
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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(Un)Locking the Door: Early-socialist Yugoslavia and "Turkish Migrants"

Authors Vladan Jovanovic
Year 2019
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27001 Journal Article

Qualified Migration from Southern Europe in Mexico: Expectations, Opportunities and Labor Niches

Authors Cristina Mendez Perez
Year 2019
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27002 Journal Article

The Importance of Individual Memories of Slovenian Emigrants When Interpreting Slovenian Emigration Processes

Authors Mojca Ilc Klun
Year 2019
Journal Name ARS & HUMANITAS
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27003 Journal Article

JEWELS AND LADDERS Visualizing and Resisting the Racialization and Dehumanization of E/Im-migrants and Refugees

Authors John Kaiser Ortiz
Year 2019
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27004 Journal Article

Impacts of Vocational Training for Socio-economic Development of Afghan Refugees in Labor Markets of Host Societies in Baluchistan

Authors Aziz Ahmed, Aziz Ahmed
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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27005 Journal Article

The Routledge handbook of the governance of migration and diversity in cities

Year 2019
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27006 Book

Warsaw: A new immigration city in search of its integration policy towards newcomers

Authors Maciej Duszczyk, Dominika Pszczółkowska, Dominik Wach
Year 2019
Book Title The Routledge Handbook of the Governance of Migration and Diversity in Cities
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27008 Book Chapter

Health, Education and Employment Outcomes in Young Refugees in the Nordic Countries: A Systematic Review

Authors Anne Sofie Borsch, Christopher Jamil de Montgomery, Karl Gauffin, ...
Year 2019
Journal Name Scandinavian Journal of Public Health
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27009 Journal Article

States and standardisation: constructing the co-ethnic migrant story in Germany

Authors Olga Zeveleva
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 4
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27010 Journal Article

The Creation of a Norwegian-American Identity in the usa

Authors Terje Mikael Hasle Joranger
Year 2019
Journal Name Journal of Migration History
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27011 Journal Article

Migration and Transnational Social Protection in (post) Crisis Europe (MiTSoPro)

MiTSoPro focuses on the link between migration and welfare across different European and non-European countries. The first part of the project closely examines migrants’ access to welfare in home and host countries. In doing so, the project adopts a top-down analytical approach of the concept of Transnational Social Protection from above, thus aiming to provide answers to the following research questions: Do migrants have access to social protection in Europe and beyond? What kind of social benefits can they access in their countries of residence and what type of social protection entitlements can they export from their countries of origin? Do some migrant groups benefit from an easier formal access to welfare benefits than others? Do some countries offer more inclusive social protection regimes for immigrants and emigrants alike? The first part of the project provides an in-depth analysis of eligibility conditions for accessing welfare entitlements across 40 countries. The project thus includes all EU Member States and 12 non-EU sending countries distributed across different continents, whose nationals represent an important share of the migration inflows towards European countries (the 12 non-EU countries included in the project are: Argentina, China, Ecuador, India, Lebanon, Morocco, Russia, Senegal, Serbia, Switzerland, Tunisia and Turkey). For each country, we systematically analyse migrants’ access to social benefits across five core policy areas that are closely examined via a broad range of indicators (i.e. specific types of social benefits in kind and cash): 1) Health care (benefits in kind and cash in case of sickness and invalidity benefits); 2) Unemployment (covering both unemployment insurance and unemployment assistance); 3) Old-age pensions (including contributory and non-contributory pensions); 4) Family benefits (maternity, paternity, parental, and child benefits); 5) Guaranteed minimum resources (social assistance programmes aiming to provide a “safety net” aiming to protect individuals from severe poverty). The data collection process was conducted between April 2019-January 2019, based on a survey with national experts across all country analysed. The survey included standardized questions, thus ensuring comparability across the different countries analysed, despite their different political settings and migration histories. The project covers national legislations in place in 2019. This first dataset on migrants’ access to welfare entitlement is complemented by a second one that examines the programmes and initiatives led by home countries authorities to respond to the social protection needs of their non-resident nationals. Covering the same 40 countries, this second dataset highlights the role of three key actors (consulates, diaspora institutions and home country ministries/agencies responsible for specific social policy areas) through which sending states interact with their nationals abroad across the five policy areas previously mentioned. The data collection of this second dataset is based on another survey conducted between April 2018-January 2019 with national experts across the 40 countries analysed in the project.
Year 2019
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27012 Data Set

