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Brain Drain aus Entwicklungsländern: Mobilitätsstrukturen von Hochqualifizierten am Beispiel von Nigeria

Principal investigator Caroline Kramer (Principal Investigator ), Joachim Vogt (Principal Investigator )
Das Forschungsprojekt (...) befasst sich mit den Zusammenhängen zwischen Bildung, Migration und der sozio-ökonomischen Situation in einem Entwicklungsland. Sowohl in Entwicklungstheorien als auch in Migrationstheorien wurde bisher der Faktor Bildung selten umfassend berücksichtigt. Der in Nigeria zu beobachtende Brain Drain Hochqualifizierter kann nicht nur mit sozioökonomischen Disparitäten erklärt werden. Ziel des Projektes ist, räumliche und strukturelle Disparitäten hinsichtlich der Mobilität von Hochqualifizierten in und aus Nigeria zu erkennen und deren Auswirkungen zu analysieren, sowohl im Hinblick auf damit einhergehende Entwicklungshemmnisse als auch in Bezug auf fördernde sozio-ökonomische Aspekte (z.B. durch zirkuläre Migration/ Transmigration) ergänzt durch einen wissenssoziologischen Ansatz. Zentrale Fragen auf einer strukturellen Ebene sind u.a.: Welche Regionen/ Hochschulen sind weshalb Ziel-/ Quellregionen der nationalen und internationalen Migration, und inwieweit bestimmen bildungs- und arbeitsplatzorientierte Wanderungen das Wanderungsgeschehen? Auf individueller bzw. akteursbezogener Ebene stehen Unterschiede der Hochqualifizierten in der regionalen, sozialen, ethnischen und religiösen Herkunft sowie die Migrationsbiographie der Befragten und ihre Einbindung in Migrantennetzwerke im Vordergrund. Die Datenerhebung erfolgt zum einen durch die Befragung von Absolventen/ Experten von drei nigerianischen Universitäten (Alumni-Netzwerk) und zum anderen werden Nigerianer in der Diaspora (Deutschland, Großbritannien, USA) hinsichtlich ihrer Migrationsbiographie und ihrer sozialen Netzwerke befragt.
Year 2009
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1 Project

Irregular migration in times of global economic crisis - perceptions and realities in Europe, Africa, Latin-America and Asia

Principal investigator Gunnar Geyer (Principal Investigator ), Dita Vogel (Principal Investigator )
Migration policies are guided more by fears than by facts. Many fears are rooted in economic arguments. In receiving regions, e.g., natives fear that immigrants will take their jobs. In sending regions, there is the fear of losing the migration option and of decreasing remittances due to the economic crisis. The research group seeks to investigate into perceptions and realities in selected migrant-sending and receiving countries. It will compare perceptions and realities as reflected in data, media and public discourses, which are obstructing the creation and sharing of knowledge. With the planning grant, the project team aims at elaborating a comparative theoretical and methodological approach suitable for the study of the perceptions and realities of irregular migration in times of global economic crisis. Reports about the state of art will focus on China, Ecuador, Finland, Germany, Nigeria, Spain and the United Kingdom.
Year 2009
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2 Project

Mapping Specific Incentives for Countries of Origin to Facilitate Cooperation on Return

Principal investigator Albert Kraler (Project Team Member), Bernhard Perchinig (Project Team Member)
This project aims at identifying need-based potentials for cooperation, which can lead to opportunities for improved cooperation between countries wishing to return persons not holding residence rights and five countries (Algeria, Morocco, Nigeria, Tunisia, Iran) in the field of return and readmission. More specifically, and based on the analysis of relevant international relations theories as well as on insights from expert interviews, the study will examine: • Options for the development of strategies for the creation of incentive based cooperation schemes in the field of return and readmission and to determine which incentives could be offered to the countries of origin of illegally resident third-country nationals without jeopardizing the EU's objectives in this area, and ultimately its own interests. • Experiences of selected EU-countries (Italy, the Netherland, the UK, Sweden) in cooperation with the above mentioned countries in the field of return. • Necessary conditions for the establishment of sustainable cooperation in the field of return (based on theoretical considerations and results of the empirical investigations) In addition, the project aims at producing five country specific case studies including information on: • the general situation with regard to migration and the corresponding third country. • the current state of cooperation between Austria and the third country • perceived problems in the area of repatriation • European experiences • positive incentives
Year 2017
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3 Project

Mapping Specific Incentives for Countries of Origin to Facilitate Cooperation on Return

