Matrimonio y migración

Attitudes and behaviour related to marriage can be changed by the migration-related diversification of a society or the acculturation of migrants. Such changes could relate to decisions of who, when, why and how to marry.

Literature listed under this category includes studies on interethnic, interracial or interreligious marriage, marital assimilation, and partner choice among single immigrants. 

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Intercultural marriages: An intrareligious perspective

Year 1985
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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2 Journal Article

Asian American interracial and interethnic marriages: Differences by education and nativity

Authors Zhenchao Qian, SL Blair, SD Ruf
Year 2001
Journal Name International Migration Review
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3 Journal Article

Leisure and Marital Satisfaction in Intercultural Marriages

Authors Iryna Sharaievska, Jungeun Kim, Monika Stodolska
Year 2013
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8 Journal Article

Problems and benefits of close intercultural relationships

Authors Gary Fontaine, Edwina Dorch
Year 1980
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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10 Journal Article


Increased international migration had brought the integration of immigrants to the forefront of sociopolitical topics. Although the economic and political aspects of immigrant integration have been scrutinized, little is known about immigrants’ social interactions with the native population. Interethnic marriages have been posited as a factor that undermines racial barriers and, thus, contribute to the integration between immigrants and natives. The scant studies of divorced couples comprised of immigrants and natives found that mixed couples are more likely to divorce that homogeneous couples and explained this gap by individual and mainly cultural factors. Nevertheless, these studies were conducted in single countries and thus, they did not investigate the effect of environmental factors such as national integration models and immigration policies. This study aims to fill this gap in the literature by analyzing factors affecting the survival of international marriages (i.e., couples in which the spouses come from different countries) in Europe and North America. I will employ the concept of the ‘liability of foreignness’ to build a model in which micro (individual), meso (cultural) and macro (immigration policies) level factors interact to predict the differential rates of international marriage survival across immigrant groups and host countries of the Old and New Worlds. A set of empirical studies will be conducted in selected European and North American countries - such as Spain, Greece, Germany, Sweeden, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Canada and the United States - to test this model. The comparison between European and North American countries will allow me to analyze the potential effect of different immigration histories and policies on the integration between newcomers and local people. The selection of countries depends on data availability and differences in immigration policies and integration models in the Old and the New Worlds.
Year 2011
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21 Project

Muslim Women and Interracial Intimacies

Authors Rikke Andreassen
Year 2013
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
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22 Journal Article

The Economics and Persistence of Migrant Ethnicity (Study Group)

Principal investigator Klaus F. Zimmermann (Principal Investigator), Amelie F. Constant (Principal Investigator), Barry R. Chiswick (Principal Investigator)
This study group is part of an international research network consisting of researchers from sociology, political science, social and economic history and economics. Their work will contribute to the international social science literature on contemporary issues of migrant ethnicity around the world. Based on theoretical approaches from different disciplines and on micro data sets for Australia, Canada, Denmark and Germany interethnic marriage, citizenship and ethnic entrepreneurship will be studied and compared with earnings outcomes. From insights into the effects of ethnicity on the economic performance of individuals, ethnic clusters and the respective countries lessons will be drawn for migration policies and integration.
Year 2005
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23 Project

The Demilitarization of Thai American Marriage Migration, 1980–2000

Authors Danielle Antoinette Hidalgo, Carl L. Bankston
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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25 Journal Article

Reversal of the Gender Order? Male Marriage Migration to Germany by North African and Turkish Men: Consequences for Family Life, Work, and the Socialization of the Next Generation

Principal investigator Ursula Apitzsch (Principal Investigator)
The planned study aims at the investigation of the phenomenon what is known as marriage migration (also called transnational marriage) to Germany by male Muslim migrants. By means of biographical narrative interviews with male migrants from North Africa and Turkey, the research project aims at dealing with the multidimensional and multifaceted character of male marriage migration to Germany. The subject male marriage migration can be approached from different perspectives and related aspects. In the frame of this research project, through a sampling which consists of married couples composed of a male migrant from one of the countries mentioned above and a female descendant of a migrant family with a residence permit in Germany, we want to consider this issue in all its complexity and implications regarding the debates on integration of the migrants, integration of male migrants into the labour market, gender relations and dynamics within the migrant family, and (un) chancing conceptions and visions of manhood in migration processes and the contestation/ negotiation of migrant masculinities. Regarding the studies of the last years it is noteworthy that all marriage migration studies are rather focussing on women as migrating subjects. Although it is noticed, too, that there are men as well migrating to their wives, there is no study focussing exclusively on migrating men in context of marriage. This fact may be - especially in Germany - an expression of the emotional public discussion concerning forced marriages. Nevertheless, the marriage migration of men is the desideratum of past and current marriage migration studies. This gap will be filled with the following research proposal. Our hypothesis is that women of the second or third generation of migrant families might be hoping for a realistic chance of founding a family and bringing up children through marrying a partner from the country of origin while they continue to work and remain the bread winners in the country of immigration and thus strengthen their autonomy (while their husbands are waiting for working permits and/or job opportunities and meanwhile have to take over care obligations within the family). In general, we want to show that male marriage migration can be seen both as "cause and the effect" of changing gender orders.
Year 2012
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27 Project

