
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Authors Shayla C. Nunnally
Year 2010
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
Citations (WoS) 8
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6101 Journal Article

IS-affiliated Children: A Ticking Pendulum Between Criminalization and Victimhood

Authors Mais Masadeh
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of the International Law of Peace and Armed Conflict. Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag
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6102 Journal Article

The Effect of Second Reception Center Practices on Refugee Experiences in Sicily

Authors Russell Rice Manzano, Joanna Z. Mishtal, Shana Harris
Year 2018
Journal Name Human Organization
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6103 Journal Article

A bricolage of identifications: storying postmigrant belonging

Authors Roger Bromley
Year 2017
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6104 Journal Article

Deciphering the notion of a raceless nation: Racial harmony and discrimination in Puerto Rican society

Authors Milagros Denis-Rosario
Year 2020
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6105 Journal Article

The Determinants of Neighborhood Satisfaction: Racial Proxy Revisited

Authors Sapna Swaroop, Maria Krysan
Year 2011
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 38
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6106 Journal Article

Finding disease outbreak locations from human mobility data

Authors Frank Schlosser, Dirk Brockmann
Year 2021
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6107 Journal Article

Estimating transnational human mobility on a global scale

Authors Ettore RECCHI, Emanuel DEUTSCHMANN, Michele VESPE
Year 2019
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6108 Working Paper

Reflections on the Surgeon General's Report on Mental Health, Culture, Race, and Ethnicity

Authors Steven R. Lopez
Year 2003
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6109 Journal Article

Exploring the Roles of Race, Ethnicity, Nationality, and Skin Color in the Sexual Partner Choices of Bisexual Latino Men

Authors Miguel Munoz-Laboy, Nicolette Severson
Year 2018
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6110 Journal Article

School-Based Mental Health Services for Newly Arriving Immigrant Adolescents

Authors Leslie B. Adams
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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6111 Journal Article

The Impact of Migration Flows on Well-Being of Elderly Natives and Migrants: Evidence from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe

Authors Sacit Hadi Akdede, Eleftherios Giovanis
Year 2020
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6112 Journal Article

Generational differences in translocal practices: Insights from rural-urban remittances in Vanuatu

Authors Kirstie Petrou
Year 2018
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 1
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6113 Journal Article


Authors Alicia D. Simmons, Lawrence D. Bobo
Year 2018
Journal Name Du Bois Review: Social Science Research on Race
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6114 Journal Article

Refugees and International Cooperation

Authors Göran Melander
Year 1981
Journal Name International Migration Review
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6115 Journal Article

Racial Discrimination, Interpretation, and Legitimation at Work

Authors Ryan Light, VJ Roscigno, Alexandra Kalev
Year 2011
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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6116 Journal Article

Values and Vulnerabilities: The Ethics of Research with Refugees and Asylum Seekers. Edited by Karen Block, Elisha Riggs, and Nick Haslam.

Authors C. Clark-Kazak, Christina Clark-Kazak
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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6118 Journal Article

The Compatibility of Georgian National Legislation on Asylum Seekers and Refugees with Norms and Principles of Public International Law: Some Aspects

Authors V. Shevardnadze
Year 2001
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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6119 Journal Article

Asylum seekers’ experiences on the migration journey to Italy (and beyond): Risk factors and future planning within a shifting political landscape

Authors Livia Elisa Ortensi, Lindsey N. Kingston
Year 2021
Journal Name International Migration
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6120 Journal Article

Mesoscopic Structure and Social Aspects of Human Mobility

Authors James P. Bagrow, Yu-Ru Lin
Year 2012
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 49
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6121 Journal Article

