
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Does cross-cultural training in tertiary education enhance cross-cultural adjustment? A systematic review

Authors Alison Sit, AS Mak, James T. Neill, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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4401 Journal Article

Association of neighborhood context with offspring risk of preterm birth and low birthweight: A systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based studies

Authors Collette N. Ncube, Jessica G. Burke, Daniel A. Enquobahrie, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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4402 Journal Article

"""Racial thinking and relevant sciences in East-Central Europe in the decades around 1900"""

At the core of my proposed research lies the desire to understand turn-of-the-century European fascination with the idea of race and the employment of modern sciences in the construction of racial theories in national and imperial contexts of East-Central Europe. The project will explore the history of racial thinking and related biological, human and social sciences in the mostly uncharted region of East Central Europe, with special focus on the Hungarian Kingdom in the decades around 1900. Rooted in the ethnically and confessionally most mixed region of contemporary Europe, Hungarian sciences faced unique intellectual challenges in constructing racial theories and creating ethnic, national and imperial identities, thus contributing to the process of Hungarian nation-building while legitimating liberalism in general. To understand how race, ethnicity, the nation and the multi-ethnic kingdom were co-produced in the region, systematic research will explore a variety of scientific disciplines, including ethnography, sociology, physical anthropology, criminal and social statistics, biology, public health, eugenics, and crowd psychology. Based on the Applicant’s preliminary studies and research hypotheses, the disciplinary trajectories of Hungarian ‘sciences of race’ seem to diverge considerably from the models offered by the historiography in the British, French and German contexts. Rather exceptionally, in the Hungarian intellectual field, a marked and overall shift towards a biological, hierarchical, and racialist thinking did not seem to have taken place before the end of WWI. Due to the originality of the research and its interdisciplinary nature, the planned outcome, a monograph, will contribute not only to the historiography of European “racial sciences” and science studies, but also to nationalism and imperialism studies, the cultural and social studies of fin-de-siècle modernity in Central Europe, and the wider scholarship on the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
Year 2011
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4403 Project

Racial Stratification and the Confederate Flag: Comparing Four Perspectives to Explain Flag Support

Authors Ryan D. Talbert, Evelyn J. Patterson
Year 2020
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4404 Journal Article

I feel Moroccan, I feel Italian, and I feel Muslim: Second generation Moroccans and identity negotiation between religion and community belonging

Authors Marco Rizzo, Anna Miglietta, Silvia Gattino, ...
Year 2020
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4405 Journal Article

Age at Immigration and the Educational Attainment of Foreign-Born Children in the United States

Authors Andrew Clarke
Year 2018
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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4406 Journal Article

International migration, cross-cultural interaction, and the development of personal wisdom

Authors Senanu K Kutor, Alexandru Raileanu, Dragos Simandan
Year 2019
Journal Name Migration Studies
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4408 Journal Article

Britons in Berlin: Imagined Cityscapes, Affective Encounters and the Cultivation of the Self

Authors Stella Maile, David Griffiths
Year 2014
Book Title Understanding Lifestyle Migration
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4409 Book Chapter

Race and Social Problems

Authors Edward Telles
Year 2012
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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4410 Journal Article

Soothing the Establishment: The Impact of Foreign-Born Scientists and Engineers on America.

Authors Mark Regets, David S. North
Year 1996
Journal Name International Migration Review
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4412 Journal Article

The Fecundity of Native and Foreign Born Women in New England.Joseph J. Spengler

Year 1931
Journal Name American Journal of Sociology
4413 Journal Article

Facts on U.S. Immigrants, 2017. Statistical portrait of the foreign-born population in the United States.

