
This constantly growing database accumulates and structures
relevant knowledge in the field of migration.

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Qu'est-ce que le nationalisme méthodologique ? Essai de typologie

Authors Speranta Dumitru
Year 2014
Journal Name Raisons politiques
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1 Journal Article

Immigration et Nationalisme Méthodologique

Principal investigator Astrid Von Busekist (co-Principal Investigator), Speranta Dumitru (co-Principal Investigator)
Le projet de recherche iNAME Théories politiques de l’immigration et nationalisme méthodologique a pour objectif d’étudier la critique du nationalisme méthodologique et la manière dont elle affecte les théories politiques de l’immigration.(Description du projet – link) Il s’agit d’un projet collaboratif entre CERI Science Po et CERLIS Paris Descartes, financé par l’Université Sorbonne Paris Cité et Investissements d’avenir pour une période de trois ans (2013-2016). Il est dirigé par Astrid von Busekist (CERI, Science Po) et Speranta Dumitru (CERLIS, Paris Descartes)
Year 2013
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2 Project

Methodological Nationalism, the Social Sciences, and the Study of Migration: An Essay in Historical Epistemology

Authors Andreas Wimmer, A Wimmer, NG Schiller, ...
Year 2003
Journal Name International Migration Review
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3 Journal Article

Methodological nationalism and beyond: nation-state building, migration and the social sciences

Authors Andreas Wimmer, Nina Glick Schiller
Year 2002
Journal Name Global Networks
4 Journal Article

Methodological Nationalism, Migration and Political Theory

Authors Alex Sager
Year 2016
Journal Name Political Studies
Citations (WoS) 9
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6 Journal Article

The ethics of immigration: How biased is the field?

Authors Speranta Dumitru
Year 2023
Journal Name Migration Studies
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7 Journal Article

Is Rawls' theory of justice biased by methodological nationalism?

Authors Speranta Dumitru
Year 2021
Journal Name Dianoia : rivista di filosofia
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8 Journal Article

Beyond methodological nationalism in insider research with migrants

Authors Magdalena Nowicka, Anna Cieslik
Year 2014
Journal Name Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 20
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9 Journal Article

De quelle origine êtes-vous ? Banalisation du nationalisme méthodologique

Authors Speranta Dumitru
Year 2015
Journal Name Terrains/Théories
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10 Journal Article

How to ‘catch’ floating populations? Research and the fixing of migration in space and time

Authors Bruno Meeus
Year 2012
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 18
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12 Journal Article

Moving Subjects, Stagnant Paradigms: Can the ‘Mobilities Paradigm’ Transcend Methodological Nationalism?

Authors Barak Kalir
Year 2013
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 33
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13 Journal Article

Reflecting on Spatiality in European Migration Research: From Methodological Nationalism to Space-Sensitive Observations of Social Transformations

Authors Elisabeth Scheibelhofer
Book Title An Anthology of Migration and Social Transformation
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14 Book Chapter

Integration, Settler Colonialism, and Precarious Legal Status Migrants in Canada

Authors Paloma E. Villegas, , Breanna Barrie, ...
Year 2020
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15 Journal Article

A Global Justice Framework for the Governance of the International Migrations

Authors Juan Carlos Velasco
Year 2013
Journal Name Revista de Estudios Sociales
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17 Journal Article

Beyond the ethnic lens: Locality, globality, and born-again incorporation

Year 2006
Journal Name American Ethnologist
Citations (WoS) 150
19 Journal Article

Introduction: Memories on the Move—Experiencing Mobility, Rethinking the Past

Authors Monika Palmberger, Jelena Tošić
Book Title Memories on the Move
20 Book Chapter

Methodological nationalism and the Northern Ireland blind-spot in ethnic and racial studies

Authors Chris Gilligan
Year 2021
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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21 Journal Article

Migration from a gender-critical, postcolonial and interdisciplinary perspective

Authors Sabine Gatt, Kerstin Hazibar, Verena Sauermann, ...
Year 2016
Journal Name Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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22 Journal Article

The Transnationality of Culture: Policy Implications for the Integration of Migrants in South Korea

Authors Julia Jiwon Shin
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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23 Journal Article

