Desarrollo y niveles de vida urbano/rural

Urban or rural development and living standards refers to macro factors such as the level of regional or national development, generally proxied by gross domestic product (GDP). It further includes the living and housing standards and costs as well as lifestyle considerations that drive migration.

Studies listed under this migration driver refer to development levels and differentials, (national) income levels and differentials (but not wage income), GDP per capita, cost of living, quality or standard of living, housing costs and standards, lifestyle, and urban-to-rural migration. The latter two are mostly linked to retirement and lifestyle migration.

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Drivers of rural exodus from Amazonian headwaters

Authors Luke Parry, Brett Day, Silvana Amaral, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 40
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3 Journal Article

Staying in the cities or returning home? An analysis of the rural-urban migration behavior in Vietnam

Authors Loc Duc Nguyen, Ulrike Grote, Rasadhika Sharma
Year 2017
Journal Name IZA Journal of Development and Migration
Citations (WoS) 2
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18 Journal Article


Authors Zhenghua Jiang
Year 2011
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 1
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21 Journal Article

Floating Choices: A Generational Perspective on Intentions of Rural–Urban Migrants in China

Authors Zhongshan Yue, Shuzhuo Li, Marcus W Feldman, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Citations (WoS) 40
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28 Journal Article

Health Selection, Migration, and HIV Infection in Malawi

Authors Philip Anglewicz, Mark VanLandingham, Lucinda Manda-Taylor, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Demography
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29 Journal Article

Rural–Urban Migration and Cross-National Variation in Infant Mortality in Less Developed Countries

Authors D. Walter Rasugu Omariba, Michael H. Boyle
Year 2009
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 11
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30 Journal Article

Men's and women's migration in coastal Ghana: An event history analysis

Authors Holly E. Reed, MJ White, Catherine S. Andrzejewski
Year 2010
Journal Name Demographic Research
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31 Journal Article

Urbanization in Nigeria: The Onitsha experience

Authors Ngozika Anthonia Obi-Ani, Mathias Chukwudi Isiani
Year 2020
Journal Name Cities
Citations (WoS) 18
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34 Journal Article

Crisis ambiental, migración y género entre el campo y la ciudad: injusticias socioambientales en el caso del Área Reconquista (Gran Buenos Aires)

Authors Lucila Nejamkis, Maria Belen Lopez
Year 2022
Journal Name International Migration Journal. Reflections from Argentina
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42 Journal Article

Crisis ambiental, migración y género entre el campo y la ciudad: injusticias socioambientales en el caso del Área Reconquista (Gran Buenos Aires)

Authors Lucila Nejamkis, Maria Belen Lopez
Year 2022
Journal Name International Migration Journal. Reflections from Argentina
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43 Journal Article

Human migration and the environment

Authors Susana B. Adamo, Haydea Izazola
Year 2010
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 20
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45 Journal Article

Migration Within the Frontier: The Second Generation Colonization in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Authors Alisson Flávio Barbieri, David L. Carr, Richard E. Bilsborrow
Year 2008
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 32
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46 Journal Article

On the Determinants of Slum Formation

Authors Tiago Cavalcanti, Daniel Da Mata, Marcelo Santos
Year 2019
Journal Name The Economic Journal
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49 Journal Article

Assessing the multiple Impacts of the Common Agricultural Policies (CAP) on Rural Economies

European rural areas are undergoing major changes, including the impacts of migration, changes in settlement patterns, demographic ageing, changes in the nature of rural-urban interactions, a decreasing role of agriculture in terms of income and employment, and changes in governance systems. The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is the main expenditure chapter of the EU and is directly affecting the economy of rural areas. Assessing the impact of the CAP will help in re-addressing the CAP in the wider framework of EU policy objectives. The objective of the project CAP-IRE is to develop concepts and tools to support future CAP design, based on an improved understanding of long term socio-economic mechanisms of change in rural areas. Concepts and tools will be developed, shaped by state of art literature and a wide empirical testing. Coverage includes case study regions in 9 countries of the EU. The focus will be farm households as the reference agents in the connection between policy and socio-economic change, as well as between agriculture and other sectors of the economy. Account of the wider non-EU and non-rural scenarios will be taken. The first step of the project will be to devise concepts and tools able to fill the gaps in present knowledge on development in rural areas. In the second step, these concepts and tools will be applied in an empirical analysis of mechanisms of change in selected case study areas. In a third step, tools will be used to assess the impact of CAP in the selected areas. Expected results concern: an improved conceptual view of CAP relationships in the context of changing rural areas and a framework to assess reciprocal impacts between CAP and other drivers of change in a long term perspective; models and tools to assess changes in rural areas, with particular attention to the connection between CAP and other drivers; an assessment of present dynamics of change, including impacts of CAP in the selected case study areas.
Year 2008
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53 Project