Charter Flights Full of Homosexuals”. The Changing Rights of Homosexual Immigrants in the Netherlands, 1945-1992

Authors Marlou Schrover, Frerik Kampman
Year 2019
Journal Name TSEG
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27013 Journal Article

Human Smuggling Under Risk: Evidence from the Mediterranean

Since 2007, the number of refugees fleeing conflict and violence has doubled to about 25 million. Mass migration has destabilized the European Union, lead to broad changes in national immigration policies, and triggered the resurgence of far right, xenophobic political parties. Yet little is known about how illicit human smuggling institutions may be driving migration and the subsequent political changes. We leverage granular data on migrant flows across the Mediterranean, coupled with information about sea routes, riots at port cities, and wave conditions, to conduct two studies. We find substantial evidence that migrant flows respond to political and environmental risks as well as a government-led counter-smuggling intervention. These findings clarify drivers of migration and suggest actions that can be taken to mitigate human smuggling.
Year 2019
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27014 Report

Foreigners' Crime and Punishment. Criminalizing Practices in Expulsions of Foreign Offenders.

Principal investigator Jukka Könönen ()
Project description: This research proposal addresses a contested topic, expulsion of foreign offenders. The primary data consists of the analysis of expulsion decisions for Estonian, Romanian, and West African citizens in 2014 and 2018. The comparative research setting enables to examine both racialized practices in the criminalization of migration and and tightening of immigration policies after the refugee crisis in 2015. The use of expulsion decisions as a research data is novel in the international context. Moreover, this research discusses the relation between the criminal law and the immigration law in migration management. The punitive application of the immigration law points to the separation of legal practices for citizens and non-citizens, which has significant implications for the whole judicial system. This research contributes to the international debates by breaking new empirical, methodological, and theoretical grounds in the field of migration studies and criminology. / Hankkeen julkinen kuvaus: Tutkimushanke käsittelee kiistanalaista aihetta, ulkomaalaisten rikosperusteisia käännytyksiä. Hankkeen pääasiallisena aineistona ovat Viron, Romanian ja Länsi-Afrikan kansalaisille tehdyt käännytyspäätökset vuonna 2014 ja 2018. Vertaileva tutkimusasetelma mahdollistaa tarkastella sekä maahanmuuton kriminallisoinnin rodullistettuja ulottuvuuksia että maahanmuuttopolitiikan kiristämistä vuoden 2015 ”pakolaiskriisin” jälkeen. Käytetty aineisto on ainutlaatuinen kansainvälisessä kontekstissa. Tutkimus pureutuu ulkomaalaislain ja rikoslain väliseen yhteyteen maahanmuuton hallinnassa. Ulkomaalaislain rankaiseva soveltaminen viittaa oikeuskäytäntöjen eriytymiseen rikosprosesseissa kansalaisten ja ulkomaalaisten välillä, millä on laajempia merkityksiä koko oikeusjärjestelmän kannalta. Tutkimus tuottaa uutta empiiristä tietoa sekä metodologisesti ja teoreettisesti uudenlaisia lähestymistapoja suhteessa kansainväliseen keskusteluun muuttoliikkeistä ja kriminologiasta.
Year 2019
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27015 Project

Musical borderness: Contesting spaces through cultural engagement

Authors Carolin Müller
Year 2019
Journal Name Crossings: Journal of Migration & Culture
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27016 Journal Article

Quartiere des Ankommens. Aushandlungen von Migration und städtischem Raum in Hamburg im 20. Jahrhundert

