Communités et réseaux de migrants / migratoires

Migrant communities and networks denote the transnational connections between migrants in receiving countries and potential migrants in sending countries. Networks generally facilitate migration by providing information and assistance.

Studies listed under this migration driver refer to family, friends, community members, or religious groups at origin and destination, migrant stocks, migrant flows, herd effects, and cumulative causation.

Showing page of 748 results, sorted by

Engendering migrant networks: The case of Mexican migration

Authors Sara R. Curran, Estela Rivero-Fuentes
Year 2003
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 165
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1 Journal Article

Who Matters Most? Migrant Networks, Tie Strength, and First Rural–Urban Migration to Dakar

Authors Yacine Boujija, Simona Bignami, Valérie Delaunay, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name Demography
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2 Journal Article

The limits to cumulative causation: International migration from Mexican Urban Areas

Authors E Fussell, DS Massey
Year 2004
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 118
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3 Journal Article

Factors influencing migration of female workers: a case of Bangladesh

Authors Humera Sultana, Ambreen Fatima
Year 2017
Journal Name IZA Journal of Development and Migration
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4 Journal Article

Processes of Internal and International Migration from Chitwan, Nepal

Authors Pratikshya Bohra, Douglas S. Massey
Year 2009
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 39
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5 Journal Article

Pakistan to Malaysia: What Expectations Behind Migration?

Authors Zermina Tasleem, Sohail Ayaz Muhammad, Mohd Na'eim Ajis, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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6 Journal Article

Transnational ethnic networks and the creation of immigrant social capital: A multilevel analysis

Authors Harris H. Kim
Year 2013
Journal Name The Social Science Journal
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7 Journal Article

Strategic Migrant Network Building and Information Sharing: Understanding ‘Migrant Pioneers’ in Canada

Authors Kara Somerville
Year 2011
Journal Name International Migration
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8 Journal Article

Ethnic Social Capital and Political Participation of Immigrants

Authors Dirk Jacobs, Barbara Herman
Book Title Migrant Capital
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9 Book Chapter

Inequality in Access to Social Capital in the Netherlands

Authors Frank van Tubergen, Beate Volker
Year 2015
Journal Name Sociology
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10 Journal Article

Tourism and immigration - Comparing alternative approaches

Authors L Oigenblick, A Kirschenbaum
Year 2002
Journal Name Annals of Tourism Research
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11 Journal Article

Urbanization, Social Capital and Mental Health

Authors Kwame Mckenzie
Year 2008
Journal Name Global Social Policy
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12 Journal Article

Mexican mass labor migration in a not-so changing political economy

Authors Armando Ibarra
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnicities
Citations (WoS) 1
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13 Journal Article

Shifts in Intergenerational Mobility of Indian Immigrant Entrepreneurs

Authors Meena Chavan, Lucy Taksa
Year 2016
Journal Name International Migration
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14 Journal Article

Social Stigma, Social Capital Reconstruction, and Rural Migrants in Urban China: A Population Health Perspective

Authors Xinguang Chen, Bonita Stanton, Linda M. Kaljee, ...
Year 2011
Journal Name Human Organization
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15 Journal Article

Rural Migration and Relative Deprivation in Agro-Pastoral Communities Under the Threat of Cattle Rustling in Nigeria

Authors Saifullahi Sani Ibrahim, Huseyin Ozdeser, Behiye Cavusoglu, ...
Year 2021
Citations (WoS) 2
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16 Journal Article

Determinants and dynamics of migration to OECD countries in a three-dimensional panel framework

Authors Ilse Ruyssen, Gerdie Everaert, Glenn Rayp
Year 2014
Journal Name Empirical Economics
Citations (WoS) 10
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17 Journal Article

The Effect of Networks on the Selection of Migrants and Destinations: Colombians in Galicia (Spain)

Authors Carmen Lamela, Antia Perez-Carames, Belen Fernandez-Suarez
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration
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18 Journal Article

