
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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The imagination of ‘society’ in measurements of immigrant integration

Authors Willem Schinkel
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 26
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45401 Journal Article

Religion, ethnicity and identity: former Soviet Christian immigrants in Israel

Authors Rebeca Raijman, R Raijman, Yael Pinsky
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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45402 Journal Article

Highly skilled dependent migrants entering the labour market: Gender and place in skill transfer

Authors Marit Aure
Year 2013
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 23
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45403 Journal Article

The Capacity and Desire to Remit: Comparing Local and Transnational Influences

Authors Jørgen Carling, Jorgen Carling, Kristian Hoelscher
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 26
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45404 Journal Article

Stretching global production networks: The international second-hand clothing trade

Authors Andrew Brooks
Year 2013
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 31
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45405 Journal Article

Transnational Elite Formation: The Senegalese Murid Community in Italy

Authors Mayke Kaag
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
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45406 Journal Article

‘We all eat the same bread’: the roots and limits of cosmopolitan bridging ties developed by Romanians in London

Authors Laura Moroşanu, Laura Morosanu
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 10
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45407 Journal Article

The ambiguities of political opportunity: political claims-making of Russian-Jewish immigrants in New York City

Authors Thomas Soehl
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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45408 Journal Article

Rejection-identification among Latino immigrants in the United States

Authors Shaun Wiley
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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45409 Journal Article

Embedded Diasporas: Shaping the Geopolitical Landscape

Authors Deborah E. de Lange
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of International Management
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45410 Journal Article

When drains and gains coincide: Migration and international football performance

Authors Ruxanda Berlinschi, Johannes V. Swinnen, Jeroen Schokkaert, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Labour Economics
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45411 Journal Article

The Dynamics of Migration and Economic Adjustment

The research proposed here is concerned with the dynamics of immigrant impacts and the process of economic adaptation in receiving societies. The immigration process is inherently dynamic: many new immigrants return home within a short time; and those that remain undergo a long term series of investments and behavioural changes that gradually alter the way that they interact with the economy of the receiving country. Moreover, in the longer run the presence of immigrants affects the choices of firms over new technology investments, and the choices of native workers over schooling and occupations. Thus simple static frameworks provide an incomplete and even potentially misleading perspective for understanding modern immigration patterns. The point of departure for this proposed research is the recognition that we need to reformulate the analysis of immigrant impacts in a fully dynamic framework, acknowledging the inter-temporal choices of immigrants, firms, and native workers and the ways that these three groups of agents interact over a longer horizon. Our approach involves treating immigration as a dynamic shock, where the dynamics relates to the different agents involved: immigrants, who change their position in the native skill distribution over time as a result of their life-cycle decisions; firms, who react by adjusting their technologies, product mix, and their involvement with institutions and regulatory environment; and native workers, who adjust by changing their career plans. Our work will combine highly innovative theoretical perspectives with state-of-the-art empirical analyses exploiting unique policy experiments and exceptional data sources, merging longitudinal administrative population data with data from firm and individual surveys. This agenda will enable us to construct a comprehensive picture of the adjustment process in response to immigration and open new horizons for future research on the impact of immigration in a dynamic framework.
Year 2013
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45412 Project

Intercultural non-conscious influences: Prosocial effects of Buddhist priming on Westerners of Christian tradition

Authors Magali Clobert, Vassilis Saroglou
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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45413 Journal Article

Diasporic Memory and the Call to Identity: Yiddish Migrants in Early Twentieth Century East London

Authors Ben Gidley
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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45414 Journal Article

Interculturalism in Italian primary schools with a high concentration of immigrant students

Authors Marco Catarci
Year 2013
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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45415 Journal Article

Climate Barbarians at the Gate? A critique of apocalyptic narratives on ‘climate refugees’

Authors Giovanni Bettini
Year 2013
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 112
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45416 Journal Article

MEDCHANGE: Mediterranean changing relationships: global change, networks and border openings

MEDCHANGe focuses on the analysis of the relationships between global networks (Internet), flows (virtual and spatial mobilities of individuals, information i.e. migration also in light of gender issues such those of Moroccon female migrants; climate change migrants; tourism and heritage valorisation flows) and geographical localities in terms of local development and marginalisation/segregation. MEDCHANGe will shed lights on changing relationships at the spatial scales of some Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Spain) due to the dialectics of global flows, borders crossing and local structural changes. Our network of scholars will work in synergy and complementarities thru joint field research, workshops and seminars by investigating both the spatial and behavioural origins and development of our topics and their contemporary changing dynamics in selected territorial cases (Tel Aviv, Algier, Lisbon, Marrakesh, Casablanca, Naples-Caserta, Zaragoza, Genoa). In order to achieve this goal, MEDCHANGe activities are structured into three main levels: 1) a theoretical-methodological level; 2) an empirical analysis of case studies in different countries; 3) an operational level. Theoretically we will contribute to the redefinition of the concepts that denote the field of investigation,‘Mediterranean changing relationships’ namely ‘mobility’, ‘connectivity’, gender, ‘heritage’,spatial justice, entrepreneurship, inclusion, climate migration, and the idea of the ‘Mediterranean integration' in a frame of uneven development. Empirically, we aims to exchange skills, knowledge, expertise, mobilities to document the different ways in which transformations of the Mediterranean cities and villages take place, and grasp the implications of the so-called ‘virtual spatial mobilities’ in terms of inclusion, citizenship, security, intercultural dialogue. At the operational level we look forward for studying successful stories and practices of cooperation.
Year 2013
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45417 Project

