
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Migration and the Historical Population Register of Norway

Authors Gunnar Thorvaldsen, Nils Olav Østrem
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
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35101 Journal Article

When Do Migration Aspirations Materialize?

Principal investigator Daniel Auer (Principal Investigator), Marc Helbling (Principal Investigator), Friederike Römer (Principal Investigator), Jasper Tjaden (Principal Investigator)
"(1) Aspirations: In the absence of reliable, internationally available migration flow data necessary for statistical forecasting, policymakers increasingly turn to survey data on emigration intentions to evaluate future migration trends. The important assumption – i.e. that there is a measurable and systematic relationship between the intention to migrate and actual migration – has not been firmly established at the international level. In a first step, we examine the association between estimated population averages of emigration intentions and official migration flow data based on data for more than 160 countries. First results show a strong association between emigration intentions and recorded bilateral flows to industrialized countries, as well as between intentions and aggregated out-migration. The results provide policymakers with a reliability assessment of survey data on emigration intentions and encourage future attempts to incorporate survey data in formal statistical migration forecasting models. (2) Policies: Furthermore, we want to explore to what extent migrants consciously decide to migrate to countries that allow them to improve their economic situation taking into account the difficulties to migrate to this country. In particular, we would like to know how the difficulty to immigrate into a country prevents potential migrants from moving to this country. Might it be that migrants decide to move to more liberal countries to increase the chances to be accepted? We already know that migration flows increase when the destination country is economically more attractive (Borjas 1989; Hatton and Williamson 2003) and decrease when immigration policies are more restrictive (Helbling and Leblang 2018). These effects are to some extent due to rejections during the migration processes when for example visa applications are declined or people are not allowed to enter a country when they arrive at the border. (3) Corruption: Eventually, besides immigration policies in potential destination countries, the formation and subsequent materialization of migration aspirations is determined by various factors in the country of residence. However, there is surprisingly little empirical evidence on factors outside the pure economic sphere. For instance, the link between corruption and emigration has received growing attention. Until now, the evidence claiming a strong relationship relies on individual case studies and correlational analysis which severely limits generalizability. In our study, we apply quasi-experimental methods including instrumental variables and propensity score matching to global survey data on 130 countries over 6 years, covering almost 600’000 individual respondents. We find support for the notion that corruption – systematically and strongly - induces emigration plans across countries, across various model specifications and estimation methods. Strengthening causal claims about the link between corruption and emigration is important for further research in this field. Results are also relevant for policy-makers exploring options to address irregular migration in the context of development and trade agreements. "
Year 2018
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35102 Project

De(constructing) the refugees’ right to the city: State-run camps versus commoning practices in Athens, Thessaloniki and Mytilene

Year 2018
Book Title International Interdisciplinary Conference on Refugees and Forced Immigration Studies
 Conference Proceedings
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35103 Book Chapter

Fictions of Return: Jüdische Diaspora, Migration und Exil

Principal investigator Yael Almog (Principal Investigator)
"The project centers on the portrayals of Europe in literature, art and political writings by Jewish emigrants since the 1930s and until the present day. It holds that Jewish thinkers reconceptualized the continent in alliance with Jewish liturgical vocabulary. Europe emerged as a lost homeland for Jews, a terrain from which one is expelled. Feelings of guilt, social isolation, and historical injustice – which have shaped Jewish individuals’ affinity to the continent since the 1930s – enforced this impression. Alongside the establishment of Israel and development of Jewish communities in America, Jews thus began to imagine a relationship to Europe that mirrors the attitude they once possessed toward the mythical Zion before the birth of political Zionism. Following the oscillation between “diaspora” and “homeland” in Jewish historical imagination, the project scrutinizes Jews’ volatile and interdependent relationship to Europe, Israel, and North America. Works by German-Jewish emigrants and by Jewish migrants to Germany stress the competing roles that the image of Europe as a lethal place for Jews has played in global politics. “Fictions of return” to the continent have thus posed a continual challenge to political theories that describe the mass exile from Europe as constitutive of postwar reality due to its irreversibility, such as Hannah Arendt’s account of totalitarianism."
Year 2018
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35104 Project