Social-Capital Mobilization and Income Returns to Entrepreneurship: The Case of Return Migration in Rural China

Authors Zhongdong Ma
Year 2002
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
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19 Journal Article

Social Capital and Its Returns as an Explanation for Early Labor Market Success of Majority and Minority Members in the Netherlands

Authors Ids Baalbergen, Eva Jaspers
Year 2023
Citations (WoS) 6
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20 Journal Article

The Role of Social Capital in Labour-Related Migrations: the Polish Example

Authors Justyna Lukaszewska-Bezulska
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
Citations (WoS) 3
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21 Journal Article

For Better, for Worse: Life Satisfaction Consequences of Migration

Authors Gordon F. De Jong, Aphichat Chamratrithirong, Quynh-Giang Tran
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
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22 Journal Article

For better, for worse: Life satisfaction consequences of migration

Authors GF De Jong, A Chamratrithirong, QG Tran
Year 2002
Journal Name International Migration Review
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23 Journal Article

Remittances in the Republic of Georgia: Correlates, Economic Impact, and Social Capital Formation

Authors Theodore P. Gerber, Karine Torosyan
Year 2013
Journal Name Demography
Citations (WoS) 14
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24 Journal Article

Immigrant Performance in the Labour Market: The Role of Bonding and Bridging Social Capital

Principal investigator Bram Lancee (Principal Investigator )
"Theoretical background and objectives There is a growing body of research that examines the relation between immigrants’ social capital and their labour market performance. More specifically, the difference between bonding and bridging social capital is addressed. The general conclusion is that social capital, especially that of the bridging type, contributes to a better position on the labour market. However, it is not clear to what extent this relation can be generalized to other European countries, or whether it is rather subject to contextual characteristics. In other words, it is not known to what extent macro-level determinants influence the returns to one’s individual social capital. To date, no cross-national study on the economic returns of immigrants’ social capital exits. The current proposal aims to carry out such a study. Secondly, an ongoing question in integration research is how ethnic minorities perform in the labour market in comparison to the native population. Such relative disadvantages are often referred to as ethnic penalties. Net ethnic penalties signal ethnic inequality and are often interpreted as evidence for discrimination (but see for a discussion Phalet & Heath 2010). Previous work shows that net penalties are considerable, both for the first and subsequent generations. A pressing question in migration studies is how features of the receiving society matter for the incorporation of immigrants and their descendants. This project contributes to the existing literature by empirically testing explanations for cross-national variation in ethnic penalties."
Year 2011
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25 Project

Connecting the dots: Using social network analysis to disentangle the factors driving international migration

Authors Cassie Mcmillan, Cassie McMillan
Year 2024
Journal Name International Migration
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26 Journal Article

Social capital and the educational expectations of young people

Authors Alireza Behtoui
Year 2017
Journal Name European Educational Research Journal
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27 Journal Article

A four year (1996-2000) analysis of social capital and health status of Canadians: The difference that love makes

Authors Reza Nakhaie, Robert Arnold
Year 2010
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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28 Journal Article

Die Rolle sozialer Ressourcen bei der Erklärung von ethnischen Bildungsungleichheiten im deutschen Schulsystem

