
Showing page of 362 results, sorted by

Chapter 4. The Treaty of Amsterdam: Forging aEuropean Migration Law

Authors Georgia Papagianni
Year 2018
Book Title Institutional and Policy Dynamics of EU Migration Law
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1 Book Chapter

Thessaloniki: The changing geography of the city and the role of spatial planning

Authors Georgia Gemenetzi
Year 2017
Journal Name Cities
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2 Journal Article

"Europeanising" National Immigration Policy: the Case of Greece

Authors Georgia MAVRODI
Year 2005
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4 Working Paper

Forging an External EU Migration Policy: From Externalisation of Border Management to a Comprehensive Policy?

Authors Georgia Papagianni, Georgia Papagianni
Year 2013
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 11
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5 Journal Article

Beyond Labelling: Rethinking the Role and Value of the Refugee ‘Label’ through Semiotics

Authors Georgia Cole
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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6 Journal Article

Common EU policies on authorised immigration : past, present and future

Authors Georgia MAVRODI
Since the early 1990s, one metaphor has dominated the debates on the construction of a common EU immigration policy: ‘Fortress Europe’. The gradual adoption of a set of common rules on the entry, residence and rights of non-EU nationals was depicted as the building of a wall along the external borders of the EU to keep non-EU nationals away coupled with internal, legal boundaries within the welfare systems of EU member states.
Year 2015
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7 Report

Desecuritizing migration in Greece: Contesting securitization through “flexicuritization”

Authors Dimari Georgia
Year 2021
Journal Name International Migration
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8 Journal Article

Chapter 6. Policy-making in Migration (Part II): an Overall Critical Analysis of Europes Nascent Migration Law and Policy

Authors Georgia Papagianni
Year 2018
Book Title Institutional and Policy Dynamics of EU Migration Law
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9 Book Chapter

Chapter 5. Policy-Making in Migration (Part I): the Role of Different Actors

Authors Georgia Papagianni
Year 2018
Book Title Institutional and Policy Dynamics of EU Migration Law
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11 Book Chapter

Identity Strategies and Consciousness Shifts of Sanmiguelense Mixtec Youth in Transnational and Transcultural Spaces

Authors Georgia Melville
Year 2014
Journal Name Latin American Perspectives
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12 Journal Article

Ulysses Turning European: the Different Faces of ‘Europeanization’ of Greek Immigration Policy

Authors Georgia Mavrodi
Book Title The Europeanization of National Policies and Politics of Immigration
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13 Book Chapter

General Conclusions: EU Migration Law and Policy in a Nutshell

Authors Georgia Papagianni
Year 2018
Book Title Institutional and Policy Dynamics of EU Migration Law
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14 Book Chapter

Institutional and Policy Dynamics of EU Migration Law

Authors Georgia Papagianni
Year 2018
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15 Book

Negotiating Durable Solutions for Refugees: A Critical Space for Semiotic Analysis

Authors Georgia Cole
Year 2016
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16 Journal Article

Beyond "Home Identity"? Immigrant Voices in Contemporary Greek Fiction

Authors Georgia Gotsi
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Modern Greek Studies
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17 Journal Article

Institutional and policy dynamics of EU migration law

Authors Georgia PAPAGIANNI
Year 2006
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18 Book

And We Are Not Saved: The Elusive Quest for Racial Justice. By Derrick Bell. New York: Basic Books, 1987. 288p. $19.95.

