Big data analysis

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Big Data and Twitter for the study of migration processes: Methods, research technics, and software

Authors Estrella Gualda, Carolina Rebollo
Year 2020
Journal Name EMPIRIA
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1 Journal Article

Big Data for 4D Global Urban Mapping – 10^16 Bytes from Social Media to EO Satellites

By 2050, around three quarters of the world’s population will live in cities. The new dimension of ongoing global migration into the cities poses fundamental challenges to our societies across the globe. Despite of increasing efforts, global urban mapping still drags behind the geometric, thematic and temporal resolutions of geo-information needed to address these challenges. Nowadays diverse sets of incomplete data exist. For example, Earth observation (EO) satellites reliably provide geodetically accurate large scale geo-information of the cities on a routine basis from space. But the data availability is limited by resolutions and acquisition geometries of the sensors. Complementarily, massive imagery, text messages and GIS data from open sources and social media are temporally quasi-seamless, spatially multi-perspective, but with diversely unknown qualities. With So2Sat I will jointly exploit big data from social media and satellite observations for global urban mapping, and aim at breakthroughs in 3D/4D urban modelling, infrastructure occupancy classification, and very high resolution population density mapping on a global scale for revolutionizing urban geographic research. The following methodological and application objectives will be addressed: improving urban-related information retrieval from EO satellite data (MO1), mining urban imagery and text messages from social media data (MO2), information fusion from heterogeneous data sources (MO3), big data processing (MO4), as well as pilot applications in informal settlements classification (AO1) and global population density estimation (AO2). The outcome of So2Sat will be the first and unique global and consistent spatial data set on urban morphology (3D/4D) of settlements, and a multidisciplinary application derivate assessing population density. This is seen as a giant leap for urban geography research as well as for formation of opinions for stakeholders based on resilient data.
Year 2017
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2 Project

The accuracy, fairness, and limits of predicting recidivism

Authors Julia Dressel, Hany Farid
Year 2018
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3 Journal Article


Authors R. T. Aliev
Year 2019
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4 Journal Article

InterCONnected NEXt-Generation Immersive IoT Platform of Crime and Terrorism DetectiON, PredictiON, InvestigatiON, and PreventiON Services

CONNEXIONs aims to develop and demonstrate next-generation detection, prediction, prevention, and investigation services. These services will be based on multidimensional integration and correlation of heterogeneous multimodal data, and delivery of pertinent information to various stakeholders in an interactive manner tailored to their needs, through augmented and virtual reality environments. The CONNEXIONs solution encompasses the entire lifecycle of law enforcement operations including: a) pre-occurrence crime prediction and prevention b) during-occurrence LEA operations c) post-occurrence investigation, and crime-scene simulation and 3D reconstruction. CONNEXIONs will meaningfully enhance operational and (near) real-time situational awareness, through automated identification, interpretation, fusion and correlation of multiple heterogeneous big data sources, as well as their delivery via immersive solutions. Such multimodal data include Surface/Deep/Dark Web and social media content in 7 languages (EN, FR, DE, PT, RO, ES, AR), data acquired by Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and digital evidence. CONNEXIONs will also provide chain-of-custody and path-to-court for digital evidence. The Project will adopt ethics and privacy by-design principles and will be customisable to the legislation of each member state. CONNEXIONs will be validated in field tests and demonstrations in 3 operational use cases: a) counter-terrorism security in large scale public events b) human trafficking investigations and mitigation c) crime investigation and training through 3D scene reconstruction. Extensive training of LEAs' personnel, hands-on experience, joint exercises, and training material will boost the uptake of CONNEXIONs tools and technologies. With a Consortium of 8 LEAs from 7 European countries, 5 Research/Academic partners, and 4 industry partners, CONNEXIONs delivers a strong representation of the challenges, requirements and tools to meet its objectives.
Year 2018
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5 Project

Predicting ethnicity with first names in online social media networks

Authors Bas Hofstra, Niek C. de Schipper
Year 2018
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6 Journal Article

Using “Big Data” to forecast migration

Authors J. Tjaden, A. Arau, M. Nuermaimaiti, ...
Year 2021
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7 Report

Embedding Big Data in Graph Convolutional Networks

Authors Gerasimos Palaiopanos, Panagiotis Stalidis, Nicholas Vretos, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC)
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8 Journal Article

Measuring Labour Mobility and Migration Using Big Data.

Authors C. Gendronneau, A. Wisniowski, D. Yildiz, ...
Year 2019
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9 Report

How ethics combine with big data: a bibliometric analysis

Authors Marta Kuc-Czarnecka, Magdalena Olczyk
Year 2020
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10 Journal Article

Making big data work: smart, sustainable, and safe cities

Authors Bruno Lepri, Alex Pentland, Fabio Pianesi, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name EPJ Data Science, 2019, Vol. 8, No. 26, OnlineOnly
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11 Journal Article

Big data for whose sake? Governing migration through artificial intelligence

Authors Tuba Bircan, Emre Eren Korkmaz
Year 2021
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12 Journal Article

Heuristics of the algorithm: Big Data, user interpretation and institutional translation

Authors Goran Bolin, Jonas Andersson Schwarz
Year 2015
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13 Journal Article

Understanding neighborhood isolation through spatial interaction network analysis using location big data

Authors Timothy Prestby, Joseph App, Yuhao Kang, ...
Year 2020
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
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14 Journal Article

The evolution of #BlackLivesMatter on Twitter: social movements, big data, and race

Authors Rashawn Ray, Melissa Brown, Wendy Laybourn
Year 2017
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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15 Journal Article


Authors Emmanuela Carbe
Year 2020
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16 Journal Article

Is Bigger Always Better? Potential Biases of Big Data Derived from Social Network Sites

Authors E Hargittai
Year 2015
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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17 Journal Article

Indian diaspora population and space: national register, UN Global Migration Database and Big Data