Medical aid as protest: acts of citizenship for unauthorized im/migrants and refugees

Authors Heide Castañeda, Heide Castaneda
Year 2013
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 13
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45418 Journal Article

Wyobrażony status uchodźcy i niechciane obywatelstwo. Dekonstrukcja naturalizacji jako zwieńczenia integracji na przykładzie diaspory tybetańskiej w Indiach

Year 2013
Book Title Citizenship on the threshold of the 21st century. Legal and cultural contexts
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45419 Book Chapter

Ukraińska imigracja w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Charakterystyka ogólna

Year 2013
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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45420 Journal Article

The Regulation of Marriage Migration to Norway

Year 2013
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45421 Doctoral Dissertation

Seeing migrants, selecting refugees a historical study of Chinese settlement in Canada and New Zealand

Authors Laura Madokoro, UNHCR. Policy Development and Evaluation Service
Year 2013
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45422 Report

IAB-SOEP Migrationsstichprobe

Authors immigration, integration and labour market policies in Germany
Die IAB-SOEP Migrationsstichprobe ist eine Panel Haushaltsbefragung, die gemeinsam vom Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) und dem Sozio-ökonomischen Panel (SOEP) am DIW Berlin durchgeführt wird. Die IAB-SOEP Migrationsstichprobe bietet eine Datenbasis, mit der neue Erkenntnisse für die Erschließung von Fachkräftepotenzialen sowie für die Einwanderungs-, Integrations- und Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Deutschland gewonnen werden können. Die ersten fünf Wellen wurden 2013 bis 2017 durchgeführt, wobei jeweils zwischen 3.400 und fast 5.000 Personen teilgenommen haben. Die Befragung wurde im Rahmen eines Projekts teilweise durch das BMAS finanziert und das Fragenprogramm orientiert sich an der Befragung „Leben in Deutschland“ des SOEP am DIW Berlin.
Year 2013
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45423 Data Set

Combating inequalities through innovative social practices of, and for, young people in cities across Europe

This project builds on research that shows the disproportionate impact of the economic crisis on young people across Europe, including excessively high rates of youth unemployment and threats to the social provision enjoyed by previous generations. This is compounded by the 'coming of age' of the descendants of recent migrant communities - who now form significant proportions of the young population in major European cities. They are Europeans in language, social habit and cultural repertoire, yet continue to face longstanding barriers as a result of membership of communities already marginalised from mainstream labour markets and wider civic life. The project brings together stakeholders from civil society experienced in practical policy-making and implementation with well-established academic researchers to: i) Map the changing demographic landscape of inequalities as seen in major cities in the EU today and the specific challenges facing young people disadvantaged by ethnic origin, cultural background, neighbourhood, family and educational and economic situation; ii) Review approaches of different levels of government to engaging with disadvantaged youth and addressing inequality concerning young people, including state approaches and 3rd sector actions for promoting economic activity and entry into the labour market and ensuring effective distribution of services and community-led initiatives to enhance economic chances and participation in civic life; iii) Uncover innovative strategies for navigating, surviving and overcoming inequalities that have emerged, and are emerging, among young people (16-24) in deprived parts of large cities through ethnographical research with young people themselves; iv) Examine the extent to which these strategies might be regarded as socially innovative, explore through a series of pilot projects how such strategies might be transferable across Europe and use the findings for reshaping policies at EU, national and local levels.
Year 2013
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45424 Project

Integration and international migration: pathways and integration policies

According to UN assessments, there are 214 million international migrants worldwide and another 740 million internal migrants . The OECD highlights that there seems little likelihood of substantial reductions in numbers of international migrants in the current decade . Rises in global population, new demographic trends including ageing population, environmental deterioration and an increased globalisation of the economy are some of the factors which will encourage emigration flows in coming years. International migration, firmly at the top of the EU’s political agenda, must be analysed from the integration perspective as the key factor for the future cohesion of European societies. The INTEGRIM programme is developed by a sound and well established network of 8 full partner academic institutions and 6 non-academic associated partners from the private and public sector, civil society and international organisations with outstanding research and training credentials on migration and integration issues. The aim of this programme is to structure the existing high-quality research capacity on migration and integration policies and processes in Europe through 480 person-months of Early-Stage Researchers. INTEGRIM will consider processes and policies concerning integration of foreign nationals within EU countries, including third-country nationals and European nationals migrating to other European states when they face substantial integration difficulties. The existing fruitful collaboration among the Network’s partners through existing research networks such as the EC acknowledged network of excellence IMISCOE has evidenced the capacity and added value to pool the talent to the benefit of a common critical mass and enhancement of the academic knowledge. INTEGRIM aims to enhance academic research capacity, encourage policy-relevant research on integration and diversity management and facilitate the use of that research by governments and non-governmental organisations.
Year 2013
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45425 Project