Principal investigator David Templin (Principal Investigator)
Das Projekt untersucht die Geschichte von Einwanderungsvierteln im Verlauf des 20. Jahrhunderts. Die Herausbildung und der Wandel entsprechender Quartiere sowie die Aushandlungen des Ankommens von Migranten sollen für unterschiedliche Stadtviertel der deutschen Großstadt Hamburg vergleichend analysiert werden. Indem das Projekt sowohl die Produktion und Transformation des städtischen Raumes als auch die gesellschaftliche Aushandlung von Migration untersucht, werden migrations- und stadtgeschichtliche Ansätze produktiv miteinander verbunden. Der Fokus auf die Quartiersebene eröffnet dabei neue Perspektiven, indem in der Forschung bislang dominierende nationale und auf spezifische ethnische Gruppen fokussierte Deutungen infrage gestellt bzw. kritisch diskutiert werden können.Anhand von drei ausgewählten Quartieren werden folgende Felder näher in den Blick genommen: (1) Ansiedlungs- und Segregationsmuster, die Wohnverhältnisse von Migranten und ihre Rolle in Prozessen von Verfall und Aufwertung der Stadtviertel, (2) soziale Infrastrukturen bzw. Institutionen, die Zuzugs- und Ankommensprozesse strukturierten und das Erscheinungsbild von Ankunftsquartieren prägten, und (3) die Rolle der Quartiere für die Entwicklung der gesamten Stadt und Formen öffentlicher Wahrnehmung und politischer Regulierung der Quartiere. Dabei wird davon ausgegangen, dass die Ansiedlung von Zuwanderern und die Quartiersentwicklung Ergebnis von Aushandlungsprozessen waren, bei denen neben ökonomischen Strukturen und politischen Entscheidungen unterschiedliche Akteursgruppen eine Rolle spielten. Diese werden in der Studie sowohl auf den Ebenen von Stadt, Stadtteil und Quartier als auch mit Blick auf unterschiedliche Räume innerhalb eines Quartiers – von privaten Wohn- bis zu öffentlichen Interaktions- und Kommunikationsräumen – analysiert.Das Projekt untersucht die Mikroebene historischer Ankunftsquartiere erstmals über einen längeren Zeitraum für eine deutsche Großstadt. Es greift damit internationale Forschungsansätze auf, die in der deutschen Geschichtswissenschaft bislang kaum rezipiert wurden. Flucht- und Migrationsbewegungen, die öffentlich als Zuwanderung verhandelt wurden, stehen im Fokus des Interesses, wobei auch Formen von Binnenmigration und innerstädtischer Mobilität berücksichtigt werden sollen, sofern sie für die Quartiersentwicklung bedeutsam waren. Um Kontinuitäten und Brüche, wiederkehrende Muster und Differenzen in der Ausprägung der Quartiere und im lokalen Umgang mit Migration und Migranten herauszuarbeiten, wird mit der Zeit zwischen den 1890er und den 1980er Jahren eine lange Linie gesellschaftlichen Wandels in den Blick genommen. Der Fokus der Analyse liegt dabei auf vier Phasen intensiver Zuwanderung. Unter Rückgriff auf sozial-, politik- und kulturhistorische Ansätze arbeitet das Projekt mit einem vielfältigen Sample an Quellenbeständen, um die Entwicklungen auf Quartiersebene herauszuarbeiten.
Year 2019
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27017 Project