Authors Nachatter Singh Garha, Andreu Domingo
Year 2019
Journal Name Diaspora Studies
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18 Journal Article

Population mobility, urban centrality and subnetworks in China revealed by social sensing big data

Authors Hongwei Guo, Ji Han, Jian Wang
Year 2021
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
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20 Journal Article

The Rise of Big Data Policing: Surveillance, Race, and the Future of Law Enforcement

Authors Robert L. Smith
Year 2019
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21 Journal Article

The Rise of Big Data Policing: Surveillance, Race, and the Future of Law Enforcement

Authors Aaron Shapiro
Year 2018
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22 Journal Article

The Ethics of Translating High-Throughput Science into Clinical Practice

Authors Pilar N. Ossorio
Year 2014
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24 Journal Article

Inferring migrations: traditional methods and new approaches based on mobile phone, social media, and other big data

This project aims at exploring possibilities at-using social media data and big data in general for estimating (labour) mobility and migration in the EU. The report is published online. As results were promising, a pilot project will be launched on its basis sometime in 2017. **Feasibility Study:** This report addresses the question of whether it is technically, financially and legally feasible to estimate geographic mobility and migration flows in the European Union. The study reviews state-of-the-art methods to measure stocks and flows of migrants using traditional data sources but also new and innovative data sources such as mobile phone data and social media data. It finds that it is indeed feasible to estimate geographic mobility and migration flows in the European Union but that that it depends on several important factors such as access to data, legal obstacles and desired outcomes that are outlined in the paper.
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25 Project

Workplace segregation of rural migrants in urban China: A case study of Shenzhen using cellphone big data

Authors Xingang Zhou, Zifeng Chen, Anthony GO Yeh, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science
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26 Journal Article

Personalized routing for multitudes in smart cities

Authors Manlio De Domenico, Alex Arenas, Marta C. Gonzalez, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name EPJ Data Science, 2019, Vol. 8, No. 26, OnlineOnly
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27 Journal Article

A cybersecurity situational awareness and information sharing solution for local public administrations based on advanced big data analysis

Cybersecurity is one of today's most challenging security problems for commercial companies, NGOs, governmental institutions as well as individuals. Reaching beyond the technology focused boundaries of classical information technology (IT) security, cybersecurity includes organizational and behavioural aspects of IT systems and also needs to comply to the currently actively developing legal and regulatory framework for cybersecurity. For example, the European Union recently passed the Network and Information Security (NIS) directive that obliges member states to get in line with the EU strategy. While large corporations might have the resources to follow those developments and bring their IT infrastructure and services in line with the requirements, the burden for smaller organizations like local public administration will be substantial and the required resources might not be available. New and innovative solutions that will help local public administration to ease the burden of being in line with cybersecurity requirements are needed. For example, cooperation and coordination is one of the major aspects of the NIS and EU cybersecurity strategy. An enabling technology for cooperation and coordination is cyber situational awareness and information sharing of cyber incidents. In this project we propose a cybersecurity situational awareness solution for local public administrations that, based on an analysis of the context provides automatic incident detection and visualization, and enables information exchange with relevant national and EU level NIS authorities like CERTs. Advanced features like system self-healing based on the situational awareness technologies, and multi-lingual semantics support to account for language barriers in the EU context, are part of the solution.
Year 2017
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28 Project

Why are Chinese and North American guests satisfied or dissatisfied with hotels? An application of big data analysis

Authors Shun Ying, Jin Hooi Chan, Xiaoguang Qi
Year 2020
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29 Journal Article

Methodologies and Data mining techniques for the analysis of Big Data based on Longitudinal Population and Epidemiological Registers

European societies face rapid social changes, challenges and benefits, which can be studied with traditional tools of analysis, but with serious limitations. This rapid transformation covers changes in family forms, fertility, the decline of mortality and increase of longevity, and periods of economic and social instability. Owing to population ageing across Europe, countries are now the experiencing the impact of these rapid changes on the sustainability of their welfare systems. At the same time, the use of the space and residential mobility has become a key topic, with migrations within the EU countries and from outside Europe being at the center of the political agenda. Over the past decade research teams across Europe have been involved in the development and construction of longitudinal population registers and large research databases, while opening up avenues for new linkages between different data sources (ie administrative and health data) making possible to gain an understanding of these fast societal transformations. However, in order to work with these types of datasets requires advanced skills in both data management and statistical techniques. LONGPOP aims to create network to utilize these different research teams to share experiences, construct joint research, create a training track for specialist in the field and increase the number of users of these large – possibly underused - databases, making more scientists and stakeholders aware of the richness in the databases.
Year 2016
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30 Project

SILKNOW. Silk heritage in the Knowledge Society: from punched cards to big data, deep learning and visual / tangible simulations

Silk was a major factor for progress in Europe, mostly along the Western Silk Road’s network of production and market centres. Silk trade also allowed for exchange of ideas and innovations. Punched cards were first used in Jacquard silk looms, long before modern computers were even imagined. Today, too, fashion and high-end textile industries have a huge impact in the EU, reaching €525 billion in annual turnover. Silk, however, has become a seriously endangered heritage. Although many European specialized museums are devoted to its preservation, they usually lack size and resources to establish networks or connections with other collections. SILKNOW aims to produce an intelligent computational system that goes beyond current technologies in order to improve our understanding of European silk heritage. This legacy will be studied, showcased and preserved through the digital modelling of its weaving techniques (a “Virtual Loom”). Users will access the resulting information through visual and tangible simulations, and experience vastly enhanced search tools, providing better results through automatic visual recognition, advanced spatio-temporal visualization, multilingual and semantically enriched access to existing digital data. Thus, SILKNOW will improve the understanding of EU heritage and its rich diversity, applying next-generation ICT research to the needs of various users (museums, education, tourism, creative industries, media…), and preserving an intangible heritage (ancient weaving techniques) for younger generations. Its research activities and outputs will have direct impact in computer science and big data management, focusing on searching digital content in heterogeneous, multilingual and multimodal databases. SILKNOW will be possible only with the close cooperation of a multidisciplinary team, including areas as ICT, text analytics, image processing, semantics, big data, 3D printing, art history, terminology, textile fabrication and conservation.
Year 2018
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31 Project

