Sri Lanka

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State-Sanctioned Structural Violence: Women Migrant Domestic Workers in the Philippines and Sri Lanka

Authors Sophie Henderson
Year 2020
Journal Name Violence Against Women
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1 Journal Article

Contributing to Development? Transnational Activities among Tamils in Norway

Authors Marta Bivand Erdal, K Stokke
Year 2009
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 4
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2 Journal Article

'I'm Prepared': Equality for Refugee Women in the Return and Reintegration Context, Year 3 Learning Report

Authors Tamara Megaw, Keren Winterford, Jay Falletta
This document provides learnings from Year 3 research activities of the project “’I’m Prepared’: Equality of Refugee Women in the Return and Reintegration Context". ‘I’m Prepared’ is implemented in four country contexts. These countries are India and Thailand, where encamped refugees decide whether or not to return home, and the reintegration contexts of north-east Sri Lanka and Kayah State, Myanmar. The research learnings relate to gender equality and women’s empowerment and changes that have taken place from Year 1 (2018) to Year 3 (2020) of the ‘I’m Prepared’ Project. To note, ‘Year 3’ was originally scheduled to take place between 1 July 2019 – 30 June 2020, however due to COVID-19 was extended for a further nine months up to 30 March 2021. This report provides insight into the experience of a sub-set of 100 refugee households in the project (50 households in Thailand, and 50 households in India including 12 households who returned to Sri Lanka during the project period) and their experience of a series of activities within the 3-year implementation of the Project. This report is the third of 3 annual research learning reports. The reports were supported by design of research tools; researcher training; data collection; collation and analysis carried out by TBC, OfERR, and ISF-UTS.
Year 2021
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3 Report


Authors A Sivanandan
Year 1984
Journal Name Race & Class
Citations (WoS) 15
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4 Journal Article

Remittance Flows and Their Use in Households: A Comparative Study of Sri Lanka, Indonesia and the Philippines

Authors Robyn Eversole, Judith Shaw
Year 2010
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 4
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5 Journal Article

International Migration, Remittances and COVID-19: Economic Implications and Policy Options for South Asia

Authors Matt Withers, Sophie Henderson, Richa Shivakoti
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Asian Public Policy
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6 Journal Article

Influences on breast cancer screening behaviors in Tamil immigrant women 50 years old and over

Authors M Meana, T Bunston, U George, ...
Year 2001
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
Citations (WoS) 22
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7 Journal Article

The legal protection of women migrant domestic workers from the Philippines and Sri Lanka: an intersectional rights-based approach

Authors Sophie Henderson
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Care and Caring
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8 Journal Article

Ethnic identification, self-esteem and immigrant psychological health

Authors D Nesdale, AS Mak
Year 2003
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 55
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9 Journal Article

Sri Lankan Female Domestic Workers Overseas - The Impact on Their Children

Authors G Hugo, Swarna Ukwatta
Year 2010
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 11
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10 Journal Article


Year 1988
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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11 Journal Article

Dashboard of indicators for measuring policy and institutional coherence for migration and development (PICMD)

The dashboard of indicators for measuring policy and institutional coherence for migration and development (PICMD) is a user-friendly tool that has been developed by the KNOMAD Thematic Working Group on Policy and Institutional Coherence. The dashboard aims to measure the extent to which public policies and institutional arrangements are coherent with international best practices to minimise the risks and maximise the development gains of migration, and can be used by domestic policy makers and other stakeholders such as researchers, civil society and international organisations. For policy makers, the dashboard should serve as a particularly useful tool during the policy formulation, evaluation and adjustment process. Indicators are organised around the following five policy dimensions: promote institutional coherence, reduce the costs of migration, protect the rights of migrants and their family, promote reintegration, enhance the development impact of migration. There are two distinct dashboards – one from the perspective of countries of origin and the other from the perspective of countries of destination – with separate indicators except in the area of institutional coherence. Any given country can be considered both a country of origin and a country of destination. The Thematic Working Group is currently operationalising the dashboard in 15 pilot countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cabo Verde, Germany, Jamaica, Kenya, Moldova, Morocco, the Philippines, Portugal, the Netherlands, Serbia, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, and Trinidad and Tobago.
Year 2016
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12 Data Set