Authors Georgia A. Persons
Year 1988
Journal Name American Political Science Review
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19 Journal Article

Estimating Mortality Levels and Patterns among Natives, Immigrants, and Selected Ethnic Groups in Greece: 2010–2012

Authors Georgia Verropoulou, Cleon Tsimbos
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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20 Journal Article


Authors Georgia Verropoulou, Cleon Tsimbos
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Biosocial Science
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21 Journal Article

Return, readmission and reintegration : the legal framework in Georgia

Georgian legislation in the field of migration is generally very liberal. This kind of approach finds its expression in the provisions on return from Georgia too. Though the legislation imposes an obligation on foreign citizens to leave the territory of Georgia before the expiry of the term of legal stay in Georgia, they get an additional 10 days within which they may leave Georgia without any legal consequences. Even after the 10 days term foreigners are allowed to leave Georgia voluntarily with the payment of a fine. Legislation establishes only two levels of fine: overstay for the period of 10 days up to 3 months and overstaying for over 3 months. The fact there is this option and the low fine in place (180 GEL/360 GEL is equal to 82 Eur/164 Eur) undermines the deterrent effect of these provisions. Besides, as to the consequences there are no difference between expulsion and forced expulsion. In both cases, a foreign citizen who has been expelled from Georgia will be denied a visa and a residence permit and refused entry to Georgia for one year. This provision does not facilitate voluntary departure within the term set by the Ministry of Justice.
Year 2013
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23 Report

Immobility in Times of Crisis? The Case of Greece

Authors Michalis Moutselos, Georgia Mavrodi
Book Title South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis
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24 Book Chapter

Legal aspects of combating human trafficking in Georgia

Trafficking in persons was criminalized in Georgia in 2003 when the relevant provisions were included in the Criminal Code of Georgia. 1 28 April 2006, the Parliament of Georgia adopted the Law on Combating Trafficking in Persons. This law, as the name suggests, stipulates the legal and organizational grounds for preventing and combating human trafficking. It also sets the legal status of victims. In the same year the Georgian Parliament ratified the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings. In 2007, a provision was added to the Criminal Code of Georgia. This criminalized the use of services of a victim of human trafficking.2
Year 2013
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25 Report

Immigration in the EU: Policies and politics in times of crisis 2007-2012

Authors Tamara JONJIC, Georgia MAVRODI
The present study stems from research conducted at EUDO within the framework of the project “Puzzled by Policy”, as part of an international consortium that won a tender within the European Commission’s “Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme” (Objective Theme 3: ICT for Governance). In the report, we provide an overview of immigration policy developments at the EU level and in three Mediterranean member states that are project’s pilot countries: Greece, Italy, and Spain. We lay particular emphasis on changes that have taken place in the last few years, characterized by deep recession and an unfavourable climate for immigrants and EU citizens alike. However, we do not exhaust our attention on adopted legislation. Rather, we aim at a comprehensive presentation of the landscape of immigration policies and politics in the EU by including the positions and immigration policy proposals of important policy stakeholders in the countries concerned as well as at the EU level.
Year 2012
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27 Report

Mainstreaming populist discourse: the race-conscious legacy of neo-populist parties in Australia and Italy

Authors Georgia Curran, Giorel Curran
Year 2004
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
Citations (WoS) 14
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29 Journal Article

Circular migration in Georgia

Circular migration of population in the most simple way be identified as a ?? process of leaving and then returning to one?s place of origin? (Newland, 2009, p.6). As experts note, this process is not new, but ?? it is newly on the policy agenda of governments? (Newland, 2009, p.6), as it causes remarkable challenges for both donor?s and destination?s countries. This concerns Georgia as well. Emigration is a new phenomenon for Georgia. It first manifested itself at the beginning of 1990s by the large-scale emigration flows for permanent residence in other countries triggered by war and economic crisis in Georgia. Emigration patterns later transformed into temporary migration flows of working age population that left Georgia to have higher earnings abroad. Hence, as a typical post-Soviet country Georgia was seriously affected by out-migration after its independence in 1991. The last 2002 population census in Georgia registered a drop of some 20 percent compared to the population registered in the 1989 census (State Department for Statistics of Georgia, 2003).
Year 2012
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30 Report

An Ironic Imbalance: Coaching Opportunities and Gender in Women's Artistic Gymnastics in Australia and New Zealand

Authors Roslyn Kerr, Georgia Cervin
Year 2016
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31 Journal Article


Authors Georgia Verropoulou, Cleon Tsimbos
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Biosocial Science
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32 Journal Article

