Experts Index

This constantly growing database accumulates migration experts and presents their profiles, emphasizing on their scholar contribution in this field of study.

Showing page of 2736 experts, sorted by

Di Matteo, Claudia

Claudia Di Matteo

Currently, I am a Ph.D. researcher at Lund University (2020 - ongoing). My research interests cover topics such as Migration, Gender-Based Violence, and EU/National Welfare Systems. Before earning a Ph.D. position, I was working as a researcher at the Centre for Socio-Economic Research on Ageing, INRCA...
542 Italy
Pereira, Cláudia

Cláudia Pereira

Pereira is Research Professor at ISCTE-University Institute of Lisbon (IUL), integrated at the Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology (CIES-IUL). She is the executive coordinator of the Emigration Observatory (OEm) Portugal. She participates in research-action, migration and humanitarian action...
543 Portugal
Calsina-Valenzuela, Claudia Lorena

Claudia Lorena Calsina-Valenzuela

Calsina, Claudia currently pursuing a Doctorate in Social Sciences and Humanities, carried out by the Universidad Mayor de San Simón (UMSS) and the School of Global Studies (SGS) of the University of Gothenburg (GU). Her thesis topic is titled: Social dynamics and contexts of necromasculine power and...
545 Bolivia
Ströhle, Claudius

Claudius Ströhle

I'm a researcher at the International Institute for Applied System Analysis (IIASA) in Laxenburg, Austria. My current research explores the interplay of mobility and regional transformations within the EU. Moreover, I'm interested in ethnography, remittances, migrant transnationalism, education, economic...
546 Austria
Kahn, Clea

Clea Kahn

Clea Kahn is a researcher, humanitarian practitioner and protection expert specialising in conflict and forced displacement. She is a visiting fellow with the International Institute of Social Studies working on ListenH, a four year research project on transactional sex in humanitarian contexts. She...
547 Netherlands
Clini, Clelia

Clelia Clini

Dr Clelia Clini is a research associate on the project “Migrant Memory and the Postcolonial Imagination (MMPI): British Asian Memory, Identity and Community after Partition”. She has extensive teaching and research experience in the field of Migration, Media, Cultural and Postcolonial Studies. Her...
548 United Kingdom
Garcia, Coline

Coline Garcia

I work as a PhD student and University assistant at the University of Vienna in the Department of Geography and Regional Research since 2021. I hold a Master degree in Development Economics from Clermont Auvergne University, France. For my PhD research , I aim to assess the role of immobility for environmental...
550 Austria
Boland, Colleen

Colleen Boland

Colleen Boland is postdoctoral researcher at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, where she works on the EU Horizon2020 funded ITFLOWS project investigating management of migration flows to the EU and co-coordinates the project’s Gender Committee. She holds a PhD in Sociology and Anthropology from...
Reinprecht, Constantin

Constantin Reinprecht

Junior Consultant at The Boston Consulting Group GmbH, Berlin, Germany. Projects include post-merger integration of an e-commerce player into a large retailer, restructuring of a marine shipbuilder, brainstorming of innovative digital immersion activities to inspire clients, and managing the personnel...
Nada, Cosmin

Cosmin Nada

Cosmin is a FCT-funded Research Fellow (proposal reference: CEECIND/00433/2018) at the Centre for Research and Intervention in Education (University of Porto, Portugal). He holds a European PhD in Educational Sciences (University of Porto) and has more than ten years of experience in the field of educational...
Loschmann, Craig

Craig Loschmann

Craig Loschmann is a research fellow at the Maastricht Graduate School of Governance and UNU-MERIT. His research over the years has focused primarily on the causes and consequences of forced migration in the contexts of Afghanistan and the African Great Lakes region. His current interests are in the...
557 Netherlands
Doña-Reveco, Cristian

Cristian Doña-Reveco

Cristián Doña-Reveco is the Director of the Office of Latino and Latin American Studies (OLLAS) and Associate Professor of Sociology in the Department of Sociology & Anthropology at the University of Nebraska Omaha. He is also faculty affiliate with UNO's Goldstein Center for Human Rights. Originally...
559 United States
Di Pietro, Cristiana

Cristiana Di Pietro

Cristiana Di Pietro is a postdoctoral researcher at LUMSA University (Rome, Italy). Her main research interests concern the inter-relation between migration dynamics and welfare sustainability by capability approach and relational sociology perspectives. PhD in Civil Economy, graduated in International...
560 Italy
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