
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Fluxos migratórios em Portugal: do boom migratório à desaceleração no contexto de crise. Balanços e desafios

Authors Beatriz Padilla, Alejandra Ortiz
Year 2012
Journal Name REMHU : Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana
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45801 Journal Article

Opieka społeczna w migranckich sieciach rodzinnych : polscy migranci w Islandii i ich starzy rodzice w Polsce 

Authors Lukasz Krzyzowski, Janusz Mucha
Year 2012
Journal Name Kultura i Społeczeństwo
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45802 Journal Article

Modernizing Impacts of Emigration

Year 2012
Journal Name Studia Socjologiczne
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45805 Journal Article

Unaccompanied immigrant minors in the Canary Islands: A legal approach

The Canary Islands have received significant numbers of unaccompanied minors, especially during 2006. This pheno-menon has resulted in the need to develop an appropriate policy response across the Spanish State and the European Union. The proposals to establish special protected status for unaccompanied migrant children have generated con-siderable controversy within the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, since it has assumed competence for taking the necessary measures for the protection of minors within its territory. This paper provides an overview of the relevant legislation and policies on reception, return and integration applicable to unaccompanied minors, analysing the difficulties that policymakers must take into account as they address the phenomenon of child migration
Year 2012
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45806 Report

Politicizing camps: forging transgressive citizenships in and through transit

Authors Kim Rygiel
Year 2012
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 20
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45807 Journal Article

Transition from emigration to immigration: Is it the destiny of modern European countries?

Year 2012
Book Title European Immigrations: Trends, Structures and Policy Implications
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45808 Book Chapter

Immigration for employment index (IMMEX)

The index focuses on labour immigration (and related rights) in the EU27. The data reflect the policies in place by 1st of January 2012. IMMEX analyses admission schemes for migrant workers, looking at both general-worker schemes and schemes for high-skilled migrants. The index, which has been developed by the Migration Policy Group (MPG), addresses four domains: identification needs; conditions of admission; security of status acquired; rights associated with status. Dimensions are assessed through a set of indicators and policy options (principles of human rights and good governance). The policy options are designed to capture the scope of immigration policies with the first option representing favourable terms laid down in existing international legal instruments, national practices or NGO proposals, and in some instances EC legislation (enacted and proposed). The second and third options are based on less favourable or unfavourable provisions of EC legislation (enacted or proposed) or national legislation. Legal experts in each of the EU27 countries were asked to assess which of the three policy options comes closest to the situation in their respective country. The index is presented by scheme and country, for general migrant workers and high-skilled migrant workers.
Year 2012
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45809 Data Set

Liberalizacja rynku pracy a migracje zarobkowe Polaków

Year 2012
Journal Name Zeszyty Naukowe. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu
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45810 Journal Article

Unaccompanied immigrant minors in the Canary Islands: A legal approach

The Canary Islands have received significant numbers of unaccompanied minors, especially during 2006. This pheno-menon has resulted in the need to develop an appropriate policy response across the Spanish State and the European Union. The proposals to establish special protected status for unaccompanied migrant children have generated con-siderable controversy within the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, since it has assumed competence for taking the necessary measures for the protection of minors within its territory. This paper provides an overview of the relevant legislation and policies on reception, return and integration applicable to unaccompanied minors, analysing the difficulties that policymakers must take into account as they address the phenomenon of child migration
Year 2012
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45811 Report

Los centros de internamiento de extranjeros en España: Origen, funcionamiento e implicaciones jurídico-sociales

Authors Adriana Jarrín-Morán, Dan Rodríguez-García, Javier De Lucas
Year 2012
Journal Name Documentos CIDOB Migraciones
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45812 Journal Article

Los Centros de Internamiento para Extranjeros en España: una evaluación crítica

Authors Adriana Jarrín-Morán, Dan Rodríguez-García, Javier De Lucas
Year 2012
Journal Name Revista CIDOB d’afers internacionals,
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45813 Journal Article

Položaj priseljenskih jezikov v Sloveniji

Authors Mojca Medvešek, Romana Bešter
Year 2012
Journal Name Jezik in slovstvo
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45814 Journal Article

Social capital and the educational achievement of young people: A study of Swedish school system in transition

Principal investigator Alireza Behtoui (REMESO Project Leader), Anders Neergaard (Participants from REMESO), Sabine Gruber (Participants from REMESO)
Studies of educational stratification show that children from advantaged backgrounds (more economic and cultural capital) attain higher educational merits than others. Recent research in educational stratification incorporates social capital as an additional factor with a significant impact on school achievement. The aim of this project is to examine, in a Swedish context, how access to social capital affects the educational performance of young people from different backgrounds (class, gender, and ethnicity), through the following research questions: Which characteristics of young people affect their access to social capital? Does social capital offset limited access to economic and cultural capital and contribute to better educational outcomes for young people of lower socioeconomic and/or immigrant origin? By what mechanisms does social capital improve individuals educational achievements?
Year 2012
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45816 Project