Maternity migration and the recent normalization of the sex ratio at birth in Hong Kong

Authors Stuart Gietel-Basten, Georgia Verropoulou
Year 2019
Journal Name Population Studies
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33 Journal Article

Transcending Return: The Experience of Making Home in the Republic of Georgia

Authors Ryan Buchanan
Book Title Post-Soviet Migration and Diasporas
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34 Book Chapter

Distance and intrastate college student migration

Authors James Alm, John V. Winters
Year 2009
Journal Name Economics of Education Review
Citations (WoS) 50
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35 Journal Article

New freedom fights: The creation of Freedom University Georgia

Authors Lorgia García Peña
Year 2012
Journal Name Latino Studies
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36 Journal Article

Country Report: Georgia

Authors Alexi GUGUSHVILI
Although Georgia has granted dual citizenship to more than 36,000 people since 2004 and simplified naturalisation requirements, ius sanguinis remains the central principle of the established citizenship regime, and ethnicity largely determines one’s dual citizenship. The post-Soviet nationality policies of Georgia can be linked to that of Georgia’s First Democratic Republic of 1918-1921. On both occasions — after the fall of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union — Georgia had to apply collective naturalisation, encountered secessionist movements at home, and faced the difficult struggle of establishing new economic, political and social systems. The main difference between the two systems was that the earlier one was social democratic, whereas the latter was market-oriented.
Year 2012
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37 Report


Authors Georgia Verropoulou, Stuart Gietel-Basten
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Biosocial Science
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38 Journal Article

Asylum seekers, refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPS) in Georgia : the challenges of social cohesion

Authors Natia CHELIDZE
Since the 1990s, Georgia has been facing one of its most severe problems: the resettlement and socioeconomic integration of internally displaced persons from Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region who fled as a result of internal armed conflicts. Over the past few years, the number of IDPs has increased due to the inflow of foreign nationals seeking to obtain either a refugee or a humanitarian status. These numbers have further increased following the obligation assumed by the authorities of Georgia to repatriate the Meskhetian Turks exiled in an organized way from Georgia in 1944. Although the definition of internally displaced persons provided in the legislation of Georgia does not include ecological migrants displaced due to the natural calamities, this explanatory note will also touch upon the issues of resettlement of eco-migrants along with the complex task of resettlement of the Meskhetian Turks and IDPs from Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region as well as the unified state approach to address their problems.
Year 2013
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39 Report

Beyond suspicion

Year 2006
Journal Name American Ethnologist
Citations (WoS) 21
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40 Journal Article

Protracted Displacement in Georgia: Structural Vulnerability and "Existing not Living"

Authors Erin Koch
Year 2015
Journal Name Human Organization
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41 Journal Article

Transportation and Migrant Adjustment in Georgia

Authors Stephanie A. Bohon, Katherine Stamps, Jorge H. Atiles
Year 2008
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 27
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44 Journal Article

Circular migration in Georgia

Authors Mirian TUKHASHVILI
A critical limitation in addressing circular migration trends and characteristics of circular migration from Georgia is the lack of appropriate statistics to quantitatively measure and assess the phenomenon. The current system in this respect is disastrous. In Georgia, even the balance of external migration cannot be established, there are practically no statistical data as regards territorial population mobility. In this regard, the immediate substantial reform of the official migration statistics and its provision with respective resources is indispensable. On the other hand, migration research in general, including research on circular migration, requires significant development. It needs to acquire a systemic nature, as the existing incidental studies are fragmented and completely inadequate compared to the significance of the problem. Given the current situation, this note will first address the importance of developing and supporting circular migration schemes for Georgia. Second, it will offer a number of crucial measures to be inserted in rational and efficient circular migration policies.
Year 2012
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45 Report

Coping strategies of internally displaced women in Georgia: A qualitative study

Authors Maureen Seguin, Ruth Lewis, Bayard Roberts, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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46 Journal Article