Left-wing Exile in Mexico, 1934-1960

This ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant will support the research of one PI and two post-doctoral researchers towards a transnational and transdisciplinary history of left-wing exile in Mexico between the mid-1930s and the late 1950s. During this period, Mexico witnessed the arrival of tens of thousands of political refugees from Europe and later a smaller number of émigrés from the U.S.. Mexican authorities not only actively welcomed these communities of exile but encouraged and supported their political and cultural activities to establish Mexico as an arena for left-wing internationalism. Outside agencies, such as right-wing European governments, the Comintern, and the U.S.-American FBI and OSS/CIA were actively engaged in monitoring and influencing these communities in Mexico. The researchers will draw on new source materials from the Comintern Archives, Mexican state and university archives, and the U.S. National Archives and the Hoover Foundation alongside the rich collections of European archives to prepare studies that cut across the conventional orientation by source provenance, national perspectives, or disciplinary specialisation. The aim is to arrive at a topographical understanding of exile as a political practice manifested in meetings, lectures, political publications, and interventions in domestic Mexican and world political discourse, mechanisms of a transfer of knowledge in education policies and the transnational public sphere, cultural representations of the émigrés’ engagement with their host nation in literature, art, and architecture, in music, photography and painting, and prevailing perceptions and constructions of ethnicity and gender. The results of this research will be presented at two project workshops and one international conference. The project will generate three monographs and one edited volume with contributions from leading international scholars.
Year 2013
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45426 Project

Reconsidering acculturation in dietary change research among Latino immigrants: challenging the preconditions of US migration

Authors Airín D. Martínez, Airin D. Martinez
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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45427 Journal Article

Zarys koncepcji społecznego zakotwiczenia. Inne spojrzenie na tożsamość, adaptację i integrację imigrantów

Authors Aleksandra Grzymala-Kazlowska
Year 2013
Journal Name Kultura i Społeczeństwo
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45429 Journal Article


Year 2013
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45430 Journal Article

Financial effects of the international migration in Europe: Modelling the decision to remit

Authors Monica Roman
Year 2013
Journal Name Panoeconomicus
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45431 Journal Article

Le vote à distance des migrants mexicains : quel impact pour la diaspora dans le champ politique du pays d'origine ?

Authors Jean-Michel Lafleur
Year 2013
Journal Name Politique américaine
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45433 Journal Article

Living in neighborhoods with high or low co-ethnic concentration: Turkish–Norwegian-speaking students' vocabulary skills and reading comprehension

Authors Veslemøy Rydland, Veslemoy Rydland, Vibeke Grover Aukrust, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 2
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45434 Journal Article

The Role of Spanish Refugees in the Construction of the Migration Memory in France and Spain

Authors Evelyne Ribert, Bruno Tur
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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45435 Journal Article

Community cohesion without parallel lives in Bradford

Authors Yunas Samad
Year 2013
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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45436 Journal Article

Links between immigration and social inequality in education: A comparison among five European countries

Authors Steffen Hillmert, S Hillmert
Year 2013
Journal Name Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
Citations (WoS) 10
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45437 Journal Article

The emergence of new linguistic repertoires among Barcelona's youth of Latin American origin

Authors Víctor Corona, Victor P. Corona, Luci Nussbaum, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 25
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45438 Journal Article

Migration, integration and labour market: skilled workers and building sites in Turin in the Eighteenth Century

The purpose of this research is analysing the migration of skilled workers from Switzerland and from the State of Milan to Turin in the Eighteenth Century. First of all, it will be necessary to define this particular migration phenomenon and to analyse the mobility of the population in relation to the socio-economic conditions of the country of origin, in order to identify the factors that determined the departure and the choice of the destination in a “georeferenciation” perspective. The migration typology will be indentified by means of the following factors: the length of the stay in Turin; its temporary or permanent nature; the relation between migrants and their country of origin. Then, the forms and the degree of immigrant integration in the urban context will be examined by considering the urban area of immigrant settlement, the social network activated or created by the immigrants and the strategies for their access to the labour market. Another useful element for evaluating the immigrant opportunities for integration is the commitment or the capacity of municipal institutions to favour this process. Finally, this research will deal with the relation between immigration and the labour market in order to evaluate how much the labour organisation conditioned the mobility and integration of migrants. As a case study, we will analyse the urban building sites, with special attention to the Filippo Juvarra ones. In this way, this study will be of interest not only for social history, but also from the viewpoint of art history.
Year 2013
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45439 Project