Die Politische Ökonomie der Westafrikanischen Migrationsgovernance

Principal investigator Franzisca Zanker (Principal Investigator)
Der erhöhte Zustrom Geflüchteter und anderer Migrantinnen und Migranten nach Europa in 2015 hat zu erneuten Bemühungen für eine gemeinsame EU-Afrika-Agenda geführt, die sich mit Herausforderungen der Migration befasst. Zahlreiche Treffen, Veranstaltungen und Gipfel wurden (zumindest teilweise) diesem Zweck gewidmet, wie beispielsweise der Valetta-Gipfel in 2015, der G20-Gipfel in Hamburg 2017 und der EU-Afrika-Gipfel in Abidjan in November 2017. Viele bilaterale, regionale und kontinentale Afro-Europäische Rahmenregelungen und Richtlinien gingen diesen politischen Versammlungen voraus und mit ihnen einher. Dennoch funktioniert die aktuelle Herangehensweise – auch durch die EU-Partnerschaftsabkommen – nicht. Der 2018 MEDAM Assessment Report argumentiert, dass die EU-Länder stärker mit afrikanischen Staaten kooperieren sollten. Die Regierungen dieser Staaten werden eher bereit sein, ihre Staatsbürgerinnen und Staatsbürger nach einem abgelehnten Asylantrag in der EU zurückzunehmen, wenn legale Arbeitsmigration eine realistische Alternative darstellt. Eine aktive Auseinandersetzung zwischen afrikanischen und europäischen Ländern fehlt jedoch weiterhin. Kritikerinnen und Kritiker beanstanden einerseits die Tendenz, dass die Migrationszusammenarbeit europäische Interessen in den Vordergrund stellt, die Inkohärenz in der EU-Politikgestaltung und die ausgrenzende Art vieler Gipfel und Veranstaltungen. Andererseits werden afrikanische Regierungen für fehlendes Engagement in der Migrationsgovernance kritisiert. Ein wesentliches Problem ist, wie wenig bezüglich der Interessen, Beteiligung und Akteure bekannt ist, wenn es um die Steuerung von Migration geht – einschließlich Auswanderung (reguläre und irreguläre), Einwanderung und den Umgang mit vertriebenen Menschen. Das Projekt „Die Politische Ökonomie der Westafrikanischen Migrationsgovernance“ will die politischen Dimensionen von Migrationsgovernance und die zahlreichen Akteure (einschließlich zivilgesellschaftliche und subnationale) beleuchten. Dazu untersucht das Projekt wie die Instrumente und Institutionen zur Migrationssteuerung erstellt und implementiert werden, welche Interessen und Akteure einbezogen oder ausgeschlossen sind und welcher gesellschaftlichen Diskurs diese Interessen umgibt. Die qualitative Studie konzentriert sich auf vier Fallstudien – Gambia, Niger, Nigeria und Senegal – und basiert auf Feldforschung, einschließlich halbstrukturierter Interviews in den betreffenden Ländern. Das Projekt ist von Anfang an partizipativ und somit wird eine Veranstaltungsreihe stattfinden, um unsere Ergebnisse mit lokalen Experten in Abuja, Banjul, Dakar und Niamey zu diskutieren. Darüber hinaus wird es einen Abschlussworkshop geben, um die Forschungsergebnisse mit Wissenschaftlern und zivilgesellschaftlichen Akteuren aus allen vier WAMIG-Ländern vergleichend zu diskutieren. Dies geschieht in Accra in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Centre for Migration Studies. Weitere Informationen zu diesen Veranstaltungen finden Sie hier. Das Projekt „Die Politische Ökonomie von Westafrikanischer Migrationsgovernance“ wird durch die Stiftung Mercator finanziert und im Rahmen des Mercator Dialogue on Asylum and Migration (MEDAM) durchgeführt. MEDAM ist ein dreijähriges Forschungs- und Beratungsprojekt, das Herausforderungen identifiziert und Handlungsstrategien zur Asyl- und Migrationspolitik der EU und ihrer Mitgliedsstaaten erarbeitet.
Year 2019
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27018 Project

Evidence for stereotype accommodation as an expression of immigrants’ socio-cognitive adaptation

Authors Adrian Stanciu, Christin-Melanie Vauclair, Nicole Rodda
Year 2019
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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27019 Journal Article

Law and Ethnic Plurality

Authors Prakash Shah
Year 2018
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27021 Book

Dual Nationality in the European Union

Authors Olivier Vonk
Year 2018
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27022 Book

'Circuit Children' : the experiences and perspectives of children engaged in migrant smuggling facilitation on the US-Mexico border

Authors Gabriella SANCHEZ
Year 2018
Journal Name Anti-Trafficking Review
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27023 Journal Article

Foreigners and Refugees Behind Bars: How Flemish Prisons Tackle Linguistic Barriers

Authors Emmanuelle Gallez
Year 2018
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27024 Journal Article

Understanding refugee durable solutions by international players: Does dialogue form a missing link?

