Social capital and the educational achievement of young people: A study of Swedish school system in transition


Principal investigator Alireza Behtoui (REMESO Project Leader), Anders Neergaard (Participants from REMESO), Sabine Gruber (Participants from REMESO)
Studies of educational stratification show that children from advantaged backgrounds (more economic and cultural capital) attain higher educational merits than others. Recent research in educational stratification incorporates social capital as an additional factor with a significant impact on school achievement. The aim of this project is to examine, in a Swedish context, how access to social capital affects the educational performance of young people from different backgrounds (class, gender, and ethnicity), through the following research questions: Which characteristics of young people affect their access to social capital? Does social capital offset limited access to economic and cultural capital and contribute to better educational outcomes for young people of lower socioeconomic and/or immigrant origin? By what mechanisms does social capital improve individuals educational achievements?
Year 2012

Taxonomy Associations

Migration consequences (for migrants, sending and receiving countries)
Cross-cutting topics in migration research
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