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relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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‘Singapore Unlimited’?: Transnational Elites and Negotiations of Social Identity in the Regionalization Process

Authors Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Katie D. Willis
Year 2005
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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36501 Journal Article

The deportation machine: Europe, asylum and human rights

Authors Liz Fekete
Year 2005
Journal Name Race & Class
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36502 Journal Article

Political Participation and Civic Community of Ethnic Minorities in Four Cities in the Netherlands

Authors Anja van Heelsum
Year 2005
Journal Name Politics
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36503 Journal Article

Is migration to Canada associated with unhealthy weight gain? Overweight and obesity among Canada's immigrants

Authors James Ted McDonald, S Kennedy
Year 2005
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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36505 Journal Article

Using indirect methods to understand the impact of forced migration on long-term under-five mortality

Authors K Singh, K Hill, U Karunakara, ...
Year 2005
Journal Name Journal of Biosocial Science
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36506 Journal Article

"Just call me adonai": A case study of ethnic humor and immigrant assimilation

Authors L Shifman, E Katz
Year 2005
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 14
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36507 Journal Article

"Just call me adonai": A case study of ethnic humor and immigrant assimilation

Authors L Shifman, E Katz
Year 2005
Journal Name American Sociological Review
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36508 Journal Article

Knotted strands: Working lives of Indian women migrants in New Zealand

Authors E Pio
Year 2005
Journal Name [Migration Policy Centre]
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36509 Journal Article

Dealing with diversity - Milwaukee's multiethnic festivals and urban identity, 1840-1940

Authors Greene
Year 2005
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36510 Journal Article

“Departamento 15”: Cultural Narratives of Salvadoran Transnational Migration

Authors Ana Patricia Rodríguez
Year 2005
Journal Name Latino Studies
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36511 Journal Article

Immigration control: Border policy, control and irregular immigration

Authors Ana Maria Lopez Sala
Year 2005
Journal Name Arbor. Ciencia, pensamiento y cultura
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36512 Journal Article

Forced migration, new refugees and human rights

Authors Cristina Gortazar Rotaeche
Year 2005
Journal Name Arbor. Ciencia, pensamiento y cultura
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36513 Journal Article

Non-Voluntary Return? The Politics of Return to Afghanistan

Authors Brad K. Blitz, Rosemary Sales, Lisa Marzano
Year 2005
Journal Name Political Studies
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36514 Journal Article

Transnational twist: Pecuniary remittances and the socioeconomic integration of authorized and unauthorized Mexican immigrants in Los Angeles County

Authors EA Marcelli, BL Lowell
Year 2005
Journal Name International Migration Review
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36515 Journal Article

Unpacking longings to return: Guatemalans and Salvadorans in Phoenix, Arizona

Authors M Moran-Taylor, Cecilia Menjivar
Year 2005
Journal Name International Migration
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36516 Journal Article

Unpacking longings to return: Guatemalans and Salvadorans in Phoenix, Arizona

Authors M Moran-Taylor, Cecilia Menjivar
Year 2005
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 23
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36517 Journal Article

Canadian immigration, mexican emigration, and a North American regional interpretation

Authors Imtiaz Hussain
Year 2005
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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36518 Journal Article

Review: Diasporas and Ethnic Migrants: Germany, Israel and Post-Soviet Successor States in Comparative Perspective

Authors R. Golbert
Year 2005
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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36519 Journal Article

Back to Hong Kong: return migration or transnational sojourn?

Year 2005
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 175
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36520 Journal Article

Labor Market Segmentation and the Earnings of German Guestworkers

Authors Amelie Constant, Douglas S Massey
Year 2005
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 63
36521 Journal Article

Mobile vulnerabilities: perspectives on the vulnerabilities of immigrants in the Finnish labour market

Authors Elli Heikkilä, E Heikkila
Year 2005
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 17
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36522 Journal Article

When the Export of Social Problems Is No Longer Possible: Immigration Policies and Unemployment in Switzerland

Authors Alexandre Afonso
Year 2005
Journal Name Social Policy & Administration
Citations (WoS) 10
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36523 Journal Article

Migration and gender identity among Chinese skilled male migrants to Australia

Authors Ray Hibbins, R Hibbins
Year 2005
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 39
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36524 Journal Article

