
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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The maintenance of white privilege: The case of white South African migrants in the UK

Authors Kristoffer Halvorsrud
Year 2019
Journal Name Ethnicities
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40901 Journal Article

Expansive learning in teachers’ professional development: a case study of intercultural and bilingual preschools in Chile

Authors Rukmini Becerra-Lubies, Manka Varghese
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
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40902 Journal Article

Pains and gains of ethnic multilingual learners in China: an ethnographic case study

Authors Bin Ai
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
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40903 Journal Article

Reaching out to migrant and refugee communities to support home language maintenance

Authors Susana A. Eisenchlas, Andrea C. Schalley
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 1
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40904 Journal Article

Principals as gatekeepers of language policy implementation in Kazan, Russia

Authors Alsu Gilmetdinova
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
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40905 Journal Article

Language socialization and code-switching: a case study of a Korean–English bilingual child in a Korean transnational family

Authors Juyoung Song
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 2
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40906 Journal Article

AMERA: delivering a refugee-centred approach to protection

Authors Sarah Elliott, Megan Denise Smith
Year 2019
Journal Name Forced Migration Review (FMR)
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40907 Journal Article

Law and Refugee Crises

Authors Silvia Pasquetti, Noemi Casati, Romola Sanyal
Year 2019
Journal Name Annual Review of Law and Social Science
40908 Journal Article

FOCUS: Forced displacement and refugee-host community solidarity

Principal investigator Sabina Dziadecka Gråbæk (Project manager , IFRC Psychosocial Centre ), Anouk Boschma (MHPSS Technical Advisor , IFRC Psychosocial Centre), Dean Ajdukovic (Professor, Senior Researcher , University of Zagreb), Jana Kiralj (Researcher, University of Zagreb), Nahikari Irastorza (Researcher, Malmo University ), Ulrike Kluge (Professor, Senior Researcher , Humboldt University ), Steffen Schodwell (Researcher, Humboldt University), Dana Abdel Fatah (Researcher , Humboldt Charite), Christiane Abele (Project Manager , ARTIC ), Karin Rosenits (Project Manager , ARTIC), Peter MacDonagh (Senior Consultant , Q4), Andreas Heyd (Project coordinator, IFRC Psychosocial Centre)
FOCUS is an EU funded research project running from January 2019 to June 2022, led by the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support hosted by the Danish Red Cross with partners from nine countries (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark France, Germany, Ireland, Jordan and the United Kingdom). FOCUS aims at deepening the understanding of critical dimensions of integration. The project takes stock of the decade passed since the arrival of more than 1 million refugees and migrants from Syria and other countries (UNHCR 2018), with a special emphasis on psychological and social factors, and makes this knowledge accessible in an efficient and useful way.
Year 2019
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40909 Project

From interculturalism to inter-recognition: towards an ethico-onto-epistemological approach in migration research

Authors Joana Sousa Ribeiro
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Multicultural Discourses
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40910 Journal Article

Latin Americas evolving migration crisis: Venezuelans flee accelerating collapse

Authors Ninna Sorensen, Cesar Castilla
Year 2019
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40911 Policy Brief

Understanding the Romanian Diaspora: A Strategically Important Network

Authors Andra-Lucia Martinescu
Year 2019
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40912 Policy Brief

Advancing Alternative Migration Governance

Principal investigator Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas (Project Manager Spanish partner)
ADMIGOV takes seriously the principles laid out in the New York Declaration (NYD) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to study how alternative approaches to migration governance can be better designed and put into practice. Rather than proposing a top-down study of existing migration policies, ADMIGOV studies the reality of existing policies and practices on the ground to improve migration governance taking into consideration the principles of the NYD and SDGs. ADMIGOV holds an innovative and broad research design covering the whole migration ‘chain’, from entry through to exit and incorporating key issues such as labour migration, protection needs and development goals. The project includes the study of salient case-study in migration governance, including the Greek islands, Lebanon, and Turkey, to better understand the most important and most problematic processes at play. The project counts on the data of the Danish Refugee Council one of the largest datasets in the world, and aims at generating new indicators of good migration governance, helping the EU put the NYD and SDGs into practice.
Year 2019
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40913 Project

Advancing Alternative Migration Governance

Principal investigator dr. Anja van Heelsum (Project Coordinator (PI))
ADMIGOV aims to promote an alternative migration governance model. ADMIGOV takes seriously the principles laid out in the New York Declaration (NYD) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to study how alternative approaches to migration governance can be better designed and put into practice. However, rather than proposing a top-down study of existing migration policies, ADMIGOV studies the reality of existing polices and practices on the ground to improve migration governance in line with the principles set out in the NYD and SDGs. This is the unique analytical feature of ADMIGOV. We bring together analyses of migration governance in practice and in key times and spaces and relate these analyses to the key structuring principles of migration governance as laid out in the NYD and SDGs. This is done to better understand the current gaps between principles and practices and in order to provide insights and recommendations for migration governance in the future. ADMIGOV is methodologically unique. We bring analyses from along the migration ‘chain’, from entry through to exit and incorporating key issues such as labour migration, protection needs and development goals. ADMIGOV has chosen several case studies of key times and spaces in migration governance, including the Greek islands, Lebanon, and Turkey, to better understand the most important and most problematic processes at play. Additionally, through the involvement of the Danish Refugee Council, ADMIGOV has access to possibly the largest dataset on migrants on the move today. The 4Mi data of the Danish Refugee Council will give ADMIGOV access to and help us generate more data than a single research team could normally collect. In short, ADMIGOV is designed to combine the analyses of existing policies and practices on the ground in key times and spaces with the wide- ranging 4Mi data to generate new indicators of good migration governance, helping the EU put the NYD and SDGs into practice.
Year 2019
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40914 Project

Forced Displacement and Refugee-Host Community Solidarity

Principal investigator Ulrike Kluge (Principal Investigator)
"Angesichts der vielfältigen Herausforderungen, die sich aus dem jüngsten Fluchtmigration nach Europa ergeben haben, sind evidenzbasierte Lösungen und Strategien zur Erleichterung eines erfolgreichen Integrationsprozesses dringlicher denn je. Wir verstehen Integration als einen dynamischen wechselseitigen Prozess, der sich nicht ausschließlich auf Flüchtlinge beschränkt, sondern die Aufnahmegesellschaften aktiv miteinbezieht. FOCUS verfolgt das Ziel, die Beziehungen zwischen Geflüchteten und Aufnahmegesellschaften und das Verständnis füreinander zu vertiefen. Der Schwerpunkt wird dabei auf die psychosozialen und sozioökonomischen Dimensionen dieser Beziehungen gelegt. Durch die Verbindung der sozioökonomischen und sozialpsychologischen Forschung und die Schaffung von Synergien zwischen beiden Zugängen im Bereich erzwungener Migration versucht FOCUS, umfassende Indikatoren zu entwickeln, die ein differenzierteres Verständnis von Integration widerspiegeln. Um dieses Bestreben zu verfolgen, werden Feldforschungen mit Geflüchteten aus Syrien und Teilnehmer*innen der Aufnahmegesellschaften in vier Ländern durchgeführt (Deutschland, Jordanien, Kroatien und Schweden). Die Standorte wurden sorgfältig ausgewählt um sicherzustellen, dass Erkenntnisse aus Ländern mit diversen Erfahrungen im Bereich Fluchtmigration und lokaler Integration gewonnen werden. Die Feldforschungen umfassen sowohl quantitative als auch qualitative Methoden, die erforderlich sind, um ein tieferes Verständnis der Hindernisse, Möglichkeiten und Lösungen für die Integration aus der Perspektive von Geflüchteten und Aufnahmegesellschaften zu gewinnen und somit stärkere, wissenschaftlich basierte Nachweise zu den Auswirkungen von Instrumenten/ Programmen zur Förderung der Integration zu entwickeln. FOCUS ist ein EU-Horizon 2020-Projekt, das im Januar 2019 seine Arbeit aufnahm und von acht Partnerländern (Belgien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Frankreich, Irland, Jordanien, Kroatien, Schweden) implementiert wird. In Berlin wird das Projekt in Kooperation zwischen der Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie der Charité Campus Mitte und dem Berliner Institut für empirische Integrations- und Migrationsforschung der Humboldt Universität umgesetzt."
Year 2019
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40915 Project

