
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Finding a voice: arts-based creativity in the community languages classroom

Authors Jim Anderson, Yu-Chiao Chung
Year 2011
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 6
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46301 Journal Article

A review of the acculturation experiences of international students

Authors Rachel A. Smith, Nigar G. Khawaja
Year 2011
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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46302 Journal Article

Bringing together acculturation theory and intergroup contact theory: Predictors of Flemings’ expectations of Turks’ acculturation behavior

Authors Kaat Van Acker, Norbert Vanbeselaere
Year 2011
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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46303 Journal Article

How institutional context alters social reproduction dynamics: Ethnic track placement patterns in the U.S. and Germany

Authors Regina E. Werum, R Werum, Simon Cheng, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
Citations (WoS) 3
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46304 Journal Article

European Network of HIV/AIDS Cohort Studies to Coordinate at European and International Level Clinical Research on HIV/AIDS

Over the past 15 years, EU-funded cohorts and collaborations (EuroSIDA, CASCADE and PENTA), have played a central role in developing our understanding of HIV progression and the effects of ART, enabling European expertise to contribute directly to the advances in patient diagnosis and management worldwide, and providing a continued surveillance mechanism for detection of emerging problems at a European level. Furthermore, we also established COHERE (Collaboration Of HIV Epidemiologic Research in Europe), a new European-wide cohort collaboration encompassing virtually all European HIV cohorts which were not included in the EU-funded networks. COHERE provides us with sufficient statistical power to address questions that cannot be addressed by existing cohorts and networks alone. Together, these collaborations form the foundation of a proposed Network of Excellence, which we have named EuroCoord. EuroCoord currently has access to data from over 250,000 HIV-infected individuals across the European continent, and beyond, both male and female, from neonates to geriatric populations, infected through sex between men, sex between men and women, injecting drug use, nosocomially and from mother to child, with and without co-infection with hepatitis viruses, of different ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds, from indigenous and migrant populations, in settings with varying levels of access to care and laboratory techniques. Our multidisciplinary research will thus allow us to address key areas of HIV research aimed at improving the management and life of HIV-infected individuals, whilst allowing us to explore differences within sub-groups. EuroCoord is in a position to mobilise European HIV cohort research, bringing it within one truly pan-European network of cohort studies with a strong and increasing presence in the Central- and Eastern European region. The structure of our network, maintaining autonomy within each individual network but within one common research platform, ensures that the most competitive science is performed whilst allowing us to pool our expertise and resources to undertake new initiatives within an integrated collaborative structure.
Year 2011
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46305 Project

EUNAM: EU and North African Migrants: Health and Health Systems

The coordinates of human health are complex even in a single population but they are even more complex in migrants whose life situation is always influenced by the host country and the country of origin. Some migrants may experience several host countries and some return to the country of origin. Thus it is important to survey well being, health status, disease panorama and use of health services of immigrants compared to the native population; such analyses would be incomplete without casting a view on the same indicators and parameters in the country of origin. Thus for this project we have collected a team of experts to cover health aspects of the full cycle of migration, viewing the health situation in Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria as representatives of the Mediterranean North African (NA) partner countries, the origins of vast numbers of immigrants in EU. The EU partner countries from France, Italy, Germany (subcontracting Slovenia) and Sweden are not only receivers of the NA immigrants but they also have larger numbers of immigrants from others areas, allowing comparisons between immigrant groups. The team has experience on a variety of health and disease measures and it has an access to a variety of survey and register material relating to population health, disease patterns and function of health care systems. Many of the surveys and diseases registers have been carried out/constructed by the present partners who thus possess unique sources of data. The team will be in the position to respond to the expectations of the call by reviewing health effects of migration from the country of origin to the host country and coming up with scientifically valid state-of-the-art evaluations and appropriate recommendations for scientific and health policy measures in improving the conditions for the EU immigrants.
Year 2011
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46306 Project


The need to deal with health inequalities is now on the agenda of key supranational institutions, such as the European Commission (EC). To tackle the so-called “causes of the causes of health inequity”, the focus should be put on structural policies, policies that – especially in the current times of financial and employment crisis – influence patterns of social stratification, living and working conditions, and thus people's health. The SOPHIE project aims to generate new evidence on the impact and effectiveness of structural policies in reducing health inequalities, and to develop innovative methodologies for the evaluation of these policies in Europe. We will study major policy areas, including macro-economy, welfare state, labour market and employment relations, built environment, housing, as well as gender-oriented and immigration-related policies. Examples of these policies at the European, national and local levels will be examined, in addition to their impacts on health inequalities by social class, gender and migrant status. The project will develop theoretical frameworks as well as quantitative and qualitative methods for evaluating the effectiveness of such policies in different contexts. Novel methods that are useful for evaluating the impact of complex social interventions will be employed, including realist reviews, explanatory case studies and concept mapping. Particular attention will be given to increasing the involvement of affected stakeholders (civil society and deprived population groups) in the identification, design and evaluation of policies to tackle health inequalities. Affected communities and stakeholders will work with responsible policymakers in activities of dissemination of results, knowledge transfer and translation of findings into policy recommendations. Through SOPHIE, the EC will gain knowledge on the impact on health and health inequalities of social and economic policies which may be implemented or recommended to Member States
Year 2011
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46307 Project

