Climate change and environmental conditions

Climate change and environmental conditions refers both to levels and structural and long-term changes in temperature and precipitation that lead to rising sea levels, extended periods of draughts, and environmental degradation.

Studies listed under this migration driver refer to climate change, environmental degradation, and general climatic conditions (weather).

Showing page of 80 results, sorted by

Climate Change & Migration: What is the Role for Migration Policies?

Authors Albert Kraler, Tatiana Cernei Cernei, Marion Noack
Year 2012
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1 Policy Brief

North-South Migration in Ghana: What Role for the Environment?

Authors Kees van der Geest, Kees van der Geest
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 54
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2 Journal Article

Climate Change, Natural Disasters and Socioeconomic Livelihood Vulnerabilities: Migration Decision Among the Char Land People in Bangladesh

Authors M. Rezaul Islam, M. Rezaul Islam
Year 2018
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
Citations (WoS) 4
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3 Journal Article

Governing Environmentally-Related Migration in Bangladesh: Responsibilities, Security and the Causality Problem

Authors Benoit Mayer, Ingrid Boas, J. Jackson Ewing, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 4
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4 Journal Article

Key Knowledge Questions on Migration Drivers

Authors Katharina Natter
Year 2020
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5 Policy Brief

Climate change and environmental degradation and the drivers of migration in the context of shrinking cities: A case study of Khuzestan province, Iran

Authors Amir Reza Khavarian-Garmsir, Ahmad Pourahmad, Hossein Hataminejad, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Sustainable Cities and Society
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6 Journal Article

Migration, Motherhood, Marriage: Cross-Cultural Adaptation of North American Immigrant Mothers in Israel

Authors Laura I. Sigad, Rivka A. Eisikovits
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration
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7 Journal Article

Umweltwandel und menschliche Migration: Ein sozial-ökologischer Teufelskreis?

Principal investigator Kathleen Hermans (Principal Investigator)
Das übergeordnete Ziel von MigSoKo ist es, die Mechanismen zu untersuchen, die den sich gegenseitig beeinflussenden Phänomenen Migration und Umweltwandel zugrunde liegen. Dazu sollen räumliche Muster von Migration und Umweltveränderungen identifiziert und begründet werden. Ebenso soll der kausale Zusammenhang von Umweltwandel, Bevölkerungsdruck und Migration sowie den ökologischen Konsequenzen von Migration erklärt werden. Hierzu werden im Projekt Daten und Methoden verschiedener Disziplinen auf verschiedenen räumlichen Ebenen (lokal, national, regional, global) systematisch miteinander kombiniert. So werden Zensus- und Fernerkundungsdaten mit Befragungen von Migranten, einer computergestützten Modellierung und partizipativen Szenarien verknüpft, um Mechanismen der umweltbedingten Abwanderung sowie ökologische Konsequenzen von Wanderungsbewegungen in Äthiopien zu identifizieren und zu erklären. Darauf basierend wird schließlich ein Instrument für politische Entscheidungsträger entwickelt, das eine systematische Integration von Migration und nachhaltiger Ressourcennutzung in Klimaanpassungspolitiken und -programmen ermöglicht. Damit zu erzielende Effekte sind beispielsweise eine verbesserte Existenzgrundlage der Haushalte vor Ort, eine regionale Verbesserung der Umweltbedingungen sowie überregionale Synergieeffekte.
Year 2016
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8 Project

“Here, There, in between, beyond…”: Identity Negotiation and Sense of Belonging among Southern Europeans in the UK and Germany

Authors Fabio Quassoli, Iraklis Dimitriadis
Year 2019
Journal Name Social Inclusion
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9 Journal Article

Energy Practices in Ugandan Settlements Amid Environmental Challenges

Authors U-Learn Uganda
This report serves to inform the humanitarian and development actors in the refugee response about the barriers and enablers of behavior change among the refugee and host community with regards to their energy consumption in the context of environmental degradation and climate change adaptation.
Year 2024
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10 Report

Agricultural Value Chains Strategic Positioning Paper

Authors U-Learn Uganda
Year 2023
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11 Working Paper

Gender, Migration and Environment in the MENA: Vulnerabilities, Frameworks and Ways Forward

Authors Jasmin Lilian Diab, Chiara Scissa
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Migration Affairs
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12 Journal Article

International law doesn’t protect people fleeing environmental disaster – here’s how it could