There were a record 44.4 million immigrants living in the U.S. in 2017, making up 13.6% of the nation’s population. This represents a more than fourfold increase since 1960, when only 9.7 million immigrants lived in the U.S., accounting for just 5.4% of the total U.S. population.
Year 2019
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4414 Data Set

Split Allegiances: Cultural Muslims and the Tension Between Religious and National Identity in Multicultural Societies

Authors Liza Hopkins, Cameron McAuliffe
Year 2010
Journal Name Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism
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4416 Journal Article

Race war in Arizona: Reflections on the ethnic studies ban and white hegemony

Authors Julio Cammarota
Year 2017
Journal Name Latino Studies
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4417 Journal Article

Race-centrism: a critique and a research agenda

Authors Andreas Wimmer
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 19
4418 Journal Article

Social Capital and the Adaptation of the Second Generation: The Case of Vietnamese Youth in New Orleans

Authors M ZHOU, Carl L. Bankston, Min Zhou, ...
Year 1994
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 236
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4419 Journal Article

The Mexico-Canada border: extraterritorial border control and the production of 'economic refugees'

Authors Julie E.E. Young
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Migration and Border Studies
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4420 Journal Article

Refugee Resettlement

Authors Liliana Lyra Jubilut, Adèle Garnier, Kristin Bergtora Sandvik
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4421 Book

Sex work within emerging Latino immigrant communities: a typology

Authors Suzanne M. Dolwick Grieb, Kathleen R. Page, Alejandra Flores-Miller, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Culture, Health & Sexuality
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4422 Journal Article

The immigration–crime relationship: Evidence across US metropolitan areas

Authors LW Reid, RM Adelman, HE Weiss, ...
Year 2005
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 123
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4423 Journal Article

Childbearing dynamics of couples in a universalistic welfare state

Authors Gunnar Andersson, Kirk Scott
Year 2007
Journal Name Demographic Research
Citations (WoS) 41
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4425 Journal Article

Incidenten en misdrijven op en rond COA-locaties

Authors Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Bureau Ateno, Peter Kruizer, ...
De centrale vraag die met dit onderzoek wordt beantwoord, luidt als volgt: Hoe kan de stijging in de periode 2018-2019 van het aantal incidenten op COA-locaties en de van misdrijven verdachte personen die op enig moment in het peiljaar op een COA-locatie verbleven worden geduid? Voor het beantwoorden van deze vraag is een analyse gemaakt van de incidenten op COA-locaties en van de criminaliteit waarvan COA-bewoners zijn verdacht. Hierbij is ook ingezoomd op kwaliteit van de geregistreerde data. Tevens zijn de kenmerken van de asielzoekers en COA-locaties beschreven. Voor het onderzoek waarbij het Incidentenoverzicht 2019 het uitgangspunt vormt, zijn drie onderzoeksmethoden gebruikt, namelijk: deskresearch, bestandsanalyse en een interviewronde. De databestanden zoals gebruikt voor het maken van het Incidentenoverzicht 2019 zijn opnieuw samengesteld, en waar mogelijk aangevuld met relevante extra variabelen.
Year 2022
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4426 Report

Met beleid van start: Over de rol van beleid voor ontwikkelingen in de positie en leefsituatie van Syrische statushouders

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, The Netherlands Institute for Social Research, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, ...
Het project ‘Longitudinaal cohortonderzoek asielzoekers en statushouders’ heeft als doel om de positie en de leefsituatie van statushouders te onderzoeken en veranderingen in kaart te brengen. Dit is de vierde kwantitatieve studie binnen dat project. Deze studie is verklarend van aard en richt zich primair op Syrische statushouders. Zij maken verreweg het grootste deel uit van de groep statushouders die in de afgelopen jaren in Nederland is komen wonen. De studie gaat na welke factoren van invloed zijn op veranderingen in de positie en de leefsituatie van Syrische statushouders, met een sterke focus op de rol van beleidsfactoren. Hiermee pogen we beter zicht te krijgen op cruciale factoren die een goede start faciliteren. Wat werkt (niet)?
Year 2021
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4427 Report

Sailing-Trading Livelihoods in Southeastern Indonesia: Adapting to Change

Authors Michelle Carnegie
Year 2013
Journal Name Asian Journal of Social Science
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4428 Journal Article