The ‘distinctiveness of cities’ and distinctions in cities: boundaries of belonging in comparative perspective

Authors Marlon Barbehön, Sybille Münch
Year 2016
Journal Name Urban Research & Practice
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24 Journal Article

Only Mexicans there: The nation as inequality regime and methodological nationalism in migration studies

Authors Bridget A Hayden
Year 2019
Journal Name Migration Studies
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25 Journal Article

Beyond Methodological Nationalism and Epistemological Behaviouralism: Drawing Illustrations from Migrations within and from China

Authors Biao Xiang
Year 2016
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 7
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26 Journal Article

A Comparative Approach to Global Domestic Service in Two Cities: Methodological Notes

Authors Marina Ariza
Book Title The Practice of Research on Migration and Mobilities
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27 Book Chapter

Migrants' New Transnational Habitus: Rethinking Migration Through a Cosmopolitan Lens in the Digital Age

Authors Mihaela Nedelcu
Year 2012
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 69
28 Journal Article

Epistemological Issues in Qualitative Migration Research: Self-Reflexivity, Objectivity and Subjectivity

Authors Theodoros Iosifides
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
29 Book Chapter

Transnational Migration and the Reformulation of Analytical Categories: Unpacking Latin American Refugee Dynamics in Toronto

Authors Patricia Landolt, Luin Goldring
Book Title The Practice of Research on Migration and Mobilities
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30 Book Chapter

The Transnationality of Culture: Policy Implications for the Integration of Migrants in South Korea

Authors Julia Jiwon Shin
Year 2012
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
Citations (WoS) 1
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31 Journal Article

Are education and nationalism a happy marriage? Ethno-nationalist disruptions of education in Dutch classrooms

Authors Hans Siebers
Year 2019
Journal Name British Journal of Sociology of Education
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32 Journal Article


Authors LUDGER PRIES, Ludger Pries
Year 2009
Journal Name Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie
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33 Journal Article

Old baggage and missing luggage: a commentary on Beck and Sznaider's ‘Unpacking cosmopolitanism for the social sciences: a research agenda’

Authors Nina Glick Schiller
Year 2010
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 11
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34 Journal Article

Guest, trader or explorer: biographical perspectives on the experiences of cross-border mobility in Europe

Authors Marta Eichsteller
Year 2018
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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35 Journal Article

Diaspora transnationalism and transborder citizenship

Principal investigator Khalid Khayati (REMESO Project Leader)
This project is a comparative exploration of an ongoing process of change from a mono-dimensional, victim-related Kurdish diasporic identity to a more modulated, dynamic and active form of it among Kurds in the Marseille region in France and the Stockholm region in Sweden. Moreover, the project focus on the relationship between diaspora and tourism where diasporan groups develop various transnational networks, institutions and organizations in order to carry out various forms of journeys not only between their new and old societies but also over many state borders. Furthermore, the project advance diaspora as a specific context of knowledge which is non-compatible with methodological nationalism; a perspective which privileges the nation-state as a conceptual reference regarding how knowledge is organized and produced by social scientists.
Year 2007
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36 Project

Unpacking cosmopolitanism for the social sciences: a research agenda

Authors Ulrich Beck, Natan Sznaider
Year 2010
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 40
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37 Journal Article

New international borders – old social spaces: Transnational migrant networks across the boundaries of post-socialist Croatia

Authors Saša Božić, Sasa Bozic, Simona Kuti
Year 2016
Journal Name Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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38 Journal Article

Methodological interculturalism: breaking down epistemological barriers around diversity management

Authors Ricard Zapata-Barrero
Year 2019
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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39 Journal Article

Where, What and Whom to Study? Principles, Guidelines and Empirical Examples of Case Selection and Sampling in Migration Research

Authors Karolina Barglowski
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
40 Book Chapter

Virdee's challenges

Authors Marcel van der Linden
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
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42 Journal Article

Reframing ‘integration’: acknowledging and addressing five core critiques

Authors Sarah Spencer, Katharine Charsley
Year 2021
Journal Name Comparative Migration Studies
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43 Journal Article

