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Expatriate Childhood. Children's Experiences of Temporary Migration. / Ekspatriaattilapsuus: Lasten kokemuksia tilapäisestä maahanmuutosta. (438 874 €)

Principal investigator Mari Korpela ()
Project description: Increasing numbers of highly educated migrants work abroad temporarily. Often, these expatriates are accompanied by their children but very little is known about the children although their wellbeing is important for the families’ comfort. This ethnographic study investigates such children (8-15 years old) in Finland. The study asks how the children experience their temporary migration and their lifestyle that includes frequent transnational mobility. What kind of lives do they lead? How do they negotiate their identities and place within the current system of nation states? What the significance of nationalities, cosmopolitanism and class is? The project investigates the children’s lives and views, develops theory on transnational mobility and child migration, and produces information for policy-makers, teachers, expatriate families and children. Research material includes field diaries on participant observation, interviews, and visual data produced together with the children. / Hankkeen julkinen kuvaus: Yhä useampi korkeasti koulutettu asiantuntija työskentelee tilapäisesti ulkomailla. Usein nämä ekspatriaatit tulevat lastensa kanssa, mutta lapsista tiedetään hyvin vähän vaikka heidän viihtymisensä on tärkeää perheiden hyvinvoinnille. Tämä etnografinen tutkimus perehtyy 8-15-vuotiaisiin ekspatriaattilapsiin Suomessa. Tutkimuksessa kysytään miten lapset kokevat tilapäisen maahanmuuttonsa sekä ylirajaisesti liikkuvan elämäntapansa. Millaista elämää he elävät? Miten he määrittelevät identiteettiään ja paikkaansa vallitsevassa kansallisvaltiojärjestelmässä? Mikä on kansallisuuksien, kosmopoliittisuuden ja luokan merkitys? Projektissa perehdytään lasten elämään ja näkemyksiin, kehitetään teoriaa ylirajaisesta liikkuvuudesta ja lapsisiirtolaisuudesta sekä tuotetaan opettajille, ekspatriaattiperheille ja - lapsille sekä viranomaisille hyödyllistä tietoa. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu osallistuvasta havainnoinnista, haastatteluista ja yhdessä lasten kanssa tuotetusta visuaalisesti materiaalista.
Year 2019
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41001 Project

‘I Want to Stay Here Forever’: Narratives of Resistance amongst Polish-born Adolescents in the UK

Year 2019
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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41003 Journal Article

Urban diaspora space: Rural–urban migration and the production of unequal urban spaces

Authors Ditte Brøgger
Year 2019
Journal Name Geoforum
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41005 Journal Article

Bloody Diaspora Theory for the Twenty-First Century: African and Asian Heritage Migrants Return

Authors Melissa Tandiwe Myambo
Year 2019
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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41006 Journal Article

Counting on kin: The satisfaction of migrants with their social networks in Germany

Authors Jennifer Fietz, Judith Kaschowitz
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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41007 Journal Article

Diaspora networks in international marketing: How do ethnic products diffuse to foreign markets?

Authors Xiaotian Zhang, Susana Costa e Silva, Maria Elo, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name European J. of International Management
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41009 Journal Article

Social Networks of Austrian Refugee-Migrants from the Anschluss in Australia – An Analysis of Meaning Structures

Authors Philipp Strobl
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
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41011 Journal Article

Social isolation and loneliness among immigrant and refugee seniors in Canada: a scoping review

Authors Shanthi Johnson, Juanita Bacsu, Tom McIntosh, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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41012 Journal Article

Palestinian Immigration from Latin American and Middle Eastern Perspectives

Authors Michael Ehrlich
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
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41013 Journal Article

Birthright citizenship and parental labor market integration

Authors Christoph Sajons
Year 2019
Journal Name Labour Economics
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41014 Journal Article

Double Jeopardy: How Refugees Fare in One European Labor Market

Authors Dries Lens, Ive Marx, Sunčica Vujić
Year 2019
Journal Name IZA Journal of Development and Migration
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41015 Journal Article

Similar or divergent paths? Religious development of Christian and Muslim adolescents in Western Europe

Authors Müge Simsek, Muge Simsek, Fenella Fleischmann, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Social Science Research
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41017 Journal Article

Albanian Migration as a Post-Totalitarian Legacy

Authors Agata Domachowska
Year 2019
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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41018 Journal Article

Immigration, Integration und Einbürgerung: Neuzuwanderer, Policy Entscheidungen und Reaktionen von StaatsbürgerInnen