An Immigration History of Britain: Multicultural Racism since 1800

Authors Thomas Plant
Year 2011
Journal Name Immigrants & Minorities
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46308 Journal Article

Ethnoracial patterns of schooling and work among adolescents: Implications for Mexican immigrant incorporation

Authors James D. Bachmeier, Frank D. Bean
Year 2011
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 16
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46309 Journal Article

Bilingual education in southwest China: a Yingjiang case

Authors Ge Wang
Year 2011
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 8
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46310 Journal Article

Language programs at Villababel High: rethinking ideologies of social inclusion

Authors Laura Mijares, Ana M. Relano Pastor, Ana M. Relaño Pastor
Year 2011
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 12
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46312 Journal Article

Language learning as a site for belonging: a narrative analysis of Korean adoptee-returnees

Authors Christina Higgins, Kim Stoker
Year 2011
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 11
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46313 Journal Article

Quantifying citizens: neoliberal restructuring and immigrant selection in Canada and Australia

Authors James P. Walsh
Year 2011
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 32
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46314 Journal Article

Reasons for enrollment at a Spanish–English two-way immersion charter school among highly motivated parents from a diverse community

Authors Erin F. Whiting, Erika Feinauer
Year 2011
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 12
46315 Journal Article

Ethnic Nominalism and Civic Religiosity: Christianity and National Identity in Britain

Authors Ingrid Storm
Year 2011
Journal Name The Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 14
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46316 Journal Article

Bilingual education policy as political spectacle: educating Latino immigrant youth in New York City

Authors Jill P. Koyama, Lesley Bartlett
Year 2011
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 9
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46317 Journal Article

Me and Jasmina down by the schoolyard: An analysis of the impact of ethnic diversity in school on the trust of schoolchildren

Authors Peter Thisted Dinesen
Year 2011
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 19
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46318 Journal Article

Ethnic social capital: Individual and group level sources and their economic consequences

Authors Asaf Levanon
Year 2011
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 11
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46319 Journal Article

Parenting, role reversals and the preservation of cultural values among Arabic speaking migrant families in Melbourne, Australia

Authors A.M.N. Renzaho, Andre M. N. Renzaho, M. McCabe, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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46320 Journal Article

Diasporic Constructions of Home and Belonging

All over the world, stable concepts of home and belonging have, for a variety of reasons, become the exception rather than the rule. This has led to dramatic cultural, social and political changes and challenges. The study of diaspora and migration has therefore evolved into a burgeoning field of research with an urgent practical relevance. In a wide and sometimes confusing array of approaches it is mainly covered by the humanities and the social sciences. The CoHaB Network unites world-leading institutions in this field in the conviction that interdisciplinary training as well as international and inter-sectoral co-operation are key to any productive study of diasporas. CoHaB gains scope and momentum by its ‘Network of Networks’ rationale, binding together already existing cooperations. It is based on the resolve to strengthen interdisciplinary research in the field with a view to establishing diaspora studies as a transdisciplinary research area in its own right. Training young researchers on the basis of this conviction means to provide them with the opportunity to conduct their work in a variety of disciplinary environments as well as outside a purely academic context. Specifically, CoHaB aims at stimulating and facilitating cooperation by negotiating core concepts between the various disciplines involved among the partner institutions. Each of these disciplines has developed its own, highly sophisticated understanding of diaspora studies, and it is high time that these diverse understandings entered into a sustained dialogue. For this purpose, early stage researchers from various disciplinary backgrounds, but with similar interests in the field of diaspora studies, will join forces to develop their projects on a shared platform. This will assist them in opening their projects to a strong, interdisciplinary research environment and in producing tangible results for their own research careers, for the scientific community, and for the general public at large.
Year 2011
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46321 Project

Bilingual-intercultural education for indigenous children: the case of Mexico in an era of globalization and uprisings

Authors Guadalupe Tinajero, Karen Englander
Year 2011
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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46322 Journal Article

