Derechos civiles y políticos

Civil and political rights - both restrictions or their absence in origin and transit countries and their presence in receiving countries - drive migration. Civil rights relate to the legal ability to influence the political agenda and participate in society, for instance the labour market. Anti-immigrant attitudes affect migration due to its effect on migrant integration. Citizenship drives migration as the legal basis for civil and political rights.

Studies listed under this migration driver refer to civil and political rights, citizenship, legal status of migrants, racism, anti-immigrant attitudes, and discrimination.

Showing page of 366 results, sorted by

Citizenship and immigration a current review

Authors Irene Bloemraad
Year 2000
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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2 Journal Article

Introduction: Implications of Citizenship Acquisition

Authors Pieter Bevelander, Ravi Pendakur
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
7 Journal Article

Awareness and Migration: Organizations for bi-national family Rights Empowerment

AMORE (Awareness & Migration: Organizations for bi-national family Rights Empowerment) aims to bring an action-research approach to the study of migration policies and administrative practices regulating access to citizenship and residence permits. This project will focus on bi-national married families formed by a third country national (TCN) and a European Union (EU) citizen. A TCN is a citizen of a non-EU country who resides in a EU Member State, and is thus affected by a specific administrative practices and regulations. In bi-national families, these practices unexpectedly affect the EU spouse too. By focusing on the unintended consequences of migration policies for EU citizens, the question that this project addresses is at what point these policies and practices threaten family life freedom, considered a universal human right. While their problem is still largely unknown, bi-national family members are actively participating in bottom-up Civil Society associations to defend bi-national families and migrants' rights. Using the biographical policy evaluation method to achieve its goals, the project will compare different scenarios in three cities: Brussels, Strasbourg and Turin. In order to be effective and reduce variables, only one foreign nationality will be studied, namely migrants from Morocco (TCN) married to an Italian/Belgian/French citizen (UE citizen). The study of the impact of migrations policies on family members' experiences and strategies implies investigating also those public officers involved in the implementation of the administrative practices concerning these bi-national families and taking into account people from their social surroundings. After studying individual agency, the observation will be turned to associations that have competences to solve juridical cases and to carry out political lobbying involving directly those bi-national family members. This particular kind of association represents a form of active bottom-up citizenship.
Year 2014
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23 Project

COVID-19: Marking the Gaps in Migrant and Refugee Health in Some Massive Migration Areas

Authors Stephen A. Matlin, Ozge Karadag, Claudio R. Brando, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
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40 Journal Article

Racism and the sociological imagination

Authors Bob Carter, Satnam Virdee
Year 2008
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 17
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43 Journal Article

Being a politically active emigrant. The political structuring of the French and Italians abroad: a comparative analysis of mobile citizens

This research project aims to understand the organizational and cognitive consequences of the election of specific national political representatives by citizens living abroad. The proposal is based on a comparative analysis of two expatriate populations with such rights, Italians and French, in two host countries, Belgium and Canada. The focus of the research is the motivations, representations and strategies of politically active emigrants in branches of home political parties abroad. The research will be done through an original multi-methods research design – computer-assisted discourse analysis, qualitative comparative analysis and quantitative questionnaire analysis – to gather rich and sociologically relevant data. The combination of CAQDAS techniques with QCA, as a comparative tool of analysis, will produce robust results and provide good grounds for tentative generalization beyond the considered case studies. The project will originally contribute to the theoretical advancement of many research fields. It will develop the theory of political parties, since the knowledge is weak and fragmentary concerning the role and functioning of political parties abroad, and almost inexistent in non-contentious contexts. The project will also advance the theory of transnational politics, since it will focus on two dimensions underdeveloped in the existing literature: the involvement of emigrants in home politics and the analysis of banal transnational politics. The project will finally contribute to the theory of national identity and citizenship since it will question the reconfiguration of established nation states that might result from giving citizenship rights and representation to nationals living abroad. In a policy perspective the research responds to recurring demands to further investigate the governance of migration as well as the implications of multilevel citizenship in a context of growing mobility of EU citizens from, to and within the EU.
Year 2017
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47 Project

Naturalization of Immigrants: Obstacles and Opportunities in German Municipalities

Principal investigator Ruth Katharina Ditlmann (Principal Investigator), Rafaela Dancygier (Principal Investigator)
"In this project we examine the obstacles and opportunities immigrants may face when seeking naturalization with an empirical focus on German municipalities. Naturalization can be a deeply personal moment for many migrants, fostering national identification and attachment. There is also evidence that naturalization improves integration outcomes in the political realm. Though non-citizens have access to many of the same rights as do citizens, citizenship continues to signify full membership in a political community. Yet, even though more and more immigrants in Europe are eligible for citizenship, they might not apply because the bureaucratic hurdles can appear daunting, and state authorities may seem inaccessible. Our project examines the barriers to – and facilitators of – citizenship in German municipalities. In addition to examining administrative and political hurdles, our project considers psychological factors such as how immigrants are perceived by citizens and how decisions that have consequences for immigrants seeking naturalization are made in the realm of local politics. Methodologically, we use a combination of experimental, survey and qualitative methods."
Year 2015
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52 Project

The Ghost in the Machine: An Overview and Analysis of British Multiculturalism

Authors KArolina Czerska-Shaw
Year 2017
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
57 Journal Article

Citizenship and Human Mobility: People's Rights beyond Membership of the Nation-State

Authors Judith Perez-Soria, Cecilia Cadena Inostroza
Year 2022
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59 Journal Article

The cost of non-Europe in the area of legal migration

Authors Sergio CARRERA, Lina VOSYLIUTE, Zvezda VANKOVA, ...
Year 2019
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66 Working Paper

Discourse and Migration

Authors Teun A. van Dijk
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
72 Book Chapter

Note from the editor

Year 2014
Journal Name American Ethnologist
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
75 Journal Article

Whose Bad Guys Are Terrorists?

Authors Rainer Bauböck
Book Title Debating Transformations of National Citizenship
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
78 Book Chapter

Sexual politics, torture, and secular time

Authors Judith Butler
Year 2008
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 208
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80 Journal Article

Globalization, Migration and Development

Authors John Samuel, Susan George
Year 2002
Journal Name Canadian Studies in Population
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
92 Journal Article

Stuck Between Mainstreaming and Localism: Views on the Practice of Migrant Integration in a Devolved Policy Framework

Authors Silvia Galandini, Gareth Mulvey, Laurence Lessard-Phillips
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
93 Journal Article


Authors Joëlle Moret
Book Title European Somalis' Post-Migration Movements
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
96 Book Chapter

Mobile sociology1

Authors John Urry
Year 2010
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 34
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
97 Journal Article

Worth the Effort: Protesting Successfully Against Deportations

Authors Johanna Probst, Maren Kirchhoff, Helen Schwenken, ...
Book Title Protest Movements in Asylum and Deportation
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
98 Book Chapter

Lessons from the South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis

Authors Mikolaj Stanek, Jean-Michel Lafleur
Book Title South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
99 Book Chapter

Research-Policy Dialogues in the Netherlands

Authors Han Entzinger, Stijn Verbeek, Peter Scholten
Book Title Integrating Immigrants in Europe
Taxonomy View Taxonomy Associations
100 Book Chapter
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