Principal investigator Marc Helbling (Principal Investigator ), Richard Traunmüller (Principal Investigator )
Die Art und Weise wie Migrationsströme und die Integration vonMigranten reguliert werden ist zu einem zentralen Gegenstandöffentlicher und akademischer Debatten geworden. Während es vielForschung zur Frage gibt wie viele Migranten in ein Land gelassenwerden sollen, wissen wir noch relativ wenig darüber wie spezifischeRegulierungen von BürgerInnen wahrgenommen werden und wie sichdiese Regulierungen auf ihre Einstellungen und ihr Verhalten undschlussendlich auf die Akzeptanz von Immigranten auswirken. Zieldieses Projekts ist es, evidenzbasierte Antworten auf folgende Fragezu finden: Was sind die Folgen von Immigrations-, Integrations- undEinbürgerungspolitik auf die Einstellungen und das Verhaltengegenüber Immigranten. Um Antworten auf diese Fragen zu finden,werden zwei Umfragen mit verschiedenen Umfrageexperimenten in Deutschland durchgeführt. Die Experimente erlauben uns, denkausalen Einfluss von Policies auf Einstellungen und Verhalten insystematischerer Weise zu untersuchen. Um diese Policyeffektegenauer zu untersuchen, werden die befragten Personen mitUmfragevignetten konfrontiert. Um die rationalen Interessen vonBürgerInnen besser zu verstehen, werden die Policyeinflüsse inAbhängigkeit der Akzeptanz zu diesen Regulierungen gemessen.Darüber hinaus untersuchen wir, ob diese Effekte davon beeinflusstwerden, ob sich durch die Regulierungen der Status Quo für diebefragten BürgerInnen verändert.
Year 2019
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41021 Project

English Canadians’ cultural stereotypes of ethnic minority groups: Implications of stereotype content for acculturation ideologies and immigration attitudes

Authors Hali Kil, KA Noels, Dayuma I. Vargas Lascano, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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41022 Journal Article

Clothing, fashion and nation building in the Land of Israel

Culture is central to nation building, but clothing, fashion and aesthetic perceptions are often overlooked in this context. Taking 'Eretz Israel' (the 'Land of Israel') as a case study, this project argues that investigating these cultural practices brings to the fore the agency of migrant groups and adds a personal dimension to the history of nation building. Focusing on the period from the 1880s when large-scale migration began, until the foundation of the Israeli state in 1948, it investigates how Eastern European and German Jewish immigrants expressed social, cultural and political belonging through clothing and to what extent they were able to enforce their ideologies in the course of nation building. It asks to what extent the immigrants influenced each other in developing a specific mode of dress, and how they referenced the socio-cultural and political practices of countries of origin, as well as the clothing of Arab people and the Ottoman and British occupying authorities. With an unprecedented focus on gender and visual materials, the project examines how clothing became fashion and to what extent a consensual mode of dress emerged within a heterogeneous migrant society. Drawing from archival collections of 15 archives in Israel, Poland and England, and 6 Israeli, German, American and Russian databases, the project analyses private and public photographs and posters, and contextualises them against an assessment of written material and oral history interviews. Through highly interdisciplinary training, the project develops a new methodology that integrates approaches from fashion history and visual culture into the history of nation building to shed light on the processes of negotiation and power struggles on the micro level of a community. In times of mass migration, economic exploitation and global mobility the project contributes to an understanding of aesthetic perceptions, dress and beauty ideals as an expression of power, integration and exclusion.
Year 2019
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41023 Project

Lifestyle migrants or “environmental refugees”?—Resisting urban risks

Authors Linda Persson
Year 2019
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
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41025 Journal Article

Diaspora Externalities

Authors Hillel Rapoport
Year 2019
Journal Name IZA Journal of Development and Migration
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41026 Journal Article

EU Citizens, Foreign Family Members and European Union Law

Authors Elspeth Guild
Year 2019
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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41027 Journal Article

Transnational Diaspora Entrepreneurship: The Case of Moroccans in Catalonia

Authors Lorenzo Gabrielli, Núria Franco-Guillén
This paper is based on empirical research performed in Catalonia in the framework of the international research project DiasporaLink, which analysedthe links between transnational diaspora entrepreneurship(TDE), migration and development. In this paper, we focus on the case of Moroccansimmigrants in Spain and especially in Catalonia, in order to understand the role that different actors play in fostering or not transnational entrepreneurship of Moroccan diaspora. In order to structure the field research, as well as the further analysis,we have defined three levels of action: a macro-level, a meso-level, and a micro-level. The methodology is based on a field research conducted through in-depth interviews with macro-and meso-level actors in Catalonia, complemented by a bibliographic research on existing political frameworksand initiatives facilitatingTDE activities.Our findings suggest that little TDE takes place between Morocco and Spain despite the countries’ geographical proximity.
Year 2018
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41028 Report