‘I Want to Stay Here Forever’: Narratives of Resistance amongst Polish-born Adolescents in the UK

Authors Sara Young
Year 2019
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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40916 Journal Article

Frauen, Flucht – und Frieden? Friedensfördernde Praktiken von Frauen in Flüchtlingslagern

Principal investigator Ulrike Krause (Principal Investigator)
"Welche Bedeutungen messen Menschen und insbesondere Frauen, die vor gewaltsamen Konflikten geflohen sind, Frieden zu? Diese Frage ist im Forschungsprojekt zentral. Weltweit tragen gewaltsame Konflikte dazu bei, dass viele Menschen ihre Herkunftsregionen verlassen, um in anderen Gebieten oder Ländern Schutz zu suchen. Wissenschaftliche Studien zum Nexus von Konflikt und Flucht eruieren bisher vorrangig Konfliktfolgen. Sie belegen, dass konfliktbedingte Gewalt in Aufnahmesituationen von Geflüchteten, insbesondere in Flüchtlingslagern, anhalten und Frauen vor spezifische Risiken stellen kann. In dieser auf Gefahren konzentrierten Forschung bleibt allerdings die Bedeutung von Frieden vernachlässigt. Zumeist wird Frieden reduziert als Bedingung für die Rückkehr der Menschen an ihre Herkunftsorte, jedoch nicht als prägenden Teil des Alltags oder als Handlungsmotiv Geflüchteter und konkret geflüchteter Frauen betrachtet. An dieser Stelle knüpft das Forschungsvorhaben Frauen, Flucht – und Frieden? Friedensfördernde Praktiken von Frauen in Flüchtlingslagern an. Das Vorhaben stellt Frieden in das Zentrum der Analysen und verbindet friedens- und fluchtwissenschaftliche Diskurse. Der Konflikt-Flucht-Nexus wird um eine interdependente Verbindung mit Frieden ergänzt und Flüchtlingslager als friedensrelevante Postkonfliktsituationen verstanden. Anhand empirischer Forschung mit Fallstudie im kenianischen Flüchtlingslager Kakuma sind die Ziele zu untersuchen, wie geflüchtete Frauen Frieden verstehen, wie sie sich im Lager und bezogen auf Herkunftsregionen für friedvolle Verhältnisse einsetzen möchten sowie welche Möglichkeiten und Grenzen sie in ihren friedensfördernden Praktiken erfahren. Zur Untersuchung bedient sich das Vorhaben eines Agency-Fokus im Sinne des local turn der kritischen Friedensforschung. Ein wichtiger Bestandteil dieser Ausrichtung ist, dass das Vorhaben von einer vorgefertigten, feststehenden und ggf. eurozentrischen Friedensdefinition absieht. Einhergehend mit dem local turn wird stattdessen das ‚lokale‘ Wissen und folglich die Auffassungen geflüchteter Frauen von Frieden als wesentlich betrachtet und erhoben. Auf Grundlage dessen werden die Praktiken der Frauen für Frieden in ihrem Verständnis wie auch die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen für ihr Friedenshandeln erforscht. Zur Analyse dieser Handlungen zieht das Vorhaben die Agency-Theorie von Ruth Lister (2004) heran. Mit der Wendung der Perspektive hin zu Frieden möchte das Forschungsvorhaben wissenschaftliche Debatten zur Rolle von Frieden für Geflüchtete anregen und einen Beitrag zur Schließung von Forschungslücken leisten. Zudem verfolgt das Projekt friedenspolitische Anliegen und möchte unter anderem mit humanitären Akteur*innen die Ergebnisse teilen, um Aufschluss über geflüchtete Frauen als handelnde Akteurinnen und ihre friedensbezogenen Praktiken zu geben."
Year 2019
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40917 Project

Migrating heritage? Recreating ancestral and new homeland heritage in the practices of immigrant minorities

Authors Karolina Nikielska-Sekula
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Heritage Studies
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40918 Journal Article

Three Years on: An Evaluation of the EU-Turkey Refugee Deal

Authors Seçil Paçacı Elitok
Year 2019
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40920 Policy Brief

Migration Governance and Asylum Crises

Principal investigator Lennart Olsson (), Mine Islar (), Anne Jerneck ()
In our part of the project (Work package 6) will investigate the responses given to migration at different scales. It aims to provide an in-depth understanding of responses provided by actors ranging from urban to rural contexts, from transnational city-city collaborations to local community initiatives. Local scale is one of the first spaces where migration needs to be governed. Cities different than governments include networks of public and private sector leaders and institutions that include citizen initiatives, trade unions, private companies and universities, among others. A multi-scalar approach will be implemented by examining three different types of cases (1) The case of urban-rural development in Sweden, via international migration, (2) The case of local migration ecosystems in Northern Italy, (3) The case of Greek islands in the Aegean Sea, (4) The case of transnational collaborations and social innovations. By engaging in multi-scalar case studies, the aim is to cover both official and unofficial responses to the so called “refugee crisis”, emphasizing the role of the local authorities in facilitating (or hindering) the application of national policies on reception, redistribution and inclusion/exclusion of newcomers as well as the increasing role of communities and innovations in shaping the migration response by also showing opportunities. These areas, with the potential benefits of interdisciplinary research, will seek synergies between the following two goals; SDG Goal 9 on building resilient infrastructure as well as Goal 11 on inclusive cities. By doing so, we will inform policy making in these areas and potentially contribute to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Year 2019
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40922 Project

The Other Diasporas: Western and Southern European Migrants in Charles Booth’s Life and Labour of the People in London

Authors Daniel Renshaw
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
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40923 Journal Article

Western NGOs and Refugee Policy in the Twentieth Century

Authors Peter Gatrell
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
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40924 Journal Article

Children Hybrid Integration: Learning Dialogue as a way of Upgrading Policies of Participation

CHILD-UP researches the social conditions of migrant children’s integration through social participation, taking in primary account gender differences, legal status and age groups. , with the final aim to propose an innovative approach to understand and transform their social condition. First specific objective is providing an European overview, collection of data and evaluation concerning children’s conditions of living, protection and education. In selected contexts in seven countries, the research focuses on: (1) policies and practices of integration in schools, reception centres, social services and communities; (2) children’s and parents’ experiences, perceptions and expectations of integration; (3) specific practices of language teaching, facilitation of dialogue, intercultural education and mediation. Second objective is providing support for migrant children’s exercise of agency in changing their own conditions of integration and constructing hybrid identities. This objective can be achieved through the promotion of a dialogic system of practices, in schools and in their relations with partners (social services, reception centres, education and mediation agencies) and families. The project provides: (1) guidelines for dialogic activities in schools; (2) written and online training packages for teachers and other professionals; (3) a package for self-evaluation of activities. These tools will support co-action of teachers and other professionals, and coordinated planning between schools and their partners. Third objective is informing policies at the local, national and European level through dissemination and exploitation of research outcomes and tools. This objective can be achieved through the collaboration of three consortium partners, international and local stakeholder committees, and the implementation of an online portal containing a web platform conceived as a moderated wiki space and a digital archive hosting research materials and tools.
Year 2019
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40925 Project

Acculturation and psychological well-being among Middle Eastern migrants in Australia: The mediating role of social support and perceived discrimination

Authors Neda Hashemi, Maryam Marzban, Bernadette Sebar, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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40926 Journal Article

Healthcare providers’ images of refugees and their use of health services: an exploratory study

Authors Nellie Van den Bos, Galia Sabar, Shiri Tenenboim
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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40927 Journal Article

The effect of language training on immigrants’ economic integration: Empirical evidence from France

Authors Alexia Lochmann, Hillel Rapoport, Biagio Speciale
Year 2019
Journal Name European Economic Review
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40928 Journal Article

The effect of immigrant peers in vocational schools

Authors Tommaso Frattini, Elena Meschi
Year 2019
Journal Name European Economic Review
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40929 Journal Article

Decoupling Peripheries from the Center: The Dangers of Diaspora in Chinese Migration Studies

Authors Madeline Hsu
Year 2019
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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40930 Journal Article

Climate change and the Syrian civil war, Part II: The Jazira’s agrarian crisis

Authors Jan Selby
Year 2019
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 5
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40931 Journal Article

Transnational marriages and the health and well-being of Thai migrant women living in Norway

Authors Melanie Lindsay Straiton, Tone Jersin Ansnes, Naomi Tschirhart
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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40932 Journal Article

Políticas de Control de La Movilidad: Los Estados Ante El Transnacionalismo. En Jeffrey H. Cohen and Paulette K. Schuster (2019) Modelando el transnacionalismo.