Authors Morgiane Noel
Year 2023
Journal Name The Conversation
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13 Journal Article

A Typology of Statelessness

Authors Benedikt Buechel
Year 2022
Journal Name The Statelessness & Citizenship Review
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14 Journal Article

Crisis ambiental, migración y género entre el campo y la ciudad: injusticias socioambientales en el caso del Área Reconquista (Gran Buenos Aires)

Authors Lucila Nejamkis, Maria Belen Lopez
Year 2022
Journal Name International Migration Journal. Reflections from Argentina
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16 Journal Article

Crisis ambiental, migración y género entre el campo y la ciudad: injusticias socioambientales en el caso del Área Reconquista (Gran Buenos Aires)

Authors Lucila Nejamkis, Maria Belen Lopez
Year 2022
Journal Name International Migration Journal. Reflections from Argentina
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17 Journal Article

Enjeux territoriaux et éthiques de la régulation de la ruée vers l’or au nord du Niger

Authors Laurent Gagnol, Rhoumour Ahmet Tchilouta, Abdoulkader Afane
Year 2022
Journal Name Revue internationale des études du développement
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18 Journal Article

“Despabilarse” del hogar. La dimensión ambiental en la trama de cuidados provistos por mujeres migrantes del Área Reconquista

Authors Maria Belen Lopez
Year 2022
Journal Name PERIPLOS. Revista de Investigación sobre Migraciones
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19 Journal Article

Thinking of Environmental Migration through Translocality and Mobilities

Authors Daniela Paredes Grijalva, Rachael Diniega
Year 2022
Journal Name ROR-n Plattform
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20 Journal Article

COVID-19, Racial Capitalism, and Undocumented Bangladeshi Agricultural Workers in Manolada, Greece

Authors Reena Kukreja
Year 2021
Journal Name Two Homelands
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22 Journal Article

Handbook on the Governance and Politics of Migration

Authors Emma Carmel, Katharina Lenner, Regine Paul
Year 2021
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23 Book

Migration has Stripped Us of Our Manhood: Contradictions of Failed Masculinity Among South Asian Male Migrants in Greece

Authors Reena Kukreja
Year 2021
Journal Name Men and Masculinities
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24 Journal Article

Disasters and Displacement in Bangladesh: Re-conceptualising Strategies of Risk Reduction and Resilience

Authors Sarah Henly-Shepard, Megan Denise Smith
Year 2021
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25 Working Paper

Technically not a ‘climate refugee’: legal frameworks, advocacy and self-identification

Authors Daniela Paredes Grijalva, Rachael Diniega
Year 2021
Journal Name Routed Magazine
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26 Journal Article

Rethinking knowledge, power, agency: learning from displaced and slum communities in Bangladesh

Authors Afroja Khanam, Tiina Seppälä
Year 2020
Book Title Ethics and Politics of Space for the Anthropocene
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27 Book Chapter

Processes of Transnationalism in the Nepalese Entrepreneurs in Lisbon

Authors ISEG - University of Lisbon, Alexandra Pereira
Year 2020
Journal Name IMISCOE Annual Congress 2020 Papers
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28 Journal Article

Migration and Household Adaptation in Climate-Sensitive Hotspots in South Asia

Authors Amina Maharjan, Ricardo Safra de Campos, Chandni Singh, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Current Climate Change Reports
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29 Journal Article

This is Evidence: Re-Picturing South Asian Migrant Men in Greece

Principal investigator Reena Kukreja (Photovoice Collaborator & Researcher)
Year 2020
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30 Project

This is Evidence: Re-Picturing South Asian Migrant Men in Greece

Principal investigator Reena Kukreja (Photovoice Collaborator & Researcher)
This Is Evidence: Re-Picturing South Asian Migrant Men in Greece is a multi-media installation that features photographs, videos, and narrative pieces from four groups of Bangladeshi and Pakistani migrant men living and working in Greece. The exhibition is a collaboration between the migrant men and Dr. Reena Kukreja, from Queen’s University in Canada. The men used their cell phones to take images and videos. Compounding the exploitation that many migrant workers experience is the social and political exclusion. Prevailing discourses of Islamophobia and xenophobia have enabled an “us” versus “them” narrative in the Greek political landscape. This Is Evidence actively counters this narrative as the migrant men “re-present” themselves and their experiences directly to the people. This exhibition uses “photovoice” a social justice artistic method that gives marginalized groups such as these migrant men a voice through images and videos that they take of their lives. The exhibition premiered in Athens, Greece in 2022 before moving to Kingston and Toronto in Canada. It is slated for exhibition at the University of Namur from 19 April - 27 June 2023.
Year 2020
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32 Project