The Armenians of Glendale: An Ethnoburb in Los Angeles's San Fernando Valley

Authors Daniel Fittante
Year 2018
Journal Name City & Community
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41029 Journal Article

Manhattan's Koreatown as a Transclave: The Emergence of a New Ethnic Enclave in a Global City

Authors Jinwon Kim
Year 2018
Journal Name City & Community
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41030 Journal Article

Do Return Migration Policies Matter? A typology of young Romanian returnees’ attitudes towards return policies

Authors Monica Șerban, Alin Croitoru
Year 2018
Journal Name Social Change Review
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41031 Journal Article

Aantrekkelijkheid van Nederland voor kennismigranten: Een onderzoek naar hoe aantrekkelijk kennismigranten Nederland vinden als potentieel vestigings- en carrièreland

Authors WODC, Corine Buers, Jeanine Klaver, ...
Doel van het onderzoek is inzicht te krijgen in wat het vreemdelingenbeleid kan doen om Nederland aantrekkelijk(er) te maken voor kennismigranten en meer in het bijzonder wat de IND en andere betrokken partijen kunnen doen om de dienstverlening richting kennismigranten te verbeteren. Het onderzoek geeft inzicht in de redenen van kennismigranten om voor Nederland te kiezen en hun ervaringen met het Nederlandse toelatingsbeleid en de dienstverlening. Onder kennismigranten verstaan we alle hooggekwalificeerde arbeidsmigranten van buiten de EU/EER die in Nederland aan de slag zijn als kennismigrant. Dit zijn bijvoorbeeld hoogopgeleide managers of ICT-specialisten, maar ook wetenschappelijk personeel zoals aio’s, onderzoekers of docenten rekenen we tot deze groep. Naast inzicht in de keuzes en ervaringen van kennismigranten zijn in dit onderzoek concrete aanknopingspunten geformuleerd voor het verbeteren van de dienstverlening aan kennismigranten, wat uiteindelijk de aantrekkelijkheid van Nederland als vestigings- en carrièreland ten goede kan komen.
Year 2018
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41033 Report

Contesting the deportation state? : political change aspirations in protests against forced returns

Authors Leila HADJ-ABDOU, Sieglinde ROSENBERG
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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41036 Journal Article

The Immigrant as a Not-invented “Other”

Authors Krystyna Romaniszyn
Year 2018
Journal Name Studia Polonijne
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41037 Journal Article

Gobernanza migratoria en América del Sur : ¿hacia una nueva oleada restrictiva?

Authors Leiza Maricel BRUMAT, Diego ACOSTA, Marcia VERA ESPINOZA
Year 2018
Book Title [Migration Policy Centre]
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41038 Book Chapter

Reintegration package for Ethiopia

Authors Katie KUSCHMINDER, Alexandra RICARD-GUAY
Ethiopia has been facing an increased return of migrants, as a result of mass deportation from countries like Saudi Arabia, The Government of Ethiopia, together with other humanitarian actors successfully managed the return but, due to the absence of a national framework on reintegration, the reintegration component was not addressed. Hence this report presents the recommended approach for developing a reintegration package for return migrants in Ethiopia. This package is expected to serve as a point of reference and practical guide for the Government of Ethiopia, UN agencies, civil society organizations and other stakeholders to develop programs in support of the successful reintegration of returnees, back into their community and labour market.
Year 2018
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41042 Report

Aqui para ficar ou só de passagem? Experiências migratórias de senegaleses e ganeses no Brasil

Authors Philipp Roman Jung, Glaucia de Oliveira Assis, Michelle Maria Stakonski Cechinel
Year 2018
Journal Name Cadernos de Estudos Sociais
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41043 Journal Article

Making Migration Law: The Foreigner, Sovereignty, and the Case of Australia

Authors Robert F Barsky
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal Of Refugee Law
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41045 Journal Article

Fit for purpose? : the Facilitation Directive and the criminalisation of humanitarian assistance to irregular migrants : 2018 update

