Institutions and Individuals in the Distribution of Welfare in Europe


'The proposed project aims to develop a new approach in welfare state studies using new conceptualization and the state of the art statistical techniques. This fresh approach will be used to analyze the roles of four main welfare institutions—namely the state, the family, the market, and local actors in the distribution of welfare shaped by the intersections of age, class, gender, and race relations in Europe. In order to achieve this overall objective, the following three specific objectives will be important in this project. First, this project aims to develop a new approach in welfare state and social policy studies to understand the distribution of welfare that is shaped by the intersections of age, class, gender, and race relations. Second, by comparing different societies, it is aimed to analyze future social, economic, and demographic challenges to the welfare regimes particularly with reference social inequalities. Third, it aims to reassess welfare regime typology and examine the question of path dependency of welfare policies. The methodology to be used in analyzing the welfare of the old in the various regimes depends on quantitative and qualitative secondary data and previous studies on welfare states and social policies. Since this is a cross-national research, mostly comparative data on social policies, social welfare, and demographic indicators will be used from the EuroStat and other data resources which provide comparative data for researchers.'
Year 2013

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