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Tunisia and its diaspora : between protection and control

Authors Stéphanie POUESSEL
Year 2017
Book Title Emigration and Diaspora Policies in the Age of Mobility
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1 Book Chapter

Cooperation within Reason: Tunisia’s Approach to Asylum and Readmission

Authors Hiba Sha'ath, Hiba Sha’ath, Fatma Raach, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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2 Journal Article

CARIM – Migration Profile: Tunisia

Authors Anna DI BARTOLOMEO, Tamirace FAKHOURY, Delphine PERRIN
Year 2010
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4 Report

Report on Tunisian legal emigration to the EU modes of integration, policy, institutional frameworks and engagement of non-state actors

Authors Stéphanie POUESSEL
Tunisia has a long history of emigration to the European Union. The Tunisian state has progressively created and implemented a migration policy to protect Tunisian citizens abroad and to tighten ties with the country. This report presents the current policy concerning emigration – strengthening migrant ties with Tunisia and fighting against illegal migration – and policies that concern the diaspora – measures encouraging investment in Tunisia, protection of social rights abroad, new integration of the diaspora within political and civil Tunisian society. To this end, the report provides an update on the political and civil rights of emigrants (voting, plural nationalities, military duty), socio-economic rights (agreements on labor migration, custom/import incentives), social rights (family, social security) and cultural rights (languages, school, media). The report also presents the engagement of non-state actors from abroad. The collapse of the revolution has permitted the country to redefine the political participation of Tunisians abroad and their integration in politics in Tunisia. The demands of Tunisians abroad for rights to participate in politics at high levels (the right to become representatives in the Assembly; the right for a Tunisian with dual-nationality citizenship to become President) were ratified on January 2014.
Year 2014
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5 Report

Drivers and patterns of rural youth migration and its impact on food security and rural livelihoods in Tunisia

Authors Carolina Viviana ZUCCOTTI, Andrew GEDDES, Alessia BACCHI, ...
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Year 2018
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11 Report

Migrant support measures from and employment and skills perspective (MISMES) : Tunisia

Authors Iván MARTIN, Mohamed KRIAA, Mohamed Alaa DEMNATI
This country case study aims to map the migrant support measures from an employment and skills perspective (MISMES) implemented in Tunisia. It also aims to extract from their analysis some elements for the assessment of their efficiency and their impact on migrant workers’ labour market outcomes and skills utilization. The report is based largely on desk research and on the responses received for the MISMES Questionnaire (ETF 2015b), complemented by a country mission to meet key institutions and practitioners (see Annexes 1 and 2). A MISMES case study with a more in-depth analysis of the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration Programme implemented with Swiss cooperation in Tunisia is included in Chapter 3.
Year 2015
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12 Report

Revolution and international migration in Tunisia

Authors Hassan BOUBAKRI
This report analyzes the evolution of the context for migration in Tunisia and in the region more generally before and since the revolution of 2011. The arrival of thousands of Tunisian migrants on the Italian island of Lampedusa in the days and weeks which ollowed the fall of the Ben Ali regime raised many questions. Not least there is the problem of what factors pushed so many young Tunisians to leave the country where they had fought for reforms. Why did they not celebrate the downfall of the dictatorship by staying to enjoy the freedoms and dignity, which had been so dearly acquired? Why did they not choose to live their dreams in Tunisia?
Year 2013
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14 Report

Migrant Smuggling from Africa to Spain, Italy and Malta: A Comparative Overview

Authors Thanos Maroukis, Anna Triandafyllidou
Book Title Migrant Smuggling: Irregular Migration from Asia and Africa to Europe
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15 Book Chapter

On ‘Safety’ and EU Externalization of Borders:

Authors Mariagiulia Giuffre, Chiara Denaro, Fatma Raach
Year 2022
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 1
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19 Journal Article

Investigation in first asylum country : Tunisia / Shousha Camp

Authors Wafa BABA
As part of the KNOW RESET Project, this report looks at resettlement, from country of first asylum to the host countries, especially those in the EU. To do this, we performed an extensive literature search and a qualitative survey of the refugees from the Shousha camp, UNHCR and its partners in Tunisia. We conducted this study in Tunisia from 15 June to 15 October 2012, with refugees submitted for resettlement, as well as stakeholders in the Shousha camp, in Tunis and Zarzis. Given the complexity of the resettlement process, we have focused on the risks of non-compliance with refugees’ human rights and the possible consequences in terms of the ability of refugees to integrate into their host country. Also, we suggest solutions for better resettlement conditions.
Year 2013
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20 Report