Authors Jeffrey H. Cohen, Paulette K. Schuster, María Isolda Perelló
Year 2019
Book Title Modeling transnationalism.
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40933 Book Chapter

European Management of Migration and Refugees - Consequences for mobility and political stability in transit countries

Principal investigator Natascha Zaun (Project Leader)
The project runs from 2019-2021 and is jointly conducted by the Fafo Research Foundation, NUPI (both Oslo), the University of Oxford, the Institut Français du Proche Orient (Amman) and LSE. It analyses the challenges resulting from the disparities in sharing the burden and responsibility for forced migrants worldwide and how states have responded to these challenges.
Year 2019
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40934 Project

Controlling immigration? How regulations affect migration flows

Year 2019
Journal Name European Journal of Political Research
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40936 Journal Article

Las migraciones marítimas irregulares: las islas en la red de rutas

Las Islas Canarias forman parte de una de las rutas marítimas irregulares de la emigración africana hacia el continente europeo. El reducido tamaño de las islas, tanto en términos geográficos como demográficos y económicos, conlleva un reto específico en la gestión de la acogida, en particular si consideramos la relativa imprevisibilidad del fenómeno. Por esta razón es importante abordar algunas claves para comprender la evolución de las migraciones marítimas irregulares hacia las islas Canarias en la última década.
Year 2019
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40937 Report

Producing Precariousness: ‘Safety Elsewhere’ and the Removal of International Protection Status under EU Law

Authors Anne Neylon
Year 2019
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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40938 Journal Article

Immigration, social trust, and the moderating role of value contexts

Authors Conrad Ziller, Miles Hewstone, Matthew Wright
Year 2019
Journal Name Social Science Research
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40939 Journal Article

An ecological approach to psychological adjustment: A field survey among refugees in Germany

Authors Anna Haase, Anette Rohmann, Katrin Hallmann
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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40940 Journal Article

Yugoslav Gastarbeiter and the Ambivalence of Socialism: Framing Out-Migration as a Social Critique

Authors Ulf Brunnbauer
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
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40941 Journal Article

Wie Alter den Unterschied macht: Klassifikationspraktiken, Zugehörigkeit und politische Subjektivität bei jungen Geflüchteten in Deutschland

Principal investigator Katharina Schramm (Principal Investigator)
Was konstituiert und kennzeichnet Minder- und Volljährigkeit bei Geflüchteten? Wie macht das Alter bei ihnen einen (aufenthalts-)rechtlichen, politischen und affektiven Unterschied? Diesen beiden Hauptfragen gehen wir in unserem Projekt nach. Es gibt immer wieder heftige öffentliche Debatten zum Alter von Flüchtlingen und zu rechtsmedizinischen Altersschätzungspraktiken, bei denen u.a. Röntgenaufnahmen von Schlüsselbeinen herangezogen und die Genitalien der Jugendlichen inspiziert werden. Denn unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge haben andere Rechte als erwachsene Geflüchtete: sie haben Anspruch auf einen Platz in einer Jugendwohnung, einen Sprachkurs und schulische Ausbildung. Zugleich müssen sie den Vorgaben pädagogischer Betreuung und denen von Vormündern folgen. Vor allem haben sie andere Möglichkeiten, ihr Bleiben in Deutschland zu organisieren. So ist es beinahe unmöglich, sie abzuschieben. Im Zentrum unserer Untersuchung stehen folgende Dimensionen:1) Klassifikationsprozesse, d.h. die Hervorbringung und Ausprägung der Differenzkategorie Alter in Praktiken der Altersfestsetzung; 2) die Wirkmächtigkeit dieser Klassifikationen, d.h. altersspezifische Zugehörigkeiten, Rechte, Möglichkeiten und Einschränkungen von jungen Flüchtlingen mit dem Status "unbegleitete Minderjährige". Zur Umsetzung unserer Forschungsfragen ist eine ethnographische Langzeitstudie vorgesehen. Darin führen wir an allen wichtigen Stationen des Ankommens von jungen Geflüchteten teilnehmende Beobachtungen durch und interviewen die zentralen Akteure der verschiedenen Verfahren. Hierzu zählen die Erstaufnahme ebenso wie jugendamtliche, pädagogische und rechtsmedizinische Praktiken der Altersschätzung sowie daran geknüpfte Widerspruchsprozesse. Schließlich sollen auch Asylanhörungen beim Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge in den Blick genommen werden.Grundlegend für die oben aufgeführten Untersuchungsdimensionen ist unser Verständnis der Differenzkategorie Alter als kontingent, situativ und abhängig von spezifischen Praktiken der Hervorbringung. So können wir erforschen, welche Elemente in medizinischen, pädagogischen und bürokratischen Praxen (ir)relevant und entscheidend werden, wenn es um die Frage geht: ist ein Flüchtling minderjährig? Die Wirkmächtigkeit dieser Klassifikation untersuchen wir mit unserem Konzept von politischer Subjektivität, was sowohl Rechte und Handlungsspielräume als auch affektive Zugehörigkeit zusammen denk- und untersuchbar macht.Durch diese erste ethnographische Analyse der Hervorbringung und Wirkmächtigkeit von Alter im Migrationszusammenhang entwickelt das Projekt neue Ansatzpunkte für eine kritische Intervention in den dominanten öffentlichen Diskurs zur Altersschätzung bei jungen Flüchtlingen. Unser Projekt leistet einen theoretischen und empirischen Beitrag an der Schnittstelle von Medizinanthropologie, Wissenschafts- und Technikforschung (STS), Studien zu Flucht und Migration und der Kindheits- und Jugendforschung.
Year 2019
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40942 Project

ICMPD Migration Outlook 2019 - Origins, key events and priorities for Europe

Authors International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)
Year 2019
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40943 Policy Brief

Migration Crises and Interest of a State. American Refugee Assistance Acts During the Cold War

Authors Anna Mazurkiewicz
Year 2019
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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40945 Journal Article

Flüchtlingsmigration und zivilgesellschaftliche Solidarität im Sozialstaat

Principal investigator Dietmar Süß (Principal Investigator ), Cornelius Torp (Principal Investigator )
Untergräbt die Massenzuwanderung von Flüchtlingen und anderen Immigranten die solidarische Grundlage des Sozialstaats? Gegen den in der gegenwärtigen Debatte vorherrschenden Krisendiskurs halten wir es für eine offene und nur historisch zu beantwortende Frage, was sozialstaatliche Solidarität bedeutet, wie weit sie reicht und für wen sie gilt. Das Projekt will aus einer zeithistorischen Perspektive klären, wie sich der bundesdeutsche Sozialstaat und das ihm zugrundeliegende Solidaritätsverständnis angesichts unterschiedlicher Migrationsbewegungen von den späten 1970er Jahren bis heute verändert hat. Dabei richtet sich der Blick besonders auf die Prägekraft zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteure und freier Wohlfahrtsverbände. Die These lautet: Es waren diese zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteure, die gegen die verbreitete Sozialstaatskrisenrhetorik die Idee sozialpolitischer Solidarität "von unten" neu und transnational zu interpretieren versuchten. Originell ist das Projekt, weil es die dominierende politik- und sozialwissenschaftliche Sozialstaatsforschung in dreierlei Hinsicht herausfordert: durch seine genuin historisch-kultur-wissenschaftliche Perspektive, durch die Frage nach der Innovationskraft zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteure im Transformationsprozess sozialstaatlicher Ordnung und durch die Verbindung von praxeologischen und diskursgeschichtlichen Zugriffsweisen. Ausgehend von der Vorstellung, dass "Solidarität" zu den entscheidenden normativen Ressourcen des Wohlfahrtsstaats gehört, akzentuiert das Projekt dabei einen Begriff, der - ebenso wie "Gerechtigkeit", "Sicherheit" und "Freiheit" - zu den zentralen Wertideen der Moderne gehört, aber bislang kaum Gegenstand historischer Forschung geworden ist.
Year 2019
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40946 Project