Marriage Migration and Inequality in India, 1983–2008

Authors Smriti Rao, Kade Finnoff
Year 2015
Journal Name Population and Development Review
Citations (WoS) 3
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28 Journal Article

Regulating Mixed Marriages through Acquisition and Loss of Citizenship

Authors Betty de Hart
Year 2015
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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31 Journal Article

Ethnic Conversions and Transethnic Descent Groups in the Assam-Meghalaya Borderlands

Authors Philippe Ramirez
Year 2013
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38 Journal Article

Huwen in het hart van Europa: Europese binationale huwelijken in België

Authors Suzana Koelet, Helga De Valk, Didier Willaert
Year 2011
Journal Name Tijdschrift voor Sociologie
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42 Journal Article

Growing Up Multicultural: The Experiences of Children Raised by Polish-Norwegian Mixed Couples in Norway

Year 2017
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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43 Journal Article

Marriage Migration: Lived Experience of Foreign Spouses Married to Malaysian Citizens

Authors P. A. Tedong, K. Roslan, Abdul A. R. Kadir
Year 2018
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51 Journal Article

Functions of Code-Switching: A Case Study of a Mixed Malay-Chinese Family in the Home Domain

Authors Siti Hamin Stapa, Nurul Nadiah Begum Sahabudin Khan
Year 2016
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53 Journal Article

A Real Marriage? Applying for Marriage Migration to Norway

Authors Helga Eggebø
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 39
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59 Journal Article

International marriage migration: The predicament of culture and its negotiations

Authors A. K. M. Ahsan Ullah, A. K. M. Ahsan Ullah, Diotima Chattoraj, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name International Migration
Citations (WoS) 2
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65 Journal Article

Interethnic Marriage: Identifying the Second Generation in Australia

Authors Parimal Roy, Ian Hamilton
Year 1997
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 7
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66 Journal Article

Mixed marriages in Switzerland: A test of the segmented assimilation hypothesis

Authors Gina Potarca, Laura Bernardi
Year 2018
Journal Name Demographic Research
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71 Journal Article

Interethnic marriage: a choice between ethnic and educational similarities

Authors Delia Furtado, Nikolaos Theodoropoulos
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Population Economics
Citations (WoS) 34
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74 Journal Article


Year 1990
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75 Journal Article

Partnerschaftsbildung im Kontext von Migration: Determinanten und Konsequenzen

Principal investigator Irena Kogan (Principal Investigator)
Das Projekt untersucht den Prozess der Partnerschaftsbildung von neu angekommenen (männlichen) Einwanderern im Kontext ungleicher Geschlechterverteilung und ausgeprägter kultureller und sozialer Distanz der Neuankömmlinge zur autochthonen Mehrheitsbevölkerung der Gastländer. Dabei bezieht es beide Perspektiven ein, d. h. es wird das Zusammenspiel zwischen (subjektiven) Einstellungen in der Mehrheitsbevölkerung der Aufnahmegesellschaft und den individuellen Präferenzen und Einschränkungen der Einwanderer untersucht. Da transnationale Ehen bei Zuwanderern, insbesondere Muslimen, häufig vorkommen, ist diese Art der Partnerwahl für das Projekt von besonderem Interesse. Auf Basis vorhandener Daten zu früheren Migrantenkohorten sollen die Integrationsaussichten von Zuwanderern, ihren Partnern und deren Nachkommen in transnationalen, intraethnischen und interethnischen Ehen in der strukturellen, sozialen und kulturellen Dimension verglichen werden.
Year 2018
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78 Project

Dating relationships of the Turkish second generation in Europe: Patterns, partner origin and the role of parents

Authors Gusta G. Wachter, Helga A. G. de Valk
Year 2020
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 10
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81 Journal Article

Intercultural marriage: Promises and pitfalls

Authors E VORA
Year 1990
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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82 Journal Article

A Family Resemblance? The Regulation of Marriage Migration in Europe

Authors Helena Wray, Agnes Agoston, Jocelyn Hutton
Year 2014
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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89 Journal Article

Turkish Marriage Migration to the Netherlands: Policy vs. Migrants' Perspectives

Authors Jessika ter Wal, Saskia de Munnik, Iris Andriessen
Year 2008
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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90 Journal Article

Domestic Violence in Cross-border Marriage - A Case Study from Taiwan

Authors Lucy Williams, Mei-Kuei Yu
Year 2006
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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93 Journal Article

Regulating Marriage Migration into the UK: A Stranger in the Home

Authors Lucy Williams
Year 2012
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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97 Journal Article

Regulating Marriage Migration into the UK: A Stranger in the Home

Authors Saara Pellander
Year 2013
Journal Name Nordic Journal of Migration Research
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
98 Journal Article
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