The Changing Space of Families: A Genealogical Approach

Authors Alice Bee Kasakoff
Year 2019
Journal Name Social Science History
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32 Journal Article

Crossing Social and Spatial Borders as an Everyday Life: Big Data to Reveal Transnational People, Their Mobilities and Spaces. (165 000 €)

Principal investigator Olle Järv ()
Summary in English not available, Summary in Finnish: Tieteellinen tutkimus / siihen pohjautuva työ | 4-vuotinen hanke | Hankkeen teemat liittyvät Suomen muuttuvat naapuruudet -ohjelmaan Globaalissa verkostoituneessa maailmassa ihmisten liikkuvuus on ennennäkemätöntä ja kasvaa edelleen. rajojen ylitykset, kuten muuttoliikkeet, matkailu ja naapurimaassa töissä käyminen vaikuttaa niin ihmisiä kuin myös yhteiskuntarakenteita. Valtavien Ihmisvirtauksien tarkasteluun aika-tilassa ei ole sopivia menetelmiä. Siksi ”big dataan” pohjautuvaan yhteiskunnalliseen tutkimukseen kohdistuu paljon odotuksia, mutta siihen liittyy myös paljon tietämättömyyttä sen sopivuudesta. Projektissa tutkitaan, miten sosiaalisen median ja matkapuhelin aineistoihin pohjautuvan tutkimisen kriittisellä menetelmäkehityksellä saisi tarjota aivan uusia näkökulmia vaikeasti tutkittavan rajat ylittävän ihmisten tarkasteluun. Erityinen kiinnostus keskittyy nopeasti kehittyvään ilmiöön Euroopassa - ihmisiin, joille valtiorajojen ylittäminen on arkipäivää. Lähtökohtana avoin tiede 2.0 ja uudet ”big datan” analyyttiset työkalut, tämä projekti avaa aivan uusia näkökulmia ihmisten rajat ylittävästä liikkumisesta yksilö tasolla muodostaen näin liikkuvat ihmisvirrat, jotka luo aivan uusia toiminallisia alueita tämänhetkisten rajojen yli. Tämä monitieteinen projekti tarjoaa: (1) uusia käsitteitä ja menetelmiä ihmisen liikkuvuuden tutkimiseen; 2) merkittäviä ja empiiriseen tietoon pohjautuvaa tietoa valtion rajojen yli liikkuvien ihmisten liikkumisista; 3) laajempaa ymmärrystä rajat ylittävien ihmisten elämästä Suomesta ja niiden vuorovaikutuksesta suomalaiseen yhteiskuntaan siihen vaikuttavista tekijöistä. ”Big dataan” pohjautuvaan yhteiskunnalliseen tutkimukseen kohdistuu paljon odotuksia, mutta siihen liittyy myös paljon tietämättömyyttä sen edustavuudesta ja uuden ymmärryksen uskottavuudesta. Sisällönlouhinnan kehitys on kuitenkin vasta alussa. Projekti saa kriittisen menetelmäkehityksen kautta tarjota aivan uusia näkökulmia vaikeasti tutkittavan rajat ylittävän ihmisten liikkumisen tarkasteluun. Sen kautta saisi uutta merkittävää tietoa transnationaalisuudesta nopeasti muuttuvassa maailmassa.
Year 2016
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33 Project


Authors Lidija Kos-Stanisic, Emil Cancar, Josh Richardson
Year 2018
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35 Journal Article

Management of infection among Medicare beneficiaries with HIV/AIDS: risk of diabetes with protease inhibitors and associated racial disparities using big data approach

Authors Eric E. Chinaeke, Minghui Li, Brandon Bookstaver, ...
Year 2020
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36 Journal Article

MOBPOSSTAT: Mobile Positioning Data as a Source for Aggregated Human Mobility Statistics

Mobile positioning data can increase our understanding of movements in society and for businesses it helps map the locations of its customers. In an industry worth $11 billion in a few short years, there are few competitors. Positium positions itself between the client and mobile network operator to analyze Big Data of mobile phone locations, providing clients with faster and more cost-effective analysis based on a large population rather than a sample. There are multiple domains where such data is directly relevant. The objective of the business plan is to conduct domain-specific market research, assess the requirements for development of the technology and specify the business model for Positium Data Mediator – a product to extract, process and deliver the insights from mobile big data to users globally. At current stage, Positium Data Mediator works in Estonia in domains like urban planning, transportation planning, geo-marketing, tourism statistics. Positium is transforming from a global market leader in its home market to a global player in multiple markets in the EU and emerging countries. The business plan will be vital to narrow down the focus for expansion and determine strategies to pick the low-hanging fruit. In the business plan, the selection of domains, geographical regions and development requirements will be investigated using surveys and interviews among potential customers, market research and financial calculations. The outcome of the business plan is a recommendation on the geographic expansion, business model and the need for technology development, and a business plan.
Year 2015
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37 Project

Mobile Positioning Data as a Source for Aggregated Human Mobility Statistics

Mobile positioning data can increase our understanding of movements in society and for businesses it helps map the locations of its customers. In an industry worth $11 billion in a few short years, there are few competitors. Positium positions itself between the client and mobile network operator to analyze Big Data of mobile phone locations, providing clients with faster and more cost-effective analysis based on a large population rather than a sample. There are multiple domains where such data is directly relevant. The objective of the business plan is to conduct domain-specific market research, assess the requirements for development of the technology and specify the business model for Positium Data Mediator – a product to extract, process and deliver the insights from mobile big data to users globally. At current stage, Positium Data Mediator works in Estonia in domains like urban planning, transportation planning, geo-marketing, tourism statistics. Positium is transforming from a global market leader in its home market to a global player in multiple markets in the EU and emerging countries. The business plan will be vital to narrow down the focus for expansion and determine strategies to pick the low-hanging fruit. In the business plan, the selection of domains, geographical regions and development requirements will be investigated using surveys and interviews among potential customers, market research and financial calculations. The outcome of the business plan is a recommendation on the geographic expansion, business model and the need for technology development, and a business plan.
Year 2015
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38 Project

