
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Perceptions of settlement well-being, language proficiency, and employment: An investigation of immigrant adult language learners in Australia

Authors Sun Hee Ok Kim, John Ehrich, Laura Ficorilli
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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45901 Journal Article

Civic Integration as Symbolic Politics: Insights from Austria

Authors Julia Mourão Permoser, Julia Mourao Permoser
Year 2012
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
45902 Journal Article

Unaccompanied Foreign Minors: Life projects of young Africans in the Canary Islands

The intensification of irregular African immigration in the Canary Islands resulted in the arrival of thousands of unaccompanied fo-reign minors (MENA in Spanish: Menores Extranjeros No Acompa-ñados), reaching a peak of maximum intensity in 2006 during the so-called “cayuco crisis”. This population of immigrants under the age of 18 is under the tutelage of the government of the Canary Islands and is placed in specific reception centers for foreign mi-nors (CAME in Spanish: Centro de Acogida para Menores Extran-jeros). The paper presents the methodology and main results of a research project, implemented by the author for the Observatory of Immigration in Tenerife (OBITen), about what these young Africans experienced when turned into Unaccompanied Foreign Minors by an administrative process whose aim is to protect them as vulne-rable persons.The project fieldwork included in-depth interviews with immigrant minors and experts. Additionally we carried out semi-structured interviews with professionals linked to the development and edu-cation of the unaccompanied foreign minors. We also organized focus groups with the resident Canary Islands population.The results we obtained reveal shortcomings in several areas: in the personal and emotional experience this process supposes for the migrants, in the area of administration and management and, particularly, concerning the transition from the condition of unac-companied foreign minor to the status of adult immigrant.
Year 2012
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45904 Report

Cultural value fit of immigrant and minority adolescents: The role of acculturation orientations

Authors David Schiefer, Anna Moellering, Ella Daniel, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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45905 Journal Article

Factors affecting immigrants’ acculturation intentions: A theoretical model and its assessment among adolescent immigrants from Russia and Ukraine in Israel

Authors Eugene Tartakovsky
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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45907 Journal Article

Beyond the playing field: Experiences of sport, social capital, and integration among Somalis in Australia

Authors Ramón Spaaij, Ramon Spaaij
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 40
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45908 Journal Article

Host culture Adoption or Intercultural Contact? Comparing different acculturation conceptualizations and their effects on host members’ attitudes towards immigrants

Authors Camilla Matera, Rupert Brown, Cristina Stefanile
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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45909 Journal Article

Identity development in adolescence: Longitudinal studies on identity transitions, antecedents, and consequences in various gender and ethnic groups

Adolescents need to develop their own identities in order to become responsible adults and citizenships. Furthermore, formation of a firm identity is necessary to promote adolescent mental health and to prevent endorsement of risk and delinquent behaviours. The purpose of this project is to examine identity formation over time and to investigate antecedents and consequences of adolescent identity changes. In order to overcome current shortcomings of the identity research field this project will (a) use as framework a recent process model of identity aimed at disentangling the dynamic by which identity is formed and revised over time; (b) analyze identity formation in junior and high school students; (c) adopt longitudinal designs to directly test causality links involving identity changes, their predictors, and their effects; (d) take into account contextual influences that may impact adolescent identity; (e) examine ethnic differences, to test whether immigrant adolescents living in the Netherlands face the identity formation task differently from their autochthonous peers; (f) investigate gender differences, to find peculiarities and similarities between boys’ and girls’ identity paths; (g) translate main findings in meaningful recommendations for practitioners and policy makers that could use evidence-based results to plan interventions aimed at promoting healthy adolescent development. This project includes three studies aimed at addressing the following research questions: how does identity develop over time? Which are the effects of identity transitions on depressive and anxiety symptoms? (Study I); Which are the life events that can be predictive of identity changes over time? How does early adolescent identity predict middle and late adolescent developmental paths? (Study II); Do dyadic adolescent-best friend relationships influence identity formation and how (i.e., through identification or differentiation dynamics)? (Study III).
Year 2012
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45910 Project

Acculturation stress in South Sudanese refugees: Impact on marital relationships

Authors Nigar G. Khawaja, Karla Milner
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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45911 Journal Article