Migrating heritage? Recreating ancestral and new homeland heritage in the practices of immigrant minorities

Authors Karolina Nikielska-Sekula
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Heritage Studies
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40947 Journal Article

Transnarodowe życie polskich Romów - migracje, rodzina i granice etniczne w zmieniającej się Unii Europejskiej

Principal investigator Michal P. Garapich (Principal Investigator)
Year 2019
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40949 Project

Interaktion zwischen Gesundheit und Integration Geflüchteter in Deutschland aus einer längsschnittlichen Perspektive

Principal investigator Hannes Kröger (Principal Investigator ), Jürgen Schuppe (Principal Investigator )
Auf Grundlage der IAB-BAMF-SOEP-Stichprobe Geflüchteter wird im Projekt „Longitudinal Aspects of the Interaction between Health and Integration of Refugees in Germany (LARGE)“ ein Indikatorenset zur physischen und mentalen Gesundheit Geflüchteter entwickelt. Darüber hinaus untersuchen die Forschenden, welche Rolle diese Indikatoren im Laufe der Zeit für die Integration der Geflüchteten in die deutsche Gesellschaft spielen. Dabei nutzen sie neben längsschnittlichen auch quasi-experimentelle Analysemethoden. LARGE ist ein Teilprojekt der DFG-Forschungsgruppe „Fluchtmigration nach Deutschland: ein „Vergrößerungsglas“ für umfassendere Herausforderungen im Bereich Public Health“ (PH-LENS).
Year 2019
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40950 Project

Who is reshaping public opinion on the EU’s migration policies?

Authors Thomas Huddleston, Hind Sharif, Migration Policy Group (MPG)
Year 2019
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40951 Policy Brief

Biographische Verläufe von Migrierenden aus Syrien und Westafrika in Brasilien und in Deutschland: Prozesse der Inklusion und Partizipation im Kontext sogenannter irregulärer Migration.

Principal investigator Gabriele Rosenthal (Principal Investigator ), Hermílio Santos (Principal Investigator )
Was unterscheidet die Lebenssituation von MigrantInnen aus Westafrika und Syrien in Deutschland von der in Brasilien? Inwiefern ist ihre Lage von ihrer kollektiven und individuellen Geschichte und inwiefern von der Gegenwart eines sich deutlich durch Einwanderung definierenden Landes wie Brasilien im Unterschied zu einem sich eher gegen Einwanderung definierenden Landes wie Deutschland bestimmt? Erleben sie die Beziehungen zu verschiedenen Gruppierungen von Altansässigen in Brasilien anders als in Deutschland? Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen konzentrieren wir uns auf die Rekonstruktion von kollektiv- und lebensgeschichtlichen Verläufen von Menschen aus Westafrika und Syrien, die bereits seit einigen Jahren in Deutschland oder in Brasilien leben. Wir interessieren uns dabei in erster Linie für jene Migrierenden, die in den herrschenden gesellschaftlichen Diskursen meist als „irregulär“ oder „ungeplant“ etikettiert werden und für die Frage, inwiefern sich die Prozesse von Inklusion und Partizipation in Brasilien und Deutschland unterscheiden. Der Fokus wird dabei auf der Analyse des Sich-Einfindens von Menschen in sehr unterschiedliche Lebenswelten sowie staatliche und gesellschaftliche Kontexte liegen. Dabei gilt zu berücksichtigen, dass die Migrationsprozesse nach Brasilien vermutlich oft verhältnismäßig leichter als die nach Europa verliefen und die MigrantInnen in Brasilien hinsichtlich des Aufenthalts und der Arbeitsmöglichkeiten wohl zum Teil etwas bessere Bedingungen als in Europa vorfinden. Der Grenzübertritt nach Europa wird dagegen überwiegend als „illegal“ angesehen, der Aufenthaltsstatus bleibt häufig sehr lange Zeit ungeklärt oder der über das Visum hinausgehende Verbleib wird illegalisiert. Die empirische Klärung dieser Unterschiede und ihrer Konsequenzen ist zentrales Anliegen der geplanten Forschung. Dabei verfolgen wir die Fragen, welche gesellschaftlichen und lebensgeschichtlichen Konstellationen vor, während und nach der Migration biographische Verläufe bedingen, die den MigrantInnen eine Etablierung und gesellschaftliche Teilhabe in den Ankunftsländern erleichtern oder erschweren. Mit dem geplanten Vergleich zwischen verschiedenen Gruppierungen von MigrantInnen, verschiedenen Typen von Migrationsverläufen und Typen der derzeitigen Lebenssituation sollte es möglich werden aufzuzeigen, inwiefern a) der kollektiv- und lebensgeschichtliche Verlauf im Herkunftsland, b) die Migrationsprozesse, c) die neuen Lebenswelten und d) vor allem die Möglichkeiten zur Inklusion und Teilhabe in den derzeitigen Aufenthaltsländern die Gegenwart der MigrantInnen bestimmen. Neben auf biographisch-narrativen Interviews (die zum Teil bereits in früheren Projekten mit MigrantInnen kurz nach ihrem Grenzübertritt geführt wurden) beruhenden biographischen Fallrekonstruktionen planen wir, mit mehreren Nachfolgeinterviews zum gegenwärtigem Lebensalltag und Gruppendiskussionen, die biographischen Verläufe über einen längeren Zeitraum zu erfassen.
Year 2019
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40952 Project

Integration of Refugee Students in European Higher Education Comparative Country Cases

According to UNHCR, an estimated 68.5 million individuals are today forcibly displaced worldwide. Around half of the world’s refugees are children and young people under the age of 35. While many students are forced to abandone their studies in their home countries, only one percent of refugee youth is able to access and continue higher education. Evidence shows that despite a fundamental right to education, refugees and similar at-risk populations encounter significant challenges barring access to higher education. The situation also prevails in Europe. When confronted with dramatic increases of mass migration in 2015 and 2016, European countries did little to adjust access to higher education for refugees. With very few exceptions, there are still no specific national policy approaches among European countries. Higher education institutions are mostly left to their own practices to handle the issue. Emergency responses generally focus on providing limited numbers of competitive scholarships, linguistic support, and counseling services. However, large-scale, sustainable broad-based internationalization policies and frameworks are utterly lacking. While effective response to refugees’ higher education needs is a responsibility for all higher education institutions, rather than taking the lead to push for inclusive societies, universities have curbed their activities within the restricted legislative frameworks that create status-related obstacles for refugees. Accordingly, this report provides an overview and descriptive analysis of how selected countries (Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Norway, UK and Turkey) have responded to the massive inflow of refugees, as well as the policy practices they have developed concerning refugee students’ integration into higher education. Seeking to encourage sustainable policy responses and national frameworks, this report highlights these selected countries’ procedures to ensure access to higher education and also approaches to recognize foreign qualifications. It also examines particular challenges in the case of each country. The report limits its scope exclusively to refugee students, excluding practices developed for refugee academics/university staff. This report offers a contribution to the existing literature on educational policy for refugees and encourages higher education institutions to remember their central role as a driving force for social development and integration.
Year 2019
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40953 Report

Returning Children Migrants – Main Challenges in School Environment

Authors Paulina Szydłowska, Joanna Durlik, Halina Grzymała-Moszczyńska
Year 2019
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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40954 Journal Article

