The people's Republic of China policy and institutional frameworks, national report

Authors Guofu LIU, Zejun DU
In 2012 there were approximately 50 million Chinese people living overseas across more than 100 countries (Wu 2011). By 2006, more than 30 million Chinese people had returned to China from abroad (Gao 2007). Both overseas Chinese nationals and those who had returned from overseas are regarded as important in China’s modernization drive (Liu Z. 2005). The Chinese government values the rights and interests of the diaspora Chinese, Chinese returnees, and their family members, and the rights and interests of Chinese citizens abroad. To this end, it has promulgated laws and policies and established designated departments and offices, including the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council and the Bureau of Emigration and Entry Administration in the Ministry of Public Security, to deal with matters relating to overseas Chinese and Chinese citizens abroad.
Year 2014

Taxonomy Associations

Migration processes
Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Migration governance
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