
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Narrating marriage: negotiating practices and politics of belonging of Afghan return migrants

Authors Marieke van Houte, , Tine Davids
Year 2018
Journal Name Identities
Citations (WoS) 1
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41701 Journal Article

Immigrant women’s food choices in pregnancy: perspectives from women of Chinese origin in Canada

Authors Gina Marie Awoko Higginbottom, Gina Higginbottom, Helen Vallianatos, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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41702 Journal Article

Exploring relationships among social integration, social isolation, self-rated health, and demographics among Latino day laborers

Authors Kenneth C. Steel, John S. Atkinson, Maria Eugenia Fernandez-Esquer, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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41703 Journal Article

Differences in Subjective Well-being Between Older Migrants and Natives in Europe

Authors Gregor Sand, Stefan Gruber
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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41704 Journal Article

Youthful socialities in Australia’s urban multiculture

Authors Anita Harris
Year 2018
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 5
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41705 Journal Article

The Language of Economic Growth:A New Measure of Linguistic Heterogeneity

Authors Amy H. Liu, Elise Pizzi
Year 2018
Journal Name British Journal of Political Science
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41706 Journal Article

The tent: The uncanny architecture of agonism for Israel–Palestine, 1910–2011

Authors Yael Allweil
Year 2018
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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41707 Journal Article

Rooted in relative privilege: US ‘expats’ in Granada, Nicaragua

Authors Sheila Croucher, SL Croucher
Year 2018
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41708 Journal Article

Looking like a smoker, a smokescreen to racism? Māori perceived appearance linked to smoking status

Authors E. Muriwai, Chris G. Sibley, Carla A. Houkamau, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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41709 Journal Article

‘If I went to my mom with that information, I’m dead’: sexual health knowledge barriers among immigrant and refugee Somali young adults in Ohio

Authors Caroline Kingori, Gillian Harper Ice, Abdul Elmi, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnicity & Health
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41710 Journal Article

Friendship in a ‘Russian bar’ in London: An ethnography of a young Russian-speaking migrant community

Authors Darya Malyutina
Year 2018
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 3
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41711 Journal Article

Making a place in Footscray: everyday multiculturalism, ethnic hubs and segmented geography

Authors Nicole Oke, Christopher C. Sonn, Christopher McConville
Year 2018
Journal Name Identities
Citations (WoS) 1
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41712 Journal Article

Health Inequity and “Restoring Fairness” Through the Canadian Refugee Health Policy Reforms: A Literature Review

Authors Valentina Antonipillai, Olive Wahoush, Andrea Baumann, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health
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41714 Journal Article

Migrant place-making in super-diverse neighbourhoods: Moving beyond ethno-national approaches

Authors Simon Pemberton, Jenny Phillimore
Year 2018
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 13
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41715 Journal Article

Refugee Repatriation and the Problem of Consent

Authors Mollie Gerver
Year 2018
Journal Name British Journal of Political Science
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41716 Journal Article

‘In this country my children are learning two of the most important languages in Europe’: ideologies of language as a commodity among Greek migrant families in Luxembourg

Authors Nikos Gogonas, Claudine Kirsch
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 2
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41717 Journal Article

Exploring Uyghur University students’ identities constructed through multilingual practices in China

Authors Xiaoyan (Grace) Guo, Mingyue (Michelle) Gu
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 2
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41718 Journal Article

Tentative friendships among low-income migrants in São Paulo’s commercial districts

Authors Megha Amrith
Year 2018
Journal Name Urban Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
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41719 Journal Article

Selectivity of content and language integrated learning programmes in German secondary schools

Authors Sara Dallinger, Kathrin Jonkmann, Jan Hollm
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism
Citations (WoS) 1
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41720 Journal Article

Traditions of Tolerance: The Long-Run Persistence of Regional Variation in Attitudes towards English Immigrants

Authors David Fielding
Year 2018
Journal Name British Journal of Political Science
Citations (WoS) 3
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41721 Journal Article

Countervailing contact: Community ethnic diversity, anti-immigrant attitudes and mediating pathways of positive and negative inter-ethnic contact in European societies

Authors James Laurence, Lee Bentley
Year 2018
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 2
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41723 Journal Article

Fiscal Consolidation, Unemployment and Labour Mobility in the Euro Area

In the aftermath of the crisis, unfavourable socio-economic conditions with high unemployment, steep decreases in salaries and welfare allowances, and deterioration in career prospects have triggered intensified labour mobility, with a direction from the so-called Peripheral countries to the Core of the euro area. Primarily due to the surge in immigration from its EU partners, Germany is now the second largest immigration country in the industrialised world, after the U.S. Fiscal consolidation policies that aim to reduce deficit levels and typically involve tax hikes and cuts in government spending have also contributed to these migration outflows from crisis-hit countries. Notably, in countries with a sizeable public sector, like Greece and Spain, cuts and restrictions in new recruitments of public employees have further motivated the decision to move abroad. The aim of this research is to theoretically study the macroeconomic links between unemployment, fiscal consolidation, and labour mobility in a monetary union. To this end, I will introduce endogenous migration decisions both for the unemployed and the employed household members in a two-country Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model of a monetary union with search and matching frictions, in which the Periphery implements fiscal consolidation through spending cuts or tax hikes. Existing studies in the fiscal consolidation literature consider an immobile labour force and, therefore, the migration channel has not yet been investigated in this context. This project aims to fill this gap and inform policymakers by comparing different fiscal consolidation instruments: (a) labour income tax hikes, (b) public consumption spending cuts, (c) unemployment benefits cuts, and (d) public sector wage bill cuts. Through the lens of the model, I will also perform a systematic comparison of the implications for different euro area Peripheral economies, which have implemented a different policy mix in the recent years.
Year 2018
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41724 Project

Media Representations of Separated Child Migrants

Authors Rachel Rosen, Sarah Crafter
Year 2018
Journal Name Migration and Society
41725 Journal Article

Intergroup contact versus conflict in Catalan high schools: A multilevel analysis of adolescent attitudes toward immigration and diversity

Authors Ann E. Wilson-Daily, M Kemmelmeier, Joaquin Prats, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
41726 Journal Article

Vooronderzoek data en methoden illegalenschatting

Authors Research and Documentation Centre, Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security, Jacco Snippe, Ralph Mennes
Dit is vooronderzoek naar de beschikbare data en methoden voor het schatten van het aantal illegalen in Nederland. Doel van de voorstudie is de praktische geschiktheid, bruikbaarheid en beschikbaarheid van aanvullende data en methoden voor het uitvoeren van een illegalenschatting na te gaan. Voor eerdere schattingen van het aantal illegaal in Nederland verblijvende vreemdelingen is gebruik gemaakt van de vangst-hervangstmethode op basis van één registratie. Voor de registratie is gebruik gemaakt van staande houdingen van illegalen door de politie, bijvoorbeeld omdat zij illegaal aan het werk zijn of misdrijven plegen.Het onderzoek is opgedeeld in twee verschillende onderdelen. In het eerste deel ligt de focus op het inventariseren van de beschikbare schattingsmethoden, terwijl het tweede deel is gericht op het in kaart brengen van de potentiële databronnen. De opbrengsten van beide delen zijn in samenhang bezien om tot een overzicht van de meeste kansrijke schattingsmethoden te komen wanneer rekening wordt gehouden met beschikbaarheid, bruikbaarheid en toegankelijkheid van de potentiële databronnen.
Year 2018
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41727 Report

Romanian immigrants and the inflows of foreign direct investment towards Romania

Authors Monica Roman, Vasile Alecsandru Strat
Year 2018
Journal Name Management & Marketing
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41728 Journal Article