Turismens roll i multikulturella samhällen

Principal investigator Sayaka Osanami Törngren (Project Leader), Thomas Pederson (Participant), Caroline Adolfsson (Participant), Pieter Bevelander (Participant)
Tourism and the tourism industry have been criticized for contributing to a uni-dimensional view of culture and people, which (re)produces stereotypic images, discredited histories and romantic fantasies. There is a risk that tourism reduces places to monocultures where the complexity that makes them interesting disappear. No modern society has only a culture, language or identity. Globalization, migration and other intercultural exchanges changes places. Inclusion and participation are increasingly highlighted in tourism and place branding literature. However, tourism and place branding have rarely been associated with concepts such as integration, migration and multiculturalism. TiM's objective is to explore the role of tourism in multicultural societies, in Sweden and beyond, as well as to act for the inclusion and representation of diversity in tourism development and place branding. TiMS’ originality lies in 1. A multidisciplinary and innovative approach to tourism studies, including design, social work, migration studies, marketing and interaction design, placing it in the forefront of technical and methodological development. 2. The ability to reach actual practical and societal change through collaboration between research and practice through action-oriented research. 3. Studies in Sweden and four non-European countries (Kenya, C hina, Japan and the US) broadens and deepens the understanding and conceptualisation of sustainable and inclusive forms of tourism and place branding.
Year 2019
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40955 Project

Translocal mobility systems: Social inequalities and flows in the wild berry industry

Authors Renato Miguel Carmo, Charlotta Hedberg
Year 2019
Journal Name Geoforum
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40956 Journal Article

Digital Immigrants among Migrant Women in Spain

Authors Rut Bermejo, José Manuel Sánchez-Duarte
Year 2019
Journal Name Socio-Anthropologie
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40957 Journal Article

Visual frames of migrants and refugees in the main Western European media

Authors Javier J. Amores, Carlos Arcila Calderón, Mikolaj Stanek
Year 2019
Journal Name Economics and Sociology
40958 Journal Article

Mobile Urbanity: Somali Presence in Urban East Africa

Authors Neil Carrier, Tabea Scharrer
Year 2019
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40959 Book

From breaking-ice to breaking-out: integration as an opportunity creation process

Authors Quang Evansluong, Marcela Ramirez Pasillas, Huong Nguyen Bergström
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research
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40960 Journal Article

Border-crossing: These deaths are not inevitable

Authors Robert Hampson
Year 2019
Journal Name Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture
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40961 Journal Article

West German-Moroccan Relations and Politics of Labour Migration, 1958–1972

Authors Brittany Lehman
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
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40962 Journal Article

Between solidarity and competitive threat?

Authors Cecil Meeusen, Bart Meuleman, Koen Abts
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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40963 Journal Article

Immigration and firms’ integration in international production networks

Authors Peter H. Egger, Katharina Erhardt, Andrea Lassmann
Year 2019
Journal Name European Economic Review
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40964 Journal Article

A multimodal measure of cultural intelligence for adolescents growing up in culturally diverse societies

Authors Miriam Schwarzenthal, Linda P. Juang, Maja K. Schachner, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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40965 Journal Article

America’s Encounters with Vietnam: Empire, Refugees, Diasporas

Authors Vinh Nguyen
Year 2019
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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40966 Journal Article

The Place Premium: Bounding the Price Equivalent of Migration Barriers

Authors MA Clemens, Michael A. Clemens, Claudio Montenegro, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Review of Economics and Statistics
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40967 Journal Article

Snapshots from the Borders - Participatory investigation: Tenerife

«Snapshots From The Borders» is a 3-years project, co-funded by the European Union and run by 36 partners, border local authorities and civil society organisations, led by the Lampedusa and Linosa municipality. The main general objective of the project is the improvement of the critical understanding of European and local decision and law makers, civil servants, opinion leaders, public opinion and citizens about the topic of migration flows towards European borders. Our aim is strengthening a new horizontal, active network of cities and towns directly facing migration flows at EU borders, as a way to promote more and more effective policy coherence at all levels. The final perspective and framework is to achieve UN Sustainable Development Goals.This report has been carried out through the analysis of secondary statistical data sources available at the national and local levels; the results of different empirical investigations undertaken by the Immigration Observatory of Tenerife in the last 15 years; and 23 semi-structured interviews with university experts, representatives from immigrant associations, professionals from NGOs, immigrants and their children, political representatives, technicians from the local governments, and participants in social movements linked to the defence of human rights. All the interviews have been recorded on video and a script with questions has been used, based on this report’s structure, but with the questions adapted to the profiles of each person interviewed.
Year 2019
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40968 Report

The refugee ‘crisis’ in Greece: politicisation and polarisation amidst multiple crises

Authors Angeliki DIMITRIADI, Antonia-Maria SARANTAKI
The European refugee “crisis” of 2015 first and foremost unfolded in Greece at a critical period for the country and its place in the EU. Amidst the threat of Grexit and domestic political turmoil, the arrival of the refugees raised to the forefront questions of responsibility and burden sharing between Greece and its EU partners. Drawing from de Wilde’s analytical framework, this paper tried to explore whether the question of responsibility became an issue of politicisation in Greece as well as polarisation and whether it resulted in policy change on migration. The analysis draws from three types of sources: online media, parliamentary debates & party announcements, and public opinion polls. Two periods are investigated: the discussion on relocation from May 2015 to November 2015 and the discussions on the EU-Turkey Statement of March 2016. Politicisation of migration pre-existed the crisis and acquired further salience during 2015-2016. Polarisation, in contrast, featured less in 2015, due to the focus on Grexit, but acquires salience in 2016 following the EU-Turkey Statement. Nonetheless two common themes underscore both periods. There is convergence (with varying degrees of intensity) in blaming the member states for failing to adhere to their responsibility and for showing little solidarity. Similarly, there is a broad convergence that migration policy is designed by the European Union and its institutions, with Greece only responsible for the implementation. Thus, the polarisation of 2016 over migration focuses more on the government’s poor implementation and less on the policies initiated at the EU level.
Year 2019
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40969 Report

Virtual asylum – Hiding Refugees from the all-seeing Eye of Europe

Principal investigator Veronika Nagy (Principal Investigator)
" As an interdisciplinary, multi/sited analysis of refugee surveillance, this research addresses geopolitical incentives in the EU and how surveillance subjects as forced migrants from conflict countries use virtual coping strategies to prevent legal expulsion. The central research question is: How the interplay between digitized bureaucracies of migration control and the coping strategies of refugees from Islamic states shapes the dynamics of online mobility control? This study aims to provide empirical data on the mechanisms of surveillance strategies that promote efficiency and objectivity and how service dependent migrants adapt their coping strategies according to the constantly changing risk profiles of screening instruments as the tools of social sorting. Virtual control measures are not only reflecting the values and categories of the host society, but also how individual parameters are translated into risk categories. Unlike studies defining transnational mobility in terms of migration categories, this research is embedded in critical security theories to reveal the dynamics and constantly shifting nature of population flows and explore how stigmatized refugees adapt to rapidly changing circumstances by inventive virtual data sharing methods in the bureaucratic labyrinth of host societies. This project challenges the underlying assumptions behind this efficiency oriented governance technologies and by selected empirical data it provides a critical analysis on the limitations of surveillance and control practices and its implications on institutional distrust. "
Year 2019
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40970 Project

Nativism, Islamophobism and Islamism in the Age of Populism: Culturalisation and Religionisation of what is Social, Economic and Political in Europe

The main research question of the study is: How and why do some European citizens generate a populist and Islamophobist discourse to express their discontent with the current social, economic and political state of their national and European contexts, while some members of migrant-origin communities with Muslim background generate an essentialist and radical form of Islamist discourse within the same societies? The main premise of this study is that various segments of the European public (radicalizing young members of both native populations and migrant-origin populations with Muslim background), who have been alienated and swept away by the flows of globalization such as deindustrialization, mobility, migration, tourism, social-economic inequalities, international trade, and robotic production, are more inclined to respectively adopt two mainstream political discourses: Islamophobism (for native populations) and Islamism (for Muslim-migrant-origin populations). Both discourses have become pivotal along with the rise of the civilizational rhetoric since the early 1990s. On the one hand, the neo-liberal age seems to be leading to the nativisation of radicalism among some groups of host populations while, on the other hand, it is leading to the islamization of radicalism among some segments of deprived migrant-origin populations. The common denominator of these groups is that they are both downwardly mobile and inclined towards radicalization. Hence, this project aims to scrutinize social, economic, political and psychological sources of the processes of radicalization among native European youth and Muslim-origin youth with migration background, who are both inclined to express their discontent through ethnicity, culture, religion, heritage, homogeneity, authenticity, past, gender and patriarchy. The field research will comprise four migrant receiving countries: Germany, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, and two migrant sending countries: Turkey and Morocco.
Year 2019
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40971 Project