Evaluating the effectiveness of urban growth boundaries using human mobility and activity records

Authors Ying Long, Haoying Han, Yichun Tu, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Cities
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39 Journal Article

Evaluating the effectiveness of urban growth boundaries using human mobility and activity records

Authors Ying Long, Haoying Han, Yichun Tu, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Cities
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40 Journal Article

Evaluating the effectiveness of urban growth boundaries using human mobility and activity records

Authors Ying Long, Haoying Han, Yichun Tu, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name Elsevier
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41 Journal Article

Datafied and Divided: Techno–Dimensions of Inequality in American Cities

Authors Monica M. Brannon
Year 2017
Journal Name City & Community
Citations (WoS) 2
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42 Journal Article

Toward an Early Warning System for Monitoring Asylum-Related Migration Flows in Europe

Authors Joanna Napierala, Jason Hilton, Jonathan J. Forster, ...
Year 2022
Journal Name International Migration Review
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43 Journal Article

Vertical and horizontal approaches to the making of racial statistics in Britain

Authors Laurence Brown
Year 2016
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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44 Journal Article

Reverse traffic flows: Visualizing a new trend in Spring Festival travel rush in China

Authors Zhenxuan Yin, Linxin Ouyang, De Wang
Year 2020
Journal Name Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
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45 Journal Article

The Promise and Perils of Open Medical Data

Authors Sharona Hoffman
Year 2016
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46 Journal Article

Negotiating the Aftermath of Forced Migration: A View from the Intersection of War and Migration Studies in the Digital Age

Authors Christoph Rass, Ismee Tames
Year 2020
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47 Journal Article

Digital technology as a trigger for learning: promises and realities

Authors Juana M. Sancho -Gil
Year 2020
Journal Name Digital Education Review
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48 Journal Article

Economic Assimilation and Skill Acquisition: Evidence From the Occupational Sorting of Childhood Immigrants

Authors Marigee Bacolod, Marcos A. Rangel
Year 2017
Journal Name Demography
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51 Journal Article

Spatial housing economics: A survey

Authors Geoffrey Meen
Year 2016
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 7
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53 Journal Article

The digital life of the #migrantcaravan: Contextualizing Twitter as a spatial technology

Authors Margath A. Walker, Emmanuel Frimpong Boamah
Year 2020
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55 Journal Article

European Union Case Law Corpus: creating a multilingual and searchable corpus of case law from EU member state courts and the European Court of Justice.

The idea to be taken to proof of concept is to develop and test an innovative EU Case Law Corpus (EUCLCORP). EUCLCORP will be a standardised, multidimensional and multilingual corpus of the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and of the constitutional/supreme courts of EU member states. Unlike databases, in which users can carry out only relatively straightforward searches, for the occurrence of specific terms or keywords, corpora allow users to search and track how particular linguistic expressions and features are used in context. The corpus will be coded linguistically and with metadata to enable stakeholders such as lawyers, legal translators, lexicographers and linguists, as well as academics to compare meanings of terms across languages and legal systems, to compare translation options and monitor the consistency of translation in EU case law. Furthermore, EUCLCORP will allow users to track the migration of terms between legal systems and to create data-driven legal dictionaries and terminological databases. No such corpus currently exists. By adding to the big data currently available in legal databases, EUCLCORP will contribute to a better understanding of EU law and of the Europeanisation of law as well as improved administration of justice.
Year 2016
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56 Project

Unveiling patterns of international communities in a global city using mobile phone data

Authors Paolo Bajardi, Andre Panisson, Michele Tizzoni, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name EPJ Data Science, 2019, Vol. 8, No. 26, OnlineOnly
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57 Journal Article

Rethinking Self-Initiated Expatriation in International Highly Skilled Migration

Authors Driss Habti, Maria Elo
Year 2019
Book Title Global Mobility of Highly Skilled People: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Self-initiated Expatriation
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58 Book Chapter

Spatiotemporal Context Awareness for Urban Traffic Modeling and Prediction: Sparse Representation Based Variable Selection

Authors Su Yang, Minjie Wang, Shixiong Shi, ...
Year 2015
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 14
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59 Journal Article

Prospects of the fourth industrial revolution for the hospitality industry: a literature review

Authors Benjamin Appiah Osei, Neethiahnanthan Ari Ragavan, Henry Kofi Mensah
Year 2020
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60 Journal Article

Does block size matter? The impact of urban design on economic vitality for Chinese cities

Authors Ying Long, CC Huang
Year 2019
Journal Name Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science
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61 Journal Article

Contesting #StopIslam: The Dynamics of a Counter-narrative Against Right-wing Populism

Authors Elizabeth Poole, Eva Giraud, Ed de Quincey
Year 2019
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62 Journal Article

Inferences about spatiotemporal variation in dengue virus transmission are sensitive to assumptions about human mobility: a case study using geolocated tweets from Lahore, Pakistan

Authors Moritz U. G. Kraemer, T. Alex Perkins, David L. Smith, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name EPJ Data Science, 2019, Vol. 8, No. 26, OnlineOnly
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63 Journal Article

Mapping, IdentifyiNg and Developing skills and opportunities in operating environments to co-create innovative, ethical and effective ACTions to tackle radicalization leading to violent extremism