We Are a Welcoming Europe

Principal investigator Migration Policy Group (MPG) ()
We Are a Welcoming Europe is the first European Citizens’ Initiative on migration. Through this direct democracy tool, a million signatures from European citizens can compel the EU to change its migration policies and reclaim our right to help migrants and refugees. Thanks to the campaign’s advocacy, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on guidelines for Member States to prevent humanitarian assistance from being criminalised on 5 July 2018. Hundreds of organisations across Europe joined the campaign’s coalition to empower a welcoming Europe and support citizens and NGOs that are criminalised for offering humanitarian assistance to refugees and migrants.
Year 2018
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41729 Project

Erwerbsverhalten von Frauen nach Migration: Ein dynamischer Ansatz zum Familien- und Erwerbsverhalten nach Migration

Principal investigator Claudia Diehl (Principal Investigator ), Johannes Giesecke (Principal Investigator ), Martin Kroh (Principal Investigator ), Michaela; Kreyenfeld (Principal Investigator )
Eine Vielzahl von Studien sind bislang vorgelegt worden, die die Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migrantinnen und Migranten thematisiert haben. Schwerpunkt der meisten empirischen Analysen war die Frage der Arbeitsmarktintegration von Migranten. Migrantinnen wurden hingegen häufig als "tied movers" betrachtet, deren Erwerbs- und Migrationsentscheidung der ihrer Partner nachgeordnet ist. Wie diese geschlechtsspezifischen Migrationsmuster das spätere Erwerbs- und Familienverhalten von Migrantinnen prägen und welche Konsequenzen sich daraus für soziale Ungleichheit und Prozesse sozialer Exklusion ergeben, war bislang nur selten Gegenstand empirischer Untersuchungen. In diesem Projekt versuchen wir diese Lücke zu füllen, indem wir, aufbauend auf dem Lebenslaufansatz, die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Migrations-, Erwerbs- und Familienbiographie im Leben von Migrantinnen untersuchen. Als Datenbasis verwenden wir die IAB-Migrations- und Flüchtlingsstichprobe des Sozio-Oekonomischen Panels (GSOEP), die integrierten Erwerbsbiographien des IAB (IEBS) sowie Daten des Mikrozensus. Die Analysen konzentrieren sich auf Migrantinnen, die zwischen 1990 und 2015 nach Deutschland gezogen sind. Ziel unserer Analysen ist es, erstens einen Beitrag zum Verständnis des Arbeitsmarkt- und Familienverhaltens der neuen Migrantengruppen auf Basis der reichhaltigen Längsschnittdaten zu geben, die mittlerweile für Deutschland zur Verfügung stehen. Zweitens soll im Rahmen des Projekts die zum Teil unverbundene Literatur zur Familien- und Arbeitsmarktdynamik von Migrantinnen und Migranten integriert werden. Drittens leisten wird aufbauend auf dem Lebensverlaufsansatz einen Beitrag zum Verständnis, wie sich frühe Lebensereignisse und -bedingungen, insbesondere zum Zeitpunkt der Migration auf die spätere Familien- und Erwerbsdynamik auswirken.
Year 2018
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41730 Project

Speak better, do better? Education and health of migrants in the UK

Authors Yu Aoki, Lualhati Santiago
Year 2018
Journal Name Labour Economics
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41731 Journal Article

Cultural stress and psychological symptoms in recent Venezuelan immigrants to the United States and Colombia

Authors Seth J. Schwartz, Christopher P. Salas-Wright, Augusto Pérez-Gómez, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
Citations (WoS) 2
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41732 Journal Article

Women Pluralists Negotiating Immigrant Children’s Health in an Era of Mass Migration (the 1960s)

Authors Franca Iacovetta
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
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41733 Journal Article

Dynamic Modeling of Labor Market Mobility and Human Capital Accumulation

In today’s globalized world, labor mobility is at the core of the political debate and a centerpiece for economic policy. The design of migration policies, such as selective, skill-biased, immigration policies, policies to encourage the integration of immigrants, or ones that facilitate geographical mobility to increase labor market opportunities of disadvantaged workers, requires a good understanding of a more fundamental issue: understanding the role of internal migration and immigration in shaping the career paths and human capital accumulation of workers. This project aims at providing a coherent analysis that allows us to understand the interactions between labor mobility and human capital accumulation, and their implications for economic policy design. This project focuses on three main issues: labor mobility, labor market effects of immigration, and the interaction between the two. Our questions are: (a) What are the role of temporary and permanent contracts in shaping career paths and geographic mobility of workers? (b) Does the forgone human capital accumulation during a recession produce a lost generation? Is this alleviated by geographical mobility? (c) What is the role of geographical and occupational mobility in spreading or containing the effects of technological progress on wage inequality? (d) To what extent selective immigration policies maximize native workers’ prospects and wellbeing? (e) How can we increase degree of assimilation of immigrants? To address these questions, we will develop dynamic equilibrium models that explicitly characterize human capital accumulation decisions of workers and how these decisions interact with migration. Our proposed models will introduce rich labor market structures and a variety of economic shocks. They will require the implementation of novel estimation methods, which we will also develop. The estimated models will be used to evaluate and design key economic policies for the labor market.
Year 2018
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41734 Project

Déconstruire les paradigmes migratoires à travers les études sur les émigrations et les immigrations des femmes en Italie

Authors Adelina Miranda
Year 2018
Journal Name Revue européenne des migrations internationales
41735 Journal Article

Domestic Violence against Male Same-Sex Partners in the EU with special reference to Refugee and Migrant Gay Men in Germany

Principal investigator Yeshwant Naik (Principal Investigator)
"In vielen Fällen sind homosexuelle Flüchtlinge, die nach Deutschland kommen, in gleichgeschlechtlichen Beziehungen und Begegnungen, insbesondere in der Dating-Szene, mit Missbrauch und Gewalt konfrontiert. Ausgangspunkt des Forschungsvorhabens ist die An­nahme, dass Diskriminierungserlebnisse für Minderhei­ten in homosexuellen Kreisen aufgrund ihrer Ethnie keine Seltenheit sind. Auch in der deutschen Szene herrschen rassistische Machtstrukturen vor. So sind homosexuelle Flüchtlinge, die nach Deutschland kommen, in gleichge­schlechtlichen Beziehungen und Begegnungen, insbe­sondere in der Dating-Szene, mit Missbrauch und Gewalt konfrontiert. Erfahrungen dieser Art ähneln jenen in heterosexuellen Beziehungen, werden jedoch seltener verbalisiert. Betroffene sind der An­sicht, dass Er­eignisse dieser Art Privatangelegenheit seien und es an rechtlicher Unterstützung und gesell­schaftlichem Bewusstsein mangle. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist es, vertieftes Verständnis für häusliche Gewalt und sexuellen Missbrauch in männli­chen gleichgeschlechtlichen Beziehungen zu schaffen. Anhand der internationalen Rechtslage bei häuslicher Gewalt gegen Frauen sollen zudem strukturelle und institutionelle Lösungen für Män­ner, die sich in denselben Situationen befinden, formu­liert werden. Hierzu werden zunächst Gründe für das Auftreten von Gewalt erfasst sowie die Art und Weise, wie sich diese manifestiert, dargelegt. Als Zweites werden be­währte rechtliche Verfahrensweisen der EU, die als Rechtsgrundlage dienen können, thematisiert. Drittens soll ein Basisdatensatz gewonnen und für wei­tere Studien zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Forschungsarbeit fällt in den Anwendungsbereich zweier Resolutionen der Parla­mentarischen Versammlung des Europarats sowie einer Empfehlung des Europarats. Bei ersteren handelt es sich um Resolution 1582 (2007) zur Bekämpfung häuslicher Gewalt gegen Frauen und Resolution 1697 (2009) zu Risiken häuslicher Gewalt gegen Migrantinnen. Hinzu kommt die Empfehlung des Ministerkomitees des Euro­parats an die Mitgliedsstaaten zum Schutz von Frauen gegen Gewalt von 2002. Mit dem Vorhaben erhofft Dr. Naik, ein wichtiges Forschungsdesiderat zu adressie­ren, da die Forschung über Diskriminierungen dieser Art noch keinen ausreichenden Eingang in rechtswissen­schaftliche Diskussionen gefunden hat."
Year 2018
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41736 Project