EQUI-HEALTH: Fostering Health Provision For Migrants, The Roma And Other Vulnerable Groups

The objective of the EQUI-HEALTH action is to improve the access and appropriateness of health care services, health promotion and prevention to meet the needs of migrants, the Roma and other vulnerable ethnic minority groups, including irregular migrants residing in the EU/EEA. EQUI-HEALTH was launched in February 2013 by the Migration Health Division of the Regional Office for Europe of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The project is co-financed under the 2012 work plan, within the second programme of Community action in the field of health (2008-2013), by direct grant awarded to IOM from the European Commission’s Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE), through the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea).
Year 2013
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45440 Project

Counterfeit Smuggling: Rethinking Paradigms of Diaspora Investment and Trade Facilitation

Authors Kate Gillespie, J. Brad McBride, J. Brad McBride
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of International Management
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45441 Journal Article

Pushed or pulled? Entrepreneurial behaviour among immigrants as a strategy to cope with negative social identity

Authors José M. González-González, Jose M. Gonzalez-Gonzalez, Francisco D. Bretones
Year 2013
Journal Name Identities
Citations (WoS) 3
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45442 Journal Article

Immigration journey: a holistic exploration of pre- and post-migration life stories in a sample of Canadian immigrant women

Authors Ruksana Rashid, David Gregory, Abdie Kazemipur, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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45443 Journal Article

Spectacles of migrant ‘illegality’: the scene of exclusion, the obscene of inclusion

Authors Nicholas De Genova, N De Genova
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 148
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45444 Journal Article

Commodifying Ethnicity: On Marketing Strategies in Immigrant Cultural Economies in Vienna

Authors Michael Parzer, Kim Kwok
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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45445 Journal Article

Between Fragmented Ties and ‘Soul Friendships’: The Cross-Border Social Connections of Young Romanians in London

Authors Laura Morosanu
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 15
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45446 Journal Article

Cultural diversity and economic growth: Evidence from the US during the age of mass migration

Authors Philipp Ager, Markus Brueckner, Markus Brückner
Year 2013
Journal Name European Economic Review
Citations (WoS) 29
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45447 Journal Article

Marriage, Migration, Multiculturalism: Gendering ‘The Bengal Diaspora’

Authors Claire Alexander
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 9
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45448 Journal Article

ECLM: Assessing the economic contribution of labour migration in developing countries as countries of destination

Overall objective In view of maximising the development potential of migration, the overall objective of the Action is to provide an improved evidence base of the impact of labour immigration on the economic development of low- and middle income countries. Specific objectives To enhance the understanding and related capacities of partner countries of: (i) the contribution of labour immigration to their GDP and economic growth; (ii) the impact of labour immigration on their labour market and (iii) the impact of labour immigration on their public finances and social services
Year 2013
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45449 Project

European Indicators of Migrant Integration

In the European Union context, indicators have become increasingly important due to growing political commitment on integration policies at all levels of governance. In June 2010, EU Member States approved a number of European indicators of migrant integration, based on the EU2020 indicators and the EU’s Common Basic Principles, focusing on the core areas of employment, social inclusion, education, and active citizenship. The Commission’s July 2011 European Agenda for Integration views these indicators as a way to systematically monitor the integration situation and the EU2020 targets, enhance policy coordination, and make recommendations in dialogue with Member States. ICMPD together with the Migration Policy Group will produce an assessment report to confirm the relevance of current indicators for integration and whether current data sources are robust enough to calculate them. Objectives of the project • Analyse to what extent and whether the different integration realities in various EU Member States are the result of integration and migration policies, immigrant populations, and general contexts and policies. • Strengthen how European indicators of migrant integration capture and monitor the specific outcomes of integration policies. • Improve the way in which policy actors evaluate the effectiveness of integration policies, appreciate the other factors that shape the integration process, engage in the data and policy implications of indicators and mainstream integration into European cooperation and targets, including the EU2020 Strategy. Outcomes • Analysis reports (to explain the data behind the European indicators, test the effectiveness of certain migration and integration policies, and measure the impact of other policies). • Assessment report (to confirm the relevance of current indicators for integration and whether current data sources are robust enough to calculate them. ICMPD and the Migration Policy Group will propose additional indicators and data sources based on the chosen European indicators, the EU2020 strategy, and active citizenship). • Monitoring proposal (to outline how the European Commission can use the current and proposed indicators to monitor the results of integration policies). • Three expert seminars during the course of 2012 on the subjects of Employment, Education, and Social Inclusion and Active Citizenship.
Year 2013
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45450 Project

Care Work in a Swedish Nursing Home: Gendered Norms and Expectations

Authors Palle Storm
Year 2013
Book Title Designing Wellbeing in Elder Care Homes
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45452 Book Chapter

Immigration to Fes: The Meaning of the New Dynamics of the Euro-African Migratory System

Authors Mohamed Berriane, Mohammed Aderghal, Mhamed Idrissi Janati, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
45454 Journal Article