From bipartite to tripartite society: demographic change and realignments in ethnic stratification in Austin, Texas, 1910–30

Authors Jason McDonald, J McDonald
Year 2005
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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36525 Journal Article

War in Iraq: Environment of Insecurity and International Migration

Authors Ibrahim Sirkeci, Ibrahim Sirkeci
Year 2005
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 25
36526 Journal Article

The Development of a Migratory Disposition: Explaining a "New Emigration"

Authors Barak Kalir, Barak Kalir
Year 2005
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 23
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36527 Journal Article

Migration and Spatial Assimilation Among U.S. Latinos: Classical Versus Segmented Trajectories

Authors SJ South, Scott J. South, Kyle Crowder, ...
Year 2005
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 145
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36528 Journal Article

Index on strictness of migration policy

The Fondazione Rodolfo Debenedetti collected information about migration policy reforms in the EU15 countries (except Belgium, Luxembourg and Sweden) over the period 1990-2005. The attached tables provide information on the sign of each reform, analyzing whether the measure increased the generosity of the immigration policy. We define a reform as permissive if: it lowers requirements for entry and to obtain residence or work permits, it introduces one temporary permits for both residence and work, it reduces the number of years to obtain permanent residence permit, and if it helps the integration of migrants into the community. On the other hand, a reform is considered as restrictive if: it introduces a quota system to entry, it increases requirements for entry and to obtain residence or work permits, it raises the number of years to obtain permanent residence permit and it introduces residence constraints. In order to construct an index of strictness of migration policies, the authors collected information on twelve EU15 countries, from 1990 to 2005, along six different dimensions: 1. The number of certificates and procedures needed to be admitted as a foreigner, whatever the motivations may be. 2. The number of certification or procedures required to legally reside in the territory. This differs from the requirements for entering the country as holding a valid document is typically not sufficient. 3. The number of years required to obtain a permanent residence permit. 4. The number of administrations involved 5. The number of years of stay required to obtain a first residence permit. 6. The existence of a quota system The six dimensions were initially expressed either in different units or in an ordinal scale. To make those measures comparable, the authors converted them in cardinal scores and we normalized them to a range from 0 to 6, with higher score representing stricter regulation. Furthermore, they also incorporated asylum legislation by using the index of strictness from the Asylum Policy Index developed by Hatton. The previous six criteria only apply to immigration for economic reasons. the authors excluded from our classification text laws that strictly concern asylum policy or citizenship. As a last step, the authors computed an overall summary indicator for each country, averaging the values of the six sub-indexes plus the index of strictness of asylum legislation.
Year 2005
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36529 Data Set

Migrant Remittances and Development Cooperation

Authors Jørgen Carling
This report has been commissioned by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad). Migrant remittances are transfers of value by emigrants or their descendants to their country of origin. Registered remittances to developing countries are will be close to 100 billion USD in 2004, or roughly one and a half times official development assistance. In addition, a large, unknown amount is transferred through informal channels or to countries that do not report statistics on remittances. The effects of remittances on development are often complex and contradic-tory, but seen in a positive light by the majority of analysts. In a handful of developing countries, remittances from emigrants account for more than 10 per cent of GDP. Remittances are of high importance to the national economy of eleven of Norad’s 25 partner countries, and of considerable importance in another eight countries. Remittances are transferred through a variety of channels that differ with respect to cost, speed, convenience and other factors. From a policy perspective, it is desirable to reduce transfers costs, discourage the use of informal channels, and promote transfers that enter financial institutions in the receiving country. The latter has come to be seen as a principal strategy for increasing the benefits of remittances. Rather than relying on entrepreneurship by migrants or their relatives, it is possible to encourage saving in financial institutions, thereby increasing access to credit for entrepreneurs who may or may not be migrants themselves. Other strategies for increasing the development effects of remittances include financial incentive schemes to increase the volume of remittances, matching the development investments of migrant associations with government funds, and improving the investment climate for small and medium enterprises. In many cases it is possible and desirable to implement policies that do not involve positive discrimination of migrants or their families. Several of Norway’s partner countries are represented with sizeable immigrant populations in Norway. Other European countries increasingly see policies on immigration and integration on the one hand, and development cooperation on the other hand as linked. This could also be fruitful in Norway.
Year 2005
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36530 Report

Relative Acculturation Extended Model (RAEM): New contributions with regard to the study of acculturation