MINDb4ACT is a collaborative project participated by 7 LEAs, think-tanks, reserach centres, universities, industry associations and NGO based in 10 Member States (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain and United Kingdom). The project will align its research priorities with some of the most relevant issues already identified by the European Commission: Priority 1. Systematizing the available knowledge and expertise to support strategic decision-making Priority 2. Enhancing interdisciplinary fieldwork on terrorists' recruiting grounds, socialisation and techniques Priority 3. Using big data in order to analyse the information related to the communication practices of violent radicalisation Priority 4.Improving existing links between academia including non-EU researchers, policy-makers and other stakeholders MINDb4ACT will contribute to such priorities for the improvement of current counter-violent extremism policies (CVEs) in the countries represented in the consortium (Austria, Belgium Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy Poland, Spain and United Kingdom) and the generation of new ones connecting through collaboration ecosystems (innovative, open, participatory, user-centred environments) to co-design interventions such as research actions, exchanges, strategic-policy exercises, training courses and pilot projects based on social innovation and civic engagement schemes (a community of practice of 1,500 people). All actions will be developed in 5 specific domains: prisons and judiciary system; migration hotspots and asylum centres, schools, cities (peri-urban contexts) and the Internet and media. A special contribution of the project will be the integration of technology based practical solutions with the contribution of the industry. As mentioned in the call, MINDb4ACT will NOT be 'focused on studying the phenomenon of radicalization' but focused on 'developing policy recommendations and practical solutions for end-users'.
Year 2017
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64 Project

LINGOKIDS: Adaptive mobile platform for language learning for early age children

Because of the globalisation, language learning and bilingualism has been introduced in education from the earliest years of schooling. Recent studies show that the best age for a person to learn a second language is 2 to 6 years. Monkimun, aware of this need, is developing an ecosystem of educational game-based Apps that are based on a rigorous scientific research on the psychopedagogy of the learning process in early childhood, together with Universities and research centres. The propose LINGOKIDS project seeks to become the reference mobile platform available in the market for adaptive language learning, focus on early age children, based on multiple intelligences theory, Big Data techniques, Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms, and following a game-based learning methodology. The platform will be able to identify the children's learning pace during play and automatically adapt educational content for a customized learning. In addition to this, LINGOKIDS platform will provide parents and educators with tracking tools and periodic reports, and a user interface framework to co-design tailor-made lessons upon this intelligence. The envisage LINGOKIDS platform will provide parents and educators with the most innovative solution available in the market to empower early age children with a funny and motivating tool to start learning a foreign language without supervision (but monitored) in a highly customized way, attending at children learning evolution and preferences on the type of lessons (games). The global market of educational apps for children between 2 and 6 years represents 9.5% of the total market for mobile active applications, which means more than 114 million mobile apps. This market is expected to grow from $1,500 million in 2012 to $2,300 million in 2017. Through the LINGOKIDS project, we seek positioning our company as the leading player providing mobile language learning services for early age children.
Year 2016
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65 Project

The Body as the Border: A New Era

Authors Ayelet Shachar, Aaqib Mahmood
Year 2021
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66 Journal Article

Impact of the worldwide trends on the development of the digital economy

Authors Valentyna H. Voronkova, Vitalina A. Nikitenko, Tatyana Teslenko, ...
Year 2020
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67 Journal Article

Semantic Indexing of French Biomedical Data Resources - mobility

The Semantic Indexing of French Biomedical Data Resources (SIFR - project investigates the scientific and technical challenges in building ontology-based services to leverage biomedical ontologies and terminologies in indexing, mining and retrieval of biomedical data. We will build and improve an ontology-based indexing workflow (Annotator) similar to what exists for English but specialized for other EU languages, starting with French. This will be the first step in offering semantic and multilingual search and mining of biomedical data resources. Our main goal is to enable straightforward use of ontologies freeing health researchers to deal with knowledge engineering or multilingualism issues and to concentrate on biological/medical challenges. SIFR (2013-2017) is a collaborative action between LIRMM & BMIR currently mainly funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR) Young Researcher program. This proposal (SIFRm) aims to fund the mobility of Dr. Clement Jonquet, SIFR’s principal investigator, assistant professor at LIRMM, to Stanford University. Stanford BMIR, head by Pr. Musen, is a worldwide leader providing (English-)ontology-based services to assist health professionals in the design of biomedical knowledge-based systems. BMIR is the birthplace of tools such as Protégé or BioPortal and scientific methodologies such as data driven medicine that Dr. Jonquet will acquire and reuse in a multilingual (e.g., French) and multidisciplinary (e.g., agronomy) context. During the return phase, a secondment is planned within INRIA ZENITH team, head by Dr. Valudriez, renown for distributed big data management. SIFRm will enable development of innovating scientific services to make annotation goes beyond English and reach another level in terms of variety and amount of data, e.g., French electronic health records. The project is a great career opportunity and guarantees a 2-way knowledge transfer between EU & US (informatics & biomedical skills).
Year 2016
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68 Project

Making and Breaking: Teaching Information Ethics through Curatorial Practice

Authors Christina Boyles
Year 2018
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69 Journal Article

Multiple migrations: Quantitative data approach

Principal investigator Justyna Salamońska (PI)
MultiData is a research project which will aim to provide a fine-tuned picture of international movements, focusing on multiple migrations. Not every migrant moves once and for good. Migrants often engage in international movement repeatedly, at various points of their life courses. They can move to one place, or various places. I term people who move more than once and to more than one destination, multiple migrants. Migration research so far has given little evidence of such multiple migrations, beyond documenting individual and family life histories. These life histories give in-depth information on particular people, but they fail to provide a more general picture. MultiData will provide evidence on multiple migrations using a quantitative approach. To do so, the project will utilise two kinds of quantitative datasets. First, the evidence from social surveys carried out by academics will be used to examine the volume of multiple migrations and their geographies. The social survey data will also allow studying to what extent multiple migrants differ from other migrants, that is, do multiple migrants possess more or fewer resources than other migrants? What is more, while traditional data sources, such as registers and surveys, shed light on some aspects of multiple migrations, there are new data, which hold a potential to tell us a more comprehensive story about how the multiple migrants move between various places across time. The project will use big data on academics and footballers, to map the trajectories of international movement, return and settlement among the two professional groups. However, use of various data sources does not remain without challenges, and this is also a task for the MultiData, to assess these different data sources and to what extent various data can help us to understand the multiple migrations. The project will be implemented in cooperation with scientists from Austria and France. The results of the MultiData project will be described in five journal articles regarding multiple migrations and migration research using quantitative methods. The project team will also present the project results at international conferences. In addition to academic publications, MultiData will provide material for public debates on migration, leading to a more diverse and realistic understanding of migration.
Year 2020
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72 Project