Wyjechałem ot, tak... I nie jestem emigrantem. Polski dominujący dyskurs migracyjny i jego kontestacje na przykładzie Wielkiej Brytanii

Authors Michał P. Garapich
Year 2009
Journal Name Studia Migracyjne - Przegląd Polonijny
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44 Journal Article

Migration Realities and State Responses: Rethinking International Migration Policies in Turkey

Authors Damla B. Aksel, Ahmet İçduygu
Book Title Social Transformation and Migration
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45 Book Chapter

The Strengths and Limits of Waldinger'sThe Cross Border Connection

Authors Jose Itzigsohn, J Itzigsohn
Year 2015
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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46 Journal Article

Marriage Migration Policy in South Korea: Social Investment beyond the Nation State

Authors Gyuchan Kim, Majella Kilkey
Year 2018
Journal Name International Migration
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47 Journal Article

Towards a Multi-scalar Methodology: The Challenges of Studying Social Transformation and International Migration

Authors Rebecca Williamson
Book Title Social Transformation and Migration
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49 Book Chapter

Ethnic capital, migration, and citizenship: a Bourdieusian perspective

Authors Jaeeun Kim
Year 2019
Journal Name Ethnic and Racial Studies
Citations (WoS) 1
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50 Journal Article

Going to school in ‘Disneyland’: Imagining an international school community in Indonesia

Authors Danau Tanu
Year 2016
Journal Name Asian and Pacific Migration Journal
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51 Journal Article

Navigating childrearing, fatherhood, and mobilities: A transnational relational analysis

Authors Pei-Chia Lan
Year 2022
Journal Name The Sociological Review
52 Journal Article

Conclusions: Perspectives and Puzzles in Researching Politics of (Dis)Integration

Authors Violetta Zentai
Year 2020
Book Title Politics of (Dis)Integration.
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53 Book Chapter

Approaching Transnational Social Protection: Methodological Challenges and Empirical Applications

Authors Karolina Barglowski, Basak Bilecen, Anna Amelina
Year 2015
Journal Name Population, Space and Place
Citations (WoS) 12
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54 Journal Article

Global Generations and the Trap of Methodological Nationalism For a Cosmopolitan Turn in the Sociology of Youth and Generation

Authors U. Beck, Ulrich Beck, Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim, ...
Year 2008
Journal Name European Sociological Review
Citations (WoS) 73
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55 Journal Article

Conclusions: Perspectives and Puzzles in Researching Politics of (Dis)Integration

Authors Violetta Zentai
Year 2020
Book Title Politics of (Dis)Integration.
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56 Book Chapter

Theorizing societalization across borders: Globality, transnationality, postcoloniality

Authors Anna Amelina, Manuela Boatcă, Gregor Bongaerts, ...
Year 2021
Journal Name Current Sociology
57 Journal Article

The New European Migration Laboratory: East Europeans in West European Cities

Authors Adrian Favell
Book Title Between Mobility and Migration
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59 Book Chapter

Refugee Protection Meets Migration Management: UNHCR as a Global Police of Populations

Authors Stephan Scheel, Philipp Ratfisch
Year 2014
Journal Name Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies
Citations (WoS) 20
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60 Journal Article


Authors Alenka Janko Spreizer
Year 2015
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62 Journal Article

Unequal Europe, unequal Brexit: How intra-European inequalities shape the unfolding and framing of Brexit

Authors Lorenza Antonucci, Simone Varriale
Year 2020
Journal Name Current Sociology
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63 Journal Article

Embracing transnational approaches for a more thorough and critical understanding of occupation in research on migration

Authors Anne-Cecile Delaisse, Suzanne Huot
Year 2021
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64 Journal Article