Authors Marisol Navas, M Navas, MC Garcia, ...
Year 2005
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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36531 Journal Article

Demografische Effekte von Wanderungen auf Ebene der Bundesländer

Principal investigator Manfred G. Scharein (Principal Investigator)
"In diesem Projekt werden mittels ex-post-Modellrechnungen die demografischen Effekte von (Binnen- und Außen-)Wanderungen quantifiziert, die zusätzlich durch Wirkungen auf die Altersbestände (zum Beispiel potenzielle Kinder, die mit ihren Eltern zu- oder fortgezogen sind) sowie durch unterschiedliche Altersstrukturen von ansässiger und Wanderungsbevölkerung entstehen. Dies erfolgt für den Zeitraum von 1991 bis zum aktuell möglichen Zeitpunkt für alle Bundesländer differenziert nach Binnen-, Außen- und Gesamtwanderungen. Neben der Möglichkeit diese Effekte in absoluten und relativen Bevölkerungszahlen zu ermitteln, gelingt es, die durch die Wanderungen induzierte Alterungsbeschleunigung an Hand der resultierenden Änderungen des Medianalters im Zeitablauf zu messen. Der Effekt durch die Binnenwanderungen der Jahre von 1991 bis 2006 ergibt, dass die Geburtenzahl für Ostdeutschland (ohne Berlin) ohne Binnenwanderungen um etwa 12 Prozent größer, in Westdeutschland (ohne Berlin) dagegen um gut ein Prozent kleiner gewesen wäre. Weiterhin hat der Effekt die Alterung in Ostdeutschland um bis ein Drittel (Frauen) beziehungsweise ein Viertel (Männer) verstärkt, daneben auch in Niedersachsen, Saarland und Schleswig-Holstein. Im übrigen Westdeutschland, vor allem in den Stadtstaaten, ist sie davon abgeschwächt worden. Die Außenwanderungen wirken sich in allen Bundesländern im Effekt positiv auf den Bevölkerungsbestand und auf die Geburtenzahlen aus und mildern die Alterung mildert. So hat der durch die Außenwanderungen erzeugte Altersstruktureffekt die Alterung in Ostdeutschland um ein Elftel, in Westdeutschland um ein Siebtel abgeschwächt. Außerdem wird im Rahmen dieses Projektes die neue demografische Ziffer „Total Migration Effect Rate“ (TMER) entwickelt. Mit dieser lässt sich der zusätzliche demografische Effekt von Wanderungen bestimmen, die immer dann entstehen, wenn sich die ansässige und die Wanderungsbevölkerung in ihrer Alterszusammensetzung und ihrem demographischen Verhalten unterscheiden. Vereinfacht gesagt drückt diese Ziffer aus, wie viel Prozent der Differenz in den Bestandszahlen zwischen zwei Zeitpunkten allein auf das Konto dieser altersstrukturellen Unterschiede zwischen ansässiger und Wanderungsbevölkerung gehen. So zeigt sich unter anderem, dass sich die Binnenabwanderung vornehmlich Jüngerer aus den ostdeutschen Bundesländern von 1991 bis 2006 zusätzlich auch altersstrukturell auf den Bevölkerungsbestand des Jahres 2006 auswirkt. Der Altersstruktureffekt ist in den drei Stadtstaaten, in Bayern und Hessen positiv, diese Länder haben also altersstrukturell (im Bevölkerungsbestand) von der Binnenwanderung profitiert. Negativ ist er in Ostdeutschland, aber auch in den übrigen westdeutschen Ländern. Der Bevölkerungsbestand von Sachsen im Jahr 2006 wäre beispielsweise ohne den Altersstruktureffekt der Binnenwanderungen um +1,8 Prozent größer, wobei dieser Effekt hauptsächlich auf die, mit den jüngeren Frauen abgewanderten, und somit reduzierten Geburtenzahlen zurückzuführen ist. Der Altersstruktureffekt der Außenwanderungen ist in Ostdeutschland, Niedersachsen und dem Saarland auf den Bevölkerungsbestand negativ, also zusätzlich alternd und schrumpfend, die übrigen Länder haben altersstrukturell von der Außenwanderung profitiert."
Year 2005
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36532 Project

On the Way to a Better Future: Belgium as Transit Country for Trafficking and Smuggling of Unaccompanied Minors1