Immigration und Wahlverhalten

Principal investigator Thorsten Faas (Principal Investigator)
Ziel des Projekts war es, einen Beitrag zum Verständnis und zur Erklärung von Einstellungen von Bürgerinnen und Bürgern zum Thema „Immigration“ und zu Immigrantinnen und Immigranten zu leisten und mögliche politische Folgen solcher Einstellungen sichtbar zu machen.Ein weiterer Ausgangspunkt des Projekts war dabei der Umstand, dass es zwar eine einschlägige Forschungsliteratur zum Thema gibt (einschließlich entsprechender Erhebungsprogramme), dass diese aber in aller Regel auf direkten Befragungen basiert. Angesichts des Charakters des Themas im Spannungsfeld von ökonomischen Notwendigkeiten („Fachkräftemangel“), verbreiteter öffentlicher Skepsis bei gleichzeitiger sozialer Erwünschtheit und Political Correctness wurde daher im Rahmen des Projekts über diese existierenden Arbeiten hinausgegangen, indem methodisch ein anderer, subtilerer und damit validerer Weg zur Erfassung von Einstellungen beschritten wurde.Anknüpfend an einschlägige Forschungen vor allem in den USA konnten somit erstmals in Deutschland solche alternativen Verfahren zum Einsatz gebracht werden, darunter experimentelle Variationen von Merkmalen individueller Zuwanderer einschließlich visueller Morphing-Verfahren und Verfahren, die auf Reaktionsgeschwindigkeiten basieren (Impliziter Assoziationstest).Insgesamt konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich erstens solche alternativen Verfahren zur Erfassung sensibler Themen wie Immigration auch in Deutschland erfolgreich zum Einsatz bringen lassen und dass sie zweitens zu anderen Ergebnissen führen als etablierte Verfahren. Dass zudem ein Bedarf an solcher Forschung besteht, unterstreichen nicht zuletzt die aktuellen Ereignisse und Diskussionen zur Situation von Flüchtlingen in Deutschland, zu den Demonstrationen vor allem in Ostdeutschland („Pegida“) sowie den Wahlerfolgen der Alternative für Deutschland (AfD).
Year 2011
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46323 Project

Geschlechterunterschiede in Kompetenzen und Bildungsentscheidungen bei Jugendlichen mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland - Der Einfluss geschlechtsspezifischer Sozialisation

Principal investigator Irena Kogan (Principal Investigator)
"Übergeordnetes Projektziel war die Untersuchung ethnienspezifischer Geschlechterungleichheiten im deutschen Bildungs- und Ausbildungssystem. Hierzu wurden verschiedene Zeitpunkte in der Bildungskarriere näher analysiert und typische Verläufe über die Schulkarriere hinweg nachgezeichnet, um detailliert zu ermitteln, wo und weshalb Unterschiede entstehen, sich verringern oder sich gegenseitig verstärken. Für die empirischen Analysen wurden Daten aus dem Nationalen Bildungspanel, dem Projekt „Kinder und Jugendliche aus Zuwandererfamilien im deutschen und israelischen Bildungssystem“ sowie Sonderauswertungen der amtlichen Bildungsstatistik des Bundeslandes Nordrhein-Westfalen verwendet. Es ließ sich zeigen, dass türkische Eltern ihre Töchter beim Übergang in die Sekundarstufe nicht (substanziell) benachteiligen. Zwar deutet sich eine leichte Benachteiligung an, jedoch sind die Unterschiede eher gering. Auch wandelt sich ein möglicher Vorteil, den Jungen beim Übergang in die Sekundarstufe möglicherweise noch hatten, im Verlauf der Sekundarstufe in einen Nachteil: Spätestens ab der siebten Klasse positionieren sich die Mädchen im Bildungssystem besser als die Jungen. Letzteres scheint auch für weitere Einwanderungsgruppen zu gelten, die mit eher traditionellen Geschlechterrollenvorstellungen in Verbindung gebracht werden, wie z.B. Personen aus dem Nahen Osten oder Nordafrika. Weiterhin zeigte sich, dass die mathematischen Kompetenzen der türkischstämmigen Schüler/innen zwar niedrig sind, ihre diesbezüglichen Selbsteinschätzungen dagegen aber äußerst positiv ausfallen, was insbesondere auf die jungen türkischstämmigen Frauen zutrifft. Dabei findet diese optimistische Selbsteinschätzung nicht nur hinsichtlich der mathematischen Fertigkeiten statt. Vielmehr verfügen türkischstämmige Jugendliche allgemein über ein überraschend optimistisches, nicht mit ihren tatsächlichen Leistungen korrespondierendes, schulbezogenes Selbstkonzept. Die Untersuchung der beruflichen Aspirationen junger türkischstämmiger Frauen ergab, dass diese Frauen sich zwar vergleichsweise selten wünschen, in einem frauendominierten Beruf zu arbeiten, dies später aber häufig doch tun – und das zum Ende der Sekundarschulzeit sogar antizipieren. Demnach besteht die Möglichkeit, dass türkischstämmige junge Frauen im Verlauf des Übergangs in den Arbeitsmarkt in typische Frauenberufe abgedrängt werden. Insgesamt konnten in dem Projekt wichtige neue Befunde darüber erlangt werden, zu welchen Zeitpunkten, in welchen Bereichen und in welchem Ausmaß ethnische und geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede entlang der Bildungskarrieren existieren."
Year 2011
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46324 Project

The dynamics of pro- and anti-immigrant movements in Italy and Spain

Our proposed research focuses on the interplay between pro- and anti-immigrant movements in Italy and Spain. We attempt to fill a gap in the social movement literature by analyzing the processes and mechanisms by which social movements affect each other. A systematic study will be provided that will shed light on various aspects of the mobilization-countermobilization (MCM) impact. In particular, we will examine how each side affects the forms, development, claims, and efficacy of its opponent, the conditions that allow certain consequences and the processes leading movements to have an impact on each other. The project focuses on three key aspects of the interaction between pro- and anti-immigrant movements. First, we investigate how framing strategies evolve according to the needs of SMOs (social movement organizations) embroiled in MCM-generated conflicts. Second, we examine the ways in which MCM dynamics influence a movement's selection of particular tactics. Thirdly, we scrutinize how the dynamics of movement-countermovement interactions are influencing the construction of activists’ collective identities. The primary aim of the research is to advance our understanding of the polarization of the politics of immigration through the examination of relevant social movement interactions. In order to reach this goal our research project aims to develop a closer connection between migration and social movement research.
Year 2011
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46325 Project