Climate migration myths

Authors Ingrid Boas, Carol Farbotko, Helen Adams, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Nature Climate Change
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33 Journal Article

Immigrant England, 1300-1550

Authors Bart Lambert, W. Mark Ormrod, Jonathan Mackman
Year 2019
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35 Book

Human Migration in the Era of Climate Change

Year 2019
Journal Name Review Of Environmental Economics And Policy
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36 Journal Article

Climate, conflict and forced migration

Authors Guy J. Abel, Michael Brottrager, Jesus Crespo Cuaresma, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Global Environmental Change
Citations (WoS) 1
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37 Journal Article

The Role of Religion, Idea, and Identity in Taliban Alliance with Al Qaeda in Afghanistan

Authors Mohammad Ayub Mirdad, Vinsensio Dugis
Year 2018
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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38 Journal Article

Water privatization, hegemony and civil society: What Motivates Individuals to Protest About Water Privatization?

Authors Cory Fletcher, Anja van Heelsum, Conny Roggeband
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Civil Society
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39 Journal Article

Climate Change Impacts on Migration and Urbanization

Principal investigator Ruud Koopmans (Principal Investigator), Marc Helbling (Principal Investigator)
Millions of international migrants have recently sought refuge in Europe, animating debates about the best ways to manage migration. Even more people are being displaced within their home countries every year due to natural disasters like floods and storms; and underlying these sudden events is a steady flow of people leaving their rural livelihoods behind and flocking to the cities in an ongoing trend towards urbanization. Across spatial scales, humanity is on the move. And, that much is clear, climate change plays a role in this: whether in the form of unprecedented droughts that drive people to abandon their fields (as likely happened in Syria just before the war) or through differential impacts on countries’ economies that widen the income gaps and fuel international migration. But how large are the effects of climate change - and how do they interact across spatial scales? Little to no quantitative research is available, and the numbers that have been proposed (e.g. of “environmental refugees”) are often crude estimates, and are highly contested. IMPETUS aims for a unified, quantitative modeling approach to understand the linkages between migration, urbanization, and climate change. To this end, the project combines interdisciplinary expertise from climate change, migration, and urban development. The project will not only provide a better understanding of the relevant environmental and social processes, but also provide valuable data - including projections of future migration and urbanization under climate change - to science and policymakers. This may contribute to anticipating political and humanitarian crises and improving migration policies, as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, in a rapidly changing world.
Year 2018
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41 Project

Les Deltas Asiatiques comme champ d'observation et de la recherche sur les migrations et les stratégies d'adaptation au changement climatique