UniteEurope: ICT tools and the e-governance of immigrant integration

UniteEurope; the role of ICT-tools in the E-Governance of Immigrant Integration (FP7 project) UniteEurope aims at giving the main actors of integration – immigrants and members of the host societies – a voice by analysing public Social Media contents generated by citizens. This bottom-up approach allows revealing urban integration issues as they are actually experienced by those concerned. Thereby, the UniteEurope tool is meant to enable local decision makers to identify focal points, but also positive developments, as well as to initiate effective, efficient and sustainable integration measures and policies. An extensive in-depth analysis of urban administration as well as integration issues and measures, mainly gathered by qualitative methods of social research, should serve as the basis for software development. In close cooperation between social scientists and IT-specialists, an integration issue grid model with multi-layer logic patterns will be used for consistent categorisation of relevant integration areas (e.g. education, business, culture, etc.) in cities. Coherent layers with multilingual semantic tags, significant sources and parameters will make up the logical core of the tool. UniteEurope supports operational integration measures and strategic policy development at regional and pan-European level. The UniteEurope team consists of experts in E-Government, Social Media and integration from leading universities and competence centres, as well as system architects, software developers, companies, cities and NGOs from Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden. The team is counselled by international NGOs dealing with immigration, integration and asylum issues. The UniteEurope project is coordinated by INSET from Austria. The Erasmus University Research team is primarily involved with the social-scientific analysis of integration issues and local integration policies on which the ICT tools for social media analysis are to be developed.
Year 2012
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45818 Project

Evaluation of the Immigrant Citizens Survey

The project, coordinated by the King Baudouin Foundation, and the research, coordinated by the Migration Policy Group, involves ICMPD as evaluators of a recent survey of immigrants in seven European countries: Belgium, Denmark, France, Italy, Hungary, Portugal and Spain. The "Immigrant Citizens Survey" asks legally resident third country nationals to assess their own needs and evaluate how these needs have and could be met by public interventions. The survey addresses several areas of integration: the labour market and recognition of qualifications, family life, security of residence, access to general services, education, civic participation, access to nationality, and anti-discrimination and profiling.
Year 2012
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45819 Project

Mexico and its Diaspora in the United States. Policies Of Emigration Since 1848

Authors Matt Bakker
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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45820 Journal Article

The role of ethnic identity in school engagement: perceptions of immigrant Tibetan adolescents in select US public schools

Authors Nawang B. Phuntsog
Year 2012
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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45821 Journal Article

Co-Ethnic Network, Social Class, and Heritage Language Maintenance Among Chinese Immigrant Families

Authors Donghui Zhang, Dong H. Zhang
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Language, Identity & Education
Citations (WoS) 5
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45822 Journal Article

ICTEGRA: Survey on ICT to support everyday life integration of migrants

funded between the DGs JRC and CNECT The research examined to what extent technology can accelerate or trigger the process of integration of immigrants in their hosting societies. The project surveyed 1,500 immigrants in 3 Member States with a face to face/offline dissemination strategy.
Year 2012
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45823 Project

International Marriage Brokers, Cross-Border Marriages and the US Anti-Trafficking Campaign

Authors Nicole Constable, N Constable
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 7
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45824 Journal Article

Ethnicity and cultural models of recovery from breast cancer

Authors Jeannine Coreil, Jaime A. Corvin, Rebecca Nupp, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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45825 Journal Article

Does ethnic origin determine integration success? A comparison of immigration policies in Germany and Japan

Authors Patrick Hein
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian Ethnicity
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45826 Journal Article

Discourse connectives and the mind: a cross-linguistic analysis of processing and acquisition

'Discourse connectives like ‘because’ or ‘so’ in English can be used to relate various kinds of propositional contents, such as two events unfolding in the world (The temperature rises because the sun is shining) or a premise and a conclusion in the mind of a speaker (Max is ill because he didn’t come to work). The proposed study will make use of an array of state-of-the-art empirical methods such as eye-tracking, comprehension experiments, constrained elicitation and corpus analysis in order to investigate the cognitive differences between these different uses of connectives along four complementary axes: their acquisition by normally-developing children and children suffering from autism, their processing by adult speakers, and a cross-linguistic comparison between closely related languages. In addition to enriching our knowledge of the way connectives work, the planned studies will provide answers to several on-going scientific debates with far-reaching implications, both applied and theoretical. In the domain of language acquisition, they will provide important answers for the debate on the relation between language and cognition, and more specifically on the role of children’s mother tongue as a trigger for language acquisition and cognitive development. These studies will also reveal possible differences in processing between school-age children and adults, with important pedagogical implications for syllabus design and the evaluation of textual productions. In the field of autism, they will bring an important contribution to the understanding of the linguistic and communicative impairment of this population. Finally, the cross-linguistic comparisons will contribute to the development of a collaborative multilingual database of connectives, containing a more accurate representation of their meaning than the one found in bilingual dictionaries.'
Year 2012
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45827 Project

