenen Wanderungsmotive von besonderem Interesse. Aber auch der Einfluss ökonomischer und politischer Rahmenbedingungen im Herkunfts- sowie im Zielland auf individuelle Wanderungsentscheidungen soll untersucht werden. Darüber hinaus zielt das Projekt darauf ab, die Machbarkeit der Ziehung einer repräsentativen Stichprobe unter der international mobilen Bevölkerung in Deutschland zu untersuchen."
Year 2014
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35821 Project

Einwanderungsrecht und -politik Chinas aus der Sicht des Gesetzgebers, der Verwaltung und der Einwanderer

Principal investigator Björn Ahl (Principal Investigator ), Michaela Pelican (Principal Investigator ), Li Zhigang (Principal Investigator )
Als ein Teil des Projekts Einwanderung und Transformation der chinesischen Gesellschaft werden hier die sozialen Dynamiken und die Umsetzung des neuen chinesischen Ausländergesetzes von 2012 aus der Perspektive staatlicher und nicht-staatlicher Akteure untersucht. Dabei stehen die folgenden Fragen im Mittelpunkt: Wie positionieren sich bestimmte nationale Ministerien oder die Regierungen von Megastädten wie Guangzhou zur Zuwanderung und zur Ausländerintegration in China? Wie bilden sich demografische Herausforderungen, Wirtschaftsentwicklung und Sicherheitsbedenken in öffentlichen und fachlichen Diskursen über Rechtsreformen und die Umsetzung des neuen Ausländerrechts ab? Wie verhält sich der formale Vollzug des Ausländerrechts gegenüber informalen Praktiken, etwa informalen Arrangements und Aushandlungsprozessen zwischen Einwanderern und Verwaltungsbeamten? Das Projekt wird in Peking, dem Sitz des nationalen Gesetzgebers durchgeführt sowie in Guangzhou, einem Zentrum ausländischer Zuwanderung. Um die Perspektiven des Gesetzgebers, der Verwaltung und der Einwanderer zu integrieren, verwendet dieses Projekt einen interdisziplinären Ansatz, der sich Methoden aus der Rechtswissenschaft, der Enthnologie und der Geografie bedient. Die im nationalen Gesetzgebungsverfahren involvierten Interessen werden mittels der Analyse von Texten und Experteninterviews in Ministerien, Parteiorganen, Universitäten und Thinktanks erforscht. Die Untersuchung des Vollzugs des Ausländerrechts in Guangzhou beinhaltet eine Aktualisierung bereits vorhandener qualitativer und quantitativer Daten sowie Interviews mit örtlichen Behörden, Konsulaten und Ausländerorganisationen. Die Perspektive der Einwanderer wird mittels Methoden der ethnografischen Forschung untersucht, wobei insbesondere Einwanderergruppen aus Westafrika und aus Europa betrachtet werden.
Year 2014
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35822 Project

Neighbourhood Ties and Migrant Networks: The Case of Circular Ukrainian Migrants in Warsaw, Poland

Year 2014
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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35823 Journal Article

Beyond English proficiency: Rethinking immigrant integration

Authors Ilana Redstone Akresh, DS Massey, R Frank, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 10
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35824 Journal Article

International migration and the propagation of HIV in sub-Saharan Africa

Authors F. Docquier, Frederic Docquier, Ch Vasilakis, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Health Economics
Citations (WoS) 3
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35825 Journal Article


Ireland and Italy saw significant proportions of their populations emigrate after 1945 before becoming host to substantial immigrant populations in more recent times. Despite the post-war exodus of millions of Irish and Italians, the literature has consistently failed to quantify the effect this had on Irish and Italian society and on the people who left. Not enough attention has been devoted to examining how Ireland and Italy have adapted to their transitions from near homogenous to heterogeneous societies in such a short period either. Immigrants today amount to over half a million in Ireland (12% of the Irish population) and 4.6 million in Italy (8% of the Italian population). These countries’ transitions from near monocultural to multicultural societies in such a short period demands scholarly attention. With the departure of young people from Ireland and Italy once again because of reduced opportunities at home, and with newcomers still arriving in search of a better life, this comparative project will provide a timely indicator of how emigration and immigration have shaped the two societies since 1945. The main objective of this project is to demonstrate how emigration and immigration have shaped Ireland and Italy since 1945. To fulfil this aim, the study will consider, in detail, (1) why so many people left Ireland and Italy after 1945. It will assess (2) the ramifications of the exodus of millions of Irish and Italians for the societies they left behind. It will explore (3) the effects that migration had on those departing their homes. In an attempt to fill a notable gap in the literature, this project will examine (4) how return migration and internal migration effected Irish and Italian society in the 1960s and 1970s. Relating to more contemporaneous developments, this study will endeavour to investigate (5) how Ireland and Italy have adapted to recently becoming hosts to sizeable numbers of immigrants.
Year 2014
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35826 Project


