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More than 61,000 refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection have been recognised in Austria between 2006 and 2015. In February 2016, 21,000 of either status were registered as unemployed.
Empirical research on the social position of the above groups is scarce in Austria. The FIMAS research project aimed at closing these research gaps by particularly focusing on labour market integration of the growing refugee population. Based on a quantitative survey, refugees’ integration trajectories as well as the effects of dedicated measures regarding labour market integration were analysed.
Face-to-face interviews were conducted with 1,200 recognised refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection of working age who had arrived mostly since 2006. These interviews with persons from Syria, Afghanistan, the Russian Federation and Iraq were conducted by native speaker interviewers in nine Austrian cities: Vienna, Graz (Styria), Linz and Wels (Upper Austria), Salzburg (Salzburg), and Innsbruck, Imst, Wörgl and Kufstein.
Based on the data analysis, the social position of refugees and possible barriers to their successful integration are being presented in order to enable improved labour market integration.
Implementing Project Partners:
- International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
- Centre for Social Innovation/Zentrum für Soziale Innovation (ZSI)
- Diakonie Flüchtlingsdienst
Project Partners
- Labour Market Service Upper Austria/AMS Oberösterreich
- Austrian Association of Cities and Towns/Österreichischer Städtebund
- Federal state offices of the Labour Market Service/Landesgeschäftsstellen des AMS
Co-financed by
- The Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs
- Federal States: Tyrol, Salzburg
- Cities: Vienna, Graz, Wels, Salzburg
- Federal state offices of the Labour Market Service: Vienna, Upper Austria, Tyrol
- Austrian Association of Cities and Towns
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