Labor migration and the moral sustainability of the Norwegian welfare state

Principal investigator Stein Kuhnle (Project Leader)
The 2004 enlargement of the European Union, with the ensuing movements of Accession 8 migrants, has and will continue to have a profound impact on migration patterns in Norway. Both the demographic and geographic characteristics of immigrants are shifting , and much of the hostility directed towards the traditional "asylum seekers" now turns towards the new East European migrants. The aim of the research project Labour Migration and the Moral Sustainability of the Norwegian Welfare State is to examine cent ral aspects of this new immigration: 1) The first part of the project, Labour immigration and the welfare state, examines various aspects of the welfare state in light of the new immigration patterns in Norway. Firstly, we study the extent to which these new patterns threaten the continued support of the welfare state in general and Norwegian welfare state in particular, and how they affect and shape preferences on how to make moral trade-offs in the design of welfare polices. Secondly, we study the extent to which labor migration to Norway is labour induced by conducting a qualitative case study of how poles living as labor migrants in Norway make use of the welfare system. Thirdly, we study how the Norwegian and Polish press portray the migration from Poland to Norway, e.g. the extent to which it accurately reflects reality. 2) The second part of the project, Segregation, economic dependence, and gender equalization, examines the importance of social network denominators among the new labor migrants i n the value creating system in Norway. Furthermore, the project will calculate how much of the value creation in Norway that are reaped by foreign owners and employees in sectors and regions, as a proxy on how dependent value creation in Norway is on work force migration. Finally, the gender composition of the Norwegian and foreign work force will be compared to see how much, if at all, migration reverses the gender equalization of Norwegian industries.
Year 2013
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6122 Project

Racial Differences on Organizational Attachment?

Authors Mahmoud Kashefi, M Kashefi
Year 2004
Journal Name Journal of Black Studies
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6123 Journal Article

Resolution of apparent paradoxes in the race-specific frequency of use-of-force by police

Authors Cody T. Ross, Bruce Winterhalder, Richard McElreath
Year 2018
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6124 Journal Article

Development of a Culturally Sensitive Educational Intervention Program to Reduce the High Incidence of Tuberculosis Among Foreign-Born Vietnamese

Authors H. Rika Houston, HR Houston, N Harada, ...
Year 2002
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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6125 Journal Article

Dimensions of racism and their impact on partner selection among men of colour who have sex with men: understanding pathways to sexual risk

Authors Annie Ro, Kyung-Hee Choi, George Ayala, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Culture, Health & Sexuality
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6126 Journal Article

Proactive personality and cross-cultural adjustment: Roles of social media usage and cultural intelligence

Authors Shangui Hu, Hefu Liu, Shuqin Zhang, ...
Year 2020
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6127 Journal Article

Probation and Race in the 1980s: A Quantitative Examination of Felonious Rearrests and Minority Threat Theory

Authors Victor St. John, Victor St John
Year 2019
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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6128 Journal Article

Racial Isolation and Chlamydia Rates in US Counties

Authors Loren Henderson
Year 2015
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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6129 Journal Article

Race and violent crime in the suburbs

Authors AE Liska, Logan, PE Bellair
Year 1998
Journal Name American Sociological Review
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6130 Journal Article

Cultures of Migration and Conflict in Contemporary Human Mobility in Turkey

Authors Ibrahim Sirkeci, Jeffrey H. Cohen
Year 2016
Journal Name European Review
6131 Journal Article

Race and reflexivity

Authors Mustafa Emirbayer, Matthew Desmond
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 39
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6132 Journal Article

Perceived racial/ethnic discrimination, problem behaviors, and mental health among minority urban youth

Authors Amy L. Tobler, Stephanie A. S. Staras, Kelli A. Komro, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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6133 Journal Article

Mobility During Pandemics: Moving Borders and Citizenship into Uncharted Territories

Authors Victoria Finn, Mari-Liis Jakobson
Year 2021
Journal Name COSMOS + TAXIS
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6134 Journal Article

The effect of race on lateral moves to coach central positions

Authors Jeremy J. Foreman, Robert Turick
Year 2021
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6135 Journal Article

Narratives in power and policy design: the case of border management and external migration controls in Italy

Authors Andrea Terlizzi
Year 2021
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6136 Journal Article

Racial Population Projections and Reactions to Alternative News Accounts of Growing Diversity

Authors D Myers, Morris Levy
Year 2018
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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6137 Journal Article

Adverse birth outcomes among Korean Americans: The impactof nativity and social proximity to other Koreans

Authors Youngtae Cho, Seung Eun song, W. parkerfrisbie
Year 2005
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 5
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6139 Journal Article

Intersectional Identities and HIV: Race and Ethnicity Drive Patterns of Sexual Mixing

Authors Michelle Birkett, Brian Mustanski, Balint Neray, ...
Year 2019
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6140 Journal Article

Race, ethnicity and the strength of Facebook ties

Authors Gustavo S. Mesch
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Youth Studies
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6141 Journal Article

chicanos look to the 1980s

Year 1981
Journal Name American Ethnologist
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6142 Journal Article

Mediators of the relationship between acculturative stress and internalization symptoms for immigrant origin youth.