The overall objective of the TEMPER project consists of providing a comprehensive assessment of the pros and cons of recent initiatives to promote circular migration as an alternative to more traditional forms of temporary and permanent migration, not only among prospective migrants but also among current residents in the EU. These initiatives usually rely on a poor understanding of the ultimate reasons why some migrants spontaneously return to their country of origin while others do not, and why some of them re-migrate after return. More importantly, it is far from being clear that circular migration actually responds to the needs and expectations of many (potential) migrants from third-countries, and entails for them and their families more benefits than alternative forms of mobility. To overcome this lack of understanding, the TEMPER project will pursue three main objectives: (1) to identify the main drivers of return and circulation decisions of migrants recently involved in temporary and permanent migration, (2) to measure and explain the role that different programs and immigration policies at large have played in shaping those individual decisions and, (3) to assess the impact that different types of temporary, permanent and circular mobility have for migrant and non-migrant workers, their families and their employers. Two implicit assumptions will be tested. First, that circularity is a realistic alternative to both strictly temporary labour and permanent settlement because there exists a large enough pool of prospective migrants and returnees interested in engaging in circular mobility. Secondly, that circularity benefits the involved parties, including migrants, their families and their areas of origin, more than traditional forms of migration.
Year 2014
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35827 Project

Vývoj mezinárodní migrace v Argentině od poloviny 19. do začátku 21. století (posun od země imigrační v zemi emigrační)

Authors Eva Janská
Year 2014
Book Title Argentina across disciplines: contemporary views
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35828 Book Chapter

On Becoming “Too Belgian”: A Comparative Study of Ethnic Conformity Pressure through the City–as–Context Approach

Authors Klaartje Van Kerckem, Bart Van de Putte, Peter A. J. Stevens, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name City & Community
Citations (WoS) 10
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35829 Journal Article

Migration in the Armenian mass media

Authors Haykanush CHOBANYAN
Migration of the population is the most pressing issue in Armenia. It is a widely discussed, and it is an extremely sensitive topic for the Armenian society. Migration and especially emigration-related issues are always in the focus of Armenian mass media. On average, dozens of articles on migration issues are published each month, some of them are solely informative, others are both informative and analytical. This paper reviews the publications on migration issues that have appeared in electronic media during July 2011- May 2013. This period is distinguished by two most important political processes in Armenia: elections to the RA National Assembly in May 2012, and presidential elections in February 2013. Below is the analysis of both pro-governmental and opposition media1 The purpose of the study was to analyze the most important migration themes covered by the media during the period mentioned. The information obtaining methodology included the review of the publications dealing with emigration, repatriation and other migration issues. The underlying methodology for publications review was the analysis of headlines and contents, as well as the visual design of the publications, etc.Migration of the population is the most pressing issue in Armenia. It is a widely discussed, and it is an extremely sensitive topic for the Armenian society. Migration and especially emigration-related issues are always in the focus of Armenian mass media. On average, dozens of articles on migration issues are published each month, some of them are solely informative, others are both informative and analytical. This paper reviews the publications on migration issues that have appeared in electronic media during July 2011- May 2013. This period is distinguished by two most important political processes in Armenia: elections to the RA National Assembly in May 2012, and presidential elections in February 2013. Below is the analysis of both pro-governmental and opposition media1 The purpose of the study was to analyze the most important migration themes covered by the media during the period mentioned. The information obtaining methodology included the review of the publications dealing with emigration, repatriation and other migration issues. The underlying methodology for publications review was the analysis of headlines and contents, as well as the visual design of the publications, etc.Migration of the population is the most pressing issue in Armenia. It is a widely discussed, and it is an extremely sensitive topic for the Armenian society. Migration and especially emigration-related issues are always in the focus of Armenian mass media. On average, dozens of articles on migration issues are published each month, some of them are solely informative, others are both informative and analytical. This paper reviews the publications on migration issues that have appeared in electronic media during July 2011- May 2013. This period is distinguished by two most important political processes in Armenia: elections to the RA National Assembly in May 2012, and presidential elections in February 2013. Below is the analysis of both pro-governmental and opposition media1 The purpose of the study was to analyze the most important migration themes covered by the media during the period mentioned. The information obtaining methodology included the review of the publications dealing with emigration, repatriation and other migration issues. The underlying methodology for publications review was the analysis of headlines and contents, as well as the visual design of the publications, etc.Migration of the population is the most pressing issue in Armenia. It is a widely discussed, and it is an extremely sensitive topic for the Armenian society.
Year 2013
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35830 Report