Principal investigator Albert Kraler (Project Team Member), Bernhard Perchinig (Project Team Member)
This project aims at identifying need-based potentials for cooperation, which can lead to opportunities for improved cooperation between countries wishing to return persons not holding residence rights and five countries (Algeria, Morocco, Nigeria, Tunisia, Iran) in the field of return and readmission. More specifically, and based on the analysis of relevant international relations theories as well as on insights from expert interviews, the study will examine: • Options for the development of strategies for the creation of incentive based cooperation schemes in the field of return and readmission and to determine which incentives could be offered to the countries of origin of illegally resident third-country nationals without jeopardizing the EU's objectives in this area, and ultimately its own interests. • Experiences of selected EU-countries (Italy, the Netherland, the UK, Sweden) in cooperation with the above mentioned countries in the field of return. • Necessary conditions for the establishment of sustainable cooperation in the field of return (based on theoretical considerations and results of the empirical investigations) In addition, the project aims at producing five country specific case studies including information on: • the general situation with regard to migration and the corresponding third country. • the current state of cooperation between Austria and the third country • perceived problems in the area of repatriation • European experiences • positive incentives
Year 2017
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4 Project

Irregular Migration in times of global economic crisis – perceptions and realities in Europe, Africa, Latin-America and Asia

Principal investigator Dita Vogel (Project Coordinator)
Migration policies are guided more by fears than by facts. Many fears are rooted in economic arguments. They are thus intensified in times of economic crisis. In receiving regions, natives fear that immigrants will take their jobs or put additional strain on social infrastructure and the welfare system. In sending regions, there is the fear of losing the migration option and of decreasing remittances. The moral panic generated by changes in migration situation can often lead to a fear of and hatred for "the other" and social crisis. This pilot project seeks to explore perceptions and realities of irregular migration in 4 European countries (Germany, United Kingdom, Spain and Finland) and 3 non-European countries (China, Nigeria and Ecuador) and develop a larger international research project on these issues under the “Europe and Global Challenges” Programme, jointly organised by the a consortium of foundations composed of the Compagnia di San Paolo (Italy), the Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (Sweden) and the Volkswagenstiftung (Germany). Objectives • To elaborate a comparative theoretical and methodological approach suitable for the study of the perceptions and realities of irregular migration • To prepare reports about the state-of-art concerning perceptions and reality of irregular migration in times of global economic crisis in the selected European and non-European countries • To integrate theoretical, methodological and organisational approaches into a coherent project and team structure
Year 2009
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5 Project

Observatoire des Migrations Internationales ouest-africaines au service d'une coopération renouvelée entre l'Afrique de l'Ouest et l'Union Européenne

Principal investigator Nelly Robin (Coordinator)
Le programme OMAE est financé par la Commission Européenne (Programme AENAS : assistance technique et financière en faveur des pays tiers dans le domaine des migrations et de l’asile, l’Europ Aid Office de coopération. Ce projet rassemble des chercheurs et des experts de plusieurs disciplines (démographie, droit, géographie, informatique, sociologie) originaires d’Afrique et d’Europe. Il vise principalement à favoriser une connaissance des migrations internationales en Afrique de l’Ouest et apprécier leur récente évolution, à partir du Sud (nouvelles routes, nouveaux acteurs, nouvelles politiques), à aider à la valorisation et au partage des résultats, notamment pour la définition de politiques publiques et pour ouvrir la voie à une action concertée entre la CEDEAO et l’Union Européenne. Les résultats obtenus au Sénégal dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de l’Observatoire des migrations internationales ont suscité l’intérêt des scientifiques et des institutionnels et ont incité à l’élargissement du dispositif à d’autres pays de l’Afrique de l’ouest : la Côte d’Ivoire, le Ghana, le Mali, la Mauritanie, le Niger, et le Nigeria. Ainsi l’initiative menée au Sénégal, d’envergure nationale, prend une dimension sous-régionale et s’ouvre au monde anglophone. Ce projet se décline selon trois axes principaux : l’inventaire, la collecte, la diffusion et l’analyse des textes législatifs qui organisent et structurent les modalités du contrôle et de la gestion des populations migrantes dans l’espace CEDEAO, la définition des modalités d’adaptation de l’expérience menée au Sénégal depuis 2002 aux réalités des autres pays ouest-africains du programme, pour la collecte et l’analyse statistique et cartographique des données administratives, la réalisation d’enquêtes sociodémographiques dans différents pays du programme sur deux thèmes : les migrants en transit « en panne » et la frontière à géométrie variable. L’IRD assure la coordination du programme et les institutions partenaires sont le Club du Sahel/OCDE, le CRER de l’Université de Warwick et l’université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar.
Year 2007
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6 Project

