Experts Index

This constantly growing database accumulates migration experts and presents their profiles, emphasizing on their scholar contribution in this field of study.

Showing page of 2736 experts, sorted by

Koikkalainen, Saara

Saara Koikkalainen

My research has focused on different migration phenomena, including highly skilled, intra-European migration, free movement policies, Iraqi asylum seekers in Finland, migration decision-making and the role of imagination and mental time travel in the migration process, as well as tourism and mobility....
2262 Finland
Pellander, Saara

Saara Pellander

Saara Pellander is the Director of the Migration Institute of Finland. She is a Doctor of Social Sciences and holds the title of Associate Professor in Political History at the University of Helsinki. She is the PI for the Academy of Finland funded INDEFI project on deportability and family ties. She...
2263 Finland
Mofidi, Sabah

Sabah Mofidi

Sabah Mofidi, from Rojhelat (Eastern Kurdistan), is a PhD graduate in Political Science and a scholar in Kurdish studies. Currently he is working on a project on the change in political identity among Kurdish immigrants in western Europe, holding a postdoctoral scholarship funded by the Gerda Henkel...
2264 Netherlands
Kubiciel-Lodzińska, Sabina

Sabina Kubiciel-Lodzińska

Sabina Kubiciel-Lodzinska (PhD, economics) is a researcher specialising in immigrant settlement in regions of Poland outside major cities. She works at the Opole University of Technology. She has recently led projects on mobility motivations of different groups of international migrants to Poland, the...
2266 Poland
Fatullayeva, Sadagat

Sadagat Fatullayeva

Bachelor –Baku State University, Social sciences and psychology (1996-2000). I’ve been living in Russia from 2002 to 2013. Master in Sociology of Management (2015) in Sumgayit State University. Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy Research area: Enlightenment and...
Samuk, Sahizer

Sahizer Samuk

I have done research on migration-related themes for more than fourteen years. Worked at international organisations in Turkey and universities in five different countries (Canada, Italy, Luxembourg, Turkey, UK). Currently, I am engaged in my post-doctoral research at the IMT School for Advanced Studies,...
2273 Italy
Ahmed Koshin, Sahra

Sahra Ahmed Koshin

Sahra is a Somali-Dutch Ph.D. Candidate studying Somali Diaspora Humanitarianism in Complex Crises at the University of Copenhagen and at the University of Nairobi. She has an advanced MA degree in Advanced Development Studies from Radboud University in Nijmegen as well as a MA degree in Cultural Anthropology/Development...
2274 Somalia
Ally, Sajida

Sajida Ally

Dr Sajida Zareen Ally is Lecturer in Anthropology and Global Health at the University of Bristol and a Research Associate in the School of Global Studies at the University of Sussex. Her research and teaching lie at the intersection of social, medical and political anthropology with a focus on South...
2275 United Kingdom
günay, salih

salih günay

I am a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Erfurt, in the Department of Media and Communication Studies. My current research focuses on the role of digital media in the construction of political knowledge among young Turkish immigrants in Germany, as they navigate their integration process. By examining...
2279 Germany
Heier, Sally

Sally Heier

Experienced social researcher with a background in politics and international relations as well as regional experience in the Western Balkans, particularly post-conflict issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Applying qualitative methods to understand the global interactions of political organisations...
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