Mesurer la migration internationale par enquête : leçons de l'exemple espagnol

Authors Monica Marti, Mónica Martí, Carmen Ródenas, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Population
Citations (WoS) 4
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45828 Journal Article

Transnational entrepreneurs, global pipelines and shifting production patterns. The example of the Palanpuris in the diamond sector

Authors Sebastian Henn
Year 2012
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 23
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45829 Journal Article

Beyond cynicism and bare life: practices of citizenship against migrants' inclusive exclusion

'The proposed research addresses themes of current social relevance, such as the politics of migration and its governance, and their relation to emerging forms of engaged citizenship and sovereignty. The researcher shall investigate ethnographically modes of protest and solidarity that seek to contrast states' regulation of migrant movement (with a special focus on detention and deportation), and labour regimes based on the disposability of migrant bodies in contemporary Europe. Forms of resistance and flight are widespread across different EU countries, and take the form of attempted escapes from detention centres, hunger strikes, dirty protests, the sowing of one's lips, and episodes of self-harming, as well as labour strikes and dramatic acts that capture media attention, such as the occupation of rooftops and the climbing of cranes. Anti-racist solidarity networks are also active in supporting undocumented migrants, through demonstrations, boycotts, and the provision of alternative media coverage on the issue. The research will take Italy as the main research location, but a comparative perspective will be brought into the project by creating an interdisciplinary research network gathering scholars who work on related issues across Europe. The project will investigate the relationship between subjective experiences of migration, detention, protest and solidarity, in the light of multiple historical trajectories and personal narratives. Affective and intimate relations will be explored together with the workings of institutions and structures of power, their limitations and possible alternative modes of sociality.'
Year 2012
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45830 Project

Differentiating Sedimented from Modular Transnationalism: The View from East Asia

Authors Filomeno V. Aguilar
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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45831 Journal Article

Channels and Consequences of Knowledge Flows from Developed Economies to Central and Eastern Europe

In this project, I study how economic development is shaped by cross-country knowledge flows via trade, foreign direct investment (FDI), and other channels. Using novel micro data for several Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries, I measure the quantitative importance of three channels: technical knowledge embodied in imported machinery, technical and organizational knowledge embodied in expatriate managers, and disembodied knowledge transfers taking place within multinational firms. I then analyze what impact foreign knowledge has on the firms and the workers of the host economy, and what are its implications for aggregate productivity and income inequality. The project relies on several existing databases for Hungary and Romania, which will be complemented with newly purchased, collected and compiled data. The outcome of the project will be seven research studies and a collection of firm-level data sets covering CEE countries, including a large cross-country firm survey on the local supplier linkages of multinational companies. My proposed project improves upon the state of the art in four ways. First, as a comprehensive study using novel micro data, it uncovers new facts about the relative importance of the channels of knowledge flows. Second, it improves the identification of causal effects relative to existing studies by exploiting the detailed micro data. Third, it uses the micro estimates to quantify the aggregate impact of foreign knowledge on the economy. Fourth, it discusses how foreign knowledge affects different firms and workers differently, and, more specifically, how it may contribute to income inequality. More broadly, the research findings help evaluate the relative efficacy of trade, FDI, and immigration policies in promoting economic growth and can inform theories about the channels and barriers of productivity convergence.
Year 2012
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45832 Project

Living the multicultural city: acceptance, belonging and young identities in the city of Leicester, England

Authors John Clayton
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 21
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45833 Journal Article

Beyond flexible citizenship: Towards a study of many Chinese transnationalisms

Authors Weiqiang Lin
Year 2012
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 11
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45834 Journal Article

Forced Marriage vs. Family Reunification: Nationality, Gender and Ethnicity in German Migration Policy

Authors Doris Urbanek
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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45835 Journal Article

Embodied Migration: Performance Practices of Diasporic Sri Lankan Tamil Communities in London

Authors Ann R. David
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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45836 Journal Article

Discourse practices of trilingual mothers: effects on minority home language development in Japan

Authors Suzanne Quay
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
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45837 Journal Article

An EU Immigration Code: Towards a Common Immigration Policy

Authors Steve Peers
Year 2012
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 8
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45838 Journal Article

Reclaiming Diaspora: The Israeli State, Migration, and Ethnonationalism in the Global Era

Authors Yossi Yonah
Year 2012
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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45839 Journal Article

"Monitoring modernity: A comparative analysis of practices of social imagination in the monitoring of global flows of goods, capital and persons"