The public's comfort with sharing health data with third-party commercial companies

Authors M. Grace Trinidad, Sharon L. R. Kardia, Jodyn Platt
Year 2020
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73 Journal Article

Ethics in Forced Migration Research: Taking Stock and Potential Ways Forward

Authors Christina Clark-Kazak
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal on Migration and Human Security
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74 Journal Article

The role of minority discrimination and political participation in shaping majority perceptions of discrimination: Two cross-national studies

Authors Judit Kende, Julia Reiter, Canan Coşkan, ...
Year 2023
Journal Name Group Processes & Intergroup Relations
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76 Journal Article

The Ethics of Social Media Analytics in Migration Studies

Authors Jamie Mahoney, Kahina Le Louvier, Shaun Lawson
Year 2022
Book Title Information and Communications Technology in Support of Migration
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77 Book Chapter

Incidenten en misdrijven op en rond COA-locaties

Authors Research and Documentation Centre (WODC), Bureau Ateno, Peter Kruizer, ...
De centrale vraag die met dit onderzoek wordt beantwoord, luidt als volgt: Hoe kan de stijging in de periode 2018-2019 van het aantal incidenten op COA-locaties en de van misdrijven verdachte personen die op enig moment in het peiljaar op een COA-locatie verbleven worden geduid? Voor het beantwoorden van deze vraag is een analyse gemaakt van de incidenten op COA-locaties en van de criminaliteit waarvan COA-bewoners zijn verdacht. Hierbij is ook ingezoomd op kwaliteit van de geregistreerde data. Tevens zijn de kenmerken van de asielzoekers en COA-locaties beschreven. Voor het onderzoek waarbij het Incidentenoverzicht 2019 het uitgangspunt vormt, zijn drie onderzoeksmethoden gebruikt, namelijk: deskresearch, bestandsanalyse en een interviewronde. De databestanden zoals gebruikt voor het maken van het Incidentenoverzicht 2019 zijn opnieuw samengesteld, en waar mogelijk aangevuld met relevante extra variabelen.
Year 2022
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78 Report

Adult tertiary education and migrants' coping strategies in the German labour market

Authors Esteban Perez-Gnavi
Year 2021
Journal Name Studies in Continuing Education
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79 Journal Article

A Framework for Estimating Migrant Stocks Using Digital Traces and Survey Data: An Application in the United Kingdom

Authors Francesco Rampazzo, Jakub Bijak, Agnese Vitali, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Demography
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80 Journal Article

Literature review labour migration

Authors Maastricht University - Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market United Nations University, Research and Documentation Centre, Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU_MERIT), ...
Attracting and retaining migrants can have many benefits for the host country and its economy, for example to mitigate skills shortages. Regulating immigration may prevent several negative consequences of a shrinking and ageing population. However, research and policy often focus on the highly skilled or so-called knowledge migrants (kennismigranten) as a source of human capital, which can increase innovation and a country’s competitiveness. A group of labour migrants that receives significantly less attention from research and policy, are the medium-skilled migrant workers. Although it makes up a significant share of the migrant population, this group is rarely supported by specific migration policies. Therefore, in this report we would like to answer the following central research question: What is known in available literature about the opportunities and limitations of filling labour shortages through labour migration, especially in the middle segment of the labour market?
Year 2021
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81 Report

Worldwide shadow education and social inequality: Explaining differences in the socioeconomic gap in access to shadow education across 63 societies

Authors Steve R. Entrich
Year 2020
Journal Name International Journal of Comparative Sociology
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82 Journal Article

Understanding the Romanian Diaspora in the United Kingdom

Authors Andra-Lucia Martinescu, Alina Balatchi-Lupascu
This report is the first of its kind: mapping the Romanian diaspora in the UK, particularly how diaspora associations contribute to, interact with and sometimes challenge both host and home country institutions, whilst also measuring the impact of diaspora initiatives overall. This analysis aims to improve public understanding about the issues faced by the Romanian diaspora, while providing ideas to help inform and inspire policy and decision-making for what has become a strategic constituency for both Romania and the UK. It also aims to encourage a more effective and sustained cooperation between Romanian diaspora organisations, strategically maximising their impact and relevance, while promoting best practice to all institutions and organisations.
Year 2020
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83 Report

Understanding the Romanian Diaspora in the United Kingdom

Authors Andra-Lucia Martinescu, Alina Balatchi-Lupascu
This report is the first of its kind: mapping the Romanian diaspora in the UK, particularly how diaspora associations contribute to, interact with and sometimes challenge both host and home country institutions, whilst also measuring the impact of diaspora initiatives overall. This analysis aims to improve public understanding about the issues faced by the Romanian diaspora, while providing ideas to help inform and inspire policy and decision-making for what has become a strategic constituency for both Romania and the UK. It also aims to encourage a more effective and sustained cooperation between Romanian diaspora organisations, strategically maximising their impact and relevance, while promoting best practice to all institutions and organisations.
Year 2020
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84 Report

Between fragmentation and institutionalisation: the rise of migration studies as a research field

Authors Nathan Levy, Asya Pisarevskaya, Peter Scholten
Year 2020
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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85 Journal Article

Towards a specialised repository on “Migration studies” through new filters of the SoReCom A.S. de Rosa @-library