Authors Ilse Derluyn, Ilse Derluyn, Eric Broekaert, ...
Year 2005
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 23
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36533 Journal Article

A Game Real Actors Won't Play? Integration of Ethnic Minorities in Denmark as a Collective Action Dilemma

Authors Peter Nannestad, P Nannestad
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 7
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36534 Journal Article

Afro-Caribbeans and Indo-Caribbeans in the Netherlands: Premigration Legacies and Social Mobility

Authors Mies van Niekerk, M van Niekerk
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 20
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36535 Journal Article

The ‘white worrier’ in South Australia

Authors Chilla Bulbeck
Year 2004
Journal Name Journal of Sociology
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36536 Journal Article

‘Honoring tradition, accepting new ways’: development of a hepatitis B control intervention for Vietnamese immigrants

Authors Nancy J. Burke, NJ Burke, HC Thai, ...
Year 2004
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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36546 Journal Article

Arab migration to Europe: Trends and policies

Authors P Fargues
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration Review
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36547 Journal Article

Transnational migration theory in population geography: gendered practices in networks linking Canada and India

Authors Margaret Walton-Roberts
Year 2004
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
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36548 Journal Article

Transnational exchanges amongst skilled British migrants in Paris

Authors Sam Scott
Year 2004
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
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36549 Journal Article

Immigration and ethnic economies in giant cities

Authors Light
Year 2004
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36550 Journal Article

Emigration from the UK, 1870-1913 and 1950-1998

Authors TJ Hatton
Year 2004
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36551 Journal Article

Diaspora by degree: Narrative and performance in interviews of expatriates from Wanganui, New Zealand

Authors SP MacAulay
Year 2004
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36552 Journal Article

Transnationalism in question

Authors Roger Waldinger, D Fitzgerald
Year 2004
Journal Name American Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 339
36553 Journal Article

Criminal groups and transnational illegal markets - A more detailed examination on the basis of Social Network Theory

Authors G Bruinsma, Wim Bernasco
Year 2004
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36554 Journal Article

Global players, global prayers - Gender and migration in transnational religious spaces

Authors G Huwelmeier
Year 2004
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36555 Journal Article

Recycled Odyssey: Creating Transnational Families in The Greek Diaspora

Authors Anastasia N. Panagakos
Year 2004
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 12
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36556 Journal Article

Recent Trends of Emigration from China: 1982-2000

Authors Zai Liang, Hideki Morooka
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 25
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36557 Journal Article

Social capital and economic outcomes for immigrants and ethnic minorities

Authors Peter S. Li
Year 2004
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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36558 Journal Article

Facilitating the arrival of illegal immigrants in the Netherlands: Irregular chain migration versus smuggling chains

Authors Richard Staring
Year 2004
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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36559 Journal Article

Between urban and national: Political mobilization among Mizrahim in Israel’s ‘development towns’

Authors E Tzfadia, O Yiftachel, Erez Tzfadia, ...
Year 2004
Journal Name Cities
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36560 Journal Article

The Dynamics of Self-employment and Ethnic Business Ownership among Taiwanese in Australia

Authors Lan-hung Nora Chiang
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 15
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36561 Journal Article

Loving America and Longing for Home: Isma'il al-Faruqi and the Emergence of the Muslim Diaspora in North America

Authors Behrooz Ghamari-Tabrizi
Year 2004
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 9
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36562 Journal Article

Acculturation orientations of competing host communities toward valued and devalued immigrants

Authors A Montreuil, RY Bourhis, Annie Montreuil, ...
Year 2004
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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36563 Journal Article

The Antillese in France: Trends and prospects

Authors Michel Giraud, M Giraud
Year 2004
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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36564 Journal Article

Immigration and the Czech Republic (with a Special Focus on the Foreign Labor Force)

Authors Dušan Drbohlav
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
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36565 Journal Article

Documenting and Explaining the Persistence of Homeland Politics among Germany's Turks

Authors Nedim Ögelman
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
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36566 Journal Article

Migrant Membership as an Instituted Process: Transnationalization, the State and the Extra-Territorial Conduct of Mexican Politics

Authors Robert C. Smith
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
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36567 Journal Article

Dancing across Borders: ‘Exotic Dancers,’ Trafficking, and Canadian Immigration Policy