State of return migration policy and research : case of Georgia

Being a relatively newly migrant sending country, Georgia does not have an elaborated migration policy. Following its liberal politics, until recently, migration regulations were either extremely open, or non-existent. The same is true for the return migration policy – there is no state operated program or strategy aimed at reintegration of returnees. Only recently with the signature of readmission and visa facilitation agreements with the EU, Georgia started working in this direction, but so far no visible results are observed.
Year 2012
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47 Report

Readmission, return and reintegration in Georgia

Authors Natia CHELIDZE
It is now two years since the enactment of the Agreement between the European Union and Georgia concerning the readmission of persons residing without authorization. In this context, it may be interesting to discover whether the expectations regarding the threat of mass deportation of irregular Georgian migrants which arose during the negotiation period have been justified. According to one segment of the society and political groups in Georgia1 , the en masse forcible return of migrants to a country with an estimated unemployment rate of 32%2 (as assessed by experts) would generate economic challenges for these people and their families; moreover, it would also place a heavy burden on the country as a whole. Nor is the assumption, which holds that the EU-Georgia Agreement would serve to further impair the poor conditions in which irregular labor migrants residing in the EU countries live and work, groundless. This can be explained by the fact that the attitude of a foreign employer towards such persons might become stricter, and that he/she could be expected to increase pressure upon them3 . The other part of the aforementioned society and political groups is well aware that the coming into effect of the agreement concerning visa facilitation procedures between the European Union and Georgia was dependent upon the signing and introduction of the readmission agreement. Both treaties can be regarded as a transition step to a new phase of the relationship between Georgia and the EU.
Year 2013
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48 Report

What are the values of young people and how are these different from the values of older generations in Georgia?

Authors Tamar Khoshtaria
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Beliefs & Values
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49 Journal Article

Validity of the multidimensional fatigue symptom inventory-short form in an African-American community-based sample

Authors Yasmin Asvat, Vanessa L. Malcarne, Georgia Robins Sadler, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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50 Journal Article


Authors Christos Bagavos, Georgia Verropoulou, Cleon Tsimbos
Year 2018
Journal Name Population
Citations (WoS) 1
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51 Journal Article

Human trafficking : Georgia

Authors Natia CHELIDZE
Georgia is a country of origin, transit and destination for victims of trafficking in persons, as well as a place where they are exploited. In order to combat human trafficking, Georgia has for several years been dynamically carrying out a series of activities, in terms of elaborating and efficiently implementing relevant legislative base. In its report dated February 7, 2012 concerning Georgia, the Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) of the Council of Europe underlined the progress achieved in combating human trafficking. This progress includes the adoption of specific legislation against trafficking, the establishment of an inter-agency coordination council for combating trafficking in persons, and a state fund for supporting victims of trafficking, as well as an increase in the ratio of budgetary funds to be allocated for the assistance of victims.1
Year 2013
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52 Report

The Impact of Labor Emigration on the Demographic and Economic Development of Georgia in the Post-Soviet Period

The deep economic, political, social and cultural crisis faced by Georgia in the post-Soviet period negatively affected the territorial mobility of the population. A catastrophic reduction in the resources required for demographic growth led to sub-replacement fertility. At this point, emigration processes of extremely unnatural intensity, including labour migration, became of the greatest importance. The authors stipulate that a reduction in the negative impact of labor migration on the demographic situation will result in a switch from sub-replacement to replacement level fertility. In the post-Soviet period the Georgian economy collapsed, standards of living deteriorated and many people went to work abroad. Despite the numerous difficulties associated with emigration, its impact on the economy of Georgia was multilateral. Remittances sent by labour migrants to their home country are an important source of poverty reduction for Georgia. Their impact on small business development is positive. In Georgia, the unemployment rate has fallen and there have been positive structural changes in the balance of labour demand and supply. As discussed in the present paper, the harmonization of economic and migration policy includes many important reforms, including the facilitation of the migrants’ return.
Year 2012
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53 Report