New actors and new understandings in European Union external migration governance? : the case of EU-Tunisian migration relations

Authors Andrew GEDDES, Luca Lixi
Year 2018
Book Title EU external migration policies in an era of global mobilities : intersecting policy universes
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27 Book Chapter

La migration hautement qualifiée depuis et vers la Tunisie

Authors Habib FOURATI
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Year 2010
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29 Report

Nouvelles migrations, Mondialisation et co-développement en Tunisie

Principal investigator Swanie Potot (co-Principal Investigator), Hassan Boubakri (co-Principal Investigator)
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Year 2010
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32 Project

An Overview of North African Countries’ Bilateral Cooperation on the Removal of Unauthorized Migrants: Drivers and Implications

Authors Jean-Pierre CASSARINO
Year 2010
Journal Name Middle East Institute Viewpoints: Migration and the Maghreb, May 2010, 34-37
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33 Journal Article

EU Neighbourhood Migration Report 2013

Authors Philippe FARGUES
This report covers migration in 18 EU neighbouring countries, including: Algeria; Armenia; Azerbaijan; Belarus; Egypt; Georgia; Jordan; Lebanon; Libya; Mauritania; Moldova; Morocco; Palestine; Russia; Syria; Tunisia; Turkey and Ukraine. Each country report provides the most recent update on the demographic, legal, and socio-political aspects of both inward and outward migration stocks and flows.
Year 2013
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34 Report

Femmes et migrations en Tunisie

Authors Hassan BOUBAKRI
Ce texte propose une analyse de la place et du rôle des femmes dans les différents flux migratoires de, vers et à travers la Tunisie. Dans cette perspective, l’accent est mis sur deux sujets particuliers : tout d’abord, l’évolution démographique et socioprofessionnelle des Tunisiens de l’étranger, notamment les migrations familiales ; puis, les conditions de vie des migrants subsahariens en Tunisie, en particulier les migrations irrégulières et la traite. En conclusion, nous insistons sur la nécessité de disposer et de diffuser des données et des informations sur le genre et la migration afin de favoriser la gouvernance des migrations. / This text analyzes the place and the role of women within the various migration movements from, to and through Tunisia. In such a perspective, it insists on two particular issues : first, the demographic and socio-professional evolution of the Tunisian abroad, mainly through the study of family migration ; second, the living conditions of the sub-Saharan migrants in Tunisia, especially irregular migration and human trafficking. To conclude, we insist on the necessary access to and diffusion of data’s and information’s dealing with Gender and Migration in order to support the governance of migration.
Year 2011
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36 Report

MIgration de REtour au Maghreb (MIREM)

MIREM stands for MIgration de REtour au Maghreb. This collective research programme was launched in December 2005 and ended in December 2008. Today, MIREM and its deliverables (publications, statistics and field surveys on return migrants, conferences and seminars) are part of the RDP. Focusing on returnees’ aspirations, the core deliverable of the MIREM project is a comprehensive comparative database based on 992 interviews made with return migrants to Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. As the collected data were gradually processed and analysed, it became clear that the distinction between migrants who decided on their own initiative to return to their country of origin and those who were compelled to do so constituted one key variable explaining returnees’ prospects of socio-professional reintegration back home. The main objective of the MIREM project lies in taking into better consideration the challenges linked to return migration as well as its impact on development. A whole set of analytical tools have been produced to shed light on the sociodemographic characteristics, conditions and patterns of reintegration of return migrants to the Maghreb countries (Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia). The project collected both quantitative and qualitative data in selected countries or regions.
Year 2006
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37 Data Set