Authors Annamaria Silvana de Rosa, et Al.
Year 2020
Book Title Towards a specialised repository on “Migration studies” through new filters of the SoReCom A.S. de Rosa @-library
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86 Book Chapter

Transversal polarised discourse about “immigration” through multiple social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, You Tube

Authors Annamaria Silvana de Rosa, et Al.
Year 2020
Book Title Towards a specialised repository on “Migration studies” through new filters of the SoReCom A.S. de Rosa @-library
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87 Book Chapter

Economic conditions, group relative deprivation and ethnic threat perceptions: a cross-national perspective

Authors Bart Meuleman, Koen Abts, Peter Schmidt, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
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88 Journal Article

Differentiated Threat and the Genesis of Prejudice: Group-Specific Antecedents of Homonegativity, Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism, and Anti-Immigrant Attitudes

Authors Bart Meuleman, Koen Abts, Koen Slootmaeckers, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Social Problems
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89 Journal Article

FOCUS: Forced displacement and refugee-host community solidarity

Principal investigator Sabina Dziadecka Gråbæk (Project manager , IFRC Psychosocial Centre ), Anouk Boschma (MHPSS Technical Advisor , IFRC Psychosocial Centre), Dean Ajdukovic (Professor, Senior Researcher , University of Zagreb), Jana Kiralj (Researcher, University of Zagreb), Nahikari Irastorza (Researcher, Malmo University ), Ulrike Kluge (Professor, Senior Researcher , Humboldt University ), Steffen Schodwell (Researcher, Humboldt University), Dana Abdel Fatah (Researcher , Humboldt Charite), Christiane Abele (Project Manager , ARTIC ), Karin Rosenits (Project Manager , ARTIC), Peter MacDonagh (Senior Consultant , Q4), Andreas Heyd (Project coordinator, IFRC Psychosocial Centre)
FOCUS is an EU funded research project running from January 2019 to June 2022, led by the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support hosted by the Danish Red Cross with partners from nine countries (Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Denmark France, Germany, Ireland, Jordan and the United Kingdom). FOCUS aims at deepening the understanding of critical dimensions of integration. The project takes stock of the decade passed since the arrival of more than 1 million refugees and migrants from Syria and other countries (UNHCR 2018), with a special emphasis on psychological and social factors, and makes this knowledge accessible in an efficient and useful way.
Year 2019
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90 Project

Massendatenbasierte Langzeitmodelle migrationsinduziert wachsender Diversität im urbanen Kontext: Ausländerkarteien als Kulturgut und Grundlage reflexiver Migrationsforschung

Principal investigator Christoph Rass (Principal Investigator), Andreas Pott (Principal Investigator)
Year 2019
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91 Project

The Refugee Reception Crisis in Europe. Polarized Opinions and Mobilizations

Authors Andrea Rea, Marco Martiniello, Alessandro Mazzola, ...
Year 2019
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92 Book


Principal investigator Peter Leitner (Person in charge of the proposal), Diotima Bertel (Coordinating project manager)
Narratives and an understanding of a “common identity” are an effective legitimisation for European integration (Sassatelli, 2015). Furthermore, perceptions, e.g. on human rights and democracy, have an impact on migration (EUMAGINE, policy brief); and feedbacks from migrants back to their country of origin can affect migration both in a positive and negative way (Timmerman, Hemmerechts, & De Clerck 2014b), and, thus, also influence the image or perception of Europe. Migration is caused by a number of push and pull factors – narratives are one part of this. Therefore, the project aims to investigate the different perceptions of Europe, as well as the problems that are caused when expectation and reality do not match, or security problems that might arise from false narratives. The current image of Europe is influenced by a number of imaginations and narratives, and with the ‘Brexit’ vote, the positive idea of the European Union is under re-evaluation within the world. Migration as one of the key challenges in the last years further leads to a re-imagination of the EU. According to Sassatelli (2015), cultural identity is closely connected to various narratives (public, academic, institutional). In addition, normative influences, as identified by Garip and Asad (2013), describe the influence that previous migrants have on migration aspirations of prospective migrants. Furthermore, European identity is still in the making and heavily contested (ibid.) – as e.g. the mentioned “Brexit” vote shows (Cassidy, Innocenti & Bürkner 2018). Much research is carried out around the topic of narratives and European identity; however, most of it is focused on strategies for solidarity, changing the narratives about migration, creating an inter-European narrative and strengthening the cultural identity within Europe (e.g. Cantat 2015; Innocenti 2015; Scuzzarello & Kinnvall 2013). PERCEPTIONS, therefore, aims to support first-line practitioners outside of Europe in counteracting on false narratives and correcting skewed images of the EU.
Year 2019
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93 Project

Modeling Multiple-country Repeated Cross-sections. A Societal Growth Curve Model for Studying the Effect of the Economic Crisis on Perceived Ethnic Threat

Authors Eldad Davidov, Bart Meuleman, Jaak Billiet
Year 2018
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95 Journal Article

Quasi-eksperymentalne analizy polityk mobilności akademickiej

Principal investigator Adam Płoszaj (Project Manager)
Przedmiotem proponowanego badania jest międzynarodowa mobilność naukowców. Analiza danych prowadzona będzie w planie quasi-eksperymentalnym. Naukowcy mobilni porównywani będą znaukowcami niemobilnymi przy wykorzystaniuzaawansowanych metod statystycznych (regression discontinuity design, difference-in-differencesoraz propensity score matching). Główne analizy ilościowe w projekcie oparte będą na dużych zbiorach mikro-danych: informacji o około 5milionach naukowcóworaz dziesiątkach milionów publikacjinaukowych.Dodatkowo zostaną przeprowadzone szczegółowe analizy –studia przypadków –wybranych programów wspierających mobilność naukową
Year 2018
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96 Project

English title not available, Finnish title: Siirtolaisuus ja verkostoanalyysi: Uusia tutkimusmenetelmiä siirtolaisuuden ja yhteiskunnallisen muutoksen tutkimukseen (HUMANA). (311 700 €)