Authors Dalal Katsiaficas, C Suarez-Orozco, Selcuk R. Sirin, ...
Journal Name Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology
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6143 Journal Article

The effects of interrupted enrollment on graduation from college: Racial, income, and ability differences

Authors Stephen L. DesJardins, SL DesJardins, DA Ahlburg, ...
Year 2006
Journal Name Economics of Education Review
Citations (WoS) 40
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6144 Journal Article

Civilization in Color: The Multicultural City in Three Millennia

Authors Xavier De Souza Briggs, Xavier de Souza Briggs
Year 2004
Journal Name City & Community
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6145 Journal Article

Intercultural Effectiveness Training in three Western immigrant countries: A cross-cultural evaluation of critical incidents

Authors Selma L. Herfst, JP Van Oudenhoven, Marieke E. Timmerman, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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6146 Journal Article

Factors Associated with the Presence of Strong Social Supports in Bhutanese Refugee Women During Pregnancy

Authors Diana M. Kingsbury, Diana M. Kingsbury, Madhav P. Bhatta, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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6147 Journal Article

Alternatives to Migration in the United States: Policy Issues and Economic Impact

Authors Marc R. Rosenblum
Year 2012
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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6148 Journal Article

American education in the age of mass migrations 1870-1930

Authors Fabrice Murtin, Martina Viarengo
Year 2010
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6149 Journal Article

Telling Stories, Overwhelming Borders

Authors Marta Perez
Year 2015
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6150 Journal Article

Playing Cat and Mouse at the U.S.-Mexican Border

Authors Sherrie A. Kossoudji
Year 1992
Journal Name Demography
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6151 Journal Article

Conclusion and Recommendations

Authors Benjamin Harkins
Book Title Resettlement of Displaced Persons on the Thai-Myanmar Border
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6152 Book Chapter

Refugee Emergency: DEFining and Implementing Novel Evidence-based psychosocial interventions

RE-DEFINE aims to implement effective psychological interventions for preventing the onset of mental disorders in refugees and asylum seekers with psychological distress resettled in middle-income and high-income countries. RE-DEFINE is particularly relevant for the refugee crisis in Europe and in bordering countries (i.e., Turkey), as the progressive increase in refugees seeking asylum poses a significant challenge to the health systems’ capacity to adequately respond to the health needs of this population. The project focuses on adaptation, testing, and implementation of Self Help Plus (SH\), a novel trans-diagnostic self-help preventive psychosocial intervention specifically developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) to respond to humanitarian crises. The intervention will be delivered by non-specialists to groups of up to 30 participants at a time. The cost-effectiveness of SH\ will be tested in two large, multicentre, pragmatic randomised studies. One study will be conducted in Italy, Germany, Finland, Austria, and the UK (high-income countries), and a second study will be conducted in Turkey (middle-income country). The dissemination plan will include structured activities such as an Individual Participant Data (IPD) meta-analysis of all randomised data available on SH\, in order to identify specific predictors of intervention’s effects that will facilitate its uptake and long-term implementation in European and non-European countries.
Year 2018
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6153 Project

The groupuscularization of neo-Nazism in Germany: the case of the Aktionsbüro Norddeutschland

Authors Fabian Virchow
Year 2004
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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6154 Journal Article

The Healthy Immigrant Paradox and Child Maltreatment: A Systematic Review

Authors Lina S. Millett
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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6155 Journal Article

Social anomie and racial segregation in South Africa

Authors Denis Huschka, Steffen Mau
Year 2006
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
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6156 Journal Article

Social embeddedness in a harmonized Europe: the social networks of European migrants with a native partner in Belgium and the Netherlands

Authors Suzana Koelet, Helga de Valk, Christof Van Mol
Year 2017
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 7
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6157 Journal Article

New perspectives on the declining significance of race: a rejoinder

Authors William Julius Wilson
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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6158 Journal Article

Racial minorities' attitudes toward interracial couples: An intersection of race and gender

Authors Roxie Chuang, Clara L. Wilkins, Mingxuan Tan, ...
Year 2020
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6159 Journal Article

Second-generation estimates of Latin Europe's GDP: Spain, France, Italy and Portugal (1950-2013)

Authors Jordi Maluquer de Motes i Bernet
Year 2015
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6160 Journal Article

Hot Potato: Expert-Consumer Differences in the Perception of a Second-Generation Novel Food

Authors Kit S. Hagemann, Joachim Scholderer
Year 2009
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6161 Journal Article

Can there be a truly systematic and comprehensive theory of race?

