
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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How normative debates about immigration shape analyses of the assimilation processes of second-generation youth: lessons from Spanish Legacies

Authors Natasha Iskander
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
7301 Journal Article

Process in the Community, Detain Offshore or ‘Turn Back the Boats’? Predicting Australian Asylum-seeker Policy Support from False Beliefs, Prejudice and Political Ideology

Authors Lisa K Hartley, Joel R Anderson, Anne Pedersen
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
7302 Journal Article

Early labour market trajectories of intermediate and second generation Turkish and Maghreb women in Belgium

Authors Julie Maes, Jonas Wood, Karel Neels
Year 2019
Journal Name Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
7303 Journal Article

“Murdering the Alphabet” Identity and entrepreneurship among second-generation Cubans, West Indians, and Central Americans

Authors Patricia Fernández-Kelly, Lisa Konczal
Year 2005
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 48
7304 Journal Article

Voices from the Shadows: Intergenerational Conflict Memory and Second-Generation Northern Irish Identity in England

Authors Liam Harte, Jack Crangle, Graham Dawson, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name Societies
7305 Journal Article

(Re)Branding the State: Humanitarian Border Control and the Moral Imperative of State Sovereignty

Authors Marina Kaneti, Mariana Prandini Assis
Year 2016
7306 Journal Article

Should International Migration Be Encouraged to Offset Population Aging? A Cross-Country Analysis of Public Attitudes in Europe

Authors Alin M. Ceobanu, Tanya Koropeckyj-Cox
Year 2013
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 2
7307 Journal Article

Researching Race/Ethnicity and Educational Inequality in English Secondary Schools: A Critical Review of the Research Literature Between 1980 and 2005

Authors Peter A. J. Stevens
Year 2007
Journal Name Review of Educational Research
7308 Journal Article

"Mortality as the Life Story of a People": Frederick L. Hoffman and Actuarial Narratives of African American Extinction, 1896-1915

Authors Paul R. D. Lawrie
Year 2013
7309 Journal Article

Health Care Utilization of Refugee Children After Resettlement

Authors Delma-Jean Watts, Delma-Jean Watts, Jennifer F. Friedman, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 8
7310 Journal Article

When ideology clashes with reality: racial discrimination and black identity in contemporary Cuba

Authors Danielle P. Clealand
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
7311 Journal Article

Access barriers to genetic services for Spanish-speaking families in states with rapidly growing migrant populations

Authors Henry Gene Hallford, Mary Ann Coffman, Alexandra Juana Obregon-Tito, ...
Year 2020
7312 Journal Article

Towards the unmaking of the French mainstream: the empirical turn in immigrant assimilation and the making of Frenchness

Authors Sandrine Bertaux
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
7313 Journal Article

Mechanisms of declining intra-ethnic trust in newly diverse immigrant destinations

Authors Abigail Fisher Williamson
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
7314 Journal Article

The long-term financial and psychological resettlement outcomes of pre-migration trauma and post-settlement difficulties in resettled refugees

Authors Alexander W. O'Donnell, Jaimee Stuart, Karlee J. O'Donnell
Year 2020
7315 Journal Article

Mutual support, role models and trust: the role of ethnic associations in building the capacity of second-generation Vietnamese

Authors Tomáš Knor, Tereza Freidingerová
Year 2024
Journal Name Czech Sociological Review
7316 Journal Article


Authors A.L. Rocheva, E.A. Varshaver, N.S. Ivanova
7317 Journal Article

Forensic genetics and the prediction of race: What is the problem?

Authors David Skinner
Year 2020
7318 Journal Article

Genetic Racialization: Ancestry Tests and the Reification of Race

Authors Amina Zarrugh, Luis Romero
Year 2023
Journal Name Social Problems
7319 Journal Article

The Minnesota School and Immigration History at Midwestern Land Grant Universities, 1890–2005

Authors Donna R. Gabaccia
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
7320 Journal Article

Segmented Assimilation, Split Labor Markets, and Racial/Ethnic Inequality: The Case of Early-Twentieth-Century New York

Authors Salvatore J. Restifo, Zhenchao Qian, Vincent J. Roscigno
Year 2013
Journal Name American Sociological Review
7321 Journal Article

Short-term study abroad and intercultural sensitivity: A pilot study

Authors Philip H. Anderson, Leigh Lawton, Richard J. Rexeisen, ...
Year 2006
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
7322 Journal Article

The 2.000-volt Belgian-Dutch frontier (1915-1918)

Authors Alex Vanneste
Year 2013
7323 Journal Article


Authors Richard L. Wiseman, Mitchell R. Hammer, Hiroko Nishida
Year 1989
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
7324 Journal Article

Development of an Asian American parental racial–ethnic socialization scale.