'This project aims to study institutions specialized in visualizing society. Such institutions have proliferated in recent decades. From regulatory bodies to auditing institutions and regimes of supervision, from monitoring agencies to surveillance apparatuses, social life is full of reflexive spaces specialized in the visualization of that social life. Much of social theory assumes that societies exist on the basis of a work of imagination, yet very little comparative cross-sectional work exists on such ‘social imagination’. Much can be learned about social life when the institutions it brings forth to observe that social life are observed sociologically. In four subprojects, this research investigates: 1) How societies are imagined through the visualization of the border between society and nature, particularly in the context of the assessment of global flows of goods in: a) measurements of climate change, and b) the visualization of the economy and its implicit understanding of nature as mediated through production; 2) How economic borders, risks and responsibilities are imagined by the regulation and oversight of global flows of capital; 3) How national societies are imagined by the social scientific measurement of global flows of persons, notably immigrants in the assessment of their integration; 4) How the social space of the EU is imagined by the surveillance of global flows of persons, notably irregular migrants, by means of specialized EU-databases. This project is innovative in three ways. First, it is the first comparative cross-sectional study of the professionalized practice of the ‘imaginary constitution of society’. Second, it integrates theories and methods from various fields. Third, it renews understanding of the practical assemblage of imagined collectives such as ‘national societies’, and contributes to ‘globalization theory’ by analyzing the everyday routinized ways in which ‘global assemblages’ produce plausible boundaries and localities.'
Year 2012
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45840 Project

Explaining Attitudes Towards Immigration Policies in European Countries: The Role of Human Values

Authors Eldad Davidov, Bart Meuleman
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 46
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45841 Journal Article

Type 2 diabetes and obesity among sub-Saharan African native and migrant populations: dissection of environment and endogenous predisposition

Migration from Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) to Europe is increasing. The limited evidence suggests that the risk of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and obesity among SSA migrants is higher than among their SSA peers living in Africa and European host populations. The reasons for these observations are only poorly understood, but may involve migration-related changes in lifestyle, genetic predisposition as well as pe¬culiarities in perceptions and practises. Contrasting the increasing number of African migrants in Europe, the health status and needs of these populations remain largely unexamined, and have only insufficiently been integrated into national plans, policies and strategies. Implementation of tailored intervention programmes among migrants implic¬itly requires the identification and the disentanglement of environmental, lifestyle and genetic factors modifying T2D and obesity risk. The RODAM project addresses these fundamental health issues among a homogeneous, and one of the largest SSA migrant groups in Europe (i.e. Ghanaians). RODAM thus aims to contribute to the understanding of the complex interplay between environment, lifestyle, (epi)genetic as well as social factors in T2D and obesity among SSA immigrants, and to identify specific risk factors to guide intervention and prevention and to provide a basis for improving diagnosis and treatment. In a multi-centre study, 6,250 Ghanaians aged >25 years will be re¬cruited in rural and urban Ghana, Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK. The differences in prevalence rates within Ghana on the one hand, and three European countries on the other, will allow us to unravel environmental, lifestyle and (epi)genetic as well as social factors in relation to T2D and obesity. The proposed study will generate relevant results that will ultimately guide intervention programmes and will provide a basis for improving diagnosis and treatment among SSA migrants in Europe as well as in their counterparts in Africa and beyond.
Year 2012
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45842 Project

“I Have Papers So I Can Go Anywhere!”: Everyday Talk About Citizenship in a Mixed-Status Mexican Family

Authors Ariana Mangual Figueroa, Ariana Mangual Figueroa
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Language, Identity & Education
Citations (WoS) 21
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45843 Journal Article

Somatization in a primary care service for immigrants

Authors Massimiliano Aragona, Daniela Pucci, Jolanda Spoto, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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45844 Journal Article

Wspólnota arabska w Polsce. Polska polityka migracyjna w opinii arabskich imigrantów

Principal investigator Mustafa Switat (Project manager)
Year 2012
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45845 Project

Migrants and the Diffusion of Low Marital Fertility in Belgium

Authors Mathew Creighton, Christa Matthys, Luciana Quaranta
Year 2012
Journal Name The Journal of Interdisciplinary History
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45846 Journal Article

Cerna’s High-Skilled Immigrants openness index

Cerna’s index measures openness and restrictiveness of migration policies targeting high-skilled migrants. The index covers 2007 and 2012 and provides information on 20 countries. Countries are selected on the basis of different migration histories and experiences and levels of (economic) interest groups’ involvement in policy-making. The index is disaggregated into admissions mechanism and work permit rights (made up of six indicators: numerical caps, labour market test, labour protection, employer portability, spouse’s work rights and permanent residency rights). Scores are assigned to each of the six categories from 3 (=highly restrictive), 2 (=moderately restrictive), 1 (=minimally restrictive) to 0 (=highly open). All policies are ranked on the same criteria. The individual points for the six categories are then added and converted into an index, where the most restrictive country receives a value of 100.
Year 2012
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45848 Data Set

Constructions of migrant rights in Canada: is subnational citizenship possible?