New speakers and use of Russian in the Northern Norway

The NEW_WAY project will look at trajectories across the lifespan among Russian-speaking linguistic actors, and on the role of speaking/writing Russian in the political economy of Northern Norway around the Russian-Norwegian border. With the end of Cold War and implementation of more flexible border policies, Northern Norway, as other regions neighbouring with ex-USSR, got placed into the heart of geopolitics, global migration and sea trade, security and environmental crises. In the two decades after the Warsaw Pact dissolution, use and acquisition of Russian by different social actors, including speakers of other languages, has renewed its significance in the multilingual economy of the region. With this MSCA action, I would bring my competence on biographical research, knowledge of Russian and expertise on Russian-speaking migrant communities to complement the Norwegian research team. I wish to expand the biographical workshops methods with nexus analysis supervised by the world-renowned expert in nexus analysis. I will gain understanding of Northern borderland multilingual policies and practices in order to reveal deep-running social processes present and past (e.g. legal recognition, language investment and commodification, identity and community building etc.) with implications for social cohesion and peaceful neighbouring policy across other borderlands in Europe, as well as with potential for theory building and terminology creation. The project is expected to open ways to understanding the dynamics of decision-making that multilingual speakers undertake in investing into and building their individual language repertoires. Building from multi-sited ethnographic and biographical accounts, the project has a potential to construct a holistic perspective on multilingual practices and decision-making. The resulting picture goes beyond the sum of its elements and will inform critical rethinking of the concepts of community, diaspora, minority,majority and language.
Year 2018
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35105 Project

Deconstructing Migration Paradigms through Studies on Emigration and Immigration of Women in Italy

Authors Adelina Miranda
Year 2018
Journal Name Revue européenne des migrations internationales
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35106 Journal Article

Immigration and asylum, at the center of the political arena». Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2018

Además del tradicional análisis del estado y la evolución de la inmigración en España, la edición de 2018 de Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración quiere destacar la instalación de la inmigración y el asilo en el centro de la arena política y social en Europa y en Estados Unidos. Ello ha llevado, entre otras cuestiones, a una hiperpolitización negativa del fenómeno en ambas regiones, precisamente dos de los mayores receptores de inmigración en el mundo, y donde las fuerzas de extrema derecha y populistas –que hacen del rechazo a la inmigración su principal bandera– siguen ampliando sus apoyos. En la edición de este año, el Anuario también reflexiona sobre temas tan relevantes como la situación de los jóvenes de origen extranjero (segundas generaciones) o el efecto de la crisis económica sobre la integración de los inmigrantes en España.
Year 2018
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35107 Report

Breaking the silence of racism injuries: a community-driven study

Authors Bonnie Lee, P Kellett, Kamal Seghal, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
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35108 Journal Article

DIalogue and Argumentation for cultural Literacy Learning in Schools

DIALLS is a three year project with three objectives. First, it will develop an understanding of young people’s cultural literacy in formal education through the teaching of dialogue and argumentation as a means to understand European identities and cultures. This will be achieved by the creation and implementation of a cultural literacy learning programme where students respond to and produce multimodal texts reflecting European heritages with the promotion of tolerance, inclusion and empathy as core cultural literacy dispositions. Second, the project will provide comprehensive guidance for the development of cultural literacy in schools through the creation and evaluation of a scale of progression for cultural literacy learning as manifested in students’ interactions and produced artefacts. Finally, DIALLS will promote the emergence of young people’s cultural identities in a student-authored manifesto for cultural literacy and a virtual gallery of their cultural artefacts. We will conduct analyses of students’ class-based and online interactions, mapping the development of dialogue and argumentation skills to create an open access multilingual data corpus. Cross-comparative analyses of classrooms in seven countries will include analysis of gender, age, ethnicity and socio-economic factors. DIALLS is directly relevant to the call’s work programme as it addresses the role of formal education in supporting the acquisition of the knowledge, skills and competences needed for effective intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding. The novelty of our proposal lies in the intersection of cultural literacy, multimodality, dialogue and argumentation, and through the use of face-to-face and online learning environments where students can share their perspectives as they make sense of Europe and its different cultures. Our innovative teaching and assessment tools will guide teachers in their development of a dialogic pedagogy for cultural literacy in tomorrow’s Europe.
Year 2018
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35109 Project