Authors Miri Song
Year 2016
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
6162 Journal Article

Racial Representation in Physical Education Textbooks for Secondary Schools: Image Content and Perceptions Held by Students

Authors Maria Ines Taboas-Pais, Ana Rey-Cao
Year 2015
Journal Name SAGE OPEN
6163 Journal Article

Beyond post-racial narratives: Barack Obama and the (re)shaping of racial memory in US schools and society

Authors William L. Smith, Anthony L. Brown
Year 2014
Journal Name Race Ethnicity and Education
Citations (WoS) 5
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6164 Journal Article

How Period Data Influence the Estimates of Recently Arrived Immigrants in the American Community Survey1

Authors Elizabeth M. Grieco, EM Grieco, Luke J. Larsen, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 1
6165 Journal Article

Discursive footwork on the hardwood: players' negotiations of the NBA as a contested racial arena

Authors Alex Manning, Stephen Cho Suh, Kyle Green
Year 2021
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6166 Journal Article

Comparative Implementation Research: Directions and Dualities Introduction

Authors Peter Hupe, Harald Saetren
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice
Citations (WoS) 8
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6167 Journal Article

Recentering U.S. Empire: A Structural Perspective on the Color Line

Authors Katrina Quisumbing King
Year 2019
Journal Name Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
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6168 Journal Article

Principles for climate-related resettlement of informal settlements in less developed nations: a review of resettlement literature and institutional guidelines

Authors Anne Tadgell, Brent Doberstein, Linda Mortsch
Year 2018
Journal Name Climate and Development
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6169 Journal Article

Between (Racial) Groups and a Hard Place: An Exploration of Social Science Approaches to Race and Genetics, 2000-2014

Authors W. Carson Byrd, Latrica Best
Year 2016
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6170 Journal Article

Preventive Health Screening Disparities Among Immigrants: Exploring Barriers to Care

Authors Megan M. Reynolds, Trenita B. Childers
Year 2020
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6171 Journal Article

‘Going to Brazil’: transnational and corporeal movements of a Canadian-Brazilian martial arts community

Authors JANELLE JOSEPH, Janelle Joseph
Year 2008
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 30
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6172 Journal Article

Contested Racial Imaginings of the Serbian Self and the Romani Other in Serbia's Guca Trumpet Festival

Authors Jelena Gligorijevic
Year 2020
Journal Name ARTS
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6173 Journal Article

Coming Together to Address Systemic Racism in Museums

Authors Daryl Fischer, Swarupa Anila, Porchia Moore
Year 2017
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6174 Journal Article

From refugees to workers : mapping labour market integration support measures for asylum-seekers and refugees in EU member states. Volume I : Comparative analysis and policy findings

Authors Iván MARTIN, Albert ARCARONS, Jutta AUMÜLLER, ...
The report sets out to provide a better understanding of the emerging challenges in policy targeting the labour-market integration of refugees. What are the strategies and practices implemented in different EU Member States to facilitate access into employment? What do we know about their effectiveness? What are good practices and lessons learned in different countries? The study is based on nine detailed country case studies of the following EU Member States: Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. It has been produced by the Migration Policy Centre (MPC) at the European University Institute in Florence.
Year 2016
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6175 Report

Refugee Lives Matter? - Protecting the human rights of migrants and refugees through international and regional obligations to investigate deaths

Principal investigator Sam McIntosh (Principal Investigator)
Thousands of migrants are currently dying every year in Europe in deeply troubling circumstances. Most die whilst attempting to cross the Mediterranean, but there are also many deaths in refugee camps, immigration detention centres or during attempts to cross Europe's internal borders. State and EU policy on migration and border control is notoriously vulnerable to political manoeuvring, as political parties compete for a fickle domestic electorship. This project will explore both the existing scope, and the theoretical normative potential, of international obligations to investigate certain deaths as a means of ensuring that the protection of migrants' lives is less dependent on political will, and more tied to existing human rights and humanitarian obligations. The project will ask the following questions: In what circumstances will the death of an unsettled migrant engage a state's obligation to investigate and explore potential accountability for the death? To what extent are existing investigative obligations sufficient for ensuring a minimum of practical protection for the range of human rights owed to migrants and refugees? And, taking into account international legal precedents and the theoretical controversies that accompany them, what is the normative scope of investigative obligations as a means of better safeguarding these rights?
Year 2018
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6176 Project