Authors Rupaleem Bhuyan, Tracy Smith-Carrier
Year 2012
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 13
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45849 Journal Article

Why Repressive Policies Towards Urban Youths Do Not Make Streets Safe: Four Hypotheses

Authors Saskia Binken, Talja Blokland
Year 2012
Journal Name The Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 7
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45850 Journal Article

Post-Displacement Employment and Health in Professional Iraqi Refugees vs. Professional Iraqi Immigrants

Authors Hikmet Jamil, Abir Aldhalimi, Bengt B. Arnetz
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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45855 Journal Article


The proposed project aims to examine the ways in which the principles used in the social sciences to explain the social world might interact with the interpretative resources that are used by lay social actors to make sense of this world. The project aims to examine this by focusing on the underlying processes of interaction between social scientific and everyday lay discourses: the different ways in which social-scientific discourses are synthesised, how these discourses are filtered back to lay discourses, and how these discourses are taken up by lay social actors. The topics selected to probe these issues are identity, citizenship and migration. There have been global developments in these areas since the 1990s and there has been a proliferation of both social scientific and lay discussions concerning them. The interaction between social scientific and lay discourses will be studied by conducting a systematic review of social science texts on identity, citizenship and migration and by interviewing immigrants and locals in Central Macedonia, Greece. Both sets of discourses will be analysed for correspondence of themes and arguments. The role of policy will also be examined by considering the ways in which policy is manifested in those discourses. The project draws on Critical Discursive Psychology (CDP) and Social Network Analysis (SNA). The project will be of interest to academic users in the sociology of science and knowledge, and in discourse, identity and migration studies; and to non-academic users such as policymakers, local government and non-governmental agencies and local communities and interest groups.
Year 2012
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45856 Project

Hip-Hopping Across China: Intercultural Formulations of Local Identities

Authors Catrice Barrett
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Language, Identity & Education
Citations (WoS) 2
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45857 Journal Article

Styling One's Own in the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora: Implications for Language and Ethnicity

Authors Suresh Canagarajah
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Language, Identity & Education
Citations (WoS) 9
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45858 Journal Article

Together apart: Migration, integration and spatialised identities in South African border villages

Authors Tara Polzer Ngwato, Tara Polzer Ngwato
Year 2012
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 8
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45859 Journal Article

Global traffic in illicit cultural objects: developing knowledge for improving interventions in a transnational criminal market

The research seeks to push the boundaries of our understanding of, and social and legal responses to, trafficking in illicit cultural objects. The global market in illicit cultural objects is a structure of relatively rich consumers at one end of the supply chain (collectors, dealers, museums) and relatively poor looters at the other end, in source countries characterised by high levels of the 'natural resource' of cultural objects and low levels of policing resource to devote to their protection against looting (i.e. usually illegal excavation) and other forms of theft. While there has been some research into the market, compared to other international criminal markets such as the drugs trade, very little is known about the motives and activities of participants in the international trade in illicit cultural objects, their trading norms and routines, the pricing structures and criminal mark-ups, mechanisms of smuggling used in this market in order to avoid detection at customs and by other law enforcement agencies, etc. Even such apparently simple matters as the relative size of the criminal side of the antiquities trade are not currently known. Structures of international, and domestic national, law and regulation have been established in response to the moral concern the illicit trade raises, rather than being based on an evidence-oriented investigation of the practical elements of the trade mentioned. While some of these regulatory efforts have had modest success, for the most part they have been a failure in stopping the illicit trade, which continues today. This research proposal establishes a multi-method and multi-sited programme of research which aims to gather and analyse all available evidence on the trade, produce new measures of size and illicit activity using innovative methodological approaches and new data sources, and conduct ethnographic research into the illicit trade. All these data sources will be used to devise best practice in regulation.
Year 2012
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45860 Project

Language shift among adolescent ethnic German immigrants: Predictors of increasing use of German over time

Authors Andrea Michel, Peter F. Titzmann, Rainer K. Silbereisen
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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45861 Journal Article

Ethnicity and cardiovascular health research: pushing the boundaries by including comparison populations in the countries of origin

Authors Charles Agyemang, Ama de-Graft Aikins, R Bhopal, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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45862 Journal Article

Design, Translation, Citizenship: Reflections on the Virtual (de)Territorialization of the US – Mexico Border

Authors Cynthia Weber
Year 2012
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
Citations (WoS) 7
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45865 Journal Article

‘We eat meat every day’: ecology and economy of dietary change among Oaxacan migrants from Mexico to New Jersey

Authors Peter J. Guarnaccia, Teresa Vivar, Anne C. Bellows, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 14
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45866 Journal Article

Unaccompanied immigrant minors in the Canary Islands: A legal approach

Authors El Observatorio de la Inmigración de Tenerife (OBITen)
The Canary Islands have received significant numbers of unaccompanied minors, especially during 2006. This pheno-menon has resulted in the need to develop an appropriate policy response across the Spanish State and the European Union. The proposals to establish special protected status for unaccompanied migrant children have generated con-siderable controversy within the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, since it has assumed competence for taking the necessary measures for the protection of minors within its territory. This paper provides an overview of the relevant legislation and policies on reception, return and integration applicable to unaccompanied minors, analysing the difficulties that policymakers must take into account as they address the phenomenon of child migration
Year 2012
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45867 Report