Norwegian residents of Indian origin : national and transnational integration

Authors Helge Hiram JENSEN, Geir Tore BRENNE
This report provides an overview of existing social science knowledge about Norwegian residents of Indian origin. This is relevant for policy makers in Europe and India, because the Norwegian case, in spite of its small size, is well documented. On this basis, the report theorizes how diasporas produce economic development. The report starts with a critical literature review, and proceeds with thematic chapters on history, demography, socio-economic integration, legal framework, and socio-cultural integration. For each topic, the report summarizes findings from all existing quantitative and qualitative research, showing the Indian diaspora to be a particularly successful non-Western minority in a Western host country. The report, therefore, gives some sense of why the Indian diaspora in Norway is interpreted as successful case of economic and cultural integration. But the report also addresses the level of international integration, in economic and cultural terms, between the areas of arrival and the areas of origin. Pushing beyond the limitations of methodological nationalism, the report conceptualizes diaspora communities as transnational social capital, which contribute to future economic development, within the historical context of geographically uneven development. The report discusses the conceptual implications regarding key issues like internal and external colonialism, intersectional discrimination, national cultural plurality, and remittances as development strategy. In sum, the report suggests an approach for future diaspora research. The phenomena of socio-economic and socio-cultural モintegrationヤ should be discussed not only within a national context, as an issue of inclusion within a host nation, but also transnationally, as an issue of ties or even fellowship between different nations.
Year 2015
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65 Report

Migration and Citizenship in Western Europe: A History

The proposed project provides a historical analysis of the impact of human mobility on the institution of citizenship and the definition of citizenry in the countries that historically played a major role in founding the European Union. A useful cross-fertilization between history and the social sciences characterizes this innovative study of citizenship and nationhood in Western Europe, which compares the impact of migration on the policies and politics of citizenship of Belgium, France, (West) Germany, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, from the 19th century to the 1990s. This research brings an original contribution to the studies on citizenship in Europe and a deeper understanding of the political cultures and legal traditions underpinning them. It tackles questions that have been overlooked so far by studies of comparative political science, as it adopts a much-needed historical perspective to analyse each country's historical patterns of nationhood and legal traditions. It does not concentrate only on immigration, but it assesses as well the influences of both emigration and internal migration on their politics and policies of citizenship. The project represents an important attempt to bridge history and socials sciences in their study of citizenship and the definition of citizenry. It turns to theory to explain historical data and analyses on the relationship between migration and citizenship, in an attempt both to overcome the disciplinary tendency of historians to build narratives of the particular and to avoid any methodological nationalism. At the same time, it offers a major contribution to the development of theories on citizenship by challenging them against the litmus tests of history and broad comparison.
Year 2011
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66 Project

Transnational social work: Challenging and crossing borders and boundaries

Authors Mieke Schrooten
Year 2020
Journal Name Journal of Social Work
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67 Journal Article

Migration und Vergesellschaftung jenseits des nationalen Paradigmas. Eine Mikrogeschichte der Ruhrpolen, 1870-1950

Principal investigator Anne Friedrichs (Principal Investigator ), Angelika Epple (Principal Investigator )
Dass die deutsche Gesellschaft nicht als in sich geschlossene Einheit untersucht werden kann, gehört in der Zwischenzeit zum methodischen common sense der Geschichtswissenschaft. Residuen eines Denken in festgefügten nationalen Einheiten haben sich aber erhalten und betreffen auch die Migrationsgeschichte. So geht die bisherige Forschung zur Migration der Ruhrpolen im Kern von der Annahme aus, es habe eine "aufnehmende" Gesellschaft gegeben, von der sich polnische Migranten in einer Subkultur zunächst abgegrenzt, in die sie sich aber im Laufe der Zeit integriert hätten. Diese Auffassung muss jedoch grundlegend revidiert werden. Indem das geplante Projekt an die Stelle des methodologischen Nationalismus eine mikrogeschichtlich orientierte Verflechtungsgeschichte rückt, wird der Blick frei für die Dynamik und Wandelbarkeit kultureller Beziehungen, das Zusammenspiel von Migration und Prozessen des Wandels sowie die Spezifik von Ort und ländlicher Region im Verhältnis zu weit verbreiteten Tendenzen im späten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert. Die kulturhistorisch inspirierte Untersuchung zeigt erstens auf, wie sich die Konjunkturen eines vielschichtigen, nicht immer gleichgewichtigen Austausches zwischen heterogenen Migrationsgruppen und einer differenzierten und in Teilen ebenfalls mobilen Gesellschaft in der Ruhrregion entwickelten. Dabei wird deutlich, dass sich diese gerade nicht als feste Einheiten gegenüberstanden, sondern Individuen und Gruppen vielfach ineinandergriffen und sich wechselseitig beeinflussten. Zweitens geht die Studie dem Einfluss der mehrseitigen Kontakte auf die sich teils neu formierende Gesellschaft in der Ruhrregion nach und vermisst darin die Bedeutung der Migration aus den Unter- und Mittelschichten für den kulturellen, gesellschaftlichen, ökonomischen und politisch-administrativen Wandel in der Ruhrregion. Drittens nimmt das Projekt ein ländliches und kulturell heterogenes Gebiet in den Blick, da die Forschung bislang vor allem das Land ungeachtet der Ansiedlung der meisten Migranten und Migrantinnen in Nähe zu den dort gelegenen Zechen vernachlässigt hat. Die Studie lotet Handlungsspielräume, Tendenzen der Adaption und der Resistenz im Verhältnis zu einem sich steigernden und schwächer werdenden Nationalismus und den Anforderungen einer globalen Ökonomie aus. Insgesamt leistet die Untersuchung einen Beitrag dazu, wie eine kulturell sensible Geschichte von Migration und Gesellschaft aus dem Blickwinkel der Austauschbeziehungen von Menschen unterschiedlicher Herkunft begründet werden kann.
Year 2014
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68 Project