Diasporas and Contested Sovereignty: Transnational Diaspora Mobilization in Europe and Its Impact on Political Proceses in the Balkans, the Caucasus, and the Middle East

This groundbreaking multi-methods political science study investigates the transnational mobilization of conflict-generated diasporas in Europe and its impact on polities experiencing contested sovereignty in the Balkans, the Caucasus, and the Middle East. Four researchers study how diasporas mobilize when a specific aspect of sovereignty is contested in the original homeland: The PI focuses on the emergence of new states (Kosovo, Nagorno-Karabakh, Palestine). The Post-doc focuses on a secessionist movement (Kurdish separatism in Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan). The two Ph.D. students focus on challenges to sovereignty stemming from international military intervention (Iraq) and long-term international governance of a weak state (Bosnia-Herzegovina). Since the scholarly field of diasporas and conflicts still lacks theoretical rigor, this study brings a much needed systematization and innovates in several ways. First, it uses a sequential qualitative and quantitative analysis and multi-sited research techniques that have not been utilized so far. Second, the team seeks to develop a typological theory to incorporate in a single framework: 1) diasporic identities, 2) conditions providing political opportunity structures for transnational mobilization, 3) causal mechanisms concatenating in mobilization processes, and 4) transnational diaspora networks, penetrating various local and global institutions. The study further focuses on five levels of analysis: 1) the attitudes of individuals, 2) characteristics of specific groups, 3) five nation-states with different migrant incorporation regimes (France, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, and the UK), 4) supranational EU and global institutions penetrated by diaspora networks, 5) and patterns of mobilization specific to a certain region. The project also conducts a cross-country representative survey across 25 country-groups, creating a much needed quantitative dataset, sensitive both to transnationalism and specific context.
Year 2012
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45912 Project

School co-ethnicity and Hispanic parental involvement

Authors Joshua Klugman, Shelley L. Nelson, Jennifer C. Lee
Year 2012
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 8
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45913 Journal Article

Feasibility study on the labour market performance of regularised migrants in Europe

The regularisation of irregular immigrants remains one of the main controversial policy options in regard to policies towards irregular migrants. While there is an increasing realisation that in some contexts regularisation may be an appropriate and necessary response to the sustained presence of irregular migrants, notably in humanitarian cases such as migrants who cannot be returned or who have family or other strong ties to their country of residence, opposition against regularisation remains strong, often based on principled considerations. However, very little is still known about wider impacts of regularisation, and in particular the impact of regularisation on those regularised. Objectives: The objectives of this feasibility study are threefold: • To determine the feasibility of conducting a comparative survey on the labour market performance of regularised immigrants in seven European countries; • To identify the best design for an empirical study of the labour market performance of regularised and irregular migrants and prepare draft tools for an implementation of the survey; • To provide tentative results on labour market trajectories of regularised migrants on the basis of exploratory qualitative research conducted in the course of the feasibility study. An earlier study conducted by ICMPD between 2007 and 2009 ( “Regularisations in Europe”, REGINE) had identified the overall extent of regularisation, the different forms, rationales and target groups of regularisation, while linking regularisation to the complex causes of irregularity, differing patterns of irregular migration and different overall policy responses to irregular migration across the EU. Yet as a study largely based on desk research and limited primary data collection amongst public authorities and other stakeholders, the study was unable to provide robust evidence regarding the wider impacts of regularisation, including the impact of regularisation on labour market trajectories of regularised migrants. The REGANE study sets out to address this gap. In its feasibility study phase, the study has three aims. First, it will assess the feasibility of conducting a quantitative survey amongst regularised and non-regularised migrants in 7 European countries; second, it will explore the best design for a quantitative empirical study of labour market trajectories of regularised migrants; and third it will undertake explorative qualitative research involving research with relevant experts, public authorities and migrants, thus not only preparing the ground for the implementation of the quantitative survey but also providing preliminary results regarding labour market trajectories of regularised migrants. The quantitative survey prepared through this feasibility study itself is planned to be implemented in a second phase of the project. It expected to provide the first systematic comparative assessment of individual level impacts of regularisation on those regularised in Europe.
Year 2012
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45914 Project