Gender Equality and Empowerment for Refugee Women in Return and Reintegration Contexts (Policy Brief)

Authors Tamara Megaw, Winterford Keren, Sharon Edington, ...
Year 2021
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13 Policy Brief

MACIMIDE Global Expatriate Dual Citizenship Database

The MACIMIDE Global Expatriate Dual Citizenship Dataset charts the rules that existed in near all states of the world since 1960 with regard to the loss or renunciation of citizenship after a citizen of a respective state voluntarily acquires the citizenship of another state. The central variable of the Dataset is the dualcit_cat variable. This is a categorical variable whose values may be used to interpret, in broad lines, the position of a country with regards to the expatriate dual citizenship. The dualcit_cat variable reflects what consequences the legislation and legal practice of a country attaches to the voluntary acquisition of a foreign citizenship. The value of this variable depends on a number of criteria, including whether a citizen of the reference country who voluntarily obtains a foreign citizenship automatically loses – in principle – the citizenship of the origin country, and whether a citizen of the reference country can renounce that citizenship. The value assigned to dualcit_cat reflects the position of the country on the 1st of January of the reference year. Any subsequent changes in legislation will be reflected in the dualcit_cat value of the following year and included in updated versions of the Dataset. The dualcit_binary variable is a recoding of the dualcit_cat variable. This variable can be used for broad comparisons of the dual citizenship positions around the world. The possible values reflect whether the legislation of a country, in a given reference year, provides for the automatic loss of the origin citizenship (1) or not (2). All data have been centrally collected and refer to specific provisions in national law.
Year 2018
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14 Data Set

World Population Policies Database

Since the mid-1970s, the World Population Policies Database, last updated in 2015, provides comprehensive and up-to-date information on the population policy situation and trends for all Member States and non-member States of the United Nations. Among several areas, the database shows the evolution of government views and policies with respect to internal and international migration. The migration strand covers internal migration, immigration, emigration, and return. The Database is updated biennially by conducting a detailed country-by-country review of national plans and strategies, programme reports, legislative documents, official statements and various international, Inter-governmental and non-governmental sources, as well as by using official responses to the United Nations Inquiry among Governments on Population and Development.
Year 2015
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15 Data Set

UN Inquiry on population and development - International Migration

The Inquiry gathers critically important data for monitoring the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and other international agreements, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Inquiry, mandated by the General Assembly in its resolution 1838 (XVII) of 18 December 1962, has been conducted by the Secretary-General at regular intervals since 1963. The Twelfth Inquiry consists of multiple-choice questions, organized in three thematic modules: Module I on population ageing and urbanization; Module II on fertility, family planning and reproductive health; and Module III on international migration. In 1994, Member States attending the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo agreed that “population-related goals and policies are integral parts of cultural, economic and social development” and recommended that actions be taken “to measure, assess, monitor and evaluate progress towards meeting the goals of its Programme of Action”. The year 2019 will mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Cairo conference and adoption of the ICPD Programme of Action, which continues to provide crucial guidance for addressing the fundamental development challenges facing the world today. Population issues are also at the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted in 2015. The United Nations Inquiry among Governments on Population and Development (the “Inquiry”) gathers critically important data for monitoring the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action and other international agreements, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Inquiry, mandated by the General Assembly in its resolution 1838 (XVII) of 18 December 1962, has been conducted by the Secretary-General at regular intervals since 1963. The most recent Inquiry, the Eleventh, was implemented in 2014.
Year 2010
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16 Data Set

Vikhrov's visa index

The index is based on three types of entry visa restrictions: visa required, visa not required for short stays and visa not required. The author identifies country pairs which changed their visa regime during 1998–2010. This immigration policy index is constructed for all countries and territories in the world for both March 1998 and November 2009. This index is heterogeneous across destination and origin countries as well as over time.
Year 2009
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17 Data Set
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