EU and North African Migrants: Health and Health Systems

The coordinates of human health are complex even in a single population but they are even more complex in migrants whose life situation is always influenced by the host country and the country of origin. Some migrants may experience several host countries and some return to the country of origin. Thus it is important to survey well being, health status, disease panorama and use of health services of immigrants compared to the native population; such analyses would be incomplete without casting a view on the same indicators and parameters in the country of origin. Thus for this project we have collected a team of experts to cover health aspects of the full cycle of migration, viewing the health situation in Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria as representatives of the Mediterranean North African (NA) partner countries, the origins of vast numbers of immigrants in EU. The EU partner countries from France, Italy, Germany (subcontracting Slovenia) and Sweden are not only receivers of the NA immigrants but they also have larger numbers of immigrants from others areas, allowing comparisons between immigrant groups. The team has experience on a variety of health and disease measures and it has an access to a variety of survey and register material relating to population health, disease patterns and function of health care systems. Many of the surveys and diseases registers have been carried out/constructed by the present partners who thus possess unique sources of data. The team will be in the position to respond to the expectations of the call by reviewing health effects of migration from the country of origin to the host country and coming up with scientifically valid state-of-the-art evaluations and appropriate recommendations for scientific and health policy measures in improving the conditions for the EU immigrants.
Year 2011
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46326 Project

The Réseau Education Sans Frontières: reframing the campaign against the deportation of migrants

Authors Jane Freedman
Year 2011
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 19
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46327 Journal Article

Socio-ethnic school segregation in Slovenia

Authors Mojca Medvešek, Romana Bešter
Year 2011
Book Title International perspectives on countering school segregation
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46328 Book Chapter

Encountering Forms of co-ethnic relations: Polish community in Glasgow

Year 2011
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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46329 Journal Article

Taking refuge in technology communication practices in refugee camps and immigration detention

Authors Linda Leung, UNHCR. Policy Development and Evaluation Service
Year 2011
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46332 Report

Reconfiguring citizenship and nationality: dual citizenship of Taiwanese migrants in China

Authors Tseng Yen-Fen, Jieh-Min Wu
Year 2011
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 15
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46333 Journal Article

Return migration and the reiteration of gender norms in water management politics: Insights from a Chinese village

Authors Jinghua Ge, Bernadette P. Resurreccion, Rebecca Elmhirst
Year 2011
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 19
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46334 Journal Article

The relevance of multilingualism for teachers and immigrant parents in early childhood education and care in Germany and in France

Authors Nathalie Thomauske
Year 2011
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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46335 Journal Article

The effect of immigration on religious belief and practice: A theologizing or alienating experience?

Authors Douglas S. Massey, DS Massey, Monica Espinoza Higgins
Year 2011
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 27
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46336 Journal Article

A Nation of Emigrants: How Mexico Manages Its Migration

Authors Pablo Mateos
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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46337 Journal Article

‘Integration’: Migrants and Refugees between Scandinavian Welfare Societies and Family Relations

Authors Karen Fog Olwig
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 38
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46338 Journal Article

Do less-skilled immigrants work more? Examining the work time of Mexican immigrant men in the United States

Authors Ken-Hou Lin
Year 2011
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 3
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46339 Journal Article

Book Review: Contemporary Chinese America: Immigration, Ethnicity, and Community Transformation

Authors Hiromi Ishizawa
Year 2010
Journal Name City & Community
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46340 Journal Article

The Effect of Economic Standing, Individual Preferences, and Co-ethnic Resources on Immigrant Residential Clustering

Authors Eric Fong, E Fong, Elic Chan
Year 2010
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 15
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46341 Journal Article

National Narratives and Migration: Discursive Strategies of Inclusion and Exclusion in Jordan and Lebanon

Authors Laurie A. Brand
Year 2010
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 8
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46342 Journal Article

Economic Outcomes among Latino Migrants to Spain and the United States: Differences by Source Region and Legal Status

Authors Phillip Connor, DS Massey, Douglas S. Massey
Year 2010
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 16
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46343 Journal Article

Crime Victimization in Latin America and Intentions to Migrate to the United States

Authors Charles H. Wood, C Gibson, Ludmila Ribeiro, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 16
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46344 Journal Article

EU migration policy toward the Arab Mediterranean countries and its impact in their labour markets

Authors Alessandra VENTURINI, Tamirace FAKHOURY, Nathalie JOUANT
Year 2010
Book Title Iván MARTIN (ed.), Labour markets performance and migration flows in Arab Mediterranean countries : determinants and effects, Brussels : European Commission, Directorate-General for Economicand Financial Affairs, 2010, European Economy Occasional papers ; 60, pp. 81-97
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46346 Book Chapter

Migrations - Eté 2010

Year 2010
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46357 Book

Migration - Summer 2010

Year 2010
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46358 Book

“Delfina, ¡más tacos!”