Visualizing ‘Community’: An Experiment in Participatory Photography among Kurdish Diasporic Workers in London

Authors Jane Holgate, Janroj Keles, Leena Kumarappan
Year 2012
Journal Name The Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 16
45916 Journal Article

A comparativist manifesto for international migration studies

Authors David FitzGerald, D Fitzgerald
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 29
45917 Journal Article

Sirius Network - Migrant Education

SIRIUS 2.0 is the Migration Policy Group (MPG)-led network that brings together educational stakeholders (researchers, policymakers and practitioners as well as migrants and refugees themselves) to support inclusive policy development and facilitate the integration of children and young people with migration background in education.
Year 2012
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45918 Project

African Medical Migration: Nigerianische Ärzte in den USA im Spannungsfeld moralischer, ökonomischer und professioneller Verpflichtungen

Principal investigator Hansjörg Dilger (Principal Investigator)
Die internationale Migration von ÄrztInnen aus Subsahara-Afrika hat in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen. 40 % aller Medizinabsolventen eines Jahrgangs der University of Nigeria sind 10 Jahre nach Beendigung ihres Studiums migriert, wobei die USA beliebtestes Migrationsziel sind. Bislang erfolgte eine eingehende Analyse der Medizinmigration unter dem Schlagwort des „Brain Drain“ vorwiegend aus ökonomischer Perspektive. Empirische Studien, die die Sichtweisen und weiteren Lebenszusammenhänge der Ärzte selbst in den Blick nehmen, blieben hingegen aus. Das hier skizzierte Projekt baut auf dem aktuellen Forschungsstand der Migration afrikanischer Ärzte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Forschungsfelder skilled migration, Biomedizin in und aus Afrika, und transnationale Netzwerke auf. Ziel ist es, die Migrationserfahrungen einzelner nigerianischer Ärzte in den USA aus emischer Perspektive zu erforschen. Individuelle, soziale und kulturelle Migrationsmotivationen werden identifiziert und die Einbindung der Medizinmigranten in translokale, professionelle, geo-ethnische und familiäre oder religiöse Netzwerke analysiert. Im Fokus steht zudem das Selbstverständnis als Arzt und wie sich dieses durch die Einflüsse der Migration und Begegnung mit verschiedenen Medizinsystemen und -praktiken wandelt. Eine dichte Beschreibung dessen, wie sich afrikanische Medizinmigranten in einer globalen biomedizinischen Landschaft verorten und welchen Einfluss transnationale Netzwerke auf Zugehörigkeit, Mobilität und moralische Verpflichtungen gegenüber dem Herkunftsland haben, erlaubt abschließend ein umfassenderes Bild der African Medical Migration als es vorliegende quantitative Studien vermögen.
Year 2012
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45919 Project

Integration and prevention of social deviance for young male immigrants and young males from immigrant families

In the public and political debate concerning the integration of third country nationals, young immigrant males or young males from a migrant family are often presented as a group lacking professional and academic success and prone to social deviant behavior or violent crimes. Studies have pointed out that the reality is more complex than the media discourse. "Young male immigrants" are neither a homogeneous group nor can social deviance among young male adults be explained solely by reference to the migration biography or descent from migrant parents. The main objective of this study is to give an overview of the state of the art of research on adolescence and migration and to identify successful pre- and interventive measures fostering the integration of male immigrant adolescents. The study aims in particular to discuss the specific problems of integration of male immigrant adolescents, to analyse successful approaches and working models of prevention and socio-pedagogical intervention and to develop concrete proposals for further policy development in this specific area of integration. The study is based on a literature analysis and qualitative interviews with experts from academia, labor market authorities, schools and extracurricular youth work and the police. Particular attention is paid to successful projects in the field of youth work with the target group. Objectives of the project • Analyse the risk of social deviance among young migrant men with specific regard to social and family contexts. • Identify factors that shape success and failures in socialisation. • Identify good practices to prevent social deviance and foster the integration of young male migrants into education and vocational training. • Formulate policy recommendations. To reach these aims, the study applies multiple methods including desk research, secondary statistical analysis, and qualitative interviews with experts and practitioners. Outcomes • Analysis report • Mapping of good practices • Policy recommendations
Year 2012
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45921 Project

Imagined identity of ethnic Koreans and its implication for bilingual education in China

Authors Fang Gao
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 4
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45923 Journal Article

Being and Becoming “A New Immigrant” in Canada: How Language Matters, or Not

Authors Huamei Han
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Language, Identity & Education
Citations (WoS) 10
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45924 Journal Article

Muslim schools in secular societies: persistence or resistance!