Principal investigator Irena Kogan (Principal Investigator)
" In dem Projekt wurde der Frage nachgegangen, inwiefern soziale Kontakte den Bildungserfolg und die Lehrstellensuche von Schülern mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund beeinflussen. Es wurde sowohl die soziale als auch die ethnische Zusammensetzung der Netzwerke von Schülern und von ihren Müttern berücksichtigt. Um sich der Frage theoretisch anzunähern, welche Effekte soziale Netzwerke auf den strukturellen Erfolg von Akteuren haben sollten, wurde auf das Konzept des Sozialkapitals zurückgegriffen. Hinsichtlich möglicher Auswirkungen der ethnischen Zusammensetzung von Migrantennetzwerken wurde zudem auf gängige Assimilationstheorien eingegangen und es wurde eine Verbindung zwischen ihnen und dem Sozialkapitalkonzept hergestellt.Für die empirischen Analysen wurden Daten aus dem Projekt „Kinder und Jugendliche aus Zuwandererfamilien im deutschen und israelischen Bildungssystem“ verwendet. Es zeigt sich, dass sowohl die soziale als auch die migrantenspezifische Netzwerkzusammensetzung Auswirkungen auf den Bildungserfolg haben, wobei sich der Einfluss allerdings durch unterschiedliche Mechanismen ergibt. Hinsichtlich der sozialen Netzwerkzusammensetzung sprechen die Ergebnisse dafür, dass sich diese weniger auf die Leistungen der Schüler, als vielmehr auf ihre Leistungsbereitschaft sowie die Bildungswünsche, Bildungserwartungen und Bildungsentscheidungen auswirkt. Netzwerke von Migranten, in denen sich überwiegend Personen der eigenen Ethnie befinden bzw. in denen vorwiegend die Herkunftssprache gesprochen wird, haben hingegen negative Auswirkungen auf die schulischen Leistungen der Schüler während die Aspirationen und Bildungsentscheidungen nicht substanziell beeinflusst werden. Die Analysen weisen darauf hin, dass Bildungsungleichheiten unter anderem auf eine unterschiedliche Sozialkapitalausstattung der Akteure zurückzuführen sind. Die grundlegenden Zusammenhänge gelten sowohl für die Netzwerke der Schüler als auch für die Netzwerke ihrer Mütter. Im Gegensatz hierzu haben lediglich die Netzwerke der Mütter Auswirkungen auf den Erfolg der Lehrstellensuche, wobei der Umfang und die soziale Zusammensetzung der Netzwerke von zentraler Bedeutung sind. Die Jugendlichen selbst scheinen noch nicht über substanziell hilfreiche soziale Kontakte für die Lehrstellensuche zu verfügen.Insgesamt konnte in dem Projekt ein umfassender Überblick darüber erlangt werden, welche Auswirkungen verschiedene Eigenschaften von Schüler- und von Mütternetzwerken auf unterschiedliche Determinanten des Bildungserfolgs und beim Übergang in das Berufsausbildungssystem haben."
Year 2010
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30 Project

Migration, human capital and social capital: lessons for the EU neighbouring countries

Authors M Beenstock, Raul Ramos, Jordi Surinach
Year 2015
Journal Name International Journal of Manpower
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31 Journal Article

When Does Social Capital Matter for Migration? A Study of Networks, Brokers, and Migrants in Nepal

Authors Nathalie E. Williams, Christina Hughes, Prem Bhandari, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name International Migration Review
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32 Journal Article

An Evaluation of the Legacies of Sporting Mega Events on Social Capital in Greece

This study aims to examine the social legacies of the Olympic Games and other sporting mega events in Greece and more specifically focuses on the impacts and legacies that such events can have on social capital as an important aspect in maintaining a productive and lively society. Roche (1994, p. 1) describes mega events as “short-term events with long-term consequences”. This description points clearly to the economic as well as political, social and cultural motives that persuade cities and countries to bid for the hosting of events such as the Olympic Games. One of the problems of evaluating legacy impacts across a range of dimensions (e.g. social, cultural, health, environmental and economic) is that there is an inevitable pressure to convert these dimensions into a single economic and ‘tangible’ measure to facilitate the evaluation of performance. However, defining ‘legacy’ is problematic especially if conceived as an entirely predictable or measurable set of objectives. Studies on the social impacts and mega events are very limited, while research evidence on mega events and the social impacts in relation to certain activities (such as volunteering) or marginal social groups (such as immigrants) has been even rarer. Especially the impact of sporting mega events in enhancing social capital (e.g. through the development of a sense of place and community pride) is largely unresearched. This project aims to address this absence in the relevant literature and to provide further knowledge through rigorous theory-informed research and scholarship. There are two major research questions: 1) What are the impacts of sporting mega events on social capital? (Positive or negative)/ do they generate short-term or long-term legacies? 2) How sporting mega events affect the social capital of specific groups? a) How volunteering affects individuals? b) To what extent sporting mega events have an impact on the social capital of marginal populations such as immigrants?
Year 2013
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33 Project