Principal investigator Sylvie Fanchette (Principal Investigator)
Deltas are coastal Social Political Environmental Systems (SPES) characterised by the interplay between rivers, lands and oceans, influenced by a combination of riverine and oceanic processes, shaped by human interventions under strong state water control management policies. Deltas provide numerous resources such as fertile land and water for irrigated and intensive agriculture, fisheries, abundant biodiversity as well as non-farm activities. Thanks to their location at the interface of lower valleys and the sea, and their fluvial connections, trade and exchange have flourished and led to the development and expansion of some of the world’s largest metropolises. Asia is home to the largest and most populated deltas in the world. However, deltas are recognised as one of the most vulnerable coastal environments. They face a range of threats operating at multiple scales, from global climate change (CC) and sea-level rise (SLR) to various hazards (floods, erosion, salinization, subsidence), local anthropogenic activities and land use changes. Deltas are relevant sites for adaptation to CC studies, given they are dynamic systems where communities have a long record of adapting to natural hazards and are accustomed to being highly exposed to environmental risks. Local populations whose livelihoods depend on natural resources have adapted in different ways to live with floods. Objectives The MOVINDELTAS project intends to understand the challenges for deltaic populations when their livelihoods are at risk due to environmental/climatic and global economic changes, and their adaptive capacity sustainability through the current scenarios in the Ganges-Brahmapoutra-Meghna and Mekong deltas. The project approach isinterdisciplinary, multi-scale and long term(past history experiences and forecasting) from four perspectives: i) a physical and environmental assessment of risks posed by multi-hazards linked to adaptive strategies, ii) a socio-economic vulnerability assessment of the population exposed to these hazards, iii) an assessment of the population and local stakeholders’ perception of risk in the risk hotspots, and iv) a projection of how the risk is expected to evolve in the coming decades, with climate changes in the GBM and Mekong deltas. Through its various components, MOVINDELTAS aims to meet several specific objectives: Enhance the understanding of the dynamics of deltaic Social Political Environmental Systems (SPES), and the level of sustainability of deltaic population livelihoods under multi-hazard environmental change. Define the complexity of new patterns of mobility and immobility/migration and non-migration, (involuntary) displacement and translocal livelihoods (across multiple locations, gender, cultures and social classes) in delta regions defined as risk hotspots. Assess the various adaptive strategies and community responses to multi-hazards under expected environmental change in risk hotspots, through model-scenarios/CC in a new context of global CC. Conduct an in-depth and evidence-based analysis of the differentiated perceptions, sensitivity and experiences of men and women in their strategies for coping with environmental, global and climate changes. Include stakeholders in an iterative consultative process throughout the project in order to better understand their perspectives, develop informed models and maximise the potential impact of policy response. Under this specific objective, experience sharing between deltas and the use of local knowledge on adaptation strategies in vulnerable flood deltas will allow future learning, and contribute to the sustainability of the proposed methodology. In fact, the Nile delta is the perfect environmental configuration for a test case as it has several converging and divergent parameters characteristic of South-East-Asia. Partnerships : 27 partners from 4 European countries (France, UK, Germany and Netherland), 4 Asian countries (Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Bangladesh) and Egypt.
Year 2018
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42 Project

Climate Change, Natural Disasters, and Migration—a Survey of the Empirical Evidence

Authors Michael Berlemann, Max Friedrich Steinhardt
Year 2017
Journal Name CESifo Economic Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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43 Journal Article

Climatic Factors as Determinants of International Migration: Redux

Authors Michel Beine, Christopher R Parsons
Year 2017
Journal Name Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Citations (WoS) 2
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44 Journal Article

Frankenstein, the Baroness, and the Climate Refugees of 1816

Authors G.D. Wood
Year 2017
Journal Name The Wordsworth Circle
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45 Journal Article

Special Issue: Gender, Development and Resistance in South Asia

Authors Tiina Seppälä
Year 2016
Journal Name Refugee Watch: A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration
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46 Journal Article

Climate variability and international migration: The importance of the agricultural linkage

Authors Ruohong Cai, Shuaizhang Feng, Michael Oppenheimer, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Citations (WoS) 21
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48 Journal Article

Proyectos de extracción minera y movimientos involuntarios de personas : en busca de mecanismos de regulación y proyección

Authors Alexandra Castro Franco
Year 2016
Book Title Mining and development Vol4. Mining and communities: impacts, conflicts and citizen participation
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49 Book Chapter

Climate change as a migration driver from rural and urban Mexico

Authors Raphael J Nawrotzki, Lori M Hunter, Daniel M Runfola, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Environmental Research Letters
Citations (WoS) 29
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50 Journal Article

Nonlinear permanent migration response to climatic variations but minimal response to disasters

Authors Pratikshya Bohra-Mishra, Michael Oppenheimer, Solomon M. Hsiang
Year 2014
Journal Name Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Citations (WoS) 75
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52 Journal Article

MECLEP: Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Evidence for Policy

The European Union-funded “Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Evidence for Policy” (MECLEP) project was implemented between January 2014 and March 2017. The project aimed to contribute to the global knowledge base on the relationship between migration and environmental and change. More specifically, it aimed to formulate policy options on how migration, including displacement and planned relocation, can benefit adaptation strategies to environmental and climate change. It involved research (desk reviews, household surveys and qualitative interviews), capacity-building and dialogue and knowledge sharing activities.
Year 2014
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53 Project

Is Internal Migration in Yemen Driven by Climate or Socio-economic Factors?