Con-Communities von syrischen Flucht-Migranten in Deutschland

Principal investigator Anton Escher (Principal Investigator)
Die Lebenswelt in Deutschland verändert sich durch die Zuwanderung von Flüchtlingen. Darunter befindet sich ein hoher Anteil von Personen aus Syrien. Zur lebensweltlichen Orientierung vernetzen sie sich kommunikativ, schließen sich bestehenden Gemeinschaften an und gründen Gemeinschaften über nationale Grenzen hinweg zur Verfolgung ihrer Interessen. Dort finden sie Informationen zur Bewältigung ihrer alltäglichen Probleme und zur Erfüllung ihrer Lebensvorstellungen. Die gängigen Migrationstheorien und Konzepte sind nur bedingt geeignet, die Dynamik der neuen Organisationen von Flucht-Migranten zu erklären, die im Weiteren als „Con-Communities“ bezeichnet werden. Heuristisch gesprochen ist Con-Communities als ein theoretisches Konzept zu sehen, das auf empirischer Basis eine Theoriebildung ermöglicht („Grounded Theory“). Mit der „Arbeit am Begriff“ können Dimensionen und Phänomene einbezogen werden, die mit bisherigen Ansätzen nicht erfasst werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund lautet die Fragestellung des beabsichtigten Projektes: Wie entstehen und wirken Con-Communities von syrischen Flucht-Migranten mit geteiltem impliziten Wissen und mit gleichgerichteten Interessen in Deutschland? Der geographisch-ethnographische Zugriff auf Con-Communities soll einerseits über syrische Flucht-Migranten und andererseits über Cultural Brokers (Vermittler, Organisatoren, Anführer) erfolgen. Als Erhebungseinheiten sind Syrer, Syrerinnen und deren Kommunikationspartner sowie Vertreter bestehender Kollektive (Cultural Brokers, Singles, Paare, Familien, Clans, Ethnien, Vereine, Flüchtlingsorganisationen u.a.) zu betrachten. Die Gesprächspartner werden mit unterschiedlicher Herkunft und Zugehörigkeit sowie unabhängig vom Asylstatus in ländlichen und urbanen Räumen aufgesucht. Die empirische Arbeit endet, sobald keine neuen Typen von Con-Communities mehr isoliert werden können und eine Sättigung bei der Erkenntnis über das Entstehen und Wirken unterschiedlichster Typen eintritt. Der theoretisch-empirische Zugang wird Praktik- und digital-orientiert gestaltet. Die gewählten Erhebungstechniken sind ero-epische Gespräche, narrative Interviews, teilnehmende Beobachtung und die Analyse gemeinschaftsbildender Aktivitäten im Internet. Interessen, Wissen, Kompetenzen und Strategien in den unterschiedlichen Con-Communities werden über Praktiken, Routinen, Kommunikation und Erzählungen der Untersuchungseinheiten erhoben. Weitere Informationen zum Wirken von Con-Communities liefern die von den Mitgliedern und Helfern sowie Institutionen ins Leben gerufenen Projekte für Flüchtlinge. Das Ziel der Studie ist, auf der Basis einer empirischen Analyse der Lebenswelt syrischer Flucht-Migranten in Deutschland unter heuristischem Bezug auf die Konzepte „Gemeinschaft“, „Ethnie“, „Nation“, „Imagined Community“, „Weak Ties“, „Neo-Tribes“ und „Communities of Practice“ eine „Theorie der Con-Communities von Flucht-Migranten“ im digitalen Zeitalter zu formulieren.
Year 2018
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35111 Project

Why to employ foreign academics in Poland? Perspective of heads of university research teams

Authors Kamil Łuczaj, Janusz Mucha
Year 2018
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne-Przegląd Polonijny
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35112 Journal Article

Beyond multiculturalism: interculturalism, diversity and urban governance

Authors Nergis Canefe, N Canefe
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
35113 Journal Article

The EU in the Central Mediterranean: Impact and Implications of the Comprehensive Approach

Authors Sophie Dura
Year 2018
Journal Name European Journal of Migration and Law
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35114 Journal Article

Minority Languages, Major Opportunities.Collaborative Research, Community Engagement and Innovative Educational Tools