Migration after the Arab Spring

Authors Philippe FARGUES, Christine FANDRICH
This paper provides a statistical assessment of migration before and after the uprisings in the Southern Mediterranean. It will review European and Arab state policies regarding migration and will ultimately encourage the factoring of the outcomes of the Arab Spring within migration policies on both shores of the Mediterranean. The assessment is based upon the most recent statistical data gathered directly from the competent offices in European Member States; from policy documents emanating from the European Union and concerned States; and from first-hand accounts from surveys conducted in Spring 2012 by scholars in six Arab countries (within Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon) in collaboration with the Migration Policy Centre (MPC). Notably, migration to Europe has not been accelerated by the Arab Spring, apart from a short-lived movement from Tunisia, but has simply continued along previous trends. In sharp contrast, migration within the Southern Mediterranean has been deeply impacted by the events as outflows of migrants and refugees fled instability and violence in Libya and Syria.
Year 2012
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38 Report

Women’s Agency in Egypt, Jordan, and Tunisia: The Role of Parenthood and Education

Authors Carmen Friedrich, Henriette Engelhardt, Florian Schulz
Year 2020
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
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43 Journal Article

A Structural Equations Model of Migration in Tunisia

Authors Michael J. Hay
Year 1980
Journal Name Economic Development and Cultural Change
Citations (WoS) 13
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44 Journal Article

Révolution tunisienne et migration clandestine vers Europe : Réactions européennes et tunisiennes

Authors Souhayma BEN ACHOUR, Monia BEN JEMIA
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Year 2011
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46 Report

La gestion concertée de l’émigration entre la Tunisie et l’Union européenne: limites des expériences en cours et perspectives

Authors Abderrazak BEL HAJ ZEKRI
Résumé Cette note de synthèse a pour objectif d’analyser l’expérience tunisienne d’une gestion concertée de la migration. Le premier axe traite de la politique européenne et ses incidences sur la définition de la politique migratoire tunisienne. Le second analyse l’expérience tunisienne en matière de migration légale et, en particulier, les limites de la gestion concertée de la migration entre la Tunisie, l’Italie et la France. Enfin, le troisième axe propose de nouvelles perspectives pour le développement de la migration légale en tenant compte du contexte économique et social tunisien dans cette période de transition marquée par un fort ralentissement de l’activité économique et l’aggravation des problèmes sociaux, en particulier le chômage des jeunes. Abstract This paper aims at analyzing the Tunisian experience in relation with the concerted management of migration. The first axis deals with the European migration policy and its consequences on the definition of the Tunisian policy. The second axis focuses on the Tunisian experience of legal migration and, more particularly, the limits of the concerted management of migration between Tunisia, France and Italy. Ultimately, the third axis suggests new perspectives for the development of legal migration, taking into account the economic and social context of the transition period in Tunisia that is characterized by a significant economic decline and the aggravation of social problems, in particular youth unemployment.
Year 2011
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48 Report

Return Migration and Working Choices

Authors Massimiliano TANI, Stéphane MAHUTEAU
This paper uses the recent survey carried out in the framework of the MIREM project on returnees to Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia and studies the duration of emigration and the labour force status upon returning. The results suggest that age and the year of emigration play a central role in the migration decision, but they do not support the hypothesis that the duration of migration is determined by the desired labour market status upon returning home.
Year 2008
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49 Report

Traditional irrigation techniques in MENA with focus on Tunisia

Authors R. Berndtsson, S. Jebari, H. Hashemi, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Hydrological Sciences Journal
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50 Journal Article

'People not of our concern': Rejected refugees in Tunisia

Authors Martina Tazzioli
Year 2014
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51 Journal Article

Le droit tunisien de l'immigration

Authors Monia BEN JEMIA
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Year 2011
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55 Report

Local associative media in Tunisia and the value of voice

Authors Yazan Badran, Jan Loisen, Kevin Smets
Year 2021
Journal Name The Journal of North African Studies
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58 Journal Article

La migration internationale hautement qualifiée de, vers et à travers la Tunisie

Authors Monia BEN JEMIA
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Year 2010
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61 Report


Authors S DESHEN
Year 1984
Journal Name MEGAMOT
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63 Journal Article

Counting the uncountable : measuring migrant integration between origin and destination

Year 2017
Book Title Migrant integration between homeland and host society. Volume 2, How countries of origin impact migrant integration outcomes : an analysis
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65 Book Chapter

Genre et migration en Tunisie

Authors Habib FOURATI
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Year 2011
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67 Report