Authors Fred Bidandi
Year 2018
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27025 Journal Article

Transatlantic Migration and Transnational Narratives of Return: Intercultural Encounters between Italy and the United States

Authors Eva Pelayo-Sañudo, Eva Pelayo-Sanudo
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Intercultural Studies
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27027 Journal Article

Acculturative stress as a mental health predictor of North Korean refugees in South Korea

Authors Hwajin Shin, In-Jin Yoon
Year 2018
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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27028 Journal Article

Self-Selection and Host Country Context in the Economic Assimilation of Political Refugees in the United States, Sweden, and Israel

Authors Debora Pricila Birgier, Y Haberfeld, Christer Lundh, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name International Migration Review
Citations (WoS) 1
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27030 Journal Article

Language, Ethnicity, and Belonging for the Children of Migrants in New Zealand

Authors Una Cunningham, Jeanette King
Year 2018
Journal Name SAGE OPEN
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27032 Journal Article

Global Zimbabweans: Diaspora Engagement and Disengagement

Authors Abel Chikanda, J Crush, Jonathan Crush
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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27033 Journal Article

Refugee Protections from Below: Smuggling in the Eritrea-Ethiopia Context

Authors Tekalign Ayalew Mengiste
Year 2018
Journal Name The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science
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27034 Journal Article

Migrant smuggling as a collective strategy and insurance policy : views from the margins

Authors Luigi ACHILLI, Gabriella SANCHEZ, Sheldon ZHANG
Year 2018
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27035 Book

Emigration of Poles to the United Kingdom: history, present state and future prospects

Authors Paweł Michał Mąkosa, Pawel Makosa
Year 2018
Journal Name International Migration
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27036 Journal Article


Authors Triinu Ojamaa
Year 2018
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27037 Journal Article


Authors Natalia Aseeva
Year 2018
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27038 Journal Article

The Need of Having an Intercultural Approach, in the Welcome Mechanisms of Migrants and Refugees in Bogota. Policy Review, Learning from Others, Making Proposals

Authors Fernanda Navas-Camargo, Sandra Montoya Ruiz
Year 2018
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27039 Journal Article


Authors Marijana Jelec, Nada Popovic
Year 2018
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27040 Journal Article

Crisis, What Crisis? Immigrants, Refugees, and Invisible Struggles

Authors Anna Carastathis, Aila Spathopoulou, Myrto Tsilimpounidi
Year 2018
Journal Name Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees
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27041 Journal Article

Aid for Refugees: Religion, Migration, and Poor Relief in Sixteenth-Century Geneva

Authors Esther Chung-Kim
Year 2018
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27042 Journal Article

Reconfiguring Uyghurness in multilingualism: an internal migration perspective

Authors Xiaoyan (Grace) Guo, Mingyue (Michelle) Gu
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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27043 Journal Article

Much more than airtime: radio strategies to foster an inclusive Latino identity in the Basque country

Authors Irati Agirreazkuenaga, Ainara Larrondo
Year 2018
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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27044 Journal Article