The Discursive Production of a Mexican Refugee Crisis in Canadian Media and Policy

Authors Liette Gilbert
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 11
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45455 Journal Article

Diasporic Landscape: Theoretical Reflections on African Migrants' Everyday Practices of ‘Home’ and ‘Belonging’

Authors Naluwembe Binaisa
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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45456 Journal Article

Negotiating old and new ways: contextualizing adapted health care-seeking behaviors of Korean immigrants in Hawaii

Authors Jin Young Choi
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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45457 Journal Article

Does immigration have a Matthew Effect? A cross-national analysis of international migration and international income inequality, 1960–2005

Authors Matthew R. Sanderson
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 4
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45458 Journal Article

Social Isolation, Loneliness and Return Migration: Evidence from Older Irish Adults

Authors Alan Barrett, A Barrett, Irene Mosca
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 13
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45459 Journal Article

Diaspora Concentration and the Venture Investment Impact of Remittances

Authors Paul M. Vaaler
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of International Management
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45460 Journal Article

Die Lesekompetenzen von Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund in westlichen Gesellschaften / The Reading Literacy of Immigrant Youth in Western Societies

Authors Roland Verwiebe, Bernhard Riederer
Year 2013
Journal Name Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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45461 Journal Article

Ethnic-Group Strength Among Bosnian Refugees in St. Louis, Missouri, and Host Receptivity and Conformity Pressure

Authors Wai Hsien Cheah, Ajlina Karamehic-Muratovic, Hisako Matsuo
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies
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45462 Journal Article

“It's funny I feel much more stigmatized by my own home community”: investigating visually impaired migrants' experiences of unsupportive ethnic community

Authors Esther Murphy
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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45463 Journal Article

Ethnic Citizenship Regimes: Europeanization, Post-War Migration and Redressing Past Wrongs

Authors Sergiu Gherghina
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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45464 Journal Article

Umbrellas and angels standing straight – a social semiotic perspective on multilingual children's literacy

Authors Helle Pia Laursen
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 5
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45465 Journal Article

Predictors of psychological adaptation of South Asian immigrants in Hong Kong

Authors Kareen N. Tonsing
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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45466 Journal Article

Normative Interaction and Law-Making: Regulating Migration in the Maghreb

This project explores law-making in the domain of migration in the Maghreb as a result of interaction between diverse exogenous and endogenous normative factors. It builds and tests an innovative approach to reforms undertaken since 2003 in three countries, namely Tunisia, Morocco and Mauritania, to improve the knowledge and understanding of legal development in the Maghreb. It unfolds the plurality of interactions that result in the law being reformed in these countries and the country-specificity of law-making in a field where law is being globalised. Drawing on comparative law, international law, sociology of law, human geography and political science, the project examines how recent regulations affecting migration (entry and stay in a territory, exit from the territory, citizenship and asylum) have been thought, elaborated and adopted in each of the three Maghreb countries covered by the project. It therefore goes into the details and mechanisms of law-making and leads to designing a comparative model of normative interactions in national law-making. This project provides an unprecedented analysis of legal development in the Maghreb and a valuable contribution to the understanding of normative interactions in the field of migration. Innovative from theoretical, empirical and methodological perspectives, it develops a coherent analytical framework of law-making, aimed to be replicable across policy and geographical areas. It is hosted in a research centre at Aix-Marseille University, France, which combines excellence in legal research and a unique multidisciplinary academic pool rooted in the Mediterranean. It resorts to field research in Morocco, Tunisia and Mauritania and a network of partners in these countries to benefit from local input and favour knowledge-sharing. This project provides supportive policy tools to strengthen the external dimension of EU’s immigration and asylum policy and a renewed partnership between the EU and its Southern Neighbourhood.
Year 2013
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45467 Project

European social cohesions

Authors Gerard Boucher
Year 2013
Journal Name Patterns of Prejudice
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45468 Journal Article

Where do I belong? The effects of uncertainty-identity on acculturation outcomes for migrants in Germany

This research project will investigate multiple perspectives (migrant, host and intergenerational) on attitudes about integration, feelings of belongingness, group affiliation, and psychological and sociocultural adaptation of migrants. The proposed research project offers a new theoretical framework in which the bidirectional nature of the acculturation process is addressed. Acculturation theory and uncertainty-identity theory are integrated in order to investigate the possible consequences of uncertainty about oneself and belongingness. The main purpose is to understand (1) when and where conflicts and social tensions between host members and migrants as well as between generations arise, (2) why mal-adaptation of some proportions of migrants occur (e.g. identification with sub-groups to reduce uncertainty and oppose the host society), and (3) what intervening variables impact on positive outcomes (social cohesion, harmony). In three comprehensive studies, these key questions will be addressed. An advanced mixed-method approach will be employed to acknowledge different levels of analyses, namely the individual, regional and societal level. The proposed research will substantially contribute to the resolution of intercultural conflicts and the mechanism behind hostile attitudes. Moreover, it will be possible to explain the conflicts between hosts and migrants and offer ways of conflict resolution to build a more harmonious future. The findings will be very important and useful to equip host members and migrants as well as policy makers with the tools to work towards more positive outcomes and social cohesion.
Year 2013
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45469 Project