BODYRULES - Organisationsregeln zum Umgang mit dem Körper im Spannungsfeld von Organisation und Zuwanderung

Principal investigator Ines Michalowski (Principal Investigator )
"Wie verändern sich Organisationen in einer durch Zuwanderung diverser werdenden Gesellschaft und zwar insbesondere hinsichtlich der Regelung kulturell stark variierender sozialer Normen? Inwiefern lassen sich organisationsspezifische Besonderheiten hinsichtlich der Veränderung dieser Regelungen identifizieren? Dies sind zwei Leitfragen des vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) geförderten Verbundprojekts BODYRULES, in dem das WZB, die Organisationssoziologie der Universität Potsdam, und die Medizinsoziologie der Charité Berlin kooperieren (Förderkennzeichen 01UM1811BY). Das Projekt konzentriert sich auf formale und informale Organisationsregeln rund um den Körper, Sexualität und Geschlechterverhältnisse, da hier kulturelle Unterschiede besonders deutlich werden. Im Rahmen einer vergleichenden Analyse werden drei Organisationstypen analysiert, die von solch einem Wandel besonders berührt sind und für die der Umgang mit dem menschlichen Körper besonders relevant ist: Krankhäuser, Schulen und Schwimmbäder. Das vom WZB durchgeführte Teilprojekt befasst sich mit Schwimmbädern und kooperiert eng mit dem Dachverband der deutschen Schwimmbadbetreiber, der Deutschen Gesellschaft für das Badewesen e.V.. Konflikte rund um den Körper, Sexualität und Geschlechterverhältnisse spielen eine wichtige Rolle im Alltag vieler Bäder. Forderungen nach Frauenbadezeiten mit weiblicher Badaufsicht sowie nach der Erlaubnis des Tragens von Burkinis einerseits und nach Unisex-Umkleiden für LGBT oder FKK Schwimmzeiten andererseits können dabei zu widersprüchlichen Erwartungen an Badbetreiber führen. Diese Entwicklung ist keineswegs auf das Schwimmbad beschränkt, sondern ein Abbild grundsätzlicher gesellschaftlicher Kontroversen: Wie weit sollte sich eine demokratisch und plurale Gesellschaft für die Forderungen einzelner Gruppen öffnen? Welche kulturellen Praktiken und welche Organisationsregeln sind verhandelbar – und welche nicht? Wie häufig sind solche Forderungen in deutschen Schwimmbädern und inwieweit gehen Badbetreiber auf die Bedürfnisse unterschiedlicher Nutzergruppen ein? Zur Beantwortung dieser Fragen erhebt das vom WZB geleitete Teilprojekt quantitative und qualitative Daten: Erstens wird die Berichterstattung deutscher Zeitungen und Zeitschriften im Zeitraum zwischen 1998 und 2018 zu migrationsbezogenen Konflikten in deutschen Schwimmbädern im Rahmen einer Claims Analysis erfasst. Im Fokus der Analyse steht die Frage, in welchen Konfliktbereichen die verschiedenen Akteure die meisten Claims formulieren und wie sich die Akteure in diesem Themenfeld positionieren. Zweitens soll eine Umfrage unter den Mitgliedern der Deutschen Gesellschaft für das Badewesen e.V., die fast alle Badbetreiber in Deutschland erreicht, erfassen, welche Regelungen und Arrangements es in deutschen Schwimmbädern hinsichtlich körperbezogener sozialer Normen gibt. Drittens werden in je zwei ausgewählten Frei- und Hallenbädern qualitative Interviews durchgeführt, die neben denen in der Umfrage fokussierten formalen Regelungen auch informale Organisationsregeln beleuchten und zudem Begründungen bzw. Legitimierungen für Regelungen erfassen. Schließlich werden die Ergebnisse zu Schwimmbädern mit den Ergebnissen aus den Teilprojekten zu Krankenhäusern und Schulen verglichen, um organisationsspezifische Regelungs- und Legitimationsmuster zu erkennen. Ziel hier ist es, einen Beitrag zu internationalen theoretischen Diskussionen zu leisten, indem bisherige länderspezifische Erklärungsansätze der Öffnung für die Forderungen religiöser Minderheiten um einen organisationssoziologischen Ansatz ergänzt werden."
Year 2018
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41737 Project

Migrationsaspirationen von syrischen Flüchtlingen in der Türkei vor dem Hintergrund ihrer familiären Situation

Principal investigator Franck Düvell (Principal Investigator)
"Inhalt und Fragestellung Die Türkei ist das Hauptaufnahmeland von syrischen Flüchtlingen. Offiziell sind dort 3,5 Millionen syrische Flüchtlinge registriert, aber obwohl bis zu 200.000 nicht registriert sind, dürfte die tatsächliche Zahl der Flüchtlinge weit niedriger sein. In 2015/16 sind rund eine Millionen Flüchtlinge weiter in die EU gezogen, bis die Grenzen wieder geschlossen wurden. Seitdem sind die Zahlen der Neuankömmlinge stark gesunken auf 1.000 bis 2.000 monatlich. Dieses Projekt soll herausfinden, wie es um die Migrationsaspirationen von syrischen Flüchtlingen in der Türkei bestellt ist, ob sie bleiben, zurückkehren oder in die EU wollen und wie hoch demnach das Migrationspotential ist. Es untersucht insbesondere den Familienkontext, die Rolle getrennter Familien und Überlegungen zum Familienwohl als Migrationsgrund, außerdem Migrationsentscheidungsprozesse im Familienverband sowie daneben auch die Perzeption von Flüchtlings- und sozialen Rechten in der Türkei, der EU und insbesondere in Deutschland. Methodik Zu diesem Zweck werden wir einen Survey in sechs Städten in der Türkei erheben (N: 6x250=1500) und daneben noch Tiefeninterviews durchführen (N: 6x15=90). Arbeitsschritte Erstellung der Erhebungsinstrumente Durchführung des Survey sowie der qualitativen Interviews, Data Cleaning und Entry, deskriptive Analyse, Regressionsanalyse Internationaler Workshop in Berlin, zu dem weitere Wissenschaftler aus der Türkei und Deutschland ihre Forschungen zu syrischen Flüchtlingsfamilien vorstellen Verfassen des Forschungsberichtes sowie eines Briefs, Veröffentlichung derselben auf weiteren Veranstaltungen in Kopenhagen, Brüssel und Ankara"
Year 2018
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41738 Project

Crossing the mountain and negotiating the border: Human smuggling in eastern Turkey

Authors Özge Biner
Year 2018
Journal Name New Perspectives on Turkey
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41739 Journal Article

Refugiados en movimiento : retos políticos, legales y sociales en tiempos de inestabilidad