The linguistic and cultural diversity of Europe is crucial to the capacity for problem solving and creative thinking upon which our general wellbeing and economic prosperity depend in an increasingly global and technological society. However, language diversity and immigration are often seen as threats and are challenged by discriminatory attitudes and state policies. COLING will provide justification for the strengthening and revitalization of minority languages, as well as guidelines to implement concrete programs for this purpose. The project’s objectives focus on developing and sharing expert knowledge on language revitalization programs that combine community-driven and top-down approaches; promoting engaged collaboration among academic, nonprofit and community-based institutions; developing efficient teaching methodologies, teacher training, and curricula for minority languages; establishing a new international academic program in minority studies at the partner institutions, in which the new methodologies and curricula will be employed. To this end, COLING affiliated researchers will work together to a) document and archive linguistic-cultural diversity and language practices of indigenous communities and migrants; b) explore the Trans-Atlantic perspectives and historical ties between the Americas and Europe that demonstrate the cultural resilience of indigenous peoples and the evolution of heritage cultures in mixed societies; c) develop innovative teaching methodologies through content modules in textual and digital formats and d) investigate the causative and correlative relationships between language identities, linguistic and cultural discrimination, self-confidence, trauma and well-being, and social cohesion in multilingual and multicultural contexts. COLING will organize summer schools, workshops, trainings to bring together researchers, practitioners and community members, permitting the exchange of skills, best practices and research results.
Year 2018
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35115 Project

The role of family and community bicultural socialization in the bilingual proficiency of immigrant young adults

Authors Jingyi Zhang, Jingyi Zhang, Jessica M. Dennis, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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35116 Journal Article

Reassessing Late Ottoman Literatures within a Mediterranean Framework

Arslan’s project proposes a new paradigm for studying late Ottoman literatures that were written in the nineteenth and early twentieth century and in different languages such as Arabic, Ottoman Turkish, and French by situating these literatures in a multilingual and multicultural Mediterranean framework instead of their respective national communities. His project will build upon three dimensions that constitute the objectives of his study. (i) The history dimension will map out literary and cultural exchanges within the nineteenth-century and early twentieth-century Mediterranean through archival research and digital humanities techniques. (ii) The criticism dimension will demonstrate that thematic preoccupations of Mediterranean literatures—including but not limited to diaspora, travel, imperialism, cultural hybridity, and fluidity of borders and identities—were also defining characteristics of late Ottoman literatures via a close reading of canonical late Ottoman works. (iii) The theory dimension will draw upon the latest debates in postcolonial studies, migration and diaspora studies, and world literature to examine how the Mediterranean can be used as a category of analysis in cultural and literary studies. Building upon these three objectives, Arslan’s project will put two fields—Mediterranean studies and Ottoman studies—in dialogue with each other to generate a disciplinary transformation of both, while undermining the ways in which late Ottoman literatures have been categorised and studied. Having just finished his Ph.D., Arslan hopes to have an advantageous start at his career by the end of this fellowship through completing a substantial portion of a sole-authored monograph, publishing peer-reviewed articles and policy briefs, organising conference panels and communication activities, and joining networks of scholars in North Africa, Europe, and the Middle East who work on Mediterranean and Ottoman studies.
Year 2018
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35117 Project

L’émigration des immigrés,une dimension oubliée de la mobilité géographique

Authors Matthieu Solignac
Year 2018
Journal Name Population
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35119 Journal Article

Afrikanische Migrationsrouten durch Zentralamerika: Entortung, transitorische Verortung und ambivalente Migrationsknotenpunkte

Principal investigator Heike Drotbohm (Principal Investigator)
Dieses Forschungsprojekt widmet sich den emergenten Routen afrikanischer MigrantInnen, die bei dem Versuch, Nordamerika zu erreichen, mehrere zentralamerikanische Länder durchqueren. Auf empirischer Ebene reagiert das Projekt damit auf die wachsende Anzahl afrikanischer MigrantInnen und Geflüchteter in Zentralamerika und ordnet deren Erfahrungen in den Kontext weltumspannender und ungleicher Migrationsrouten, -krisen und -industrien ein. Auf theoretischer Ebene trägt das Projekt zu einem kritischen Verstehen der Dynamiken zwischen Migration, Ent- und Neuverortung und (Im)mobilitäten bei. Das Projekt untersucht, inwieweit die Dialektik zwischen Entortung (displacement) und (Neu-)Verortung (emplacement) auf die verlängerten und in hohem Maße unberechenbaren Migrationsrouten im Globalen Süden angewandt werden kann. Ethnographisch erfasst werden insbesondere die migrantischen Routen und das, was wir ‚Migrationsknotenpunkte’ des Schmuggelns, der Überwachung und der Solidarität nennen. Indem sich das ethnographische Verstehen migrantischer Trajekte an Reiseverläufen und Knotenpunkten orientiert, trägt das Projekt zu einer Theoretisierung ambivalenter, verflochtener und re-lokalisierter Verläufe der (Im-)mobilisierung bei. Durch seine Konzentration auf Ereignisse und Erfahrungen vor dem Erreichen des Globalen Nordens widerspricht das Projekt vereinfachenden, policy-orientierten Interpretationen und Repräsentationen von MigrantInnen und Geflüchteten auf dem Weg durch Länder des Globalen Südens, deren Erfahrungen aus ihrem Verlauf heraus erforscht werden müssen.
Year 2018
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35120 Project