Authors Cristina Herrera
Year 2010
Journal Name Food, Culture & Society
46374 Journal Article

Migrants to the Metropolis: The Rise of Immigrant Gateway CitiesMarie Price and Lisa Benton-Short

Authors Christine Smith
Year 2010
Journal Name Urban Geography
46375 Journal Article

The Economic Returns of Immigrants' Bonding and Bridging Social Capital: The Case of the Netherlands

Authors Bram LANCEE
Year 2010
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 81
46376 Journal Article

Le cadre général de la migration au Mali

Authors Djibonding DEMBELE
Le Mali est un pays de forte tradition migratoire. La diaspora malienne, qui représente, selon certaines sources, le quart de la population totale, joue un rôle important dans le développement du Mali. Pour la protéger, le Mali a conclu des conventions bilatérales ou multilatérales avec de nombreux pays. Ces accords ont donné naissance à des règles. Dans le même temps, le Mali a réglementé l’entrée, le séjour et l’établissement des étrangers sur le territoire national. L’ensemble de ces règles constitue le cadre général de la migration. Si le Mali respecte les conventions relatives à la migration, certains pays de la CEDEAO signataires des mêmes conventions ne les respectent pas. L’application effective des règles concernant la migration nécessite une approche globale de ce phénomène. / Mali has a long-standing migratory tradition. Indeed, according to some sources, the Malian diaspora represents a quarter of the country’s population. This diaspora plays an important role in Mali’s development and to protect its diaspora, Mali has concluded bilateral and multilateral conventions with many countries, conventions that have produced many regulations. Mali has also regulated the entry, stay and establishment of foreign nationals in the country. These regulations constitute the country’s general framework of migration. While Mali respects migration conventions, some ECOWAS countries, which signed the same conventions, do not. A global approach is, therefore, necessary for migration if there is to be an effective implementation of migration regulations.
Year 2010
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46378 Report

Le cadre général de la migration au Mali

Authors Modibo KEITA
La Constitution malienne garantit aux citoyens/nes maliens tous les droits humains fondamentaux (santé, éducation, emploi etc.). Mais du fait de la pauvreté grandissante, la plupart des citoyens ne jouissent pas de leurs droits et cherchent leur salut dans la migration vers les pays voisins, d’autres pays africains plus éloignés et les pays industrialisés, notamment la France, l’Espagne, l’Italie et les Etats – Unis. Environ un quart de la population malienne (quatre millions d’âmes) vivrait ainsi à l’extérieur. Le papier présente les acteurs clefs intervenant dans la gestion des flux migratoires et decrit leurs missions et strategies. Il recommande enfin de consolider certaines bonnes pratiques et esquisse des approches générales pour un contrôle durable des flux migratoires. / The Malian constitution guarantees basic human rights (health, education, employment, etc.) to Malian citizens. However, due to rising poverty, most citizens do not enjoy their rights and seek to better their lives either by emigrating to neighboring countries, to other more distant African states or to industrialized states, notably France, Spain, Italy and the United States. It is reported that almost a quarter of the Malian population (4 million) now lives abroad. This paper describes the key actors managing migratory flows and looks at the challenges they face and their methods. In its conclusion, the paper recommends consolidating certain good practices and sketches out some broad lines for managing migratory flows to, through and from Mali in a sustainable fashion.
Year 2010
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46379 Report

Le cadre général de la migration au Tchad : une approche sociopolitique

Authors Emmanuel D’nalbaye GOLHÉ
La note analytique présente un aperçu descriptif des caractéristiques structurelles importantes permettant d’aborder le cadre général de la migration au Tchad . Dans un premier temps, l’auteur décrit le contexte général du pays et notamment les caractéristiques économiques, démographiques, sanitaires, la situation des femmes, et celles des réfugiés et des déplacés. Dans un deuxième temps, il aborde le contexte sociopolitique caractérisant le pays en évoquant deux dynamiques : sociohistorique et organisationnelle. Finalement, il présente le résultat de la collecte de données sociopolitiques dans le domaine de la migration tout en confirmant qu’au Tchad la question de la migration reste un chantier vierge et non-institutionalisée. / The present analytical note seeks to describe the main structural features necessary for a study of Chad’s migration framework. To this end, the author first looks at the country’s general context, namely the economic, demographic and sanitary characteristics, while also examining the situation of women, refugees and the displaced. Next, the study attempts to sum up the socio-political context in Chad, while taking into account its socio-historical and organizational dynamics. Finally, the author sets out the findings of migration-related socio-political data and confirms that migration issues remain under explored and non-institutionalized .
Year 2010
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46380 Report