Azerbaijan : readmission and interstate agreements

Authors Arif YUNUSOV
Azerbaijani migrants’ return and their subsequent reintegration into society is one of the most painful and acute issues facing Azerbaijan today. The scale of the problem is sufficiently large for a country like this. It is enough to cite the following data: from 1991 to 2006 over 44,000 citizens of Azerbaijan, having left the republic, officially applied for refugee status or attempted to become political emigrants in EU member states and the United States. Of course, the number of migrants who departed for the EU, US and other countries was, in fact, much larger, as by no means all applied for this kind of status. Many preferred to find a job and some lived illegally in their new homes.
Year 2013
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35831 Report

Migration for the purposes of education in the context of modernization ideas in Azerbaijan

Authors Sergey RUMYANSEV
What has changed in the post-Soviet period in the field of educational migration from Azerbaijan? The socio-political and cultural contexts are certainly quite different from those that existed, for example, during the Soviet years. In the meanwhile, the current situation is a direct continuation of the tradition of sending students abroad for "modern" knowledge. As in the previous years, a significant (if not the largest) share of intellectuals who were educated in the "West" prefer to emigrate rather than to return to the country of origin. In this regard, any hopes for a successful transfer of democratic values into Azerbaijan seem difficult to implement. The most obvious innovation of the post-Soviet period is the active involvement of young people receiving their education/educated abroad, into the policy of Diaspora-building. The latter is part and parcel of the policy of the Azeri political regime to lobby its interests in the EU, the U.S. and the countries of the former Soviet Union.
Year 2013
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35832 Report

Immigration, Repatriation, and Deportation: The Mexican-Origin Population in the United States, 1920–1950

Authors Brian Gratton, Emily Merchant
Year 2013
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 6
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35833 Journal Article

Migration Dynamics, Entrepreneurship, and African Development: Lessons from Malawi

Authors Kevin J. A. Thomas, Christopher Inkpen
Year 2013
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 6
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35834 Journal Article

Are unequal societies more migratory?

Authors Mathias Czaika
Year 2013
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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35836 Journal Article

The demographic and economic framework of migration in Kuwait

Authors Françoise DE BEL-AIR
As of December 2012, 68 percent of residents in Kuwait were expatriates. Most come from Asia and especially from India (30 percent of all foreign residents). Three-quarters of expatriates are active. They account for 83 percent of the total active population and 93 percent of the private sector's workforce. Asians are mainly involved in the services and craft sectors, while Arabs more often fill managerial posts. Recent flows suggest a shift in recruitment policies towards upgrading the workforce's level of qualifications and occupations. Data also show the extent of forced migration from Kuwait: 400,000 Arabs, most of them of Palestinian origin, were forced to flee the country after the First Gulf War. Also, Kuwait's stateless residents (the Bidun) have been compelled to emigrate since 1985, while those still in the country are considered illegal residents.
Year 2013
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35846 Report

Chinese investment strategies and migration – does diaspora matter? Poland – case Study

The report is organized in the following way. Section 2 looks at the recent Chinese migration to Poland but it presents it in a broader context – of both Chinese migration worldwide and flows / stocks of immigrants in Poland. Section 3 provides an analysis of Foreign Direct Investment in Poland, with particular emphasis on Chinese capital. Next section is based on available quantitative and qualitative data and assesses links between Chinese FDI in Poland and migration flows. In this section we refer to three potential explanatory avenues as suggested above. Finally, section 5 concludes.
Year 2013
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35847 Report

The role of sending countries in the labor market assimilation of immigrants in host countries

Authors Metin NEBILER
The literature on the economics of migration has ignored the role of sending governments in the assimilation of immigrants in host country labor markets. Recent studies show that immigrants do not cut their ties with the homeland. Various actors linked to homelands are involved in this process. In this paper, we present a different perspective, which identifies the possible actions of those actors, and in particular of government institutions, and their impact on the assimilation process. We hypothesize that these actors may influence the assimilation trajectory of their expatriates. The incorporation of these actors into the existing economics literature is discussed in relation to several categories of actions, such as pre-departure training, post-arrival training and naturalization.
Year 2013
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35848 Report

Chinese investment strategies and migration : does diaspora matter?