Bushfalling at All Cost: The Economy of Migratory Knowledge in Anglophone Cameroon

Authors Maybritt Jill Alpes
Year 2012
Journal Name African Diaspora
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45868 Journal Article

High-skilled migration policy indicators

The authors carry out a cross-country assessment of policies aimed to attract and select high-skilled workers. To capture immigration policy systems, they choose nine policy elements that collectively capture many of the key differences between destination countries’ policy stances. These instruments reflect policy categories comprising skill-selective admission policies (shortage lists, job offer requirements, labor market tests, PBS), and post-entry policy instruments (permanency rights, financial incentive schemes). Methodologically, the authors adopt a set of statements against which a 0 or 1 can be assigned to ensure consistency when coding our policy variables.
Year 2012
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45870 Data Set

In der Fremde daheim? Internationale Migranten in ländlichen Räumen Europas

Authors Birte Nienaber
Year 2012
Journal Name Geographie und Schule
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45871 Journal Article

Return Migration, State Policy and Integration of Returnees – the Case of Poland

Year 2012
Book Title Welcome Home? Challenges and Chances of Return Migration
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45872 Book Chapter

Selektywność emigracji i migracji powrotnych Polaków – o procesie „wypłukiwania”

Year 2012
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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45873 Journal Article

MASELTOV: Mobile Assistance for Social Inclusion and Empowerment of Immigrants with Persuasive Learning Technologies and Social Network Services

MASELTOV recognises the major risks for social exclusion of immigrants from the European information society and identifies the huge potential of mobile services for promoting integration and cultural diversity in Europe. Mobile – everywhere/everytime - persuasive assistance is crucial for more efficient and sustainable support of immigrants. MASELTOV researches and develops novel ICT instruments in an interdisciplinary consortium with the key objective to facilitate and foster local community building, raising consciousness and knowledge for the bridging of cultural differences. MASELTOV realises this project goal via the development of innovative social computing services that motivate and support informal learning for the appropriation of highly relevant daily skills. A mobile assistant embeds these novel services that address activities towards the social inclusion of immigrants in a persuasive and most intuitive manner which is highlighted in MASELTOV with a representative application of most essential / beneficial information and learning services – such as ubiquitous language translation, navigation, administrative and emergency health services. MASELTOV researches for and develops enabling technologies with the industrial potential to easily exploit and scale up the prototypical user shares within the embedment of already existing successful services with worldwide user coverage. The project with its scientifically, technically and socially relevant results will enable a massive social impact on the future with respect to more cooperative – more successful - integration of millions of (im)migrants living together with hundreds of millions cohabitating European citizens.
Year 2012
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45874 Project

Genderowa specyfika rynku pracy – na przykładzie imigrantek w Polsce

Year 2012
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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45875 Journal Article

Social Media Analytics and Decision Support Tools Enabling Sustainable Integration Policies and Measures

UniteEurope is an EU-FP7 project that aims at giving the main actors of integration - immigrants and members of the host society - a voice by analysing public social media content generated by citizens, in order to support decision making in urban and pan-European integration policies. The UniteEurope team consists of social scientists and IT specialists from leading universities, municipalities, cities and NGOs from Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden, and it is counseled by various international governmental and non-governmental organisations dealing with migration issues. For more information, visit the Unite Europe website: ICMPD was requested to evaluate, as an external ethical advisor, the compliance of the project outputs with ethical standards and guidelines. ICMPD is thus part of the project's Advisory Board.
Year 2012
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45877 Project

Borders Under Stress: The Cases of Turkey-EU and Mexico-USA Borders

Authors Ahmet İçduygu, Deniz Sert
Year 2012
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45878 Book

Contested mix: towards a reframing of spatial policies in multi-ethnic environments

'Immigration is a “hot issue” in many European countries and the cities represent the main gateway for the majority of the newcomers. From the spatial dynamics and policies’ point of view, the debate on urban space and immigration has been dominated by the topic of the problematic aspects of the newcomers’ concentration in specific neighbourhoods. In this direction, space policies have always been characterized by a dominant approach aimed at mitigating forms of concentration, dispersing the immigrants groups across the urban territory. In the last twenty years these forms of intervention have mainly resulted in the promotion of 'social mixing' initiatives that the proposal puts under critical observation. In this direction, a core objective is considering some core concepts and narratives that underpin analysis and forms of intervention in multi-ethnic neighborhoods as “assumptions” that, far to be proofed, play a large part in conditioning the public debate and policy agendas on this issue, but also in orientating the researchers’ ways of seeing. This objective implies a reframing of the descriptions and of the forms of intervention in multi-ethnic settlements, considering the “concentration/segregation” issue as a powerful “assumption” that is at once both descriptive and prescriptive leading to “mixing” policies as an embedded answer to descriptions based on concentration. In this general context, the project aims at challenging existing descriptions of multi-ethnic settlements, at detecting alternative modes of interventions in such urban environments with a particular attention to the role that the public hand may play in the face of the welfare restructuring, at developing innovative methodologies and intellectual approaches to these neighbourhoods and at establishing a series of policy recommendations that will be of value to urban policy across the EU.'
Year 2012
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45879 Project