Research on multiculturalism in Canada

Authors John W. Berry, JW Berry
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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45470 Journal Article

Espagne : l’émigration des immigrés

Authors Gemma Larramona
Year 2013
Journal Name Population
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45471 Journal Article

The Duration of Migration Decision-Making: Moving to Israel from North America

Authors Karin Amit, Ilan Riss
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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45472 Journal Article

Replacement Migration and Changing Preferences: Immigrant Workers in Cleaning and Domestic Service in Portugal

Authors Sónia Pereira
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 8
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45473 Journal Article

Where the sidewalk ends: Informal street corner encounters in Dubai

Authors Yasser Elsheshtawy
Year 2013
Journal Name Cities
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45474 Journal Article

Routing Black Migration to the Urban US South: Social Class and Sources of Social Capital in the Destination Selection Process

Authors Sabrina Pendergrass
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 7
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45475 Journal Article

An exploratory study on the mental health of immigrants, refugees and non-status people living with HIV in Toronto

Authors Josephine Pui-Hing Wong, Alan Tai-Wai Li, Maurice Kwong-Lai Poon, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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45476 Journal Article

Do Networks Do the Works? Towards Recognising (and Solving) a Migration-Entrepreneurship Conundrum

Year 2013
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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45477 Journal Article

Social Anchoring in Superdiverse Transnational Social Spaces

The project studies in an innovative, interdisciplinary theoretical and methodological way the problem of identity, integration and adaptation to transnational spaces. It aims to examine the role of identity for immigrant adaptation and integration and ways in which individuals, especially migrants, establish footholds in their life spaces. The goal of the proposal is the development of a theoretical and methodological framework that enables identification of the source(s) of socio-psychological stability of individuals, particularly in a context of societal integration. The researched problem will be analysed using the concept of social anchoring proposed by the author, which will be developed through research with Polish immigrants in the UK and Ukrainian immigrants in Poland. The research approach will be based on grounded theory. The project will include alternate stages of field research and theory building. The methods used in the project will include: desk research and analysis of secondary data, field research among Polish and Ukrainian immigrants in the UK and Poland and the analysis of “unguided” materials (i.e. forum discussions, web blogs and diaries), which will be analysed using narrative, biographical, textual and visual approaches as well as the analysis of observation material. The originality of the project lies in the idea of using the metaphor of anchor to develop the conceptual framework of anchoring enabling limitations of subjectively defined identity to be overcome whilst including the objective aspects of resources. The intensive inclusion of participants’ perspective and the employment of a reflective approach also add to the originally of the project. The theory of social anchoring will bring an entirely new approach to migration studies and provide an opportunity to link integration and identity problems and as well as relate individuals to a contemporary superdiverse and mobile society.
Year 2013
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45478 Project

Beyond the Walls of Paper. Undocumented Migrants, the Border and Human Rights

Authors Anna Błuś, Anna Blus
Year 2013
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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45479 Journal Article

The Cultural Politics of Dirt in Africa, 1880 - present

Dirt permeates everyday life in urban Africa, but it is more than an empirical substance: dirt is also an idea—or a complex set of representations—that shapes local perceptions of sexuality and the body, and influences people’s attitudes towards waste, recycling, urbanisation, ethnicity and migration. Dirt is a vital category for understanding urban cultures in Africa, and it has a history that has yet to be examined in detail. Besides the work of epidemiologists and occasional anthropological accounts, however, there have been no sustained studies of locally situated understandings of dirt in Africa. This project will identify and reflect on African representations and understandings of dirt in a comparative historical perspective for the first time. With reference to four key themes—colonialism, the environment, sexuality and ethnicity—everyday cultural practices will be addressed in Nairobi (Kenya) and Lagos (Nigeria). In examining particular African locations and historical contexts, the project will evaluate not only the social and political histories of specific ‘dirty’ discourses, but also the theoretical and methodological directions that the concept of dirt generates as a starting point for comparative interdisciplinary case-studies. Employing a range of methodologies, the two teams of researchers at the Participating Institutions (Kenyatta University, Nairobi, and University of Lagos) in Years 1-5, and the doctoral and postdoctoral researchers at the Host Institution (University of Sussex) in Years 3-5, will identify local African representations and understandings of dirt. In addition to other major outputs, the PI will build a website that addresses political, methodological, theoretical and ethical issues, as well as providing an archive of primary resources. Key objectives include: to learn from positive and negative valuations of words connoting dirt in Africa, and to develop a paradigm for interdisciplinary work in African cultural studies.
Year 2013
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45480 Project

Governing Irregular Migration: States, Migrants and Intermediaries at the Age of Globalisation