Authors Saeeda Shah
Year 2012
Journal Name British Journal of Religious Education
Citations (WoS) 17
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45925 Journal Article

Māori culture as a psychological asset for New Zealanders’ acculturation experiences abroad

Authors Awanui Te Huia, JH Liu, Awanui Te Huia, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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45926 Journal Article

Shifts in the employment outcomes among Mexican migrants to the United States, 1976–2009

Authors KM Donato, Blake Sisk, Katharine M. Donato
Year 2012
Journal Name Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
Citations (WoS) 15
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45927 Journal Article

Emotion and Migration: British Transnationals in Dubai

Authors Katie Walsh
Year 2012
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Citations (WoS) 27
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45928 Journal Article

‘Small-Town Defenders’: The Production of Citizenship and Belonging in Hazleton, Pennsylvania

Authors Justin Steil, Jennifer Ridgley
Year 2012
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Citations (WoS) 16
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45929 Journal Article

Embodiment of social communication: The affective and sensory bases of second language in early and late bilinguals

The proposed research program consists of a series of integrated experiments designed to make a contribution to an improved understanding of communication dynamics in the current reality of multicultural societies that requires participation in two (or more) linguistic communities. Specifically the research investigates the implications of emotion language in primary (L1) and secondary language (L2) in early and late bilinguals. The general argument is that the modalities that ground concepts in L1 and L2 are unlikely to be equivalent on behavioral and physiological indicators, particularly with late bilinguals. The main theoretical contribution of this proposal is to be found in the implications that this research is likely to have to the current debate on the embodiment perspective on language. As far as we know, these are the first studies on embodiment using bilingual samples, which may lend new and additional support to the assumptions that cognition and language are grounded on affective bodily states and identify the constrains of such assumptions when L2 is at stake. The applied implications of investigating differences in the modality driven grounding of concepts between L1 and L2 are far reaching for intercultural communication. The proposed research elucidates the factors and conditions that constrain the use of L2 in everyday discourse across a variety of contexts where the daily use of a second language for professional, recreational and interpersonal purposes is increasingly required and has implications for the educational policies regarding second language acquisition.
Year 2012
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45930 Project

Rush to the border? Market liberalization and urban- and rural-origin internal migration in Mexico

Authors A Villarreal, Erin R. Hamilton, Andrés Villarreal
Year 2012
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 8
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45931 Journal Article

Patterns within prejudice: antisemitism in the United States in the 1940s

Authors Eva-Maria Ziege
Year 2012
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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45932 Journal Article

Who Needs Migrant Workers? Labour Shortages, Immigration and Public Policy

Authors Nigel Harris
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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45933 Journal Article

Migration issue in programs and platforms of political parties in Moldova

Authors Alex OPRUNENCO
Over the last decade the labour migration has become a defining feature of social, economic and political life in Moldova. Remittances sent by Moldovan migrants appeared critical in fueling country’s consumption-based economic growth and driving thousands of Moldovan families out of poverty. On the flip side, Moldovan economy became dependent on these remittances, labour shortages became pronounced while social fabric came under serious stress. No less important, in the last years importance of Moldovan diaspora came to the fore: both as a source of electoral support and financial capital to support investment. Despite the omnipresence of the phenomenon, political parties’ platforms reflect these realities to limited extent. The former ruling Communists’ party, ousted from power in 2009, has been reluctant to politically recognize critical role of migration in underpinning country’s economic growth throughout period of its rule (2001-2009). This reluctance is striking against the backdrop of extensive cooperation between the Communist government and international organization aimed at putting in place nation system of migration management. The former opposition parties, now members of ruling coalition, have been eager to highlight the shortcomings of the remittance-driven economic growth during the period of Communist rule. However, on the programmatic level they essentially focused on the same issues as the Communist party did in practice during its rule: legalization of labour migration, attracting migrants and remittances back in Moldova in order to support investment-based economic growth and working closely with the EU in order to facilitate travel of Moldovan citizens to the EU. All in all, this should facilitate policy-making process on the migration issue
Year 2011
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45934 Report

Economic Participation and National Self-Identification of Refugees in the Netherlands

Authors Thomas de Vroome, Frank van Tubergen, Maykel Verkuyten, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 15
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45935 Journal Article

Intercountry Adoption Flows from Africa to the U.S.: A Fifth Wave of Intercountry Adoptions?

