Experts Index

This constantly growing database accumulates migration experts and presents their profiles, emphasizing on their scholar contribution in this field of study.

Showing page of 2736 experts, sorted by

Turk-Yigitalp, Gulsah

Gulsah Turk-Yigitalp

I am a PhD candidate in English Studies at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. I hold a Master's Degree in Nationalism Studies from Central European University. For my PhD project I am conducting a critical sociolinguistic ethnography of the education policies for Syrian refugee students in Turkish public...
1002 Spain
Doğan, Gülşen

Gülşen Doğan

Gülşen Doğan is a Ph.D. student in Political Science and International Relations at Koc University. She graduated summa cum laude from Bogazici University with a B.A. in Political Science and International Relations & Sociology. She received her M.A. degree from International Relations at Koc University...
1003 Turkey
Koc, Günes

Günes Koc

Güneş Koç graduated from the Austrian High School St-Georgs Kolleg Istanbul in 1999. Koç completed her bachelor’s and master degree in Political Science at the Leopold Franzes University Innsbruck between 1999 and 2006. After her graduation, Koç wrote her doctorate thesis titled "Frauenmorde als Verdichtung...
1004 Turkey
Tyldum, Guri

Guri Tyldum

Guri Tyldum is a sociologist and research professor at Fafo Research Foundation in Oslo. Her main research interest is in migration aspirations and migration flows, currently doing research on migration aspirations in refugee populations, and the mobility of Ukrainian refugees in Europe. She has published...
1006 Norway
Wachter, Gusta

Gusta Wachter

PhD researcher at the Netherlands Interdisciplinary Demographic Institute (NIDI). Interested in the union and family formation of the descendants of immigrants.
1007 Netherlands
Lidén, Gustav

Gustav Lidén

Gustav Lidén (PhD in Political Science, 2011) has his background in comparative politics with a specific interest in the local political arena. During 2012 and 2013 he was post doctoral fellow at the Department of Social Sciences at Mid Sweden University. Since 2014 Lidén is Associate Professor (docent)...
1008 Sweden
Bauvois, Gwenaëlle

Gwenaëlle Bauvois

University Researcher University Researcher, Swedish School of Social Science Subunit CEREN (The Centre for Research on Ethnic Relations and Nationalism)
1010 Finland
Pryce, Gwilym

Gwilym Pryce

Gwilym is currently Professor of Urban Economics and Social Statistics at the University of Sheffield, based jointly in the Sheffield Methods Institute and the Department of Urban Studies and Planning. He is currently Director and PI of the ESRC/Nordforsk ‘Life at the Frontier’ project exploring the...
1012 United Kingdom
Gören, Hacer

Hacer Gören

Hacer Gören is a researcher at MiReKoc and a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Sociology, Koç University, Turkey. She completed her MA in 2017 on socioecological impacts of renewable energy transition. From 2009-2018, she worked as a conference interpreter, translator, and researcher at public and...
1015 Turkey
ÜNAY, Hakan

Hakan ÜNAY

Hakan Ünay is a PhD student Department of International Relations at Kırıkkale University. At the same time, he has been working as a researcher at the Migration Research Foundation since May 2019, film review editor at Borders in Globalization Review, and as a member of the Association for Borderland...
1020 Turkey
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