Salud y cuidado de los migrantes

This topic refers to the relationships between migration and health, such as migrants’ health and the use of health care facilities by migrants in the host context. The host context is also considered in this topic, for example, its influence on  migrants’ health or health differences between migrant groups.

This topic includes  literature on barriers to health care access for migrants, health inequalities, vulnerable groups such as refugees and undocumented migrants, the role of gender in migrant’s health, and social networks and access to health care.

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Immigrants’ Experience of Health Care Access in Canada: A Recent Scoping Review

Authors Pei-Ling Tsai, Pei-Ling Tsai, Setareh Ghahari, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 6
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2 Journal Article

The transformation of the primary health care system for Syrian refugees in Turkey

Authors Ceren Ark Yildirim, Aysegul Komsuoglu, Inanc Ozekmekci
Year 2019
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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19 Journal Article

Integrated Primary Care Improves Access to Healthcare for Newly Arrived Refugees in Canada

Authors Josephine McMurray, Katherine Breward, Michael Breward, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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23 Journal Article

Primary Health Care Models Addressing Health Equity for Immigrants: A Systematic Scoping Review

Authors Ricardo Batista, Kevin Pottie, Louise Bouchard, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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25 Journal Article

Accessing Primary Care: HIV+ Caribbean Immigrants in the Bronx

Authors Anitra Pivnick, Audrey Jacobson, Arthur E. Blank, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 7
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27 Journal Article

Networks Matter: Male Mexican Migrants’ Use of Hospitals

Authors Margaret L. Ralston, Xavier Escandell
Year 2012
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
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28 Journal Article

Health care and migration : what data can tell us of the hard-to-measure impact of migrants on the European health systems

Authors Caterina Francesca GUIDI, PETRETTO Alessandro
Year 2019
Book Title Paul DOBRESCU P. (ed.), Development in Turbulent Times, Cham : Springer, 2019, pp. 153-170
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31 Book Chapter

Nowherecare: Health Care in NowHereland - Improving Services for Undocumented Migrants in the EU

The project aims at improving the level of health protection for the people of Europe by addressing migrants’ and immigrants’ access, quality and appropriateness of health and social services as important wider determinants for health, focusing on healthcare services for undocumented migrants (UDMs) as an especially vulnerable group, an increasing public health risk and a group providing difficulties for healthcare providers and health policy.
Year 2008
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32 Project

Mig-HealthCare: Strengthen Community Based Care to minimize health inequalities and improve the integration of vulnerable migrants and refugees into local communities

Mig-HealthCare will produce a roadmap to effective community based care models to improve physical and mental health care services, support the inclusion and participation of migrants and refugees in European communities and reduce health inequalities. Through the roadmap Mig-HealthCare will test implementation feasibility of community based care models in different settings and countries through pilot testing and assessment. Mig-HealthCare responds to all the current Work Program priorities and especially to the ones regarding the creation of innovative, efficient and sustainable health systems and facilitating access to better and safer healthcare services. Mig-HealthCare implements a participatory approach and recognizes differences between refugee/migrant groups and MS. The roadmap and toolbox will include guidelines and tools using ICT technology to reorient health care services to a community level. It will create networks of cooperation on all aspects that influence community health care including mental health and community integration characteristics. The project methodology is participatory and includes focus groups/interviews and surveys with all the target groups (vulnerable migrants/refugees, service providers, local community stakeholders), review of the current state of the art, collection and assessment of best practice, the development of an algorithm & prediction model, pilot implementation and creation of evidence based guidance and recommendations. Mig-HealthCare will: (1) Describe the current physical and mental health profile of vulnerable migrants/refugees including needs, expectations and capacities of service providers (2) Develop a comprehensive roadmap/toolbox for the implementation of community based care models including prediction models, best practice examples, algorithms and tailored made health and mental health materials (3) Pilot test and assess community care models and produce guidance and recommendations.
Year 2017
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38 Project

Latinx Undocumented Older Adults, Health Needs and Access to Healthcare

Authors Cecilia Ayon, Jonathan Ramos Santiago, Andrea Sthepania Lopez Torres
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 25
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40 Journal Article

Migration of Indian health professionals to selected European nations : the case of Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden

India’s comparative advantage in health care is due to a large resource pool and competence in English. Indian migration to the US, UK or Australia has been widely studied, but not much attention has been given to the Scandinavian countries. This paper fills the gap by analysing recent trends and prospects for Indian health professionals in Denmark, Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. It combines available data sources, personal communication with different migration boards, interview of two international recruiters and a migrant health professional. Additionally, it looks at Indian R&D tie ups in the sector with these countries, which have implications for the movement of health professionals.
Year 2013
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42 Report

Mig-Healthcare: Minimize health inequalities and improve the integration of vulnerable migrants and refugees into local communities