Authors Mary Ann Davis
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 4
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45936 Journal Article

The Politics of Home: Dual Citizenship and the African Diaspora

Authors Beth Elise Whitaker
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 12
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45937 Journal Article

The Settlement Country and Ethnic Identification of Children of Turkish Immigrants in Germany, France, and the Netherlands: What Role Do National Integration Policies Play?

Authors Evelyn Ersanilli, S Saharso, Sawitri Saharso
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 13
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45938 Journal Article

The impact of worker effort on public sentiment toward temporary migrants

Authors Gil S. EPSTEIN, Alessandra VENTURINI
Year 2011
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45939 Working Paper

The impact of worker effort on public sentiment toward temporary migrants

Authors Gil S. EPSTEIN, Alessandra VENTURINI
Year 2011
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45940 Working Paper

From scapegoats to ‘good’ immigrants?

Authors Ifigeneia KOKKALI
Year 2011
Journal Name Quaderni del circolo rosselli
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45941 Journal Article

The impact of worker effort on public sentiment toward temporary migrants

Authors Gil S. EPSTEIN, Alessandra VENTURINI
Year 2011
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45942 Working Paper

Varieties of capitalism, variation in labour immigration

Authors Camilla DEVITT
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 24
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45943 Journal Article

The impact of worker effort on public sentiment toward temporary migrants

Authors Gil S. EPSTEIN, Alessandra VENTURINI
Year 2011
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45944 Working Paper

Trend demografici, sviluppo economico e dualismo nord-sud

Year 2011
Journal Name Rassegna economica
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45971 Journal Article

The Impact of Worker Effort on Public Sentiment toward Temporary Migrants

Authors Gil S. EPSTEIN, Alessandra VENTURINI
Year 2011
Journal Name Research in Labor Economics, 2011, 33, 239–262
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45972 Journal Article

Immigration Without Inclusion: Non-nationals in nation-building in the Gulf States

Authors Philippe FARGUES
Year 2011
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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45973 Journal Article

Regulation that Defies Gravity - Policy, Economics and Law of Legal Immigration in Europe

Authors Anna KOCHAROV
Year 2011
Journal Name European journal of legal studies, 2016, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 211-249
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45974 Journal Article

Le cadre général de la migration au Liban (2009-2011)

Authors Fadia KIWAN, Hala S. ITANI
Ce texte traite des enjeux au Liban dans le domaine de la migration et de l’attention portée par les autorités libanaises à ces enjeux. Tout d’abord, l’important mouvement d’émigration dans un contexte de crise politique soulève différents problèmes, en particulier le poids des remises dans le PNB, l’impact de l’émigration des compétences, et la restitution de la nationalité libanaise aux descendants d’émigrés. Par ailleurs, l’immigration de main-d'oeuvre non qualifiée ne suscite qu’une attention limitée de la part des autorités libanaises, malgré son importance, notamment du point de vue des conditions de travail des étrangers. This paper deals with issues related to migration from and to Lebanon and the attitudes of the Lebanese officials toward such issues. First, major flows of out-migration in a context of great political instability raise various issues as the weight of the remittances in the GDP, the impact of highly skilled migration, and the restitution of citizenship to Lebanese descents. On the other hand, the Lebanese officials largely overlook in-migration of low skill workers, although this phenomenon is quite important, in particular when considering the working conditions of the foreigners.
Year 2011
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45976 Report

La situation des réfugiés et travailleurs syriens au Liban suite aux soulèvements populaires en Syrie

