South Sudan

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Negotiations and morality: the ethnicization of citizenship in post-secession South Sudan

Authors Ferenc David Marko
Year 2015
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1 Journal Article

Perceptions about Dual Citizenship and Diaspora Participation in Political, Economic, and Social Life in South Sudan

Authors Gabriel Kiir Amoui, Freddie Carver
Year 2022
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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2 Journal Article

Subject(s) to control: post-war return migration and state-building in 1970s South Sudan

Authors Nicki Kindersley
Year 2017
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3 Journal Article

South Sudanese Refugees in Sudan: A Transition toward a Diaspora Community

Authors Mohamed A. G. Bakhit
Year 2022
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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4 Journal Article

Changing landscapes, changing practice: Negotiating access to sleeping sickness services in a post-conflict society

Authors Jennifer J. Palmer, Ann H. Kelly, Elizeous I. Surur, ...
Year 2014
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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9 Journal Article

Land conflict and informal settlements in Juba, South Sudan

Authors Gabriella McMichael
Year 2016
Journal Name Urban Studies
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11 Journal Article

A Sociological Inquiry into “Arbitrary” Assigned Age Resettlement and Integration. A Case of the South Sudanese “Lost Boys” in the Greater Kansas City

Authors Danvas Ogeto Mabeya
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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14 Journal Article

Women's Health and Human Rights: Converging Avenues for Action in East Africa

Authors Carol Pavlish, Elena Ateva, Anita Ho
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Human Rights Practice
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15 Journal Article

Another civil war in South Sudan: the failure of Guerrilla Government?

Authors Oystein H. Rolandsen
Year 2015
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17 Journal Article


Authors Mari Malek
Year 2019
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18 Journal Article

Resilience in Displacement and the Protection of Civilians in South Sudan

Authors Jairo Munive
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 12
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19 Journal Article

Refugee journey infrastructures: Exploring migration trajectories from South Sudan to Uganda

Authors Cathrine Talleraas, Marta Bivand Erdal, Marianne F. Larssen, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
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20 Journal Article

Living hand to mouth protection funding and coordination in South Sudan

Authors Melissa Phillips, UNHCR. Policy Development and Evaluation Service
Year 2011
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21 Report

Protection and well-being of adolescent refugees in the context of a humanitarian crisis: Perceptions from South Sudanese refugees in Uganda

Authors Sarah R. Meyer, Elizabeth Meyer, Clare Bangirana, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Social Science & Medicine
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22 Journal Article

South Sudanese Diaspora Children: Contested Notions of Childhood, Uprootedness, and Belonging Among Young Refugees in the U.S.

Authors Marisa O. Ensor
Book Title Contested Childhoods: Growing up in Migrancy
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23 Book Chapter

'Recycling oil money': procurement politics and (un) productive entrepreneurship in South Sudan

Authors Rens Twijnstra
Year 2015
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24 Journal Article

Sexual and gender-based violence and torture experiences of Sudanese refugees in Northern Uganda: health and justice responses

Authors Helen Jane Liebling, Hazel Rose Barrett, Lillian Artz
Year 2020
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
Citations (WoS) 1
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25 Journal Article

Crossing the line: 100 years of the North-West Uganda/South Sudan border

Authors Mark Leopold
Year 2009
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26 Journal Article

Coloniality and frictions: Data-driven humanitarianism in North-Eastern Nigeria and South Sudan

Authors Vicki Squire, Modesta Alozie
Year 2023
Citations (WoS) 1
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27 Journal Article

The creation of new states through interim agreements: Ambiguous compromises, intra-communal divisions, and contested identities

Authors Nina Caspersen
Year 2019
Journal Name International Political Science Review
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28 Journal Article

Book Review: Negotiating Belongings: Stories of Forced Migration of Dinka Women from South Sudan

Authors Katarzyna Grabska
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration Review
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29 Journal Article

Capital Matters: "Found" Social Capital of the Sudanese Refugee Lost Boys Living in Kansas City Area

Authors Danvas Ogeto Mabeya
Year 2015
Journal Name Sage Open
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30 Journal Article

Sport events and social capital in conflict-affected country: a case study of National Unity Day in South Sudan

Authors Mitsuaki Furukawa
Year 2021
Citations (WoS) 2
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31 Journal Article

Experiences and Constructions of Menarche and Menstruation Among Migrant and Refugee Women