Ensuring effective responses to vulnerable asylum seekers: Promotion of adequate standards for identification and claim determination for people with special needs

The project is aimed at addressing the specific needs of vulnerable groups and promoting high quality decision-making and capacity building in the countries concerned. Furthermore, it aims to map out the relevant national legislation, case law and policies (e.g., through identifying key challenges and good practices, and lessons learned from other relevant activities identifying the areas of focus for the project activities in each project country), relevant EU, international human rights and UNHCR standards (identifying the applicable standards and trends), and identify the stakeholders’ competencies and capacity-building needs. In parallel, wide-scale monitoring and assessment of practice shall provide a comprehensive overview of the situation of vulnerable asylum seekers in the participating countries. This should lead to a comprehensive understanding of the relevant issues, provoking reflection on the practices applied and their impact, informing changes in the practice and legislative frameworks at the national and EU level.
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4429 Project

Patient–physician racial/ethnic concordance and blood pressure control: the role of trust and medication adherence

Authors Antoinette Schoenthaler, Enid Montague, Linda Baier Manwell, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
4430 Journal Article

Roommate’s race and the racial composition of white college students’ ego networks

Authors Noah P. Mark, N Mark, Daniel R. Harris
Year 2012
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 4
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4431 Journal Article

Face the Nation: Race, Immigration, and the Rise of Nativism in Late Twentieth Century America

Authors George J. Sanchez, GJ SANCHEZ
Year 1997
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 83
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4432 Journal Article

Regulating Human Mobility through Networking and Outsourcing: icem, IOs and NGOs during the 1950s

Authors Dimitris Parsanoglou, Yannis Papadopoulos
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
4433 Journal Article

Affect and the sociology of race: A program for critical inquiry

Authors James M. Thomas
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 2
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4434 Journal Article

Residential proximity of parents and their adult offspring in the United Kingdom, 2009–10

Authors Tak Wing Chan, John Ermisch
Year 2015
Journal Name Population Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
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4435 Journal Article

“No Place for Old Men”: Immigrant Duration, Wage Theft, and Economic Mobility among Day Laborers in Denver, Colorado

Authors Rebecca Galemba, Randall Kuhn
Year 2021
Journal Name International Migration Review
4436 Journal Article

Exploring the Influence of Racial-Ethnic and Gender Identity on the Prosocial Behaviors of African American Adolescent Males

Authors Johari Harris, Ann Cale Kruger
Year 2019
Journal Name YOUTH & SOCIETY
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4437 Journal Article

Native Out-Migration and Neighborhood Immigration in New Destinations

Authors Matthew Hall, Kyle Crowder
Year 2014
Journal Name Demography
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4438 Journal Article

The cost of not being Christian: Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims in Britain and Canada

Authors S Model, L Lin
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
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4439 Journal Article

‘Your momma is day-glow white’: questioning the politics of racial identity, loyalty and obligation

Authors Shantel Gabrieal Buggs
Year 2017
Journal Name Identities
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4440 Journal Article

Racial Impact Statements, Knowledge-Based Criminology, and Resisting Color Blindness

Authors Justin M. Smith
Year 2017
Journal Name Race and Justice
Citations (WoS) 1
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4441 Journal Article


Authors David Lavinsky
Year 2020
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4442 Journal Article

Demonstrating Industrial Scale Second Generation Bioethanol Production - KAlundborg CELLulosic Ethanol plant