Intercultural Training for Educators of Adult Migrants

Principal investigator Katerina Strani (PI, project coordinator)
Europe is experiencing one of the most significant arrivals of migrants and refugees in its history. As the number of migrants entering Europe rapidly increases, their cultural integration and inclusion in European societies becomes a priority. Bearing in mind that integration is a two-way process, the progressively increasing multicultural character of EU societies demonstrates the need to introduce intercultural education programmes that recognise and effectively support diversity, promote mutual acceptance and respect, while combating racism and xenophobia. Against this backdrop, supporting the efforts of EU member states to help integrate migrants and refugees into Europe’s education systems and ensure their skills development is an urgent and demanding task. Its success is dependent on the educators and teachers, who should be appropriately trained to have a deep understanding of basic concepts of culture and intercultural communication, as well as the historic and contemporary international context. This would enable them to develop an inclusive curriculum and integrate intercultural citizenship education so that they can foster interculturalism and avoid archaic educational practices that cultivate monoculture, othering and stigmatisation. To achieve this, as well as the wider challenge of migrants’ cultural integration, this project will design a programme for adult educators working with migrants. For this purpose, the project partners will: a) investigate the status quo regarding migrant integration policies, existing programmes and training structures on intercultural training for migrants and educators in partner countries; b) compare and analyse the results of this investigation to develop a needs analysis for intercultural education of trainers; c) develop an internationally competitive modularised training curriculum with qualification standards specialised for Adult Education (EQF Level 5); d) produce a handbook for trainers, which will include learning outcomes, a theoretical framework of basic concepts and the training package itself which will include practical exercises and, where possible, case studies. At the beginning of the project , a database of stakeholders in every partner’s country will be created which will include actors related to the project aim; experts in AE and intercultural education, migration centres providing training, other interested parties etc. The main activities of this project are: O1 and O2: Research on intercultural education; Partners will collect data on existing training programmes designed for migrants and their cultural integration and will point out the needs for updates or the development of new material. O3: Curriculum development; A Curriculum on intercultural education and training for Adult educators will be developed based on O1 and O2 results. O4: Development of training materials; The objective is to elaborate a set of sample training materials organised in modules and divided into topics. Development of a MOOC, where the training materials will be uploaded and adapted. Implementation of a Joint Staff Training Event; The partners will test the developed curriculum and training materials, they will provide feedback on activities and make necessary changes before the final output. The feedback provided by end-users will ensure that the results will be relevant to target groups and will therefore encourage their use. O5 and O6: A Training guide and a course syllabus with final material and useful information and tips will be made available to Adult educators and all interested parties. During the project, the partners will raise awareness of the use of intercultural training techniques in adult education. The project will therefore have a direct impact not only on adult educators and staff involved in the project, but also on the wider target group of adult educators and newly arrived migrants receiving intercultural training focused on the host countries. The integrative nature and the professional relevance of the materials and methodology will also have an impact on the motivation of newly arrived migrants to learn about the culture, customs and everyday life in their host countries. The developed training programme can be easily adapted and tailored to changing needs. The curriculum can also be used as a teaching and learning aid for other institutions as it focuses on certain topics which can be re−organized according to the needs of different contexts. The course could also be transferable to other educational sectors, which will guarantee the sustainability of project results and the project network.
Year 2018
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27045 Project

Jacy imigranci rejestrują się jako bezrobotni? Dynamika bezrobocia wśród cudzoziemców w R

Authors Katarzyna Andrejuk
Year 2018
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne-Przegląd Polonijnu
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27046 Journal Article

Jacy imigranci rejestrują się jako bezrobotni? Dynamika bezrobocia wśród cudzoziemców w RP

Year 2018
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne – Przegląd Polonijny
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27047 Journal Article

The human rights of smuggled migrants and trafficked persons in the UN global compacts on migrants and refugees

Authors Jean Pierre Gauci, Vladislava Stoyanova
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Migration and Border Studies
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27048 Journal Article

Crisis, What Crisis? Immigrants, Refugees, and Invisible Struggles

Year 2018
Journal Name Refuge 
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27049 Journal Article

The Multilingual Mind

The aim of the project ‘MultiMind’ is to establish an international, multidisciplinary and multisectorial training network on multilingualism. Given the current migration and refugee crisis in Europe, there is an urgent need to provide an in depth investigation of multilingualism from a multidisciplinary perspective that will bridge the gap between fundamental and applied research and will addresses societal challenges within the education and health sector as well as challenges related to the education of migrants and refugees in Europe. MultiMind addresses the benefits and challenges of multilingualism through an innovative research programme that combines fundamental and applied research across disciplines in a range of different social and educational settings. It investigates the influence of multilingualism on language learning, cognition, creativity, and decision making, on brain function and structure, and its role as a reserve in atypical populations using a combination of cutting edge research methodologies. MultiMind is composed of 9 academic and 2 non-academic organisations as well as 16 partners in leading academic institutions, companies, health organisations and 5 branches of Bilingualism Matters, a leading international network of centres that provide outreach activities on multilingualism. The consortium brings together researchers with complementary expertise within the disciplines of linguistics, psychology, education, neuroscience, and speech & language therapy along with non-academic partners within the education and health sectors, IT and publishing. This will enable to address societal challenges within education and health as well as challenges related to the migration and refugee crisis in Europe whilst training a new generation of researchers in world-leading labs using cutting edge methodologies and allowing them to build the necessary skills fostering their career progress as independent researchers in academic or nonacademic sectors.
Year 2018
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27050 Project

Perceived discrimination, language proficiencies, and adaptation: Comparisons between refugee and non-refugee immigrant youth in Australia