A study of the deterioration of aged parchment marked with laboratory iron gall inks using FTIR-ATR spectroscopy and micro hot table

Authors Stamatis C. Boyatzis, Georgia Velivasaki, Ekaterini Malea
Year 2016
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54 Journal Article

Legal Aspects of Labour Migration Governance in Georgia, A Reply to Prof. G. Gabrichidze

Authors Ekaterine KARDAVA
Migration management is among Georgia’s key external and internal policy priorities. This is demonstrated by the latest agreements signed by Georgia in order to integrate into the European Union as well as into the rest of civilized and democratic world. Prof. G. Gabrichidze’s (hereafter: “the author”) study “Legal Aspects of Labour Migration Governance in Georgia” (hereafter: “the study”) is an attempt to assess current legal instruments of migration management. The study is crucial for anyone wanting to have a full picture about the existing legal context, achievements, as well as gaps and measures that should be further taken. However, the study does not fully reflect a dynamic evaluation of legal and policy-making developments, nevermind the approaches and aspirations of Georgia to improve the migration management within and outside the country.
Year 2012
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55 Report

Unpacking the Relationship between Parental Migration and Child well-Being: Evidence from Moldova and Georgia

Authors Franziska Gassmann, Melissa Siegel, Michaella Vanore, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Child Indicators Research
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56 Journal Article

Integration of Migrants from Georgia in Countries of Temporary Residence and upon Return to Georgia: What Difficulties do Georgian Migrants Face in the Process of Adaptation to a New Social Environment

In our research we investigated the problems the migrants from Georgia face in the countries of their temporary or permanent residence and tried to verify principal factors promoting migrants’ integration in destination countries and upon their return home. The research is based on author’s analysis of the information drawn from existing scholarly publications on the topic concerned, as well as on the results of interviews held by the author and statistical analysis of primary databases of several migration studies held in Georgia with author’s participation.
Year 2012
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57 Report

Policy on migration and diasporas in Georgia

Authors Natia CHELIDZE
Even though, due to Georgia’s geopolitical location and its demographic and economic development, the migration process management is one of the priorities in the country, no migration policy and legislation for the regulation of this field have yet been formed at the state level in Georgia. Local politicians are well aware of the major importance of the labour migration from Georgia for the overcoming of socio-economic crisis in our country. The regulation and management of migration has become a significant part of the international obligations undertaken by Georgia. One of the considerable achievements of the current authorities of Georgia is liberalization of the movement to EU countries and the support to the circular migration. However, unfortunately, bilateral interstate agreements with the main countries of immigration for the legalization of labour migration have not been completed so far. It is still not distinct yet when the work on signing an agreement1 on the residence of qualified professionals from Georgia and the circular migration with France having ongoing for the last few years, will be finalized. The proper assessment of the migration processes is not available because of the lack of the updated statistical database. Nevertheless, the state is taking major steps for regulating the registration of migration flows through the institutions and mechanisms established to serve this purpose. The gradual adoption of modern infrastructure provides for the efficient border monitoring, along with the already introduced secure identity and travel documents (the latest version of a biometric passport and a secure electronic identity card). Currently, the state is pursuing liberal visa policy for the achievement of sustainable economic development, the improvement of an infrastructure for tourism and the attraction of additional investments. Although, the potential challenges accompanying the growth of the number of migrants, should also be taken into account. This process shall be taken special care of, so as to transform it into an incentive factor for the social and economic development, and to avoid the negative consequences of uncontrolled migration, at the same time.
Year 2012
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58 Report

Relationship policy with diaspora : Georgia

Authors Natia CHELIDZE
Over 200 Georgian Diaspora organizations are operating abroad today. The majority of them take part in public and political life of the recipient country. At the same time, they are actively engaged in promoting and developing the Georgian culture, including the establishment of centers of culture, organization of Georgian language courses and creative associations, etc. Following the establishment of the Governmental Commission for migration issues1 in the fall of 2010, the institutional competencies of the state bodies in the area of migration have broadened. The improvement of the legislative base and the elaboration of relevant policy have followed. The national strategy for migration drafted by the Commission was approved in March 2013. Maintaining the relationship with the Diaspora has become an essential part of the Georgian migration policy.
Year 2013
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59 Report