Authors Hala NAUFAL
Depuis mars 2011, la répression violente des manifestations contre le régime syrien a entrainé la fuite de milliers de réfugiés vers le nord du Liban. La plupart d’entre eux ont afflué par des points de passages frontaliers illégaux et ont été hébergés par des membres de leurs familles. Le Haut Comité de Secours libanais (HCS) a supervisé et coordonné l’aide humanitaire fournie par des organismes locaux et internationaux. Le nombre de réfugiés enregistrés dans la base de données établie par le HCS et le Haut-Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les Réfugiés (HCR) connait des fluctuations, mais il atteignait 3605 personnes à la fin du mois de novembre 2011. Toutefois, les ONG locales considèrent que le nombre de réfugiés syriens au Liban est plus important. L’absence de cadre juridique et de politique officielle vis-à-vis des réfugiés syriens explique la précarité de leur situation au Liban. Parallèlement, plusieurs centaines de milliers de travailleurs migrants syriens résident au Liban. Since March 2011, protests against the Syrian regime have been violently repressed resulting in thousands of Syrian refugees fleeing toward the North of Lebanon. Most of them have crossed the border illegally and have been hosted by their relatives in Lebanon. The Lebanese High Relief Committee (HRC) has supervised and coordinated humanitarian aid provided par local and international organizations. The number of refugees registered in the database of the HRC and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) varies, but it reached 3605 persons at the end of November 2011. However, local NGOs consider that the number of Syrian refugees in Lebanon is higher. The lack of legal framework and official policy in respect with the Syrian refugees explains their precarious situation. In parallel, several hundreds of thousands of Syrian migrant workers are residing in Lebanon.
Year 2011
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45977 Report

Working Conditions for Migrant Workers in the Qualifying Industrial Zones of The Hashemite kingdom of Jordan

Authors Amin AL-WREIDAT, Adnan RABABA
The Qualifying Industrial Zones (QIZ) are areas designated by the Jordanian and Israeli authorities and approved by the U.S. Government, where products can be exported duty free to the United States, making use of the Israeli Free Trade Area Agreement with the U.S. The QIZs represent an unprecedented opportunity to gain duty and quota-free entry into the U.S market, with 100 % exemption of the export earning from income and social services taxes, and no customs duties payment on imported raw materials, fixed assets, and spare parts. QIZ products can include material content from any part of the world, but 35 % of the appraised value must be added in the QIZ. The labour standards and working conditions in those zones started being highlighted, at the national and international levels, following the release of the first relevant report of the National Labour Committee (NLC), of the United States , in May 2006, which then described the U.S.-Jordan Free Trade Agreement, due to the deterioration of working conditions of migrant workers in those zones, as Descending into Human Trafficking & Involuntary Servitude. The Jordanian Government’s inspection and verification campaigns that followed the NLC report, showed that the labour and OSH standards in many QIZ enterprises, and even human standards in some cases, did not meet the minimum acceptable limits, as per both international and national standards. The Jordanian Government’s response was prompt and proved to be very effective. The most successful reform was the one of the labour inspection system, which was the tool by which the Government closely monitored and followed-up working conditions in the zones, and through which it imposed serious sanctions against violators, such as permanently closing down some of those enterprises, the employers and/or managements of which failed to abide by the law. Almost 5 years following the release of the NLC report, this study shows that nearly none of the past violations reported by the NLC still exist in the QIZs. Labour rights, in terms of wages, working hours and leaves are protected. Occupational safety, health standards and human rights have seen great improvement and are also fully respected. There are no more confiscated passports, no more reported cases of physical, sexual, or verbal abuse and no more cases of forced labour or discrimination of any form. The number of QIZ enterprises and the number of their workers, both local and migrant, reached their peaks in 2006. There was then a decline in numbers until 2009, as a double effect of the Government’s action to rectify the labour standards in those zones as well as the Global Economic Crisis. The crisis, besides affecting Jordan, also directly affected the U.S. importers and buyers, for whom all QIZs’ manufacturers produce. The numbers of workers in those zones showed some increase in 2010, which could be an indicator of a recovery from such effects. The exports of the QIZs have also reached their peak level in 2006, but since then showed progressive decline, due to the factors mentioned above. No adequate statistics could be gathered on the total exports from those zones for the whole year of 2010. However, if the monthly average of exports for the first seven months of 2010, which are included in this study, could be applied to the last five months of the same year, then 2010’s exports would exceed those of 2009 by about 22%. The QIZ sector can be presently considered as one of the most successful sectors concerning working conditions and OSH in Jordan, where most of national and international labour standards are observed. The findings of this report represent the general situation existing in the QIZs in Jordan, at the time of the study. There are off course possible exceptions to be found, but these are often on a small scale and in concealed or unreported cases.
Year 2011
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45978 Report