End to Dream? British Retired Residents in Spain and their Return Patterns

Authors Jordi Giner-Monfort
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Spatial and Organizational Dynamics
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35121 Journal Article

Architekturen des Asyls: Aneignungsprozesse in Flüchtlingsunterkünften

Principal investigator Philipp Misselwitz (Principal Investigator)
Auf Basis architektur- und sozialwissenschaftlicher Methoden untersucht das Forschungsprojekt die physisch-materiellen und symbolischen Aneignungsprozesse von geflüchteten Menschen an unterschiedlichen Asylorten. Damit rückt es das handlungsrelevante Raumwissen in einer hochmobilen Ausnahmesituation (Flucht) in den Mittelpunkt. Empirisch ist die Studie so angelegt, dass syrische Geflüchtete vergleichend in Deutschland (Berlin) und Jordanien (Zataari) untersucht werden.
Year 2018
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35122 Project

How to Co-exist?Urban Refugees in Turkey: Prospects and Challenges

Authors Birce Altıok, Salih Tosun
Year 2018
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35123 Policy Brief

The Role of the Ethnic Majority in Integration Processes: Attitudes and Practices towards Immigrants in Catalan Institutions

This project proposal aims to take research on diversity management and integration further by focusing on how ethnic diversity is represented in three central Catalan institutions: the public school system, the Catalan police force and the City council of Barcelona. The case of Catalonia appears particularly relevant for an empirical study on the actual representation of diversity given its pronounced intercultural policy focus, while socio-economic inequality between natives and immigrants is vast, and many immigrants live in situations of precariousness and marginalization. The proposal addresses key priorities set by the H2020/Europe in a changing world-Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies program, and contributes to European excellence in the social sciences by proposing a research program designed to i) increase knowledge on diversity management and obstacles for the participation/representation of immigrants in societal institutions, and ii) develop an action strategy to address shortcomings in this area, based on the view that research on social challenges as inequality and discrimination to a greater extent should contribute to combat these problems through practical implementation. The proposal is based upon the assumption that there is broad awareness of the problems with misrepresentation and discrimination of immigrants within Catalan institutions, but that these problems are merely addressed at the discursive level; what is lacking are measures to accomplish better practices. At the theoretical level, the concept of interculturalism will be critically examined and de facto representation will be introduced as a central, complementary concept. The knowledge and action strategies generated through this project will be transferrable and useful in other contexts, also at the European level.
Year 2018
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35124 Project

From Kurdistan to Europe: Kurdish Literary, Artistic and Cultural Activism by Kurdish Women Intellectuals

Kurdish women have been involved in film production, radio broadcasts and exhibitions, as well as in the production of a substantial number of books, journals and other publications in both Kurdish and national languages of the European states. However, the aesthetic and intellectual production of Kurdish women, which leads to the empowerment of women and advancement of gender equality in the Kurdish diaspora, has not been the subject of any notable research yet. By going beyond stereotypical portrayals of Kurdish women, presented as either victim of honour-based violence or someone who suffers violent conflict, this research will deal with the gendered experiences of Kurdish diaspora from the four regions of Kurdistan (Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey) in terms of the growth of aesthetic, literary and cultural practices by migrant Kurdish women in five nation-states (Belgium, France, Sweden, Germany, UK) along with their impacts on larger societal debates within a comparative approach. It will also investigate the varying migrant incorporation regimes of selected European countries, including the impacts of the recent influx of Syrian Kurdish refugees. It includes ethnographic fieldwork, along with multi-sited research techniques carried out in the capitals of selected European states, data collection of both primary sources (creative, literary and cultural productions) and secondary sources (EU documents, annual progress reports, press releases). This study has a potential to encourage the maximization of networks of educational and intellectual revitalization in European states. It will also encourage other Kurdish migrant women to become factors of change and reach others. This is an interdisciplinary project aiming to fill in a significant gap in the relevant socio-political, gender, migration and cultural academic studies and policy debates within the European Research Area. It is in line with the EC’s strategy for gender equality provision.
Year 2018
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35125 Project

Foreigners, citizens and the tyrannical edges of the 'Vox Populi' : empirical and normative evidence from Switzerland

Authors Jean-Thomas ARRIGHI, Universitat Pompeu Fabra : Departament de Ciències Polítiques i Socials
Year 2017
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35126 Working Paper

The intersection of exploitation and coercion in cases of Canadian labour trafficking

Authors Jesse BEATSON, Jill HANLEY, Alexandra RICARD-GUAY
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of law and social policy
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35127 Journal Article

Immigrant Bilingualism in Spain: An Asset or a Liability?