Die Politische Ökonomie der Westafrikanischen Migrationsgovernance

Principal investigator Franzisca Zanker (Principal Investigator)
Der erhöhte Zustrom Geflüchteter und anderer Migrantinnen und Migranten nach Europa in 2015 hat zu erneuten Bemühungen für eine gemeinsame EU-Afrika-Agenda geführt, die sich mit Herausforderungen der Migration befasst. Zahlreiche Treffen, Veranstaltungen und Gipfel wurden (zumindest teilweise) diesem Zweck gewidmet, wie beispielsweise der Valetta-Gipfel in 2015, der G20-Gipfel in Hamburg 2017 und der EU-Afrika-Gipfel in Abidjan in November 2017. Viele bilaterale, regionale und kontinentale Afro-Europäische Rahmenregelungen und Richtlinien gingen diesen politischen Versammlungen voraus und mit ihnen einher. Dennoch funktioniert die aktuelle Herangehensweise – auch durch die EU-Partnerschaftsabkommen – nicht. Der 2018 MEDAM Assessment Report argumentiert, dass die EU-Länder stärker mit afrikanischen Staaten kooperieren sollten. Die Regierungen dieser Staaten werden eher bereit sein, ihre Staatsbürgerinnen und Staatsbürger nach einem abgelehnten Asylantrag in der EU zurückzunehmen, wenn legale Arbeitsmigration eine realistische Alternative darstellt. Eine aktive Auseinandersetzung zwischen afrikanischen und europäischen Ländern fehlt jedoch weiterhin. Kritikerinnen und Kritiker beanstanden einerseits die Tendenz, dass die Migrationszusammenarbeit europäische Interessen in den Vordergrund stellt, die Inkohärenz in der EU-Politikgestaltung und die ausgrenzende Art vieler Gipfel und Veranstaltungen. Andererseits werden afrikanische Regierungen für fehlendes Engagement in der Migrationsgovernance kritisiert. Ein wesentliches Problem ist, wie wenig bezüglich der Interessen, Beteiligung und Akteure bekannt ist, wenn es um die Steuerung von Migration geht – einschließlich Auswanderung (reguläre und irreguläre), Einwanderung und den Umgang mit vertriebenen Menschen. Das Projekt „Die Politische Ökonomie der Westafrikanischen Migrationsgovernance“ will die politischen Dimensionen von Migrationsgovernance und die zahlreichen Akteure (einschließlich zivilgesellschaftliche und subnationale) beleuchten. Dazu untersucht das Projekt wie die Instrumente und Institutionen zur Migrationssteuerung erstellt und implementiert werden, welche Interessen und Akteure einbezogen oder ausgeschlossen sind und welcher gesellschaftlichen Diskurs diese Interessen umgibt. Die qualitative Studie konzentriert sich auf vier Fallstudien – Gambia, Niger, Nigeria und Senegal – und basiert auf Feldforschung, einschließlich halbstrukturierter Interviews in den betreffenden Ländern. Das Projekt ist von Anfang an partizipativ und somit wird eine Veranstaltungsreihe stattfinden, um unsere Ergebnisse mit lokalen Experten in Abuja, Banjul, Dakar und Niamey zu diskutieren. Darüber hinaus wird es einen Abschlussworkshop geben, um die Forschungsergebnisse mit Wissenschaftlern und zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteuren aus allen vier WAMIG-Ländern vergleichend zu diskutieren. Dies geschieht in Accra in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Centre for Migration Studies. Weitere Informationen zu diesen Veranstaltungen finden Sie hier. Das Projekt „Die Politische Ökonomie von Westafrikanischer Migrationsgovernance“ wird durch die Stiftung Mercator finanziert und im Rahmen des Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration (MEDAM) durchgeführt. MEDAM ist ein dreijähriges Forschungs- und Beratungsprojekt, das Herausforderungen identifiziert und Handlungsstrategien zur Asyl- und Migrationspolitik der EU und ihrer Mitgliedsstaaten erarbeitet.
Year 2019
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7 Project

Observatoire des Migrations Internationales ouest-africaines au service d'une coopération renouvelée entre l'Afrique de l'Ouest et l'Union Européenne