Authors Linda P. Juang, Yishan Shen, Su Yeong Kim, ...
Journal Name Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
7325 Journal Article

The Race That Space Makes: The Power of Place in the Colonial Formation of Social Categorizations

Authors Jennifer LaFleur
Year 2020
Journal Name Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
7326 Journal Article

Patterns and Limitations of Urban Human Mobility Resilience under the Influence of Multiple Types of Natural Disaster

Authors Qi Wang, John E. Taylor
Year 2016
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 7
7327 Journal Article

The Role of Social Support and Acculturation Factors on Postpartum Mental Health Among Latinas in the MADRES Pregnancy Cohort

Authors Karina Corona, Tingyu Yang, Genevieve Dunton, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
7329 Journal Article

Multilingual Practices of Senegalese Immigrants in Rome: Construction of Identities and Negotiation of Boundaries

Authors Maya Smith
Year 2015
7330 Journal Article

Russia in Motion: Cultures of Human Mobility since 1850

Authors Peter Gatrell
Year 2013
Journal Name Slavic Review
7331 Journal Article

Cultural distance and emotional problems among immigrant and refugee youth in Canada: Findings from the New Canadian Child and Youth Study (NCCYS)

Authors Morton Beiser, Feng Hou, Sofia Puente-Duran
Year 2015
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
7332 Journal Article

‘Our lives is in danger’: Manus Island and the end of asylum

Authors Michael Grewcock
Year 2017
Journal Name Race & Class
7333 Journal Article

The indeterminacy of race: The dilemma of difference in medicine and health care

Authors Jamie P. Ross
Year 2017
7334 Journal Article

Adolescent-Rated Health and Intention to Attend College: Variation by Race/Ethnicity and Levels of Health Status

Authors Tetine Sentell
Year 2012
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
7335 Journal Article

Race and pregnancy-related care in Brazil and South Africa

Authors Sarah Burgard
Year 2004
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
7336 Journal Article

Bridges and Barriers: Religion and Immigrant Occupational Attainment across Integration Contexts

Authors Phillip Connor, Matthias Koenig
Year 2013
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 33
7337 Journal Article

Grandparenting and Mortality: How Does Race-Ethnicity Matter?

Authors Seung-won Emily Choi
Year 2020
7338 Journal Article

Quantitative Evidence of the Continuing Significance of Race

Authors Zachary W. Brewster, Sarah Nell Rusche
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Black Studies
7339 Journal Article

From white to what? MENA and Iranian American non-white reflected race

Authors Neda Maghbouleh
Year 2020
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
7340 Journal Article

Race Matters: 1968 as Living History in the Black Freedom Struggle

Authors Jorrit van den Berk, Laura Visser-Maessen
Year 2019
7341 Journal Article

Shifting the Lens: Using Critical Race Theory and Latino Critical Theory to Re-Examine the History of School Desegregation

Authors Danielle R. Olden
Year 2015
Journal Name Qualitative Inquiry
7342 Journal Article

Refugee Lives Matter? - Protecting the human rights of migrants and refugees through international and regional obligations to investigate deaths

Principal investigator Sam McIntosh (Principal Investigator)
Thousands of migrants are currently dying every year in Europe in deeply troubling circumstances. Most die whilst attempting to cross the Mediterranean, but there are also many deaths in refugee camps, immigration detention centres or during attempts to cross Europe's internal borders. State and EU policy on migration and border control is notoriously vulnerable to political manoeuvring, as political parties compete for a fickle domestic electorship. This project will explore both the existing scope, and the theoretical normative potential, of international obligations to investigate certain deaths as a means of ensuring that the protection of migrants' lives is less dependent on political will, and more tied to existing human rights and humanitarian obligations. The project will ask the following questions: In what circumstances will the death of an unsettled migrant engage a state's obligation to investigate and explore potential accountability for the death? To what extent are existing investigative obligations sufficient for ensuring a minimum of practical protection for the range of human rights owed to migrants and refugees? And, taking into account international legal precedents and the theoretical controversies that accompany them, what is the normative scope of investigative obligations as a means of better safeguarding these rights?
Year 2018
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
7343 Project