Authors Maria Medvedeva, A Portes, Alejandro Portes
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 2
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35128 Journal Article

The Effect of Visas on Migration Processes

Authors Mathias Czaika, Hein de Haas
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 18
35129 Journal Article

Back to Square One: Socioeconomic Integration of Deported Migrants

Authors Anda M. David, Anda David
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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35130 Journal Article

Estimating Mortality Levels and Patterns among Natives, Immigrants, and Selected Ethnic Groups in Greece: 2010–2012

Authors Georgia Verropoulou, Cleon Tsimbos
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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35131 Journal Article

Female migration and native marital stability : insights from Italy

Authors Daniele VIGNOLI, Elena PIRANI, Alessandra VENTURINI
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of family and economic issues, 2017, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 118-128
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35132 Journal Article

Trends and patterns of post-communist migration from Russia to New Zealand since the 1990s

Authors Oksana Opara
Year 2017
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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35134 Journal Article

Religion und Bildungserfolg im Migrationskontext – Theoretische Argumente, empirische Befunde und offene Fragen

Authors David Ohlendorf, C Diehl, Matthias Koenig, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie
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35135 Journal Article

Cultural Differences in the Role of Economic Competitiveness in Prejudice toward Immigrants and Foreign Workers

Authors Hyeyoung Shin, John F. Dovidio
Year 2017
35136 Journal Article

To stay or to return? Return migration intentions of Moroccans in Italy

Authors Angela Paparusso, Elena Ambrosetti
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration
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35137 Journal Article

Revolution and migration: the sugar road in the Americas

Authors Nathalie Dessens
Year 2017
Journal Name CARAVELLE
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35138 Journal Article

Working in Sex Education with Young Migrants: A Practical Insight

Authors Christina Witz, Helge Jannink
Year 2017
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35139 Journal Article

Immigration, Occupation, and Inequality in Emergent Nineteenth-Century New England Cities

Authors Susan Hautaniemi Leonard, Christopher Robinson, Douglas L. Anderton
Year 2017
Journal Name Social Science History
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35140 Journal Article


Authors Marcel Voia, Michael Haan, Wen Ci
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Demographic Economics
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35143 Journal Article

Can We Care for Aging Persons without Worsening Global Inequities? The Case of Long-Term Care Worker Migration from the Anglophone Caribbean

Authors Jeremy Snyder, Valorie A. Crooks
Year 2017
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35145 Journal Article

Deciphering the 'Ethnic Penalty' of Immigrants in Western Europe: A Cross-Classified Multilevel Analysis

Authors Elyakim Kislev
Year 2017
Journal Name Social Indicators Research
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35146 Journal Article

Las migraciones internas de latinoamericanos en España: Inflexiones migratorias en tiempos de crisis económica

Authors Jordi Bayona-i-Carrasco, Jenniffer Thiers Quintana, Rosalía Ávila Tàpies
Year 2017
Journal Name Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios (RIEM)
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35147 Journal Article

Refugees Unwelcome? Changes in the Public Acceptance of Immigrants and Refugees in Germany in the Course of Europe’s ‘Immigration Crisis’

Authors Christian S. Czymara, Alexander W. Schmidt-Catran, Christian S Czymara, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name European Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 11
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35148 Journal Article

Space, Place and Identity: Intercultural Encounters, Affect and Belonging in Rural Australian Spaces

Authors David Radford
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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35149 Journal Article

Securitization of migration in Germany: the ambivalences of citizenship and human rights

Authors Ayelet Banai, Regina Kreide
Year 2017
Journal Name Citizenship Studies
Citations (WoS) 2
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35150 Journal Article

Spatial patterns of international migrant resident settlement and incorporation in Winnipeg Manitoba

Authors Sheryl-Ann Simpson
Year 2017
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 2
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35151 Journal Article