Authors David Moya, Georgios Milios, Alisa Petroff
Year 2018
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41740 Book

The Newcomers’ Right to the Common Space: The case of Athens during the refugee crisis

Year 2018
Journal Name ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies
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41741 Journal Article

Migration und Polizei – Auswirkungen der Zuwanderung auf die Organisation und Diversität der deutschen Polizei

Principal investigator Antonio Vera (Principal Investigator ), Martin Brussig (Principal Investigator ), Rafael Behr (Principal Investigator ), Anja Weiß (Principal Investigator )
"Migration ist in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland kein neues Phänomen, sondern stets ein wichtiger Treiber für gesellschaftlichen und institutionellen Wandel gewesen. Sie stellt eine permanente gesellschaftliche Herausforderung dar, die sich durch die aktuelle Flüchtlingssituation verschärft hat und deren Bewältigung nicht zuletzt dem Staat und seinen Institutionen obliegt. Die deutschen Polizeien des Bundes und der Länder mit ihren mehr als 300.000 Beschäftigten sind in vielerlei Hinsicht intensiv von der Zuwanderung betroffen. Migranten können als Teil der Bevölkerung Opfer von Straftaten werden und ebenso als Täter in Erscheinung treten. Als sichtbarster Vertreter des Staates stellt die Polizei aber auch eine wichtige Anlaufstelle für Mi­granten bei der Bewältigung von Herausforderungen in ihrem neuen Lebensumfeld dar. Das Handeln und die Wertvorstellungen der einzelnen Polizeibeamten werden dabei nicht selten mit der Einstellung der vermeintlichen „Mehrheitsgesellschaft“ gleichgesetzt. Insofern spielt die Polizei eine zentrale Rolle bei der gesellschaftlichen Integration von Zuwanderern. Die Polizei hat in der Vergangenheit auf die migrationsbedingten Herausforderungen auf vielfältige Art und Weise reagiert. Im Mittelpunkt standen Bemühungen, Polizeibeamten interkulturelle Kompetenz zu vermitteln und die Diversität der Belegschaft zu erhöhen, indem Beamte mit Migrationshintergrund rekrutiert wurden. Darüber hinaus wurden Organisationsstrukturen und -prozesse angepasst, beispielsweise durch die Einrichtung von Kompetenzzentren für interkulturelle Aufgaben oder die Berücksichtigung interkultureller Aspekte bei der Präventionsarbeit. Eine systematische Bestandsaufnahme und gezielte Weiterentwicklung des damit verbundenen institutionellen Wandels hat allerdings kaum stattgefunden. Vor diesem Hintergrund analysiert das Projekt MIGRATE die Prozesse institutionellen Wandels, mit denen die Polizei auf die Herausforderungen der Migration reagiert, sowie deren Folgen. Im Mittelpunkt sollen die Organisationsgestaltung der Polizei, ihr Personal- und Diversitätsmanagement, die Bürger-Polizei-Interaktion sowie die Organisationskultur der Polizei stehen, wobei insb. qualitative empirische Methoden eingesetzt werden sollen. Die erforderlichen Daten sollen in den Landespolizeien Nordrhein-Westfalens, Baden-Württembergs, Berlins und Hamburgs erhoben werden, was angesichts der Bevölkerungszahlen in diesen Ländern und ihrer strukturellen Vielfalt systematische Vergleiche und damit Erkenntnisse erlaubt, die über den konkreten Einzelfall hinausreichen. Zudem sollen Polizeibeamte, die an der Akademie der Polizei Hamburg sowie an der Deutschen Hochschule der Polizei ein Studium absolvieren, befragt werden. MIGRATE zielt auf die Gewinnung von Erkenntnissen darüber ab, wie sich die deutsche Polizei als zentrale gesellschaftliche Institution in Reaktion auf Einwanderung verändert hat und weiterhin verändern wird. In empirischen Studien soll untersucht werden, ob und wie eine interkulturelle Öffnung der Polizei stattfindet, auf welche Art und Weise die Partizipation von Migranten erfolgt und welche organisationalen sowie integrativen Effekte dies hat. Diese sollen in Fachzeitschriften publiziert sowie über entsprechende Angebote der Projektpartner in die polizeiliche Aus- und Fortbildung einfließen. Auf diese Weise soll auf eine höhere interkulturelle Kompetenz der Polizei und eine Optimierung ihrer Organisationsstrukturen und Arbeitsprozesse hingewirkt und zugleich zur gesellschaftlichen Integration von Migranten beigetragen werden. Dabei ermöglicht die Betrachtung der Länderpolizeien von zwei großen Flächenländern und zwei Stadtstaaten umfassende Vergleiche von Polizeibehörden unterschiedlichen Typs in ihren jeweiligen räumlichen Kontexten. MIGRATE ist als interdisziplinäres und institutionenübergreifendes Verbundprojekt angelegt, das aus anwendungsorientierter Perspektive empirische Forschung betreibt und auf diese Weise innovative und praxisbezogene Ansätze zur Optimierung der migrationsbezogenen Polizeiarbeit, der Beziehungen zwischen Polizei und Migranten und der Chancengleichheit und gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe von Migranten entwickelt."
Year 2018
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41742 Project

Irregular Immigrants and Control Policies in the UK

Authors Franck Düvell, Myriam Cherti, Iryna Lapshyna
Illegal immigration, irregular migrants and the processes used by governments and other official bodies to deport, prosecute or otherwise undertake enforcement activities against people on the basis of immigration status form one of the most contentious and vexed element of global migration debate. This report presents findings from an ESRC-funded project examining irregular migration and immigration enforcement in the UK. The study focuses specifically on in-country immigration law enforcement and its effects, impacts and limits, a phenomenon that has so far received very little academic attention. It looks at the impact of increasingly tight legislation and robust enforcement measures on irregular migration and on irregular immigrants; in particular, it investigates: The organisational structure, culture and practices of immigration law enforcement agencies; The political, legal, practical and ethical limits of law enforcement; The interaction between irregular immigrants’ strategies, employer practices and enforcement measures; How irregular migrants navigate internal immigration controls; The impact of enforcement on irregular migrants’ access to fundamental rights; How this suite of processes, actions and impacts are perceived and shape policies. The investigation considers three sometimes overlapping groups – immigration enforcement (29 individuals interviewed)– which are examined at both a managerial and delivery level; stakeholder groups such as public service providers (16 individuals) and employers (18 individuals), who are also charged with the enforcement of migration laws, as well as voluntary sector organisations (21 individuals); and the target groups for enforcement action – notably the irregular migrants themselves (175 individuals).
Year 2018
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41744 Report

Norms and Values in the European Migration and Refugee Crisis

Principal investigator Angeliki DIMITRIADI (PI)
Several, partly interconnected crises have profoundly challenged the European project in recent years. Among them especially the reactions to the arrival of 1.25 million refugees in 2015 called into question the idea(l) of a unified Europe guaranteeing the rights of refugees and implementing norms and values many see contained in the Community acquis. The still ongoing debate about the distribution of refugees within the EU, the further development of the Dublin system and discussions about “deals” with Turkey and North-African states showed and show deep divides about the values Europe should realize. There is an urgent need to stabilize and reunite Europe with common norms and values to find appropriate, morally right and feasible solutions to the multiple crises it faces. The EU’s ability to overcome its crises, particularly in the context of migration and integration policies, will not only depend on its provision of material benefits to states and individuals, it must also credibly claim the ability to establish conditions for legitimacy and justice within and beyond Europe. With a unique combination of social scientific analysis, as well as legal and philosophical normative reconstruction and theory, NoVaMigra will develop a precise descriptive and normative understanding of the current “value crisis”, assess possible evolutions of European values, and consider Europe’s future in light of rights, norms, and values that it should aim at and that could contribute to overcoming the crisis.
Year 2018
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41745 Project