COllaborative Network for Training and EXpertise in psychoTraumatology

Mental health disorders afflict more than one-third of the EU’s population each year with an annual economic cost to the EU of €432 billion. The ‘COllaborative Network for Training and EXcellence in psychoTraumatology’ (CONTEXT) is an international, interdisciplinary European Industrial Doctorate (EID) designed to address deficiencies in psychotraumatology training and innovation. A key feature of CONTEXT is the minimum 50% secondment of each ESR to the non-academic sector. Consistent with the requirements of an EID, this component grants ESRs access to populations not otherwise accessible in standard doctoral training programmes. This design will facilitate a new cohort of researchers and practitioners who can translate research into practice, thereby mitigating the impact of psychotrauma in the EU. The goal of CONTEXT is to develop a high quality, innovative research training programme to build capacity and expertise, and foster innovative practice and social enterprise in the area of psychotraumatology. The nine beneficiaries of CONTEXT represent a diverse, interconnected, intersectoral consortium, well placed to collaboratively train and supervise the 12 ESRs. Three interconnected research work packages, each targeting a priority population in Europe (EU-based asylum seekers and refugees, WP3; emergency-service personnel and humanitarian first-responders, WP4; and victims and perpetrators of childhood- and gender-based violence, WP5), address current and emergent skill and professional deficiencies that are essential in curbing the adverse social consequences of trauma-related psychological distress within the EU. CONTEXT enjoys significant support and commitment from highly regarded, international stakeholders and influencers at the political, scientific, and professional level.
Year 2016
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6178 Project

Feeding Race

Authors Itai Vardi
Year 2010
Journal Name Food, Culture & Society
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6179 Journal Article

Return migration of Americans: Personal narratives and psychological perspectives

Authors S. Ben Yehuda-Sternfeld, Julia Mirsky, J. Mirsky
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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6180 Journal Article

Racial Myths and Regulatory Responsibility

Authors Nicolle K. Strand
Year 2021
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6181 Journal Article

Children of Immigrants in the Netherlands: Growing Up in Diversity

Authors Helga de Valk
Year 2010
Journal Name Child Indicators Research
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6182 Journal Article

Race Making in a Penal Institution

Authors Michael Luke Walker
Year 2016
Journal Name American Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 17
6183 Journal Article

SOCIETY, CULTURE AND FRONTIERS: Interdisciplinary Approaches

Authors Gabriela MEZZANOTTI, Fábio Lopes Alves, Eduardo Portanova Barros, ...
Year 2020
Book Title Society, culture and frontiers: Interdisciplinary approaches
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6184 Book Chapter

Skills and Integration of Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Applicants in European Labour Markets

Despite the polarization in public and policy debates generated by the post-2014 fluxes of refugees, asylum applicants and migrants, European countries need to work out an evidence-based way to deal with migration and asylum rather than a prejudice-based one. The proposed project, SIRIUS, builds on a multi-dimensional conceptual framework in which host country or political-institutional, societal and individual-related conditions function either as enablers or as barriers to migrants’, refugees’ and asylum seekers’ integration via the labour market. SIRIUS has three main objectives: A descriptive objective: To provide systematic evidence on post-2014 migrants, refugees and asylum applicants especially women and young people and their potential for labour market employment and, more broadly, social integration. An explanatory objective: To advance knowledge on the complexity of labour market integration for post-2014 migrants, refugees and asylum applicants, and to explore their integration potential by looking into their spatial distribution (in relation to the distribution of labour demand across the labour market), while taking into account labour market characteristics and needs in different country and socio-economic contexts. A prescriptive objective: To advance a theoretical framework for an inclusive integration agenda, outlining an optimal mix of policy pathways for labour market integration including concrete steps that Member States and other European countries along with the EU can take to ensure that migrant-integration policies and the broader system of workforce-development, training, and employment programmes support new arrivals’ access to decent work opportunities and working conditions. SIRIUS has a mixed methods approach and innovative dissemination plan involving online priority action networks, film essays, festival, job fair and an applied game along with scientific and policy dialogue workshops and conferences.
Year 2018
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6185 Project