The aim of this project is to bring the patented Inbicon Core technology for 2nd generation bio-ethanol production from a pre-commercial to a full commercial level, making the technology available in the market and attractive to investors in 4 – 5 years. The technology was developed in steps (also partly EU funded) and now a 4 t/hr biomass to ethanol plant is being built in Kalundborg in Denmark. The plant will be in operation in the fall of 2009 and will produce 5 million litres of ethanol annually. More than 10 years of development has brought about a robust process capable of producing substantial quantities of ethanol from biomass. The next necessary step is to reduce the production costs, thus making the process feasible. In this proposal we apply for funding to demonstrate the 4 t/hr at industrial scale and optimise the plant to lower the production costs for ethanol through: Improving the capacity of the plant, reducing the energy consumption and water balance, adding a fermentation step for C5 sugars and recycle the enzymes in the process. Ultimately we will improve the capacity of the plant to become a 8-10 t/hr plant by developing the process from being partly continuous to operate in a truly commercial continuous mode. We expect this to result in a significant cost-cut in ethanol production expenses. The ethanol produced will be characterized and tested in engine test-rigs and in car-fleet, thus covering the whole value chain from the straw entrance to the gate of the ethanol plant production to end-users in cars. The process will be assessed from an environmental perspective through LCA analysis and results will be published for scientific purpose and for expanding the use of the technology to use for future business partners. The team of partners in this project are those who have a relevant business role in the demonstration of this value chain, a research center and universities with competences in key areas.
Year 2009
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4443 Project

Measuring communication patterns and intercultural transformation of international students in cross-cultural adaptation

Authors Ren-Zhong Peng, Weiping Wu, Wei-Ping Wu
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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4444 Journal Article

OBAMA'S RACIAL LEGACY The Power of Whiteness

Authors Andre C. Willis
Year 2017
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4445 Journal Article

Layered journeys: Experiences of fragmented journeys among young Afghans in Greece and Norway

Authors Moa Nyamwathi Lonning
Year 2019
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4446 Journal Article

Rethinking the status of refugees beyond the camp: a Lefortian response to Agamben’s critique of democracy and human rights

'Liberal theorists of democracy traditionally believe in the rule of law and universal human rights. Yet a group of anti-liberal thinkers such as Agamben have recently argued that rights are not universal but depend on political institutions that can arbitrarily take away these rights. For them, the current plight of refugees, asylum seekers and illegal immigrants in Western democracies illustrates their point. It shows that our democracies allow for an increasing lawless space (‘the camp’) where people become rightless and are exposed to the arbitrary intervention of a police force. Yet I believe that the radical anti-liberal view is as problematic as the liberal view it seeks to replace. In my project, I will therefore develop an alternative theoretical framework that offers a ‘third way’ that would criticize liberal theory without therefore embracing the radical conclusions of anti-liberal critics. To develop this alternative, I will draw on the political theorist Lefort. I will first develop an alternative to Agamben’s theory based on Lefort’s paradigm and then see what this alternative model would mean for our understanding of refugees and illegal immigrants. I will then examine how the alternative model could respond to four major objections and publish the research-results.'
Year 2012
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4447 Project

Introduction to the Special Issue “Transnational care: Families confronting borders”

Authors Laura Merla, Majella Kilkey, Loretta Baldassar
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Family Research
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4448 Journal Article

Towards unifying racial and ethnic paradigms

Authors Vilma Ortiz
Year 2017
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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4449 Journal Article

Race as an Open Field: Exploring Identity beyond Fixed Choices

Authors Paul R. Croll, Joseph Gerteis
Year 2019
Journal Name Sociology of Race and Ethnicity
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4450 Journal Article

Gendered context of assimilation: the female second-generation advantage among Latinos

Authors Nicol M. Valdez, Van C. Tran
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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4451 Journal Article

Being a second generation Muslim woman in the French labour market

Authors Jawiria Naseem, Wifag Adnan
Year 2019
Journal Name Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
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4452 Journal Article

BIOSKOH’s Innovation Stepping Stones for a novel European Second Generation BioEconomy