Authors Frank N. PIEKE, Tabitha SPEELMAN
In the first chapter of this report we outline the main changes in the Chinese migration order since roughly 1980. In the second chapter we turn to a discussion of Chinese emigration and settlement in Europe (by which we mainly refer to the EU countries) and Africa (mainly sub-Saharan Africa), whose similarities and contrasts help us highlight the range of permutations in recent emigration from China. The third chapter turns to China’s administration, management and institutional and legal framework for dealing with the many different Chinese migratory flows and their ramifications for China, both domestically and for its rising global presence. Chapter 4 is a brief conclusion including some reflections on future trends.
Year 2013
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35849 Report

The educational integration of migrants : what is the role of sending society actors and is there a transnational educational field?

Authors Dirk JACOBS
It is well documented that in most European countries migrants have lower educational attainment levels than natives. Access to education for migrant children is almost universally guaranteed in the EU, but this does not automatically equate to access to adapted education, taking into account specific needs linked to socio-economic disadvantages and linguistic challenges. Furthermore, social and ethnic school segregation constitutes a serious barrier towards access to good education for migrant children. Sending society actors seem to have only a limited impact on the educational integration of migrant children in destination countries, but initiatives like diaspora schools constitute one strategy to try and improve the educational outcomes of migrant children. The scientific literature has only given limited space to the potential role played by sending society actors for access to good education for migrant children. The Interact-project should aim to cover this field and assess whether the role played by sending society actors has not unjustly been overlooked.
Year 2013
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35850 Report

The role of migration in shaping China's economic relations with its main partners

Authors Haiyan ZHANG
This chapter studies the key feature and trends of China’s international immigration and analyses its impact on the trade and FDI flows between China and its major partner countries. The main focus is to exam possible interaction between trade, FDI and migration flows and to assess the role of Chinese ethnic communities and migration in facilitating these economic exchanges. The impact of Chinese migration/ethnic communities on host economies, especially with regard to the labour market will also be briefly examined. This study consists of four sections. After this introduction, the second section provides a literature review on the interaction between migration, trade and FDI on the one hand and the impact of migrants or international entrepreneurs on the economic development of the host country on the other hand. The third section provides empirical evidence about the economic relations between China and its main partner regions, such as Europe and Africa. The migration from China to these regions will be studied, especially with regard to its changing characteristics during last decades. The interaction between Chinese migration and trade and FDI flows in these regions and their evolving features will be analysed at regional/key country level. The concluding section will iscuss about the main findings and their policy implication for host countries.
Year 2013
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35851 Report

Syrian refugees in Turkey

Authors Senay ÖZDEN
This report provides an overview of Syrian migration to Turkey since the start of the revolt in Syria in March 2011. The number of displaced Syrians crossing the border into Turkey has dramatically risen with the escalating use of violence employed by the Syrian regime ito suppress the revolt. According to the United Nations Refugee Agency, 182,621 Syrian refugees were living in Turkey mid-February 2013 ( With the influx of huge numbers of Syrians into Turkey, anti-immigrant, anti-Arab discourses have surfaced among the Turkish public. Furthermore, due to the Turkish governments’ openly hostile position to the Syrian regime, Syrian migration became closely linked with Turkish domestic politics and foreign policy. Those individuals and political bodies critical of the Turkish government assumed an anti-immigrant position accusing displaced Syrians of being armed, sectarian rebels. Therefore, analyzing the Syrian migrant community in Turkey means contextualizing it within the political framework of the host-society.
Year 2013
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35852 Report

EU-India migration and trade linkages

Authors Chinmay TUMBE
This paper reviews the relationship between migration and trade between India and the European Union (EU). It provides an overview of EU-India trade across various dimensions and links it with migration in three specific contexts: (a) The $ 14 billion EU-India diamond trade that represents nearly 15% of total EU-India merchandise trade, and that is attributed to the direct and active role played by Indian immigrants and the diaspora (b) The trade in food products such as lentils, beans, rice and spices that reflects the pull of goods towards the EU to meet the preferences of the Indian immigrants and (c) The trade in services in the computer & information, education and entertainment sectors and the mobility of professionals, students and tourists respectively.
Year 2013
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35853 Report