Towards Effective Temporary Labor Migration Schemes Report on Lebanon and Jordan

Migration policy is one of the fields least scrutinized in the Arab world. Responding to international economic trends, policy makers, social partners, and civil society players in Jordan and Lebanon have come to the realization that certain labour market bottlenecks can only be overcome by bringing in foreign workers. This has led to a significant immigration of laborers from a wide variety of countries and forced all relevant participants in the policy making process to renew their interest in coordinated temporary labour migration schemes. Both in Jordan and Lebanon, experts and policy makers alike see opportunities in these schemes that can help them meet the changing demands in their labour markets without permanently adding to their populations and labour forces. In the countries of origin, reciprocally, temporary labour migration schemes are intended to allow governments to alleviate pressures on their labour markets in the short and medium-term, and also let them reap the benefits of migration, through remittances and skill acquisition. In this study the authors will consider, based on a tripartite approach, whether the interests of employers and workers organizations coincide with those of governments in designing and implementing temporary migration schemes. The internationally codified rights of migrant workers to equality and non-discrimination and to their integration into societies and workplaces will be compared to the realities on the ground in Lebanon and Jordan. Have the limited provisions for protecting employees’ rights and a lack of their integration into the host societies negatively affected policy goals, closely linked to social cohesion? Does the effective protection of migrant workers contradict the needs of the indigenous populations in Lebanon and Jordan in general? Can the empowerment of the migrants themselves and their inclusion into the tripartite decision making process facilitate migration policy reform? Which social players can – and have – step in if the state and social partners neglect those roles foreseen for them by the international organizations dealing primarily with migrant labour, first and foremost the International Labour Organization (ILO)?
Year 2011
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45979 Report

Migration from the United States to the European Union: trends and characteristics

Authors Anna DI BARTOLOMEO, Giambattista SALINARI
This paper analyzes emigration from the United States to the European Union. Few empirical studies have been conducted on this topic and theorization on this type of migration is essentially inexistent. In this paper, we tried to fill this gap and to show how migration between advanced economies is crucial in understanding different and under-researched aspects of international migration. Specifically, the magnitude of migration from the US appears “too large” to be explained through classic migration theories but “too small” when compared to the overall movements originating in other developed countries. As to the main results, the lower migration propensity showed by the US born population compared with that of the population born in other advanced economies seems to be related to its historical evolution: the US has never had mass emigration and US colonialism was historically less relevant, at least compared to Europe. Geographical and cultural proximity assume instead a major relevance in explaining US emigration patterns and magnitude. Focusing on the characteristics of US emigration, we found, that the interplay of various specific forces have created over time a composite profile of this population, which – being characterized by specific and various motivations – looks, generally speaking, heterogeneous. More specifically, the profile of US emigrants in the European Union Member States is, we have found, essentially linked to family formation and to economic integration between EU and US society. We conclude that migration between advanced economies is relevant internationally, but largely ignored at a scientific level. The more interactions between economies are destined to augment, the more an understanding of their consequences for origin and destination countries becomes a priority.
Year 2011
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45980 Report

The Diaspora strikes back: Caribeño tales of learning and turning

Authors Raúl Rubio
Year 2011
Journal Name Latino Studies
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45981 Journal Article

Identity, memory and diaspora, voices of Cuban-American artists, writers and philosophers

Authors Andrea O'Reilly Herrera
Year 2011
Journal Name Latino Studies
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45982 Journal Article

Circular Migration between Spain and Morocco: Something more than agricultural work?