Discriminative preferences and fairness ideals in diverse societies: An ‘experimental economics’ approach

In economics, a distinction is made between statistical and taste-based discrimination (henceforth, TBD). Statistical discrimination refers to discrimination in a context with strategic uncertainty. Someone who is uncertain about the future behaviour of a person with a different ethnicity may rely on information about the different ethnic group to which this person belongs to form beliefs about the behaviour of that person. This may lead to discrimination. TBD refers to discrimination in a context without strategic uncertainty. It implies suffering a disutility when interacting with ‘different’ others. This project systematically studies TBD in ethnically diverse societies. Identifying TBD is important because overcoming it requires different policies than overcoming statistical discrimination: they should deal with changing preferences of people rather than providing information about specific interaction partners. But identifying TBD is tricky. First, it is impossible to identify using uncontrolled empirical data because these data are characterised by strategic uncertainty. Second, people are generally reluctant to identify themselves as a discriminator. In the project, I study TBS using novel economic experiments that circumvent these problems. The project consists of three main objectives. First, I investigate whether and how preferences of European natives in social interactions depend on others’ ethnicity. Are natives as altruistic, reciprocal, envious to immigrants as compared to other natives? Second, I study whether natives have different fairness ideals—what constitutes a fair distribution of resources from the perspective of an impartial spectator—when it comes to natives than when it comes to non-natives. Third, I analyse whether preferences and fairness ideals depend on exposure to diversity: do preferences and fairness ideals of natives change as contact with non-natives increases, and, if so, how?
Year 2018
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41746 Project

The causal effect of age at migration on youth educational attainment

Authors Dominique Lemmermann, RT Riphahn, Regina T. Riphahn
Year 2018
Journal Name Economics of Education Review
Citations (WoS) 2
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41747 Journal Article

Shifting settler-colonial discourses of environmentalism: Representations of indigeneity and migration in Australian conservation

Authors Ellen van Holstein, L Head, Lesley Head
Year 2018
Journal Name Geoforum
Citations (WoS) 1
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41748 Journal Article

The radius of Generalized Trust among different educational groups: Are those 'most people' out-groups?

European countries experience an increasing policy concern about migration’s impacts on social cohesion. Social cohesion is understood as ‘solidarity’ and ‘togetherness’, often measured by generalized trust. However, studies using think aloud data demonstrate that many respondents high in generalized trust think ‘most people’ refers to people they know, whereas a high proportion of those low in trust think about strangers. Thus this project starts by recognizing that generalized trust is not necessarily the same as lack of prejudiced feelings about out-groups and aims to return to the overlooked basics: the operationalization of generalized trust, which is allegedly in decline by ethnic diversity. Furthermore, this project aims to relate attitudes to implicit measures and behavior in a controlled setting, which is ignored in previous research. Failure to accurately map the relation between generalized and out-group trust may not only lead us to possibly overestimate or underestimate their incidence in different settings, but it also conceals clear public policy directions. The first two objective of this research are: to examine the measurement similarity between generalized and out-group trust among educational groups with the aid of think aloud data and invariance testing. The third objective is to experimentally assess how well these attitudes relate to less socially desirable measures, namely reaction time in associating out-groups and in-groups with (un)pleasant words and how far research participants choose to sit away from in-groups and out-groups as social distance. Results from this project will benefit governmental agencies and academics seeking to map social cohesion by providing better quality indicators. Furthermore, the EF will enable the candidate to further develop her position as a leading academic in political psychology. This project, finally, contributes to an overarching policy area of the EU in enhancing social inclusion and inclusive growth.
Year 2018
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41749 Project

The European Union Never got Rid of Its Internal Controls

Authors Iker Barbero
Year 2018
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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41750 Journal Article

What determines the rejection of immigrants through an integrative model

Authors Ma Ángeles Cea D'Ancona, Ma Angeles Cea D'Ancona
Year 2018
Journal Name Social Science Research
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41751 Journal Article

Small- and medium-sized enterprises in a multilingual region: best practices in multilingualism or missed opportunities?

Authors Elena Chiocchetti
Year 2018
Journal Name European J. of International Management
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41752 Journal Article

Gulag Echoes in the “multicultural prison”: historical and geographical influences on the identity and politics of ethnic minority prisoners in the communist successor states of Russia Europe.

'The project will examine the impact of the system of penality developed in the Soviet gulag on the ethnic identification and political radicalisation of prisoners in the Soviet Union and the communist successor states of Europe today. It is informed by the proposition that prisons are sites of ethnic identity construction but that the processes involved vary within and between states. In the project, the focus is on the extent to which particular 'prison-styles' affect the social relationships, self-identification and political association of ethnic minority prisoners. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the communist successor states all set about reforming their prison systems to bring them into line with international and European norms. However, all to a lesser or greater extent still have legacies of the system gestated in the Soviet Gulag and exported to East-Central-Europe after WWII. These may include the internal organisation of penal space, a collectivist approach to prisoner management, penal labour and, as in Russian case, a geographical distribution of the penal estate that results in prisoners being sent excessively long distances to serve their sentences. It is the how these legacies, interacting with other forces (including official and popular discourses, formal policy and individual life-histories) transform, confirm, and suppress the ethnic identification of prisoners that the project seeks to excavate. It will use a mixed method approach to answer research questions, including interviews with ex-prisoners and prisoners' families, the use of archival and documentary sources and social media. The research will use case studies to analyze the experiences of ethnic minority prisoners over time and through space. These provisionally will be Chechens, Tartars, Ukrainians, Estonians, migrant Uzbek and Tadjik workers and Roma and the country case studies are the Russian Federation, Georgia and Romania.'
Year 2018
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41753 Project

The experience of ethnic prejudice of Turkish ethnic minorities in Flanders: Does it affect parental preferences about partner selection?

Authors Amelie Van Pottelberge, J Lievens, John Lievens
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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41754 Journal Article

Crimes of Solidarity in Mobility. Alternative Views on Migrant Smuggling

Year 2018
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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41755 Journal Article

Labour's Immigration Policy. The Making of the Migration State

Authors Erica Consterdine
Year 2018
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41757 Book

From the Exclusion of Individual Authors to the Transnationalisation of the Literary Field: Immigrant and Ethnic-Minority Writing in Germany

Year 2018
Book Title Immigrant and Ethnic-Minority Writers since 1945: Fourteen National Contexts in Europe and Beyond
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41758 Book Chapter

Neue Heimat in Europa: Regionaler Flüchtlingszuzug in Deutschland und Österreich

Year 2018
Journal Name Informationen zur Raumentwicklung
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41759 Journal Article

Commitment to Development Index

The Commitment to Development Index focuses policies that benefit people living in poorer nations. It ranks 27 of the world’s richest countries (for the period 2003-2018) on these policies. The Index comprises seven components: aid (both quantity, as a share of gross national income, and quality), trade, finance, migration, environment, security, and technology. Each component is underpinned by a series of indicators of policy effectiveness in these areas. A country receives points for policies and actions that support poor nations in their efforts to build prosperity, good government, and security. The scores across these seven components are averaged for a final score. The migration component related to migration policy is composed of: 1) an indicator on international conventions 2) indicator on integration policies taken from the Migrant Integration Policy Index (MIPEX), developed by the Migration Policy Group (MPG). The indicator on international conventions assesses the extent to which countries have ratified international conventions aiming to protect migrants. Three conventions are considered: 1949 Convention concerning Migration for Employment (No. 97); 1975 Convention concerning Migrations in Abusive Conditions and the Promotion of Equality of Opportunity and Treatment of Migrant Workers (No. 143); 2000 Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children.
Year 2018
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41760 Data Set