Authors Sergio CARRERA, Gabriella SANCHEZ, Lina VOSYLIUTE, ...
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PETI Committee, aims to update the 2016 study “Fit for purpose? The Facilitation Directive and the criminalisation of humanitarian assistance to irregular migrants”. It takes stock of and examines the latest developments that have taken place since 2016, specifically the legislative and policy changes, along with various forms and cases of criminalisation of humanitarian actors, migrants’ family members and basic service providers. The study uses the notion of ‘policing humanitarianism’ to describe not only cases of formal prosecution and sentencing in criminal justice procedures, but also wider dynamics of suspicion, intimidation, harassment and disciplining in five selected Member States – Belgium, France, Greece, Hungary and Italy. Policing humanitarianism negatively affects EU citizens’ rights – such as the freedom of assembly, freedom of speech and freedom of conscience. When civil society is effectively (self-)silenced and its accountability role undermined, policies to combat migrant smuggling may be overused and give rise to serious breaches of the EU’s founding values, notably the rule of law, democracy and fundamental rights. Moreover, policing humanitarianism negatively affects wider societal trust and diverts the limited resources of law enforcement from investigating more serious crimes.
Year 2018
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41047 Report

Immigration Detention, Inc.

Authors Denise Gilman, Luis A. Romero
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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41048 Journal Article

The portability of social rights of the United Kingdom with the European Union: Facts, issues, and prospects

Authors Robert Holzmann, Jacques Wels
Year 2018
Journal Name European Journal of Social Security
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41049 Journal Article

Soziokulturelle und geschlechtsspezifische Selektivität von Übergangsberechtigungen für die gymnasiale Oberstufe in mehr- und zweigliedrigen Schulsystemen

Authors Juergen Baumert, Anna Bachsleitner, Michael Becker, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
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41051 Journal Article

Street food as an ethnic border

Authors Ida Tolgensbakk
Year 2018
Journal Name Anthropology of food
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41053 Journal Article

Do good, stay well. Well-being and work satisfaction among German refugee helpers: A national cross-sectional study

Authors Eva Jobst, Christine Gall, Christian Eiche, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name PLOS ONE
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41054 Journal Article

I Trafficking in and Smuggling of Human Beings: the Spanish Approach

Authors E. García Coso, C. Gortázar Rotaeche, A. Obregón Garcíai
Year 2018
Book Title Immigration and Criminal Law in the European Union
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41059 Book Chapter

Trafficking and Smuggling in Human Beings: the British Perspective

Authors Dora Kostakopoulou
Year 2018
Book Title Immigration and Criminal Law in the European Union
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41060 Book Chapter

On Policy Ghosts: EU Readmission Arrangements as Intersecting Policy Universes

Authors Sergio Carrera
Year 2018
Book Title EU external migration policies in an era of global mobilities : intersecting policy universes
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41061 Book Chapter

The human smuggling industry : nuances and complexities

Authors Luigi ACHILLI
Year 2018
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41062 Working Paper

Chapter 29. Victims of Trafficking or Smuggling

Authors Nicola Rogers, Steve Peers
Year 2018
Book Title EU Immigration and Asylum Law
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41063 Book Chapter

What Happened to Equality?

Authors Bjarney Friðriksdóttir
Year 2018
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41064 Book

Trafficking and Smuggling in France: Social Problems as Transnational Security Issues

Authors Virginie Guiraudon
Year 2018
Book Title Immigration and Criminal Law in the European Union
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41065 Book Chapter

New Asylum Countries?

Authors Gregor Noll, Rosemary rne, Jens Vedsted-Hansen
Year 2018
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41066 Book

The Externalisation Of European Migration Control And The Reach Of International Refugee Law

Authors T. Gammeltoft-Hansen
Year 2018
Book Title The First Decade of EU Migration and Asylum Law
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41067 Book Chapter

The External Dimension of the EU’s Migration Policy

Authors Katharina Eisele
Year 2018
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41068 Book

Europe Beyond Its Borders: Refugee And Human Rights Protection In Extraterritorial Immigration Control

Authors Maarten Den Heijer
Year 2018
Book Title Extraterritorial Immigration Control
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41069 Book Chapter

Deciding Where to go: Policies, People and Perceptions Shaping Destination Preferences

Authors Heaven Crawley, Jessica Hagen-Zanker
Year 2018
Journal Name International Migration
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41070 Journal Article

The Legal Framework Concerning The Smuggling Of Migrants At Sea Under The Un Protocol On The Smuggling Of Migrants By Land, Sea And Air

Authors Tom Obokata
Year 2018
Book Title Extraterritorial Immigration Control
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41071 Book Chapter

Conclusions: the Variable Political and Legal Geography of People Smuggling and Trafficking in Europe

Authors Elspeth Guild
Year 2018
Book Title Immigration and Criminal Law in the European Union
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41072 Book Chapter

Trafficking in and Smuggling of Human Beings: the Spanish Approach - II Main Issues On Spanish Alien Law And Practice Concerning Trafficking And Smuggling Of Human Beings

Authors Paul Minderhoud, Elspeth Guild
Year 2018
Book Title Immigration and Criminal Law in the European Union
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41074 Book Chapter

Immigration Without Incorporation: EU Migration Policy in a Post-Citizenship Europe?