Authors Audrey Macklin
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
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36568 Journal Article

Calling upon the Sacred: Migrants’ Use of Religion in the Migration Process

Authors Jacqueline Hagan, HR Ebaugh, Helen Rose Ebaugh
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 98
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36569 Journal Article

Migratory Sexualities, Diasporic Histories, and Memory in Queer Cuban-American Cultural Production

Authors Katherine Sugg, K Sugg
Year 2003
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Citations (WoS) 8
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36570 Journal Article

Hmong Diaspora of the Post-War Period

Authors Kou Yang
Year 2003
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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36571 Journal Article

Chinese Business Migration to Australia, Canada and the United States: State Policy and the Global Immigration Marketplace

Authors Lloyd L. Wong
Year 2003
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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36572 Journal Article

Residence and Migration in Post‐War Soviet Estonia: The Case of Russian‐Born Estonians

Authors Hill Kulu, H Kulu
Year 2003
Journal Name Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
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36580 Journal Article

Fertility and perinatal health among Finnish immigrants in sweden

Authors Mika Gissler, M Pakkanen, PO Olausson
Year 2003
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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36581 Journal Article

When cultures meet in general practice: intercultural differences between GPs and parents of child patients

Authors H Harmsen, Marc A. Bruijnzeels, R. M. Bernsen, ...
Year 2003
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36582 Journal Article

Globalisation versus de-coupling: German emigration and the evolution of the Atlantic labour market 1870-1913

Authors OB Grant
Year 2003
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36583 Journal Article

"You know, Abraham was really the first immigrant": Religion and transnational migration

Authors P Levitt
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
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36584 Journal Article

The Sustainability of social capital within ethnic networks

Authors S Janjuha-Jivraj
Year 2003
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36585 Journal Article

Dancing across borders: "Exotic dancers,' trafficking and Canadian immigration policy

Authors A Macklin
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
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36586 Journal Article

Immigration and the Czech Republic (with a special focus on the foreign labor force)

Authors D Drbohlav
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
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36587 Journal Article

Documenting and explaining the persistence of homeland politics among Germany's Turks

Authors N Ogelman
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
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36588 Journal Article

The interactive nature of acculturation: perceived discrimination, acculturation attitudes and stress among young ethnic repatriates in Finland, Israel and Germany

Authors Jasinskaja-Lahti, K Liebkind, G Horenczyk, ...
Year 2003
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 121
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36589 Journal Article

The interactive nature of acculturation: perceived discrimination, acculturation attitudes and stress among young ethnic repatriates in Finland, Israel and Germany

Authors Jasinskaja-Lahti, K Liebkind, G Horenczyk, ...
Year 2003
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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36590 Journal Article

The segregation of ancestry groups in San Antonio

Authors Richard C. Jones
Year 2003
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36591 Journal Article

Citizenship between De- and Re-ethnicization

Year 2003
Journal Name European Journal of Sociology
36592 Journal Article

Language, Ethnicity and the Mediation of Allegations of Racism: Negotiating Diversity and Sameness in Multilingual School Discourses

Authors Angela Creese
Year 2003
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
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36593 Journal Article

Self-selection, earnings, and out-migration: A longitudinal study of immigrants to Germany

Authors Amelie Constant, Douglas S. Massey
Year 2003
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 147
36594 Journal Article

New Chinese Migrants in Italy

Authors Antonella Ceccagno
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 44
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36595 Journal Article

Transnationalism among African immigrants in North America: The case of Ghanaians in Canada

Authors Thomas Y. Owusu
Year 2003
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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36596 Journal Article

Comparing migrants to non-migrants: The case of Dutch migration to New Zealand

Authors Joop Hartog, Rainer Winkelmann
Year 2003
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 11
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36597 Journal Article

The “discovery” of immigration in Spain: The politicization of immigration in the case of El Ejido

Authors Ricard Zapata Barrero
Year 2003
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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36598 Journal Article

Short Reviews

Authors John Bongaarts, John B. Casterline, Susan Greenhalgh, ...
Year 2003
Journal Name Population and Development Review
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36599 Journal Article

Patterns of Immigrant Occupational Attainment in a Longitudinal Survey

Authors Barry R. Chiswick, Yew Liang Lee, Paul W. Miller
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 43
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36600 Journal Article
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