Self‐help in housing and chengzhongcun in China's urbanization

Authors L. Zhang, Simon X. B. Zhao, J. P. Tian
Year 2003
Journal Name International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Citations (WoS) 157
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55 Journal Article

Access to Housing in Urban China

Year 2009
Journal Name International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Citations (WoS) 75
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57 Journal Article

Migration, environmental hazards, and health outcomes in China

Authors Juan Chen, Shuo Chen, Pierre F. Landry
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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64 Journal Article

Internal and External Migration

Authors Georgeta Cristina Pencea, Adrian Bogdan Curteanu
Year 2020
Citations (WoS) 2
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67 Journal Article

Self-employment of rural-to-urban migrants in China

Authors Corrado Giulietti, KF Zimmermann, Guangjie Ning
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Manpower
Citations (WoS) 21
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68 Journal Article

Effects of the "One-Child" Policy and the Number of Children in Families on the Mental Health of Children in China

Authors Minjie Fan
Year 2016
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71 Journal Article

Mobility and morbidity of regular and seasonal migrants in India

Authors Mala Ray Bhattacharjee
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
Citations (WoS) 1
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75 Journal Article

Forum on agriculture, rural development and migration in the Mediterranean : a better understanding of the drivers and impacts for forward-looking policies and programmes

Authors Michele NORI, Anna TRIANDAFYLLIDOU, Marie Hélène LE HENAFF, ...
Most rural areas in the Mediterranean and beyond are characterised by migratory flows, which affect local economies, societies and agroecologies. This is significant for both the countries of origin and those of destination. The implications of this phenomenon are relevant in terms of food production, natural resource management, territorial integration, social protection, diasporas and inclusive development – with impacts on the overall sustainability and resilience of our society. This work reports the outcomes of the Forum on Agriculture, Rural Development and Migration in the Mediterranean organized on 29/5/2018 CIHEAM, FAO, UfMS and EUI’s Global Governance Programme to discuss rural migration in the Mediterranean from the perspective of rural and agricultural development, with the aim to provide policy recommendations and establish a regional multi-stakeholder platform for decision-makers at different levels.
Year 2019
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78 Report

Eastern and Southern Africa

Authors Brendan Girdler‐Brown
Year 1998
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 12
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80 Journal Article

Women's migration and quality of life in Turkey

Authors Mohammad Hemmasi, Carolyn V Prorok
Year 2002
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 11
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83 Journal Article

New CUBic shElter concepT TO foster living responses

The Cubetto project aims to standardize and offer the first comprehensive bottom-up answer to displaced people living needs, being the first construction model of a shelter made of concrete materials that guarantees: full construction with human and material resources found locally; easy installation, removal and repositioning of all modules (concrete panels, SPF and bent plate structure); highest level of security; energy efficiency and environmental resilience. CUBETTO will impact the urgent emergency problems in EU's border areas, as it's the first process and technologies based solution to provide a shelter that is more a home than a bed, giving a complete European response to practical, psychological and social problems of the global housing needs affecting people living in conflict zones, migration routes, crowded urban and poor rural areas. First results achieved with our tested construction model (awarded in European contest of housing solutions) and the endorsement of companies interested in our building concept, brought us target the sector in which the housing need is higher and imperative. A first recognition of global market opportunities (worth to 4 billion in the next five years) and the overall definition of our shelter model features, have allowed us to roughly evaluate the investment needed (€ 1.25 million) and first deployment projections based on our capabilities, to estimate an overall ROI of 3.32 in the fifth year. In this phase the objective is to assess how to improve the building organization method to standardize the intervention in post-emergency contexts and in crowded urban areas, considering different scenarios for materials use, supply and works streamlining; on the other side we aim to analyze the problematic circumstances in their practical and social components, the intervention procedures and exploitation channels in each environment, along with the precise esteem of economic and financial profitability of the business model.
Year 2016
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91 Project

The impact of migrant workers' remittances on the living standards of families in Morocco: A propensity score matching approach

Authors Jamal Bouoiyour, Amal Miftah
Year 2015
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92 Journal Article

Rural and Urban Married Asian Immigrants in Taiwan: Determinants of their Physical and Mental Health

Authors Walter Chen, Wen-Been Shiao, Blossom Yen-Ju Lin, ...
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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93 Journal Article

The attraction of cities

Authors Lorene Y.L. Yap
Year 1977
Journal Name Journal of Development Economics
Citations (WoS) 76
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94 Journal Article

A Study on the Key Factors of Labor Migration and Willingness to Return to Rural Areas Using ANP: A Case Study of Western China

Authors Zhihong Tang, Lun Zhao, Xianyong Zhou
Year 2020
Citations (WoS) 1
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96 Journal Article


Authors Aliye M. Sergienko, Lyudmila Rodionova, Olga N. Kolesnikova, ...
Year 2019
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
100 Journal Article
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