Testing the Limits of Welfare State Changes: The Slow-moving Immigration Policy Reform in Japan

Authors Ito Peng
Year 2016
Journal Name Social Policy & Administration
Citations (WoS) 2
7344 Journal Article

Rejoinder: race scholarship and the future

Authors Karim Murji, John Solomos
Year 2016
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
7345 Journal Article

Accounts of Injury as Misappropriations of Race: Towards a Critical Black Politics of Vulnerability

Authors Noemi Michel
Year 2016
Journal Name Critical Horizons
7346 Journal Article

"To Extract from It Some Sort of Beautiful Thing": The Holocaust in the Families and Fiction of Nava Semel and Etgar Keret

Authors Ranen Omer-Sherman
Year 2020
7347 Journal Article

The role of neighborhood characteristics in racial/ethnic disparities in type 2 diabetes: Results from the Boston Area Community Health (BACH) Survey

Authors Rebecca S. Piccolo, Dustin T. Duncan, JB McKinlay, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
7348 Journal Article

A New Perspective on Human Mobility in the South

Authors R. Anich, J. Crush, S. Melde, ...
Year 2014
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
7349 Book

Ethnic disparities in colonoscopy use among colorectal cancer survivors: a systematic review

Authors Talya Salz, Lina Jandorf, Katherine DuHamel, ...
Year 2012
7350 Journal Article

Does psychological distress contribute to racial and socioeconomic disparities in mortality?

Authors Kevin Fiscella, P Franks
Year 1997
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
7351 Journal Article

Politics of Recognition, Race and Democracy in Brazil

Authors Leonardo Avritzer, Lilian C. B. Gomes
Year 2013
7352 Journal Article

Whose child am I? Unaccompanied, undocumented children in U.S. immigration custody

Authors Hannah Noel, Hannah Noel
Year 2017
Journal Name Latino Studies
7353 Journal Article

Intercultural Effectiveness Training in three Western immigrant countries: A cross-cultural evaluation of critical incidents

Authors Selma L. Herfst, Marieke E. Timmerman, Jan Pieter van Oudenhoven
Year 2008
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
7354 Journal Article

Dialectic of color-blindness

Authors Blake Emerson
Year 2013
Journal Name Philosophy & Social Criticism
7355 Journal Article

Critical Race Theory and Social Justice Perspectives on Whiteness, Difference(s) and (Anti)Racism: A Fourth Wave of Race Research in Leisure Studies

Authors Susan Arai, B. Dana Kivel
Year 2009
7356 Journal Article

Factors Associated with the Presence of Strong Social Supports in Bhutanese Refugee Women During Pregnancy

Authors Diana M. Kingsbury, Diana M. Kingsbury, Madhav P. Bhatta, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
7357 Journal Article