Principal investigator Nelly Robin (Coordinator)
Le programme OMAE est financé par la Commission Européenne (Programme AENAS : assistance technique et financière en faveur des pays tiers dans le domaine des migrations et de l’asile, l’Europ Aid Office de coopération. Ce projet rassemble des chercheurs et des experts de plusieurs disciplines (démographie, droit, géographie, informatique, sociologie) originaires d’Afrique et d’Europe. Il vise principalement à favoriser une connaissance des migrations internationales en Afrique de l’Ouest et apprécier leur récente évolution, à partir du Sud (nouvelles routes, nouveaux acteurs, nouvelles politiques), à aider à la valorisation et au partage des résultats, notamment pour la définition de politiques publiques et pour ouvrir la voie à une action concertée entre la CEDEAO et l’Union Européenne. Les résultats obtenus au Sénégal dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de l’Observatoire des migrations internationales ont suscité l’intérêt des scientifiques et des institutionnels et ont incité à l’élargissement du dispositif à d’autres pays de l’Afrique de l’ouest : la Côte d’Ivoire, le Ghana, le Mali, la Mauritanie, le Niger, et le Nigeria. Ainsi l’initiative menée au Sénégal, d’envergure nationale, prend une dimension sous-régionale et s’ouvre au monde anglophone. Ce projet se décline selon trois axes principaux : l’inventaire, la collecte, la diffusion et l’analyse des textes législatifs qui organisent et structurent les modalités du contrôle et de la gestion des populations migrantes dans l’espace CEDEAO, la définition des modalités d’adaptation de l’expérience menée au Sénégal depuis 2002 aux réalités des autres pays ouest-africains du programme, pour la collecte et l’analyse statistique et cartographique des données administratives, la réalisation d’enquêtes sociodémographiques dans différents pays du programme sur deux thèmes : les migrants en transit « en panne » et la frontière à géométrie variable. L’IRD assure la coordination du programme et les institutions partenaires sont le Club du Sahel/OCDE, le CRER de l’Université de Warwick et l’université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar.
Year 2007
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8 Project

La pandemia dei richiedenti asilo e la «Mixed Ecospirituality» : sviluppi di una ricerca etnografica

Authors Antonio Camorrino, Raffaela Monia Calia
Year 2022
Journal Name Religioni e società
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9 Journal Article

MACIMIDE Global Expatriate Dual Citizenship Database

The MACIMIDE Global Expatriate Dual Citizenship Dataset charts the rules that existed in near all states of the world since 1960 with regard to the loss or renunciation of citizenship after a citizen of a respective state voluntarily acquires the citizenship of another state. The central variable of the Dataset is the dualcit_cat variable. This is a categorical variable whose values may be used to interpret, in broad lines, the position of a country with regards to the expatriate dual citizenship. The dualcit_cat variable reflects what consequences the legislation and legal practice of a country attaches to the voluntary acquisition of a foreign citizenship. The value of this variable depends on a number of criteria, including whether a citizen of the reference country who voluntarily obtains a foreign citizenship automatically loses – in principle – the citizenship of the origin country, and whether a citizen of the reference country can renounce that citizenship. The value assigned to dualcit_cat reflects the position of the country on the 1st of January of the reference year. Any subsequent changes in legislation will be reflected in the dualcit_cat value of the following year and included in updated versions of the Dataset. The dualcit_binary variable is a recoding of the dualcit_cat variable. This variable can be used for broad comparisons of the dual citizenship positions around the world. The possible values reflect whether the legislation of a country, in a given reference year, provides for the automatic loss of the origin citizenship (1) or not (2). All data have been centrally collected and refer to specific provisions in national law.
Year 2018
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10 Data Set

World Population Policies Database

Since the mid-1970s, the World Population Policies Database, last updated in 2015, provides comprehensive and up-to-date information on the population policy situation and trends for all Member States and non-member States of the United Nations. Among several areas, the database shows the evolution of government views and policies with respect to internal and international migration. The migration strand covers internal migration, immigration, emigration, and return. The Database is updated biennially by conducting a detailed country-by-country review of national plans and strategies, programme reports, legislative documents, official statements and various international, Inter-governmental and non-governmental sources, as well as by using official responses to the United Nations Inquiry among Governments on Population and Development.
Year 2015
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11 Data Set

Transnationalism from above and below: Migration management and how migrants manage