The BIOSKOH project will pave the way for a Second Generation European Circular Bioeconomy by showcasing how a number Innovation Stepping Stones can realise a breakthrough in techno-economic viability of lignocellulosic biorefineries. It will do so through a two stage investment process and development path to realise the largest (110 kton) second generation (2G) biorefinery in Europe. It starts from a brownfield industrial site in the eastern part of the Slovak Republic to realise the 1st stage Flagship plant to produce 55 kton of cellulosic ethanol per year for EU bio-fuel mandates. Partners include the full value chain starting from land owners and feedstock producers, supply chain experts and an agronomical research partner to set-up a new biomass value chain exploiting large amounts of currently unused crop residues (kton/year), and developing newly grown dedicated crops on marginal land (total circa 320 kton/year), as such revitalising the regional economy. Technology providers (Biochemtex, Novozymes and Lesaffre) developed, tested and demonstrated in the only available semi-industrial scale 2G biorefinery research plant (Crescentino), an innovative integrated pre-treatment, hydrolyses and fermentation package, with higher yield and lower CAPEX which will now be upscaled to the 1st of a kind commercial scale Flagship, to be built by Energochemica. Aim is to showcase techno-economic viability based on a sound business plan and 4 stepping stones (yield, biomass cost, brownfield and industrial symbiosis). Dedicated innovation actions by expert partners include assessing increased cascading potential through lignin valorisation and 2G bio-chemicals, LCA, Socio-economic impact analyses, business plan for a 2nd investment round, exploitation, dissemination and replication actions to various bio-economy clusters in Europe, thus giving both a short term and a long term contribution to the European Industrial Renaissance and bio-economy.
Year 2016
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4453 Project

The school-to-work transitions of second-generation youth in France

Authors Sorana Toma
Year 2015
Journal Name International Journal of Migration and Border Studies
4454 Journal Article

Acculturation Preferences of the Turkish Second Generation in 11 European Cities

Authors George Groenewold, Jeroen van Ginneken, Helga de Valk, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
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4455 Journal Article

Education and inequality: A case study of second‐generation Turkish Australians

Authors Benal Keceli, Desmond Cahill
Year 1998
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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4456 Journal Article

Economic preferences and attitudes of the unemployed Are natives and second generation migrants alike?

Authors Amelie Constant, KF Zimmermann, Ulf Rinne, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name International Journal of Manpower
Citations (WoS) 8
4457 Journal Article

Caribbean Second-Generation Return Migration: Transnational Family Relationships with ‘Left-Behind’ Kin in Britain

Authors Tracey Reynolds
Year 2011
Journal Name Mobilities
Citations (WoS) 16
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4458 Journal Article

The Household Structure of Second-Generation Children: An Exploratory Study of Extended Family Arrangements

Authors Lisandro Perez, L PEREZ
Year 1994
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 18
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4459 Journal Article

Immigrant Disparities in Suicide Ideation: Variation Across Age of Migration, Gender, and Nativity

Authors Bianca E. Bersani, Melissa S. Morabito
Year 2020
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4460 Journal Article

An analysis of English-language proficiency among US immigrants

Authors TJ Espenshade, HS Fu
Year 1997
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 142
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4461 Journal Article

Measures of “Race” and the analysis of racial inequality in Brazil

Authors Bailey, M Loveman, Jeronimo O. Muniz, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 45
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4462 Journal Article

Managing cross cultural business ethics

Authors CJ Moon, P Woolliams
Year 2000
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4463 Journal Article

Cross-cultural encounters and conflicts

Authors R Irwin
Year 1999
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4464 Journal Article

Cross-cultural adaptation: Current approaches

Authors Jin Keon Kim
Year 1988
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
4465 Journal Article

Explorations in cross-cultural psychology

Authors John L.M. Binnie Dawson
Year 1978
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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4466 Journal Article

Forced to leave? The discursive and analytical significance of describing migration as forced and voluntary

Authors Marta Bivand Erdal, Ceri Oeppen
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
4467 Journal Article

Internationalisation of born globals: the role of strategic alliances

Authors Mário Franco, Mario Franco, Heiko Haase
Year 2016
Journal Name European J. of International Management
Citations (WoS) 3
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4468 Journal Article