Authors Zachary E. Buchanan, DL Sam, ES Kashima, ...
Year 2018
Journal Name International Journal of Intercultural Relations
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27051 Journal Article

Return mobilities to rural Portugal: an assessment of the production of place

Although emigration of Portuguese gains importance in the public opinion and political discourses, as shown by press releases and political declarations the past years, within the Portuguese academic context, emigration and return have been marginal objects of study. This project addresses one of the mobility patterns affecting Portugal: the return of Portuguese immigrants who reside or resided in France to rural regions of the country. Within this context, it aims at critically examining the economic, social and political impacts of return mobilities in rural decayed areas, and comparing the current situation to works produced in Portugal in the 1980s and early 1990s. It also interrogates the role of this immigration within a wider range of mobilities that affect rural localities. More generally, MigRural participates in the better understanding of return mobilities on the one hand; and rural localities on the other hand; as well as the intersection between immigration and production of places. It can therefore offer rich insights on the inclusion of returnees and their participation in the revitalisation of rural former ‘exodus’ areas. In fact, return migration can be seen as a “force for change in rural society” (Black, 1993).
Year 2018
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27052 Project


Authors Veronica Eduardovna Matveenko, Nataliya Mikhailovna Rumyantseva, Dina Nikolaevna Rubtsova
Year 2017
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27053 Journal Article

Emotional roots of right-wing political populism

Authors Mikko Salmela, Christian von Scheve
Year 2017
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27054 Journal Article

Migration Control à la Khartoum: EU External Engagement and Human Rights Protection in the Horn of Africa

Authors Lutz Oette, Mohamed Abdelsalam Babiker
Year 2017
Journal Name Refugee Survey Quarterly
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27082 Journal Article

Living in the past, leaving in the present : emigration and diaspora policies in Spain

Authors Francesco PASETTI
Year 2017
Book Title Emigration and diaspora policies in the age of mobility
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27086 Book Chapter


Authors Agnieszka WEINAR
Year 2017
Book Title Emigration and diaspora policies in the age of mobility
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27087 Book Chapter

Migrant integration between homeland and host society. Volume 1, Where does the country of origin fit?

Authors Agnieszka WEINAR, Anne UNTERREINER, Philippe FARGUES
Year 2017
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27088 Book

Governance of integration and the role of the countries of origin : a global perspective

Authors Agnieszka WEINAR, Maria Vincenza DESIDERIO, Cameron THIBOS
Year 2017
Book Title Migrant integration between homeland and host society. Volume 1, Where does the country of origin fit?
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27089 Book Chapter

Mass migration and uprisings in the Arab countries : an analytical framework

Authors Philippe FARGUES
Year 2017
Journal Name Revue international de politique de développement ; International development policy
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27090 Journal Article

Chechen’s Lesson. Challenges of Integrating Refugee Children in a Transit Country: A Polish Case Study

Authors Krystyna Iglicka
Year 2017
Journal Name Central and Eastern European Migration Review
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27091 Journal Article

President Trump and US Migration after 100 Days

Authors Philip Martin
Year 2017
Journal Name Migration Letters
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27092 Journal Article

Smuggling of Migrants Activites among Illegal Migrants in Malaysia

Authors Mohd Na'eim Ajis, Zawiyah Mohd Zain, Mohamad Faisol Keling, ...
Year 2017
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27093 Journal Article

On shipwrecks and sea nymphs: Fragments of Maltese hospitality

Authors Dylan Shaul
Year 2017
Journal Name Hospitality and Society
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27096 Journal Article


Authors Andrey P. Glukhov, Gulnafist A. Okushova
Year 2017
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27097 Journal Article

“Back Home, People Say America is Heaven”: Pre-Migration Expectations and Post-Migration Adjustment for Liberians in Pittsburgh

Authors Yolanda Covington-Ward
Year 2017
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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27098 Journal Article

Emigration and Diaspora Policies in the Age of Mobility

Authors Agnieszka Weinar, Lila Garcia
Year 2017
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27099 Book

Harnessing the Diaspora: Dual Citizenship, Migrant Return Remittances

Authors David Leblang
Year 2017
27100 Journal Article
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