Who Will Pick Georgia's Vidalia Onions? A Text-Driven Content Analysis of Newspaper Coverage on Georgia's 2011 Immigration Law

Authors John S. Luque, Angel Bowers, Ahmed Kabore, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Human Organization
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60 Journal Article

Hepatitis B Virus Infection Among Refugees Resettled in the U.S.: High Prevalence and Challenges in Access to Health Care

Authors Oidda Ikumboka Museru, Oidda Ikumboka Museru, Monica Vargas, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 11
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61 Journal Article

Remittances in the Republic of Georgia: Correlates, Economic Impact, and Social Capital Formation

Authors TP Gerber, Theodore P. Gerber, Karine Torosyan, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 14
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62 Journal Article

‘Maternity migration’ and the increased sex ratio at birth in Hong Kong SAR

Authors Stuart Basten, Stuart Gietel-Basten, Georgia Verropoulou
Year 2013
Journal Name Population Studies
Citations (WoS) 13
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63 Journal Article


Authors Cathrine Brun
Year 2015
Journal Name Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees
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65 Journal Article

Intercultural content and perspectives in school textbooks in Georgia

Authors Shalva Tabatadze, Natia Gorgadze, Kakha Gabunia, ...
Year 2020
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66 Journal Article

Irregular migration between Georgia and Greece Everyone can cross a low fence

Authors Michaela Maroufof
Georgians is one of the largest immigrant groups residing in Greece.In fact, Greece is one of the most important destinations for Georgian migrants. However, few studies have been devoted to Georgian migrants, who are usually examined along with other groups within broader studies. This background report aims to summarise the existing knowledge concerning irregular migration between Georgia and Greece, based on both primary and secondary research. In this context, we have examined the existing literature, we have collected data from various sources and we have conducted a series of interviews with stakeholders both in Greece and in Georgia. For the purposes of this study we have conducted over ten interviews with state officials and other stakeholders, such as representatives of Non-governmental Organisations, International Organisations and Georgian associations in Greece and 6 interviews with similar actors in Georgia between February and April 2013. In addition, we have collected or requested data from various sources ranging from Labour Force Survey statistics, insurance statistics and residence permits data to visa application statistics.
Year 2013
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67 Report

Dynamics of remittances in Georgia

The explanatory note examines the dynamics of remittances in Georgia after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Amount of remittances has been increasing in Georgia steadily, experiencing a slight decline in 2008 as a result of the World crisis, but were able to regenerate and almost reach the precrisis level two years later. For many Georgian families remittances present a stable source of income. However, impact of remittances on macro and micro levels is not extensively studied in Georgian context ? exciting studies rather focus on their amount, destinations, and consumption patterns of remittance receiving households.
Year 2012
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68 Report

Solidarity in Climate/Immigrant Justice Direct Action: Lessons from Movements in the US South

Authors Sara Thomas Black, Nik Heynen, Richard Anthony Milligan
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Citations (WoS) 5
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69 Journal Article

Powering racial capitalism: Electricity, rate-making, and the uneven energy geographies of Atlanta

Authors Nikki Luke
Year 2021
Journal Name Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space
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70 Journal Article

Readmission, return and reintegration in Georgia

Authors Mirian TUKHASHVILI
The issue of regulating migratory processes has drawn increasing attention in Georgia over the last few years. Entities are being established within different ministries and normative acts for regulating this sphere are being published. Recipient countries have to deport illegal immigrants back to their countries of origin. However, there are now attempts to make their return to the homeland, including, inter alia, their deportation, as humane as possible complying with internationally recognized human rights principles.
Year 2013
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71 Report

Disseminating Health Information and Diabetes Care for Latinos Via Electronic Information Kiosks