A Conceptual Shift in Studies of Belonging and the Politics of Belonging

Authors Eva Youkhana
Year 2015
Journal Name Social Inclusion
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69 Journal Article

A Conceptual Shift in Studies of Belonging and the Politics of Belonging

Authors Eva Youkhana
Year 2015
Journal Name Social Inclusion
Citations (WoS) 5
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70 Journal Article

Unpacking cosmopolitanism: an insider-outsider's reading

Authors Yasemin Nuhoğlu Soysal
Year 2010
Journal Name The British Journal of Sociology
Citations (WoS) 4
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71 Journal Article

Theorizing the Ukrainian Case: Pushing the Boundaries of Migration Studies Through a Europe–US Comparison

Authors Cinzia D. Solari
Book Title Ukrainian Migration to the European Union
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72 Book Chapter

Context-Based Qualitative Research and Multi-sited Migration Studies in Europe

Authors Russell King
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
73 Book Chapter


Authors Maurice Crul, Peter Scholten, Paul van de Laar
Book Title Coming to Terms with Superdiversity
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74 Book Chapter

Research-Policy Dialogues on Migrant Integration in Europe: A Conceptual Framework and Key Questions

Authors Han Entzinger, Peter Scholten, Rinus Penninx
Book Title Integrating Immigrants in Europe
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75 Book Chapter

Research-Policy Relations and Migration Studies

Authors Peter Scholten
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
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76 Book Chapter

Introduction: Preparing the Way for Qualitative Research in Migration Studies

Authors Evren Yalaz, Ricard Zapata-Barrero
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
77 Book Chapter

Between National Models and Multi-Level Decoupling: The Pursuit of Multi-Level Governance in Dutch and UK Policies Towards Migrant Incorporation

Authors Peter Scholten
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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78 Journal Article

Between National Models and Multi-Level Decoupling: The Pursuit of Multi-Level Governance in Dutch and UK Policies Towards Migrant Incorporation

Authors Peter Scholten
Year 2016
Journal Name Journal of International Migration and Integration
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79 Journal Article

Female Migrant Entrepreneurs in Vienna: Mobility and its Embeddedness

Authors Petra Dannecker, Alev Cakir
Year 2016
Journal Name Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
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80 Journal Article

The Interview in Migration Studies: A Step towards a Dialogue and Knowledge Co-production?

Authors Violetta Zentai, Olena Fedyuk
Book Title Qualitative Research in European Migration Studies
81 Book Chapter

The Temporary Nature of Ukrainian Migration: Definitions, Determinants and Consequences

Authors Marta Kindler, Agata Górny
Book Title Ukrainian Migration to the European Union
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82 Book Chapter

Research-Policy Dialogues on Migrant Integration in Europe: Comparison and Conclusions

Authors Han Entzinger, Peter Scholten, Rinus Penninx
Book Title Integrating Immigrants in Europe
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83 Book Chapter
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