H Mετανάστευση στην Ελλάδα του 21ου αιώνα

Year 2010
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46381 Book

Maroc : Genre et migrations. Entre hier et aujourd'hui

Authors Abdelkrim BELGUENDOUZ
Actualisée à la mi-novembre 2010, la présente note d’analyse et de synthèse constitue un état des lieux d’un point de vue socio-politique, sur l’application au Maroc de la démarche genre et migration. Le recours à cette méthode étant encore très embryonnaire, il s’agira de montrer ci-dessous l’intérêt du recours à cette approche, le pourquoi du retard de son adoption, les efforts entrepris sur le plan des institutions, de la société civile et du milieu de la recherche, pour jeter les bases de la saisie de la question de la migration internationale pour le Maroc (émigration et immigration) à l’aune de l’analyse genre. En procédant à une relecture de la trajectoire de la migration marocaine d’hier avec une grille de lecture « gendérisée », la première partie consiste à montrer en quoi et pourquoi a prédominé jusqu’à une période très récente, d’abord le suivi d’une politique migratoire choisie au masculin, qui n’équivaut pas nécessairement au déni de la migration au féminin. La nécessité est donc d’aborder au niveau analytique les silences relatifs au genre qui continuent de caractériser certains aspects de la question migratoire au Maroc, l’objectif étant de restituer la part prise par les femmes marocaines dans ces flux. La seconde partie retrace et évalue les efforts entrepris aujourd’hui par les différents acteurs institutionnels marocains dans la sphère migratoire, dans la prise en charge de ce vaste domaine multidimensionnel, en ayant recours aux instruments et aux ressorts de la méthode d’analyse et d’action en termes de genre. Abstract This text presents, in a sociopolitical perspective, a state of the art of the Gender and Migration approach in Morocco. It first deals with the positive significance of this approach, and then focuses on the recent attempts of the institutions, the civil society and the academics aiming at developing a gender-analysis of migrations in Morocco. The first part reviews the history of Moroccan migration in order to explain why, and how, male migration have been dominant in migration policies, although this does not mean that female migration where totally ignored. In other word, this text deals with the unspoken part of the analysis of migration in Morocco in order to restore the women’s role in this phenomenon. The second part presents the recent effort of various Moroccan institutions dealing with migration issues in order to apply to the Moroccan case the methods and the instruments of the gender approach.
Year 2010
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46382 Report

Maroc : Genre et migrations. Entre hier et aujourd'hui

Authors Abdelkrim BELGUENDOUZ
Actualisée à la mi-novembre 2010, la présente note d’analyse et de synthèse constitue un état des lieux d’un point de vue socio-politique, sur l’application au Maroc de la démarche genre et migration. Le recours à cette méthode étant encore très embryonnaire, il s’agira de montrer ci-dessous l’intérêt du recours à cette approche, le pourquoi du retard de son adoption, les efforts entrepris sur le plan des institutions, de la société civile et du milieu de la recherche, pour jeter les bases de la saisie de la question de la migration internationale pour le Maroc (émigration et immigration) à l’aune de l’analyse genre. En procédant à une relecture de la trajectoire de la migration marocaine d’hier avec une grille de lecture « gendérisée », la première partie consiste à montrer en quoi et pourquoi a prédominé jusqu’à une période très récente, d’abord le suivi d’une politique migratoire choisie au masculin, qui n’équivaut pas nécessairement au déni de la migration au féminin. La nécessité est donc d’aborder au niveau analytique les silences relatifs au genre qui continuent de caractériser certains aspects de la question migratoire au Maroc, l’objectif étant de restituer la part prise par les femmes marocaines dans ces flux. La seconde partie retrace et évalue les efforts entrepris aujourd’hui par les différents acteurs institutionnels marocains dans la sphère migratoire, dans la prise en charge de ce vaste domaine multidimensionnel, en ayant recours aux instruments et aux ressorts de la méthode d’analyse et d’action en termes de genre. Abstract This text presents, in a sociopolitical perspective, a state of the art of the Gender and Migration approach in Morocco. It first deals with the positive significance of this approach, and then focuses on the recent attempts of the institutions, the civil society and the academics aiming at developing a gender-analysis of migrations in Morocco. The first part reviews the history of Moroccan migration in order to explain why, and how, male migration have been dominant in migration policies, although this does not mean that female migration where totally ignored. In other word, this text deals with the unspoken part of the analysis of migration in Morocco in order to restore the women’s role in this phenomenon. The second part presents the recent effort of various Moroccan institutions dealing with migration issues in order to apply to the Moroccan case the methods and the instruments of the gender approach.
Year 2010
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46383 Report

The Informational Structure of Migration Decision and Migrants’ Self-selection

Authors Simone BERTOLI
Year 2010
Journal Name Economics Letters, 2010, 108, 1, 89-92
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46384 Journal Article

In support of our students, in support of the DREAM Act

Authors Paul Ortiz
Year 2010
Journal Name Latino Studies
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46385 Journal Article

Immigration and the politics of social cohesion

Authors Nils Holtug
Year 2010
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 13
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46386 Journal Article

The controllability of difference: Social cohesion and the new politics of solidarity

Authors Ellie Vasta
Year 2010
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 17
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46387 Journal Article