Transnational families in Spain. Marriage, nationality and gender

Authors Maja Biernacka
Year 2018
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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41761 Journal Article

Refugee Governance, State and Politics in the Middle East

Authors Zeynep Sahin Mencütek
Year 2018
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41763 Book

EU Management of Migration Crisis: Policy Responses from Italy

Authors Fulvio Attina
Year 2018
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41765 Policy Brief

Study on Refugee Protection and Development

Background In the context of the current development of the Global Compact on Refugees, as well as the recent experience of the Jordan Compact, responses to large-scale refugee crises, and the potential of development approaches, are key areas of potential study. Policy makers are (re-)examining policy options in the context of forced migration, protection and development, based on the priorities and challenges all stakeholders involved are facing. With this in mind, the study aims to assess potential policy options, with the goal of clarifying and incorporating the needs and priorities of relevant stakeholders, not least refugees and the countries hosting them. Objectives The study aims to enhance policy-relevant knowledge on the potential of regional protection policies to support durable solutions and resilience-based development. The study therefore seeks to provide a comprehensive assessment of viable policy options to address the development-displacement nexus for protection in the Middle East region and across the world. Findings Policy options presented in the final report focus on four main areas of work, all of which are considered equally important, and which were developed based on input from stakeholders in refugee hosting countries (Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey in particular). For more on the policy options, please see the report linked below. The first area of policy work for refugee-hosting countries and relevant organisations and donors is focused on analysing the situation and designing a tailored approach to it. Host countries (and donors) must ensure that all relevant information on refugees has been collected and assessed, in order to design and prioritise the most appropriate actions. Similarly, implementing a multi-stakeholder approach (across stakeholder groups and levels of national administration) can improve the effectiveness of policy implementation. Secondly, countries must ensure effective communication and coordination. This involves streamlining and communicating one’s approach both within and outside the national context to ensure a unified approach. Thirdly, countries, donors and implementing organisations should implement policies and programmes that integrate development perspectives into service provision. Longer-term impacts require implementing sustainable structures in refugee-hosting countries. Finally, countries, donors and implementing organisations should focus on programmes and policies aimed at boosting business and decent work – for both refugees and nationals.
Year 2018
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41766 Project

Modeling migrant smuggling: Testing descriptive types against recent findings

Authors Veronika Bilger
Year 2018
Journal Name New Perspectives on Turkey
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41767 Journal Article

Free Movement of Workers and the Self-employment issue. The Case of The “Polish Plumber” in France

Authors Małgorzata Patok
Year 2018
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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41768 Journal Article

The difference of ‘being diverse’: City branding and multiculturalism in the ‘Leicester Model’

Authors Inès Hassen, Ines Hassen, Massimo Giovanardi
Year 2018
Journal Name Cities
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41770 Journal Article

Can we anticipate future migration flows?

Authors Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
Year 2018
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41771 Policy Brief

Climate Change Impacts on Migration and Urbanization

Principal investigator Ruud Koopmans (Principal Investigator), Marc Helbling (Principal Investigator)
Millions of international migrants have recently sought refuge in Europe, animating debates about the best ways to manage migration. Even more people are being displaced within their home countries every year due to natural disasters like floods and storms; and underlying these sudden events is a steady flow of people leaving their rural livelihoods behind and flocking to the cities in an ongoing trend towards urbanization. Across spatial scales, humanity is on the move. And, that much is clear, climate change plays a role in this: whether in the form of unprecedented droughts that drive people to abandon their fields (as likely happened in Syria just before the war) or through differential impacts on countries’ economies that widen the income gaps and fuel international migration. But how large are the effects of climate change - and how do they interact across spatial scales? Little to no quantitative research is available, and the numbers that have been proposed (e.g. of “environmental refugees”) are often crude estimates, and are highly contested. IMPETUS aims for a unified, quantitative modeling approach to understand the linkages between migration, urbanization, and climate change. To this end, the project combines interdisciplinary expertise from climate change, migration, and urban development. The project will not only provide a better understanding of the relevant environmental and social processes, but also provide valuable data - including projections of future migration and urbanization under climate change - to science and policymakers. This may contribute to anticipating political and humanitarian crises and improving migration policies, as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, in a rapidly changing world.
Year 2018
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41772 Project

Acculturation, social exclusion and resistance: Experiences of young Moroccans in Italy

Authors Elvira Cicognani, Christopher C. Sonn, Bruna Zani, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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41773 Journal Article

Supporting refugee parents of young children: “knowing you’re not alone”

Authors Miriam Stewart, Edward Makwarimba, Knox Makumbe, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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41774 Journal Article

Preventive school-based interventions to promote the mental well-being of refugee and migrant adolescents

Today, European societies face the challenge of promoting the integration of growing numbers of refugee and migrant adolescents. Supporting the mental well-being of these young newcomers is herein pivotal, with recent scholarly work emphasizing the preventive role of schools in promoting mental well-being. Yet, there is still little robust evidence on how preventive school-based interventions may impact newcomers’ well-being. This project therefore aims to further the evidence-base on the role of preventive school-based interventions in promoting refugee and migrant adolescents’ mental well-being, and on how they can be implemented in diverse educational contexts. We specifically look at interventions furthering social support and social cohesion, since these factors are known to be highly beneficial for newcomers’ well-being. Five interventions –school-mediation intervention, classroom drama therapy, social support groups in refugee classes, support networks on school level, and teachers’ training– will be implemented in six European countries. We will assess the interventions’ long-term impact on newcomers’ well-being (n=3,000), particularly their impact on mental health problems, resilience, academic achievements, school drop-out and social support. A mixed-methods longitudinal approach will combine questionnaires completed by adolescents, parents and teachers, focus groups with these groups, data on adolescents’ academic achievements, and an economic assessment of the costs related to the implementation. Additionally, focus groups and national committees with other stakeholders will evaluate the impact of contextual factors (e.g., educational system) in order to design models to implement the effective interventions in other contexts. As such, this study will lead to a solid evidence-base on the impact of preventive school-based interventions on young newcomers’ mental well-being and the possibilities to implementing these interventions in differing contexts.
Year 2018
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41775 Project

Reducing interethnic bias through real-life and literary encounters: The interplay between face-to-face and vicarious contact in high school classrooms

Authors Margot Belet
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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41776 Journal Article

A Stark Choice: Domestic Violence or Deportation?

Authors Vladislava Stoyanova
Year 2018
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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41777 Journal Article

The Right to Family Reunion vs Integration Conditions for Third-Country Nationals

Authors Patrycja Dąbrowska-Kłosińska, Patrycja Dabrowska-Klosinska
Year 2018
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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41778 Journal Article

Religiosity as a bridge or barrier to immigrant children’s educational achievement?

Authors Sarah Carol, Benjamin Schulz
Year 2018
Journal Name Research in Social Stratification and Mobility
Citations (WoS) 3
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41779 Journal Article

European refugee crisis: psychological trauma of refugees and care givers

Authors Irena Papadopoulos, Papadopoulos, Sue Shea
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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41780 Journal Article

Emotional Fit in Intercultural Interactions: Studying mimicry and emotional grounding as micro-processes of (intercultural) belonging.