Migrant and Refugee Rights Index for the Middle East and North Africa

As of 2000 the stock of migrants in the Global South has been growing at a faster rate than in the Global North, and as of 2016 countries in the Global South host eighty-four per cent of the world’s refugees. Yet the majority of academic literature on migration examines movement from the Global South to the Global North, and there is significantly less theorization about how host countries in the Global South treat migrants and refugees. My project addresses this gap through an examination of host state policies toward and treatment of migrants and refugees in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), a region that has seen increasing patterns of migrant and refugee settlement in the last three decades. My project will develop an index that rigorously measures host state policies toward migrants and refugees using a minority rights framework. The results of this study will provide MENA host states, European donor states, and international humanitarian organizations with a useful index tool for highlighting areas in which legal and social measures should be strengthened via targeted funding and capacity-building to counteract exclusion and provide stronger protection for migrants and refugees. This project directly corresponds to the Horizon 2020 policy priority of creating inclusive, innovative and reflective societies through the promotion of coherent and effective cooperation with third countries, and by addressing issues of identities, tolerance and cultural heritage. Completing this research as a postdoctoral scholar at the Institute for Minority Rights at EURAC will equip me with skills in the use of a multi and interdisciplinary approach combining legal, political and sociological research in order to address the complex issue of minority and migrant rights for this project and going forward as a scholar. In particular, I will gain exposure to the Institute’s use of theoretical frameworks for developing indicators that measure minority rights protection.
Year 2019
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40972 Project

Migration and Modernity: Historical and Cultural Challenges

Today’s world sees masses on the move: across the globe, there are almost one billion international and internal migrants; in the EU alone, there are 57 million residents living outside their country of birth, amounting to over 11% of the EU28 population. This unprecedented global situation requires serious political action. Yet this action will only be effective once the historical, cultural and social roots of migration are properly understood. It is this understanding that the ITN MOVES will provide. The project’s chief objective is to undertake a comparative study of the social and cultural roots of mass mobility, and provide the urgently needed historical analysis that can address the so-called migration crisis of the present through an understanding of the population movements of the past. The network has been set up as an interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers in the Humanities and the Social Sciences who will approach migration as both a condition of modernity and one of its greatest challenges, placing the systematic confrontation of past and present forms of migration at the centre of their activities. Through its innovative training programme, carried out in conjunction with 18 non-academic partners (including NGOs, charities, and the cultural and creative industries), MOVES will enable a new generation of experts gain the historical knowledge required to respond to future migration crises with innovative solutions. The project will generate new knowledge about the shaping of the modern world and provide conceptual tools to avoid short-termism in migration management through its emphasis on enduring cultural patterns, historical context, and migration flows over the long term. The links between contemporary and historical migration that MOVES research will uncover can be used to improve educational provision, inform future policy, and counter the rise of anti-immigrant sentiment across the EU.
Year 2019
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40973 Project

Impact of life skills training on psychosocial well-being of Tibetan refugee adolescents

Authors Tsering Yankey, Urmi Nanda Biswas
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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40974 Journal Article

Postcolonial migrations in Russia: the racism, informality and discrimination nexus

Authors Irina Kuznetsova, John Round
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
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40975 Journal Article

Organisierte Gewalt, neue Migrationsmuster und Entwicklung: Eine komparative Studie in Europa und den Amerikas

Principal investigator Ludger Pries (Principal Investigator ), Stephanie Schütze (Principal Investigator )
Das Verständnis internationaler Migration, insbesondere von Flucht, ist für Entwicklung und Stabilität auf nationaler sowie globaler Ebene zunehmend von Bedeutung. Zusammenhänge zwischen Migration und Entwicklung werden bereits seit den 1990er Jahren umfassend untersucht. Im Laufe der letzten zwei Jahrzehnte hat sich organisierte Gewalt jedoch als einer der Schlüsselfaktoren des Migrations-Entwicklungsnexus herausgebildet. Mancherorts kann organisierte Gewalt klar als verstärkender Einflussfaktor für internationale Migrationsprozesse identifiziert werden (z.B. Bürgerkriege in Zentralamerika und dem Mittleren Osten). Andererorts steht organisierte Gewalt in direktem Zusammenhang zu Migration (z.B. kriminelle Menschenhandelsnetzwerke). In Ankunftsländern tritt organisierte Gewalt in Form von Schwarzarbeitsnetzwerken, einheimischen Terroristenzellen oder Fremdenfeindlichkeit politischer Gruppen in Erscheinung (z.B. in den USA oder Deutschland). Diese unterschiedlichen Formen von Gewalt und Migration spiegeln gleichzeitig entwicklungsbezogene Faktoren wider. In manchen Fällen ist organisierte Gewalt das Resultat fehlender nachhaltiger Entwicklung oder von bewaffneten Konflikten um Rohstoffe, politische Macht oder soziokulturellen Einfluss; in anderen Fällen ist sie die Ursache fehlender Entwicklung oder massiver Migration. Das Konzept der organisierten Gewalt ist ein vielversprechender Ansatz, um neue Migrations- und Entwicklungsmuster zu verstehen. Als Kategorie umfasst es Formen sozialer Gewalt, die nur schwer mit den herkömmlichen konzeptuellen Rahmen organisierter Kriminalität, kollektiver Gewalt und politischer Gewalt zu erfassen sind. In Anbetracht seiner Bedeutung für den zentral- und nordamerikanischen Raum, sowie für den Raum Afrika, Mittlerer Osten und Osteuropa ist ein komparativ angelegtes internationales Forschungsvorhaben, das die Stärken unterschiedlicher regionaler Kontexte und akademischer Netzwerke kombiniert, besonders sinnvoll. Daher wird dieses Forschungsprojekt Formen von Gewalt miteinander vergleichen und einander gegenüberstellen, mit einem besonderen Augenmerk auf organisierte Gewalt und auf die Art und Weise, wie diese Migrations- und Entwicklungsmuster prägt. Das Projektteam besteht aus zwei institutionellen Partnern: dem Lateinamerika-Institut der Freien Universität Berlin und der Ruhr-Universität Bochum unter der Leitung von Ludger Pries (RUB) und Stephanie Schütze (FU) als Projektleiter/innen. Die beiden Partnerinstitutionen werden in diesem Projekt mit Wissenschaftler/innen von dem El Colegio de México und der Universidad de Guadalajara in Mexiko, der Universität Koç und dem Orient-Institut Istanbul in der Türkei sowie der University of Illinois at Chicago in den USA zusammenarbeiten.
Year 2019
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40976 Project

Determinants of ‘Mobilisation’ at Home and Abroad: Analysing the Micro-Foundations of Out-Migration & Mass Protest