Authors Peter Hans Matthews, DL Rubin, Carolina Darbisi, ...
Year 2009
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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72 Journal Article

Évaluer la contribution des femmes étrangères à la fécondité du moment en Grèce, 2004-2012

Authors Christos Bagavos, Georgia Verropoulou, Cleon Tsimbos, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Population
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73 Journal Article

Migration and pastoral power through life course: Evidence from Georgia

Authors Adrian J. Bailey, D Drbohlav, Joseph Salukvadze, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Geoforum
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74 Journal Article

Statistical data collection on migration in Georgia

Authors Mirian TUKHASHVILI
The national recording system for international migration in Georgia is essentially unregulated. This is due both to the complexity of migration registration and by the grave situation in the country at the time of statistics reform in Georgia. Unfortunately, in the post-Soviet years, with economic collapse and political chaos statistical registration in the country was disrupted and even if social and economic recovery started only recently there, statistics were not relevant to the contemporary situation. As to migration flows, the strict registration of people?s movement was still in effect in the first years of the post-Soviet period. Statistical services received tags from so-called ?registration sheets.? Migrants could not change their place of residence without applying to the passport service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Liberalization of people?s movement given the absence of a population register made the process of registration unmanageable. Today, few changes have been implemented to improve the data collection system. The legal basis of official statistics is extremely weak. The current law on statistics is a copy of other countries? laws. It is imperfect and does not provide the necessary information, not allowing that information to be obtained or processed properly. The abolition of statistical services in administrative regions in order to ?economize? on staff and to reduce expenses on statistics substantially worsened the obtaining of primary statistical information being Georgia characterized by sharp regional differences. It is unfortunate that current statistical service is more oriented to the demands of consumers outside the country. The statistics reflecting the situation inside the country does not come close to the demands of scientists Linkages between the Department of Statistics of Georgia and academic circles are very weak. Against a background of general reforms, the reforms made in the system of statistics are ineffective. Its personnel are few and frequently poorly motivated. It is obvious that the statistical service is in need of legal, organizational and structural reform with functional expansion and better human resources.
Year 2011
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75 Report

Lugones's Metaphor of "World Travelling" in Narrative Inquiry

Authors Georgia Dewart, Vera Caine, Jean Clandinin, ...
Year 2020
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76 Journal Article

Factors of Breast Cancer Screening Among Korean Immigrants in the United States

Authors Eunice E. Lee, Louis F. Fogg, Georgia R. Sadler
Year 2006
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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77 Journal Article

Institutionalization of migration policy frameworks in Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia

Authors Shushanik MAKARYAN
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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78 Journal Article

The Media, the Campaign, and the Message

Authors Julianne F. Flowers, Audrey A. Haynes, Michael H. Crespin
Year 2003
Journal Name American Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 42
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80 Journal Article


Authors Manana Darchashvili
Year 2020
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81 Journal Article

Ascriptive Inequality and Life Chances in Georgia

Authors Alexi GUGUSHVILI
Year 2012
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82 Working Paper

Race, Labor, and Punishment in Postbellum Georgia

Authors Martha A. Myers, James L. Massey
Year 1991
Journal Name Social Problems
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83 Journal Article

Race, Labor, and Punishment in Postbellum Georgia

Authors Martha A. Myers, James L. Massey
Year 1991
Journal Name Social Problems
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84 Journal Article

Matrix Analysis Of Migration Streams

Authors Wen L. Li
Year 1970
Journal Name International Migration
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85 Journal Article

Identification and Categorization of Refugees’ Integration Prospects in the Greek Socio-Economic System. Case Study in Mytilene and Crete Islands

Authors Dimitrios Kotroyannos, Stylianos Ioannis Tzagarakis, Apostolos Kamekis, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name European Quarterly of Political Attitudes and Mentalities EQPAM
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86 Journal Article