Migration is often associated with lower well-being among minorities and with lower social cohesion in the host-society. The current project proposes that emotional similarity or fit between minority and majority members may buffer these negative effects, because fit stands for shared attributions of events and shared intentions to act, and has been linked to reduced stress and higher belonging among members of monocultural dyads and groups. However, since there are profound cultural differences in the typical emotional patterns associated with particular situations, there is often emotional misfit in intercultural interactions. My recent studies demonstrated, however, that minorities’ social contact with majority members increases their emotional fit with majority emotional patterns; yet, we don't know which processes account for this increase. The current project consists of two studies that investigate either mimicry or emotional grounding as a potential micro-process underlying emotional fit (objective1). They also assess the effect of emotional fit on the quality of intercultural interactions (objective2). The Research Fellow (RF) proposes a 2-year stay at the University of Amsterdam under the supervision of Prof. Fischer (mimicry-expert), including a 3-month secondment with Prof. Kashima at the University of Melbourne (expert in grounding and micro-processes of culture) to not only obtain theoretical training on mimicry and grounding, but also technical training on how to study these processes. In addition to conducting the studies, the deliverables of this project include two theoretical and two empirical articles, a behavioral coding scheme for grounding, presentations at 6 conferences and the RF’s training of transferable skills like organization, communication and leadership. This project will provide the RF with a unique skill-set, increase her visibility as an independent scholar and, therefore, importantly increase her future career possibilities.
Year 2018
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41781 Project

Sustaining mainstreaming of immigrant integration

Authors Alexander Wolffhardt, Migration Policy Group (MPG)
Year 2018
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41782 Policy Brief

IMMERSE "Integration Mapping of Refugee and Migrant Children in Schools and Other Experiential Environments in Europe"

Principal investigator Mercedes Fernández (Principal Investigator)
The IMMERSE project “Integration Mapping of refugee and Migrant Children in Schools and Other Experiential Environments in Europe” emerges at a time where Europe and its socio-educational system are facing a lot of pressure because the migration flows and the current refugee crisis. In this situation, refugee and migration children are the most vulnerable group and Europe is committed to provide them support and to promote more inclusive European societies. In this sense, IMMERSE aims to enhance the socio-educative inclusion of all refugee and migrant children through the generation of new data and policy recommendations on the integration of refugee and migrant children. An innovative and ICT supported solution has been proposed to carry out research activities in order to create a dashboard of socio-educational indicators that will allow to collect information to be analyzed and become practical policy recommendations. IMMERSE aims to foster the empowerment of children and other relevant stakeholders that impact on their integration and successful transition to adulthood into host societies. IMMERSE follows a whole school approach and aims to implement co-creation methods to involve all the key actors in the achievement of the results.
Year 2018
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41783 Project

State-of-the-art review on policy and research of returning Mexican and stranded Central American youth: the absence of pluricultural/intercultural educational practice in Mexico*

Authors Omar Loera-Gonzalez, Martha Montero-Sieburth, Omar Loera-González
Year 2018
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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41784 Journal Article

The value of earning for learning: Performance bonuses in immigrant language training

Authors Olof Åslund, Olof Aslund, Mattias Engdahl
Year 2018
Journal Name Economics of Education Review
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41785 Journal Article

Norms and Values in the European Migration and Refugee Crisis

The EU currently faces complex challenges regarding its internal unity, normative coherence and justifiable and universally acceptable refugee, migration, and integration policies. Convincing and successful responses require better knowledge on politically and socially relevant values, their impact on and transformation in migration/integration contexts and the role and possible evolution of European values. NOVAMIGRA – Norms and Values in the European Migration and Refugee Crisis will enhance the European knowledge base on these issues with a unique combination of social scientific and historical analysis, as well as legal and philosophical normative reconstruction and theory. It will provide a precise and comprehensive understanding of core values/norms in Europe, explain, how they motivate political, administrative and societal agents with regard to migration and the integration of migrants and refugees into European societies, and consider, if and why this has changed with and since the refugee crisis 2015. This will lead to better normative and efficiency assessments of migration/integration policies and measures, and to a clearer grasp of reasons for their endorsement or resistance to them. On this background NOVAMIGRA will develop a new idea[l] for Europe, a rights-based democratic perspective for the EU and its member states, which takes into account differences in European values/norms and their possible evolution and also reflects Europe’s global responsibility. This new idea(l) will allow design of a new political strategy for overcoming the deep divergences in Europe and inform NOVAMIGRA’s concrete policy recommendations contributing to the further development of the European Agenda on Migration, the Action Plan on the Integration of Third Country Nationals and similar European and national initiatives.
Year 2018
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41786 Project

Migration and Migrant Entrepreneurship in a German-Polish border region

Authors Anna Skraba, Magdalena Nowicka
Year 2018
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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41787 Journal Article

Migrationsnetzwerke und Risikodiversifizierung: Wie sich Schocks in den USA auf die Arbeitssuche in Mexiko auswirken

Principal investigator Esther Gehrke (Principal Investigator)
Internationale Migration ist in den letzten fünf Jahrzehnten stark angestiegen. In den Zielländern scheint dies weitgehend zu Produktivitätssteigerungen geführt zu haben. Gleichzeitig ist noch relativ wenig über die Entwicklungseffekte internationaler Migrationsnetzwerke auf die Herkunftsländer bekannt.Im Rahmen dieses Projektes sollen die Auswirkungen internationaler Migration auf Haushaltsentscheidungen in Herkunftsländern untersucht werden. Während sich die bisherige Literatur weitgehend auf die Einkommenseffekte von Rücküberweisungen konzentriert, soll in diesem Projekt festgestellt werden, ob der Zugang zu internationalen Migrationsnetzwerken - also Netzwerken zwischen Migranten und ihren zurückgebliebenen Angehörigen - einen ex-ante Versicherungseffekt auf Haushalte in den Herkunftsländern hat. Es gibt klare Evidenz dafür, dass Unsicherheit die Entscheidungen von Haushalten und Individuen beeinflusst. Wenn also Migrationsnetzwerke der Risikodiversifizierung dienen, so sollten sie auch solche Entscheidungen beeinflussen, die risikobehaftet sind. So ist beispielsweise bekannt, dass Arbeitssuchende, die einem hohen Maß an Risiko ausgesetzt sind, eher niedrig entlohnte Jobs annehmen als sich der zeitaufwändigen und ungewissen Arbeitssuche nach besser passenden Jobs zu widmen. Findet Risikoabsicherung über Migrationsnetzwerke statt, dann kann dies dazu führen, dass mehr Arbeitssuchende auf den für sie passenden Arbeitsplätzen landen. Damit würden Migrationsnetzwerke in den Herkunftsländern zu Wohlfahrtsverbesserungen führen, die über die direkten Effekte von Rücküberweisungen hinausgehen.Aufgrund der Endogenität von Migration, werden in diesem Projekt die Auswirkungen von Schocks in Migrationsnetzwerken zwischen Mexiko und den USA untersucht. Es werden dabei insbesondere solche Schocks in Betracht gezogen, die die Wirksamkeit dieser Netzwerke im Hinblick auf die Wahrscheinlichkeit, im Falle eines zukünftigen Schocks Einkommensunterstützung zu erhalten, beeinflussen. Beispiele für solche Schocks sind regionale Änderungen in Einwanderungsgesetzen, Abschiebungspraktiken oder wirtschaftliche Rezessionen. In einem ersten Schritt sollen neue Datenquellen (wie Daten sozialer Medien) ausgewertet werden, um Migrationsnetzwerke zwischen den USA und Mexiko auf subnationaler Ebene zu lokalisieren. Anhand hochfrequenter Arbeitsmarktdaten wird dann analysiert, wie sich Schocks in diesen Netzwerken auf die Arbeitssuche von Haushalten, ihre Berufswahl und letztlich die Arbeitsplatzqualität in Mexiko auswirken. In einem Doppelten-Differenz-Ansatz werden dazu räumliche Unterschiede in der typischen Zielregion von Migranten aus Mexiko innerhalb der USA mit zeitlicher Varianz im Auftreten von Schocks in diesen Regionen kombiniert.Die Ergebnisse dieses Projekts leisten einen Beitrag zu der aktuellen Debatte über die Kosten und Nutzen internationaler Migration, und geben Rückschlüsse auf die zugrunde liegenden Beweggründe für Migrationsentscheidungen.
Year 2018
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41788 Project