Migrant poverty and social capital: The impact of intra- and interethnic contacts

Authors Boris Heizmann, Petra Böhnke
Year 2016
Journal Name Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
Citations (WoS) 4
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34 Journal Article

Luanda – Holanda: Irregular Migration from Angola to the Netherlands

Authors Joris van Wijk
Year 2010
Journal Name International Migration
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35 Journal Article

Individual and neighbourhood determinants of social participation and social capital: a multilevel analysis of the city of Malmo, Sweden

Authors M Lindstrom, J Merlo, PO Ostergren
Year 2002
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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36 Journal Article

Worlds in Motion : Understanding International Migration at the End of the Millennium

Authors Douglas Massey, Joaquin Arango, Graeme Hugo, ...
Year 1998
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37 Book

Political Opportunities, Social Capital and the Political Inclusion of Immigrants in European Cities

Authors Marco Giugni, Laura Morales
Book Title Social Capital, Political Participation and Migration in Europe
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
38 Book Chapter

Wage assimilation : migrants versus natives and foreign migrants versus internal migrants

Authors Steinar STRØM, Alessandra VENTURINI, Claudia VILLOSIO
Year 2013
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39 Working Paper

The effect of co-ethnic social capital on immigrants' labor market integration: a natural experiment

Authors Klarita Gërxhani, Yuliya Kosyakova
Year 2022
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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40 Journal Article

Putting social capital in (a family) perspective: Determinants of labour market outcomes among Senegalese women in Europe

Authors Sorana Toma
Year 2016
Journal Name International Journal of Comparative Sociology
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41 Journal Article

Violence, Networks, and International Migration from Colombia

Authors Adriana Carolina Silva, Douglas S. Massey
Year 2014
Journal Name International Migration
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42 Journal Article

Antecedents of Trust among Citizens and Non-citizens in Qatar

Authors Abdoulaye Diop, Ashley E. Jardina, Mark Tessler, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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43 Journal Article

Ethnic Communities and School Performance among the New Second Generation in the United States: Testing the Theory of Segmented Assimilation

Authors Clemens Kroneberg
Year 2008
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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44 Journal Article

Psychosocial work conditions, social participation and social capital: A causal pathway investigated in a longitudinal study

Authors M Lindstrom,
Year 2006
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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45 Journal Article

Social Remittances and the Impact of Temporary Migration on an EU Sending Country: The Case of Poland

Authors Izabela Grabowska, Godfried Engbersen
Year 2016
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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46 Journal Article

Salvadoran economic transnationalism: embedded strategies for household maintenance, immigrant incorporation, and entrepreneurial expansion

Authors Patricia Landolt
Year 2001
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 109
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47 Journal Article

From circular to permanent: The economic assimilation of migrants during Spain's rural exodus, 1955-73

Authors Jose Antonio Garcia-Barrero
Year 2024
Citations (WoS) 1
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48 Journal Article

Conflict potential and social capital construction: a case study of a transmigrant village in East Kalimantan

Authors Sukapti Wartiharjono
Year 2017
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49 Journal Article

Is it Push or Pull? Recent Evidence from Migration into Bangalore, India

Authors Kala Seetharam Sridhar, A. Venugopala Reddy, Pavan Srinath
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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50 Journal Article

An ethnocultural perspective on loneliness in young adulthood: A population-based study in Israel

Authors Netta Achdut, Tehila Refaeli
Year 2021
Journal Name Sociology of Health & Illness
Citations (WoS) 12
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51 Journal Article

