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Singapore as a nexus of migration corridors: Theqiaopisystem and diasporic heritage

Authors Hong Liu, Huimei Zhang
Year 2020
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1 Journal Article

The Libyan Migration Corridor

Authors Sylvie BREDELOUP, Olivier PLIEZ
Since the mid 1990s, the media have directed our attention to the thousands of Southern Sahara Africans who take life threatening risks crossing the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic ocean. Their numbers on migratory routes leading to Europe are increasing, joining up, especially in the “Libyan crossroad” with North Africans, Egyptians and even Asian migrants on the same quest. This image reflects reality, but only partially so, for it leads one to believe that these migrants cross the Sahara in the hope of reaching Europe. It should be pointed out that one of the main misunderstandings when evoking these migrations flows is to reduce them to the act of crossing the straits of the Mediterranean Sea. Since the 1990s, the Libyan case exemplifies the way the multilateral (EU-Maghreb) or bilateral (Libya-Italy) political negotiations between the two shores of the Mediterranean sea rapidly focus on the figure of the “illegal sub-Saharan migrant in transit”. This simplistic view is dangerous because it erases the historical dimension of the movement of people and its consequences. The Sahara is not merely a desert to be crossed; it is an area that has been shaped for more than half a century by the various migrant, trader or pastoral communities who have contributed to its massive urbanisation and economic development. At the same time, the reorganization of African migration is affected by the inflation of tensions, border and police controls, the diversification of routes between Niger, Chad Sudan and Libya consequently contributes to the perpetuation of transit spaces. There are tens of thousands of these migrants who settle down more or less durably in these new transit areas dependants on opportunity, status controls, and expulsions. But these transit areas have also become places where migrants seek employment, create new economic activities, or develop new skills while working, studying or practicing other tongues. As migration patterns across the Sahara are reconfigured, the impact is more visible in some places. But their durability should not be taken for granted. Villages specialised in the transit economy may easily decline as new diplomatic relations are formed between countries of immigration and third countries.
Year 2011
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2 Report

The Libya–Italy migration corridor

Authors Daniela DeBono
Year 2020
Book Title Routledge Handbook of Migration and Development
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3 Book Chapter

The diversification of national football teams: Using the idea of migration corridors to explore the underlying structures of nationality changes amongst foreign-born players at the football World Cup

Authors Gijs van Campenhout, Jacco van Sterkenburg
Year 2019
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4 Journal Article

Migration from Central and Eastern Europe to Turkey

Authors Tuğba Acar, Deniz Karcı Korfalı
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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5 Book Chapter

Exploring 12 Migration Corridors: Rationale, Methodology and Overview

Authors Dominique Jolivet, Jørgen Carling
Book Title Beyond Networks
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6 Book Chapter

​KNOMAD-ILO Migration Costs Surveys

he KNOMAD-ILO Migration Costs Surveys (MCS) aim to systematically document monetary and non-monetary costs incurred by migrant workers seeking jobs abroad. The project is a joint initiative by the Global Knowledge Partnership on Migration and Development (KNOMAD), which is hosted at the World Bank, and the International Labor Organization (ILO). The data is also intended to support methodological work on developing a new Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicator 10.7.1 to monitor trends in recruitment costs paid by workers, of which the World Bank and ILO are joint custodians. Datasets and documentation for the 2015 and 2016 survey waves are now available on the World Bank’s Central Microdata Catalog. Collectively, the surveys covered over 19 bilateral migration corridors with a total of 5,603 interviewed migrants. The Migration Costs Surveys primarily focused on costs incurred by workers who were recruited in their home countries and received a job offer prior to migrating. On a pilot basis, several migration corridors were also surveyed to account for non-recruited migrants who moved abroad in search of work without prior job offers. In the 2015 dataset, these are limited to workers who migrated to Mexico from Guatemala, Honduras and El-Salvador and in 2016, the relevant corridors are workers who migrated to Italy from multiple African countries and from Central Asia to Russia.
Year 2015
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7 Data Set