Circular migration between Morocco and Spain is currently restricted to a very narrow labour niche, the temporary agricultural work. Despite the geographical proximity between the two countries and the large number of Moroccan immigrants on Spanish soil, circular migration characterises only a minimal part of the migratory phenomenon. Other forms of circularity found in close and similar countries also related with Morocco, as Italy, are not present in Spain due to a variety of geographical and institutional reasons. The short periods Moroccan circular migrants spend in Spain and the low qualification of their jobs result in a small effect on development on origin. The report presents proposals to enlarge the scope of circular migration and open it to more qualified jobs.
Year 2011
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45983 Report

Reluctant Circularities: The interplay between integration, return and circular migration within the Albanian migration to Italy

Authors Nick MAI
The findings of the METOIKOS research project do not corroborate a politicised celebration of the circularisation of migration as a win-win situation for both countries of origin and destination. The majority of migrants interviewed in this research were reluctantly and ambivalently oscillating between Albania and Italy. For most, circulating is a way to achieve the migratory flexibility they need to negotiate their livelihoods between societies and labour markets characterised by the different opportunities, predicaments and degrees of socioeconomic and political instability. Most Albanian migrants do not choose to circulate, but accept to do so in order to secure the sustainability of projects of settlement abroad and/or return home which are still not completed or which became unsustainable in the context of the global financial crisis of the late 2000s. For younger people and women, particularly if they are studying, oscillating between Albania and Italy is both a way to reconcile the contradictory moral worlds brought together by their diasporic trajectories and a way to gain the socio-cultural capital to bypass widespread dynamics of corruption and preferential access to the labour market in Albania.
Year 2011
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45984 Report

Between “Voluntary Migrants” and War Refugees: The Health of the Shan Burmese Migrant Workers in Northern Thailand

Authors Nishant Verma, Celina Su, Coralie Chan, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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45985 Journal Article

Temporary Citizens: U.S. Immigration Law and Liberian Refugees

Authors Jennifer Simmelink
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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45986 Journal Article

Combined Boyden-Flow Cytometry Assay Improves Quantification and Provides Phenotypification of Leukocyte Chemotaxis

Authors Nardhy Gomez-Lopez, Felipe Vadillo-Ortega, Guadalupe Estrada-Gutierrez
Year 2011
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 4
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45987 Journal Article

Evidence for a “Migrant Personality”: Attachment Styles of Poles in Poland and Polish Immigrants in the Netherlands

Authors Elzbieta Polek, Jan Pieter Van Oudenhoven, Jos M. F. Ten Berge
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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45988 Journal Article

The effects of integration and transnational ties on international return migration intentions

Authors Hein de Haas, Tineke Fokkema
Year 2011
Journal Name Demographic Research
45989 Journal Article

Rethinking Sexual Initiation: Pathways to Identity Formation Among Gay and Bisexual Mexican Male Youth

Authors Hector Carrillo, Jorge Fontdevila
Year 2011
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45990 Journal Article

Ethnicity and Foreigners in Ancient Greece and China

Authors Alexander Jamieson Beecroft
Year 2011
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45991 Journal Article


Authors Dustin Kipp
Year 2011
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45992 Journal Article

Comparative Analysis of Immigration Politics: A Retrospective

Authors GP Freeman
Year 2011
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist, 2014, Vol. 58, No. 12, pp. 1614-1633
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45993 Journal Article

A life course perspective on migration and mental health among Asian immigrants: The role of human agency

Authors Fang Gong, David T. Takeuchi, Jun Xu, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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45994 Journal Article


Authors Ibrahim Imran Oztahtali
Year 2011
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45995 Journal Article

Is there such thing as 'global sex trafficking'? A patchwork tale on useful (mis)understandings

Authors Yvon van der Pijl, Brenda Carina Oude Breuil, Dina Siegel
Year 2011
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45996 Journal Article

Remittances, capital flows and financial development during the mass migration period, 1870-1913

Authors Rui Pedro Esteves, David Khoudour-Casteras
Year 2011
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45997 Journal Article

Findings on Migration, Ethnicity, Integration

Authors Uwe Simson
Year 2011
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45998 Journal Article

From rapport to collaboration ... and beyond? Revisiting field relationships in an ethnography of Ecuadorian migrants

Authors Paolo Boccagni
Year 2011
Journal Name Qualitative Research
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45999 Journal Article


Authors Edward J. K. Gitre
Year 2011
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
46000 Journal Article
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