Reaching out : the external dimension of the EU’s migration policy : a comparative study on India and Australia

Authors Katharina EISELE, Anja WIESBROCK
This paper seeks to examine the external dimension of the EU’s migration policy by concentrating, first, on the EU’s legal framework in the area of migration followed by an analysis of the policy developments under the GAMM. In a second step, this paper depicts the EU relations with India and Australia, respectively, in terms of migration matters with a view to explore how the EU has defined its current positions towards these two third countries in form of a comparative case study. India and Australia have been selected for an analysis because the migration flows prevailing in each state vary and the level of economic development differs notably. While Australia has always been an immigration country and maintains traditional ties with the European continent, India has only recently emerged as a major country of emigration to the EU. Yet, the EU constitutes a major partner for both countries. Finally, some conclusive remarks are made on the diverging migration rules for third-country nationals from India and Australia.
Year 2013
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35854 Report

National minorities and migration in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine

Authors Iryna ULASIUK
The dissolution of the Soviet Union resulted in massive depopulation in the former Soviet republics and unprecedented migration flows, including persons belonging to national minorities. Citizens of a once indivisible country were suddenly divided into “those of our kind” and “outsiders” – natives and national minorities/ immigrants. The latter were often not guaranteed citizenship and they were frequently denied basic rights. A significant percentage of national minorities have thus become forced migrants and refugees, leaving neighbouring states under threat of violence or because of discrimination. The primary interest of this paper rests upon the interconnection of minority and migration issues. It brings together two topics which have usually been discussed apart. The paper aims to investigate the interrelation of the minority regimes adopted by Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine, and migration. It seeks to open up the discussion on the extent to which certain policies and rights for national minorities can be meaningfully extended to new migrant minority groups. It also asks what lessons are to be learnt from the treatment of national minorities as far as future migration legislation is concerned.
Year 2013
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35855 Report

Religion and diasporas : challenges of the emigration countries

Authors Jocelyne CESARI
Using the theoretical framework of transnational studies and sociology of religion, this paper identifies the most significant factors that influence the religious dimensions of the emigration countries: the majority or minority status of the migrant group in the receiving countries as well as the pre-existing level of politicization of religion in the sending countries. It shows that the interactions of sending and receiving countries take place in religious terms in a broader transnational space including deterritorialized religious and political actors.
Year 2013
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35856 Report

Legal aspects of the integration of migrants in the Republic of Moldova

Authors Tatiana CIUMAS
Integration is a new concept and even a new activity for Moldova. Formally Moldovan legislation contains no restriction on the rights and opportunities of foreigners, legally residing on the territory, except their political rights. At the same time for many years there was no viable mechanism for implementing their rights, and the presence of foreigners mainly limited to identifying their status, documentation and statistics. At the same time the emigration of Moldovan citizens abroad has been analyzed in the last years with the accent on remittances, statistical data and selection of destination countries. The protection of these persons’ rights and their reintegration was not seen as a priority by the state. This though has not been sufficiently analyzed and thus there is no real experience with good results regarding this process.
Year 2013
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35857 Report

Indian diaspora : ethnicity and diasporic identity

Authors M. K. GAUTAM
The paper on Indian Diaspora: Ethnicity and Diasporic identity is divided into four parts. The first part poses certain questions, looking at the emergence of ethnicity and diasporic identity. The second part defines the terms and notions often used by scholars, in discussing the paper. The third part gives a brief account about Indian migration to Europe and studies on the Indian Diaspora. The fourth part analyses case studies of the Netherlands and Germany with reference to similarities and differences. Finally, in conclusion, the issue of ethnicity and identity formation in Europe is evaluated and some proposals are put forward for the way in which India and the Indian Diaspora can work together.
Year 2013
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35858 Report

"Is it worth risking your life?": Ethnography, risk and death on the US-Mexico border

Authors Seth M. Holmes
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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35859 Journal Article

Are immigrants a burden for the state budget?: Review paper

Year 2013
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35860 Working Paper

Rethinking Labour Migration Channels: the Experience of Latvia from EU Accession to Economic Recession