Authors Peo Hansen
Year 2018
Book Title The Reconceptualization of European Union Citizenship
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41075 Book Chapter

Immigration Law in the European Community

Authors Elspeth Guild
Year 2018
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41076 Book

Social Working of Criminal Law on Trafficking and Smuggling in Human Beings in Germany

Authors Dita Vogel, Norbert Cyrus
Year 2018
Book Title Immigration and Criminal Law in the European Union
41077 Book Chapter

The Place and Role of International Human Rights Law in the EU Return Directive and in the Related cjeu Case-Law: Approaches Worlds Apart?

Authors Tamás Molnár
Year 2018
Book Title EU external migration policies in an era of global mobilities : intersecting policy universes
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41078 Book Chapter

III. Main Issues in Spanish Criminal Law and Practice Related to Trafficking in and Smuggling of Human Beings

Authors E. García Coso, C. Gortázar Rotaeche, A. Obregón Garcíai
Year 2018
Book Title Immigration and Criminal Law in the European Union
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41079 Book Chapter

The Legal Framework of Trafficking and Smuggling in Germany: Victim Protection Emerging from Witness Protection?

Authors Katja S. Ziegler
Year 2018
Book Title Immigration and Criminal Law in the European Union
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41081 Book Chapter

Intersecting Policies of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Migration in the EU and the Netherlands

Authors Tesseltje de Lange
Year 2018
Book Title EU external migration policies in an era of global mobilities : intersecting policy universes
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41082 Book Chapter

EU Citizenship, Nationality and Migrant Status

Authors Kristīne Krūma
Year 2018
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41083 Book

Non-removable migrants in Europe : an atypical migration status?

Authors Benedita MENEZES QUEIROZ
Year 2018
Journal Name European public law
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41084 Journal Article

Beyond crisis talk : interrogating migration and crises in Europe

Authors Nick DINES, Nicola MONTAGNA, Elena VACCHELLI
Year 2018
Journal Name Sociology
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41085 Journal Article

Communicating the 'migrant' other as risk: space, EU and expanding borders

Authors Yasmin Ibrahim, Anita Howarth
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Risk Research
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41087 Journal Article


Authors Brandon Morgan
Year 2018
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41089 Journal Article

Interethnic Marriages and Relationships of the Tlingits in the Russian-American Period and Their Significance

Authors Andrei V. Grinev
Year 2018
Journal Name Sexuality & Culture
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41090 Journal Article

Religious and Social Reflections of the Migration: In the Context of Quranic References

Authors Ihsan Capcioglu, Mehmet Akin, Niyazi Akyuz
Year 2018
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41091 Journal Article

Immigrants in a Non-Immigrant Society: Recent PhD Dissertations on Migration in Japan

Authors Gracia Liu-Farrer
Year 2018
41093 Journal Article

The Resources We Bring: The Cultural Assets of Diverse Medical Students

Authors Tasha R. Wyatt, Sarah C. Egan, Cole Phillips
Year 2018
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41094 Journal Article

Theater against Borders: 'Miunikh-Damaskus'A Case Study in Solidarity

Authors Ruba Totah, Krystel Khoury
Year 2018
Journal Name ARTS
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41095 Journal Article

Youth-Engaged Art-Based Research in Cape Breton: Transcending Nations, Boundaries, and Identities

Authors Marcia Ostashewski, Heather Fitzsimmons Frey, Shaylene Johnson
Year 2018
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41097 Journal Article

Encounters with Difference and the Entangled Enlivening of Being

Authors Bronwyn Davies
Year 2018
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41098 Journal Article

Are you better off? Perceptions of social mobility and satisfaction with care among Latina immigrants in the US

Authors Sonia Mendoza, Ana F. Abraido-Lanza, Adria Armbrister
Year 2018
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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41099 Journal Article

Serving the Health Care and Leisure Needs of Ethnic Aged in Canada: Implications and Concerns

Authors George Karlis, Aida Stratas, Marianna Locke, ...
Year 2018
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41100 Journal Article
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