Terrorism and International Tourism: The Case of Germany

Authors Gabriel M. Ahlfeldt, Bastian Franke, Wolfgang Maennig
Year 2015
Journal Name Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik
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70 Journal Article

Normative Interaction and Law-Making: Regulating Migration in the Maghreb

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Year 2013
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71 Project

Labour markets performance and migration flows in Arab Mediterranean countries : a regional perspective

Authors Iván MARTIN
The objectives of the Study are two-fold: To analyze the key labour market determinants of migration flows from selected Arab Mediterranean Countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and the Occupied Palestinian Territories), with a particular emphasis on demographic pressures, wage differentials and relative income disparities with the EU, employment policies, labour market flexibility and unemployment rates; this analysis includes the impact of migration on the labour markets of Arab Mediterranean Country (AMCs) labour markets; To propose a series of specific recommendations to improve the design of the EU’s migration policies towards AMCs and policy options available to them for the management of mismatches between labour supply and demand.
Year 2009
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77 Report

Labour Markets Performance and Migration Flows in Arab Mediterranean Countries: Determinants and Effects

Authors Philippe FARGUES, Iván MARTIN
The main objective of this Study is to analyze the key labour market determinants of migration flows from selected Arab Mediterranean Countries (Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and the Occupied Palestinian Territories) and the impact of outward migration on the labour markets of Arab Mediterranean Countries (AMCs). This has been done mainly on the basis of the evidence and analysis produced by the two Thematic Background Papers and the 8 National Background Papers commissioned for the Study. In turn, the National Background Papers are deliberately based on national statistical data sources: this makes comparability less straightforward, but has the merit of using original data available at the local level, where they are collected and generated.
Year 2010
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82 Report

Refugee Resettlement: The view from Kenya. Findings from field research in Nairobi and Kakuma refugee camp

Authors Hannah ELLIOTT
This report presents the findings of field research in Kenya under the KNOW RESET project, which maps and analyses legal and policy frameworks as well as practices related to resettlement to European countries. The research in Kenya was a component of this broader project, which included research in 27 EU member states and three countries of first asylum: Kenya, Pakistan and Tunisia. Research was carried out in Nairobi and Kakuma refugee camp between June and October 2012 and involved interviews with refugee and resettlement actors, including those participating in resettlement to European countries. The report broadly explores and presents Kenya’s resettlement landscape, the positions, roles and practices of European resettlement countries within that landscape, and the perspectives and experiences of refugees around resettlement.
Year 2012
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83 Report

Les transferts des tunisiens a l’étranger et leurs impacts sur le niveau de vie des ménages directement bénéficiaires 1995 – 2005

Authors Habib FOURATI
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Year 2009
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84 Report

Arab Mediterranean youth's values: The role of values and value congruence on intentions to Emigrate

Authors Florencia M. Sortheix, Wiebke Weber, Laur Lilleoja, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 1
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85 Journal Article

Norm localisation and migration laws in the Maghreb

Authors Ylenia ROCCHINI
Year 2016
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87 Working Paper

Exceeding Crisis. The Psychic Life of Drawings

Authors Cristiana Giordano
Year 2020
Citations (WoS) 3
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90 Journal Article

Measuring integration of migrants a multivariate approach

In this study we examine the integration of immigrants born in selected non-EU countries (China, Ecuador, India, Iran, Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine) living in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the UK. The units of analysis are the so-called migrant corridors, i.e. a migrant community x in a destination country y. A multidimensional perspective is adopted by focusing on their integration in the following three domains: labour market, education and access to citizenship. Our aim is to compare the level of integration of migrant corridors by dimension. Drawing on relevant micro-datasets, a set of basic integration indicators were identified for each dimension. Using the Principal Component Analysis technique, these basic indicators were synthesized into composite indicators, thus allowing for ranking migrant corridors both in terms of their absolute performances and compared with native outcomes.
Year 2015
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95 Report

Book Reviews

Authors Adriane Costa Da Silva, Heike Drotbohm, Leah Eades, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name Social Anthropology
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96 Journal Article

Beyond the Nizam: Youth Political Practices in Egypt and Tunisia After the 2011 Uprisings

Authors Jose Sánchez García, Elena Sánchez-Montijano
Year 2019
Book Title Youth, Inequality and Social Change in the Global South
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99 Book Chapter
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