Transnational dynamics in researching migrants: self-reflexivity and boundary-drawing in fieldwork

Authors Kyoko Shinozaki
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 19
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45880 Journal Article

European Cinema in Motion: Migrant and Diasporic Film in Contemporary Europe

Authors Arne Saeys
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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45881 Journal Article

Impact of socio-economical inequalities in the progression of HIV infection at individual and contextual level in Europe

'Background. The HIV epidemic is a major public health issue in Europe. Over the last decade significant changes in the epidemic have taken place with a increasing proportion of HIV infections being in migrants and women. In turn, these groups might not fully benefit from life-saving antiretroviral treatments (ART), because of barriers to HIV testing and to ART. To date no study with sufficient sample size has explored the role of socio-economic determinants in heath of HIV infected patients in Europe. The role of contextual factors in the health of HIV patients, such as ethnic density, and lower area income level, have not been studied. Objective. We aim to study the socio-economic determinants of inequalities in HIV diagnosis, disease progression, and treatment initiation in Western Europe. Moreover, we will explore the extent to which the variability of HIV prognosis is attributable to either individual (gender, ethnicity, social class) or contextual factors (income area, ethnic density). We will use the routinely collected data of HIV infected patients that will be merged by the newly established EuroCoord collaboration. Methods. The routinely collected database from the newly established EuroCoord collaboration provides information on socio-economic determinants on 250,000 HIV infected individuals from various EU countries. HIV disease progression will be defined as rate of CD4 decline or time to AIDS or death. Marginal structural models to account for time varying confounding will be used to explore differences by socio-economic groups of the effect of ART on the risk of AIDS and mortality. Multilevel and latent variable models will be used to explore the role of contextual factors on HIV progression. Public health implications. This research will help EU health care planners to identify and target groups of HIV infected individuals likely to face barriers to HIV testing and ART and thus prevent HIV-related mortality in more vulnerable populations.'
Year 2012
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45882 Project

Neo-assimilationist citizenship and belonging policies in Britain: Meanings for transnational migrants in northern England

Authors Louise Waite
Year 2012
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 12
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45883 Journal Article

Multi-group analysis of the MIDA model: Acculturation of Indian and Russian immigrants to Canada

Authors Saba Safdar, J. Rees Lewis, Stryker Calvez
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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45884 Journal Article

Banal diasporic nationalism: Ghana@50 celebrations in Berlin

Authors Boris Nieswand
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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45885 Journal Article

Migration and Trade Union Responses. Analysis of the UK in a Comparative Perspective

'This project aims to develop and test an analytical framework for the understanding of the changing relations between national trade unions and migrant workers in host European countries, looking at a national context particularly affected by recent intra-European immigration (UK) and expanding on a previous comparative study on Italy and the Netherlands carried out by the applicant in her doctoral research. The proposed research consists of a two-level analysis: a “between-sectors” level (metalworking, construction and care industries within the UK) and a “between-nations” level (comparison of the UK with the previously studied Italy and the Netherlands). The analysis addresses three main aspects: factors influencing union stances towards labour immigration and migrants; effects of union attitude on migration policies and migrant workers; processes of union interaction with migrant workers. The proposed methodology combines quantitative and qualitative methods. Being situated at the intersection between migration studies and employment relations, this study will contribute to the scholarly debate in the following fields: comparative employment relations (revitalization and varieties of capitalism approaches), migration studies (integration of migrants in host European countries in face of the current economic decline and increase of social hostility), sociology of labour and labour market studies (analysis of labour market dynamics in presence of increasing flexibilization and migration). The proposed mobility will allow the applicant to be trained by outstanding European scholars in industrial relations, to receive extensive support on migration by a sister multidisciplinary research institute and, especially, to acquire new methodological instruments and insights on gender studies. Such elements, together with the manifold opportunities offered by the host institution, will prepare the applicant for a position of academic independence.'
Year 2012
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45886 Project

Écrivains migrants, littératures d’immigration, écritures diasporiques

Authors Nathalie Philippe
Year 2012
Journal Name Hommes & migrations
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45887 Journal Article

Religion and Civic Participation among the Children of Immigrants: Insights from the Postcolonial Portuguese Context

Authors Susana Trovão, Susana Trovao
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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45888 Journal Article

The British, Persecuted Foreigners and the Emergence of the Refugee Category in Nineteenth-Century Britain

Authors Caroline Emily Shaw
Year 2012
Journal Name Immigrants & Minorities
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45889 Journal Article

Translanguaging and transnational literacies in multilingual classrooms: a biliteracy lens

Authors Nancy H. Hornberger, Holly Link
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 165
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45890 Journal Article

Immigrant Hungarian families' perceptions of new media technologies in the transmission of heritage language and culture