Authors Alexandra J. Hawkey, Jane M. Ussher, Janette Perz, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Qualitative Health Research
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32 Journal Article

Refugee Economies: Rethinking Popular Assumptions

In the words of UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Antonio Guterres, we face ‘the most serious refugee crisis for 20 years’. Recent displacement from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, South Sudan, and Somalia has increased the number of refugees in the world to 15.4 million. Significantly, some 10.2 million of these people are in protracted refugee situations. In other words, they have been in limbo for at least 5 years, with an average length of stay in exile of nearly 20 years. Rather than transitioning from emergency relief to long-term reintegration, displaced populations too often get trapped within the system. This report aims to challenge the current model of donor state-led assistance, drawing on ground-breaking new research on the economic life of refugees. By attempting to understand the economic systems of displaced populations, we hope to generate new ideas which can turn humanitarian challenges into sustainable opportunities.
Year 2014
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33 Report

Conflict resolution as cultural brokerage: how refugee leaders mediate disputes in Uganda’s refugee settlements

Authors Sarah Vancluysen, Bert Ingelaere
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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34 Journal Article

Race, religion and resistance: revelations from the Juba archive

Authors Christopher Tounsel
Year 2017
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35 Journal Article

Nutrition Status of Refugee and Host-Country Children: Negotiating for Equal Distribution of Relief Food During Emergencies in Uganda

Authors Joseph Mandre, Dasel Wambua Mulwa Kaindi, Wambui Kogi-Makau
Year 2022
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
Citations (WoS) 2
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37 Journal Article

Living with transience in high-risk humanitarian spaces: the gendered experiences of international staff and policy implications for building resilience

Authors Hannah Strohmeier, Catherine Panter-Brick
Year 2021
Journal Name DISASTERS
Citations (WoS) 6
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38 Journal Article

Vertreibung in Afrika: Interessenvertretung und Politische Spannungen von Migrationsgovernance

Principal investigator Franzisca Zanker (Principal Investigator)
"Im Februar 2019 versammelten sich die afrikanischen Führungsspitzen in Addis Abeba, Äthiopien, für den 32. AU Gipfel bei dem verkündet wurde, das Jahr den „Geflüchteten, Zurückkehrenden und Binnenvertriebenen“ auf dem Kontinent zu widmen. Politische Entscheidungen müssen jedoch von den individuellen Mitgliedstaaten umgesetzt werden und die politischen Dimensionen wie (und mit wem) einzelne afrikanische Staaten Migration in ihren eigenen Kontexten bewältigen ist weitgehend immer noch unterforscht, trotz der politischen Aufmerksamkeit die (afrikanische) Migration in jüngster Zeit bekommt. Dieses Projekt strebt an, empirisch auf diese Forschungslücke zu reagieren und die politischen Interessen und gesellschaftlichen Diskurse zu beleuchten, die mit Migrationsgovernance in (und zwischen) vier Fällen in Sub-Sahara Afrika verbunden sind, namentlich Süd Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe und Südafrika. Diese Variation erlaubt einen Vergleich von Gast- und Entsendeländern, unterschiedlichen Konfliktarten sowie regionalen Unterschieden. Menschen sind auf unterschiedliche Arten und Weisen in Bewegung und nur durch die Betrachtung wie insgesamt mit Geflüchteten und anderen Migrant*innen umgegangen wird, können wir nachvollziehen, wie verschiedenen Formen von Migration womöglich politisch instrumentalisiert oder gegeneinander ausgespielt werden. Aus diesem Grund versteht dieses Projekt Vertreibung als nur eine Form von Migration (neben z.B. reguläre und irreguläre Auswanderung und Einwanderung). Theoretisch wird das Forschungsprojekt anstreben Migrations- und Konfliktforschung zu verbinden. Insbesondere Debatten über Friedensförderung erweitern unser Verständnis der politischen Dimension von Migration aus mehreren Gründen. Erstens, ähnlich wie bei der Friedensförderung, baut Migrationsgovernance auf einem komplexen Zusammenspiel von diversen Akteuren auf, das u.a. auch die politische Handlungsfähigkeit von nichtstaatlichen Akteuren hervorhebt. Zweitens, können wir die Idee der Intervention – sowohl externe und interne- als heuristisches Werkzeug nutzen, um die unterschiedlichen politischen Auswirkungen zu differenzieren, die verschiedene Ebenen von Migrationsgovernance haben können. Darauf aufbauend wird das Projekt außerdem die verschiedenen Interessenvertretungen (staatliche und nichtstaatliche) betrachten, die bei der strategischen Entwicklung von Migrationsgovernance beteiligt sind, und ihre Rolle sowie die Art der Einflussnahme beleuchten. Somit wendet das Projekt eine mehrstufige Perspektive an, um zwischen verschiedenen Arten von Handlungsebenen(extern/intern) und Akteuren (staatlich/nichtstaatlich) zu differenzieren. Methodisch ist die Forschung qualitativ und umfasst eine Mischung aus Sekundärforschung (Süd Sudan, Zimbabwe) und Feldforschung (Uganda, Südafrika), welche Interviews und Fokusgruppen beinhaltet. Um partizipative Forschung zu ermöglichen und Ungleichheiten in der Wissensproduktion zu reduzieren, wird die Forschung in enger Kooperation mit Afrikanischen Forscher*innen durchgeführt werden."
Year 2019
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39 Project