Untangling the Roots of Tolerance How Forms of Social Capital Shape Attitudes Toward Ethnic Minorities and Immigrants

Authors Rochelle R. Cote, Bonnie H. Erickson
Year 2009
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist
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52 Journal Article

From Lahures to Global Cooks: Network Migration from the Western Hills of Nepal to Japan

Authors Dipesh Kharel
Year 2016
Journal Name Social Science Japan Journal
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53 Journal Article

Impact of economic conditions on (restricted) immigration to the United States: The Polish case

Authors Michał Schwabe
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Management and Economics
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54 Journal Article

INTerEthnic Relationships in contemporAry CommuniTies: How does ethnoracial diversity affect in- and out-group trust, solidarity, and cooperation

The increasingly multiethnic nature of modern societies has spurred academic interest in the consequences of diversity. Recent scholarship has linked ethnoracial diversity to undesirable collective outcomes, e.g., low levels of trust, civic engagement, and social capital. These findings have important policy implications, in part because they resonate with public anxieties about immigration, residential integration, and the role of the welfare state. The proposed research will investigate the micro-mechanisms through which contact promotes or impedes solidarity and cooperation in diverse communities. More generally, this research moves beyond communitarian conceptions of social capital to understand the building blocks of solidarity in contemporary, diverse societies. To investigate the micro-level dynamics that link intergroup contact to solidarity and cooperation, this project takes an innovative field-experimental approach, which moves beyond observational data. In particular, the project uses lab-in-the-field experimental games to assess the dispositional mechanisms – such as generalized altruism, group solidarity, reciprocity, and sanctioning – that bring about solidarity and cooperation in various group settings. This revised version of the proposal addresses all the panel observations and implements changes accordingly. First, I have limited the research to project 3 (P3), and cut projects 1 (P1) and 2 (P2). Second, the duration of the project has been reduced to 48 months. Third, all expenses related to P1 and P2 have been cut.
Year 2015
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55 Project

Crossing Borders, Crossing Seas: The Philippines, Gender and the Bounding of Cumulative Causation

Authors Peter Loebach, Kim Korinek
Year 2012
Journal Name International Migration
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56 Journal Article

Integration and Cooperation in the Context of Social Capital of Ethnically Diverse Local Communities in a Migration Situation

Authors Justyn Łukaszewska-Bezulska
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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57 Journal Article

Floating Choices: A Generational Perspective on Intentions of Rural–Urban Migrants in China

Authors Zhongshan Yue, Shuzhuo Li, Marcus W Feldman, ...
Year 2010
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
Citations (WoS) 40
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58 Journal Article

Charakterystyka migrantów powracających do Polski oraz ich aktywność zawodowa na rodzimym rynku pracy

Year 2013
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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59 Journal Article

Cumulative Causation, Market Transition, and Emigration from China

Authors Zai Liang, Miao David Chunyu, Guotu Zhuang, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name American Journal of Sociology
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60 Journal Article

Push and pull motivations of international voluntary workers on organic farms (the WWOOFers)

Authors Ingeborg Nordbo, Reidar J. Mykletun, Javier Segovia, ...
Year 2021
Citations (WoS) 2
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61 Journal Article

Network strategies of nineteenth century Hesse-Cassel emigrants

Authors Simone A. Wegge
Year 2008
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62 Journal Article

Beyond Networks: Transatlantic Immigration and Wealth in Late Colonial Mexico City

Authors Hillel Eyal
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Latin American Studies
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63 Journal Article

Welfare-Based Income Among Immigrants in the Netherlands: Differences in Social and Human Capital

Authors Jeanette A. J. Renema, Marcel Lubbers
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
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64 Journal Article

Invisible Migration and “Perverse” Capital: Exploring the Experiences of Migrant Delivery Riders

Authors Daniel Robins
Year 2023
Journal Name International Migration Review
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65 Journal Article