Authors Panos Hatziprokopiou, Anna Triandafyllidou
The IRMA project is informed by the wider theoretical framework of globalization studies which point to the erosion of the sovereignty and independence of the nation state. Globalization is a multi-faceted and multi-level phenomenon: economically it involves the elimination of countries’ trade boundaries and the development of global multinational corporations. At the cultural level it signifies to a large extent the spread of a borderless and boundless consumerism. However this also creates opposed movements of return to local cultures and local economies. At the social level, globalization involves a sense that politics and democracy are increasingly less relevant as global market forces seem to take the lead. At the same time the volatility of the global economy creates a crisis of legitimacy for the neo-liberal policies that advocate stripping away the protections that nation states used to provide to their citizens in the name of an unstoppable global model of development (George and Wilding 2002; Holton 2005, Milliot and Tournois 2010). Migration is deeply affected by globalization as the lifestyles, consumer habits, sense of relative deprivation as well as systems of production and politics of developing countries are shaped by the forces of social, political and economic globalization. People become more aware of the better prospects that potentially await them in developed countries. Information travels faster than before, and means to get connected through IT as well as means of transport are also cheaper and faster. The erosion of national boundaries create also more space and scope for local or transnational actors to be involved in irregular migration whether as local or transnational smuggling networks, or as local NGOs or international organisations. Globalization has been the buzzword of the last three decades, so widely used by such a wide range of actors that it often remains too vague and elusive to translate into meaningful content. On the other hand, migration is lately discussed in relation to globalization; yet, little empirical evidence to date clarifies precisely the relationship between the two (King 1995; Castles 2000; Urzua 2000; Tapinos 2000; Stalker 2000; Papastergiadis 2000; Koser 2007; Castles and Miller 2009; Solimano 2010). It is therefore necessary to begin by offering some conceptual definitions of globalization and exploring its links with international migration.
Year 2013
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45481 Report

Informalisation, labour migrants and irregular migrants: low wage labour intensive work and the restructuring of the Swedish labour market

Principal investigator Anders Neergaard (REMESO Project Leader)
Studies of migrant labour in the Swedish labour market have generally focused on those having received permanent residence permission as refugees or through family re-unification legislation. This mirrors a situation in which labour migration has been quite restrictive in Sweden. Starting with a new labour migration reform in 2008, this is dramatically changing. The aim is to study the situation of labour migrants and irregular migrants in the labour market and their understanding of collective action, as (migrant) workers. In addition the project aims at studying the employers, especially the reason for employing these two categories of migrant workers.
Year 2013
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45482 Project

Bezpieczny status prawny jako determinanta awansu ekonomiczno-zawodowego odmiennych grup imigrantów w Polsce

Year 2013
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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45483 Journal Article

To settle or to leave again? Patterns of return migration to Poland during the transition period

Year 2013
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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45485 Journal Article

Religious change of new immigrants in the Netherlands: The event of migration

Authors Frank van Tubergen
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 10
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45486 Journal Article

The Inter-Ethnic Contacts of Immigrants and Natives in the Netherlands: A Two-Sided Perspective

Authors Borja Martinović, Borja Martinovic
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 30
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45487 Journal Article

City profile: Santa Cruz de la Sierra

Authors Joshua D. Kirshner, Joshua Kirshner
Year 2013
Journal Name Cities
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45488 Journal Article

Post-Accession Polish Migrants in Britain and Ireland: Challenges and Obstacles to Integration in the European Union

Authors Michael Johns, Michael Johns
Year 2013
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
Citations (WoS) 2
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45489 Journal Article

TV News for Promoting Interculturalism: A Novel Step towards Immigrant Integration

The purpose of this project is to show how political news contents can be used as educational materials in foreign languages classes to facilitate immigrants’ language acquisition and at the same time furthering political and social integration. Much immigration will sustain, also now integration problematic in many societies, which stemmed in large part from the creation of 'parallel societies' and lack of effective integration policies. The integration of immigrant communities in host societies is dependent upon the learning of the national language of the state in question, and on that we must insist. Besides, it is closely bound up with their knowledge on the societies in which they live. The research draws upon the concept of Interculturalism as an attempt to reinforce cultural dialogue and foster the process of immigrant integration. The first phase of the project involves an empirical content analysis of political news from four television news broadcasts in Ireland, Spain, the Netherlands and Brazil. Drawing on the insights of the analysis, we will work on the production of an online tool of educational materials to be employed in language lessons, in particular: English, Spanish, Dutch and Portuguese courses. The effectiveness of this tool for intercultural learning and integration will be evaluated drawing on focus groups formed by immigrants in the four different countries attending those language courses. By identifying most recent standards of contents production of political news developed by digital television in the four countries, we aim to obtain inherent alternatives and initiatives for learning decisive aspect in order to improve the political, cultural and identity awareness of immigrants in their host countries and foster Interculturalism.
Year 2013
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45490 Project

To share or not to share: The role of affect in knowledge sharing by individuals in a diaspora

Authors Helena Barnard, Catherine Pendock
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of International Management
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45491 Journal Article

Diasporic Identity, Transnational Agency, and the Neoliberal Reconfiguration of Global Migration

Authors Thomas Lacroix
Year 2013
Journal Name Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies
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45492 Journal Article

Fragmenting citizenship: dynamics of cooperation and conflict in France's immigrant rights movement

Authors Walter J. Nicholls, Walter Nicholls
Year 2013
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 25
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45493 Journal Article

Linguistic isolation in the home and community: Protection or risk for young children?