Transitions of South Sudanese Refugees: Reaching for a Better Life

Authors Thomas E. Stenvig, Paula P. Carson, Rebecca L. Randall, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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40 Journal Article

Land, livelihoods and belonging: negotiating change and anticipating LAPSSET in Kenya's Lamu county

Authors Ngala Chome
Year 2020
Citations (WoS) 33
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41 Journal Article

How Policy Decisions Affect Refugee Journeys in South Sudan: A Study using Automated Ensemble Simulations

Authors Diana Suleimenova, Derek Groen
Year 2020
Citations (WoS) 14
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42 Journal Article

'Garang's Seeds': Influences on the Return of Sudanese-Canadian Refugee Physicians to Post-Conflict South Sudan

Authors Juli L. . Finlay, Rodney A. Crutcher, Neil Drummond
Year 2011
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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43 Journal Article

'Age of despair', or 'when life starts': migrant and refugee women negotiate constructions of menopause

Authors Jane M. Ussher, Alexandra J. Hawkey, Janette Perz
Year 2019
Journal Name Culture, Health & Sexuality
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45 Journal Article

Future visions, present conflicts: the ethnicized politics of anticipation surrounding an infrastructure corridor in northern Kenya

Authors Kennedy Mkutu, Marie Mueller-Kone, Evelyne Atieno Owino
Year 2021
Citations (WoS) 14
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46 Journal Article

Social Connections and Displacement from South Sudan to Uganda: Towards a Relational Understanding of Survival during Conflict

Authors Elizabeth Stites, Alex Humphrey, Roxani Krystalli
Year 2021
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 6
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47 Journal Article

Refugee Repatriation and the Problem of Consent

Authors Mollie Gerver
Year 2016
Journal Name British Journal of Political Science
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48 Journal Article

Dodgy Paperwork and Theories of Citizenship on the Uganda, Democratic Republic of Congo, and South Sudan Borders

Authors Nicki Kindersley
Year 2022
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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49 Journal Article

Regulation and Resistance: Negotiation of Premarital Sexuality in the Context of Migrant and Refugee Women

Authors Alexandra J. Hawkey, Jane M. Ussher, Janette Perz
Year 2018
Journal Name The Journal of Sex Research
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51 Journal Article

Control and Biopower in Contemporary Humanitarian Aid: The Case of Supplementary Feeding

Authors Tom Scott-Smith
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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52 Journal Article

Contesting the militarization of the places where they met: the landscapes of the western Nuer and Dinka (South Sudan)

Authors Naomi Pendle
Year 2017
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53 Journal Article

‘Digging Aid’: The Camp as an Option in East and the Horn of Africa

Authors Bram J. Jansen
Year 2015
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
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54 Journal Article

“He Cannot Marry Her”: Excluding the Living and Including the Dead in South Sudanese Citizenship in Sudan

Authors Naomi Ruth Pendle, Machar Diu Gatket
Year 2022
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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55 Journal Article

African cities and violent conflict: the urban dimension of conflict and post conflict dynamics in Central and Eastern Africa

Authors Karen Buscher
Year 2018
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56 Journal Article

Hoping for peace, afraid of war the dilemmas of repatriation and belonging on the borders of Uganda and South Sudan

Authors Lucy Hovil, UNHCR. Policy Development and Evaluation Service
Year 2010
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57 Report