Authors Douglas S. Massey
Year 1990
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66 Journal Article

The Cumulative Causation of International Migration in Latin America

Authors Elizabeth Fussell
Year 2010
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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67 Journal Article

Znaczenie migracji zagranicznych w rozwoju regionalnym

Principal investigator Brygida Solga ()
Migracje zagraniczne i ich wielowymiarowe skutki stają się istotnym komponentem rozwoju w coraz większej liczbie regionów w Polsce. W sensie pozytywnym bądź negatywnym oraz w sposób bezpośredni lub pośredni oddziałują na podstawowe czynniki ich rozwoju, tj. na kapitał ludzki, społeczny oraz finansowy. Ocena tego oddziaływania jest jednak wysoce ambiwalentna (por. ramka 1), aczkolwiek wyniki prezentowanych badań silniej potwierdzają obawy, a w mniejszym stopniu wskazują na szanse, jakie z procesem emigracji wiążą regiony wysyłające. Odpływ migracyjny ogranicza możliwości wykorzystania kapitału ludzkiego i tym samym wyhamowuje dynamikę regionalnej gospodarki. Jednakże emigranci mogą też pozytywnie wpłynąć na możliwości rozwojowe regionu, gdy wykorzystają zdobyte za granicą wiedzę i umiejętności do budowania jego przewagi konkurencyjnej. Kapitał społeczny jest trudno kwantyfikowalny, jednak migracje z pewnością mają wpływ na podstawowe jego kategorie, a mianowicie zarówno na aktywność społeczną, jak i przedsiębiorczość. W pierwszym przypadku znacznie ograniczają regionalny potencjał w tym zakresie, w drugim również, chyba że wzbogacony za granicą kapitał migrantów stanie się cennym źródłem regionalnej innowacyjności po ich powrocie do regionu. Również kapitał finansowy jest niezbędny w procesie rozwoju gospodarczego, a stopień jego wykorzystania w regionie określają dochody ludności oraz samorządów terytorialnych. Dzięki pracy za granicą dochody mieszkańców mogą się istotnie zwiększyć. Przeznaczane na konsumpcję zwiększają w efekcie popyt wewnętrzny w regionie oraz podnoszą możliwości realizacji nowych inwestycji. Z drugiej jednak strony, jeśli kapitał finansowy analizować w aspekcie sytuacji finansowej samorządów terytorialnych, to odpływ pracowników może oznaczać wymierną utratę dochodów z podatków oraz, w najgorszym wypadku, utratę środków zainwestowanych w wykształcenie i wyszkolenie wykwalifikowanych pracowników.
Year 2011
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68 Project

The Canadian experience from the perspective of Brazilian immigrant entrepreneurship in Toronto

Authors Michel Mott Machado, Roberto Pessoa de Queiroz Falcão, Eduardo Picanço Cruz, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name REGEPE - Revista de Empreendedorismo e Gestão de Pequenas Empresas
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69 Journal Article

Roma Migration and the Cumulative Causation of Diverging Policy Responses in Scandinavia

Authors Jon Horgen Friberg, Karin Borevi, Grete Brochmann, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name International Migration Review
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70 Journal Article


Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of Business Economics and Management
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71 Journal Article

Mobility: A Practice or a Capital?

Authors Joëlle Moret
Book Title European Somalis' Post-Migration Movements
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72 Book Chapter

Network Effects in Mexico-US Migration: Disentangling the Underlying Social Mechanisms

Authors Filiz Garip, Asad L. Asad
Year 2016
Journal Name American Behavioral Scientist
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73 Journal Article

Mexican Adolescent Migration to the United States and Transitions to Adulthood

Authors Rene Zenteno, Silvia E. Giorguli, Edith Gutierrez
Year 2013
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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74 Journal Article

Occupational Mobility at Migration - Evidence from Spain

Authors Mikolaj Stanek, Alberto Veira Ramos
Year 2013
Journal Name Sociological Research Online
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75 Journal Article