Authors David McCollum, Sergei Shubin, Zaiga Krisjane, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 14
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35861 Journal Article

A Moving Heart: Querying a Singular Problem of "Immobility' in Afghan Migration to the UK

Authors Nichola Khan
Year 2013
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35862 Journal Article

Gender, Migration and Categorisation

Authors Marlou Schrover, Deirdre M. Moloney
Year 2013
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35863 Book

The migration industry in the United States, 1882-1924

Authors I. Light, Light
Year 2013
Journal Name Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
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35865 Journal Article

Is the classic diaspora transnational and hybrid? The case of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress

Authors Halyna Mokrushyna
Year 2013
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
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35866 Journal Article

Imagining the future of Latino Studies

Authors Lourdes Torres
Year 2013
Journal Name Latino Studies
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35867 Journal Article

Migrants and media newsmaking practices

Year 2013
Journal Name Journalism Practice, 2013, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 266-281
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35869 Journal Article

Emigration-diaspora policy nexus in migration policies of the EU Eastern Partnership countries and in Russia

Authors Shushanik MAKARYAN
Provoked by more frequent discussions about the "emigration-diaspora" nexus among the researchers on international development, this policy brief, written based on the explanatory notes submitted by country-experts of CARIM-East project, explores the emigration-diaspora issues in migration policies of post-Soviet states in the EU neighborhood. As the examination of CARIM-East country experts reveals, the primary focus of emigration policies of post-Soviet states remains linked to labour migration and focuses on the prevention of emigration (and return of emigrated co-nationals), although migration policies of post-Soviet states also emphasize the need for integrating their labour-force into the international labour market. Post-Soviet governments offer various stimuli to attract their former residents to return to homeland, ranging from advocacy campaigns on business development to matching financial investments from remittances to providing grants to those trained abroad. Despite the conceptual ambiguity stemming from including labour migrants into diasporas, or as the development community has referred to -- "migrant diasporas", the policy documents of post-Soviet states use the term diasporas to refer to both permanently emigrated former citizens, and to current citizens living abroad (regardless of length of residency abroad). However, a more systematic examination is needed to understand whether and in which aspects the focus of migration policies of post-Soviet is different or overlaps for labour migrants abroad vs. diasporas.
Year 2013
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35870 Report

Tourism development and behavioural changes: evidences from Ratanakiri province, Kingdom of Cambodia

Authors Frederic Thomas, Aarti Kapoor, Phil Marshall
Year 2013
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35871 Journal Article

Transnational ethnic networks and the creation of immigrant social capital: A multilevel analysis

Authors Harris Hyun-soo Kim
Year 2013
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35872 Journal Article

Health workers' perceptions of access to care for children and pregnant women with precarious immigration status: Health as a right or a privilege?

Authors Karine Vanthuyne, Francesca Meloni, Cecile Rousseau, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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35873 Journal Article

Migration and Pacific Mortality: Estimating Migration Effects on Pacific Mortality Rates Using Bayesian Models

Authors Ken Richardson, Tony Blakely, Martin Tobias, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Demography
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35874 Journal Article

El proceso de reconstrucción de la red personal de los inmigrantes: una descripción longitudinal

Authors Miranda Lubbers, José Luis Molina
Year 2013
Journal Name Empiria. Revista de metodología de ciencias sociales
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35875 Journal Article

Bosnian Austrians: Accidental Migrants in Trans-local and Cyber Spaces

Authors H. Halilovich, Hariz Halilovich
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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35876 Journal Article

Voluntary Association Involvement and Immigrant Network Diversity

Authors Sean Lauer, M. C. Yan
Year 2013
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35877 Journal Article

Melodies from the Past, Melodies from the Present: Music and Identity in the Cuban Diaspora

Authors Ivan Darias Alfonso
Year 2013
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35878 Journal Article

Religious Dimensions of Contexts of Reception: Comparing Two New England Cities

Authors Wendy Cadge, P Levitt, Bernadette Nadya Jaworsky, ...
Year 2013
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35879 Journal Article

Le politiche dell'Unione europea per gli immigrati nella dimensione regionale e locale : un bilancio dopo Lisbona

Year 2013
Book Title Emanuele ROSSI, Francesca BIONDI DAL MONTE and Massimiliano VRENNA (eds), La governance dell'immigrazione : diritti, politiche e competenze, Bologna : Il Mulino, 2013, Collana del centro di ricerca Wiss, pp. 169-228
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35880 Book Chapter