Les jeunes Libanais face à l’émigration

Authors Choghig KASPARIAN
La tendance des Libanais à émigrer remonte à plusieurs siècles et les départs définitifs ou temporaires font partie du quotidien. Toutefois, certaines périodes ont connu une intensification de ces mouvements touchant l’ensemble des résidents, toutes régions et toutes catégories sociales confondues. Dans ce rapport, nous nous proposons d’étudier le phénomène d’émigration des jeunes Libanais au cours des dernières vagues d’émigration. A cette fin et en l’absence de statistiques officielles, nous nous baserons entièrement sur les deux enquêtes nationales réalisées par l’Observatoire universitaire de la réalité socio-économique (OURSE) de l’Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth. La première section compare les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et occupationnelles de la population jeune résidente et émigrée. Dans la seconde partie, les attitudes des jeunes Libanais face à l’émigration ainsi que leur dispersion dans le monde sont analysées dans le détail. Les résultats mettent en exergue l’importance de l’émigration des jeunes, leurs projets de mobilité, leur perception de l’émigration et l’attitude de la collectivité quant à ce phénomène. Il semble que l’émigration, présente depuis longtemps dans la société libanaise, a tendance à s’accentuer et s’étendre à l’ensemble des couches sociales. Par ailleurs, les opportunités du marché du travail local semblent constituer le principal régulateur de l’intensité de l’émigration. Toutefois, les stratégies de départ et les opportunités du marché international du travail ne sont pas pour autant envisagées dans une perspective de rupture avec le pays d’origine. La raison du départ serait financière, mais la période de l’exil est déterminée et non définitive. Par ailleurs, malgré l’impact économique des remises d’épargne, l’émigration des jeunes est vécue par les familles au Liban et par la société dans son ensemble comme un fléau et de nombreuses voix se sont élevées dans le débat public pour en dénoncer les conséquences, provenant aussi bien des responsables politiques que des communautés religieuses et des médias. Abstract Attitudes to emigration have ancient roots in Lebanon. Indeed, leaving the country permanently or temporarily has long been part of Lebanese life. However, emigration flows have been more intense during certain periods involving the whole population regardless of social class and place of residence. This research report looks at recent patterns of youth emigration from Lebanon. Given the lack of official statistics for this phenomenon, this study is based on two national surveys carried out by the Observatoire universitaire de la réalité socio-économique (OURSE) of the St. Joseph University (USJ) in Beirut. In the first part of the report, the socio-demographic characteristics as well as the employment conditions of the young resident population and their emigrant peers will be compared. The second part will deal, instead, with the attitudes of young Lebanese nationals towards migration. The results highlight the plans of the young and the attitude towards migration found in Lebanese society. Furthermore, it emerges that younger emigration flows have been growing in recent years, responding to a lack of employment opportunities at home. However, emigration has not been perceived as a definitive separation from Lebanon, since migratory projects have often been temporary. From the point of view of the families left behind and the whole of Lebanese society, the continuous emigration of younger Lebanese migrants is a big loss, which is only partly counter-balanced by remittances.
Year 2010
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46388 Report

Gender and Migration in Jordan

Authors Mohamed Y. OLWAN
Abstract This study explores Jordan’s policies in regards to international migration in general and to migrant women in particular. It has four sections: women’s participation in the workforce in Jordan; the national and international framework for migration to Jordan; the question of transferability of Jordanian citizenship from a Jordanian woman, married to a non–citizen, to her children; and women immigrating to Jordan. Résumé Cette étude explore les politiques jordaniennes en matière de migration internationale en général, et concernant les femmes migrantes en particulier. Elle est structurée en quatre sections: la part des femmes dans la main d’œuvre en Jordanie; le cadre national et international de la migration internationale en Jordanie; la question de la transmission de la citoyenneté jordanienne; et enfin les femmes qui immigrent en Jordanie.
Year 2010
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46389 Report

Highly-Skilled Migration: Sudan

Authors Amna Omer MOHAMED-ALI
Abstract This paper discusses the problem of the recent emigration of highly-skilled Sudanese citizens and sheds light on the mechanism that prompts such emigration. High levels of graduate unemployment coupled with the economic hardship that holds back the economy makes emigration the only alternative for the majority of graduates. As individual investment in education does not pay off in Sudan, and as higher education is still in demand, people get involved in higher education to equip themselves with skills that have viable market potential elsewhere in the world. Despite a consistent proportion of Sudanese emigrants being well educated (i.e. at least secondary education) most leave the country to be employed in low-skilled jobs. “Higher education for emigration” seems to represent the logo of those still demanding higher education and ready to pay for it and this likely represents one of the main challenges to be faced by the Sudanese higher-education system in the near future. Résumé Cette note analyse le problème récent de l'émigration des citoyens soudanais hautement qualifiés et met en lumière les mécanismes à l’origine de ce phénomène. L’émigration est en effet la seule alternative pour la majorité des diplômés devant faire face aux niveaux élevés de chômage et aux difficultés économiques. Comme l'investissement individuel dans l'éducation n'est pas rentable alors que l'enseignement supérieur est lui toujours en demande, les soudanais s’engagent donc dans l'enseignement supérieur en vue d’obtenir des compétences ayant un réel potentiel pour les marchés du travail étrangers. En dépit d'une proportion importante d'émigrants soudanais disposant au moins d’un diplôme secondaire, une majorité quitte le pays pour des emplois peu qualifiés dans les pays de destination. « L'enseignement supérieur en fonction de l'émigration » telle est désormais la devise des soudanais ayant les moyens de s’engager dans l'éducation supérieure. Par conséquent, ce phénomène représente probablement l'un des principaux défis du système d'enseignement supérieur soudanais.
Year 2010
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46390 Report