The consequences of colonialism in Latvia during a mass migration period in Europe (2015/2016)

Authors Sandra Veinberg
Year 2017
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35152 Journal Article

Points of connection and difference

Authors Lourdes Torres
Year 2017
Journal Name Latino Studies
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35153 Journal Article

Managing superdiversity : examining the intercultural policy turn in Europe

Authors Leila HADJ-ABDOU, Andrew GEDDES
Year 2017
Journal Name [Migration Policy Centre]
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35154 Journal Article

Reframing sociologies of ethnicity and migration in encounters with Chinese London

Authors C Knowles
Year 2017
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 1
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35155 Journal Article

From 'A Frontier Land' to 'A Piece of North Africa in Italy': The Changing Politics of 'Tunisianness' in Mazara del Vallo, Sicily

Authors Ilaria Giglioli
Year 2017
Journal Name International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
Citations (WoS) 1
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35157 Journal Article

The optimism trap: Migrants' educational choices in stratified education systems

Authors Jasper Tjaden, Christian Hunkler
Year 2017
Journal Name Social Science Research
Citations (WoS) 7
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35158 Journal Article

Who Went South? The German Ethnic Niche in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

Year 2017
Journal Name Social Science History
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35159 Journal Article

National Trauma and the Fear of Foreigners: How Past Geopolitical Threat Heightens Anti-Immigration Sentiment Today

Authors Wesley Hiers, Thomas Soehl, Andreas Wimmer
Year 2017
Journal Name Social Forces
35160 Journal Article

Negotiating Discourses of Shame, Secrecy, and Silence: Migrant and Refugee Women's Experiences of Sexual Embodiment

Authors Jane M. Ussher, Marina Morrow, Janette Perz, ...
Year 2017
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35161 Journal Article

(Re) Moving borders: North African clandestine emigrant in the age of terror

Authors Mustapha Hamil
Year 2017
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35162 Journal Article

"Bad boys never call me by my name, they call me 'moor' every day': an ethnographic approach to otherness and identities on Muslim immigrant students

Authors Antonia Alcaraz
Year 2017
Journal Name Empiria. Revista de metodología de ciencias sociales
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35163 Journal Article

Expatriate as a 'Good' Migrant: Thinking Through Skilled International Migrant Categories

Authors Sophie Cranston
Year 2017
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 7
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35165 Journal Article

Hospitality and Immigration in a Greek Urban Neighborhood: An Ethnography of Mimesis

Authors Apostolos Andrikopoulos
Year 2017
Journal Name City & Society
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35166 Journal Article

A tale of two diseases: Discourses on TB, HIV/AIDS and im/migrants and ethnic minorities in the United Kingdom

Authors Penelope Scott, Hella von Unger, Dennis Odukoya
Year 2017
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35167 Journal Article

Refugees and Shifted Risk: An International Study of Syrian Forced Migration and Smuggling

Authors Danilo Mandić, Danilo Mandic, Charles M. Simpson
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration
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35168 Journal Article

Tunisia and its diaspora : between protection and control

Authors Stéphanie POUESSEL
Year 2017
Book Title Emigration and diaspora policies in the age of mobility
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35169 Book Chapter

Beliefs about hypertension among Nigerian immigrants to the United Kingdom: A qualitative study

Authors James Tosin Akinlua, Richard Meakin, Nick Freemantle
Year 2017
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 4
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35170 Journal Article


Year 2017
Book Title Migrant integration between homeland and host society. Volume 2, How countries of origin impact migrant integration outcomes : an analysis
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35171 Book Chapter

Turkish and Russian pathways to integration in Germany

Authors Agnieszka WEINAR, Jan SCHNEIDER
Year 2017
Book Title Migrant integration between homeland and host society. Volume 2, How countries of origin impact migrant integration outcomes : an analysis
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35172 Book Chapter

Caste, kinship and the realisation of ‘American Dream’: high-skilled Telugu migrants in the U.S.A.