DiasporaLink is a 4-year exchange program between 24 universities and research institutes representing EU, the Americas, Africa and Australia and will investigate, evaluate and facilitate transnational diaspora entrepreneurship, TDE as driver of development and wealth creation in countries of origin and residence. • The partners in DiasporaLink have together a unique possibility to have a substantial impact on a global, European and national level targeting different groups and stakeholders: • The international research community • Institutions and policy makers in the social, economic and development field • Diaspora organizations and communities • Media and press This is underlined by the specific network of the partners • GEM Global Entrepreneurship Monitor • IMISCOE International Migration, Integration, Social Cohesion • International Council for Small Businesses • Swedish TDE network Core tasks are: • Structure research on diaspora cross-border entrepreneurship in migration corridors • Create awareness among policy and decision makers of the potential of TDE through publications and a web-site • Build a IT-curricula for transnational entrepreneurship within and outside the universities • Build an ICT-platform for internal communication and for transnational team building The exchange of staff is built around research in common WP’s and around regular and touring workshops both internal and external. The objective is to create a global, extended university network with the mission to monitor the entrepreneurship in migration corridors, define obstacles and support the corridor stakeholders with information and tuition. Essential is close contacts with diaspora entrepreneurs and diaspora organizations are systematically approached through workshops and media, for involving diaspora organizations as active partners.
Year 2015
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8 Project

Poland’s Perspective on the Intra-European Movement of Poles. Implications and Governance Responses

Authors Marta Kindler
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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9 Book Chapter

Countries of Origin as Organisers of Emigration: Moroccans and Turks in Belgium

Authors Jérémy Mandin, Sonia Gsir, Elsa Mescoli
Book Title Migrant integration between homeland and host society. Volume 2, How countries of origin impact migrant integration outcomes : an analysis
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10 Book Chapter

Online Feedback in Migration Networks

Authors Godfried Engbersen, Rianne Dekker, Marije Faber
Book Title Beyond Networks
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11 Book Chapter

From migration corridors to clusters: The value of Google+ data for migration studies

Authors Johnnatan Messias, Fabricio Benevenuto, Ingmar Weber, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name 2016 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM)
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13 Journal Article

South-South Migration: Remittances of Labour Migrants and Household Expenditures in Uzbekistan

Authors Jakhongir Kakhkharov, Muzaffarjon Ahunov, Ziyodullo Parpiev, ...
Year 2020
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14 Journal Article

After the International Organization for Migration: recruitment of Guatemalan temporary agricultural workers to Canada

Authors Christina Gabriel, Laura Macdonald
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
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16 Journal Article

Drivers of Human Migration: A Review of Scientific Evidence

Year 2021
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18 Journal Article

Conceptualising the integration-transnationalism nexus

In this paper, we discuss the ways in which integration, transnationalism and the relationships between the two have been conceptualised. Given the diversity in scope and in intensity that characterises transnational mobility, we suggest that there is a need to revisit the various facets of the interconnections between the two phenomena and take into account new variables to explain: under what circumstances migrants engage in transnational mobility; in what ways does their integration in the society of settlement influence this engagement; what sort of transfers are being made; and in what ways are the particular characteristics of each migration corridor relevant for the link between integration and transnational mobility. We thus define the boundaries of our research and critically analyse the available quantitative strategies for addressing the multidimensional nature of the integration-transnational mobility matrix.
Year 2014
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21 Report

The Philippines-Korea and Philippines-Taiwan migration corridors: A comparison of recruitment systems and their outcomes

Authors Maruja M. B. Asis, Jung-Che Chang, Seori Choi, ...
Year 2019
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22 Journal Article


Authors Wadim Strielkowski, Blanka Weyskrabova
Year 2014
Journal Name Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
Citations (WoS) 28
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23 Journal Article

Between Mobility and Migration

Authors Mark van Ostaijen, Peter Scholten
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25 Book

Rumors, encounters, collaborations, and survival : the migrant smuggling-drug trafficking nexus in the us Southwest

Authors Gabriella SANCHEZ, Sheldon X. ZHANG
Year 2018
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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26 Journal Article

Co-creation of transnational livelihoods through ‘door-to- door’ shipping operations along the Ghana-UK migration corridor

Authors Geraldine Asiwome Adiku, Leander Kandilige
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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28 Journal Article

Spatial Genetic Analyses Reveal Cryptic Population Structure and Migration Patterns in a Continuously Harvested Grey Wolf (Canis lupus) Population in North-Eastern Europe

Authors Maris Hindrikson, Urmas Saarma, Peep Maennil, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 12
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29 Journal Article

Narrow-Front Loop Migration in a Population of the Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus, as Revealed by Satellite Telemetry

Authors Mikkel Willemoes, Martin Wikelski, Raymond Klaassen, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 44
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31 Journal Article

The Irregular Migration Corridor between the EU and Turkey: Is it Possible to Block it with a Readmission Agreement?