Introduction to Special Issue

Authors James S. Jackson
Year 2011
Journal Name Race and Social Problems
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4469 Journal Article

‘We don’t want to be sent back and forth all the time’: Ethnographic encounters with displacement, migration, and Britain beyond the British Isles

Authors Laura Jeffery
Year 2017
Journal Name The Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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4470 Journal Article

Land of Diverse Migrations: Challenges of Emigration and Immigrations in Turkey

Authors Ahmet İçduygu, Kemal Kirişci
Year 2009
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4471 Book

The American Fence: Liberal Political Theory and the Immorality of Membership

Authors Phillip Cole
Book Title Citizenship Acquisition and National Belonging
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4472 Book Chapter

Does City Size Affect International Migrants and Native-Born Workers Differently? Exploring Inequalities in Unemployment and Occupations Across Spanish Cities

Authors Jacobo Muñoz-Comet, Fernando Fernando-Monge
Year 2022
Journal Name International Migration Review
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4473 Journal Article

Race, inequality, and social capital in the US counties

Authors Mi-son Kim, Dongkyu Kim, Natasha Altema McNeely
Year 2020
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4474 Journal Article

The fourth freedom

Authors Adrian Favell, A Favell
Year 2014
Journal Name European Journal of Social Theory
Citations (WoS) 21
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4475 Journal Article

Thinking race through corporeal feminist theory: divisions and intimacies at the Minneapolis Farmers' Market

Authors Rachel Slocum, R Slocum
Year 2008
Journal Name Social & Cultural Geography
Citations (WoS) 102
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4476 Journal Article

African migrants in Japan: Social capital and economic integration

Authors Edmond Akwasi Agyeman
Year 2015
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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4477 Journal Article

The Heart of the Politics of Race

Authors Melissa V. Harris-Lacewell, M Harris-Lacewell
Year 2003
Journal Name Journal of Black Studies
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4478 Journal Article

Cultural Bereavement and Resilience in Refugee Resettlement: A Photovoice Study With Yazidi Women in the Midwest United States

Authors Julie A. Tippens, Kaitlin Roselius, Irene Padasas, ...
Year 2021
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4479 Journal Article

'The sweet memories of home have gone': displaced people searching for home in a liminal space

Authors Luis Eduardo Perez Murcia
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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4481 Journal Article

Patient Centered Medical Home Care Among Near-Old and Older Race/Ethnic Minorities in the US: Findings from the Medical Expenditures Panel Survey

Authors Wassim Tarraf, GA Jensen, Hector M. Gonzalez, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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4482 Journal Article

Light and shadows: An analysis of racial differences between siblings in Brazil

Authors Andrew Francis-Tan
Year 2016
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 2
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4483 Journal Article

Globalization, labor market transformation, and metropolitan earnings inequality

Authors Michael Wallace, Andrew S. Fullerton, Gordon Gauchat
Year 2011
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 12
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4486 Journal Article

Does Race Matter? Children's Height in Brazil and South Africa

Authors Sarah Burgard
Year 2002
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 24
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4487 Journal Article

Immigration, race, and riot: the 1992 Los Angeles uprising

Authors A Bergesen, M Herman
Year 1998
Journal Name American Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 56
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4488 Journal Article

Immigration, race, and riot: the 1992 Los Angeles uprising

Authors A Bergesen, M Herman
Year 1998
Journal Name American Sociological Review
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4489 Journal Article

Teaching racial literacy in secondary humanities classrooms: challenging adolescents’ of color concepts of race and racism

Authors Terrie Epstein, Conra Gist
Year 2015
Journal Name Race Ethnicity and Education
Citations (WoS) 10
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4490 Journal Article