Irregular Migration in Sudan: A Legal Perspective

Authors Mohamed Abdelsalam BABIKER
This paper looks at irregular migration in Sudan from a legal perspective by examining the national legal framework related to irregular migration into and through Sudan. It provides analysis of immigration and labour laws, which stipulate certain sanctions against irregular migrants and also sanctions for the facilitation of irregular migration into Sudan. In this context, the paper analyzes national laws from the perspective of international human-rights law and asks whether such laws provide enough guarantees for irregular migrants. It also examines regulation for the migration of Sudanese citizens. The paper further addresses the legal status of three types or categories of migrants in Sudan: (a) irregular labour migrants; (b) transit migrants; and (c) refugees. The paper identifies laws and cases decided by the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights related to the protection of asylum seekers and refugees and their rights and duties under national and international humanrights law. It concludes that Sudanese laws dealing with irregular migration are not adequate despite the fact that Sudan receives huge numbers of irregular migrants as well as deports thousands of them each year. Sudan has not taken a proactive role or entered into bilateral agreements with its neighbours to combat irregular migration. Résumé Cet article traite de la migration irrégulière au Soudan d’une perspective juridique, en examinant le cadre juridique national relatif à la migration irrégulière à travers et au Soudan. Il fournit une analyse des lois sur l’immigration et le travail, qui prescrivent des sanctions à l’encontre des migrants irréguliers et des personnes qui facilitent leur migration. Dans ce contexte, l’article analyse le cadre juridique soudanais au regard du droit international des droits de l’homme. Il traite également de la réglementation régissant la migration des citoyens soudanais. L’article porte ensuite sur trois catégories de migrants au Soudan : a) les migrants économiques en situation irrégulière ; b) les migrants en transit ; c) les réfugiés. L’article identifie le droit dégagé par la Commission africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples, relatif à la protection des demandeurs d’asile et des réfugiés. Il conclut que le droit soudanais s’appliquant à la migration irrégulière n’est pas adapté, en dépit de la présence d’un grand nombre de migrants irréguliers et de l’expulsion de milliers d’entre eux chaque année. Enfin, le Soudan n’a pas adopté de rôle proactif ni conclu d’accords bilatéraux avec ses voisins en la matière.
Year 2011
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6186 Report

Gender Differences between Mexican Migration to the United States and Paraguayan Migration to Argentina

Authors M Cerrutti, Magali Gaudio
Year 2010
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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6188 Journal Article

Female and male body image ideals among Arab immigrants and Germans in Germany

Authors Lucas B. Mazur, Muznah Alterkawi, Magnus J. P. Mueller, ...
Year 2021
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6189 Journal Article

In Different Voices: Auckland Refugee Communities’ Engagement with Conflict Resolution in New Zealand

Authors Anet Kate, Anet Kate, Jane Verbitsky, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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6190 Journal Article

Introduction: Rethinking Protection

Authors Raffaela Puggioni
Book Title Rethinking International Protection
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6191 Book Chapter

Whose House is this Anyway? IDP and Refugee Return in Post-Saddam Iraq

Authors David Romano
Year 2005
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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6192 Journal Article

The Conscripted Curriculum and the Reproduction of Racial Inequalities in Contemporary US Medical Education

Authors Lauren D. Olsen
Year 2019
6193 Journal Article

Choosing race: Multiracial ancestry and identification

Authors Aaron Gullickson, A Gullickson, Ann Morning
Year 2011
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 44
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6194 Journal Article

Whites' Racial Policy Attitudes in the Twenty-First Century: The Continuing Significance of Racial Resentment

Authors SA TUCH, Michael Hughes
Year 2011
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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6195 Journal Article

Innovating inequity: if race is a technology, postracialism is the genius bar

Authors Ruha Benjamin
Year 2016
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 7
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6196 Journal Article

Does Skin Tone Matter? Immigrant Mobility in the US Labor Market

Authors JooHee Han
Year 2020
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6197 Journal Article

Stanovanjsko področje v Sloveniji za priseljence in njihove potomce: pravna ureditev in izbrani kazalniki v praksi

Authors Janez Pirc, Romana Bešter, Mojca Medvešek
Year 2020
Book Title Diversity in ethnicity research: selected perspectives II
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6198 Book Chapter

Teaching tourism in Jamaica: developing students’ critical consciousness and intercultural competence

Authors Carey Applegate, Cathy Rex
Year 2018
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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6199 Journal Article

The effect of perceived cultural and material threats on ethnic preferences in immigration attitudes

Authors Pazit Ben-Nun Bloom, Gizem Arikan, G Lahav, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 16
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6200 Journal Article
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