La Migration qualifiée au Maroc. Une étude socio-juridique

Authors Khadija ELMADMAD
Le Maroc est concerné par la migration qualifiée. Plusieurs compétences marocaines vivent à l’étranger et plusieurs migrants qualifiés étrangers résident dans le pays. L’émigration des compétences marocaines à l’étranger comme l’immigration des personnes qualifiées au Maroc sont en même temps choisies et imposées. Ces migrations sont souvent choisies par les pays de destination et parfois aussi par les migrants, mais elles peuvent aussi s’imposer aux migrants (obligés de se déplacer pour garantir certains de leurs droits humains) et au pays (incapable de les contrôler ou les empêcher). Les migrants qualifiés marocains de la diaspora sont pour la plupart nés dans leur pays d’accueil ou sont sélectionnés au Maroc par leurs pays de destination. Des agences étrangères de recrutement des personnes qualifiées s’activent dans le pays. Le Maroc est conscient de la perte résultant de l’établissement de certaines de ses compétences à l’étranger, principalement en Europe et en Amérique du Nord, et essaie d’encourager leur retour. Les immigrés qualifiés vivant au Maroc ont diverses origines. Récemment, surtout certaines élites subsahariennes et des retraités européens ont élu domicile dans le pays. Les migrants qualifiés marocains devraient théoriquement bénéficier de tous leur droits aussi bien dans leurs pays d’accueil que d’origine. Mais en pratique, ils confrontent plusieurs problèmes socio juridiques et font parfois l’objet d’injustice et de déni de compétences. La condition juridique des immigrés qualifiés vivant au Maroc dépend de leur statut juridique (régulier ou irrégulier) et aussi parfois de leur origine. Un problème rencontré par une grande partie des migrants qualifiés (émigrés comme immigrés) actuellement est celui de la reconnaissance de leurs diplômes et la mise en valeur de leurs expériences. La migration qualifiée a un impact socio juridique au Maroc. Les Marocains de l’étranger ont eu une influence sur les réformes juridiques et institutionnelles introduites dans le pays depuis les années 2000. Par ailleurs, l’impact socio juridique de certaines compétences européennes et subsahariennes commence à se faire sentir dans le pays, même si cette migration reste très peu étudiée pour le moment. Abstract Morocco is affected by skilled migration. Skilled Moroccans live abroad and foreign skilled immigrants live in Morocco. The emigration of skilled Moroccans as well as qualified immigration to Morocco are both chosen and imposed. Migration is often chosen by host countries and by migrants, but may also be imposed on migrants (obliged to move for human-rights reasons) and on the country that is unable to control migration. Skilled Moroccan migrants were mainly born in their host country or were selected in Morocco by their host country. Indeed, foreign employment agencies search for potential skilled migrants in Morocco. Morocco is aware of the loss resulting from the settlement of its qualified citizens abroad, mostly in Europe and North America, and tries to foster their return. Skilled immigrants in Morocco have different origins. Some Sub Saharan elites and retired Europeans have recently settled in the country. Skilled Moroccan migrants should benefit from their rights in both origin and host countries, but they often face socio-legal problems and injustice and their skills are not always acknowledged.
Year 2010
7358 Report

Analysis and Mapping of Scientific Literature on Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Global Immigrants (1963-2022)

Authors Lingjie Tang, Chang'an Zhang
Year 2024
Journal Name SAGE OPEN
7359 Journal Article

The ‘Integration’ of People of Dutch Descent in Superdiverse Neighbourhoods

Authors Frans Lelie, Maurice Crul
7361 Book Chapter

Canada’s private sponsorship of refugees program: A practitioners perspective of its past and future

Authors Barbara Treviranus, Michael Casasola
Year 2003
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
7362 Journal Article

Racial attitudes and visual cues in political judgments: Support for Obama during the 2008 presidential election.

Authors Tessa V. West, Blair T. Johnson, John F. Dovidio, ...
Journal Name Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
7363 Journal Article

Lifting the Veil: Exploring Colorblind Racism in Black Student Athlete Experiences

Authors Albert Y. Bimper
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Sport and Social Issues
7364 Journal Article

Sense of belonging, sense of exclusion, and racial and ethnic identities in Korean transracial adoptees.

Authors Grace S. Kim, Karen L. Suyemoto, Castellano B. Turner
Journal Name Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
7365 Journal Article

Against the odds? – A study of educational attainment and labour market position of the second-generation ethnic minority members in the UK

Authors Yaojun Li
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 3
7366 Journal Article

Calibrated Ambitions: Low Educational Ambition as a Form of Strategic Adaptation among Chinese Youth in Spain

Authors Jessica Yiu
Year 2013
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 6
7367 Journal Article

Race/ethnicity and the factor structure of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale: A meta-analysis.

Authors Giyeon Kim, Jamie DeCoster, Chao-Hui Huang, ...
Journal Name Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
7368 Journal Article

'Publish and Be Damned?' Race, Crisis, and the Press in England during the Long, Hot Summer of 1976

Authors Benjamin Bland
Year 2019
7369 Journal Article

Coming Together to Address Systemic Racism in Museums

Authors Daryl Fischer, Swarupa Anila, Porchia Moore
Year 2017
Journal Name Curator: The Museum Journal
7370 Journal Article

The Equity Paradox Typology: An Application of Critical Race Methodology to Redress Racial Harm Against Faculty of Color

Authors Marlon C. James, John A. Williams, Ana Carolina Diaz Beltran, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Qualitative Inquiry
7371 Journal Article

SES Gradients Among Mexicans in the United States and in Mexico: A New Twist to the Hispanic Paradox?