Refugees and displaced persons in Georgia

Authors Mirian TUKHASHVILI
Forced migration is the most pressing problem in terms of the territorial mobility of the Georgian population. Forced migration has varied over time. Mass-scale transfer of the local population by conquerors and forced migration to other countries (Iran, Turkey and Russia) took place in the past. But there was also further organized and disorganized migrations from these countries and individuals sought asylum in Georgia. Of course, we will examine only those flows that currently present a significant problem.
Year 2013
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87 Report

Number words in ‘her’ language, dialogism and identity-work: the case of little Mariah

Authors Anna Chronaki, Georgia Mountzouri, Maria Zaharaki, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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88 Journal Article

Female High-Skill Migration in the 21st Century: The Challenge of the Recession

Authors Anna Triandafyllidou, Irina Isaakyan
Book Title High-skill migration and recession : gendered perspectives
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90 Book Chapter

Great Migration of African Americans to Hartford, Connecticut, 1910-1930: A GIS Analysis at the Neighborhood and Street Level

Authors Kurt Schlichting, Peter Tuckel, Richard Maisel
Year 2015
Journal Name Social Science History
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91 Journal Article

A conflict that did not happen: revisiting the Javakhk affair in Georgia

Authors Vahram Ter‐Matevosyan, Vahram Ter-Matevosyan, Brent Currie
Year 2019
Journal Name Nations and Nationalism
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92 Journal Article

Adult mortality patterns in the former Soviet Union’s southern tier: Armenia and Georgia in comparative perspective

Authors Geraldine Duthe, Michel Guillot, J Vallin, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Demographic Research
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94 Journal Article

Socio-economic problems of returning migrants' reintegration in Georgia

Authors Mirian TUKHASHVILI
The present work of research reveals that despite an economic revival, the labour market infrastructure in Georgia and the cost of labour force do not contribute to any reduction in labour emigration. Therefore, great emphasis is placed on the facilitation of return migration back to the homeland and the socio-economic efficiency of this process. The results of the sampling survey of return migrants in the capital of Georgia and two large industrial cities – Kutaisi and Rustavi – show that social and economic reintegration is shot through with contradictions, which in turn determine the low efficiency of reintegration. Significant numbers of return migrants are unemployed or work in discriminatory labour conditions, which do not correspond to their education and work experience. A significant share of these will be forced to migrate in the near future. Many subjective factors prevent return migrants from implementing their business projects. They accumulate savings, which they brought for this purpose, and target these savings. Research has established that it is necessary to enforce state support for return migrants by introducing institutional changes. This should increase the efficiency of investment activity on the basis of migrants’ remittances and this should create new jobs.
Year 2013
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97 Report

Competition and the compensation of sharecroppers by race: A view from plantations in the early twentieth century

Authors LJ Alston, K Kauffman
Year 2001
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98 Journal Article

Legal Aspects of Labour Migration Governance in Georgia

The main goal of the present study is to analyze the legal aspects of labour migration governance in Georgia. For this purpose, an analysis of national legal instruments related to labour migration governance has been carried out. And an overview is given of those international agreements, which are of relevance for Georgia. The study is carried out in the following main directions: First, there is an overview of existing legislative mechanisms; second, an analysis of the coherence of these mechanisms; and, third, a survey of gaps and challenges and recommendations. The content of the study is mainly based on the analysis of legal documents. However, it should be noted that the number of legislative acts and other official documents related to labour migration is very limited. This is due to the liberalization of migration policy, which is a reflection of the extremely liberal policy of the current Georgian government. As a consequence, Georgian legislation does not provide for the overseas employment of Georgian citizens in any form. And as to the access of aliens to the Georgian labour market, there are only some limited mechanisms, which in practice do not have a visible regulatory effect. Namely, legislation does not impose any obligation for aliens to obtain a work permit before starting work. Thus, the Georgian labour market is wide open to citizens of foreign countries. It is recommended that the state changes to a model of labour migration governance which would be both efficient and active. This model should be based on a consideration of economic and demographic effects and it should be developed on the basis of migration flow analysis.
Year 2012
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100 Report
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