Principal investigator Olga Onuch (Principal Investigator), Gwendolyn Sasse (Principal Investigator), Jacquelien; van Stekelenburg (Principal Investigator), Sorana Toma (Principal Investigator)
Im Zentrum des MOBILISE Projekts steht die folgende Forschungsfrage: Warum reagieren einige Menschen auf gesellschaftlichen Unmut mit Protesten, während andere in die Emigration gehen? Wir verknüpfen die konzeptuellen Erwartungen aus der Migrationsforschung und der Forschung zu sozialen Protesten miteinander und untersuchen: a) ob es ähnliche Faktoren sind, die die Entscheidung für Migration und/oder Protest auf der Ebene des Individuums bestimmen; b) wie der jeweilige politische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Kontext diese Arten von Mobilisierung beeinflusst; c) ob die Optionen Migration und Protest unabhängig voneinander sind, oder ob sie sich gegenseitig verstärken, oder ob eine Option die andere unterdrückt. MOBILISE verbindet verschiedene methodologische Ansätze (nationale repräsentative face-to-face Panel-Umfragen, Online-Umfragen unter Migrant*Innen; Direktumfragen unter Protestteilnehmenden, Fokusgruppen, narrative Interviews, Soziale Medien-Analyse) und ein Forschungsdesign, das zeitgleich an verschiedenen Standorten umgesetzt wird. Das Projekt konzentriert sich auf die Ukraine, Polen, Marokko und Brasilien - vier Länder, die in den letzten Jahren sowohl von signifikanter Emigration als auch von Protesten geprägt waren. Wir folgen den Migrant*innen aus diesen Ländern nach Deutschland, Großbritannien und Spanien. MOBILISE verbindet in seiner Konzeption und empirischen Reichweite vier innovative Elemente: 1) Es verbindet die Phänomene Migration und Protest in einer Studie; 2) es erfasst alle für eine vergleichende Studie relevanten Gruppen (Protestierende, Migrant*innen, Migrant*innen, die protestieren, und Individuen, die sich weder für Migration noch für Protest entschieden haben); 3) es erfasst Individuen durch die Panel-Struktur der Umfragen über einen längeren Zeitraum hinweg; 4) es nutzt Soziale Medien als Zugang zu Echtzeit-Informationen über die Rolle von Netzwerken und politischen Transfers (political remittances). Durch diese vier Dimensionen verspricht das Projekt, erstmals in diesem Umfang empirische Daten zu erheben, einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Theoriebildung in der Migrations- und Protestforschung zu leisten sowie einen Transfer von empirischen Erkenntnisse an Policy-Makers zu ermöglichen, die von zentraler Bedeutung für politische und wirtschaftliche Stabilität sind.
Year 2019
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40978 Project

Europe and its Others: Migrant Integration in Research and Policy

Principal investigator Iva Dodevska (Principal Investigator)
Amidst heated debates on immigration and “migrant integration”, the European Union becomes an increasingly relevant actor, where important resources are earmarked for the implementation of civic integration measures, as well as for producing “scientific evidence” to guide policy. Simultaneously, a prolific scholarship attempts to understand, measure and compare how and whether immigrants are “integrated into society”, often in the effort to remain “policy-relevant”. This study joins other critical works that draw attention to the ways “integration” is debated, legislated, conceptualized, monitored, evaluated, and ultimately, normalized as a mode of governance. Situated at the interstices of migration studies, European studies, and the social studies of science, the dissertation examines the role of scientific research, EU policy, and research-policy knowledge infrastructures in shaping the “immigrant integration” paradigm in Europe. Interested primarily in integrationism as a technique of power, I take a decolonial and genealogical approach that situates integrationist discourses within wider and intersecting systems of hierarchy. The main argument is that the politics of integration research and the scientific claims in “evidence-based” policy intersect to produce “migrant integration” as the hegemonic paradigm in governing migration-related diversity in Europe. Through discourse analysis of research publications, policy documents, media statements, as well as a virtual ethnography of the EU’s science-for-policy community, I examine how integration comes to be seen simultaneously as a political problem and an object of scientific fascination, how is integration regulated at supranational level and through science-policy collaboration, and what are the power effects of integrationism, as a rationality of governance, on its target subjects. Ultimately, I argue, the practices of regulating, governing, measuring, theorizing and monitoring the integration of immigrants are shaped by power relations linked to the preservation of European liberal subjecthood against rapid demographic, social, political, and environmental shifts.
Year 2019
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40979 Project


VoteEuropa is a campaign funded by the European Parliament to mobilise and encourage volunteers and voters among mobile EU citizens, naturalised migrants and refugees and young people of diverse backgrounds to vote in the European elections in May 2019.
Year 2019
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40980 Project

Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe

The overall objective of the project is to stimulate the inclusion of diverse groups of migrant children by adopting a child-centred approach to their integration at the educational and policy level. Stemming from the need to revisit the integration policies on the one hand and consistent with the specific focus of the call on the other hand, the research project aims at comprehensive examination of contemporary integration processes of migrant children in order to empower them. The project starts from the fact that European countries and their education systems encounter manifold challenges due to growing ethnic, cultural, linguistic diversity and thereby aims at: 1) Identifying existing measures for the integration of migrant children at the regional and local level through secondary data analysis; 2) Analysis of the social impacts of these integration programmes through case studies in ten countries applying qualitative and quantitative child-centred research; 3) Development of integration measures and identification of social investment particularly in educational policies and school systems that aim to empower children. The project is problem-driven and exploratory at the same time. Its exploratory part mainly concerns a child-centred approach to understanding integration challenges, migrants’ needs and their well-being. However, the findings of the open-ended exploratory research will be used in an explicitly problem-driven way – with an aim to stimulate migrant inclusion, to empower migrant children and build their skills already within the (participatory) research. This will be done through the activities of the Integration Lab and Policy Lab, where children’s voices, fieldwork and desk research findings will be translated into practices and measures for educational professionals and practitioners as well as into a child-centred migrant integration policy framework to stimulate social inclusion and successful management of cultural diversity.
Year 2019
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40982 Project

Welcome or not? – Natives’ security feelings, attachment and attitudes toward acculturation of immigrants

Authors Christine Goedert, Isabelle Albert, Stephanie Barros, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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40983 Journal Article

The Role of the Welfare State in the Integration of Immigrants: Comparative Analysis of Latino Communities in Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States

The purpose of this project is to determine the role of the Welfare State in the integration of immigrants. The project seeks to understand (1) how immigrants obtain information about, and access to, local and national social assistance programs, (2) how their experiences vary across Welfare States and (3) how these experiences shapes their identity formation, which, in turn, can either help or hinder their integration into the host society. This research is based on an original approach based on in-depth semi-structured interviews with Latino immigrants in three countries. This project focuses on Latino immigrants because they are a large immigrant group in each of the sites, enabling a comparison of Welfare States. This research offers an innovative perspective on the relations between social services (and social service providers) and recipients of these services. Contrary to most studies in healthcare policy, which focus on the experiences of social workers while minimizing those of immigrants, this project focuses on the experiences of immigrants. The uniqueness of this research also lies in the fact that it comparatively examines the experiences with policies put in place by countries offering different social benefits and categorized as different types of Welfare States. It addresses larger sociological, political and legal issues related to identity formation, immigrant integration and the role of public policies in shaping these processes. The project’s ambition is to create models of integration through social services, which would apply to broader contexts and therefore allow for the applicability of the findings in different contexts. The transferability of the results will offer a stepping stone to improve our understanding of the complexities of immigrant integration into the host society across different countries, thereby advancing knowledge and informing policy on Migration Studies at the European and International levels.
Year 2019
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40984 Project

The Business of Relocating Stranded Americans and Belgian Refugees during the First World War

Authors Torsten Feys
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
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40985 Journal Article

Emigrant selection and wages: The case of Poland

Authors Anna Rosso
Year 2019
Journal Name Labour Economics
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40986 Journal Article

European Ars Nova: Multilingual Poetry and Polyphonic Song in the Late Middle Ages

Dante Alighieri at the dawn of the 1300s, as well as Eustache Deschamps almost a century later, conceived poetry as music in itself. But what happens with poetry when it is involved in the complex architecture of polyphony? The aim of this project is to study for the first time the corpus of 14th- and early 15th-century poetry set to music by Ars Nova polyphonists (more than 1200 texts). This repertoire gathers different poetic and musical traditions, as shown by the multilingual anthologies copied during the last years of the Schism. The choice of this corpus is motivated by two primary goals: a) to offer a new interpretation of its meaning and function in the cultural and historical context, one that may be then applied to the rest of coeval European lyric poetry; b) to overcome current disciplinary divisions in order to generate a new methodological balance between the project’s two main fields of interest (Comparative Literature / Musicology). Most Ars Nova polyphonists were directly associated with religious institutions. In many texts, the language of courtly love expresses the values of caritas, the theological virtue that guides wise rulers and leads them to desire the common good. Thus, the poetic figure of the lover becomes a metaphor for the political man, and love poetry can be used as a device for diplomacy, as well as for personal and institutional propaganda. From this unprecedented point of view, the project will develop three research lines in response to the following questions: 1) How is the relationship between poetry and music, and how is the dialogue between the different poetic and musical traditions viewed in relation to each context of production? 2) To what extent does Ars Nova poetry take part in the ‘soft power’ strategies exercised by the entire European political class of the time? 3) Is there a connection between the multilingualism of the manuscript tradition and the perception of the Ars Nova as a European, intercultural repertoire?
Year 2019
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40987 Project