The project aims to facilitate the transition from institutional to community-based care and integrated services for migrants and refugees that will ensure health equality and promote social inclusion. The overall objective of Mig-HealthCare is to improve health care access for vulnerable migrants and refugees, support their inclusion and participation in European communities and reduce health inequalities. Mig-HealthCare will produce effective community-based care models, pilot tested in different contexts and countries, which will focus on health promotion and prevention. It will develop guidelines and tools to reorient health care services to a community level. The project is implemented by a consortium of Universities, national authorities and NGOs from ten countries across Europe, with diverse experience on issues of public health and integration of refugees and migrants.
Year 2017
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44 Project

Ethnic boundary-making in health care: Experiences of older Pakistani immigrant women in Norway

Authors Sanjana Arora, Melanie Straiton, Bernd Rechel, ...
Year 2019
Citations (WoS) 14
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46 Journal Article

Cardiovascular Disease Screening Among Immigrants from Eight World Regions

Authors Megan M. Reynolds, Trenita B. Childers
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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51 Journal Article

African Immigrant Health

Authors Homer Venters, Francesca Gany
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 73
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52 Journal Article

MIGHEALTHNET: Information network on good practice in health care for migrants and minorities

The project will promote exchange of expertise, information and good practices on healthcare for migrants and minority populations. The project will act as a catalyst in the formation of scientific and professional communities in each country concerned with migrant and minority health.
Year 2007
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56 Project

Socioeconomic and Health Profile of Haitian Immigrants in a Brazilian Amazon State

Authors Fabiano Tonaco Borges, Ana Paula Muraro, Luis Henrique da Costa Leao, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 2
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65 Journal Article

Separate or integrated services?

Authors Sofie Bäärnhielm, Mike Mösko, Aina Basilier Vaage
Year 2021
Book Title Oxford Textbook of Migrant Psychiatry
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67 Book Chapter

Immigration and Psychosis: an Exploratory Study

Authors Luljeta Pallaveshi, Ahmed Jwely, Priya Subramanian, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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68 Journal Article

EUR-HUMAN: EUropean Refugees - HUman Movement and Advisory Network

The international refugee crisis has reached a critical point and many European countries are developing policy and plan to better define their role in supporting refugees entering Europe. The aim of this proposal is to enhance the capacity of European member states who accept migrants and refugees in addressing their health needs, safeguard them from risks, and minimize cross-border health risks. This initiative will focus on addressing both the early arrival period and longer-term settlement of refugees in European host countries. The existing European and international experience will be systematically reviewed to identify effective interventions to vulnerable groups and tools for the initial health care needs assessment of the arriving refugees including mental, psychosocial and physical health. Established approaches including Participatory and Learning Action and Normalization Process Theory will be used to gain new understanding regarding the needs and opinions of both refugees and stakeholders in regards to the measures needed for health care assessment, and preventive activities including vaccinations, general health hygiene measures, chronic disease management, and psychosocial support. The content of the services that an early or late hosting multi-disciplinary center could offer in the countries that they will accept refugees will be discussed and defined by an international expert panel. Clinical protocols, guidelines together with health education and promotion material and as well as a training programme will be developed for staff serving the refugees and migrants health care centre and tailored protocols and pilot testing in six implementation settings in Greece, Italy, Croatia, Hungary, Austria and Slovenia with contribution from experts and stakeholders from Turkey, Cyprus, Ireland and Belgium. Finally, all these efforts will be evaluated and a final report for implementation in European settings will be produced to guide best practice in this important humanitarian effort.
Year 2016
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73 Project

A Scoping Review of Immigrant Experience of Health Care Access Barriers in Canada

Authors Angela Kalich, Lyn Heinemann, Setareh Ghahari
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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74 Journal Article

Nurses’ experiences of encountering undocumented migrants in Swedish emergency healthcare

Authors Frida Gullberg, Monne Wihlborg
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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79 Journal Article

Reproductive health vs overall well-being: systematic review of studies on women migration and health care utilization

Authors M. L. Parvathy, K. Hemalatha
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
Citations (WoS) 1
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80 Journal Article

Che tipo di microaggressioni sperimentano le donne in ambito sanitario? Esaminando tipologie, contesto e identità intersezionali.

Authors Elena Piccinelli, Sara Martinho, Christin-Melanie Vauclair
Year 2020
Journal Name La Camera Blu
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82 Journal Article

Integrating Immigrant Health Professionals into the U.S. Healthcare Workforce: Barriers and Solutions

Authors Morhaf Al Achkar, Morhaf Al Achkar, Arati Dahal, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 3
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87 Journal Article

Assessing migrants’ satisfaction from health care services in Cyprus: a nationwide study

Authors Christos Panagiotopoulos, Menelaos Apostolou, Agamemnonas Zachariades
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
Citations (WoS) 1
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88 Journal Article

Neighborhood Context and Hypertension Outcomes Among Latinos in Chicago

Authors Edna A. Viruell-Fuentes, Ninez A. Ponce, Margarita Alegria
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 13
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92 Journal Article
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