Authors Ahmet İÇDUYGU
Over the last decade while a shift from migrantion control to migration management has become an integral part of the EU-based political discources and policy practices relating to irregular migration, the issues of transit migration and readmission agreements seem to be high on the agenda. Within this context, the debate over irregular transit migration from Turkey to the EU is a perfect case study for analyzing how the phenomenon of irregular migration is affecting the European migration and border regimes. It is also an interesting case for analyzing the interplay between the migration-related issues and the EU-Turkey membership negotiations in which the whole notion of “migration management” turns into a type of conditionality measure for the progress and completion of the membership talks. This essay aims at elaborating the recent status of irregular migratory flows from Turkey to Europe referring to their changing volumes, trends and patterns. It also aims at relating the irregular migration through Turkey to the recently negotiated Readmission Agreement between the EU and Turkey which targets the return of apprehended irregular transit migrants in the EU member states to Turkey. In doing so, this essay intends to elaborate the ways in which the irregular transit migration in Turkey has impact on the European migration and border regimes.
Year 2011
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33 Report

Migration and Border Politics in The South of United States And Spain

Authors María Isolda Perelló
Year 2019
Journal Name Migration and Diasporas: An Interdisciplinary Journal
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35 Journal Article

Returning home empty handed: Examining how COVID-19 exacerbates the non-payment of temporary migrant workers’ wages

Authors Laura Foley, Nicola Piper
Year 2021
Journal Name Global Social Policy
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36 Journal Article

Determinants of Mexico-U.S. Outward and Return Migration Flows: A State-Level Panel Data Analysis

Authors Isabelle Chort, Maelys de la Rupelle, Maëlys de la Rupelle
Year 2016
Journal Name Demography
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37 Journal Article

Increased Flight Altitudes among Migrating Golden Eagles Suggest Turbine Avoidance at a Rocky Mountain Wind Installation

Authors Naira N. Johnston, James E. Bradley, Ken A. Otter
Year 2014
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 13
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38 Journal Article

The Diversification of Intra-European Movement

Authors Deniz Sert
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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40 Book Chapter

New regional formations: Rapid environmental change and migration in coastal regions of Ghana and Indonesia

Principal investigator Felicitas Hillmann (Principal Investigator ), Michael Flitner (Principal Investigator ), Volker Heins (Principal Investigator ), Achim Schlüter (Principal Investigator ), Hildegard Westphal (Principal Investigator )
Küstenregionen spielen eine wichtige Rolle für zwei zentrale Herausforderungen heutiger Gesellschaften: Umweltwandel und Migration. Zum einen sind sie seit jeher sowohl Ursprung wie Zielregion von Migrationsbewegungen und fungieren zudem häufig als Eintrittspforten in größere Migrationsregime. Zum anderen werden Küstenregionen rund um den Globus kontinuierlich durch geomorphologische, klimatische und andere Einflüsse transformiert. Untersucht werden zwei Küstenregionen: Die Stadt Semarang in Zentraljava (Indonesien) mit rund 2 Mio. Einwohnern ist von starker Landsenkung und wiederkehrenden Hochwassern bedroht; im Distrikt Keta (Ghana) mit rund 100.000 Einwohnern findet besonders intensive Erosion entlang der Küste statt. In beiden Regionen ist ein gewichtiger und bedeutsamer Küstenwandel nicht nur Projektion oder Vorhersage für die Zukunft, sondern eine andauernde Erfahrung als "rapid change" über die letzten Jahrzehnte. Das Forschungsprojekt untersucht, wie Umweltveränderungen und Risiko-Kulturen mit den Trajektorien von Migration, den ökonomischen Strategien von Haushalten und den Antworten der Politik zusammenwirken und dabei neue Bedingungen, Begrenzungen und Möglichkeiten für regionale Formationen entstehen lassen. Zentrales Projektergebnis ist ein gemeinsam herausgegebener Band sowie Beiträge in renommierten internationalen Zeitschriften. In Ghana und Indonesien sollen darüber hinaus regionale Workshops mit lokalen Verantwortlichen durchgeführt werden.
Year 2015
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41 Project

Between Mobility and Migration: The Consequences and Governance of Intra-European Movement

Authors Mark van Ostaijen, Peter Scholten
Year 2018
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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42 Book Chapter

Conclusions and Reflection

Authors Peter Scholten, Mark van Ostaijen
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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43 Book Chapter

Intra-European Movement: Multi-Level or Mismatched Governance?

Authors Dion Curry
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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44 Book Chapter
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