The Hau of Finance: Impact Investing and the Globalization of Social and Environmental Sustainability

Impact investing is a major emerging phenomenon in global finance that promises to reconcile capitalism with sustainability. It is increasingly embraced by governments, civil society and the private sector in the Global North and South to solve social and environmental problems. The combined crises of climate change, inequality and mass migration in a context of economic austerity have spurred cross-sectoral impact investing partnerships in areas such as green infrastructure, women’s entrepreneurship, agroecology, refugee support and disease prevention. This burgeoning $200bn market promises flexible, holistic and profitable paths to sustainability, attracting major philanthropic organisations and institutional investors boasting fresh ethical and responsible mandates. Is impact investing merely a new frontier for capitalism, or does it represent a revolutionary chapter in global history? Will it benefit communities better than conventional development programmes? The time to answer these questions is now, as impact investing is still in its infancy and the first green and social stock exchanges are opening around the world. IMPACT HAU is an innovative, critical and comparative anthropological study of the moral and political dimensions of impact investing. Inspired by Marcel Mauss’s classic use of the Maori concept of hau, the ‘spirit of the gift’, it focuses on the designers, traders and beneficiaries of impact bonds to produce an empirically driven analysis of the multiple moral orders within contemporary capitalism. Six ethnographic case studies will provide grounded, detailed accounts of the design and implementation of impact investing in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. These will support a critical appraisal of the current consensus among global policymakers and business leaders giving markets a determining role in the ecological transition, testing the theories of sustainability that underpin hopes for a socially inclusive green economy.
Year 2019
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40988 Project

Ethnic Identity Exploration Among South Asian Immigrant Young Adults in New Zealand

Authors Jaimee Stuart, Colleen Ward
Year 2019
Journal Name International Perspectives in Psychology
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40989 Journal Article

Warum digitale Dienstleistungen für Geflüchtete oftmals ihr Ziel verfehlen

Authors Carlotta Preiss, German Development Institute (DIE)
Year 2019
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40990 Policy Brief

Refugees’ Self-selection into Europe: Who Migrates Where?

Authors Cevat Giray Aksoy, Panu Poutvaara
Year 2019
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40991 Working Paper

Bez papierów i bez pracy: nieudokumentowany status i dostęp do zatrudnienia wśród młodzieży latynoskiej

Year 2019
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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40992 Journal Article

Bez papierów i bez pracy: nieudokumentowany status i dostęp do zatrudnienia wśród młodzieży latynoskiej

Authors Elżbieta Goździak, Joseph Russel-Jenkins
Year 2019
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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40993 Journal Article

Forced displacement and refugee-host community solidarity (FOCUS)

Principal investigator Nahikari Irastorza (Project Leader), Jason Tucker (Project Leader ), Pieter Bevelander (Participants)
This project starts from the basic assumptions that forced migration to the European Union will continue in the future due to a number of different push and pull factors, that influx of refugees will influence the social, political and economic landscape of receiving societies, and that there are a variety of costs and benefits of integrating refugees in the host societies that are reflected in relational dynamics between the host and refugee communities. Bearing these considerations in mind, the goal of FOCUS is to increase the understanding of and to provide effective and evidence-based solutions for the challenges of forced migration within host communities. By doing so, it also aims at contributing to increased tolerance, peaceful coexistence, and reduced radicalization across Europe and the Middle East. Based on a comprehensive mapping and trans-disciplinary, multi-site field research conducted in Jordan, Croatia, Germany and Sweden, FOCUS explores the socio-psychological dimensions of refugee and host-community relations and analyses the socio-economic integration of refugees and the consequences of this in host societies. This knowledge is then used to transform and strengthen existing promising solutions for social and labour market integration. The integration solutions will be pilot tested in at least five European countries by governmental and non-governmental end-users. The solutions are finally brought together in the Refugee and Host Community Toolbox, which will support policy makers, municipal actors, civil society organisations and other stakeholders in responding to the needs of both refugees and host communities and thereby act as agents of change in this field.
Year 2019
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40994 Project

The Vancouver Index of Acculturation (VIA): New evidence on dimensionality and measurement invariance across two cultural settings

Authors Silvia Testa, Tomas Jurcik, Marina Doucerain, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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40995 Journal Article

Decision Making on the Balkan Route and the EU-Turkey Statement

Authors Maastricht University, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Koc University, ...
In 2015, there were higher than normal migration flows from Turkey to Greece and then via the Western Balkans to other European Union (EU) countries, leading to what has been termed Europe’s ‘refugee crisis’. The primary research question guiding this study is: How can the fluctuations in migration flows on the Balkans route from January 2015-December 2018 be explained? The core sub-questions guiding this research are:What explanations are there for the sharp decrease in the number of refugees and migrants on the Balkans route even before the EU-Turkey Statement came into effect?What are the decision making factors of refugees and migrants when choosing to leave Turkey before and after the EU-Turkey Statement?To what extent do policy interventions impact refugees and migrants’ decision-making regarding routes and destination choices?
Year 2019
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40996 Report

Mujeres migrantes y refugiadas en la Frontera Sur: resistencias de género y violencias encarnadas

Authors Almudena Cortés
Year 2019
Journal Name Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración en España
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40997 Journal Article

The Status of Foreign Immigrant Crime in South Korea

Authors Dohee Jeong
Year 2019
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40998 Policy Brief

VOLPOWER; the role of volunteers in migrant incorporation

Glasgow Caledonian University leads the EU AMIF (Asylum and Migrant Integration Fund) funded two-year project VOLPOWER: Enhancing Community Building and Social Integration through Dialogue and Collaboration amongst Young Europeans and Third Country Nationals. The project team consists of Professor Umut Korkut as coordinator, and Dr Fiona Reid and Dr Fiona Skillen as Principal Investigators as well as Marcus Nicolson as the Project Manager. GCU leads a consortium composed of Erasmus University Rotterdam, Austrian Academy of Sciences – Institute for Urban and Regional Research, EURAC-Institute for Minority Rights Bolzano, Zavod APIS Slovenia, SOS Malta, and IRMO Croatia. Volpower explores how youth volunteering in sports and arts activities can serve as a mechanism for social integration for youth. Sport and arts activities by their very nature demand high levels of interaction between participants. We believe that this interaction could help to foster, and facilitate community building and mutual understanding. In particular, we will be working with EU Nationals and Third Country Nationals in order to understand the challenges TCN’s face when settling within a new community. We hope that our research will demonstrate the power that volunteering can have in terms of empowering individuals within their local communities. The project will examine these ideas by working with volunteers in sport and arts organisations from across Europe. The main aims of this project are to initiate youth volunteering in sport and arts related activities amongst EU and TCNs in order to explore the effects which volunteering has on an individual’s or communities’ sense of social integration. The specific project objectives are summarised as follows: To increase integration of TCN volunteers into local communities through sport and arts volunteering, exposing TCNs to informal and formal institutions within their localities. To improve partnership between EUN and TCN volunteers through sports and arts volunteering. To provide participants with intercultural skills as well as life and leadership skills. 
 To generate communication between the local communities and volunteers of TCN and EUN backgrounds. To foreground the value of volunteering for community building through developing partnerships between the sports and arts volunteers and community stakeholders. To foster common grounds and goals for sustainable partnerships through dialogue, collaboration, and resource sharing enhanced by sports and arts volunteering. To assess practices for the inclusion of TCNs at the micro-community level via sports and arts and how participation in these activities forge intercultural dialogue and processes of integration. To introduce digital tools in illustrating good practice in volunteering. 

Year 2019
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40999 Project
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