Authors Hiram Beltrán-Sánchez, Rebeca Wong, Fernando Riosmena, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Demography
7372 Journal Article

A note on refugee resettlement

Authors L.F. Claydon
Year 1981
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
7373 Journal Article

Rethinking racism: Toward a structural interpretation

Authors E BonillaSilva
Year 1997
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 603
7374 Journal Article

Measuring perceived mistreatment across diverse social groups: An evaluation of the Everyday Discrimination Scale

Authors Catherine E. Harnois, ME Campbell, VM Keith, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
7375 Journal Article

Is neighborhood racial/ethnic composition associated with depressive symptoms? The multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis

Authors Christina Mair, Teresa E. Seeman, A. Roux, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
7377 Journal Article

Immigrant suburbanisation and the shifting geographic structure of metropolitan segregation in the United States

Authors Chad R Farrell
Year 2016
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 19
7378 Journal Article

Suspended Mobilities: Japanese Filipino Children, Family Regimes, and Postcolonial Plurality

Authors Nobue Suzuki
Book Title Mobile Childhoods in Filipino Transnational Families
7379 Book Chapter

Deprivation of Citizenship, Statelessness, and International Standards

Authors Sandra Mantu
Year 2018
Book Title Contingent Citizenship
7380 Book Chapter

Perceived racial/ethnic discrimination, problem behaviors, and mental health among minority urban youth

Authors Amy L. Tobler, Kelli A. Komro, Mildred M. Maldonado-Molina, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
7381 Journal Article

Analyzing the use of race and ethnicity in biomedical research from a local community perspective

Authors Morris W. Foster
Year 2006
7382 Journal Article

The Pandemic and the International Crisis of Human Mobility

Authors Menara Lube Guizardi, Maria Cristina Dadalto
Year 2021
7383 Journal Article

Conference report: International conference on Resources and Human Mobility

Authors Nara Oda
Year 2019
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
7384 Journal Article

Dominguez-Mujica, J. (ed.): Global Change and Human Mobility

Authors Barbara Jaczewska
Year 2017
Journal Name Hungarian Geographical Bulletin
7385 Journal Article


Authors Alicia D. Simmons, Lawrence D. Bobo
Year 2018
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
7386 Journal Article

Racial opportunity structures and black fertility

Authors Jeffrey A. Burr, John Hartman
Year 1996
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 2
7387 Journal Article

Beyond Black and White: Biracial Attitudes in Contemporary US Politics

Year 2016
Journal Name American Political Science Review
Citations (WoS) 4
7389 Journal Article


Authors Derrick Darby, Argun Saatcioglu
Year 2014
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
Citations (WoS) 5
7391 Journal Article

The African Diaspora in the United States and Europe

Authors John A. Arthur
7392 Book

Migration Restriction's Policies and Respect of Human Rights: Kantian Perspectives

Year 2023
Journal Name HERMENEIA
7393 Journal Article

Structural vulnerability and access to medical care among migrant street-based male sex workers in Germany

Authors Heide Castaneda
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
7394 Journal Article

How Jews Became White Folks and What That Says about Race in America; Racial Situations: Class Predicaments of Whiteness in Detroit

Authors Daniel A. Segal
Year 2002
Journal Name American Ethnologist
7395 Journal Article

What's Race Got to Do With It? Equity and Philanthropic Evaluation Practice

Authors Jara Dean-Coffey
Year 2018
7396 Journal Article

Health Challenges in Refugee Reception: Dateline Europe 2016

Authors Brad Blitz, Alessio D’Angelo, Eleonore Kofman, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
7398 Journal Article

Moral Exclusion, Dehumanisation, and Continued Resistance to Return: Experiences of Refused Afghan Asylum Seekers in the Netherlands

Authors Katie Kuschminder, Talitha Dubow
Year 2023
Journal Name Geopolitics
7399 Journal Article

Relational and reputational resources in the governance of top-down asylum seekers’ reception in Italian rural areas

Authors Tiziana Caponio, Davide Donatiello, Irene Ponzo
Year 2022
Journal Name Territory, Politics, Governance
7400 Journal Article
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