Temporary migration and the institutionalization of strategy

Year 1985
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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76 Journal Article

Immigrants' demand for informal and formal education: evidence from US time use data

Authors Nicola Daniele Coniglio, Rezart Hoxhaj, Hubert Jayet
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Demographic Economics
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78 Journal Article

Social networks and drivers of highly skilled migration: The case of Shenzhen City in China

Authors Yue Gong, Li Sun, Lingyi Xuan
Year 2023
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
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79 Journal Article

Rites of passage: Experiences of transition for forced Hazara migrants and refugees in Australia

Authors Laurel Mackenzie, Olivia Guntarik
Year 2015
Journal Name Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture
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80 Journal Article

Peaceful Returns: Reversing Ethnic Cleansing after the Bosnian War

Authors Djordje Stefanovic, Neophytos Loizides
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration
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81 Journal Article

Egohoods that segregate. Immigrants, social contexts, and income penalties

Authors Davide Zampatti, Gabriele Ballarino, Flaminio Squazzoni
Year 2019
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
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82 Journal Article

Immigrant Entrepreneurship and the Opportunity Structure of the International Education Industry in Vancouver and Toronto

Authors Min-Jung Kwak
Year 2013
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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83 Journal Article

Migration costs and determinants of bilateral migration flows

Authors Dmytro VIKHRIV
In this paper I research economic, non-economic and the institutional determinants of bilateral migration flows into OECD countries. My contribution to the growing literature is two-fold. First, I explicitly account for the panel structure of migration costs information acquisition, physical costs of the move and social exclusion). Second, building upon Beine et al. (2011b), I proceed with the analysis of determinants of bilateral migration flows disaggregated by educational attainments in the panel data environment. The preliminary results show that the defined cost variables are significant in explaining the volume and composition of the flow of migrants, the result not being sensitive to the model specification. Network effects promote negative self-selection and the quality of migrants positively correlates, while the physical distance, existence of a common language and colonial links between countries are insignificant in explaining the educational composition of migrants. I further conclude that the restrictive and skill selective immigration policies of the major destination countries bias the conventional role of the economic push and pull factors.
Year 2013
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84 Report

The mediating effect of civic community on social growth: The importance of reciprocity

Authors Timothy C. Brown, Craig J. Forsyth, Emily R. Berthelot
Year 2014
Journal Name The Social Science Journal
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85 Journal Article

On Their Own? A Study of Independent Versus Partner-Related Migration from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Senegal

Authors Sorana Toma, Sophie Vause
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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86 Journal Article

Does Associational Involvement Spur Political Integration? Political Interest and Participation of Three Immigrant Groups in Zurich

Authors Nina Eggert, Marco Giugni
Year 2010
Journal Name Swiss Political Science Review
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87 Journal Article

A study on undocumented migrant workers in the Dutch household sector

Authors P Nijkamp, P Rietveld
Year 2014
Journal Name International Journal of Manpower
Citations (WoS) 3
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88 Journal Article

Elites and emulators: The evolution of Iraqi Kurdish asylum migration to Europe

Authors Erlend Paasche
Year 2018
Journal Name Migration Studies
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89 Journal Article

No place like home: Sociocultural drivers of return migration among Israeli academic families

Authors Larissa Remennick
Year 2021
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
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90 Journal Article

Prosocial Behaviour in Interethnic Encounters: Evidence from a Field Experiment with High- and Low-Status Immigrants

Authors Nan Zhang, Amelie Aidenberger, Heiko Rauhut, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name European Sociological Review
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92 Journal Article

Networks Versus Need: Drivers of Urban Out-Migration in the Brazilian Amazon

Authors Heather F. Randell, Leah K. VanWey
Year 2014
Journal Name Population Research and Policy Review
Citations (WoS) 8
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93 Journal Article