Sex, disPlacements, And cross-Cultural EncounterS

While for a long time historians of ideas have highlighted the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Northern European liberal genesis of the idea of tolerance, recent historical research has indeed revealed its medieval and early modern gestation across the Mediterranean area. SPACES aims to originally investigate these attitudes by analyzing the links between two apparently disjointed aspects: religious and sexual toleration in the early modern Mediterranean world. Thanks to a survey of the sources I have already carried out in the archives of the Spanish and Roman Inquisition, I have uncovered a not yet investigated 'heresy' that circulated in the Italian peninsula between the 16th and 18th centuries. The defendants thought that Adam and Eve practiced anal sex in the terrestrial paradise, praising the pleasures of unreproductive sexuality. They also stated that ‘all can be saved in their own law’, that is, that the eternal salvation was not limited to any specific religious or cultural tradition. These heretical ideas were partially influenced by Islamic beliefs, although through the meditation of Christian anti-Islamic writings. Some of the defendants were also charged with apostasy to Islam. These facts further prove the influence of Islamic thought on religious heterodoxy in early modern Europe. I aim to prove that, in these cases, questioning the religious prescriptions regulating sexual morality prepared the ground for a wider critique of the political and social order, stimulating more inclusive understandings of religious identities. Uncovering a past in which toleration was practiced and theorized despite an ongoing religious war contrasts the simplified interpretation of today interactions with Islam in the public discourse in terms of a 'Clash of Civilizations'. Furthermore, the focus on sexuality allows SPACES to interrogate the complex relations between religious and sexual identities in an increasingly multicultural world.
Year 2018
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4491 Project

Mobile context-aware cross-cultural applications

This proposal proposal intends to systematically pioneer the cross-cultural mobile user experience issues and provide valuable guidelines for designing cultural adaptability into the context-awareness of smart phones. The objectives of this proposal are to: 1) Identify the user experience problems that exists in mobile context-awareness system in Europe and China, and uncover the key factors producing the problems; 2) Examine the influence of context-awareness factors and culture difference on mobile context-aware cross-cultural applications (MOCCA); 3) Apply the findings to improving the design of mobile context-awareness systems and demonstrate specific user experiences for European and Chinese users of smart phones with cultural adaptability. In WP 1, 2 and 3, we will use a combination of qualitative methods (contextual inquiry) and quantitative methods (experiment and psychophysiological measures) to support our objective of identifying and measuring cross-cultural user experiences of the smart phone and the applications. In WP 4 we will apply a user-centered design method to ensure that our cross-cultural UX measures and design guidelines for context-awareness features in smart phones are in fact usable. The experienced researcher will improve and explore alternative approaches to measuring user experience, under supervision provided by the host university, and in close collaboration with the university providing the secondment, Chinese universities, and a European (Danish) high tech company. The research will be published in leading journals in the field of Human-Computer Interaction and disseminated in Europe and China. The host university provides intellectual and physical infrastructure specifically aimed to bring the experienced researcher to the next level of a professor position in the field of business-oriented Human-Computer Interaction, with a focus on extending and bridging user experience research between Europe and China.
Year 2016
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4492 Project

Competing in complex cross-cultural world

Authors Yadong Luo, Qinqin Zheng
Year 2016
Journal Name Cross Cultural & Strategic Management
Citations (WoS) 13
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4493 Journal Article

Cross-Cultural Research Methods in Psychology

Authors Patricia L. Goerman
Year 2011
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4494 Journal Article

Design Patterns for Cross-cultural Collaboration

Authors Nicole Schadewitz
Year 2009
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4495 Journal Article

The courtesan's arts: Cross-cultural perspectives.

Authors Elizabeth S. Cohen
Year 2006
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4496 Journal Article

Medieval woman's song: Cross-cultural approaches

Authors R Greentree
Year 2003
Journal Name PARERGON
4497 Journal Article


Authors RH COX, Z LIU
Year 1993
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4498 Journal Article


Authors G BREE
Year 1981
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4499 Journal Article

Color Crit: Critical Race Theory and the History and Future of Colorism in the United States

Authors Robert L. Reece
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Black Studies
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4500 Journal Article
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