Authors Jennifer E. Glick, JE Glick, Laquitta Walker, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 7
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45494 Journal Article

Team cohesion and ethnic–cultural identity in adolescent migrant athletes

Authors Eleftheria Morela, Antonis Hatzigeorgiadis, Olga Kouli, ...
Year 2013
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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45495 Journal Article

Ethnic Origin and Residential Attainment of Immigrants in European Countries

Authors Anya Glikman, Moshe Semyonov
Year 2012
Journal Name City & Community
Citations (WoS) 14
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45496 Journal Article

The demographic and economic framework of circular migration in Armenia

Authors Ruber YEGANYAN
Contemporary interpretations of the term ?circular migration? emphasize return, in other words the reemigration of the former migrant. Of course, all migration trips, regardless of whether they are initially aimed at permanent or temporary residence, are potentially circular. After all, the probability of return (especially temporary return) may be high or low, but it will never be zero (even for refugees and displaced persons.)
Year 2012
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45497 Report

The demographic and economic framework of circular migration in Ukraine

Authors Alexey POZNYAK
In the global population and workforce exchange system Ukraine acts primarily as a donor country. According to the estimates of the M.V. Ptukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences (hereafter IDSS), in 2008 the total number of Ukrainian labor migrants were 2,120,000 people (IOM, 2011). This estimate of the number of labor migrants relies on the Modular Population Survey of Labour Migration Issues from 20081 (hereafter the 2008 survey), carried out by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine (Ukrainian Center of Social Reform and Ukrainian State Statistics Committee, 2009). However, it also takes into account the stocks of labor migrants not covered by this survey, namely: persons who started to work abroad more than 3.5 years before the survey and who have not returned to Ukraine since then; migrants older than employable age (men 60 years old and senior, women 55 years old and senior); and border commuters (Pozniak, 2012). The main destination countries for labor emigrants from Ukraine are Russia (around 40%), Italy (almost a quarter), Poland, the Czech Republic, Portugal, Spain and Hungary. In total over half of all Ukrainian labor migrants work in the European Union. In this explanatory note circular migrants are understood as those who made one or more labor trips abroad and returns. There are two types of circular migrants. Migrants who made only one roundtrip between the places of origin and destination are described as ?return migrants? (Newland, 2009) and migrants who made more than one trip are defined as ?pure circular migrants?
Year 2012
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45498 Report

National strategy for migration and asylum : an attempt of holistic and integrated approach towards migration issues in Moldova

Authors Alex OPRUNENCO
The labour migration has been a paramount phenomenon that has affected Moldova’s society in numerous ways over the last decade. In response to this development the country’s institutional set-up and policy framework evolved significantly. The current state of policy thinking on migration is increasingly driven by the following factors: consolidation of the role of state in managing the developments in this area; progressive adjustment to European policy framework; strengthening of the migration-development nexus and attempts at leveraging human and financial capital of Diaspora into development; fight against illegal migration that appear to be of strong concern for both international community and Moldovan society. At the same time the institutional set-up and policy framework remained disparate and not enough correlated with each other. The newly drafted National Strategy on Migration and Asylum apparently should address these challenges and bridge the existing gaps. Moreover, the Strategy seeks to link realm of migration and asylum to the general development policy framework of the country. Thus, the Strategy marks a new stage in development of the migration management in Moldova and should address the migration-driven challenges in a comprehensive manner and in full compliance with the European commitments of the country.
Year 2012
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45499 Report

The legislative system of Ukraine in the area of asylum and refugee status

Authors Valentina SUBOTENKO
At this stage national refugee-related legislation in Ukraine is relatively precise and transparent. In particular, the Law ?On Refugees and Persons in Need of Complementary or Temporary Protection? is a directly applicable law, since all the procedural issues are precisely and consistently regulated in it, there are practically no provisions that are optional as to their content. The problem remains as regards adjustment of provisions of other laws with provisions of the new Law. In addition, in the course of almost ten years since the moment of Ukraine?s accession to the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, the problem of compliance of Ukraine?s national legislation with its provisions has not been solved. The maximum approximation of national legislation in the area of refugees with the respective legislation of the European Union, in the author?s opinion, is complicated because of differences in the contents of the notion of asylum. In particular, provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine on asylum have been borrowed from the USSR legislation on political emigrants, which is not adjusted to the notion of asylum generally accepted in the international law.
Year 2012
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45500 Report
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