Making sense of immigration policy: Argentina, 1870-1930

Authors Blanca Sanchez-Alonso
Year 2013
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35881 Journal Article

Ethnic Group Population Change and Neighbourhood Belonging

Authors Nissa Finney, Stephen Jivraj
Year 2013
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 23
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35882 Journal Article

Acculturating Contexts and Anglo Opposition to Immigration in the United States

Authors Benjamin J. Newman
Year 2013
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 82
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35883 Journal Article

Canada's Migrants without History: Neoliberal Immigration Regimes and Trinidadian Transnationalism

Authors Belinda Leach
Year 2013
Journal Name International Migration
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35884 Journal Article

Effects of Policy Changes on Thai Migration to Iceland

Authors Johanna Gisladottir Bissat
Year 2013
Journal Name International Migration
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35885 Journal Article

How Do Tougher Immigration Measures Affect Unauthorized Immigrants?

Authors C Amuedo-Dorantes, Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Thitima Puttitanun, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 45
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35886 Journal Article

Entrepreneurship, transnationalism, and development

Authors A. Portes, A Portes, Jessica Yiu, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 16
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35887 Journal Article

‘Making the most of it …’: How young Romanians and Moroccans in north-eastern Italy use resources from their social networks

Authors Chantal M. Saint-Blancat, Chantal M. St-Blancat, Francesca Zaltron
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 1
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35888 Journal Article

Troubling freedom: Migration, debt, and modern slavery

Authors J. O'Connell Davidson, Julia O'Connell Davidson
Year 2013
Journal Name Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 47
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35889 Journal Article

Foreigners and Outsiders: Exclusionist Attitudes towards Labour Migrants in Israel

Authors R Raijman
Year 2013
Journal Name International Migration
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35890 Journal Article

Learning to labor with Handy Manny: immigration politics and the world of work in a children's cartoon

Authors Sean Brayton
Year 2013
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35893 Journal Article

Chinese Migration to Singapore: Discourses and Discontents in a Globalizing Nation-State

Authors BSA Yeoh, Weiqiang Lin
Year 2013
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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35894 Journal Article

Chinese Migration to Singapore: Discourses and Discontents in a Globalizing Nation-State

Authors BSA Yeoh, Weiqiang Lin
Year 2013
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 40
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35895 Journal Article

Welfare participation by immigrants in the UK

Authors S Drinkwater, C Robinson
Year 2013
Citations (WoS) 8
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35896 Journal Article

Migration Selection, Protection, and Acculturation in Health: A Binational Perspective on Older Adults

Authors Fernando Riosmena, Fernando Riosmena, Rebeca Wong, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 94
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35897 Journal Article

Xenophobic attacks, migration intentions, and networks: evidence from the South of Africa

Authors Guido Friebel, Juan Miguel Gallego, Mariapia Mendola
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 6
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35898 Journal Article

Repatriation and Integration of Liberian Refugees from Ghana: the Importance of Personal Networks in the Country of Origin

Authors N. Omata, Naohiko Omata
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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35899 Journal Article

Income Advantages of Poorly-Qualified Immigrant Minorities

Principal investigator Merlin Schaeffer (Principal Investigator), Céline Teney (Principal Investigator), Jutta Höhne (Principal Investigator)
"Theoretical background and objectives We investigate an often overlooked implication of the signaling model of statistical discrimination: if immigrant minorities’ educational qualifications carry less signaling power, poorly qualified minority members should experience positive statistical discrimination.We argue that the lower signaling power stems from disadvantages associated with insufficient language skills and lack of supportive parental resources, which prevent minority students from achieving those educational qualifications that would reflect their high motivation and ambition. Yet, if education counts less, we should find immigrant minorities in jobs for which they are under-qualified. Research design, data and methodology Using data from the German Microcensus, we compare log hourly personal income of 1.5th and 2nd generation ""Spätaussiedler"" (late emigrants) and persons of Turkish origin with that of native Germans, using a (semi-parametric) generalized additive models. Findings We find that poorly qualified persons of Turkish origin experience income advantages; they frequently work in jobs for which they are under-qualified. Once different frequencies of over- and under-education are taken into account, no ethnic differences in educational returns remain. Our results extend to other comparable immigrant groups in Germany."
Year 2013
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35900 Project
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