La migration irrégulière au Mali : un état des lieux

Authors Sadio TRAORÉ
Résumé L’évolution du phénomène migratoire a fait émerger dans le discours des spécialistes et les débats politiques le concept de migration irrégulière. Le Mali est à la fois un pays d’émigration et d’immigration. Partageant une frontière avec des pays d’Afrique du Nord, il compte parmi les pays pourvoyeurs d’une migration irrégulière supposément à l’assaut de l’Europe par sa frontière sud. Nouveau thème dans le contexte migratoire malien, l’immigration irrégulière est encore peu explorée. Cette forme de mobilité étant associée (à tort ou à raison) à l’insécurité, elle représente un défi majeur que les pays doivent intégrer au sein de leur stratégie de développement, dans le cadre des objectifs du Millénaire. Par conséquent, elle retient de plus en plus l’attention des autorités nationales. Au-delà de la perspective sécuritaire des pays développés, les responsables maliens prônent une approche globale prenant en compte la lutte contre la pauvreté, une des principales causes d’émigration. Récemment, des actions de sensibilisation ont été menées en direction des migrants potentiels afin de les informer des dangers liés à la migration irrégulière. Abstract Today, new migration dynamics and changed migratory schemes have led to a growing debate on current irregular migration patterns both at an academic and political level. In this regard, Mali has recently evolved into a transit migration country for those emigrating towards southern European countries. Since this is a new phenomenon for Mali, few studies to date have approached irregular migration in the country. Being often, rightly or wrongly, associated with security issues, this topic represents a major challenge in the framework of development strategies, the Millennium Development Goals, and is thus receiving ever more attention from national authorities. Going beyond the “security approach” adopted by more developed countries, the Malian authorities have approached the phenomenon more globally taking poverty, as the trigger and sustainer of migration. Meanwhile, several awareness campaigns have been promoted in order to make citizens conscious of the risks of being an irregular migrant.
Year 2010
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46391 Report

Migration et genre, de, vers et à travers la Tunisie

Authors Monia BEN JEMIA
La migration féminine n’est visible sur le plan juridique que dans son aspect passif et se conjugue en termes de droits dérivés. La femme est envisagée comme membre de famille, comme l’épouse qui rejoint son mari. C’est en cette qualité que le droit l’envisage occultant par là le rôle actif des femmes travailleuses, devenues elles mêmes initiatrices du regroupement familial. Les nombreuses discriminations dont elles sont encore l’objet rendent par ailleurs plus difficile leur migration, et, une fois parties, leur migration de retour compromise. Les dispositions sécuritaires régissant l’immigration irrégulière et de transit ainsi que le vide législatif en matière d’asile participent de cette occultation en ne protégeant pas de manière spécifique les migrantes solitaires particulièrement vulnérables à toutes formes d’exploitation. Abstract Women’s migration is addressed by law only in its passive aspect and through by-rights. The woman is considered as a family member, as the wife joining her husband. The law thereby forgets the active role of working women who also initiate family reunification. The numerous discriminations against women make their migration be more difficult and their return from migration be unlikely. The security provisions applying to irregular and transit immigration, as well as the lacking regarding asylum, also concur to overshadow women. Solitary female migrants are particularly vulnerable to all kind of exploitation but are not specifically protected.
Year 2010
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46392 Report

Partner Selection among Latino Immigrant Men Who Have Sex with Men

Authors Fernanda T. Bianchi, Carol Reisen, Paul Poppen, ...
Year 2010
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46393 Journal Article

This Ain't Paris Sweetie: Exploring West African and French Identity in the Southern United States

Authors Joelle Cruz
Year 2010
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46394 Journal Article

Mental Health and Treatment Response among Iraqi Refugees as Compared to Other Non-War Exposed Arab Immigrants: A Pilot Study in Southeast Michigan

Authors Hikmet Jamil, Matthew Ventimiglia, Hyder Makki, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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46395 Journal Article

Ethnicity and Foreigners in Ancient Greece and China.

Authors Carla M. Antonaccio
Year 2010
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46396 Journal Article

Contextualizing Voice and Stakeholders: Researching Employment Relations, Immigration and Trade Unions

Authors Miguel Martinez Lucio, Heather Connolly
Year 2010
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46397 Journal Article

'I Integrate, Therefore I Am': Contesting the Normalizing Discourse of Integrationism through Conversations with Refugee Women

Authors M. McPherson, Melinda McPherson
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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46398 Journal Article

The lost ones: Post-gatekeeper border fictions and the construction of cultural trauma

Authors Marta Caminero-Santangelo
Year 2010
Journal Name Latino Studies
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46399 Journal Article

Living in Limbo: Integration of Forced Migrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Slovenia

Authors N. Vrecer, Natalija Vrecer
Year 2010
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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46400 Journal Article
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