The Politics of Return: Understanding Trajectories of Displacement and the Complex Dynamics of ‘Return’ in Central and East Africa

Authors Anna Macdonald, Holly Porter
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Refugee Studies
Citations (WoS) 8
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58 Journal Article

Don’t Call Me a Foreigner: Place Making in Khartoum and Juba between 2006–2018

Authors Ulrike Schultz
Year 2022
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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59 Journal Article

Christian Persecution in Worldwide – Detailed Observation in the Top 50 Countries

Authors Jo Joseph
Year 2023
Journal Name SSRN
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61 Journal Article

What do women want? Migrant and refugee women’s preferences for the delivery of sexual and reproductive healthcare and information

Authors Alexandra J. Hawkey, Jane M. Ussher, Janette Perz
Year 2021
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
Citations (WoS) 14
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62 Journal Article

Planning, property and plots at the gateway to Kenya's 'new frontier'

Authors Hannah Elliott
Year 2016
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63 Journal Article

Negotiating Discourses of Shame, Secrecy, and Silence: Migrant and Refugee Women's Experiences of Sexual Embodiment

Authors Jane M. Ussher, Janette Perz, Christine Metusela, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Archives of Sexual Behavior
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65 Journal Article

Children's education and parental support in Jewi Refugee Camp, Ethiopia: Unraveling the challenges

Authors Eyueil Abate Demissie, Ambissa Kenea Boru
Year 2022
Journal Name Family Relations
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66 Journal Article

Teachers' Perspectives: Challenges in the Integration of Refugee Children Deported from Israel to Uganda

Authors Ram Gudovitch, Gumisiriza Alex, Elly Kiyingi, ...
Year 2021
Citations (WoS) 4
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67 Journal Article

Anticipation by redress: Transforming African mega-infrastructure futures

Authors Kenny Cupers
Year 2024
Journal Name Environment and Planning D: Society and Space
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68 Journal Article

Conflict-Induced Migration in Sudan and Post-Referendum Challenges

Authors Munzoul ASSAL
Migration in Sudan is caused primarily by protracted conflict and includes various categories of migrants: IDPs, refugees, and to some extent economic migrants. This paper deals primarily with internally displaced persons (IDPs), particularly those from southern Sudan who live in Khartoum. In 2004, it was estimated that 17 percent of Sudan’s population had been internally displaced. Following the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in January 2005, few IDPs returned to the south. Additionally, in January 2011, southern Sudanese citizens exercised the right of self-determination. The future of those southerners who are still in Khartoum and other parts of north Sudan is uncertain. In Khartoum, the government declared that southerners will be treated as foreign nationals after the independence of south Sudan on July 9th 2011. Therefore, the issues of conflict-induced migration will survive the peace agreement and the south gaining its independence. This paper is based on existing data on IDPs and on the author’s research on the same subject. It analyzes the causes and the consequences of the conflict, in particular forced migration. The paper empirically analyzes living conditions and coping strategies in two IDP settlements in Khartoum: Al Salam and Al Fatih. Un très long conflit est la cause principale des migrations au Soudan qui incluent différentes catégories de migrants : déplacés internes, réfugiés, et migrants économiques dans une certaine mesure. Ce papier traite principalement des déplacés internes et notamment ceux originaires du Sud Soudan qui sont installés à Khartoum. En 2004, il a été estimé que 17 % de la population soudanaise avait été déplacée à l’intérieur du pays. Après les Accords de paix en janvier 2005, peu de déplacés sont retournés dans le Sud et, en janvier 2011, le Sud Soudan a exercé son droit à l’autodétermination. Dans ce contexte, l’avenir des Soudanais originaires du sud qui sont encore à Khartoum et dans le nord du pays est incertain. A Khartoum, le gouvernement a déclaré qu’il considérera les Soudanais du sud comme des étrangers après l’indépendance du Sud Soudan le 9 juillet 2011. Le problème des migrations provoquées par les conflits est donc amené à perdure malgré l’Accord de paix et l’indépendance du Sud Soudan. Ce papier est basé sur les données disponibles sur les déplacés internes et sur les recherches menées par l’auteur sur ce sujet. Il analyse les causes et les conséquences du conflit, en particulier les migrations forcées. Il propose une analyse empirique des conditions de vie et des stratégies de survie dans deux camps de déplacés à Khartoum : Al-Salam et Al-Fatih.
Year 2011
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69 Report