Authors Sanam Roohi
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
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35173 Journal Article

"I'm going after you". Ethnographic approach to the migration networks of Haitians in Venezuela

Year 2017
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35174 Journal Article

VFR Tourism and the Tourist Gaze: Overseas Migrant Perceptions of Home

Authors Wei-Jue Huang, Brian Edward King, Wantanee Suntikul
Year 2017
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35175 Journal Article

Colonial Caribbean Migrations to Western Europe and the USA: Differentiated Colonialities in Four Metropoles of the World-System

Authors Ramon Grosfoguel
Year 2017
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35176 Journal Article

"Journey to the future': imaginaries and motivations for homeland trips among diasporic Armenians

Authors Tsypylma Darieva
Year 2017
Journal Name Global Networks
Citations (WoS) 1
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35177 Journal Article

Exile to Poverty: Policies and Poverty Among Refugees in Poland

Authors Karolina Lukasiewicz
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration
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35178 Journal Article

Critical Latinx Indigeneities: A paradigm drift

Authors María Josefina Saldaña-Portillo, Maria Josefina Saldana-Portillo
Year 2017
Journal Name Latino Studies
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35179 Journal Article

The Refugee Crisis and the Return of the East-West Divide in Europe

Authors Ivan Krastev
Year 2017
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35180 Journal Article


Authors Elena G. Avanesova
Year 2017
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35181 Journal Article

Intercultural policy and multi-level governance in Barcelona: mainstreaming comprehensive approach

Authors Ricard Zapata-Barrero
Year 2017
Citations (WoS) 3
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35182 Journal Article

Media Representations of Racism and Spatial Mobility: Young Muslim (Un)belonging in a Post-Cronulla Riot Sutherland

Authors Rhonda Itaoui, Kevin Dunn
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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35184 Journal Article

Taking it to the Street: Reclaiming Australia in the Top End

Authors David Kelly, Michele Lobo
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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35185 Journal Article

Humanising migrant women's work

Authors Agnieszka Rydzik, Annette Pritchard, Nigel Morgan, ...
Year 2017
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35186 Journal Article

Diaspora policies and co-development: A Comparison between India, China and Mexico

Authors Camelia Tigau, Amba Pande, Yan Yuan
Year 2017
Journal Name Migration Letters
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35187 Journal Article


Authors Susan Sanhueza Enriquez, Miguel Friz Carrillo, Segundo Quintriqueo Millan
Year 2017
Journal Name ANDAMIOS
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35188 Journal Article

A comparative study on the adaptation processes of Spanish young people emigrated to the UK and Chile during the period 2010-2014

Authors Ruben Rodriguez-Puertas, Francisco Entrena-Duran
Year 2017
Journal Name Empiria. Revista de metodología de ciencias sociales
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35189 Journal Article

Migration and Trafficking of Persons for Labor Exploitation in the Textile Workshops of Buenos Aires under Neoliberalism

Authors Débora Betrisey, Debora Betrisey
Year 2017
Journal Name Latin American Perspectives
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35190 Journal Article

The inclusion of the other in ourselves: reception and comprehension of refugees in Portugal

Authors Ana Vieira, Miguel Prata Gomes, Jose Carlos Marques, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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35192 Journal Article

Emotional problems among recent immigrants and parenting status: Findings from a national longitudinal study of immigrants in Canada

Authors Dillon T. Browne, George Leckie, Katholiki Georgiades, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name PLOS ONE
Citations (WoS) 5
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35193 Journal Article

Despite the crisis: The resilience of intercultural nationalism in Catalonia

Authors Daniele Conversi, Sanjay Jeram
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration
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35194 Journal Article

The Inclusion Paradox of Enfranchising Expats in Latin America

Authors Ana Margheritis
Year 2017
Journal Name International Migration
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35195 Journal Article

Crisis, Otherness and Integration. Local policies in South Eastern Europe: The case of Rhodes island

Authors Panagiotis Kimourtzis
Year 2017
Journal Name Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal
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35196 Journal Article

Making sense of collective identity and trauma through drawing: the case study of a Palestinian refugee student

Authors Caroline Beauregard, Cecile Rousseau, Garine Papazian-Zohrabian, ...
Year 2017
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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35197 Journal Article

Best practices: intercultural integration of Arabic refugees in Berlin

Authors Hristo Kyuchukov, William New
Year 2017
Journal Name Intercultural Education
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35198 Journal Article

Migrant Smuggling on Mexico’s Gulf Route: The Actors Involved

Authors Simón Pedro Izcara Palacios, Simon Pedro Izcara Palacios
Year 2017
Journal Name Latin American Perspectives
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35199 Journal Article

Lisbon Stories: Migration, Community and Intercultural Relations in Contemporary Cinema and Literature

Authors Fernando Arenas
Year 2017
Journal Name ELLIPSIS
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35200 Journal Article
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