Principal investigator May-Len Skilbrei (Project Leader), Erlend Paasche (), Özlem Gürakar-Skribeland (), Tara Søderholm (), Maja Janmyr (), Sine Plambech (), Jørgen Carling ()
Transnationalism from above and below: Migration management and how migrants manage (MIGMA) examines European attempts to return Nigerian migrants, enacting a project of exclusion and excision in the pursuit of governance. MIGMA will offer a theoretically informed empirical exploration of legal instruments central to the sustainability of current migration management, and explore their effects and efficiency. The aim of the research is to contribute with knowledge relevant to European policy development, by linking migration management to wider circuits of migration and understanding it in a broader comparative framework.
Year 2015
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12 Project

Diaspora Policies

The Diaspora Policies dataset focuses on thirty-five states characterized in terms of their symbolic policies, social and economic policies, religious and cultural policies, citizenship policies and government and bureaucratic control, coded in nineteen categorical variables. The dataset includes features of diaspora policies. The dataset is composed of 19 indicators, regrouped in five headings: symbolic policies, social and economic policies, religious and cultural policies, citizenship policies and government and bureaucratic control. Data for these variables has been collected from a variety of secondary sources, as well as primary sources from states, international organizations and diaspora organizations
Year 2013
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13 Data Set

UN Inquiry on population and development - International Migration

The Inquiry gathers critically important data for monitoring the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and other international agreements, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Inquiry, mandated by the General Assembly in its resolution 1838 (XVII) of 18 December 1962, has been conducted by the Secretary-General at regular intervals since 1963. The Twelfth Inquiry consists of multiple-choice questions, organized in three thematic modules: Module I on population ageing and urbanization; Module II on fertility, family planning and reproductive health; and Module III on international migration. In 1994, Member States attending the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo agreed that “population-related goals and policies are integral parts of cultural, economic and social development” and recommended that actions be taken “to measure, assess, monitor and evaluate progress towards meeting the goals of its Programme of Action”. The year 2019 will mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Cairo conference and adoption of the ICPD Programme of Action, which continues to provide crucial guidance for addressing the fundamental development challenges facing the world today. Population issues are also at the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted in 2015. The United Nations Inquiry among Governments on Population and Development (the “Inquiry”) gathers critically important data for monitoring the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action and other international agreements, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Inquiry, mandated by the General Assembly in its resolution 1838 (XVII) of 18 December 1962, has been conducted by the Secretary-General at regular intervals since 1963. The most recent Inquiry, the Eleventh, was implemented in 2014.
Year 2010
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14 Data Set

Vikhrov's visa index

The index is based on three types of entry visa restrictions: visa required, visa not required for short stays and visa not required. The author identifies country pairs which changed their visa regime during 1998–2010. This immigration policy index is constructed for all countries and territories in the world for both March 1998 and November 2009. This index is heterogeneous across destination and origin countries as well as over time.
Year 2009
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15 Data Set

Diaspora Engagment Policies

Based on review of documentary sources on state-emigrant relations, the dataset reviews how 64 states relate to their diasporas. It shows how states constitute various extra-territorial groups as members of a loyal diaspora, through a diverse range of institutions and practices. Three higher-level types of diaspora engagement policy are identified: 1 - capacity building policies, aimed at discursively producing a state-centric ‘transnational national society’, and developing a set of corresponding state institution; 2 - extending rights to the diaspora, thus playing a role that befits a legitimate sovereign, and 3 - extracting obligations from the diaspora, based on the premise that emigrants owe loyalty to this legitimate sovereign.
Year 2008
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16 Data Set

Global Migration Barometer

Western Union commissioned the Economist Intelligence Unit to compile a migration index that ranks 61 countries by how attractive and accessible they are for migrants (the Global Migration Barometer), with a separate assessment of their need for migrants. The Economist Intelligence Unit developed the methodology behind the index, collected the data and scored the countries, with input from Western Union and an independent panel of migration experts. The index has been produced for 61 developed and emerging markets using a standard analytical framework. The model used to generate the index employs indicators that reflect the standard of living and economic development of a country, legislative policy and attitudes towards migration, and demographics and social welfare commitments. Many of the 32 indicators used to generate the index are based on quantitative data and have been drawn from national and international statistical sources. The others are qualitative in nature and have been produced by the Economist Intelligence Unit. Each of the indicators has been adjusted and weighted to produce a score of 0 to 100, where 100 represents the highest attractiveness, accessibility or need for migrants.
Year 2007
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17 Data Set
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