Viable justice: survivors of sexual and gender-based violence and/or torture amongst South Sudanese refugees living in settlements in Northern Uganda

Authors Helen Jane Liebling, Helen Jane Liebling, Hazel Rose Barrett, ...
Year 2024
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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71 Journal Article

Land grabbing: a preliminary quantification of economic impacts on rural livelihoods

Authors Kyle F. Davis, Maria Cristina Rulli, Paolo D’Odorico
Year 2014
Journal Name Population and Environment
Citations (WoS) 33
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73 Journal Article

Refugees then and now: memory, history and politics in the long twentieth century: an introduction

Authors Dan Stone
Year 2018
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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74 Journal Article

MACIMIDE Global Expatriate Dual Citizenship Database

The MACIMIDE Global Expatriate Dual Citizenship Dataset charts the rules that existed in near all states of the world since 1960 with regard to the loss or renunciation of citizenship after a citizen of a respective state voluntarily acquires the citizenship of another state. The central variable of the Dataset is the dualcit_cat variable. This is a categorical variable whose values may be used to interpret, in broad lines, the position of a country with regards to the expatriate dual citizenship. The dualcit_cat variable reflects what consequences the legislation and legal practice of a country attaches to the voluntary acquisition of a foreign citizenship. The value of this variable depends on a number of criteria, including whether a citizen of the reference country who voluntarily obtains a foreign citizenship automatically loses – in principle – the citizenship of the origin country, and whether a citizen of the reference country can renounce that citizenship. The value assigned to dualcit_cat reflects the position of the country on the 1st of January of the reference year. Any subsequent changes in legislation will be reflected in the dualcit_cat value of the following year and included in updated versions of the Dataset. The dualcit_binary variable is a recoding of the dualcit_cat variable. This variable can be used for broad comparisons of the dual citizenship positions around the world. The possible values reflect whether the legislation of a country, in a given reference year, provides for the automatic loss of the origin citizenship (1) or not (2). All data have been centrally collected and refer to specific provisions in national law.
Year 2018
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75 Data Set

World Population Policies Database

Since the mid-1970s, the World Population Policies Database, last updated in 2015, provides comprehensive and up-to-date information on the population policy situation and trends for all Member States and non-member States of the United Nations. Among several areas, the database shows the evolution of government views and policies with respect to internal and international migration. The migration strand covers internal migration, immigration, emigration, and return. The Database is updated biennially by conducting a detailed country-by-country review of national plans and strategies, programme reports, legislative documents, official statements and various international, Inter-governmental and non-governmental sources, as well as by using official responses to the United Nations Inquiry among Governments on Population and Development.
Year 2015
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76 Data Set

UN Inquiry on population and development - International Migration

The Inquiry gathers critically important data for monitoring the implementation of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and other international agreements, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Inquiry, mandated by the General Assembly in its resolution 1838 (XVII) of 18 December 1962, has been conducted by the Secretary-General at regular intervals since 1963. The Twelfth Inquiry consists of multiple-choice questions, organized in three thematic modules: Module I on population ageing and urbanization; Module II on fertility, family planning and reproductive health; and Module III on international migration. In 1994, Member States attending the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo agreed that “population-related goals and policies are integral parts of cultural, economic and social development” and recommended that actions be taken “to measure, assess, monitor and evaluate progress towards meeting the goals of its Programme of Action”. The year 2019 will mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Cairo conference and adoption of the ICPD Programme of Action, which continues to provide crucial guidance for addressing the fundamental development challenges facing the world today. Population issues are also at the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development adopted in 2015. The United Nations Inquiry among Governments on Population and Development (the “Inquiry”) gathers critically important data for monitoring the implementation of the ICPD Programme of Action and other international agreements, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Inquiry, mandated by the General Assembly in its resolution 1838 (XVII) of 18 December 1962, has been conducted by the Secretary-General at regular intervals since 1963. The most recent Inquiry, the Eleventh, was implemented in 2014.
Year 2010
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77 Data Set

Vikhrov's visa index

The index is based on three types of entry visa restrictions: visa required, visa not required for short stays and visa not required. The author identifies country pairs which changed their visa regime during 1998–2010. This immigration policy index is constructed for all countries and territories in the world for both March 1998 and November 2009. This index is heterogeneous across destination and origin countries as well as over time.
Year 2009
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78 Data Set
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