Authors Tunde Szecsi, Tunde Szecsi, Janka Szilagyi, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Language, Culture and Curriculum
Citations (WoS) 8
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45891 Journal Article


'The central objective of this research project is the investigation of Hungary’s immigrant women’s textual production in the comparative context of European migrant literatures. The diversity of languages and cultures in motion is central to contemporary European experience. Such diversity is represented in a variety of textual forms (poetry, fiction, memoir, drama, multimedia, etc) that challenge existing concepts of genre, audience and cultural production which shape our current European experience. These emerging varieties of cultural expressions connect diverse communities and have the potential to better contextualise our understanding of cultural patterns within Europe. A significant body of migrant women’s textual expression has been produced in contemporary Hungary by native speakers of Hungarian who have immigrated to Hungary from neighbouring countries such as Romania, Slovakia, Croatia or Slovenia. The present study’s short term objective is to examine this work intensively and also to problematise the manner in which this work has been conceptualised within, and integrated into, the Hungarian literary establishment. In addition, it proposes to examine the almost totally neglected topic of literary expression in Hungarian by non-native speakers. The long term objective of the proposed research is to place the findings of this study in a European context. The project is of clear relevance to the programme as it will contribute to a better understanding of current cultural developments in postcommunist spaces, and the ways contemporary migrants tend to articulate their positions within the European cultural framework; it will also add significantly to the mapping of contemporary women’s writing in Europe.'
Year 2012
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45892 Project

Memories of ethnic violence in Sri Lanka among immigrant Tamils in the UK

Authors Laavanyan M. Ratnapalan
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
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45893 Journal Article

Does immigration increase labour market flexibility?

Authors Marianne Roed, P Schone, Marianne Røed, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Labour Economics
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45894 Journal Article


Authors Onoso I. Imoagene
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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45895 Journal Article

The changing nature of employment in Europe in the context of challenges, threats and opportunities for employees and employers

Europe is today facing several major challenges. These go beyond the future of the euro and the instability of the financial system to some of the underlying issues concerned with the work activities that underpin the European economy. How can Europe retain manufacturing and production as restructuring and relocation towards lower-wage costs economies gathers pace? As demographic change lifts the proportions of older workers in society and in employment, how can Europe both maintain decent levels of pensions and provide decent jobs for younger workers? As cross-border migration becomes ever easier how can migrant workers be fully integrated and accepted into the European labour market? How can aspirations for decent jobs be squared with the nearly pan-European progression of precarious work? Europe’s future depends in large part on the answers it can provide to these questions within the context of the vision of a competitive, technologically-innovative economy bolstered by a high road social model that was captured in the Europe 2020 strategy. The aim of the ChangingEmployment programme is to train a cross-European and interdisciplinary network of policy-focused social scientists comprehensively skilled in understanding, analyzing, and responding to social and institutional employment changes. Overall, it will: 1.Explore, societal differences, national variations in employees’ experiences of working life. 2.Examine historic and changing relations between management and employees. 3.Develop a comparative understanding of the changing quality of work, organisation and employment in the context of the (above) changes. 4.Consider patterns and consequences of workplace inclusion-exclusion in relation to migration, employment and unemployment, shifting inequalities in terms of gender and ethnicity and the implications for older employees of new patterns of work and retirement. 5.Assess impact of the current economic retrenchment on these forms of employment in Europe
Year 2012
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45896 Project

Marriages and divorces

Data on marriages and divorces at national level are transmitted to Eurostat by the National Statistics Institutes on voluntary basis in the context of UNIDEMO, which is the most detailed annual demographic data collection. The data relate to populations, births, deaths, immigrants, emigrants, marriages and divorces, and are broken down into several categories in accordance with the Article 3 of Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013 and the Article 3 of Regulation (EC) No 862/2007. Table codeDescription demo_divcbDivorces by country of birth of wife (C_BIRTH) and husband (PARTNER) demo_divczDivorces by citizenship of wife (CITIZEN) and husband (PARTNER) demo_marcbMarriages by country of birth of bride (C_BIRTH) and groom (PARTNER) demo_marczMarriages by citizenship of bride (CITIZEN) and groom (PARTNER)
Year 2012
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45897 Data Set

Literacies at the border: transnationalism and the biliteracy practices of teachers across the US–Mexico border

Authors Carol Brochin Ceballos, Carol Brochin Ceballos
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 8
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45898 Journal Article

Service Provision to Irregular Migrants in Europe

This study, under the auspices of an Open Society Fellowship and subsequent Action Grant, explores the extent of, and rationales for, entitlements to service provision for migrants with irregular immigration status in EU countries. It is investigating differing entitlements granted at national, regional and city level and, in particular, the reasoning behind those decisions and the ways in which they were taken. It is also exploring whether entitlements are affected by the absence of data protection safeguards on service users’ personal data.
Year 2012
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45899 Project

High political participation, high social capital? A relational analysis of youth social capital and political participation

Authors Celine Teney, Laurie Hanquinet
Year 2012
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 10
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45900 Journal Article
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