Political-Economic Transnational Behavior: A Case Study of the Polish American Economic Forum

Year 2018
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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41789 Journal Article

Political-Economic Transnational Behavior: A Case Study of the Polish American Economic Forum

Authors Mary Patrice
Year 2018
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne-Przegląd Polonijny
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41790 Journal Article

Racisme, antiracisme et migrations : l’Italie au cœur de la conjoncture politique européenne

Authors Miguel Mellino
Year 2018
Journal Name Revue européenne des migrations internationales
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41791 Journal Article

Shifting itineraries of asylum hospitality: Towards a process geographical approach of guest-host relations

Authors Kolar Aparna, Joris Schapendonk
Year 2018
Journal Name Geoforum
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41792 Journal Article

Christian-Muslim families dealing with religious pluralism in everyday family lifeReligious reconstruction in religiously mixed marriages

Mixed families are both the index and agent of social change: they exemplify the increase in migration flows and provide us with an opportunity to analyse the everyday processes related to Europe’s growing pluralism. Quantitative studies demonstrate that interfaith marriages lead to higher divorce rates, suggesting that the latter are due to communication difficulties and disagreements caused by cultural differences between partners, as well as to hostility from families of origin, religious institutions and society at large. However, rather than being firmly and empirically established, these concepts remain mere assumptions and, as such, also conceal the ways in which those involved actively and reflexively deal with these dynamics to prevent damage to their relationship. Much scholarly attention has focused on couples defined as Islamic-Catholic or Muslim-Christian, which represent a paradigmatic case study of “mixedness” that typically incorporates differences pertaining to ethnicity, class and faith. The challenge of this project gives an empirically adequate exploration of a pattern firmly established in quantitative studies, i.e., that interfaith marriages give rise to high divorce rates. This project thus aims to understand, through an in-depth qualitative study, the daily life of such families: what differences are responsible for tension between spouses, how they deal with this in order to avoid damage to their relationship, and how gender interferes with these problems. Mixed marriages will be a key to examine the whole of society facing new family changes, Islam and religious diversity in everyday life. The research project addresses the EU lines of Horizon 2020, studying one of the major challenges for an “inclusive and multicultural” Europe. The fellowship will provide me with wider competence, publications and connections necessary to apply for an ERC Grant in 2019.
Year 2018
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41793 Project

Nouvelles perspectives sur les migrations dans et depuis la région de Kayes

Principal investigator Nehara Feldman (Coordinator), Stéphanie Lima (Investigator), Sandrine Mesplé-Somps (Investigator)
L’objectif du projet NIMIK est d’identifier l’émergence de nouveaux phénomènes migratoires à partir d’enquêtes sur la région de Kayes. La mobilité vers d’autres pays d’Afrique et d’autres destinations, notamment l’Europe, depuis cette région a fait l’objet de nombreux travaux dont il s’agira de faire un bilan critique. Ces travaux permettent d’approcher les phénomènes migratoires avec une profondeur historique particulière, et on s’attachera à déceler à partir de ce terrain singulier les changements en cours. Sur une durée de deux ans, le projet réunit une équipe d’une dizaine de chercheuses et de chercheurs, économistes, statisticiens, géographes, sociologistes et anthropologues, basés en France et au Mali. La pluridisciplinarité permettra de réfléchir à l’articulation des motivations sociales, économiques, politiques et climatiques dans les projets de départ et, éventuellement, de retours. Le projet NIMIK est structuré autour de trois thèmes. Le premier coordonné par Sandrine Mesplé-Somps (IRD, UMR DIAL), a pour objet de dresser un bilan de la dynamique actuelle des migrations au Mali, notamment en matière de genre et d’étudier les aspirations nouvelles à migrer. Avec notamment l’appui de Björn Nilsson (économiste, post-doc), cet axe mobilisera des enquêtes statistiques existantes et mettra en place une enquête originale auprès de jeunes maliens sur leurs aspirations au départ. Le deuxième est coordonné par Nehara Feldman (anthropologue, Université de Picardie) associée à Aïssatou Mbodj-Pouye (anthropologue, CNRS IMAF, Paris et Point Sud, Bamako) et Joanne Le Bars (géographe, post-doc) ; il examinera les dynamiques familiales liées à la migration et s’intéressera à l’émergence possible de nouvelles configurations migratoires, notamment la migration autonome des femmes. Le troisième, coordonné par Stéphanie Lima (LMI Movida et Université de Toulouse) et auquel est associée Hawa Coulibaly (géographe, post-doc, LMI MACOTER et UMR CESSMA), étudie les interrelations entre les migrations internationales et la gouvernance locale dans la région de Kayes. Outre les trois post-doctorants cités, seront impliqués dans le projet un doctorant du LMI MACOTER, deux étudiants boursiers de Point Sud, Bamako, Mariam Sissoko et Mbaré Fofana et une étudiante en master de l’Université de Picardie, Nassima Guilal.
Year 2018
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41794 Project

Language proficiency and migration: an argument against testing

Authors Benjamin Boudou, Astrid von Busekist
Year 2018
Book Title Language policy and linguistic justice
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41796 Book Chapter

Partnerschaftsbildung im Kontext von Migration: Determinanten und Konsequenzen

Principal investigator Irena Kogan (Principal Investigator)
Das Projekt untersucht den Prozess der Partnerschaftsbildung von neu angekommenen (männlichen) Einwanderern im Kontext ungleicher Geschlechterverteilung und ausgeprägter kultureller und sozialer Distanz der Neuankömmlinge zur autochthonen Mehrheitsbevölkerung der Gastländer. Dabei bezieht es beide Perspektiven ein, d. h. es wird das Zusammenspiel zwischen (subjektiven) Einstellungen in der Mehrheitsbevölkerung der Aufnahmegesellschaft und den individuellen Präferenzen und Einschränkungen der Einwanderer untersucht. Da transnationale Ehen bei Zuwanderern, insbesondere Muslimen, häufig vorkommen, ist diese Art der Partnerwahl für das Projekt von besonderem Interesse. Auf Basis vorhandener Daten zu früheren Migrantenkohorten sollen die Integrationsaussichten von Zuwanderern, ihren Partnern und deren Nachkommen in transnationalen, intraethnischen und interethnischen Ehen in der strukturellen, sozialen und kulturellen Dimension verglichen werden.
Year 2018
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41798 Project

Transformations of lifestyles of Polish migrants living in Berlin (1980–2015)

Authors Agnieszka Szczepaniak-Kroll
Year 2018
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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41799 Journal Article

Growing up in Ethnic Enclaves: Language Proficiency and Educational Attainment of Immigrant Children [Germany]

Authors Alexander M. Danzer, Carsten Feuerbaum, Marc Piopiunik, ...
Year 2018
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41800 Working Paper
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