The Impact of Migration on the First Nations Community Well-Being Index

Authors Martin Cooke, Erin O'Sullivan
Year 2015
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
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94 Journal Article

The moderating role of a city's institutional capital and people's migration status on career success in China

Authors Liang Guo, Yehuda Baruch
Year 2020
Citations (WoS) 5
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95 Journal Article

Bildungserwerb mit Migrationshintergrund im Lebenslauf

Principal investigator Frank Kalter (Principal Investigator), Cornelia Kristen (Principal Investigator), Petra Stanat (Principal Investigator)
Das Projekt ist Teil der sogenannten Säule 4 "Bildungswerb mit Migrationshintergrund im Lebensverlauf" des Nationalen Bildungspanels (NEPS). Ergänzend zu anderen NEPS-Schwerpunkten werden die Probleme spezifisch ethnischer Bildungsungleichheit und deren Verschränkung mit allgemeinen Mechanismen sozialer Bildungsungleichheit untersucht. Zahlreiche Studien zeigen, dass Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund oftmals ungünstigere Bildungsverläufe, niedrigere schulische Kompetenzen sowie geringere Bildungsrenditen vorweisen als Gleichaltrige ohne Migrationshintergrund. Zwar konnten im Rahmen einzelner Untersuchungen bereits eine Reihe von Hypothesen und Mechanismen formuliert und erste Erklärungen dieser Unterschiede gegeben werden, für die Überprüfung zahlreicher Hypothesen fehlen bislang jedoch geeignete Daten. Das Projekt soll als Teil des NEPS zur Schließung dieser Lücke beitragen. Von der Arbeitsgruppe am MZES werden dafür Messinstrumente zu ethnischen Ressourcen und kulturellen Orientierungen entwickelt, v.a. zu Sozialem Kapital und Segmentierter Assimilation sowie Identität, Akkulturation, Religiosität und Transnationalismus. Die entwickelten Instrumente werden in verschiedenen NEPS-Teilstudien eingesetzt.
Year 2008
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96 Project

Hispanic neighbourhood satisfaction in new and established metropolitan destinations

Authors Noli Brazil
Year 2019
Journal Name Urban Studies
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97 Journal Article

Social Engagement among Migrant Youth: Attitudes and Meanings

Authors Liudmila Kirpitchenko, Fethi Mansouri
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Inclusion
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98 Journal Article

Migration Mechanisms of the Middle Range: On the Concept of Reverse Cumulative Causation

Authors Erik Snel, Godfried Engbersen, Alina Esteves
Year 2016
Book Title Beyond Networks
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99 Book Chapter

Ethnic Diversity and Social Cohesion in Germany

Principal investigator Bram Lancee (Principal Investigator)
"After more than half a century of mass immigration to Europe, the consequences of increasing ethnic diversity in Europe are far from clear. More specifically, one of the prominent questions on today’s research agenda is how ethnic diversity affects social cohesion and attitudes towards immigrants. This project aims to contribute to answering this question. Recently, ample attention has been paid to the relation between ethnic diversity and social cohesion in the neighbourhood. Putnam (2007), for example, claims that in the short run, immigration and ethnic diversity tend to reduce solidarity and social capital. Several scholars report that ethnic diversity affects social cohesion (Lancee & Dronkers 2011; Letki 2008; Tolsma, Van der Meer & Gesthuizen 2009; Putnam 2007; Gijsberts, van der Meer & Dagevos 2011; Alesina & La Ferrara 2000)and attitudes towards immigrants (Schlueter & Scheepers 2010; Pettigrew & Tropp 2006). To date, little longitudinal research has been done on the relation between ethnic diversity and social cohesion in Germany. The objective of this project is to carry out longitudinal analyses with the German Socio-Economic Panel Survey (GSOEP) and neighbourhood data on the zip code level. In short, I will examine the relation between neighbourhood diversity and indicators of social cohesion and attitudes toward immigration."
Year 2011
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100 Project
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