Principal investigator Rani-Henrik Andersson ()
Summary in English not available, Summary in Finnish: Hankkeen julkinen kuvaus: Ihmisten liikkuvuuden ymmärtäminen on ajassamme ensiarvoisen tärkeää. Ilman siirtolaisuuden tutkimusta on mahdotonta ymmärtää menneisyyttä tai nykyisyyttä. 2000-luvun globaalissa ja verkottuneessa maailmassa se on entistäkin tärkeämpää. Liikkuessaan paikasta toiseen ihmiset tuovat mukanaan ajatuksia, uskomuksia ja arvoja, jotka vaikuttavat heidän uusiin yhteisöihinsä. Samalla pois muuttavat ihmiset jättävät jonkinlaisen tyhjiön entisiin yhteisöihinsä. Muuttoliikettä on tutkittu käyttäen perinteisiä historian, sosiologian, antropologian ja tilastotieteen menetelmiä. Nämä tutkimukset ovat rikastaneet omia tutkimusalojaan ja muita aloja, kuten taloustiedettä ja politiikantutkimusta. Tutkimusryhmämme HUMANA uskoo, että verkostoanalyysi voi tuoda paljon lisää ymmärrystä siihen, miten tutkimme, tulkitsemme ja ymmärrämme siirtolaisuutta. Projektimme tutkii suomalaista siirtolaisuutta 1900-luvun alun Yhdysvaltoihin. Aineisto koostuu aidosta väestölaskentamateriaalista ja kirkonkirjoista sekä lähtö- että kohdemaassa, mikä auttaa meitä luomaan paikoista sekä poliittisista, koulutuksellisista, uskonnollisista ja perhesuhteista verkostomallin, joka tarjoaa yksityiskohtaista, todellista tietoa useasta sukupolvesta. Samalla kehitämme menetelmää luomalla käytäntöjä ja työkaluja verkostoanalyysin tuomiseksi laajempaan humanistiseen käyttöön tutkijoille, joilla ei ole ohjelmointitaitoja. HUMANA kehittää menetelmää, jolla siirtolaisuutta ja sen aiheuttamia yhteiskunnallisia muutoksia voidaan tutkia mullistavalla tavalla. Toisin kuin perinteinen historiantutkimus, HUMANA luo dynaamista verkostoanalyysia ja historiallisia aineistoja yhdistämällä mallin todellisesta siirtolaisyhteisöstä ja sen sisäisistä suhteista ja dynamiikasta. Tällaista ei ole koskaan aiemmin tehty. Kehitämme ”työkaluja”, joilla menetelmä saadaan tutkijoiden ulottuville, vaikka he eivät osaisi ohjelmoida. Työryhmän jäsenet Kuukausiapurahan saajat: Kekki Saara, N N Muut työryhmän jäsenet: Flavin Francis
Year 2018
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97 Project

Do integration policies relate to economic and cultural threat perceptions? A comparative study in Europe

Authors Marie-Sophie Callens, Bart Meuleman
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal of Comparative Sociology
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98 Journal Article

Public opinion, mobilisations and policies concerning asylum seekers and refugees in anti-immigrants times (Europe and Belgium)

The European challenges in the field of migration have an impact on society, since the division between them opposed to newcomers and welcoming them has been continuously increasing. The project addresses the perceptions of the Belgian and European population about refugees/migrants and vice versa as well as their interactions with the policy agenda of asylum and migration with a European comparative perspective and a specific focus on Belgium. As Europe face important migratory challenges and political difficulties we have seen an increase of the public opinion’s polarisation regarding asylum and refugees, it is important to address this question. Including teams from our project will analyse this polarisation and its links to policies, as it is necessary for a better understanding of the current debate on migration in Europe and Belgium. The 2015 asylum crisis will be considered as indicative of the general European and Belgian citizens’ reactions about migration. The focus is then on attitudes, representations, discourses and practices about refugees, on the interactions at the local level between the majority populations and newly arrived migrants. The project will follow two objectives. First studying public opinion towards asylum seekers and refugees with a European cross- national perspective but also how these groups perceive Belgium, its asylum system and its reception policies. The second objective is to analyse the polarisation of the public opinion by focussing on pro and anti-refugees’ actions at the local level. This will allow understanding the links between public opinion and the implementation of asylum and reception policies. In order to fulfil these objectives, our project is based on 5 Work Packages that each focus on a specific dimension. The first two ones aim at developing a European comparative perspective on perceptions towards migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. This then includes a quantitative analysis of public opinion’s perceptions towards new immigration flows as well as a comparison of 5 European case studies (Sweden, Italy, Grece, Hungary and Germany). The three other work packages aim at a deep analysis of the Belgian situation. First, they consist of understanding actions and reactions towards asylum seekers and refugees at a local level. This implies to study the opposite reactions with an in-depth analysis of their content, justifications and determinants but also to focus on interactions between social groups (pro vs. anti migrants groups; ional citizens & refugees) as well as the interactions between the population’s reaction and the implementation of asylum and receptions policies. Second, studying the Belgian situation implies to analyse asylum seekers and refugees perceptions regarding the country’s asylum and reception policies. Lastly, it implies to realise a policy evaluation of those policies. The aim of this project and the main questions it addresses focus more on the relations and on the dynamics existing between the citizens and the migrants, asylum seekers and refugees. Hence, we propose to broaden the scope of what is usually done by extending the focus on actors that are often not implied in migration studies: the majority population and the impact of new migration waves on social cohesion. The expected results concerns: 1) an in-depth and comparative knowledge of attitudes towards migrants and refugees in Europe; 2) an analysis of the factors influencing the attitudes of rejections, disregards and support; 3) an in-depth analysis of the specificities of the current wave of migration compared to the last ones; 4) an in-depth analysis of citizens’ and migrants’ discourses, representation and practices and of their reaction on social cohesion at a local level;
Year 2017
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99 Project
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