Authors George Joseph, Quentin Wodon
Year 2013
Journal Name Review of International Economics
Citations (WoS) 6
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55 Journal Article

Resilienz durch Translokalität. Klimawandel, Migration und soziale Resilienz im ländlichen Thailand

Principal investigator Patrick Sakdapolrak (Principal Investigator), Harald Sterly (Project Coordinator)
Das Projekt erforscht die Beziehung zwischen Klimawandel und Migration. Es arbeitet am Beispiel verwundbarer ressourcenabhängiger Gruppen im ländlichen Thailand die Zusammenhänge zwischen Migration, die durch diese Wanderungsbewegung entstehenden Verflechtungen zwischen Herkunfts- und Zielort von Migranten (Translokalität) und der Fähigkeit der am Herkunftsort zurückbleibenden Familien und Gemeinden mit klimainduzierten Risiken umzugehen (sozialer Resilienz) heraus.
Year 2013
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57 Project

Megacity slums: social exclusion, space and urban policies in Brazil and India

Authors Marie-Caroline Saglio-Yatzimirsky
Year 2013
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58 Book

Migration and Climate Change

Authors the late Graeme Hugo, Graeme Hugo
Year 2013
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59 Book

Ökonomie des Klimawandels: Die Bewältigung von Klimaschocks in der Mongolei – Vulnerabilität, Vermögen und Migration

Principal investigator Kati Krähnert (Principal Investigator)
Das Projekt untersucht die Auswirkungen von Klimaschocks auf das Wohlergehen und Verhalten von Haushalten in der Mongolei. Insbesondere werden dabei extreme Wetterereignisse, sogenannte Dzud-Katastrophen, betrachtet (siehe Kasten). Mit fortschreitendem Klimawandel ist damit zu rechnen, dass solche Klimaschocks häufiger und in extremeren Umfang auftreten werden. Im Rahmen des Projekts wird eine Panelhaushaltsbefragung zu Klimaschocks und sozio-ökonomischer Vulnerabilität von Haushalten in der westlichen Mongolei erhoben. Die Anpassungsstrategien von Nomaden zur Bewältigung von Klimaschocks und die Verteilungswirkungen von Klimaschocks werden anhand mikro-ökonometrischer Methoden analysiert.
Year 2012
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60 Project

The impact of weather anomalies on migration in sub-Saharan Africa

Authors Luca Marchiori, Jean-François Maystadt, Ingmar Schumacher
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Citations (WoS) 85
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61 Journal Article

The effect of environmental change on human migration

Authors Richard Black, W. Neil Adger, Nigel W. Arnell, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name Global Environmental Change
Citations (WoS) 275
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62 Journal Article

Climate Refugees Study

Principal investigator Albert Kraler (Project Coordinator)
Against the background of climate change, the study of environmentally induced displacement has become increasingly significant. Objectives • to provide a systematic review of the legal aspects of climate related displacement. • to analyse to what extent the current EU framework for immigration and asulum in general and the specific instruments in regard to asylum in particular already offer adequate responses to climate induced displacement. • to assess how the legal framework could evolve in order to provide an improved response to the phenomenon of climate refugees. • to clarify in which way such a modified legal framework can be rooted in the Lisbon Treaty. Outcomes The analysis reviews both the status quo as well as the possible evolution of the policy framework in place in order to arrive at more comprehensive responses to environmentally induced migration, while establishing the possible legal bases of different types of responses within the Treaty of Lisbon. • The first part of the study aims to develop a typology of environmentally induced migration which serves as a basis for identifying adequate policy responses, and in particular for different forms and dimensions of this phenomenon. • The second part focuses on a revision of the global debates on policy responses to environmentally induced displacement, which embeds the analysis of the European policy context in wider global policy debates and provides the framework under which the European policy framework is analysed. • The third and core part of the study looks at the policy framework in place at the level of the European Union to identify possible policy responses under the current EU policy framework that would address environmentally induced displacement as well as gaps and possible directions how this framework can evolve.
Year 2011
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63 Project

Migration and Global Environmental Change - Future Challenges and Opportunities.

Authors UK Government Office for Science
Year 2011
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64 Report

Climate change, environmental degradation and migration

Authors K. Warner, M. Hamza, A. Oliver-Smith, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Natural Hazards
Citations (WoS) 112
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66 Journal Article

Klimawandel, Umweltveränderungen und Migration: Sozial-ökologische Bedingungen von Bevölkerungsbewegungen am Beispiel der Sahelländer Mali und Senegal

Principal investigator Martin Doevenspeck (Principal Investigator ), Diana Hummel (Principal Investigator ), Cyrus Samimi (Principal Investigator ), Wolfgang Lutz (Principal Investigator )
Das interdisziplinäre Forschungsprojekt MICLE beschäftigt sich mit den Umweltwandel und Migration in Mali und Senegal. Politiker und Wissenschaftler bezeichnen den Klimawandel als eine der größten Bedrohungen für menschliche Entwicklung in Afrika und sagen massive Bevölkerungsbewegungen als Folge einer zunehmenden Zahl von Extremereignissen wie Dürren, von zunehmender Wasserknappheit, Abnahme der Nahrungsmittelproduktion und Verlust an Biodiversität voraus. Dabei ist das Konstrukt der „Umweltflucht“ aufgrund des ihm inhärenten Geodeterminismus, der konzeptionellen Unklarheiten und politischen Instrumentalisierungen höchst problematisch. Umweltveränderungen als Hauptursache für Migration zu identifizieren ist praktisch unmöglich. Daher beschäftigt sich das Forschungsprojekt mit den multiplen Ursachen von Migration im Sahel um die internen Logiken zu verstehen und Migrationsbewegungen theoretisch zu kontextualisieren.
Year 2010
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67 Project

CLIMATES OF MIGRATION: Klimawandel und Umweltmigration in historischer Perspektive -- Teilprojekt Desaster Migration: Klimatisch-meteorologische Katastrophen als Auslöser von Wanderungsbewegu

Principal investigator Uwe Lübken (Principal Investigator)
Mit der globalen Erwärmung und dem Anstieg der Meeresspiegel hat auch ein Thema Konjunktur, das bis vor kurzem noch gar nicht auf der wissenschaftlichen Agenda stand: Klimamigration. Die Folgen des Klimawandels, so wird befürchtet, könnten die Lebensgrundlagen von Millionen von Menschen derart radikal verändern, dass ihnen kaum noch eine andere Wahl als die (Klima-) Flucht bzw. Migration bleibt. Das vom BMBF geförderte Forschungsprojekt Climates of Migration hat die aktuellen Debatten zum Anlass genommen, den Zusammenhang zwischen Umweltveränderungen und Migration aus historischer Perspektive zu analysieren, denn klimatische und andere Umweltfaktoren haben auch in der Vergangenheit eine große Rolle für Ansiedlungsentscheidungen, Anpassungsstrategien und die Mobilität von Gesellschaften gespielt. Konkret hat das gemeinsame Projekt des Kulturwissenschaftlichen Instituts Essen (KWI) und des Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society der LMU München (RCC) den Zusammenhang zwischen Klimaschwankungen, Hungerkrisen und Migration, die Bedeutung von Klimaaspekten für die Besiedlung einer Region sowie die displacement-Effekte von Naturkatastrophen untersucht. Insgesamt haben sich sieben Forscherinnen und Forscher aus verschiedenen Disziplinen mit Themen wie Hungersnöten in Irland und den daraus resultierenden Abwanderungseffekten, Migrationsbewegungen im Norden Mexikos, die durch die großflächige Abholzung von Waldflächen verursacht wurden, oder der schwierigen Entscheidung von Bewohnern sinkender Inseln, etwa im Pazifik oder in der Cheaspeake Bay, wie mit dem drohenden Verlust der Lebensgrundlage umgegangen werden sollte, befasst.
Year 2010
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68 Project

Climate change, migration and adaptation in Funafuti, Tuvalu

Authors Colette Mortreux, Jon Barnett
Year 2009
Journal Name Global Environmental Change
Citations (WoS) 209
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69 Journal Article

Scenarios of Environmental Change And Migration

Authors A. Vag, S. Stec, B. Baraj
Year 2009
Book Title Energy and Environmental Challenges to Security. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security.
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70 Book Chapter

Migration and Climate Change

Authors O. Brown
Year 2008
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71 Report

Changes in the environment and migration in Southern Morocco –example of Mhamid oasis

Authors Karolina Sobczak-Szelc
Year 2008
Journal Name Miscellanea Geographica
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72 Journal Article

Global Environmental Outlook 4

Authors United Nations Environment Programme
Year 2007
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73 Report

Special Report on Emissions Scenarios

Authors Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Year 2000
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74 Report

Some Conceptual Thoughts on Migration Research

Authors Andreas Demuth
Year 2000
Book Title Biko Agozino (ed.): Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Migration Research: Interdisciplinary, Intergenerational and International Perspective
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75 Book Chapter

Zu Begriff und Phänomen der 'Migration'

Authors Andreas Demuth
Year 1994
Book Title New East-West-Migration After the Fall of the Iron Curtain?
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76 Book Chapter
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